2014 maryvale sale catalogue

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2014 Maryvale “Power in the Pedigree” Bull & Female Sale Tuesday 25th February 2014

- Inspection from midday sale at 3.00pm Vogt Family - Ph: 08 8566 2045 Fax: 08 8566 3601 Email: maryvalelim@bigpond.com RSD 1315 Marrabel Road, Kapunda SA 5373 Mobile Contact: 0407 959 836 (Simon) 0407 959 837 (Matt) Property Located 10km North of Kapunda on the Marrabel Road


Welcome to the Maryvale “Power in the Pedigree” Bull and Female Sale Welcome to our 2014 catalogue and on-property sale. We are really pleased to offer you this exciting line-up of Limousin bulls, females, and genetic packages. The genetic merit of the bulls and females that we are offering on Tuesday 25th February is outstanding and a direct function of the “Power in the Pedigree” that backs up each of these animals.

Some of the highlights of our 2014 offering include the following: •

Lot 1 Maryvale Hammertime – an outstanding black & polled ET son of TMF Westwood

Lot 3 – Maryvale Halfback - an excellent Scur/Polled French Pure bull

Lot 6 & Lot 11 – Maryvale Hunter and Maryvale Hitch – two great bulls with the soft body type we strive for!

The first draft of bulls by our $13,000 sire Froghollow Enigma – they are big numbered and very structurally sound. Check out Maryvale Hugo (Lot 5) and Maryvale Hedge Fund (Lot 16). Homo Polled tests are pending on both of these sensational bulls

Lot 26 – Maryvale Caitlyn & her exciting bull calf at foot Maryvale Justice J476

Lot 28 – a really smart Homo Polled ET daughter of TMF Westwood

An unbelievable selection of semen packages in our exclusive semen sires

RPY Paynes Derby (Homo Polled) GHR Polled Aftershock (Polled French Pure) TMF Westwood (Homo Polled) RLF Yardley (Homo Polled & Homo Black) TMF Arizona (Homo Polled) 100% of 2014 sale lots carrying the polled gene

The introduction of our phenotypic score card for assessing the breeding potential of our semen sires

Large scrotal size across the whole draft of bulls

We have had a great year here at Maryvale. With the support of new and repeat clients the highlights have included selling stud bulls to $9,500, stud females to $10,000, semen to $1,100 per dose, and strong private selection sales. Another highlight has been witnessing the positive influence of our new generation sires TMF Westwood, TMF Arizona, Maryvale Grange, and RLF Yardley. September 2013 also saw the arrival of the first set of calves by Maryvale Federa on Canadian soil. Top Meadow Farms have been rapt with their Maryvale Federa progeny which all arrived unassisted and with moderate birth weight. The “Maryvale Cow Time Sale” was also very successful with 72 stud females being sold from coast to coast. The most rewarding aspect across the last 12 months however has been the pleasure of showing a record number of cattle breeders through the Maryvale herd. We truly enjoy the opportunity to talk Limousin cattle with our colleagues in the beef industry. We are also excited by the growth in demand for Australian beef by burgeoning markets such as China. We acknowledge that 2013 saw a softening in beef prices, however the long term fundamentals for beef remain very strong and exciting. We also acknowledge that it has been a tough year for many northern and pastoral beef producers with prolonged dry conditions. We look forward to the next big rain in these areas and to see the country flourish again under the influence of rainfall. We know what it feels like to have dry times and it isn’t pleasant. One of the most enjoyable aspects of showing fellow Limousin breeders and beef producers through our herd is the opportunity to receive feedback on our breeding objectives and the type of cattle that we are striving to produce. Based on feedback and observation these are the things which we believe we are doing well. •

We have developed a unique type of Limousin at Maryvale with true softness and finishing ability. The level of softness inherent in our cattle does not happen in one or two generations. The softness in our breeding herd and sale bulls is the result of at least four or five generations of genetic selection on this trait.

