Growing Up With Shanghai- Xinjian Lu | 与沪成长- 新建路

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Growing Up With Shanghai 与沪成长 Xinjian Lu 新建路

Recorded and Edited by Terence LLoren Photos by Shen Yi Shanghainese Transcription by Jenny Zhang English Translation by Gloria Chiang

M Sc 东 第

Growing Up With Shanghai- Xinjian Lu, No. 17, June 2016. Published by BIVOUAC RECORDING. This book (contents, images, and design) is Copyright 2016 Bivouac Recording and may not be reproduced without permission. The audio is released under the Creative Commons License BY-NC-SA and is free to download and share as long as they are: credited to 'Bivouac Recording', are for non-commercial use, and must be under the same license if used in your work. Bivouac Recording still retains the copyright of these recordings. 'Growing Up WIth Shanghai' is a Bivouac Recording project.


路 商丘

Download audio here

qiu L

与 沪 成 长 — 新 建 路 ,2016 年 6 月 。BIVOUAC RECORDING 出版。本刊物为双月刊。该书版权属于。未 经 许 可 不 得 翻 印 。 该 音 频 在 Creative Commons License BY–NC–ND 下发布。 该音频均可免费下载与分享,但 必须符合以下条件:标明版权属于 ‘Bivouac Recording’ 所有;非商业性用途;不进行任意修改。Bivouac Recording 仍保留此作品的版权。与沪成长是 Bivouac Recording 的一 个项目。在中国上海记录设计。

g Shan

录音师,编辑:罗天瑞 摄影师:沈祎 吴语译音:张依群 英语译音:Gloria Chiang

g Lu

n uha

gy Don

Starting/ E 起



Xiahai Temple 下海庙

Maxine's Primary chool 东余杭路 第一小学

Chengzhong High School 上海澄衷高 级中学

Tilanqiao Prison 提篮桥监狱

ou Zh an


路 东余杭


Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum 上海歌城上海犹 太难民纪念馆

an Lu

Xinji 唐山路

en Lu



徒路 Lu 丹

平路 ing Lu 公


u ming L Dongda

Lu 东长治路





g Lu


an Lu


Ending Point 起点 / 终点


os Hu

n ha

路 山 霍


东 霍山公园 Huoshan Park



About GUWS

“ 与沪成长 ” 是一系列与上海 年轻人一起完成的 “ 声音漫步之 旅 ”。他们生于 80 和 90 年代, 这些语音不仅记载了他们对成长 之地的亲切回忆也从讲述者的角 度对地理地点讲行过去和现在的 对比。同时讲述者会通过本身的 成长经历也反映了过去 30 年里上 海的讲步与发展。这些实地录音 由讲述人操沪语完成同时录音也 捕捉纪录到当日真实的环境声音 供世界各地的听者感同身受。

“Growing Up With Shanghai” is a series of soundwalks with young Shanghainese who were born and raised during the rapid modernization of their city in the 1980s and 1990s. These recordings capture not only their most intimate memories as they grew up, but, when contrasted with the present state of each location, also reveal the progress and growth Shanghai has undergone in the past 30 years. The current sounds of Shanghai, including that of the Shanghainese dialect, create a comprehensive present-day audio document that future generations can experience.

Xinjian Lu









本书为《与沪成长 — 新建路》语音 文档的辅助文本。书中记录语音文档 中对话译音,对照英文翻译,地点照 片以及与语音文档相符的路线图。

This book is a supplement to the Growing Up With Shanghai- Xinjian Lu audio track. It contains dialog transcripts and translations, area photographs, and a route map.

用触屏手机下载音频,请扫描左边的 二维码。如已用触屏手机阅读本文, Please download the audio for this 请点击二维码继续阅读全文。 walk by using your mobile device to scan the QR codes on the left. If you are *( 手 机 版 使 用 Adobe Acrobat 阅 读 already using a mobile device to read 器) this, click the QR codes to follow the links. 本 书 每 页 文 字 顺 序:沪 语 译 音 (左);普通话翻译(中 );因为翻译 * (Use Adobe Acrobat reader for mobile.) (右) The three transcriptions / translations 如有兴趣与我们互动,请将您对这段 in this book follow this format on each 路线上的任何感想,照片通过扫描左 page with text: Shanghainese 边二维码快捷上传到我们的官方微博 transcription (left column); Putonghua 和脸书页。 translation (center column); English translation (right column). As you walk, feel free to upload your thoughts and images onto the project pages on Facebook or Weibo by scanning the corresponding QR codes on the left.


Xinjian Lu 录于 2010 年 2 月 23 日下午 1:31

录于 2010 年 2 月 23 日下午 1:31

Recorded February 23, 2010 1:31 pm.

起点:从新建路东长治路路口东北角 起点:从新建路东长治路路口东北角 Begin at the northeast corner of 开始。 开始。 Xīnjiàn Lù and Dōngchángzhì Lù.

[0:21] 我 是 1980 年 , 箇 搭 出 生 嗰 , [0:21] 我是 1980 年出生,住在这里 我蹲嘞嗰箇搭是 “ 新建路 ”,靠近 “ 东长治路 ”,嘞角落头里。箇搭 本来是二战时期日本人蹲嘞嗰地方, 虹口区主要是日本人控制嗰,就像外 滩是英国人控制嗰一样。箇搭房子嗰 结构也像日式嗰,比较小,房子嗰结 构小。外婆、妈妈畀我,阿拉三嗰人 蹲嘞嘞大概 20 平方嗰房子里向,一 隔二嗰(隔成两间);阿拉有嗰厨房 间老小,是畀别人合用嗰;阿拉箇辰 光呒没卫生间,蹲嘞房条件老差,只 有一个马桶,弗是抽水马桶,阿拉姆 妈每天侪要倒马桶嗰;汏浴嗰话要去 晒台上,嘞房顶上有嗰晒台,自家搭 了帐篷,用来汏浴,蹲嘞房子条件是 老差嗰。 小辰光听我外婆讲,因为屋里向姐 姐、妹妹多,大人呒没啥辰光来带小 人,小人侪是外婆带大嗰。外婆每天 让阿拉坐嘞一种小车里,带阿拉出 去,路上人侪以为阿拉是双胞胎, 哦,弗是,有三嗰小人,是三胞胎, 但实际上阿拉长得是弗像嗰,每趟别 人看见外婆带阿拉出去,侪觉着阿拉 3

“ 新建路 ”,靠近 “ 东长治路 ”, 在角落里。这里本来是二战时期日本 人住的地方,虹口区是日本人控制 的,就像外滩是英国人控制的一样。 这里房子的结构也像日式的,比较 小,房子的结构小。外婆、妈妈和 我,我们三个住在约 20 平方的房子 里,隔成两间;我们厨房很小,是和 别人合用的;我们那时候没有卫生 间,住房条件很差,只有一个马桶, 不是抽水马桶,我妈妈每天都要倒马 桶的;洗澡要去晒台上,在房顶上有 个晒台,自己搭了帐篷,用来洗澡, 住房条件是很差的。 在我小的时候,听外婆说,因为家里 姐姐、妹妹多,大人没有什么时间来 带小孩,孩子都是外婆带大的。外婆 每天让我们坐在一种小车里,带我们 出去,路人都以为我们是双胞胎, 哦,不是,有三个小孩,是三胞胎, 但其实我们长得是不像的,但每次别 人看见外婆带我们出去,都觉得我们 仨是三胞胎,很好玩,这时候外婆就 很自豪的,我们家的孙女们都很漂

[0:21] I was born in 1980 and lived on the corner of Xīnjiàn Lù and Dōngchángzhì Lù. The Japanese used to live here during the Second World War and they controlled Hóngkǒu District while the British controlled Wàitān 1. These Japanese-style-like houses have smaller structures and they are smaller. The three of us- my grandmother, mother and I, lived together in a house of about 20 square meters that was partitioned into two units. We shared a very small kitchen with other residents. We didn’t have a bathroom back then, only a toilet and it was a non-flushing one that mother had to empty every day. There was a tent on the roof terrace for taking showers so you had to go to the roof terrace to take a shower, living conditions were very poor. We were all brought up by grandma because there were too many kids, grandma said, and the adults never really had time to take care of all of us.



Xinjian Lu


新建路 仨是三胞胎老好孛相,箇辰光外婆就 老自豪嗰,阿拉屋里向嗰孙女们侪老 漂亮,阿拉屋里向有五嗰姐妹,另外 两嗰蹲嘞嗰比较远,侪是外婆带大 嗰。

亮,我们家有五个姐妹,另外两个住 的比较远,不是外婆带的。 外婆和我说,那时候吃的不是很好, 是吃 “ 面疙瘩 ” 的,对我来说,是 不能想像的。还有我记得那时候的车 票这些的都是以 “ 分 ” 来计算的, 外婆畀我讲,箇辰光吃嘞弗是老好, 几分、几分来的。 是吃 “ 面疙瘩 ” 嗰,对现在嗰我来 讲,是弗可以想象嗰。还有我记得箇 [2:54] 本来我就是住在这里的,前面 辰光嗰车票之类嗰侪是以 “ 分 ” 来 一点,这里在造 “ 新建路隧道 ”, 计算嗰,几分几分来嗰。 因为要造隧道,这里拆迁了,沿街的 房子都先拆了,里面的房子都还在。 [2:54] 本来我就是蹲嘞箇搭嗰,前头 现在这里的住户应该都搬走了,政府 点,箇搭嘞造 “ 新建路隧道 ”,因 给我们钱自己买房子,我们要搬去很 为造隧道箇搭拆迁了,沿街面嗰房子 远的地方。住房条件改善了,我们真 侪先拆脱了,里向嗰房子侪还嗰。现 的 很 开 心 。 在 上 海 有 句 话 “ 要 致 在箇搭嗰蹲嘞人家应该侪搬走了,政 富,靠动迁 ”,的确也是这样。 府畀阿拉钞票自家买房子,阿拉要搬 到老远嗰地方。蹲嘞房子条件改善 [3:40] 你看这里的房子都很破旧,有 了,阿拉真嗰老开心。嘞上海有句 好几户人家住在这里,大家共用厨房 话 “ 要致富,靠动迁 ”,确实也是 间和卫生间,有时候邻里之间就会吵 箇样子嗰。 架,也没有办法,那时候房子实在 小,而且是日式的,比较低,不高。 [3:40] 侬 看 箇 搭 嗰 房 子 侪 老 破 旧 , 这里的房子我们每年需要交给政府 有好几家人屋里向蹲嘞嘞箇搭,大家 钱,因为不是私房,一楼的住户有几 共用厨房间畀卫生间,有辰光邻里之 间是私房,他们就开店做其他的事 间就会吵相骂,也呒没办法,埃辰光 情,在动迁的时候钱也拿的相对多一 房子实在小,并且是日式嗰,比较 些。 矮,弗高。箇搭嗰房子阿拉每年需要 交畀国际钞票,因为弗是私房,一楼 动迁的时候是根据房子的面积,居住 嗰蹲嘞人家有几间是私房,伊拉就开 的人的户籍来决定你能拿多少钱,我

Grandma would take us out in a small car-like vehicle every day and all the passersby used to think we were twins. Oh wait, there were three kids. They thought we were triplets. Actually the three of us didn’t look alike but every time someone saw us with grandma, they would think we were triplets. It was a lot of fun and made grandma very proud every time it happened. We were five sisters and all very pretty. The other two lived further away and weren’t brought up by grandma. Grandma told me we didn’t eat very well and had ‘Mian Ge Da’ 2 during those times. To me, that’s unimaginable. I also remember that the cost of bus tickets were in cents back then.

[2:54] I used to live here, just a little

bit up ahead. The people here have to be relocated because of the construction of ‘Xīnjiàn Lù Tunnel’. All the houses along the street have been demolished while the other houses remain. The residents who lived here have probably all moved out. The government gave us money to buy ourselves a new place and we had to 6

Xinjian Lu 店做其伊嗰事情,嘞动迁嗰辰光钞票 们家就是两套房子,外婆一套,我们 move somewhere very faraway. Our 也拿了相对多一些。 一套,我们是两室一厅,外婆是一室 living conditions improved though and 一厅的。我记得动迁的时候有很多人 we are really very happy. There’s a 动迁嗰辰光是根据房子嗰面积,(蹲 不肯走,先走的人,他们家的玻璃就 saying in Shanghai, “If you want to get 嘞嗰人户籍)来决定侬可以拿多少钞 会被敲掉,那些流浪猫,老鼠之类的 rich, wait to be relocated”, and it’s 票,像阿拉屋里向就是两套房子,外 就会钻进去,没有搬的人还会住在里 true. 婆一套 , 阿 拉一套 , 阿 拉 是 两 室一 面,我挺佩服他们的。 厅,外婆是一室一厅嗰。我记得动迁 [3:40] All the houses here are very old 嗰辰光有老多人弗肯走,先走嗰人, [5:04] 这里对面原来是间 “ 报关公 and broken. There were several 伊拉屋里向嗰玻璃就会畀敲掉,埃些 司。那里住的有我初中时候的同学、 families living here and they shared a (野)猫,老鼠之类嗰侪会钻进去, 小学同学,现在估计都不在那里了。 kitchen and a bathroom. The 呒没搬嗰人还会蹲嘞嘞里向,我蛮佩 这里三楼是我的一个同学家,因为窗 neighbors would get into an argument 服伊拉嗰。 对着窗,看得见我们家在做什么,有 with one another occasionally because 时候看得见在吃饭什么的,我觉得蛮 of that and it couldn’t be helped [5:04] 箇搭对面原来是间 “ 报关公 尴尬的。但他们的房子比我们好一 because the houses were really small司 ”,埃面还蹲嘞嗰有我初中辰光 些,他们有独立的卫生间。 they were Japanese-style so they were 嗰同学、小学同学,现在估计侪弗嘞 lower and not so tall. We had to pay the 埃面了。箇搭三楼是我嗰一个同学屋 [5:38] 这 里 “ 新 建 路 ” 原 来 是 叫 government every year because it 里向,因为窗对着窗,看得见阿拉屋 做 “ 新建浜路 ”,是条河。后来听 wasn’t a private residence. There were 里向嘞做啥,有辰光看得见嘞吃饭啥 别人说 “ 浜 ” 堵塞了,随后人们就 a few private residences on the first 嗰,我觉着蛮尴尬嗰。但伊拉嗰房子 造成了一条路,现在为了造 “ 新建 floor and they ran businesses or did 比阿拉好一些,伊拉有独立嗰卫生 路隧道 ” 而新造了一条路。这里对 some other stuff there. They also got 间。 面原本有小学、医院百货公司还有皮 relatively more money during the 鞋店,还有人住着。现在开出了这么 relocation. [5:38] 箇 搭 本 来 “ 新 建 路 ” 是 叫 宽的路,我觉得很惊奇的,在这里还 做 “ 新建浜路 ”,是条河浜。后来 看得见外滩的景色。这里建了 “ 上 The amount of money you got was 听人家讲河浜堵塞了,随后伊拉就造 海国际客运中心 ”。原来我们住在 according to the size of your residence 了一条路,现在为了造 “ 新建路隧 这里的时候看得见 “ 东方明珠 ”、 and the ‘Huji’ 3 of the residents. We 道 ” 而新造了一条路。箇搭对面本 “ 金茂大厦 ”,过节放烟花的时候 had two houses- grandma had one and 来有小学、医院百货公司还有皮鞋 我们都是看得见的。现在住的很远, we had one. Ours had two bedrooms 店,还有人蹲嘞着。现在开出了介宽 什么都看不见。还是很怀念这里的, and a living room. Grandma’s had one 7



Xinjian Lu 条路,我觉着老惊奇嗰,嘞箇搭还看 得见外滩(浦东)嗰景色。箇搭造 了 “ 上海国际客运中心 ”。本来阿 拉蹲嘞嘞箇搭嗰辰光看得见 “ 东方 明珠 ”、“ 金茂大厦 ”,过节放烟 花嗰辰光阿拉侪是看得见嗰。现在蹲 嘞嗰老远,啥侪看弗见。还是老怀念 箇搭嗰,虽然蹲嘞房条件弗太好,要 是箇搭生活老开心,邻里之间可以互 相串门、孛相,甚至我晚上呒饭吃, 楼下嗰 “ 外公外婆 ”(邻居)还会 烧饭畀我吃。现在大家屋里向搬了 远,门侪关紧了,老呒劲,真嗰老呒 劲。 [ 向西走,过新建路 ]

[7:17] 箇搭本来是嗰废品回收站,收 废品赚钞票嗰,现在好像还是嗰废品 回收站,现在叫 “ 金属回收 ”。 [7:40] 箇搭是开开,十几年了一直侪

嘞嘞,现在是嗰超市,本来箇搭是百 货商店、“ 国光电影院 ”,现在侪 呒有了,现在箇搭要开发成 “ 上海 国际客运码头中心 ”,要是箇搭嗰 房子五年呒造(起来)了。

[8:15] 箇搭是嗰 “ 工商银行 ”,是 新开嗰,我已经三年呒没来过箇搭 了,我觉着箇搭变化蛮大嗰。 9

虽然住房条件不太好,但是这里生活 很开心,邻里之间可以互相串门、玩 耍,甚至我晚上没饭吃,楼下的 “ 外 公 外 婆 ” ( 注 : 邻 居 )还会 烧饭给我吃。现在大家搬了远,门都 关紧了,很没趣,真的很没趣。 [ 向西走,过新建路 ]

bedroom and a living room. I remember there were many people who refused to leave. Those who left first would have their windows knocked down, allowing stray cats, mice and the likes to get in. I really respect those people who didn't move and continue to live here.

[7:17] 这里本来是个废品回收站,收 废品赚钱的,现在是个废品回收站, [5:04] There used to be a ‘Bao Guan 现在叫 “ 金属回收 ”。 Company’ 4. My classmates from elementary school and junior high [7:40] 这里是个开间(注 : 门面), lived there but they probably don’t 十几年了一直都在,现在是个超市, anymore. One of my classmates lived 本来这里是百货商店、“ 国光电影 on the third floor. They could see 院 ”,现在都没有了,现在这里要 everything we did at home because our 开 发 成 “ 上 海 国 际 客 运 码 头 中 windows faced each other. Sometimes 心 ”,但是这里的房子五年还没造 they could see what we were having 起来。 for dinner and it was quite embarrassing. Their house was a bit [8:15] 这里是个 “ 工商银行 ”,是 better than ours though and they had 新造的,我已经三年没有来过这里 their own private bathroom. 了,我觉得这里变化蛮大的。 [5:38] There used to be a river here on [ 从东长治路和新建路路口的铁门进 Xīnjiàn Lù and it was called 入弄堂。向北走。] Xīnjiànbāng Lù. Some people said the ‘bāng’ 5 got blocked and they built a [8:30] 这 里 就 是 我 们 经 常 说 起 的 road afterwards. They are now “ 弄 堂 ” , “ 哇 ~!” 这里也要 building a new road for the 拆迁了,看上去要拆迁了,我本来有 construction of ‘Xīnjiàn Lù Tunnel’. 个同学住在这里的。他们家蛮大的, There used to be a hospital,

新建路 [ 从东长治路和新建路路口的铁门进 有一楼、二楼、三楼、阁楼,他们的 department store, leather shoe shop 入弄堂。向北走。] 住房条件就比较好。“ 哎哟 ~ 这里 and an elementary school across the 的房子也全部拆掉啦!” 这里很小 street, and there were people living [8:30] 箇 搭 就 是 阿 拉 经 常 讲 起 嗰 的,这里就属于以前的上海里弄房 there. I’m surprised that you can still “ 弄 堂 ” ,“ 哇 ~” 箇搭也要拆 子。 view the scenery of Wàitān after the 迁了,看上去要拆迁了,我本来有嗰 construction of such a wide road. 同学蹲嘞嘞箇搭嗰。伊拉屋里向蛮大 Maxine:“ 我问一下,这里房子全部 They’ve built the ‘Shanghai 嗰,有一楼二楼三楼阁楼,伊拉嗰蹲 拆迁啦?” International Ferry Terminal’ here. We 嘞房条件就比较好。“ 哎哟 ~ 箇搭 路人 :“ 是的,这里都拆迁了。” used to be able to see the Pearl Tower, 嗰房子也全部拆脱啦!” 箇搭老小 Maxine:“ 我 以 为 只 有 新 建 路 拆 迁 Jinmao Tower, and see the fireworks 嗰,箇搭就属于老朝嗰上海里弄房 了。” during festivals when we lived here. 子。 路人 :“ 这里是因为十二号线(注 : Now, we live very far away and we 地铁)拆迁。” can’t see anything. Although the living Maxine:“ 我问一下,箇搭房子全部 Maxine:“ 地铁啊?” conditions weren’t great, I still miss 拆迁啦?” 路人 :“ 哎!地铁呀 ~ 那里(注 : 新 this place. I was very happy living here. 路人 :“ 是嗰,箇搭侪拆迁了。” 建路)是要造隧道 ” The neighbors used to hang out at each Maxine:“ 我 以 为 只 有 新 建 路 拆 迁 Maxine:“ 哦!那这里都是要拆迁的 other’s places and if I hadn’t eaten yet, 了。” 喽?” the grandpa and grandma downstairs 路人 :“ 箇搭么是因为十二号线(地 路人 :“ 不,这里中间不拆迁的。” would cook me dinner. Everyone’s 铁)拆迁。” Maxine:“ 那这里是作为地铁的站头 moved far away now and live behind Maxine:“ 地铁啊?” (出入口)喽?” closed doors. It’s really no fun 路 人 :“ 哎!地 铁 呀 ~ 埃 面 ( 新 建 路人 :“ 这我倒不知道,只是这里是 anymore. 路)是要造隧道 ” 因为地铁拆迁,新建路是因为建隧 Maxine:“ 哦!那箇搭侪是要拆迁嗰 道 ” [Walk west, cross Xīnjiàn Lù] 喽?” 这里是为了造地铁十二号线,上海现 路人 :“ 弗,箇搭中间弗拆迁嗰。” 在的变化是很大的。 [7:17] This used to be a recycling Maxine:“ 那箇搭是作为地铁嗰站头 station. You could make money from (出入口)喽?” [9:53] 像这种门,就是最老式的石库 recycling. It’s now a recycling station 路人 :“ 箇我倒弗晓得,只是箇搭是 门。石库门的房子现在是上海属于重 called “Metal Recycling”. 因为地铁拆迁,新建路是隧道(嗰)” 点保护对像。 箇搭是为了造地铁十二号线,上海现 [7:40] This used to be a store. It has 10

Xinjian Lu



[10:20] 这里的房子相对于我住的以 前房子,面积更加大,估计二楼、三 [9:53] 像箇种门,就是最老式嗰石库 楼是他们一家子住的,他们还有个小 门。就是像箇石库门嗰房子现在嘞上 花园。 海属于重点保护对象。 [10:40] 有 些 老 爷 爷 、 老 奶 奶 养 鸟 [10:20] 箇搭嗰房子相对于我蹲嘞嗰 ….. 在中国养狗、养猫比较少,养鸟 房子(老朝),面积更加嗰大,估计 比较多,也比较简单。 二楼、三楼是一家门蹲嘞嗰,伊拉还 有嗰小花园。 [11:15] 那里有群人在搓麻将、打牌之 类,也是我父亲这种岁数的人的消遣 [10:40] 有辰光老爷爷、老奶奶养鸟 活动。这弄堂里有我小学、中学同 啥嗰,嘞中国养狗、养猫比较少,养 学,现在可能都结婚了,也就不住在 鸟比较多,也比较简单。 这里了。他们的爸爸妈妈住在这里。 这里房子的外墙重新漆过了,休整过 [11:15] 埃面就看见有群人搓麻将、打 了。这一边的房子应该都要被拆掉 牌之类嗰,也是阿拉爷箇种岁数嗰人 了,那一边的就不会拆了,是作为对 嗰消遣活动。箇搭弄堂里有我小学同 旧式里弄的保护而不会拆的。看,这 学、中学同学,现在基本上侪结婚 里就写着 “ 拆、拆 ”。 了,也就弗蹲嘞嘞箇搭了。伊拉嗰爸 爸妈妈蹲嘞嘞箇搭。箇搭房子嗰外墙 [12:20] 我是个导游,平时带领的也 重新漆过了,休整过了。箇嗰房子应 是外国人,外国人就奇怪,为什么中 该侪要被拆脱了,箇嗰就弗会拆了, 国人喜欢把衣服就这样晾在外面 ? 连 是作为对旧式里弄嗰保护而弗会拆 内衣、内裤也晾在外面 ? 他们觉得很 嗰。看,箇搭就写着 “ 拆、拆 ”。 奇怪,觉得不能接受,因为他们不可 能把内衣、内裤晾在外面。作为导游 [12:20] 我是个导游,平常带领嗰也 我有时候也是很奇怪,中国人是比较 是外国人,外国人就奇怪,为啥中国 传统的,传统的人为什么在这件事情 人欢喜 拿衣服就箇么晾嘞外面,连 上这么开放 ? 把这些东西全部晾在外 内衣内裤也晾嘞外面,伊拉觉着老奇 面?我就和外国游客说 : 因为有些人 怪,觉着弗可以接受,因为伊拉弗可 家里有脱水机(注 : 导游本人理解有 在嗰变化是老大嗰。

been around for over ten years and used to be a department store and Guangying Movie Theatre. Neither are here anymore and it’s now a supermarket. They are developing it into ‘Shanghai International Ferry Terminal’ but it’s been five years and nothing’s been built yet.

[8:15] Here’s a brand new Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. I haven’t been here in three years and I feel like there’s been some pretty big changes. [Enter gate on Dōngchángzhì Lù near corner to enter Nòngtáng behind. Walk north.]

[8:30] This is the Nòngtáng 6 that we often talked about. Wow! They are demolishing this place and it looks like they will be moving soon. I had a classmate who used to live here in a pretty big house. They had three floors and an attic and better living conditions. Oh dear! They are going to tear down all the houses here! It is very small here and belongs to the old Shanghai 12

Xinjian Lu 以拿内衣内裤也晾嘞外面。作为导游 我有辰光也是老奇怪,中国人是比较 传统嗰,传统嗰人为啥嘞箇件事情上 箇么嗰开放,就是拿物事全部晾嘞外 头。我就畀伊拉(外国游客)讲 : 因 为有些人屋里向有甩水机,而有些人 屋里向呒没,箇些人就拿衣服晾嘞外 面,被太阳照晒,因为太阳可以杀 菌。

偏差,有些人家里有烘干机),而有 些人家里没有,有些人就喜欢把衣服 晾在外面,让太阳照晒,因为太阳能 杀菌。

[13:03] 这里的房子一直没有变化, 还是 ……

[13:21] 这里有位老伯伯,住在这里已 经有十几年了,在这里修东西,平常

[13:03] 箇搭嗰房子一直呒没变化, 我也在他这里修鞋、修包、修拉链,


[13:21] 箇搭有位老伯伯,嘞箇搭已经

有十几年了,嘞箇搭修物事,我平常 也嘞伊箇搭修鞋、修包、修拉链,啥 侪修嗰。 Maxine:“ 老伯伯,侬好,我老朝是 蹲嘞嘞新建路嗰!因为新建路拆迁, 离开箇搭已经有三年了。侬好像一直 嘞箇搭嗰,侬嘞箇搭有多少辰光 啦?” 修鞋老伯 :“ 三十年了。” Maxine:“ 三十年啦!” 修鞋老伯 : 修包、修拉链,啥侪修 嗰,已经三十年了,一年四季侪嘞箇 搭嗰。落雨、刮风侪嘞嗰。 Maxine:“ 老伯伯新年愉快哦!” 修鞋老伯 :“ 哦!谢谢。” [ 唐山路上左转 ] 13

什么都修的。 Maxine:“ 老伯伯,你好,我以前是 住在新建路的!因为新建路拆迁,我 离开这里已经有三年了。你好像一直 在这里的,你在这里有多少时间啦?” 修鞋老伯 :“ 三十年了。” Maxine:“ 三十年啦!” 修包修拉链,什么都修的,已经三十 年了,一年四季都在这里的。下雨刮 风都在的。 Maxine:“ 老伯伯新年愉快哦!” 修鞋老伯 :“ 哦!谢谢。” [ 唐山路上左转 ]

[14:03] 这里是唐山路,往东走,就 是以前 “ 二战 ” 的时候 “ 犹太人 ” 住的地方。他们都说是上海人民救了 他们。那是往东,我们现在往西走。

Nong houses. Maxine: “Excuse me, are they relocating all the houses here?” Woman: “Yes, they’ve all been relocated.” Maxine: “I thought they were only relocating the ones on Xīnjiàn Lù.” Woman: “They are relocating this area because of line 12.” Maxine: “The subway huh?” Woman: The subway… they are building a tunnel over there.” Maxine: “Oh! So they are going to relocate everything here then?” Woman: “No, not in the middle.” Maxine: “Is this going to be a subway station entrance then?” Woman: “I don’t really know except that they are relocating because of the subway. They are relocating the people along Xīnjiàn Lù because of of the tunnel, and this place because of the construction of subway line 12. There are very big changes in Shanghai right now.”

[9:53] This is the most old-fashioned type of Shi Ku Men. Houses with Shi Ku Men have become protected structures in Shanghai.



Xinjian Lu



[14:03] 箇搭是唐山路,望东走,就 是老朝 “ 犹太人 ”,老朝 “ 二战 ” 嗰辰光 “ 犹太人 ” 蹲嘞嗰地方。伊 拉侪讲是上海人救了伊拉。一直望东 走,阿拉现在嘞望西走。

[14:23] 这里也有我小学、中学的同 学住在这里,也有近二十年了,这里 倒没有被拆迁。这里大多都开店了 : 香烟店、洗脚店、餐厅,还有个公共 厕所,厕所被翻新过了,现在很新 的,以前很旧、很脏也很臭的,现在 [14:23] 箇搭也有我小学、中学嗰同 不错,大概是收费的。 学蹲嘞嘞箇搭,第个一块也有近二十 年了,箇次箇搭倒呒有被拆迁。箇搭 [15:05] 这里一条路上,以前每次我 大多侪开店了 : 香烟店、洗脚店、餐 要出去,都在这里的车站乘车,这里 厅,箇搭还有嗰公共厕所,厕所被翻 我走了十几年,我乘车去奶奶家,记 新过了,现在老新嗰,老朝老旧、老 得那时候我小学一年级,在这里乘 龌龊、也老臭嗰,现在弗错,大概是 车。我爸爸让我一个人乘车去奶奶 收费嗰。 家,我记得当时的车资是四分。一年 级的时候我胆子很小,爸爸为了锻炼 [15:05] 箇搭一条路上,我老朝每趟 我,让我一个人乘车,他送我上车以 要出去,侪嘞箇搭嗰车站乘车,箇搭 后就从后门下车了,我还一直以为爸 我走过有十几年了,我乘车去奶奶屋 爸在,所以胆子很大的我一直走,就 里向,我记得埃辰光我小学一年级, 走到奶奶家里去了。爸爸就这么一直 嘞箇搭乘车。是因为阿拉爷,阿拉爷 锻炼我的。有一次,我以为爸爸在前 让嘞嘞叫我自家一个人乘车去奶奶屋 门送我上车,实际上他又从后门上 里向,我记得当时嗰车资是四分。一 车,一直陪着我。爸爸就一直把我当 年级嗰辰光我胆子老小,阿拉爷为了 男孩子培养,就把我的胆子锻炼出来 锻炼我,让我一个人乘车,结果伊送 了。这里记得都没怎么变化,“ 洗 我上车以后,就从后门下车了,我一 头店 ”、“ 理发店 ”,这里的房子 直以为阿拉爷一直嘞嘞,所以我胆子 都没变。 老大嗰自家一直走、一直走,就走到 奶奶屋里向里去了。我爸爸就箇么一 [16:22] 这里本来有一个很有名的叫 直锻炼我嗰。有一次,我以为阿拉爷 “ 三角地菜场 ”,现在变成了 “ 广 一直嘞前门送我上车,结果伊又从后 茂 香 ” , 原 本 是 家 超 市 , 很 大 的 门上车一直(暗中)陪着我。我爸爸 “ 华联超市 ”,现在是个熟食店。

[10:20] Compared to where I used to live, the houses here are much bigger. The second and third floors probably belong to that family. They even have a small garden. [10:40] Some Lao Ye Ye and Lao Nai Nai have pet birds… In China, there are fewer people who have dogs or cats. More people have birds because it is simpler. [11:15] There’s a group of people over there playing mahjong and card games, these pastimes are popular with those around my father’s age. I had schoolmates from elementary and middle school who lived in this Nòngtáng, they are probably all married now and don’t live here anymore but their parents do. The houses here have been renovated and the facades were given a fresh coat of paint. All the houses on this side are probably going to be knocked down but not those ones on the other side, they will be preserved as old Nong houses. Look, here it says ‘chai, chai’ 7. [12:20] I’m a tour guide and I usually

lead groups of foreigners. They are 16

Xinjian Lu 就一直拿我当男小人,就拿我嗰胆子 [ 商丘路上右转 ] 锻炼出来了。箇搭我记得侪呒哪能变 化 “ 汏头店 ”、“ 理发店 ”,箇 [16:35] “ 商丘路 ”…. 以前 “ 商丘 搭嗰房子侪呒变。 路 ” 也非常有名 . 经常放学以后我 们来这里,因为我的小学、中学都在 [16:22] 箇搭本来有一个老有名嗰叫 这里,放学的时候就到这里来。来 “ 三角地菜场 ”,现在变成了 “ 广 玩、买水果,因为这里有个菜场,经 茂香 ”,原本是爿超市,老大嗰 “ 华 常和我爸爸妈妈来菜场,菜场里有吃 联超市 ”,现在是嗰熟食店。 的。 [ 商丘路上右转 ]

[16:58] 现在这里都是新房子,以前 都是很旧的矮房子,因为以前都是日

[16:35]“ 商 丘 路 ” , 老 朝 “ 商 丘 本民居嘛,现在都被拆掉了,造的是

路 ” 也邪气有名,阿拉经常放学以 后(来),因为我嗰小学、中学侪嘞 箇搭,放学嗰辰光就到箇搭来。来孛 相、买水果,因为箇搭有嗰菜场,经 常畀我爸爸妈妈来菜场,菜场里有吃 嗰啥嗰。

often curious why Chinese people like hanging their clothes outside, even their underwear. They find it strange and unacceptable because they themselves would never do that. Even I find it strange sometimes because Chinese people are comparatively more conservative, so why would a conservative person be so open about something like this and hang all that stuff outside to dry? I tell the tourists it’s because some people have spindriers while some don’t, and others simply enjoy drying their clothes outside because you get some sunshine and it kills germs. [Note: Some people may have a dryer that they share with other households.]

新房子,大概也挺贵的。 [17:25] 现在往这个方向走,是我的 幼儿园和我的小学。这里有人们经常 做的消遣活动 : 搓麻将。“ 老鸭粉丝 汤 ”,好像 到处是 “ 老鸭粉丝 汤 ”,但是正宗的 “ 老鸭粉丝 汤 ” 我记得是在 “ 四川北路 ”, [13:03] The houses here have never [16:58] 现在箇搭侪是新房子,老朝 靠近 “ 七浦路 ”。我在那里吃过一 changed and… 侪是老旧嗰矮房子,因为老朝侪是日 次 “ 老鸭粉丝汤 ”,很好的。 本民居么,侪被拆脱了,现在造嗰是 [13:21] There’s a lao bo bo who’s been 新 房 子 , 大 概 也 蛮 贵 ( 注 : 音 ju) [ 现在背景里正好有几嗰男女嘞高声 living here for over ten years. He 嗰。 笑叫 ] repairs things and I would go to him to get my shoes, bags, zippers and [17:25] 现在望箇嗰方向走,是我嗰 [18:13] 上海人就是有时候声音很响 whatnots fixed here. 幼儿园畀小学,箇搭是人家经常做 的、围观、讨论东西,一发生什么事 嗰 “ 消遣嗰 ” 活动 : 搓麻将。“ 老 就喜欢围在一起,有时候不知道什么 Maxine: “Lao bo bo, how are you? I 鸭粉丝汤 ”,好像到处是 “ 老鸭粉 事情。 used to live on Xīnjiàn Lù! But because 丝汤 ”,要是吃到正宗嗰 “ 老鸭粉 of the resettlement, I have been away 17



Xinjian Lu


新建路 丝汤 ” 我记得是嘞 “ 四川北路 ” [ 东余杭路上右转 ] 埃面,靠近 “ 七浦路 ”,我嘞埃面 吃 过一次 “ 老 鸭 粉 丝 汤 ” , 老 好 [18:22] “ 商丘路 ” 这里原来的房子 嗰。 全部被拆掉了。都没有了,… 这里 是 “ 东余杭路 ”,“ 东余杭路 ” [ 现在背景里正好有几嗰男女嘞高声 就是我小学所在的地方,这条路一直 笑叫 ] 是这样,很窄的,记得那时候这条路 上有许多小店,卖 “ 香烟牌子 ”, [18:13] 上海人就是有辰光声音老响 卖的东西样样都有,现在这里好像都 嗰、围观、讨论物事(注 :),一发生 是居民。那时候我记得放学的时候, 啥事体就欢喜围嘞一道,有辰光弗晓 许多学生都拥挤在这里。买吃的东 得啥事情。 西,“ 臭豆腐 ”、“ 饴糖 ” 之类 的,现在这里好像都是居民住着了, [ 东余杭路上右转 ] 他们好像把房子又搭建出来了,这路 好像又小了嘛? [18:22]“ 商丘路 ” 箇搭原来嗰房子 全部被拆脱了。侪呒有了,侪是种 [19:19] 这是我的幼儿园,现在看上 … 箇搭是 “ 东余杭路 ”,“ 东余 去好像翻新过了,很新的。我记得, 杭 路 ” 就 是 我 小 学 ( 所 嘞 ) 嗰 地 这个幼儿园最大的回忆就是我的老 方,箇条路一直是箇可以,老狭嗰, 师,老师们都很喜欢我的,总是拉着 我记得箇辰光箇条路上有交关小店, 我跳舞,幼儿园的时候还很小,他们 卖 “ 香烟牌子 ”,卖嗰物事样样侪 拉着我跳 “ 慢三步 ”、“ 慢四步 ” 有,现在箇搭好像侪是居民。箇辰光 什么的,因为那时候我记性好,而且 我记得放学嗰辰光,交关学生侪拥嘞 悟性高,所以老师总是在放学之后拉 箇搭。买吃嗰物事,“ 臭豆腐 ”、 着我跳舞,爸爸妈妈觉得很自豪的, “ 饴糖 ” 之类嗰,现在箇搭好像侪 因为我很聪明,老师拉着我跳舞,要 是居民蹲嘞着了,伊拉好像拿房子又 我表演节目,人很小,表演节目、唱 搭出来了,箇路好像又小了嘛? 歌,登台表演。我就觉得这里变化很 大的,很新的。老师应该年纪也蛮大 [19:19] 箇是我嗰幼儿园,现在看上 了,我小学毕业之后就没有看到过她 去好像翻新过了,老新嗰。我记得嘞 了。

for three years. You seem to always be here. How long have you been here?” Shoe repair lao bo: “It’s been thirty years.” Maxine: “Thirty years!” Shoe repair lao bo: “Fixing bags and zippers, fixing everything for thirty years all year round, rain or shine.” Maxine: “Happy New Year to you lao bo bo!” Shoe repair lao bo: “Oh! Thank you.” [Turn left on Tángshān Lù 唐山路 ]

[14:03] This is Tángshān Lù. Head east

and you’ll arrive at where the Jews lived during the Second World War. They all say that the people of Shanghai saved them. That’s east of here, let’s head west.

[14:23] I have friends from elementary

and middle school who have lived here for almost twenty years yet this area hasn’t been been relocated. There are many shops that have opened up here: tobacco shops, xi jiao dian 8, restaurants, and there’s a public bathroom. The bathroom has been renovated and it’s looks very new now. It used to be very old, dirty and smelly. 20

Xinjian Lu 箇嗰幼儿园最大嗰回忆就是我嗰老 师,老师们侪老喜欢我嗰,专门拉牢 我跳舞,幼儿园嗰辰光还老小,伊拉 拉老我跳 “ 慢三步 ”、“ 慢四步 ” 啥嗰,因为老奇怪嗰箇辰光我记性 好,而且悟性高,所以老师总是嘞放 学之后拉牢我跳舞,埃辰光爸爸妈妈 觉着老自豪嗰,因为我老聪明,老师 拉牢我跳舞,要我表演节目,人老小 嗰,表演节目、唱歌,登台表演。我 就觉着箇搭变化老大嗰,蛮新嗰。老 师应该年纪也蛮大了,我小学毕业之 后就呒没看到过伊了。

[20:30] 箇搭是我嗰小学 “ 东余杭 路第一小学 ”,喔 !箇搭门口好像 还是老样子,呒有啥变化嗰,房子好 像重新弄过了,格局还是差弗多嗰, 操场也还是箇嗰样子。小学畀我嗰最 大嗰印象就是我读书弗好,老欢喜孛 相,老师也讲 : 箇嗰小人蛮聪明嗰, 就是喜欢孛相。

Maxine:“ 先生侬好,我是老朝箇嗰 小学嗰,现在嘞做回忆。” 守门人 :“ 恩。” Maxine:“ 箇搭好像呒没啥变化哦 ~ 门房间还是箇可以样子,门也是。” 守 门 人 :“ 箇 也 算 老 建 筑 了 , 呒 动 过。” Maxine:“ 哦!” 21

[20:30] 这里是我的小学 “ 东余杭 路第一小学 ”,喔 !这里门口好像 还是老样子,没有什么变化的,房子 好像重新弄过了,格局还是差不多 的,操场也还是这个样子。小学给我 的最大的印象就是读书不好,很喜欢 玩,老师也说 : 这个孩子挺聪明的就 是喜欢玩。

Now, it’s not bad. I think they charge a fee per entry.

[15:05] I used to come and take a bus on this street every time I was going out. I’ve walked up and down this road for more than ten years. I remember taking a bus here when I was in my first year in elementary school to go to my grandma’s. My father used to let me take a bus all by myself to go to grandma’s. The bus fare was only four cents at the time. I was quite timid then and in order to toughen me up, one time my father got on the bus with me and then left through the back door. I thought he was still with me so I kept on walking fearlessly and continued to make my way to grandma’s. That was how he trained me. One time I thought my father had sent me off at the front door of the bus, but he had actually snuck in the back door and was on the bus the entire time. He has always raised me like a boy and that was how I grew to be bolder.