Our herd also has an excellent level of structural soundness. This is demonstrated by animals which have excellent feet, a good depth of heel, good angularity in their rear legs, and smooth shoulders. This is supported by our strict policy of no hoof trimming – what you see is exactly what you get. We have also utilised independent structural assessor Dick Whale to structurally score our cattle each year since 2007.

Excellent udder quality. This has come about through strict selection on udder quality for the last seven years. Good udder quality is not only aesthetically pleasing, it also ensures that calves can get their first drink with ease and it also allows females to have longevity in the cow herd. •


Excellent docility. Our cattle and our herd are very docile by EBV and by nature. This has been observed by clients, vets, agents, and our colleagues across a number of breeds. A number of Limousin breeders have suggested to us that across large contempory groups our cattle are even quieter than their EBV’s suggest. This is just the way we like it!

The pursuit of Polledness and Homozygous Polledness. For the last three years, and in particular the last two joinings, we have used almost exclusively Homo Polled Limousin bulls. 100% of the animals and lots in this catalogue carry the polled gene. What is even more exciting is the Homozygous Polled bulls which we have been able to source to achieve this. As a group they are very consistent with each of our other breeding objectives.

Slick, fine hair coats. We like slick coated cattle and those that are first to develop a shiny coat in Spring and early summer. This trait is linked with softness and doing ability. Slick coated cattle present better in the market place and perform really well in pastoral environments.

Maternal strength. This has also been achieved through multiple generations of genetic selection on cattle that can perform in our environment and raise a fresh calf each year. We have a very short April to October growing season here at Maryvale and access to protein and energy from pasture outside of the June to November grazing months is limited. High stocking rate pressure has also enhanced this genetic selection process.

Our focus and recognition of industry needs and requirements and in particular the ability for our cattle to meet a wide range of market specifications. This was reinforced in October 2013 when we sold a line of grass finished pure Limousin heifers that averaged $1,148.57 head. Most of these heifers hit the premium MSA and EU grid, resulting in a 40 to 50 cents per kilogram premium.

Genetic diversity. While we have established a consistent type we have also been able to keep our genetic combinations “fresh” with new and exciting sire lines introduced each year. This has generally been achieved by focusing on a blend of Canadian and Australian genetics to produce the type of cattle that we strive for.

The catalogued draft of bulls also offers the same great opportunities that commercial producers come to expect of us. The strength of the Limousin breed, which cannot easily be replicated, is the breed’s capacity to produce high red meat yielding carcases. Like the Prime Lamb sires in the sheep industry our bulls provide an opportunity for producers to increase growth rates, increase muscling, improve carcase quality, and capitalise on hybrid vigour. We are really pleased with the years and years of genetic selection that has resulted in the softer, docile type of Limousin bulls that we now produce. These bulls have proven performance across a wide range of environments including stellar performance in the far north pastoral regions. The average 200, 400, and 600 day growth EBV’s of the entire draft of bulls place them in the Top 15% of the breed for growth. While achieving this phenomenal growth there is also a good selection of moderate birth weight, positive calving ease bulls across the draft. Whether or not you are in the market for a bull or female this year we extend a very warm welcome to you to attend our fourth on-property sale on Tuesday 25th February. We hope that you can join us to enjoy our hospitality.


the Helmsman auction SYSTEM This method of purchasing livestock combines the best features of both the auction system and the private selection process. We have chosen this selling system to provide our clients with an equal opportunity to operate on all of our bulls and females on offer while still maintaining some of the benefits of the private selection process that we have used in the past. Buyers have the opportunity to bid on any lots in the sale simultaneously and can bid on any lot right until the end of the sale. This process removes some of the pressure of a traditional auction and can assist you to purchase your animals of choice. Landmark will be facilitating the Helmsman auction process for us on the day of the sale. All agents will be offered 4% commission on any lots that they purchase on behalf of clients, provided that they introduce their buying clients to us, in writing, 24 hours before the start of the sale.