Maxine:“ 先生你好,我是以前这个 小学的,现在在回忆。” 守门人 :“ 恩。” Maxine:“ 这里好像没有什么变化 ?, 门房还是这样子,门也是。” 守 门 人 :“ 这 也 算 老 建 筑 了 , 没 动 过。” Maxine:“ 哦!” 守 门 人 :“ 原 来 怎 样 , 现 在 还 是 怎 样。” Maxine:“ 真的没有什么变化哦!没 有扩大过,还是这样的面积哦!?” 守门人 :“ 没有扩大过!” Maxine:“ 后 面 的 房 子 是 新 造 的 对 吗?” 守门人 :“ 哎!这里后面的房子就是 新造的。” Maxine:“ 蛮有压迫感的,两幢房子 造在后面。原来还是一年级到五年纪 It hasn’t changed much here. The hair 喽?” washing shop and barber shop, all the 守门人 :“ 哎!对的 ” houses look the same. Maxine:“ 这个幼儿园还是原来的幼



Xinjian Lu


新建路 守门人 :“ 原来哪样子现在还是哪样 子。” Maxine:“ 真嗰呒没啥变化哦!呒有 扩大过,还是箇么样嗰面积哦!?” 守门人 :“ 呒没扩大过!” Maxine:“ 后 头 嗰 房 子 是 新 造 嗰 对 伐?” 守门人 :“ 哎!箇搭后面嗰房子就是 新造嗰。” Maxine:“ 蛮有压迫感嗰,两幢房子 造嘞后头。还是一年级到五年纪喽?” 守门人 :“ 哎!对嗰 ” Maxine:“ 箇嗰幼儿园还是老朝子嗰 幼儿园对吧?” 守 门 人 :“ 哎!箇 嗰 幼 儿 园 重 新 翻 (修)过了。” Maxine:“ 哦 ~~ 我 老 朝 幼 儿 园 也 嘞 箇搭,小学也嘞箇搭。” 守门人 :“ 现在箇嗰(进校)门要望 后头走,第个门是弗开嗰。” 我记得箇辰光一放学大家 …… Maxine:“ 哦!箇 搭 现 在 装 监 视 器 啦!” 守门人 :“ 恩 …”

[22:15] 我 小 学一年 级 到 五 年 级 侪 是 嘞 箇 搭 。( 嘞 箇 搭 ) 有 五 年 嗰 辰 光 了。箇辰光也呒记得啥事情,就晓得 自家学习弗好,不过老师觉着我蛮聪 明嗰,应该呢好好读书。嘞我毕业嗰 辰光老师畀我爸爸妈妈讲 : 只要伊好

儿园对吧?” 守 门 人 :“ 哎!这 个 幼 儿 园 重 新 翻 (修)过了。” Maxine:“ 哦 ~~ 我 以 前 幼 儿 园 也 在 这里,小学也在这里。” 守门人 :“ 现在进校门要往后走,这 个门是不开的。” 我记得那时候一放学大家 …… Maxine:“ 哦!这 里 现 在 装 监 视 器 啦!” 守门人 :“ 恩 …”

[22:15] 小 学一年 级 到 五 年 级 我 都 是

[16:22] There used to be a very famous 'Sanjiaodi Market' here that’s become 'Guangmaoxiang' now. It used to be a supermarket, a very big Hualian Supermarket. Now it’s a deli. [Turn right on Shāngqiū Lù 商丘路 ]

[16:35] Shāngqiū Lù... Shāngqiū Lù used to be very famous too. I used to come here after school all the time because my elementary and middle schools were here. I would come here after school to play and buy fruits. There’s a market here which I often visited with my parents. They also sell food.

在这里。有五年的时间了。也没记得 什么事情,就知道自己学习不好, 但是老师觉得我挺聪明的,应该好好 读书。在毕业的时候我的老师和我爸 爸妈妈说 : 只要她好好读书,将来成 绩是会非常好的。我觉得老师说得是 [16:58] All these houses are new. 对的,她是完全了解我的,因为到了 There used to be old short houses 中学的时候我就完全变了。 because the Japanese used to live here. Now, they have all been pulled down to [22:53] 奇怪的是我经常做梦,那时 make way for new houses. They’re 候是小学毕业了。在升中学、高中、 probably pretty expensive. 大学的时候会做很奇怪的梦。会梦见 我的小学,我的幼儿园和这条路。具 [17:25] Now if we continue this way, 体梦的内容记不得了,但是知道是这 this is my kindergarten and 个地方,这些建筑全没变。 elementary school. Here we have [23:13] 这里的房子都是他们搭建出 mahjong, a popular pastime here. It 来的(注 : 违章搭建)。 seems like ‘Laoya Fensi Tang’ 9 is [23:34] 这里的路好像变窄了,以前 everywhere but there was a great one 24

Xinjian Lu 好读书,下趟成绩是会老好嗰。我觉 着老师讲了是对嗰,伊是完全了解我 嗰,到了中学嗰辰光我就完全变特 了。

是有很多的学生来来回回的,因为我 们 这 届 是 学 生 最 多 的一届 ,80、81 届是最多的。听说现在学生越来越少 了,因为计划生育嘛!都只有一个孩 子,听说现在有几所学校已经关了。 现在这里是新造的房子,以前也是很 矮的很旧的房子,(现在)是新造的 小区。这里的房子是属于旧的,生活 环境也不是属于很好的。

on Sichuan Bei Lu I recall, near Qipu Lu. I had the ‘Laoya Fensi Tang’ there once and it was very good. [Men and women laugh loudly in the background.]

[22:53] 奇怪嗰是我经常做梦,埃辰 光已经是快小学毕业了。嘞我升中 [18:13] Shanghainese can be quite loud 学、升高中、升大学嗰辰光会做老奇 sometimes. They would gather around, 怪嗰梦。会做梦梦到我嗰小学、幼儿 have a discussion about something and 园畀箇条路。具体梦嗰内容记弗得 crowd around whenever something is 了,要是晓得是箇嗰地方,箇些建筑 他们还是有空调的!以前是没有空调 happening, sometimes without knowing 全呒变。 的。记得那时侯,住了二十几年都是 what’s going on. 没有空调的。天冷的时候问题还不 [23:13] 箇搭嗰房子侪是伊拉搭出来 大,但是天热的时候实在是不行了。 [Turn right on Dōngyúháng Lù 东 余 杭 嗰(违章搭建)。 大学的时候我住在学校里,还算好。 路 ] 就觉得那时候实在是生活的比较苦 [23:34] 箇搭嗰路好像变狭了,本来 的。 [18:22] The original houses on 蛮阔呃。因为老朝是有老多嗰学生来 Shāngqiū Lù have all been demolished. 来回回嗰,因为阿拉箇届是学生最多 [ 过马路继续沿东余杭路走 ] Nothing’s left. This is Dōngyúháng Lù, 嗰一届 ,80、81 届 是 最 多 嗰 。 现 在 where my elementary school is. This 听讲学生越来越少了,因为计划生育 [24:54] 这 条 “ 新 建 路 ” 是 很 窄 street has always been this way, very 嘛!侪只有一个孩子,听讲现在有几 的,通到 “ 周家嘴路 ”,现在为了 narrow. I remember there used to be 所学堂已经关脱了。现在箇搭是新造 造隧道,变宽了。感觉很好的,我认 many small shops selling all sorts of 嗰房子,老朝也是老矮嗰老旧嗰房 为再发展,将来会是个很好的地方。 things and ‘Xiangyan Paizi’ 10. Now, it 子,(现在)是新造嗰小区。箇搭嗰 对面有排房子,应该是要拆的,不知 looks like they are all residential. I 房子是属蛮于旧嗰,箇搭嗰生活环境 道为什么还没有拆掉。那边本来也是 remember lots of students crowding 也弗是属于老好嗰。 排房子,现在变成 “7 天连锁酒店 ” around here after school, buying 了。变化很大的。 snacks like ‘chou doufu’ and ‘yi tang’ 11. 伊拉还是有空调嗰!老朝子是呒有空 Now they seem to have constructed 调嗰。我记得我埃辰光,我蹲嘞了二 [25:35] “ 新建路隧道 ” 是要通到 new houses and they are mostly 十几年侪是呒有空调嗰。天冷嗰辰光 浦东的。穿过 “ 黄浦江 ”,它应该 residential. Are the roads narrower 25



Xinjian Lu 问题还弗大,要是天热嗰辰光实嘞是 弗行了。我大学嗰辰光蹲嘞嘞学校 里,还算好。就觉着箇辰光实在是生 活嗰比较苦嗰。 [ 过马路继续沿东余杭路走 ]

在今年 “ 世博会 ” 通车的。现在上 海有很多隧道,像 “ 新建路隧 道 ” 、“ 大连路隧道 ”、“ 延安 路隧道 ”,上海人来往浦东比较方 便。政府在这方面的投资比较多。 我们现在沿着这条路走,可以走到我

[24:54] 本来箇条 “ 新建路 ” 是老 读中学的地方。

狭老狭嗰,通到 “ 周家嘴路 ”,现 在为了造隧道,变宽了。现在觉着老 好嗰,我认为再发展发展,将来会是 嗰老好嗰地方。对面有排房子,应该 是要拆嗰,弗晓得为啥还呒有拆脱。 埃面本来也是排房子,现在变成 “7 天连锁酒店 ” 了。变化老大嗰。

[25:35]“ 新建路隧道 ” 是要通到浦 东嗰。穿过 “ 黄浦江 ”,伊应该嘞 今年世博会前通车嗰。现在上海有老 多隧道,像 “ 新建路隧道 ”、“ 大 连路隧道 ”、“ 延安路隧道 ”,上 海人来往浦东比较方便。政府嘞箇方 面嗰投资比较多。 现在沿着箇条路走,可以走到我读中 学嗰地方。

[26:20] 我觉着蹲嘞嘞箇搭嗰角度正 好,正好可以看见 “ 东方明珠 ”、 “ 环球金融中心 ”、“ 金茂大厦 ”, 要是蹲嘞嘞箇搭话,可能是弗拆嗰。


[26:20] 我 觉 得 住 在 这 里 的 角 度 正 好,正好可以看见 “ 东方明珠 ”、 “ 环球金融中心 ”、“ 金茂大厦 ”, 如果住在这里话,可能是不拆的。 Maxine:“ 阿姨,我想问问看,你们 这里将来拆吗?” 阿姨 1:“ 没听到说呀?” Maxine:“ 没有听到说啊?” 阿姨 1: “ 哎!” Maxine:“ 不过你们住在这里角度倒 蛮好的,那里 ‘ 东方明珠 ’ 什么的 都看得见!” 阿姨 1: “ 吃灰呀!” Maxine: “ 我 以 前 就 是 住 在 新 建 路 的,新建路拆了,街面房子的 ” 阿姨 1: “ 你啊?” Maxine:“ 恩,我三年没回来了,今 天来看看 ” 阿姨 1: “ 哦!你搬到哪里去了?” Maxine:“ 我现在到宝山区了!” 阿姨 1: “ 哦!高镜路啊?”


[19:19] This was the kindergarten I went to. It looks very new, like it’s been renovated. My fondest memory of this kindergarten is that of my teachers. All the teachers really liked me and would often get me to dance when I was really young and still in kindergarten. They would get me to do the 'man san bu' or 'man si bu' 12. I was good at remembering and understanding at the time so my teacher often got me to dance after school. It made my parents very proud because I was very smart. My teacher wanted me to dance and perform. I was a very small person, performing, dancing and singing on stage. I think there has been very big changes here, it looks very new. My teacher is probably quite old now, I haven’t seen her since I graduated from elementary school. [20:30] This is ‘Dōngyúháng Lù Di Yi

Elementary School’ 13, the one I went to. Oh! It seems like the entrance still looks the same and not much has changed. The building looks like it’s been worked on but the structure is still more or less the same. The sports

新建路 Maxine:“ 阿姨,我想问问看,那箇 搭蛮叫拆吗?” 阿姨 1:“ 呒听到讲呀?” Maxine:“ 呒有听到讲啊?” 阿姨 1: “ 哎!” Maxine:“ 弗过侬们蹲嘞嘞箇搭角度 倒蛮好嗰,埃面 ‘ 东方明珠 ’ 啥嗰 侪看得见!” 阿姨 1: “ 吃灰呀!” Maxine:“ 我老朝就是蹲嘞嘞新建路 嗰,新建路拆了,街面房子嗰 ” 阿姨 1: “ 侬啊?” Maxine:“ 恩,我三年呒回来了,箇 趟来看看 ” 阿姨 1: “ 哦!侬搬到哪里去了?” Maxine:“ 我现在到宝山区了!” 阿姨 1: “ 哦!高镜路啊?” Maxine:“ 恩,高镜路呀!老远嗰 ” 阿姨 1: “ 还好,还算好地方。那分 嘞好吗?埃次新建路拆迁侪分嗰弗 错。” Maxine:“ 听讲箇次,箇搭对面拆嗰 分了就弗好,嘞高镜路埃面有嗰叫 ‘ 四季绿城 ’ 嗰。阿拉算是摊板 嗰,是后面一栋房子 ” 阿姨 1: “ 那啥辰光动迁嗰?” Maxine:“ 我两年前了。” 阿姨 1: “ 那就是第次呀!‘ 新建路 隧道 ’。” Maxine:“ 哦?!” 阿姨 1: “ 分得蛮好嗰,肯定好嗰!”

Maxine:“ 恩,高镜路呀!很远的 ” 阿姨 1: “ 还好,还算好地方。你们 分的好吗?那次新建路拆迁都分的不 错。” Maxine:“ 听说这次,这里对面拆的 分了就不好,在高镜路那里有个叫 ‘ 四季绿城 ’ 的。我们算是差的, 是后面一栋房子 ” 阿姨 1: “ 你们什么时候动迁的?” Maxine:“ 我两年前了。” 阿姨 1: “ 那就是这次呀!‘ 新建路 隧道 ’。” Maxine:“ 哦?!” 阿姨 1: “ 分得蛮好的,肯定好的!” Maxine:“ 哎 呀!也 是 要 抢 的 呀!我 以为你们这里一排都是要拆掉的。” 阿姨 1: “ 本来是说要拆的,现在不 拆了,都拦过来了。” Maxine:“ 都拦到这里啦?” 阿姨 1: “ 哎!不拆了!都住在这里 了。” Maxine:“ 哦!那边上的绿化什么的 不造啦?不是说周围会造绿化的吗?” 阿姨 1: “ 喏!这就是的呀!” Maxine:“ 啊!就是这里啊,这个样 子就叫绿化啊?” 阿姨 1: “ 哎!这就是绿化呀!骗骗 人的呀 ~” Maxine:“ 哦 ~~~” 阿姨 1: “ 你住在那里啦?本来是在 这新建路的啊?”

field still looks the same too. The things I remember most about elementary school is that I wasn’t very good in my studies and I loved to play. My teacher said: this child is quite clever but she only likes to play. Maxine: “Hello sir, I used to be a student here and I’m reminiscing now.” Guard: “Uh-huh.” Maxine: “It looks like it hasn’t changed much here, has it? The guard house looks the same and so does the gate.” Guard: “It’s considered old architecture 14, it’s never been touched.” Maxine: “Oh!” Guard: “It is just as it is now as it was in the past.” Maxine: “There really hasn’t been any changes! They didn't expand it, isn’t it still the same size!?” Guard: “Never expanded it!” Maxine: ‘The houses behind are newly constructed, right?” Guard: “The houses behind are indeed newly constructed.” Maxine: “It feels quite oppressive with those two houses built behind. Didn’t it used to be the building for first to fifth 28

Xinjian Lu


新建路 Maxine:“ 哎 呀!也 是 要 抢 嗰 呀!我 以为那箇搭一排侪是要拆脱嗰。” 阿姨 1: “ 本来是讲要拆嗰,现在弗 拆了,侪拦过来了。” Maxine:“ 侪拦到箇搭啦?” 阿姨 1: “ 哎!弗拆了!侪蹲嘞嘞箇 搭了。” Maxine:“ 哦!埃面嗰绿化啥嗰弗造 啦?弗是讲周围会造绿化嗰吗?” 阿姨 1: “ 喏!箇就是嗰呀!” Maxine:“ 啊!就是箇搭啊,箇嗰样 子就叫绿化啊?” 阿姨 1: “ 哎!箇就是绿化呀!骗骗 人嗰呀 ~” Maxine:“ 哦 ~~~” 阿姨 1: “ 侬蹲嘞嘞埃面啦?本来是 嘞箇新建路嗰啊?” Maxine:“ 哎!本 来 我 是 嘞 ‘ 新 建 路 ’ 嗰 ‘ 新建路 ’‘ 东长治路 ’ 头上嗰,街面嗰。” 阿姨 1:“ 哦 ~‘ 新建路 ’‘ 东长治 路 ’ 头上嗰 ” 阿姨 2:“ 哎 ~ 伊拉拆脱了,‘ 东长 治路 ’ 嗰 ” 阿姨 1:“ 侬们几嗰户口啊?” Maxine:“ 阿 拉 有 五 、 六 嗰 户 口 来 ~” 阿姨 2:“ 下趟分房子弗按户口了!” 阿姨 1:“ 分了几套啊?” 阿姨 2:“ 按总面积!” Maxine:“ 就两套房子呀 ~”

Maxine:“ 哎!本 来 我 是 在 ‘ 新 建 路 ’ 的 ‘ 新 建 路 ’‘ 东 长 治 路 ’ 头上的,街面的。” 阿姨 1:“ 哦 ~‘ 新建路 ’‘ 东长治 路 ’ 头上的 ” 阿姨 2:“ 哎 ~ 他们拆掉了,‘ 东长 治路 ’ 的 ” 阿姨 1:“ 你们几个户口啊?” Maxine:“ 我们有五六个户口来 ~” 阿姨 2:“ 下次分房子不按户口了!” 阿姨 1:“ 分了几套啊?” 阿姨 2:“ 按总面积!” Maxine:“ 就两套房子呀 ~” 阿姨 1:“ 两套房子大不大?” Maxine:“ 一套一室一厅 ,一套 两 室 一厅呀!不大的,就外婆住和我们一 家住。” 阿 姨 1:“ 五 个 人 ,一套 两 室一厅一 套 …” Maxine:“ 现在不讲究人口多的,我 们房子小,只有二十几个平方哎!” 阿姨 1:“ 算了,也蛮好,不错、不 错。” Maxine:“ 是 的 , 算 了 呀!比 以 前 好。除了远了点。” 阿 姨 1:“ 不 远 的 , 现 在 高 镜 路 蛮 好。旁边不是高架也造好了,现在算 虹口区。” Maxine:“ 是吗?” 阿姨 1:“ 是的呀!高镜路还不算虹 口区啊?!”

graders?” Guard: “Yes.” Maxine: “This is still the kindergarten that was here, isn't it?” Guard: “This kindergarten was renovated previously.” Maxine: “Oh… I used to go to kindergarten here, and elementary school too.” Guard: “You have to go around the back if you want to enter the school now, this door doesn’t open. I remember the times after school when everyone would…” Maxine: “Oh! They’ve installed surveillance cameras here now!” Guard: “Uh-huh…”

[22:15] I was here from grade one to

grade five for five years but I don’t remember much except that I didn’t do too well in my studies. My teacher, however, thought I was quite smart and ought to study hard. During graduation, my teacher told my parents, “as long as she studies hard, her grades will become very good”. I agree with what my teacher said, she understood me entirely and by the time I got to middle school, I had completely changed. 30

Xinjian Lu 阿姨 1:“ 两套房子大弗大?” Maxine:“ 一套一室一厅 ,一套 两 室 一厅呀!弗大嗰,就外婆蹲嘞畀阿拉 一屋里向蹲嘞。” 阿 姨 1:“ 五 嗰 人 ,一套 两 室一厅一 套 …” Maxine:“ 现在弗讲究人多嗰,阿拉 房子小,只有二十几嗰平方哎!” 阿 姨 1:“ 算 了 , 也 蛮 好 , 弗 错 弗 错。” Maxine:“ 是 嗰 , 算 了 呀!比 老 朝 好。除了远了点。” 阿 姨 1:“ 弗 远 嗰 , 现 在 高 镜 路 蛮 好。边上弗是高架也造好了,现在算 虹口区。” Maxine:“ 是吗?” 阿姨 1:“ 是嗰呀!高镜还弗算虹口 区啊?!” Maxine:“ 弗,宝山区。” 阿姨 1:“ 是新二路吗?” Maxine:“ 是新二路呀!” 阿姨 1:“ 新二路哪恁算宝山区呢?” Maxine:“ 我弗晓得呀!” 阿姨 2:“ 毛巾也被吹脱了,人家来 叫了。” Maxine:“ 我想我生来是虹口人,死 也要做虹口人,好来 ~ 变宝山人 了。” 阿姨 2:“ 宝山蛮好来。” Maxine:“ 一听宝山人,就觉着是乡 下人好吧!” 31

Maxine:“ 不,宝山区。” 阿姨 1:“ 是新二路路吗?” Maxine:“ 是新二路呀!” 阿姨 1:“ 新二路怎么算宝山区呢?” Maxine:“ 我不知道呀!” 阿姨 2:“ 毛巾也被吹走了,人家来 招呼了。” Maxine:“ 我想我生来是虹口人,死 也要做虹口人,好来 ~ 变宝山人 了。” 阿姨 2:“ 宝山蛮好来。” Maxine:“ 一听宝山人,就觉得是乡 下人好吧!” 阿姨 1:“ 乡下养狗一千元是吧?” Maxine:“ 这我倒不知道。” 阿姨 2:“ 养狗一千元。” 阿 姨 1:“ 现 在 乡 下 人 比 上 海 人 有 钱!” Maxine:“ 呵呵 ~~” 阿姨 1,2,3,4,5“ 现在没办法, 上海人都到乡下去的!现在乡下人到 上海,上海人到乡下。” Maxine:“ 呵呵呵 ~~” 阿姨 1:“ 没办法的。” Maxine:“ 现在乡下人到上海都住的 不错的地方。” 阿姨 2:“ 人家乡下人都奋斗哎!户 口什么的都弄好的。你看现在几个白 领,都是巴子(没见过世面的人,对 外 地 人 有 点 偏 见 的 说 法 。) 都 在 张 江,张江那些人。乡下人十几年了,

[22:53] What’s strange is that I dreamt a lot when I graduated from elementary school. I would have very strange dreams when going to middle school, high school and college. I would dream of my elementary school, my kindergarten, and this street. I can’t remember what the dream was about exactly but I know that this was the place and that the architecture never changed. [23:13] They themselves.




[23:34] The streets seem narrower

now. There were many students who went back and forth here because we had the most number of students during our year, the classes of 1980 and 1981. I heard there are fewer and fewer students now because you could only have one child due to the family planning policy. I heard a few schools have closed down. These houses here have been newly constructed. There used to be old, short houses. This is a new residential area now. These houses are pretty old



Xinjian Lu


新建路 阿姨 1:“ 乡下养狗一千元是吧?” Maxine:“ 箇我倒弗晓得。” 阿姨 2:“ 养狗一千元。” 阿姨 1:“ 现在乡下人比上海人有钞 票!” Maxine:“ 呵呵呵 ~~” 阿 姨 1,2,3,4,5:“ 现 在 呒 办 法,上海人侪到乡下去嗰!现在乡下 人到上海,上海人到乡下。” Maxine:“ 呵呵呵 ~~” 阿姨 1:“ 呒办法嗰。” Maxine:“ 现在乡下人到上海侪蹲嘞 嗰弗错嗰地方。” 阿姨 2:“ 人家乡下人侪奋斗哎!户 口啥嗰侪弄好嗰。侬看现在几嗰白 领,侪是巴子(注 : 呒见过世面嗰 人,对外地人有点偏见嗰讲法。)侪 嘞张江,张江箇些人。乡下人十几年 了,房子买好,孩子也生好了。” 阿姨 1:“ 上海人吃弗起苦呀 ~!” Maxine:“ 呵呵呵 ~~” 阿姨 1:“ 像八几年来了批南汇人, 伊拉侄子、侄女侪嘞树下背英文,侪 嫁畀外国人了。乡下人侪翻身了。比 上海人有钞票。” Maxine:“ 那上海人哪恁办啊?呵呵 ~ 谢谢哦!祝侬新春愉快!” 阿 姨 1, 2, 3:“ 噢!好 , 大 家 好!大 家好。” (栩栩叨叨):“ 晾嘞埃面嗰毛巾侪被 吹走了,侪吹埃面去了 ……”

房子买好,孩子也生好了。” 阿姨 1:“ 上海人吃不起苦呀 ~!” Maxine:“ 呵呵呵 ~~” 阿姨 1:“ 像八几年来了批南汇人, 弄到现在他们孙子侄女都在 ‘ 世博 ’ 里讲英文,都嫁给外国人了。乡下人 都翻身了。比上海人有钱。” Maxine:“ 那上海人怎么办啊 ? 呵呵 ~ 谢谢哦!祝你们新春愉快!” 阿姨 1, 2, 3:“ 嗷!好,大家好!大家 好。” 阿姨 2:“ 晾在那里的毛巾都被吹走 了,都吹那里去了 ……” 呵呵 ~

and living conditions aren’t great. They have air-conditioning, though! There was no air-conditioning before. I remember living without airconditioning for over 20 years back then. It wasn’t a problem when the weather was cold but it could get pretty bad on a hot day. I lived on campus when I was in college so that was alright. I feel that life was a bit harder during those times. [Cross Xīnjiàn Lù, Dōngyúháng Lù.]



[24:54] This part of Xīnjiàn Lù was a [30:14] 我 们 刚 才 说 的 就 是 : 上 海 现 narrow street that leads to Zhōujiāzuǐ 在是国际大都市,很多外地人都来上 海了,都不想回去了,许多外地的父 母送他们的孩子来上海读大学,读完 大学后他们就想办法留下来,就要找 一份好的工作,存了钱,买了房子, 找个上海女孩。他们刚才说的就是外 地小姑娘来了上海,外文很好的,就 嫁给老外去了。这就是上海的一种现 状。

[30:58] 这里是福赐公寓 ……

Lù. It is now widened because of construction of the tunnel. I have a good feeling because I believe that development will turn this into a great place in the future. There’s a row of houses across the street that ought to be torn down but I don’t know why they haven’t done it yet. That used to be a row of houses too but they’ve turned it into ‘7 Days Inn’. Very big changes.

[31:03] 现在这里的房子店面都翻修 [25:35] The Xīnjiàn Lù Tunnel is

过了,还挺新的 … 文明小区 … 这里 supposed to go under the Huangpu 34

Xinjian Lu 呵呵 ~

[30:14] 阿 拉 刚 才 讲 嗰 就 是 : 上 海 现 在是国际大都市,老多外地人侪来上 海了,侪弗想回去了,老多外地嗰父 母送伊拉嗰小人来上海读大学,读好 大学毕业后,伊拉就想办法留下来, 就要寻一份好嗰工作,存了钞票,买 了房子,寻嗰上海女孩。伊拉刚才讲 嗰就是外地小姑娘到了上海,外文老 好嗰,会讲外文就嫁畀老外去了。箇 就是上海现在嗰一种现状。 [30:58] 箇搭是 福赐公寓 …… [31:03] 现在箇搭嗰房子店面侪翻修

过了,还蛮新嘛 … 文明小区 … 箇搭 是我老朝放学辰光经过嗰,放学以后 无论去哪里侪是从箇搭走嗰。

[31:27]“ 东余杭路 ” 嘞虹口区是老 有名嗰,基本上大屋里向侪晓得嗰。

[31:46] 我有几嗰同学也是蹲嘞嘞箇

搭,“ 东余杭路 ”,基本上读书嗰 辰光大家侪蹲嘞嘞附近,放学以后就 会去箇嗰同学屋里向里 孛相。箇辰 光最流行嗰一个物事叫 “ 电子游戏 机 ” ,打 “ 魂斗罗 ”,经常是今 朝箇屋里向,明天埃嗰屋里向,而箇 几嗰人屋里向里侪是有机器嗰。我屋 35

是我以前读书的时候经过的,放学以 River and into Pudong. It should be 后无论去哪里都是从这里走的。 open to traffic during this year’s World Expo. There are many tunnels in [31:27] “ 东余杭路 ” 在虹口区是很 Shanghai now, like “Xīnjiàn Lù 有名的,基本上大家都知道的。 Tunnel”, “Dàlián Lù Tunnel” and “Yán'ān Lù Tunnel”, making it more [31:46] 我 有 几 个 同 学 也 是 住 在 这 convenient for Shanghainese to travel 里,“ 东余杭路 ” 里,基本上读书 to and from Pudong. The government 的时候大家都住在附近,放学以后就 has invested quite a bit in this area. 会去哪个同学家里玩。那时候最流行 的一个东西叫 “ 电子游戏机 ”,打 This way leads to my middle school. “ 魂斗罗 ” 什么的,经常是今天这 家,明天那家,而这几个人家里都是 [26:20] I think you get a great view 有机器的。我家是没有这种机器的, living here. You can see the Pearl 所以我放学基本上不回家的,到别人 Tower, the World Financial Centre and 家里去,玩得很晚才回家,晚回家后 the Jīnmào Tower. 我爸就生气了 “ 放学了不做功课, 只知道到别人家里去玩!” 我记得 [Points to some buildings.] 小学的时候真的是个坏小孩,虽然是 个小姑娘,但是很顽皮,像男孩子一 If you lived here it probably wouldn’t 样,只知道玩。而且记得当时在同学 be demolished. 之中,我家的家境是最不好的,所以 从来没有邀请同学来家玩过,别人家 Maxine: “A Yi, are there plans for this 是比较大的嘛!因为你想,我们家当 area to be torn down?” 时有六个人,住在 20 平方的地方, A Yi 1: “You haven’t heard?” 房间一分为二,六个人平均每人只有 Maxine: “No, I haven’t heard 三平方,这绝对属于是很小的。 anything.” A Yi 1: “Sigh!” [33:16] 这 里 是 “ 上 海 纺 织 控 股 Maxine: “But you live in a spot with …” 他们还是在这里,一直没有动 such a great view and you can see the 过。 Pearl Tower and everything!”



Xinjian Lu


新建路 里向是呒有箇种机器嗰,所以放学基 本上弗回屋里向嗰,到别人家屋里向 里去,孛相得老晚才回屋里向,夜道 回屋里向后阿拉爷就生气了 “ 放学 了弗做功课,只晓得到人家屋里向里去 孛相!” 我记得小学嗰辰光真嗰是嗰 坏小人,虽然是个小姑娘,但是蛮顽 皮,像男小人一样,只晓得孛相。而 且我记得当时嘞同学之中,我屋里向 嗰家境是最弗好嗰,所以从来呒有邀 请同学来屋里向孛相过,人家屋里向 是比较大嗰嘛!因为侬想,阿拉屋里 向当时有六嗰人,蹲嘞嘞 20 平方嗰 地方,一隔为二,六个人平均每人只 有三平方,箇绝对属于是老小嗰。

[33:30] 本来呢,这里是有一个 “ 虹 A Yi 1: You eat dust, though! 15

口区游泳池 ”,是个游泳的地方, 现在变成了居民小区,我们经常来这 里游泳的,那时候我记得是很便宜 的。

[33:54] 现在这里是洗澡 … 上海现在 洗浴、脚底按摩是很多的。

[34:06]“ 上海市虹口艺术幼儿园 ”, 这里是一个幼儿园。这个幼儿园也有 个游泳池。 [ 高阳路上右转 ]

[34:18] 这 里 是 个 新 的 , “ 高 阳 菜 场 ” , 我 妈 以 前一直 来 这 里 买 菜 …” 伊拉还是嘞箇搭,一直呒有动 的,从我家走过来大约要一刻钟左右 过。 吧,基本上每天都要来这里买菜的。 [33:16] 箇 搭 是 “ 上 海 纺 织 控 股

[33:30] 本来呢,箇搭是有一个 “ 虹 [34:45] 就 我 们 上 海 人 来 说 , 看 见 口区游泳池 ”,本来是嗰游泳嗰地 方,现在变成了居民小区,本来是嗰 游泳池。阿拉经常来箇搭游泳嗰,箇 辰光我记得是老便宜嗰。

你,就觉得你怪怪的,就会朝你看, 有时候有的人会对你笑笑,有的人就 不好。我作为导游,平常带的都是外 国人,所以我觉得中国人对外国人比 外国人对中国人还要好。

[33:54] 现在箇搭是汏浴 … 上海现在 洗浴、足底按摩是老多嗰。 [35:20] 上 海 开 始 的 时 候 是一个 渔 村,自从 1840 年,英国人的 “ 鸦片 [34:06] “ 上 海 市 虹 口 艺 术 幼 儿 战 争 ” , 世 界 上 的 列 强 就 到 上 海 园 ” ,箇搭是一个幼儿园。箇嗰幼 来,到中国来。他们就占领了这个区

Maxine: “I used to live on Xīnjiàn Lù. They tore down the houses along the street.” A Yi 1: “You?” Maxine: “Yup, I haven’t been back in three years and came back to take a look today.” A Yi 1: “Oh! Where have you moved to?” Maxine: “I’m now in Bǎoshān District!” A Yi 1: “Oh! Gāojìng Lù?” Maxine: “Yup, Gāojìng Lù! It’s very far” A Yi 1: “It’s alright, I think it’s considered a nice place. Did you get a good allocation? Everybody seems to have been allocated a good place with that Xīnjiàn Lù relocation.” Maxine: “I heard that the houses across the street didn’t get resettled very well this time. There is a ‘Four Seasons Green City’ on Gāojìng Lù. We didn’t really get a nice one. It was one of the houses in the back.” A Yi 1: “When did you guys resettle?” Maxine: “It was two years ago.” A Yi 1: “Then people are still being relocated! ‘Xīnjiàn Lù Tunnel’.” Maxine: “Oh?!” A Yi 1: “You got resettled pretty well, it’s definitely good!” 38

Xinjian Lu 儿园也有嗰游泳池。 [ 高阳路上右转 ]

[34:18] 箇 搭 是 嗰 新 嗰 , “ 高 阳 菜 场 ” , 我 妈 老 朝一直 来 箇 搭 买 菜 嗰,从我屋里向走过来大概要一刻钟 左右吧,基本上每天侪要来箇搭买菜 嗰。 [34:45] 对于阿拉上海人来讲,看见

侬,就觉着侬怪怪嗰,就会朝侬看, 有辰光有嗰人会对侬笑笑,有嗰人就 弗好。我作为导游,平常带嗰侪是外 国人,所以我觉着中国人对外国人比 外国人对中国人还要好。

[35:20] 上 海 开 始 嗰 辰 光 是一个 渔

村,自从 1840 年,英国人嗰 “ 鸦片 战争 ”。。。。。世届上嗰列强就 到上海来,到中国来。伊拉就占领了 箇嗰区域又占领了埃嗰区域。伊拉有 自家嗰警察,开了自家嗰公司,控制 了上海海关,箇是嘞外滩埃面,伊拉 雇佣了印度人,立嘞 “ 和平饭店 ” 门口,因为箇辰光印度人也便宜。因 为埃辰光印度人欢喜嘞头上围上块红 布,像毛巾一样嗰物事,箇就是为啥 阿拉上海人叫伊拉 “ 红头阿三 ”, 因为伊拉喜欢嘞头上围块红色嗰物 事。嘞 “ 襄阳路 ”、“ 陕西路 ” 39

域又占领了那个区域。他们有自己的 警察,开了自己的公司,控制了上海 海关,这是在外滩那里,他们雇佣了 印度人,站在 “ 和平饭店 ” 门口, 因为那时候印度人也便宜。印度人喜 欢在头上围上块红布,像毛巾一样的 东西,这就是为什么我们上海人叫他 们 “ 红头阿三 ”。在 “ 襄阳路 ”、 “ 陕西路 ” 那里,是法国人的,“ 法 人区 ”,那里的房子像别墅一样, 一幢幢的,你去那里看了就知道了。 而虹口区的房子是日本的,你看它们 不高,是连成一片的,而且面积是比 较小的,大家共用厨房、卫生,就是 这样子。 [ 唐山路上左转 ]

[37:10] 这 里 是 “ 唐 山 路 ” , 是 比 较有名的,一直往东走的话,就是以 前 “ 犹太人 ” 住的地方。 [37:28] 这时候的上海,在 “ 二战时 期 ”,又叫 “ 冒险家的乐园 ”。为 什么呢?许多商人来到上海做生意, 上海开埠了,船也能到世界各地,做 商贸、生意、服装,这也是为什么上 海在外滩这块地方有许多银行,像 : 汇丰银行、花旗银行,那时候都是有 的。就是为了他们的商人做生意用 的。

Maxine: “Yes, well, you still have to fight for it! I thought this entire row here was going to be pulled down.” A Yi 1: “They said they were going to, now they’re not going to anymore.” Maxine: “They are not going to do it anymore?” A Yi 1: “Sigh! They are not demolishing this place anymore! We are all staying here.” Maxine: “Oh, are they not working on the landscaping 16 over there anymore? Didn’t they say they were going make the surroundings more green?” A Yi 1: “Look! This is it!” Maxine: “What! This is it?! You call this landscaping?” A Yi 1: “Sigh! This is ‘greening’! They lied.” Maxine: “Oh…” A Yi 1: “Do you live there now? Did you used to live here on Xīnjiàn Lù?” Maxine: Sigh! I used to live facing the street on Xīnjiàn Lù where Dōngchángzhì Lù begins.” A Yi 1: “Oh, Xīnjiàn Lù where Dōngchángzhì Lù begins” A Yi 2: “They tore them down, the ones on Dōngchángzhì Lù.” A Yi 1: “How many Hùkǒu 17 do you



Xinjian Lu


新建路 埃面,是法国人嗰,“ 法人区 ”, 埃面嗰房子像别墅一样,一幢幢嗰, 侬去埃面看了就晓得了。而虹口区嗰 房子是日本嗰,侬看伊拉弗高,是连 成一片嗰,而且面积是比较小嗰,大 家共用厨房、卫生,就是箇恁子。 [ 唐山路上左转 ]

[38:20] 这里是以前读中学我回家的 必经之路,要往这里走,在这条路上 又有几条 “ 捷径 ”,比方说从这里 窜进去,从那里窜出来,在上海的房 子我觉得挺有意思的,弄堂都可以窜 来窜去的,都是相通的,四通八达 的。

[37:10] 箇 搭 是 “ 唐 山 路 ” , 是 比 [38:43] 这 里 也 有 个 学 校 “ 上 海 市 较有名嗰,一直望东走嗰话,就是老 长青中学 ”,这里也翻新过了,看 朝 “ 犹太人 ” 蹲嘞嗰地方。 上去挺新的,规模也蛮大的。本来是 没有的,后来才开出来的。因为那时 [37:28] 箇辰光嗰上海,嘞 “ 二战时 候学生很多,我们这一届学生很多, 期 ”,又叫 “ 冒险家嗰乐园 ”。为 后面两届学生也很多。这个 “ 长青 啥呢?交关商人来到上海做生意,上 学校 ” 好像也蛮有名的。 海开埠了,船也可以到世界各地,做 商贸、生意、服装,箇也是为啥上海 [39:30] 这个是 “ 扦脚、足疗 ”。 嘞外滩箇块地方有老多银行,像 : 汇 丰银行、花旗银行,埃辰光侪是有 [40:38] 这条叫 “ 丹徒路 ”,还是 嗰。就是为了伊拉畀商人做生意用 比较繁忙的,公交车、出租车、摩托 嗰。 车,样样都有。 [38:20] 箇搭是我老朝读中学放学回 [40:55] 现在开这种店倒是挺多的, 去嗰必经之路,要望箇搭走,嘞箇条 路上又有几条 “ 捷径 ”,比方讲从 箇搭窜进去,从埃面窜出来,嘞上海 嗰房子我觉着蛮有意思嗰,弄堂侪可 以窜来窜去嗰,侪是相通嗰,四通八 达嗰。

餐厅。我觉得上海人也蛮聪明的,随 便在马路上摆个摊就能做生意了。现 在上海的私家车也很多的,上海人的 生活水平提高了,都有钱了。我觉 得,在五六年前,上海人没有什么钱 去乘出租车的!那时候的出租车都是 空着的,感觉好像乘不起,现在不是 [38:43] 箇 搭 也 有 嗰 学 校 “ 上 海 市 了,现在我们有钱了。出租车找都找

have?” Maxine: “We have about five or six Hùkǒu” A Yi 2: “They are not going to allocate according to Hùkǒu next time!” A Yi 1: “How many apartments did you get?” A Yi 2: “It’s according to size!” Maxine: “Just two apartments.” A Yi 2: “Are they big?” Maxine: “One of them has a bedroom and a living room, the other has two bedrooms and a living room! Not that big, though. My grandma lives with us.” A Yi 1: “Five people, one’s a two bedroom with a living room, the other…” Maxine: “They don’t care about the number of people. Our place was small, about twenty odd square meters only!” A Yi 1: “Forget it, it’s pretty good. Not bad, not bad.” Maxine: “Yes! Forget about it! It’s better than before. Although it is a bit far.” A Yi 1: “It’s not far. It’s pretty good now over at Gāojìng Lù. Have they finished constructing the elevated freeway? It’s now considered part of Hóngkǒu District.” 42

Xinjian Lu 长青中学 ”,箇搭也翻新过了,看 上去蛮新嗰,规模也蛮大嗰。也是嗰 新学校,本来是呒有嗰,后来才开出 来嗰。因为箇辰光学生老多,阿拉箇 一届学生老多,后面两届学生也老 多。箇嗰 “ 长青学校 ” 好像也蛮有 名嗰。

[39:30] 箇嗰是 “ 扦脚、足疗 ”。 [40:38] 箇条叫 “ 丹徒路 ”,箇搭 还是比较闹忙嗰,公交车、差头、摩 托车,样样侪有。

[40:55] 现在开箇种店倒是蛮多嗰, 餐厅。我觉着上海人也蛮聪明嗰,随 便嘞马路上摆嗰摊头就可以做生意 了。现在上海嗰私家车也老多嗰,觉 着上海人嗰生活水平提高了,侪有钞 票了。我觉着,嘞五、六年前,上海 人呒有啥钞票去乘差头嗰!箇辰光嗰 出租车侪是空着嗰,觉着乘弗起,现 在弗是了,现在阿拉有钞票了。出租 车寻侪寻弗到。尤其落雨天,落雨天 侬是招弗到出租车嗰,还有逢年过节 嗰辰光,箇就是上海嗰一个变化。从 过去十年过来,变化老大嗰。还有嗰 人讲,上海人呒钞票,有钞票嗰外地 人,外地人侪来上海了,嘞上海混嗰 老好嗰。像 “ 温州人 ”、“ 安徽 人 ”,再加上现在上海老外也有老 43

不到。尤其下雨天,下雨天你是招不 到出租车的,还有逢年过节的时候, 这就是上海的一个变化。从过去十年 过来,变化很大的。还有的人说,上 海人没钱,有钱的外地人,外地人都 来上海了,在上海混的很好的。像 “ 温州人 ”、“ 安徽人 ”,再加上 现在上海老外也有很多。老外来了也 不愿意回去,他们实在是喜欢上海。 他们称上海为 “ 二十四小时上 海 ” ,因为在上海的夜生活,他们 很喜欢上海的夜生活,上海有很多老 外 喜 欢 去 的 地 方 , 比 如 :“ 新 天 地 ” 、“ 虹桥 ” 那些地方,外国 人也是有他们的一个圈子的。上海的 小姑娘也好,男孩子也好,他们有时 候是为了锻炼自己的英语水平或者结 交不同的朋友,所以就想办法到这种 地方去。请老外吃饭、喝茶,于是就 认识了。可以锻炼英文什么的,这也 是个很好的办法。 [ 在澄衷高级中学门口停 ]

[42:55] 这里就是我的中学,现在的 门比较小,记得那时候的门比较大。 在这里最大的回忆就是,在这里认识 了我的初恋。 记得这里有许多的小 伙子想追求我,我觉得中学是我最好 的回忆。也印证了我小学老师的一句 话 : 我只要肯努力读书,成绩肯定会

Maxine: “Really?” A Yi 1: “Of course! Isn’t Gāojìng Lù considered part of Hóngkǒu District?!” Maxine: “No, Bǎoshān District.” A Yi 1: “Is it Xin’er Lu?” Maxine: “Yes, it’s Xin’er Lu!” A Yi 1: “How can Qingliang Lu be considered part of Bǎoshān District?” Maxine: “I don’t know!” A Yi 2: “Someone’s calling me, my towel got blown away.” Maxine: “I thought I was born a Hóngkǒu person and I wanted to die a Hóngkǒu person. But then I became a Bǎoshān person.” A Yi 2: “Bǎoshān’s pretty good.” Maxine: “You think of countryside people when you hear someone’s from Bǎoshān!” A Yi 1: “Doesn’t it cost 1,000 yuan to have a dog in the countryside?” Maxine: “That I don’t know.” A Yi 2: “1,000 yuan to keep a dog.” A Yi 1: “The villagers are richer than Shanghainese these days!” Maxine: “Ha ha!” A Yi 1, 2, 3: “There’s nothing we can do, all the Shanghainese have moved to the countryside! Now, all the countryside people are in Shanghai and the Shanghainese are in the



Xinjian Lu 多。老外来了,也弗愿意回去,伊拉 实在是欢喜上海。伊拉称上海为 “ 二十四小时上海 ”,因为嘞上海 嗰夜生活,伊拉老喜欢上海嗰夜生 活,上海有老多老外喜欢去嗰地方, 比如 :“ 新天地 ”、“ 虹桥 ” 箇些 地方,外国人也是有伊拉嗰一个圈子 嗰。上海嗰小姑娘也好,男小囡也 好,伊拉有辰光是为了锻炼自家嗰英 语水平或者交弗同嗰朋友,所以就想 办法到箇种地方去。请老外吃饭、喝 茶,于是就认得了。可以锻炼英文啥 嗰,箇也是嗰老好嗰办法。 [ 在澄衷高级中学门口停 ]

[42:55] 箇搭就是我嗰中学,现在嗰 门比较小,我记得埃辰光嗰门比较 大。我嘞箇搭最大嗰回忆就是,我嘞 箇搭认识了我嗰初恋。 我记得箇搭 有交关嗰小伙子想追求我,我觉着中 学是我最好嗰回忆。也印证了阿拉小 学 老 师 嗰一句 话 : 我 只 要 肯 努 力 读 书,我嗰成绩肯定会上去嗰。的确我 嘞进入中学后,我嗰第一次英语考试 成绩就是一百分满分!就是从箇辰光 开始我就老努力嗰,弗晓得为啥嗰, 好像是一根筋搭牢嘞了,就一记头发 奋图强,成绩一直是班级里嗰前三 名,前三名老奇怪嗰,中学里嗰前三 名总是女生。箇辰光我就是班级里嗰 45

上去的。的确我在进入中学后,第一 次英语考试成绩就是一百分满分!就 是从那时候开始我就很努力的,不知 道为什么的,好像是一根筋搭住了, 就突然发奋图强,成绩一直是班级里 的前三名,前三名很奇怪的,中学里 的前三名总是女生。那时候我就是班 级里的前三名,读书也好,体育也 好,反正各方面发展的都很好的。那 时候就有我们班级的男同学和其他班 级的男同学喜欢我,因为在青春期 嘛!这个学校本身是很小的。这个学 校是和其他学校合并的,这个学校是 南面,和北面的学校合并之后,之间 有扇门,可以串来串去的。两个合并 之后学生也是很多的,两个学校资源 共享。那时候人挺多的,走出来我觉 得操场上全都是人,大家去上课什么 的都很热闹!我很怀念中学里的生 活,那时候的同学和我有着十几年的 友情,目前为止,每年我们都要碰头 (聚会)的,这是我觉得学生生活中 最最珍贵的,高中、大学之后的基本 上已经没有什么联系了,很少的,只 有中学的同学和我有十几年了,我觉 得很珍贵。而且目前为止,这些朋友 结婚的结婚,有孩子的有了孩子,所 以现在还要聚在一起比较困难,大家 都没有时间了。对我来说中学里的回 忆还有我们的班主任,给我的印像就 是这么一个班主任要管理这么大个班

countryside.” Maxine: “Ha ha ha!” A Yi 2: “There’s nothing we can do.” Maxine: “The countryside people that move to Shanghai all live in pretty decent places.” A Yi 2: “The countryside people are striving! It’s not difficult to get your hukou. Look at those white-collared workers now, they’re all ‘Bazi’ 18 Those people in Zhangjiang are all in Zhangjiang. They’ve been countryside people for over ten years and they've now got houses and children.” A Yi 1: “Shanghainese can’t take hardships!” Maxine: “Ha ha ha!” A Yi 1: “Like the Nanhui people who came in the 80s, now all their grandchildren and nieces are at the ‘World Expo’ speaking English and are all married to foreigners. The countryside people have a new life now. They are richer than the Shanghainese.” Maxine: “Then what are the Shanghainese going to do then? Ha ha! Thank you! Happy Spring Festival!” A Yi 1, 2, 3: “Oh! Good, good! Good wishes to everybody.” A Yi 2: “Now where did that towel go…”

新建路 前三名,读书也好,体育也好,反正 各方面发展嗰侪老好嗰。箇辰光就有 阿拉班级嗰男同学畀其它班级嗰男同 学欢喜我,因为嘞青春期嘛!箇嗰学 校本身是老小嗰。箇嗰学校是畀其伊 学校合并嗰,箇嗰学校是南面,畀北 面嗰学校合并之后,当中有扇门,可 以穿来穿去嗰。两嗰合并之后学生也 是蛮多嗰,两嗰学校资源共享。箇辰 光人蛮多嗰,走出来我觉着操场上全 侪是人,大家去上课啥嗰侪老热闹! 我老怀念中学里嗰生活,箇辰光嗰同 学畀我有着十几年嗰友情,目前为 止,每年阿拉侪要碰头(聚会)嗰, 箇是我觉着学生生活中最最珍贵嗰, 像高中、大学嗰基本上已经呒有啥联 系了,老少嗰,只有中学嗰同学畀我 有十几年了,我觉着老珍贵。而且目 前为止,箇些朋友结婚嗰结婚,有孩 子嗰有了孩子,所以现在还要聚嘞一 道比较困难,大家侪呒有辰光了。对 我来讲中学里嗰回忆还有阿拉嗰班主 任,伊畀我嗰印象就是箇么一个班主 任要管理箇么大嗰班级箇么多嗰人是 弗容易嗰。箇辰光嗰大家侪是嘞青春 期,也侪比较叛逆嘛!比较难管理, 学生之间有打架啥嗰,样样侪有。箇 嗰学校畀我嗰回忆基本上就是箇嗰样 子嗰,像是老师 : 语文老师、英文老 师,伊拉嗰面孔我还记得,老师对我 侪蛮好嗰,毕竟箇辰光是好学生嘛!

级这么多的人是不容易的。这时候的 大家都是在青春期,也都比较叛逆 嘛!比较难管理,学生之间有打架什 么的,样样都有。这个学校给我的回 忆基本上就是这个样子的,像是老 师 : 语文老师、英文老师,他们的脸 我还记得,老师对我都挺好的,毕竟 那时候是好学生嘛!而且经常有些表 演节目之类的,需要上台表演。现在 这学校门口看上去很小的。 [ 唐山路向东走 ]

Maxine: “Ha ha!”

[30:14] What we said was that Shanghai is now a big international city, many Waìdìrén who come to Shanghai don’t wish to return and many of them send their kids to college in Shanghai. After graduation, they will try to find ways to stay, look for a good job, save some money, buy a house, and look for a Shanghainese girl. What they just said was that the [46:42] 这里开了个 “ 假日酒店 ”, young ladies who come to Shanghai 现在上海酒店好像挺多的。 from other cities married foreigners because they speak foreign languages [47:00] 上海现在基本上最主要的交 very well. This is the current state of 通工具是自行车、公交和助动车。现 Shanghai. 在的上班族,从家里出发到公司,基 本上都在两个小时左右,我觉得挺累 [30:58] Here is ‘Fu Ci apartments’. 19 的。我作为一个导游,每天上班就是 到酒店里和客户碰头,所以基本上都 [31:03] The storefronts here have all 是打车的,不乘公交车也不乘地铁, been renovated and are still quite 但是难得的乘公交和地铁,(上下班 new… a civilized residential area… this 拥挤的场面)太吓人了。比如,我乘 is where I used to pass by when I was 地铁挤得上去,但挤不下来,只能乘 going to school. No matter where I 到终点站再乘回来。不知道为什么, went after school, I would have to pass 我觉得上海的人口实在是太多太多, through here. 我 记 得 就 有一千 八 百 万 到一千 九 百 万,包括外地人和外国人,他们都不 [31:27] Dōngyúháng Lù is very famous 回去嘛! in Hóngkǒu District, practically everybody knows it. 46

Xinjian Lu


新建路 而且经常有些表演节目之类嗰,需要 [48:11] 而且我发觉在上海市中心, 上台表演。现在箇学校门口看上去老 比方 “ 南京路 ”、“ 人民广场 ” 小嗰。 比较闹。像我住的地方在宝山区,离 市中心比较远,我觉得比较安静,空 [ 唐山路向东走 ] 气也好,像上海市区的空气就不好。 有的时候我的客户、游客就和我说是 [46:42] 箇搭开了嗰 “ 假日酒店 ”, 不是上海有空气污染?这天空看不见 现在上海酒店好像蛮多嗰。 蓝天白云。

[47:00] 上海现在基本上最主要嗰交 通工具是自行车、公交畀助动车。现 在嗰上班族,从屋里向出发到公司, 基本上侪嘞两嗰钟头左右,我觉着蛮 吃力嗰。我作为一个导游,每天上班 就是到酒店里畀客户碰头,基本上侪 是打车嗰,弗乘公交车也弗乘地铁, 要是难板嗰乘公交畀地铁,(上下班 拥挤嗰场面)太吓人了。比方,我乘 地铁轧得上去,但轧弗下来,只能乘 到终点站再乘回来。弗晓得为啥,我 觉着上海嗰人口实在是太多太多,我 记得将近一千八百万到一千九百万, 包括外地人畀外国人,伊拉侪弗回去 嘛!

[48:47] 上海的公交站牌现在也翻新

比方嘞 “ 南京路 ”、“ 人民广场 ” 比较吵比较闹。像我蹲嘞嗰地方嘞宝 山区,离市中心比较远,我觉着比较 安静,空气也好,像上海市区嗰空气 就弗是老好。有嗰辰光我嗰客户、游

庙 ” 的(建成)时间挺长了。大概 有几百年了吧? [50:47] 我所住的地方因为离市中心 比较远,那里有种 “ 三轮车 ” 的服 务,可以从家里载到地铁。觉得很方

了一遍。包了种新的东西,很人性化 的设计。上海人现在基本都在谈论的 话题就是 : 金钱和房子。这是大家一 般聚在一起聊的话题 “ 钱、房子、 股票 ”。基本上离不开这三样东 西,上海基本上应该可以说我觉得是 全中国比较贵的城市,房子、孩子的 教育、吃的东西、农副产品,都比较 贵。都不知道为什么。出租车的起步 费是十二元,我到外地去,苏州的是 十元、杭州是十一元,不知道为什么 上海价钱要上来。上海人也在抱怨 : 为什么菜这么贵为什么那个那么贵。

[50:15] 这 里 是一个 “ 下 海 庙 ” , [48:11] 而且我发觉嘞上海市中心, 许多人来烧香许愿、还愿。“ 下海

[31:46] I have a couple of schoolmates who live on Dōngyúháng Lù. When I was going to school, pretty much all of us lived nearby and we would go to someone’s house to hang out after school. Video games were very popular back then. We would play ‘Contra’ at this person’s place today and at another person’s place the next day. They had the video game machines at home. I didn’t have one so I never went straight home after school. I was always at someone else’s place playing until it was very late before heading back. My dad would get upset and say “Don’t you know how to do your homework after school! You only know how to have fun at other people’s houses!” I remember being a naughty kid when I was in elementary school and even though I was a girl, I was very mischievous like a boy and only knew how to have fun. Also, my family was the poorest amongst my schoolmates so I never invited them over to my place. Their houses were bigger anyway! I mean think about it, there were six people in my family at the time and we lived in a place that was only 20 square meters. One room was divided into two so each person had 48

Xinjian Lu 客就畀我讲是弗是上海有空气污染? 便的(注 : 黑车的一种,人力的), 箇天空看弗到蓝天白云。 因为乘公交车的话要等,而且两站路 会开二十几分钟甚至半个小时,堵在 [48:47] 上海嗰公交站牌现在也翻新 路上。发现住的远有时候反而是件好 了一遍。侪是新嗰物事,蛮人性化嗰 事,本来我刚搬去的时候还不习惯, 设计。上海人现在基本侪嘞谈论嗰话 因为原本是住在 “ 新建路 ” 的,离 题就是 : 金钞票畀房子。箇是大家一 外滩又近,我觉得是个很好的地段。 般 聚 嘞一道 聊 嗰 话 题 “ 钞 票 、 房 现在住得远了,还是发现很方便的, 子、股票 ”。基本上离弗开箇三样 我觉得上海政府对交通还是做的不错 物事,上海基本上应该可以讲我觉着 的,为了方便大家的出行。还有在上 是全中国是比较贵(ju)嗰城市,房 海我发觉最方便的就是(跑)银行, 子、小人嗰教育、吃嗰物事、农副产 我觉得看一个城市发展的好坏,就是 品,侪比较贵。侪弗晓得为啥(箇 看他的银行多不多,上海现在到处是 么 ju)?出租车嗰起步费是十二元, 银行,很方便,也表示这城市发展 我到外地去,苏州嗰是十元、杭州是 了,这城市的人有钱了。 十一元,弗晓得为啥上海要先涨价, 上 海 人 也 嘞 抱 怨 : 为 啥 菜 箇 么 贵 [ 舟山路上右转 ] (ju)为啥那嗰那么贵 (ju)。 [52:24] 这里是 “ 舟山路 ”,是很 [50:15] 箇 搭 是一个 “ 下 海 庙 ” , 有 名 的 , 以 前 “ 二 战 ” 期 间 , 交关人来烧香许愿、还愿。“ 下海 “ 犹 太 人 ” 都是住在这里的 :“ 唐 庙 ” 嗰(建成)辰光蛮长了。大概 山路 ”,“ 舟山路 ”。在前面有个 有几百年了吧? “ 难民公园 ” 和 “ 难民教堂 ”, 现在当然都是上海人住着。 [50:47] 我蹲嘞嗰地方,因为离市中 心比较远,埃面有种 “ 三轮车 ” 嗰 [53:05] 你看到这里的商铺,基本上 服务,可以从屋里向搭到地铁。我觉 都是他们自己的房子,租借就比较 着蛮方便嗰(注 : 黑车嗰一种,使用 贵,很多人这样的房子都是私房,住 人力嗰),因为乘公交车嗰话要等, 在这样的房子里的人,可以把他们的 而且两站路会开大概二十几分钟甚至 房子开做商店,人住在二楼,楼下作 半嗰小时,堵嘞路上。我发觉蹲嘞嗰 为商店,这样子就能省很多钱。所以 49

only three square meters on average. It was very small.

[33:16] This is ‘Shanghai Textiles Holdings’ They are still here and they’ve never moved.

[33:30] Actually, there used to be a ‘Hóngkǒu District Swimming Pool’ here, a place for swimming. Now it’s become a residential area. We used to come here often to swim and I remember it was very cheap back then. [33:54] Here we have the bath houses. There are many bath houses and foot reflexology places in Shanghai now.

[34:06] Here is Shanghai Hóngkǒu Arts Kindergarten. this is a kindergarten. They have a swimming pool in this kindergarten too. [Turn right on Gāoyáng Lù 高阳路 ]

[34:18] This is a new one- ‘Gāoyáng Market’, my mother used to come here for groceries. It takes about 15 minutes on foot to get here from my place and she pretty much had to come here every day to get groceries.



Xinjian Lu


新建路 远有辰光反而是件好事,本来我刚搬 去嗰辰光还弗习惯,因为原本是蹲嘞 嘞 “ 新建路 ” 嗰,离外滩又近,我 觉着是嗰老好嗰地段。现在蹲嘞得远 了,还是发现老方便嗰,我觉着上海 政府对交通还是做嗰弗错嗰,为了方 便大家嗰出行。还有嘞上海我发觉最 方便嗰就是(跑)银行,我觉着看一 个城市发展嗰好坏,就是看伊嗰银行 多弗多,上海现在到处是银行,老方 便,也表示箇城市发展了,箇城市嗰 人有钞票了。 [ 舟山路上右转 ]

[52:24] 箇搭是 “ 舟山路 ”,是老 有名嗰,老朝 “ 二战 ” 期间, “ 犹太人 ” 侪是蹲嘞嘞箇搭嗰 :“ 唐 山路 ”、“ 舟山路 ”。嘞前面有嗰 “ 难民公园 ” 畀 “ 难民教堂 ”,现 在侪是上海人蹲嘞。 [53:05] 侬看到箇搭嗰商铺,基本上 侪是伊拉自家嗰房子,去租嗰话就比 较贵,老多人箇可以嗰房子侪是私 房,蹲嘞嘞箇可以嗰房子里嗰人,可 以拿伊拉嗰房子开做商店,人蹲嘞嘞 二楼,楼下作为商店,箇可以子就可 以省老多钞票。所以讲嘞上海生活是 绝对便利嗰,商店到处侪有,交通也 老方便,像地铁啥嗰样样侪有,讲起

说在上海生活是绝对便利的,商店到 处都有,交通也很方便,像地铁什么 的样样都有,说起地铁,其实地铁是 很复杂的,上海现在有十条线,如果 你对地铁不熟悉,不知道怎么来去, 有时候还会乘错。因为我是导游,有 时候就知道地铁的这个站,那个站, 要看着那张图。但像我妈妈这种年龄 的人,就搞不清楚,总是乘错。

[34:45] Take us Shanghainese for example, we think you’re strange when we see you and we would look at you. Sometimes we would smile at you but some people aren’t so nice. As a tour guide, I usually lead a lot of tours groups that are all foreigners. I think Chinese people are nicer to foreigners than foreigners are to Chinese people.

[54:54] (箇之前嗰几十秒钟里,始 [35:20] Shanghai was originally a

终有一个弗着调又慑人心魄嗰男声嘞 fishing village. Since the “Opium War” 唱着关于 ‘ 爱 ’ 嗰歌 …… 销魂哪 led by the British in 1840, the world ~~)上海人 …… powers have come to Shanghai and China. They occupied this district and [55:13] 唱得不错嘛 ~ 记得还是学生 took over another. They had their own 的时候,读初中、高中、大学的时 police, they set up their own 候,上海人最喜欢的一种就是 “ 卡 companies and they controlled 拉 OK” 。 我 们 叫 “KTV” , 就 经 Shanghai’s customs. This happened 常没事的时候去 “KTV” 唱歌,几 over at the Bund. They hired Indians to 个人一间房间,在里面唱歌,很开心 stand at the doors of the Peace Hotel 的,刚刚开始的时候是打牌,后来是 because Indians were the cheapest 唱歌,记得那时候 “ 卡拉 OK” 是 labour at the time. The Indians liked to 从日本传来的,日本人是喜欢唱 “ wrap a big piece of red towel-like cloth 卡 拉 OK” 的 , 随 后 再 传 到 中 国 像 around their heads, this is why we 上海这种大城市,现在的人消遣的活 Shanghainese call them “hong tou a 动增多了,要不是 “ 卡拉 OK” 唱 san”. Over at Xiàngyáng Lù and Shānxī 歌,要么是酒吧,要么就是打牌之类 Lù, that area belonged to the French, 的,样样都有,所以上海人的生活还 the ‘Fārén Zǔ’ 20. The houses there are 是很丰富的。现在的人睡觉是越来越 like villas, you’ll see for yourself once 晚了,以前是九点、十点就睡觉了, you’re there. On the other hand, the 52

Xinjian Lu 地铁,其实地铁是老复杂嗰,上海现 在有十条线,要是侬对地铁弗熟悉, 弗晓得哪能来去,有辰光还会乘错。 因为我是导游,有辰光就晓得地铁嗰 箇嗰站、埃嗰站,要看嘞箇张图。但 像阿拉妈妈箇种年龄嗰人,就搞弗清 楚,总是乘错。

像我是属于不正常的,基本上要到凌 晨两点、三点睡觉,因为我要上网, 和朋友聊天和一些外国人,我父母他 们现在睡觉也要到十一、二点,现在 的人睡觉越来越晚也蛮奇怪的,现在 的电视节目很丰富,看的东西也更加 的多。

[54:54] (箇之前嗰几十秒钟里,始 [ 提篮桥监狱在你左边 ]

终有一个弗着调又慑人心魄嗰男声嘞 唱着关于 ‘ 爱 ’ 嗰歌 …… 销魂哪 [57:04] 这 里 好 像 是 个 “ 水 族 ~~)上海人 …… …”,是个水族花鸟市场,有的人喜 欢养鱼、养鸟、养狗、养猫。 [55:13] 唱得弗错嘛 ~ 记得我还是学 生嗰辰光,读初中、高中、大学嗰辰 [57:32] 上海现在搞许多的 “ 城市建 光,上海人最喜欢嗰一种就是 “ 卡 设 ”,你看到很多地方已经被拆掉 拉 OK” 。 阿 拉 叫 “KTV” , 就 经 了。要么造地铁、造隧道,要么就是 常呒事嗰辰光去 “KTV” 唱歌,几 造商品房。 嗰人一间房间,嘞里向唱歌,老开心 嗰,因为刚刚开始嗰辰光是打牌,后 [58:04] 我觉得,说到上海的建设, 头呢是唱歌,我记得箇辰光 “ 卡拉 绝对不能忘记 “ 外地人 ”,他们对 OK” 是从日本传来嗰,日本人是喜 上海的建设付出很多。有时候上海人 欢唱 “ 卡拉 OK” 嗰,随后再传到 有种 “ 优越感 ”,他们说上海人有 中国像上海箇种大城市,现在嗰人 优越感,看不起外地人,这样是很不 呢,消遣嗰活动增加了,要么 “ 卡 好的,因为我觉得许多方面要感谢外 拉 OK” 唱 歌 , 要 么 酒 吧 , 要 么 就 地人。但是怎么说呢?外地人来到了 是打牌之类嗰,样样侪有,所以上海 上海,因为他们的行为不好,让上海 人嗰生活还是老丰富嗰。现在发觉, 人很没面子,因为我有时候和外国人 现在嗰人困觉是越来越晚了,老朝是 在一起,看见有些外地人的行为举止 九点、十点就睏觉了,现在像我是属 不太好,老外就认为这些就是上海 于弗正常嗰,基本上要到凌晨两点、 人,上海人就是这个样子的。我就觉 53

houses in Hóngkǒu District are Japanese-style- they are all connected in a cluster. They are not tall and smaller in size with communal kitchens and bathrooms. [Turn Left on Tángshān Lù 唐山路 ]

[37:10] This is Tángshān Lù. It is slightly more well-known. If we keep heading east we will arrive at where the Jews used to live.

[37:28] Shanghai was also called an ‘Adventurer’s Paradise’. Why? Many merchants came to Shanghai to do business. The ports opened up and enabled ships to travel all over the world and do commerce and trade and garments, this is why there are so many banks at Wàitān. Banks like HSBC and Citibank already existed then for the purpose of allowing merchants to conduct their businesses. [38:20] When I was in middle school,

this is the route I had to take when heading home. There were a few shortcuts I could take. For example, you could go in from here or come out from over there. I think the houses in



Xinjian Lu


新建路 三点睏觉,因为我要上网,畀朋友聊 天,畀一些外国人,像阿拉爷娘伊拉 现在睡觉也要到十一二点,现在嗰人 睏觉越来越晚也蛮奇怪嗰,外加现在 嗰电视节目老丰富,看嗰物事也更加 嗰多。 [ 提篮桥监狱在你左边 ]

得这是种误解,那时候我就需要解 Shanghai are quite interesting, you 释,他们不是上海人。 could go in any direction in the Nòngtáng because they are all linked [ 过张杨路 ] and very convenient.

[59:04] 这 里 是 “ 上 海 犹 太 难 民 纪 念馆 ”,“ 二战 ” 的时候犹太人在 这里读书什么的,读书都是住在这里 的。一个犹太教堂,就是这一块比较 有名的。

[57:04] “ 乌龟 …..” 箇搭好像是嗰 “ 水族 …”,是嗰水族花鸟市场, 有嗰人喜欢养鱼、养鸟、养狗、养 [59:28] 记得游客和我说过,犹太人 猫。 住的房子和英国伦敦的房子是差不多 的。本来犹太人住的时候有喝咖啡的 [57:32] 上海现在嘞搞交关嗰 “ 城市 地方,有餐厅,有小的商店。对面都 建设 ”,现在侬看到老多地方已经 被拆掉了,只有这里了。 被拆脱了。要么造地铁、造隧道,要 么就是造商品房。 [1:00:03] 这 里 就 是 犹 太 人 住 的 地 方。这里的房子比较黑、比较高、比 [58:04] 我觉着,讲到上海嗰建设, 较深,他们烧汤什么的,和上海人住 绝对弗可以忘记 “ 外地人 ”,伊拉 在一起,那时候犹太人还会点上海 对上海嗰建设付出老多。有辰光上海 话,是上海人教的。包括一些国家有 人有种 “ 优越感 ”,伊拉讲上海人 名的政要,他们也是住在这里的。所 有优越感,看弗起外地人,箇可以是 以有时候他们也会回来看一看,因为 老弗好嗰,因为我觉着交关方面要感 上海是他们的第二故乡,他们会回来 谢外地人。要是哪可以讲呢?外地人 看看。在一年多以前我也有个游客, 来到了上海,因为伊拉嗰行为弗好, 是犹太人,他是住在这里的,那时候 让上海人老呒面子,因为我有辰光畀 他只有七八岁,他来的时候已经快有 外国人嘞一道,看见有些外地人嗰行 八十岁了,他说他曾经住在这里,他 为举止弗太好,老外就认为箇些就是 回来是来找他的房子的。他带者他的 上海人,上海人就是箇嗰样子嗰。我 孙子、孙女、儿子、女儿一起来的,

[38:43] There’s a school here too, ‘Shanghai Changqing Middle School’. This place has been renovated as well and it looks pretty big and new. It wasn’t here before and was developed later because there were many students at the time. Our batch saw the most number of students, the next two cohorts had even more. I think this ‘Changqing School’ is also kind of famous. [39:30] This is Qiānjiǎo and foot reflexology.

[40:38] This street is called Dāntú Lù. It’s quite busy with buses, taxis, motorcycles and all sorts of vehicles.

[40:55] There are quite a few restaurants like these nowadays. I think the Shanghainese are quite smart- stick a stand on a street and you’re in business. There are many private cars in Shanghai these days. The standard of living for the 56

Xinjian Lu 就觉着箇是种误解,箇辰光我就需要 来这里寻根一样的 解释,伊拉弗是上海人。 [1:01:15] 上海犹太人的居住区除了这 [ 过 张杨路 ] 里 “ 虹口区 ”,还有一个在 “ 法 租界 ” 那里。叫 “ 建国路 ”,那 [59:04] 箇 搭 是 “ 上 海 犹 太 难 民 纪 时候的马路名字都不一样,和现在不 念馆 ”,“ 二战 ” 嗰辰光犹太人嘞 一样了。 箇搭读书啥嗰,读书侪是蹲嘞嘞箇搭 嗰。一个犹太教堂,就是箇一块比较 [1:01:42] 你看这里就是他们的 “ 灶 有名嗰。 坯间 ”(注 : 上海本地方言,厨房的 意思),大家一起在这里烧饭的,晚 [59:28] 我记得我嗰游客畀我讲过, 上一个人在里面很害怕的,很深的。 犹太人蹲嘞嗰房子畀英国伦敦嗰房子 是差弗多嗰。本来犹太人蹲嘞嗰辰光 [1:02:27] 你 可 以 看 见 在 上 海 , 有 很 有喝咖啡嗰地方,有餐厅,有小嗰商 多人在卖姜。 店。对面侪被拆脱了,只有箇搭了。 [ 路过正在玩 Carrom 的老人 ] [1:00:03] 箇搭就是犹太人蹲嘞嗰地 方。箇搭嗰房子比较黑比较高比较 ( 老 男 声 : 认 识 吗 ? 你 看 看 认 识 深,伊拉烧汤啥嗰,畀上海人蹲嘞嘞 吗 ? )…… 这 是 桌 球 ? 这 是 桌 球 一道,箇辰光犹太人还会讲点上海 吗?~ 很有意思,桌球。 话,是上海人教嗰。包括一些国家有 [1:02:59] 现在是刚过完年,还有点 名嗰政要,伊拉也是蹲嘞嘞箇搭嗰。 过年的气氛在。 所以有辰光伊拉也会回来看一看,因 为上海是伊拉嗰第二故乡,伊拉会回 [ 进入霍山公园 ] 来看看。嘞一年多,老朝我也有嗰游 客,是犹太人,伊是蹲嘞嘞箇搭嗰, [1:03:37] 听 到 鸟 叫 了 , 这 里 就 是 箇辰光伊只有七八岁,伊来嗰辰光已 “ 霍山公园 ”,也是以前犹太人经 经将近八十岁了,伊讲伊曾经蹲嘞嘞 常来玩的地方。原来老年人早上来打 箇搭,伊回来是来寻伊嗰房子嗰。伊 打太极拳,做做广播操。还有就是这 带嘞伊嗰孙子、孙女、儿子、女儿一 里有鸟。 57

Shanghainese has increased and they all have money now. Five or six years ago, I don’t think the Shanghainese had much money to take taxis! The taxis were all empty back then, like nobody could afford them. It’s not like that anymore, we have money now. These days you can’t even find a taxi, especially on rainy days. You can never get a taxi on rainy days or during the festive period. This is one of the changes in Shanghai. The changes have been very big since ten years ago. There are some people who say that the Shanghainese don’t have money. They say it’s the Waìdìrén 21 who have money and they’ve all come to Shanghai and are doing quite well. Like ‘Wēnzhōu Rén’, ‘Ānhuì Rén’, and on top of that there are many Lǎowài 22 in Shanghai nowadays. The Lǎowài don’t wish to return after coming here because they really like Shanghai. They call Shanghai ‘24-hour Shanghai’ because of the nightlife here. They really like the nightlife in Shanghai. There are many places that the Lǎowài like to go to in Shanghai, like ‘Xīntiāndì’ and ‘Hóngqiáo’. The Lǎowài have a social circle of their own too. Be it the young ladies or men in Shanghai,



Xinjian Lu


新建路 道来嗰,来箇搭寻根一样嗰。

[1:01:15] 上海犹太人嗰居蹲嘞区除了 箇 搭 “ 虹 口 区 ” , 还 有一个 嘞 “ 法租届 ” 埃面。叫 “ 建国路 ”, 箇辰光嗰(马路嗰)名字侪弗一样, 畀现在弗一样了。 [1:01:42] 侬看箇搭就是伊拉嗰 “ 灶 坯间 ”(注 : 上海本地方言,厨房嗰 意思),大家一道嘞箇搭烧饭嗰,夜 道一个人(嘞里向)老吓嗰,老深 嗰。

[1:04:25] 上海本来有很多公园是要 收费的,自从 2008 年的时候,很多 公园免费开放了。因为政府希望大家 能多多到公园里去,做做运动,多享 受一下绿色,享受一下植物,对身体 健康是有好处的。我觉得政府的这一 举措是比较好的。像在 “ 法租界 ” 的 “ 复兴公园 ”,平常你去,就能 看到一群很多人在跳舞唱歌。很多组 织活动,我觉得可以丰富大家的生 活,和(锻炼大家的)健康。哪里有 鸟?哦 ~ 那边。有的人就过来打 牌。

[1:02:27] 侬 可 以 看 见 嘞 上 海 , 有 老 [1:05:48] 比起养猫养狗的话,养鸟 多人嘞卖姜。

比较简单,只要给它吃这种东西,只 有一点,不能让它飞了,如果它飞 [ 路过正在玩 Carrom 的老人 ] 了,那你就抓不住了。像我家就有一 只鸟,不过是假的,你摁它一下,它 ( 老 男 声 : 认 识 吗 ? 侬 看 看 认 识 就会叫的。像这种是由人养的。 吗 ? )…… 箇 是 桌 球 ? 箇 是 桌 球 吗?呵呵 ~ 老有意思,桌球。 [1:05:40] 我觉得现在的小朋友,我 们的下一代,比起我们来说幸福许 [1:02:59] 现在是刚过好年,还有点 多,他们基本上要什么有什么,样样 过年嗰气氛嘞。 东西都有,因为只有一个小孩,家里 都比较宠,所以养成了将来有些习惯 [ 进入霍山公园 ] 不是很好,因为要什么就有什么,爸 爸妈妈什么都给他,所以这又是一个 [1:03:37] 听 到 鸟 叫 了 , 箇 搭 就 是 教育问题。在上海基本上那些年轻的 “ 霍山公园 ”,也是老朝犹太人经 夫妇平常要上班,没有什么时间去带 常来孛相嗰地方。原来老年人早上来 孩子教孩子,基本上都是父母(注 :

they will sometimes try to go to these places to practice and improve their English or befriend different types of people. They would get to know them by treating them to a meal or drinking some tea. I think it’s a good way to for them to practice speaking English. [Stop at the gate of the Chengzhong high school.]

[42:55] This is the middle school I attended 23. I remember the door being bigger then but it’s smaller now. Meeting my first love was the most memorable event that happened here. I recall there were many young men here who were interested in me. I think middle school left me with the fondest memories and it also served as a testament of what my elementary school teacher said: as long as I studied hard, my grades would improve. Indeed, after entering middle school, I scored a perfect 100 points for my English exam! It was from that day that I started to work hard. I don’t know why but it was like something clicked in me and all of a sudden I was determined to excel. My grades were always amongst the top three in class. 60

Xinjian Lu 打打太极拳,做做广播操。还有就是 孩子的爷爷奶奶外公外婆这辈)在 It’s strange because in middle school, 箇搭有鸟。 带,所以这又有了怎么抚育孩子的问 the top three students were always 题,这又产生了矛盾。我还是觉得现 female. I was one of the top three at the [1:04:25] 上海本来有老多公园是要 在出生的孩子很幸福,他们出生之后 time. I did well in both sports and 收费嗰,自从 2008 年嗰辰光,老多 什么都有。我的第一台电脑也只不过 studies. Anyway I was developing very 公园免费开放了。因为政府希望大家 是五年前的事情。那个时候还是我向 well in all areas. There were male 可以多多嗰到公园里去,做做运动, 我爸贷款买电脑的。那个时候我刚刚 students in my class and other classes 多享受一下绿色,享受一下植物,对 工作,想让我爸给买电脑,我爸说那 who fancied me. We were going 身体健康是有好处嗰。我觉着政府嗰 么贷款,我工作之后每个月还给爸爸 through puberty! This was a very small 箇一举措是比较好嗰。像嘞 “ 法租 钱的。我爸爸对我的教育方式是比较 school on its own but later combined 届 ” 嗰 “ 复 兴 公 园 ” , 平 常 侬 严格的,虽然我是女孩子,但是他把 with another school. There’s a door 去,就可以看到一群老嘞跳舞唱歌。 我当成一个男孩子来教育。所以也养 between this school in the south and 老多组织活动,我觉着可以丰富大家 成了我现在的性格比较独立和强烈。 the other school in the north so people 嗰生活,畀健康。哪里有鸟?哦 ~ 但是现在的孩子真的很幸福,样样东 could traverse. There were many 埃面。有嗰人就过来打牌。 西都有。 students after the two schools merged and resources were shared. There were [1:05:48] 比起养猫养狗嗰话,养鸟 [1:08:19] 这里公园里这么多的老人都 quite a lot of people then. You walk out 比较简单,只要畀伊吃箇种物事,只 在打牌嘛!都不搓麻将,在打牌了。 and the sports field is covered with 有一点,弗可以让伊飞了,要是伊飞 people. It was always very lively in了,侬就抓弗老嘞了。像我屋里向就 [1:08:50] 可能我以后老了,就会约 between lessons! 有一只鸟,弗过是假嗰。。。。侬钦 了我的同学,等大家老了就真的有时 伊一记,伊就会叫嗰。像箇种是有人 间了,来公园打牌什么的都可以。就 I really miss life in middle school 养嗰。 觉得现在大家碰面很难的。有时候会 where my schoolmates and I had 想,等我老了,退休了我会做什么 friendships of more than ten years. Up [1:05:40] 我觉着现在嗰小朋友,阿 事?现在经常会在想这种事情,很奇 until now, we still meet up every year. I 拉嗰下一代,比起阿拉来讲,幸福交 怪。想到我们五十岁、六十岁了,有 think this is what’s most precious 关,伊拉基本上要啥有啥,样样物事 五星级的养老院,等我老了就到五星 about student life. It’s very rare for 侪有,因为只有一个小人,屋里向侪 级的养老院,去享受一下。 people to keep in touch with 比较宠,所以养成了将来有些习惯弗 schoolmates from high school or 是老好,因为要啥就有啥,爸爸妈妈 [ 霍山公园出去左转霍山路向西走。 college, we don’t really keep in touch 侪畀伊,要啥有啥,所以箇又是一个 继续往东大名路走 ] anymore. Only my middle school 61



Xinjian Lu 教育问题。嘞上海基本上那些年轻嗰 夫妇平常要上班,呒有啥辰光去带孩 子教孩子,基本上侪是父母(孩子嗰 爷爷奶奶外公外婆箇辈)嘞带,所以 箇又有了哪能抚育孩子嗰问题,箇又 产生了矛盾。但我还是觉着现在出生 嗰孩子老幸福,伊拉出生之后啥侪 有。我嗰第一台电脑也只弗过是五年 前嗰事情。那嗰辰光还是我畀阿拉爷 贷款买电脑嗰。箇嗰辰光我刚刚工 作,我想阿拉爷畀我买电脑,阿拉爷 讲要么我贷款,我工作之后每嗰月还 给阿拉爷钞票嗰。阿拉爷对我嗰教育 方式是比较严格嗰,虽然我是女小 囡,但是伊拿我当成一个男小囡来教 育。所以也养成了我现在嗰性格比较 独立畀强烈。要是现在嗰孩子真嗰老 幸福,样样物事侪有。

[1:08:19] 箇 搭 公 园 里 箇 么 多 嗰 老 人 侪嘞打牌嘛!侪弗搓麻将,嘞打牌 了。 [1:08:50] 我以后老了,就会约了我

嗰同学,等大家老了就真嗰有辰光 了,来公园打牌啥嗰侪可以。就觉着 现在大家要碰头老难老难嗰。有辰光 我会想,等我老了,退休了我会做啥 事?现在经常会嘞想箇种事情,老奇 怪。我嘞想到阿拉五十岁、六十岁 了,有五星级嗰养老院,我老朝就嘞 63

[1:10:01] 上 海 给 我 的 感 觉 太 现 代 化 了。因为每次去外地,给我的感觉就 是 “ 放松 ”。上海给我的感觉就是 压力太大,高楼大厦太多了,我就觉 得压迫感。现在有时候国外的游客来 了,对我说,他们来其实是想看一些 老的东西 : 老建筑,总之就是旧的东 西,但是他们来到上海却发现老的东 西越来越少了,现在都是高楼大厦。 所以有时候我觉得这个问题蛮尴尬 的,不能回答。但是当你去苏州或者 上海周边的地方去,你就真的会感到 中国历史的文化,很多有名的景点, 就觉得很舒服。上海我觉得实在是有 钱人住的地方,因为实在是太贵了。 你去上海市中心去看,住在那里的人 是很少的,要不是外国人住着,要不 就是有钱人住着。上海现在给我们的 感觉就是压力很大的。像 09 年前, 我还觉得我这辈子是不会离开上海 的,因为出生在上海,上海什么都 有,上海什么都好,很方便的。但是 从 09 年开始,我就有了想法 : 可能 某一天,我会要离开上海。因为觉得 压力太大了。如果有人问我,离开上 海,你的首选是什么?我会回答 : 杭 州。因为我杭州的西湖给人感觉很舒 服。相对来说,一切的费用要比上海 便宜。我觉得上海是个赚钱的好地 方。别人到上海来,不是一个好的居 住的地方。

schoolmates and I have friendships that are over ten years, I think it’s very precious. Right now, some of these friends have gotten married and some have kids and it’s getting harder and harder for everyone to get together because nobody has time anymore. As far as memories of my middle school goes, I still remember the teacher who was in charge of my class. The impression I got was that it must not have been easy for one teacher to manage such a big class. Students also tend to be more rebellious during puberty, getting into fights and all that stuff, and harder to manage. These are the recollections I have of this school. I still remember the faces of the teachers- my language teacher and English teacher. They were all quite good to me. After all, I was a good student! There were also many occasions where I had to perform on stage. The entrance to the school looks small now. [Continue east on Tángshān Lù 唐山路 ]

[46:42] They opened up a “Holiday Inn Hotel” here. There seems to be

新建路 想,等我老了就到五星级嗰养老院, [1:13:04] 这 里 是 很 有 名 的 虹 口 区 去享受一下。 “ 提 篮 桥 ” ,这里现在全部拆掉 了 , 本 来 这 里 有一个 “ 大 名 电 影 [ 霍山公园出去左转霍山路向西走。 院 ”。以前放学了,我们经常来这 继续往东大名路走 ] 里看电影,因为有个同学,他的爸爸 是这家电影院的经理,所以我们看的 [1:10:01] 上 海 畀 我 嗰 感 觉 太 现 代 化 票子有的是很便宜的,甚至有两年是 了。因为每趟去外地,畀我嗰感觉就 免费的。所以经常来这里看电影的。 是 “ 放松 ”。上海畀我嗰感觉就是 这里现在全部拆掉了,要造 “ 国际 压力太大,高楼大厦太多了,我就觉 航运中心 ”。边上原来有间小饭店 着压迫感。现在有辰光国外嗰游客来 和一个小酒楼、餐馆,还有人住在这 了,对我讲,伊拉来其实是想看一些 里,现在全部拆光了,都没有了。印 老嗰物事 : 老建筑,总之就是旧嗰物 象最深的就是这个电影院,因为经常 事,要是伊拉来到上海却发现老嗰物 可以去看电影的。 事越来越少了,现在侪是高楼大厦。 所以有辰光我觉着箇嗰问题蛮尴尬 [1:14:07] 这里 “ 提篮桥 ” 是虹口区 嗰,弗可以回答。要是当侬去苏州或 有名的有历史的地方。本来虹口区政 者上海周边嗰地方去,侬就真嗰会感 府应该是要保留这块地方,不会被拆 到中国历史嗰文化,老多有名嗰景 的。是有悠久文化历史的,应该不会 点,就觉着老适意。上海我觉着实在 被拆的,但是不知道为什么现在全部 是有钞票人蹲嘞嗰地方,因为实在是 被拆了,没有了。 太贵了。侬去上海市中心去看,蹲嘞 嘞埃面嗰人是老少嗰,要么是外国人 [1:15:25] 现 在 这 里 应 该 是 为 了 纪 念 蹲嘞着,要么就是有钞票人蹲嘞着。 “ 提篮桥 ” 的历史,所以要建一个 上海现在畀阿拉嗰感觉就是压力老大 “ 提篮桥历史文化中心 ”,让大家 嗰。像 09 年前,我还觉着我箇辈子 参观知道 “ 提篮桥 ” 的历史,现在 是弗会离开上海嗰,因为出生嘞上 这里全部拆掉了,本来这里的马路是 海,上海啥物事侪有,上海啥侪好, 单行道,现在拓宽了之后是双行道。 老方便嗰。要是从 09 年开始,我就 四车道、双行道的这里是个重要的通 有了想法 : 可可以某一天,我会要离 道,通到外滩去的。本身是单行道, 开上海。因为觉着压力太大了。要是 很不方便。这里是去外滩最重要的一

many hotels in Shanghai these days.

[47:00] The main forms of transportation in Shanghai now are bicycles, buses and mopeds. The working class spend an average of about two hours to get to work from home, I find it rather tiring. As a tour guide, I have to meet my customers at hotels every day so I take a taxi basically, no buses or subway. On the rare occasion when I have to take a bus or subway (during peak rush hours), it can get pretty scary! For example, I manage to squeeze in and get on the subway but I can’t get off because of so many people on the train. I have to take it all the way to the terminal and back again just to get off. I don’t know why but I think there are really way too many people in Shanghai. I remember there’s about 18 to 19 million, including Waìdìrén and foreigners, and they’re all not leaving. [48:11] Also, I discovered that it’s noisier in the heart of Shanghai city, for example around Nánjīng Lù and People’s Square. I live further away from the city center in Bǎoshān District, and I feel it’s quieter there and 64

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新建路 有人问我,离开上海,侬嗰首选是 啥?我会回答 : 杭州。因为杭州嗰西 湖畀人感觉老舒服。相对来讲,一切 嗰费用要比上海便宜。我觉着上海是 嗰赚钞票嗰好地方。到上海来,弗是 一个好嗰居蹲嘞嗰地方。


[1:16:05] 还有这里两栋楼,其中有一

the air is better. The air in Shanghai city is not good. Sometimes my clients and other tourists ask me if there is a lot of air pollution in Shanghai. You don’t really see a lot of blue skies or white clouds.

栋我三年前就是在这里工作的。现在 这里周围所有的东西都拆光了。只有 这两栋楼还留在这里,我老板同事都 在里面,这里是 “ 民商共用 ”,有 [1:13:04] 箇 搭 是 老 有 名 嗰 虹 口 区 人住在里面也有很多公司租在里面, [48:47] They’ve replaced the bus-stop “ 提 篮 桥 ” , 箇 搭 现 在 全 部 拆 脱 现在上海很多大楼里都是 “ 民商两 signs in Shanghai and included 了 , 本 来 箇 搭 有一个 “ 大 名 电 影 用 ” 的。 something new- a very humanized 院 ”。老朝放学了,阿拉经常来箇 design. All Shanghainese talk about 搭看电影,因为有嗰同学,伊嗰爸爸 [1:16:54] 基本上我们上海有句话叫 these days are money and houses. 是箇家电影院嗰经理,所以阿拉看嗰 “ 一年一个样,三年大变样 ”。上 These are the topics that people 票子有嗰是老便宜嗰,甚至有两年是 海真的是这样,我离开这里有三年 discuss when they get together: 免费嗰。所以经常来箇搭看电影嗰。 了,三年没有回来了。今天回来看 money, houses, and stocks. They could 箇搭现在全部拆脱了,要造 “ 国际 看,发觉变化真的很大,变的我都不 never live without these things. 航运中心 ”。边上原来有间小饭店 认识了。真的是已经无法用言语来形 Basically, you could say that in China, 畀一个小酒楼、餐馆,还有人蹲嘞嘞 容了。我觉得很了不起的,上海这样 Shanghai is a pretty expensive city to 箇搭,现在全部拆脱了,侪呒有了。 的建设,真的很了不起。因为这次 live in. Housing, children and their 我印象最深嗰就是箇嗰电影院,因为 “ 世博会 ”,估计会有七千万的人 education, food, agriculture- all of 经常可以去看电影嗰。 要来参观。所以现在一切的建设都是 these are pretty expensive. I don’t 为了这个 “ 世博会 ”。我个人也是 know why. Taxi fare is 20 yuan to [1:14:07] 箇搭 “ 提篮桥 ” 是虹口区 很期待这次 “ 世博会 ” 有很多的客 Wàitān. In Sūzhōu, that distance would 有名嗰有历史嗰地方。本来虹口区政 人来,因为现在已经有很多人要来上 be 10 yuan. In Hángzhōu it would be 11 府应该是要保留箇块地方,弗会被拆 海,已经在联系我了。中国是目前国 yuan. I don’t know why Shanghai’s 嗰。是有悠久文化历史嗰,应该弗会 际上十个想要旅行的国家之一,许多 prices are so expensive. Even 被拆嗰,要是弗晓得为啥现在全部被 没有来过中国的老外好像对中国有很 Shanghainese are complaining, “Why 拆了,呒有了。 多的误会。总是觉得中国还是在以前 is food so expensive? Why is this so [1:15:25] 现 在 箇 搭 应 该 是 为 了 纪 念 的旧社会,那种旧生活、旧社会,他 expensive?”. “ 提篮桥 ” 嗰历史,所以要建一个 们不知道,但是一旦他们来了,他们 “ 提篮桥历史文化中心 ”,让大家 就会很惊奇的 “ 噢!原来中国是这 [50:15] This is Xiàhǎi Temple [ 下海寺 ]. 66

Xinjian Lu 参观,晓得 “ 提篮桥 ” 嗰历史,现 在箇搭全部拆脱了,本来箇搭嗰马路 是单行道,现在拓宽了之后是双行 道。四车道双行道嗰箇搭是嗰重要嗰 通道,通到外滩去嗰。本身是单行 道,老弗方便。箇搭是去外滩最重要 嗰一个通道。

样子的!不是很旧的。” 结果来了 之后大家就都很喜欢上海,很喜欢北 京,都喜欢。有的人说 : 我这次来过 了,我还要来。因为他们真的是喜欢 这座城市。吃、穿、用样样都很方 便。这也是为什么上海现在的人口是 越来越多的。因为老外也来了,外地 人也来了,都不回去了。有种外地人 是没有工作的,是非法来上海的 …… 来了之后睡在公园里,可能他 们有亲戚在上海是造房子的,也就一 起带过来了。来了之后就都不回去 了。

[1:16:05] 还 有 箇 搭 , 箇 搭 两 栋 楼 , 其中有一栋我三年前就是嘞箇搭工作 嗰。现在箇搭周围所有嗰物事侪拆光 了。现在只有箇两栋楼还留嘞箇搭, 我老板同事侪嘞里向,箇搭是 “ 民 商共用 ”,有人蹲嘞嘞里向也有老 多公司租嘞里向,现在上海老多大楼 [1:19:35] 这 里 是 “ 东 大 名 路 ” , 里侪是 “ 民商两用 ” 嗰。 “ 东大名路 ” 是最重要的通道去外 滩的。“ 东大名路 ” 那一边是要造 [1:16:54] 基本上阿拉上海有句话叫 “ 地铁十二号线 ”,所以我们刚才 “ 一年一个样,三年大变样 ”。我 看到很多的建筑都被拆掉了。我在想 觉着上海真嗰是箇可以,我离开箇搭 可能三年之后再来这里又是一番新的 有三年了,三年呒有回来了。今天回 气象,我肯定不认识这里了。 来看看我发觉变化真嗰老大,变了我 侪弗认得了。真嗰是已经呒没办法用 [1:20:27] 我 发 觉 原 来 走 在 马 路 上 听 闲话来形容了。我觉着老了弗起嗰, 到最多的是汽车声,还有摩托车、助 上海箇可以嗰建设,真嗰老了弗起。 动车的声音。 因为箇次 “ 世博会 ”,估计会有七 [1:20:54] 还有就是,我发觉在上海 千万嗰人要来参观。所以现在一切嗰 有钱人和穷人两极分化差距是比较大 建设侪是为了箇嗰 “ 世博会 ”。我 的 : 有钱人非常的有钱,穷人非常的 嗰人也是老期待箇次 “ 世博会 ” 有 穷。有钱人找的结婚对像也是有钱 老多嗰客人来,因为现在已经有老多 人,而穷人只能找穷人结婚,这样子 人要来上海,已经嘞联系我了。中国 的差距就越来越大,我觉得真的应该 67

Many people come here to ‘Shāoxiāng Xǔyuàn’ 24. Xiàhǎi Temple has been here for a long time. Maybe a few hundred years?

[50:47] Because I live further away from the city centre, there’s this ‘sānlúnchē’ 25 service that takes me from my place to the subway station. I think it’s very convenient because otherwise I would have to wait for the bus and get stuck in traffic. It would take 20 minutes or up to a half an hour to travel just two stops. I realized that it’s sometimes a good thing living far away. I couldn’t get used to it when I first moved there because I used to live on Xīnjiàn Lù, not far from Wàitān and I thought it was a good area. Now I live far away but I discovered that it is still very convenient. I feel that the Shanghai government did a good job with public transportation and made it convenient for people to commute. The other thing I’ve noticed that’s very convenient is that there are many banks. I think you could tell if the development of a city was good or bad based on the number of banks they have. There are banks everywhere in Shanghai and it’s very convenient. It



Xinjian Lu


新建路 是目前国际上十嗰想要旅行嗰国屋里 向之一,交关呒有来过中国嗰老外好 像对中国有老多嗰误会。总是觉着中 国还是嘞老朝嗰旧社会,那种旧生 活、旧社会,伊拉弗晓得,要是一旦 伊拉来了,伊拉就会老惊奇嗰 “ 噢!原来中国是箇可以子嗰!弗是老 旧嗰。” 结果来了之后大家就侪老 喜欢上海,老喜欢北京,侪喜欢。有 嗰人讲 : 我箇次来过了,我还要来。 因为伊拉真嗰是喜欢箇座城市。吃、 穿、用样样侪老方便。箇也是为啥上 海现在嗰人口是越来越多嗰。因为老 外也来了,外地人也来了,侪弗回去 了。有种外地人是呒有工作嗰,是非 法 来 上 海 嗰 …. 来 了 之 后 睡 嘞 公 园 里,伊拉有亲戚嘞上海是造房子嗰, 做建设嗰也就一道带过来了。来了之 后就侪弗回去了。

[1:19:35] 箇 搭 是 “ 东 大 名 路 ” , “ 东大名路 ” 是最重要嗰通道去外 滩嗰。“ 东大名路 ” 箇一面是要造 “ 地铁十二号线 ”,所以阿拉刚才 看到老多嗰建筑侪被拆脱了。我嘞想 要是三年之后我再来箇搭又是一番新 嗰气象,我肯定弗认识箇搭了。 [1:20:27] 我 发 觉 原 来 走 嘞 马 路 上 听 到最多嗰是汽车声,畀摩托车、助动 车嗰声音。

是中和一下。。。。。。还有在 “ 人民公园 ”,我听说有几百个家长 会替自己的孩子找男女朋友,他们的 子女可能平时工作太忙了,或是有其 他各种各样的理由,所以他们就在 “ 人民公园 ” 把很多信息挂在树 上,比方说 : 我女儿几岁,什么工 作,月薪多少,想找什么样子的男 的。这种情况蛮尴尬的,因为它把你 个人的信息都说出来了。有时候爸爸 会把儿子的照片挂在胸前站在那里给 别人看。你说,在上海什么事情都 有,千奇百怪的事情都有。

also shows that this city is now developed and that people have money. [Turn right on Zhōushān Lù 舟山路 ]

[52:24] This is Zhōushān Lù. It’s very famous. All the Jews lived here on Tángshān Lù and Zhōushān Lù during the Second World War. There’s a ‘refugee park’ and a ‘refugee church’ 26 up ahead. Of course they are all occupied by Shanghainese now.

[1:22:30] 这里的房子比较贵,可能 [53:05] Look at all the shops here.

在两万元到三万元一平方。因为这里 They’re all basically people’s own 的视野比较好,它能看见外滩的风 houses. Many of them are private 景。基本上住在这里的老外比较多。 houses and people who live in these houses can turn their house into a [1:23:33] 这里现在是一个 “ 农工商 shop. People can live on the second 超市 ”,本来是个酒店,我有个叔 floor and have a shop on the first floor. 叔住在苏州,每次来上海又不能住我 Leasing is more expensive and people 家,我家实在太小了。所以他每次来 can save more money this way. Living 上海,只能找个比较便宜的酒店,住 in Shanghai definitely has its 在酒店里,应该就是在这里。中国人 conveniences. There are shops 口多,如果有亲戚住在外地的,逢年 everywhere, transport is convenient, 过节的要到上海来吧?居住在哪里就 and there’s a subway and everything. 成了问题,因为上海人那时候的房子 Talking about subway, it is actually 太小了,挤在一起很不方便,所以有 very complicated. There are now ten 些是挤在一起,而有些就只能找便宜 lines in Shanghai. You could get on the 的旅馆之类的住一下。 wrong one if you’re not familiar or not 70

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[1:20:54] 还有就是,我发觉嘞上海 有钞票人老穷人两极分化差距是比较 大嗰 : 有钞票人非常嗰有钞票,穷人 么老穷。有钞票人寻嗰结婚对象也是 有钞票人,而穷人只可以寻穷人结 婚,箇可以子嗰差距就越来越大,我 觉着真嗰应该是中和一下,还有嘞 “ 人民公园 ”,我听讲有几百嗰家 长会替伊拉嗰子女寻男女朋友,伊拉 嗰子女平时工作太忙了,或是有其它 各种各样嗰理由,所以伊拉就嘞 “ 人 民 公 园 ” 拿老多信息挂嘞树 上,比方讲 : 我女儿几岁,啥工作, 月薪多少,想寻啥样子嗰男嗰。箇种 情况蛮尴尬嗰,因为伊畀侬嗰人嗰信 息侪讲出来了。有辰光爸爸会拿儿子 嗰照片挂嘞胸口立嘞埃面畀人家看。 侬讲,现在嘞上海啥事情侪有,千奇 百怪嗰事情侪有。 [1:22:30] 箇搭嗰房子比较贵,可可

以嘞两万到三万一平方。因为箇搭嗰 视野比较好,伊可以看见外滩嗰风 景。基本上蹲嘞嘞箇搭嗰老外比较 多。

[1:23:33] 箇搭现在是一个 “ 农工商

超市 ”,本来是嗰酒店,我有嗰叔 叔蹲嘞嘞苏州,每趟来上海又弗可以 蹲嘞我屋里向,我屋里向实在太小 了。所以伊每趟来,只可以寻嗰比较


[1:24:37] 这里前面是 “ 高阳路 ”, “ 高阳路 ” 上本来有个 “ 国际客 运码头 ”。现在世界上有很多游轮 停泊这里,让游客下船游玩,结束之 后再上船继续去其他的地方游玩。记 得这个码头 2008 年开通的。 [ 高阳路上右转 ]

sure how it comes and goes. Because I’m a tour guide, I need to know the names of this station or that station so I have to study the map. But people around my mother’s age tend to get confused and often get on the wrong train.

[54:54] [We pass an open-air karaoke [1:25:09] 本来上海是从渔业方面开 store at the Zhōushān Lù and Kūnshān

始的,后来逐渐发展成现代化的,尤 Lù intersection. Audio slightly 其是因为政府把外滩弄的比较宽,弄 distorted.] 得挺漂亮的。上海人也觉得变化挺大 的。现在外滩是旅游第一位的。 [55:13] He sings pretty well! I remember the Shanghainese loved [1:26:11] 上海刚开始不是一个 “ 市 karaoke when I was a student in junior ”,它被叫做 “ 上海县 ”,它是一 high, high school and college. We call it 个 “ 县 ” , 在 1292 年 , 被 称 为 “ “KTV”. The few of us would get into a 县 ”。上海到现在已经有七百多年 room to sing “KTV” whenever we had 的历史了。在七百年之中,不断发 nothing to do. It was very enjoyable. 展,成为了现在的现代化的大都市。 We started off playing cards, then it 所以作为 “ 上海人 ”,是有种自豪 was singing. I remember “Ka La OK” 的,有种优越感。 originated from Japan and the Japanese loved singing “Ka La OK”. It [1:26:54] 这 里 本 来 有 间 公 司 是 个 很 subsequently spread to China and to 小的房子,现在造的很漂亮。现在大 the big cities like Shanghai. There are 概是酒店,“ 上海外滩酒店 ”,哎 more recreational activities now. If it’s 呀 ~ 新的酒店,还没开张。“ 外滩 not singing “KTV” then people would 永华大酒店 ”,变化好大!上海现 be playing card games or going to some 在酒店好多!这里的房子好像和刚 bar. There are all kinds of things to do. 才 “ 犹太人区 ” 的房子差不多。 I think life is very rich living in



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新建路 便宜嗰酒店,蹲嘞嘞酒店里,应该就 是嘞箇搭。中国人口多,要是有亲戚 蹲嘞嘞外地嗰,逢年过节嗰要到上海 来吧?蹲嘞嘞啥地方就成了问题,因 为上海人箇辰光嗰房子太小了,挤嘞 一道老弗方便,所以有些是挤嘞一 道,而有些就只能寻便宜嗰旅馆之类 嗰蹲嘞一下。

[1:28:29] 本 来 我 记 得 这 里 是一个 货 Shanghai. People used to sleep at

运公司,后面的这栋大楼本来全部是 办公室的现在全部变成酒店了。本 来 “ 东长治路 ” 我以前经常经过 的,像刚才的 “ 东阳路 ”、“ 高阳 路 ”,几个同学也是住在这里的。 经常是来来回回的,现在变化真的很 大。现在马路拓宽了很大!现在看上 去真的是很舒服。这里的房子全部拆 [1:24:37] 箇搭前面是 “ 高阳路 ”, 掉了,因为要造地铁。 “ 高阳路 ” 上本来有嗰 “ 国际客 运码头 ”。现在世届上有老多游轮 [ 过东长治路左转 ] 停来箇搭,让游客下船游孛相,结束 之后再上船继续去其伊嗰地方游孛 [1:30:16] 相 。 我 记 得 箇 嗰 码 头 2008 年 开 通 Maxine:“ 这里是办公大楼吗?” 嗰。 女 声 :“ 对 , ” ( 男 声 : 师 傅 这 里 701 号 …) [ 高阳路上右转 ] Maxine:“ 这里本来是个厂,现在变 成了办公大楼。” [1:25:09] 本来上海是从渔业方面开 ……( 男女对话 ) 始嗰,后来逐渐发展成现代化嗰,尤 其是因为政府拿外滩弄嗰比较宽,弄 [1:30:37] 以 前 是一个 工 厂 , 结 果 现 得蛮漂亮嗰。上海人也觉着变化蛮大 在变成一栋办公大楼了。 嗰。现在外滩是旅游第一位嗰。 [1:31:36]( 男 声 : 讲一种 外 地 方 言 [1:26:11] 上 海 刚 开 始 弗 是 一 个 ……)刚才这个人说话听也听不懂, “ 市 ” ,伊被叫做 “ 上海县 ”, 肯定是外地人,不是上海人,因为上 伊是一个 “ 县 ”,嘞 1292 年,被 海人和外地人看上去是差不多的,都 称为 “ 县 ”。上海到现在已经有七 是中国人,但是一说话,他们用他们 百多年嗰历史了 ….. 嘞七百年之中, 的方言,我们用我们的方言,听不 弗断发展,成为了现在嗰现代化嗰大 懂。

around nine or ten but they go to bed later nowadays. Take me for example, I’m considered abnormal and basically sleep only at around two or three in the morning because I go on the internet and chat with my friends and a few foreigners. My parents also wait until it’s about eleven or midnight before going to bed. It is quite strange that people are sleeping later and later these days. The television programs are very rich these days and you see a lot more.

[57:04] I think this is a ‘shui zu…’it’s a market for fish and birds. Some people like to keep fishes, birds, dogs and cats. [On this part of Zhōushān Lù, Tílánqiáo prison is the complex on your left.]


There’s a lot of city development going on in Shanghai right now. You can see many places that have been razed to the ground. If they weren’t building a subway then they’d be building tunnels or commercial housing.

[58:04] I feel that when we talk about 74

Xinjian Lu 侪市。所以作为 “ 上海人 ”,是有 [1:32:23] 那里在拆房子,本来这里是 种自豪嗰,有种优越感。 所小学,每天放学的时候家长们都会 来这里接他们的子女。那时候会有很 [1:26:54] 箇搭本来有嗰公司 ? 是嗰老 多人拥在门口,马路很窄,很容易马 小嗰房子,现在造嗰老漂亮。现在大 路就会引起堵塞,比较危险。现在小 概是酒店,“ 上海外滩酒店 ”,哎 学什么的都拆掉了,为了造地铁,街 呀 ~ 新嗰酒店,还呒开张。“ 外滩 面的房子都拆掉了。 永华大酒店 ”,变化好大!上海现 在酒店吓多!箇搭嗰房子好像畀刚 [1:33:31] 基本上刚才走的一圈就是我 才 “ 犹太人区 ” 嗰房子差弗多。 小学、中学、幼儿园及平常经常走的 地方。真的不敢相信这里现在变成这 [1:28:29] 本 来 我 记 得 箇 搭 是一个 货 个样子了。以前住的房子已经没有 运公司,后面嗰箇栋大楼本来全部是 了,样样都没有了,我感觉比较遗 办公室嗰现在全部变成酒店了。本 憾,离开老房子的时候应该拍张照片 来 “ 东长治路 ” 我老朝经常经过 的。照片没拍,本来可以给我的子女 嗰,像刚才嗰 “ 东阳路 ”、“ 高阳 看看以前住过的地方,现在照片也没 路 ” , 几 嗰 同 学 也 是 蹲 嘞 嘞 箇 搭 拍,我感觉挺后悔的。 嗰。经常是来来回回嗰,现在变化真 嗰老大。现在马路拓宽了老大!现在 [ 在新建路停 ] 看上去真嗰是老舒服。箇搭嗰房子全 部拆脱了,因为要造地铁。 [1:34:35] 这 里 的 角 度 倒 是 挺 好 的 , 因为那里在造的就是 “ 国际航运中 [ 过东长治路左转 ] 心 ”,以后那里会有办公室,娱乐 生活样样都有,很多的。如果这里的 [1:30:16] 房子不拆,我觉得住在这里还是不错 Maxine:“ 箇搭是办公大楼吗?” 的。因为从这里能看到一个很好的视 女 声 :“ 对 , ” ( 男 声 : 师 傅 箇 搭 野,有很多好的建筑。而且这里离外 701 号 …) 滩近,离市中心也比较方便。 Maxine:“ 箇搭本来是嗰厂,现在变 成了办公大楼。” ……( 男女对话 ) 75

the establishment of Shanghai, we must not forget the Waìdìrén. They have made a lot of contributions to the building of Shanghai. Sometimes, the Shanghainese have a sense of ‘superiority’. They say the Shanghainese have a sense of superiority and look down on the Waìdìrén. It’s not right to do so because I feel that we have a lot to thank the Waìdìrén for. But how should I put it? When the Waìdìrén come to Shanghai, they sometimes don’t behave well and embarrass the locals. I sometimes hang out with foreigners and when they see some Waìdìrén behaving poorly, they think that they are Shanghainese and that that’s how Shanghainese behave. I see this as a misunderstanding and I have to explain to them that those people are not from Shanghai. [Cross Zhāngyáng Lù 张杨路 ]

[59:04] This is the ‘Shanghai Jewish Refugee Memorial’ 17. During the ‘Second World War’, the Jews who lived and studied here. Those who studied here, lived here. It is a pretty well-known Jewish synagogue.



Xinjian Lu



[1:30:37] 老 朝 箇 搭 是一个 工 厂 , 结 果现在变成一栋办公大楼了。 [1:31:36]( 男 声 : 讲一种 外 地 方 言

……)刚才箇嗰人讲话听也听弗懂, 肯定是外地人,弗是上海人,因为上 海人畀外地人看上去是差弗多嗰,侪 是中国人,要是一讲闲话,伊拉用伊 拉嗰当地方言,阿拉用阿拉嗰方言, 听弗懂。

[1:32:23] 埃 面 嘞 拆 房 子 , 本 来 箇 搭

是所小学,每天放学嗰辰光家长们侪 会来箇搭接伊拉嗰子女。箇辰光会有 老多人拥嘞门口,箇辰光马路老窄, 我记得老容易马路就会引起堵塞,比 较危险。现在小学啥嗰侪拆脱了,为 了造地铁,街面嗰房子侪拆脱了。

[1:33:31] 基本上刚才走嗰一圈就是我 小学、中学、幼儿园及平常经常走嗰 地方。我真嗰弗敢相信箇搭现在变成 箇嗰样子了。我老朝蹲嘞嗰房子已经 呒有了,样样侪呒有了,我感觉比较 后悔,我离开老房子嗰辰光应该拍张 照片嗰。照片呒拍让我感觉老后悔, 本来可以畀我嗰子女看看我老朝蹲嘞 过嗰地方,现在照片也呒拍,我觉着 蛮后悔嗰。 [ 在新建路停 ]

[59:28] I remember a tourist once

shared with me that the houses the Jews lived in were similar to the houses in London. There used to be a place to have coffee when the Jews lived here, as well as a restaurant and a small shop. Everything across the street has been demolished, except this place.

[1:00:03] This is where the Jews lived. The houses here are a little taller and darker, and a bit deeper. They would make soup and other dishes. They lived amongst the Shanghainese here. Back then they could even speak a bit of Shanghainese because the locals taught them. Some of the famous politicians from other countries used to live here. They’d sometimes come back to have a look because this was their second home. About a year ago, I had this tourist who was Jewish. He was only seven or eight back then when he lived here. But when he re-visited this place, he was already over eighty years old. He said he used to live here and came back because he wanted to look for his old house. He brought his grandson, granddaughter, son and daughter here 78

Xinjian Lu

[1:34:35] 箇 搭 嗰 角 度 倒 是 蛮 好 嗰 , 因为埃面嘞造嗰就是 “ 国际航运中 心 ”,下趟埃面会有办公室,娱乐 生活样样侪有,老多嗰。要是箇搭嗰 房子弗拆,我觉着蹲嘞嘞箇搭还是弗 错嗰。因为箇搭可以看到一个老好嗰 视野,有老多好嗰建筑。而且箇搭离 外滩近,离市中心也比较方便。

to retrace their ancestry.

[1:01:15] Besides here in “Hóngkǒu District”, the Jews in Shanghai had another place over at ‘Fāzǔjiè’ 27 called ‘Jiànguó Lù’. The names of the streets were not the same back then, they’re different from the ones we have now.

[1:01:42] Look, this was their ‘Zao Pi

Jian’ 28 where people used to gather and make dinner. It’s very scary to be here alone at night, it’s very deep.

[1:02:27] You can see lots of people selling ginger in Shanghai.

[Passes by several old men playing a game of Carrom on the street.] Old male voice: “Do you know this? Have a look, do you know it?” This is pool? Is this pool? Pool is very interesting.

[1:02:59] We’ve just celebrated the New Year and there’s still a bit of that festive feeling in the air. [Enter Huòshān Park]




Xinjian Lu

[1:03:37] You can already hear the birds singing. This is “Huòshān Park”. It is also where the Jews used to come often and hang out. Originally, old people would come in the mornings to practice taichi or do some Guang Bo Cao 29. Also, there are birds here. [1:04:25] In Shanghai, there were lots

of parks in 2008 that used to charge an entrance fee. Since 2008, many parks have become free because the government wanted to encourage everyone to visit the parks more to do some exercises and enjoy the greenery. It’s good for health. I think this is a good move by the government. Like ‘Fāzǔjiè’’s ‘Fùxīng Park’, you’d normally go there and see a bunch of people singing and dancing. I think there are many group activities that can enrich our lives and make everyone healthier. Where are the birds? Oh, over there. Some people come here to play cards.

[1:05:48] Compared to having a dog or

a cat, it’s much easier keeping a bird. You only have to feed this to the bird, only a little bit. You can’t let it fly


新建路 because if it did, you’d never be able to catch it. Take me for example, I have a bird at home but it’s fake and it makes a sound when you push it. [Points to bird] This bird is well taken care of by its owner.

[1:05:40] I think the kids these days, our next generation, are way more fortunate than we were. They basically have whatever they want and they’ve got everything. As the only child, they are usually pampered and cultivate some habits that aren’t very good later on in the future. Their parents spoil them too much. [Note: in this case ‘Parents’ could also include motherand father-in-laws] So I think the problem is way we educate our children. In Shanghai, young married couples normally have to work and have no time to bring up their child or educate them. Basically their parents would bring up their child. This again creates a dilemma of how the child should be brought up. I still think that the kids that are born these days are very fortunate. They have everything when they are born. I 82

Xinjian Lu


新建路 only got my first computer five years ago and I even had to get a loan from my dad to buy it. I had only just started working at the time. I asked my dad for a computer and he said he would give me a loan for it. I began to pay him back every month after I started working. My father was very strict with me and taught me like a boy even though I’m a girl. Because of that, I’ve developed a stronger personality and became more independent. But kids these days, kids are really very fortunate, they have everything.

[1:08:19] There are so many old people here playing cards! They don’t play mahjong anymore, they play cards. [1:08:50]

Maybe I’ll invite my classmates to a park and play cards when I’m old. All of us will have time when we’re old. I feel it’s really hard for everyone to meet up now. Sometimes I wonder what I’ll do when I’m old and retired. These days, I think often think about this, it’s very strange. I think about how there would be five-star nursing homes when we are 50 or 60 years old and that I would go there and relax. 84

Xinjian Lu [Exit park, turn left and walk west along Huòshān Lù 霍山路 and continue along Dōngdàmíng Lù 东大名路 ]

[1:10:01] Shanghai to me feels too modernized because every time I go to another city, I would feel ‘relaxed’. The feeling Shanghai gives me is that there’s too much pressure and too many tall buildings. I feel oppressed. Now sometimes I get tourists from other countries who tell me that they are actually here because they would like to look at some old things, like old architecture for example, anything as long as they’re old. But when they come to Shanghai they’d discover that there are fewer and fewer old things and there are skyscrapers everywhere. This is why sometimes I find this question awkward and I can’t answer it. When you go to Suzhou or the places surrounding Shanghai however, there are many famous scenic spots. You’d be able to feel the history and culture of China and you’d feel very comfortable. I think Shanghai is really a place for people with money because it really is too expensive. Go have a look at Shanghai’s city centre and you will realize that very few people 85



Xinjian Lu


新建路 actually live there. Those who do are either foreigners or people who are rich. The feeling Shanghai gives us now is that there’s a lot of pressure. Before 2009, I thought I’d stay in Shanghai for the rest of my life because I was born in Shanghai, and it’s got everything and everything is good and convenient. But since the beginning of 2009, I had this idea that perhaps I would want to leave Shanghai one day because there is too much pressure. If someone asked me where my first choice to live would be if I left Shanghai my answer would be Hangzhou. Because the West Lake in Hangzhou makes people feel very comfortable. Relatively speaking, everything costs less in Hangzhou compared to Shanghai. I think Shanghai is a good place to make money. For other people coming to Shanghai, it’s not a good place to live in.

[1:13:04] This is a very famous place in

Hóngkǒu District- ‘Tílánqiáo’. There used to be a ‘Dàmíng Movie Theatre’ here but they have torn this place down completely. We used to come 88

Xinjian Lu here very often to catch a show after school because one of our schoolmate’s dad worked as a manager at the movie theatre. Some of the tickets we got were very cheap and we even got free tickets for two years. That’s why we often came here to watch movies. They’ve demolished everything to build the “International Shipping Center”. There was a small restaurant and a small hotel on the edge with people still staying there but they’ve all been torn down now. They’re all gone. This movie theatre here left the deepest impression on me because we could go there often to see a movie.

[1:14:07] This is ‘Tílánqiáo’, the most

historical place in Hóngkǒu District. The government of Hóngkǒu District had wanted to protect this area originally so that it wouldn’t be demolished. It shouldn’t have been demolished because it had so much historical and cultural value. I don’t know why it all got pulled down, it’s gone.

[1:15:25] They are probably building a ‘Tílánqiáo Historical and Cultural Center’ now because they want to




Xinjian Lu


新建路 commemorate the history of ‘Tílánqiáo’ and let everyone visit and learn about its history. They have demolished this entire area now. This used to be a one-way street but they’ve expanded it and later on made it a twoway street. Now the road is four-lanes wide and now goes straight to Wàitān. It was very inconvenient when it was a one-way street. This is the most important road to get to Wàitān.

[1:16:05] These two buildings here, I used to work in one of them three years ago. They’ve knocked down everything in the surroundings except these two buildings. This is ‘Minshang Gongyong’. My boss and colleagues are all in there, so are the many people who live there and the companies that rent a space there. There are many buildings in Shanghai that are ‘Min Shang Liang Yong’ 30. [1:16:54] We have a saying in Shanghai: “ 一年一个 样 , 三 年 大 变 样 ” 31. This is exactly what Shanghai is like. I left this place three years ago and haven’t been back since, until today. Looking around, I feel that this place has really changed a lot. It’s 92

Xinjian Lu changed so much that I don’t even recognize it anymore. I really can’t describe it with words. It’s very impressive how Shanghai has developed like this, really very impressive. It’s estimated that 70 million people will come to visit the World Expo so all the construction thus far is for the World Expo. I’m also looking forward to there being many guests coming to the World Expo because there are already many people who have contacted me about coming to Shanghai. China is now one of the top ten travel destinations in the world. Many of the foreigners who have never visited seem to have a lot of misunderstandings about China. They think that China is an old society. Old life, old society, they don’t know. But once they come, they’ll be surprised and say “Oh! So this is what China is like! It’s not very old.” In the end, everyone who comes to China will like Shanghai and Beijing very much. Some people say that they will come back again because they really like this city. Food, clothes, everything is very convenient. This is also why the number of people in Shanghai is increasing. The Lǎowài have come, the 93



Xinjian Lu Waìdìrén have also come, and they are not going back. There are some Waìdìrén who don’t have jobs and came to Shanghai illegally. They sleep in the parks after coming here. Maybe one of their relatives was building a house in Shanghai and brought them along. They won’t leave after they come.

[1:19:35] This is Dōngdàmíng Lù.

Dōngdàmíng Lù is one of the most important roads that goes to the Bund. They are going to build Subway Line 12 over there on Dōngdàmíng Lù, which is why we saw so many buildings being torn down already. I’m thinking this place is probably going to have a new look again if I came back three years later, I definitely would not be able to recognize this place anymore.

[1:20:27] I realized that the most prominent sounds you hear on the streets are those of cars, motorcycles and mopeds. [1:20:54] In addition, I notice that the gap between the rich and the poor is quite large- the rich are very rich and the poor are very poor. The rich will 95

新建路 look for someone rich to marry while the poor can only look for another poor person to marry, thus causing this disparity to grow wider. I really think it needs some balancing out. I’ve also heard that in People’s Square hundreds of parents would go there to help their children look for a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Maybe their children are too busy at work or some other reason, but these parents would put up lots of information on the trees in People’s Square. For example, how old their daughter is, what kind of job she has, how much she makes every month and what kind of man she is looking for. Such situations can be quite embarrassing because they reveal all your personal information. Sometimes a father would wear a photograph of his son across his chest and stand there to show other people. There are all sorts of things that exist in Shanghai, all sorts of strange things.

[1:22:30] The houses here are more expensive, maybe around twenty to thirty thousand per square. Because the view here is better, you can see Wàitān from here. Basically there are more foreigners who live here.


Xinjian Lu



[1:23:33] This used to be a hotel but it’s

now a ‘Nónggōngshāng Supermarket’. I have an uncle who lives in Suzhou and he could never stay at my place whenever he visited Shanghai because our house was too small. So every time he came to Shanghai, he could only look for a cheaper hotel and stay there, probably right here. China has a big population and if you had relatives living in a different city, they would come to Shanghai on Chinese New Year or other festivals, right? Accommodation then becomes a problem because the houses that Shanghainese lived in during that time were really too small and it would be very inconvenient for everyone to bunk together. Some would have to look for a cheap hotel or something to stay for a while.

[1:24:37] That’s Gāoyáng Lù up ahead. There used to be an ‘International Ferry Terminal’ on Gāoyáng Lù. Nowadays there are many cruise ships from all over the world that berth here. Tourists get off for a visit then get back on the ship and continue to other places for travel. I remember this port opened in 2008. 98

Xinjian Lu [Turn right on Gāoyáng Lù 高阳路 ]

[1:25:09] Shanghai started out with

the fishing industry then gradually developed and became more modernized, especially since the government made Wàitān wider. They’ve made it look quite pretty. The Shanghainese feel that the changes are pretty big too. Wàitān is now number one tourist destination here.

[1:26:11] Shanghai didn’t used to be a ‘Shì’. It was called ‘Shànghǎi Xiàn’ 32. It was a ‘Xiàn’ and it was named one in 1292. Shanghai’s history is over 700 years old and in those 700 years, it’s never stopped developing and it has become a big and modernized city today. And that’s why being Shanghainese comes a certain element of pride and superiority. [1:26:54] There used to be a company

here that wasa very small house, it’s now been built very beautifully. It’s probably a hotel, ‘The Bund Hotel Shanghai’. Ah, a new hotel! It’s not open yet. ‘The Bund Yong Hua Grand Hotel’, how much it has changed! There are so many hotels in Shanghai 99

新建路 now! The houses here seem to resemble the ones in the Jewish District.

[1:28:29] I remember this used to be a

freight company office. The building behind used to be an office building they’ve all turned into hotels now. I used to pass by Dōngchángzhì Lù very often, and my schoolmates lived on Dongyang Lu and Gāoyáng Lù. I would go back and forth these streets very often. The changes here are really very big. They’ve broadened the roads and they are so wide now! They look very comfortable now. They’ve torn down all the houses here because of construction of the subway. [Cross Dōngchángzhì Lù 东长治路 and turn left.]


Maxine: “Am I at the office building?” Female voice: “Yes,” (Male voice: Shifu, this is number 701…) Maxine: “This used to be a factory but it’s now an office building.” (Conversation between a man and a 100

Xinjian Lu woman)

[1:30:37] It used to be a factory but it’s ended up becoming an office building. [1:31:36] (Male voice: Speaking in a

non-local dialect) I couldn’t understand what this person’s just said either, he must be from another city, not a Shanghainese. The Shanghainese and the non-locals look very similar. They are all Chinese but once we start talking, they would use their own dialect and we would use our own dialect. We wouldn’t be able to understand each another.

[1:32:23] They’re tearing down a house over there and there used to be an elementary school here. You would see parents here every day picking up their sons and daughters after school. There would be many people crammed at the gate, the road was very narrow and it was kind of dangerous because the road would get blocked easily. They’ve now pulled down all the schools and buildings here for the building of the subway. They’ve removed all the houses facing the road as well. 101



Xinjian Lu

[1:33:31] Basically we’ve just walked a big circle to the elementary school, middle school, and kindergarten I attended, as well as the areas I used to frequent. I really cannot believe that this place has transformed into what it is now. The place I lived in is gone. Everything’s gone. It’s a pity that I didn’t take any photos of the old house before we left. I could have shown my kids where I used to live but I don’t have any pictures, I feel quite regretful. [Stop at the Xīnjiàn Lù intersection] [1:34:35] The view here is pretty good

because they’re building the International Ferry Terminal over there and there’s going to be offices, lifestyle and entertainment establishments. There’s going to be plenty of everything. If they hadn't demolished the houses here, I think living here would still have been pretty good because you have a great view and there is a lot of nice architecture. It’s also close to Wàitān and convenient to get to the city center.



Footnotes 1) The Shanghai Bund. buildings in Shanghai are registered 2) Simple noodle dish. buildings and need special permission 3) Household register is a document to alter. that shows all the registered 15) Even though you have a great

occupants in a residence. Mainly for census use. 4) Customs clearing company. 5) [ 浜 ] ‘Bang’ is a creek. 6) ‘Nòngtáng’ is an old-style Shanghainese neighborhood usually with many alleyways and low -rise housing within a city block. 7) ‘Chāi’ 拆 means to tear down, or dismantle. Usually ‘ 拆 ’ is spray painted on the parts of buildings that are to be demolished. 8) Foot massage store. 9) Seasoned duck soup with vermicelli. 10) ‘Xiāngyān Páizi’- cigarette shop. 11) ‘Chòudòufu’ 臭豆腐 or ‘smelly tofu’ is a fried or grilled snack made with fermented ‘smelly’ tofu. ‘Yi Tang’ is a snack made of malt sugar. Sometimes it is heated and designs can be made while it is in liquid form. 12) The waltz in three-step and fourstep. 13) 东余杭路 499 号 14) Some architecturally significant

view, you live so close to the road that you are ‘eating’ so much dust. 16) City planning to make areas more green by planting trees and plants. 17) Hukou is a residence permit for the city you are registered. 18) ‘Bazi’ is a Shanghainese term to describe people who have never seen the world and hold a prejudice against non-locals. 19) 福赐公寓。东余杭路 578 弄 20) ‘Fārén Zū’ or ‘Fāzūjiè’ mean French Concession 21) ‘Waìdì Rén’- Chinese people from other cities outside of Shanghai. 22) ‘Lǎowài’- People from countries outside China. 24) ‘Shāoxiāng Xǔyuàn’ 烧 香 许 愿 burn incense and make vows. 25) Three-wheeled vehicle used as local taxi. 26) ‘Huòshān Park’ has a monument dedicated to the Jewish population in Shanghai during the World War 2. The Ohel Moshe synagogue, one of two original synagogues in Shanghai, now

is the site of the jewish refugees museum. 62 Zhǎngyáng Lù. 27) Shanghai French Concession. 28) A ‘Zao Pi Jian’ is permanent fixture in a kitchen to cook food on with usually a stone or concrete base where the coal or wood fire would burn. In Shanghainese, it generally means ‘kitchen’. 29) ‘Guǎngbō Cāo’ is a morning exercise usually done together with a large group of people. 30) Apartment buildings that can have both apartments and business offices. The business offices are converted apartments. 31) Every year there is change, but every three years there is a very big change. 32) ‘Shì’ means city, ‘Xiàn’ means county.


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