The Benefits 1. You have more time to consider lodging a bid. You can place genuine bids on any lot of your choice at any time during the sale period. Just remember, if you are only after one bull, only bid on one bull at a time – if your first choice exceeds your limit you can then start bidding on your next choice. 2. You have the opportunity to re-assess each lot during the sale period without any pressure to make an instant decision. 3. You have a greater opportunity to take home the lot numbers that you want, irrespective of sale lot order. For example, if your first choice is Lot 11 and your second choice was actually an earlier Lot, such as Lot 6, you can see what price Lot 11 makes before having to consider your second choice, even though your second choice was catalogued earlier. 4. When buying multiple lots, the helmsman process gives you the opportunity to average your purchase prices to suit your budget.

The Process 1. On arrival, the intending purchasers register at the bid table and receive a buyer number and a number of bid cards. 2. All animals will be penned and available for inspection on the day of the sale, with all relevant information provided in the catalogue. 3. When the sale commences, all lots are on the market simultaneously. You can bid on any animal, regardless of lot number, by filling out a bid card and handing it to a ‘runner’. 4. You may open the bidding at the upset price for each lot and the subsequent minimum bid size is $250 for live lots. There is no limit on the maximum size of the bid, however it must be greater than or equal to $250 or multiples thereof. 5. The upset prices for each lot will be provided on the day of the sale. 6. Bids are recorded with the bidder’s buyer number on a large board within the sale tent area. You can bid on any number of lots at once and can see at a glance whether your bid still stands or has been out bid. 7. There is no pressure to commit yourself to another bid. If your first choice animal goes over your limit you can still bid on any other animal in the sale. 8. A bid once submitted and recorded cannot be retracted, and the person submitting such a bid will be responsible for it, unless it is subsequently out bid. 9. The sale will remain open for a minimum of 20 minutes. Any registered bids after this minimum sale time will result in an extension of the auction for a specified length of time. 10. Further bids will trigger the same process until no more bids are received in a specified period, which will signify the end of the sale.


Sale Day Information Sale Date: Tuesday 25th February 2014 Sale at 3.00pm - Inspection from midday

25 Limousin & Lim-Flex Bulls 5 Limousin Females 30 Semen Lots Key Contacts Landmark will be facilitating the sale for us by Helmsman Auction. Phone Bidding Phone Bidding can be arranged in advance by contacting one of the following key contacts within Landmark: Malcolm Scroop Gordon Wood Trevor Driver Ray Atwell Peter Godbolt

– Landmark Stud Stock – SA – Landmark Stud Stock – SA – Landmark SA & NT Area Manager – Landmark Stud Stock – Melbourne – Landmark Stud Stock – Albury

– 0428 838 363 – 0408 813 215 – 0428 241 049 – 0428 836 136 – 0457 591 929

Rebates to outside agents We appreciate the strong support that has been shown to us by Landmark and many other agents over the history of our stud. A 4% rebate will be made available to all outside agents purchasing stock at the sale of behalf of clients. Outside agents must introduce the clients to us in writing 24 hours before the start of the sale to be eligible for the 4% rebate. Please feel free to contact Simon Vogt on 0407 959 836 to discuss this matter or email simon. vogt@bigpond.com

Insurance Animals will become the responsibility of the purchasers at the conclusion of the sale. We strongly recommend insuring your animals for a 3, 6, or 12 month period at the conclusion of the sale. Insurance can be arranged with Landmark as required.

Freight & Travel We are willing to hold animals for a reasonable period after the sale to enable purchasers to coordinate the successful and efficient transport of animals home to their properties. We can provide recommendations of suitable stud stock carriers and will assist wherever we can to ensure the safe and efficient transport of animals to your home property. Please contact Matt Vogt on 0407 959 837 in regard to the freight and transport of animals post the sale.

Location and Accommodation Our property is located 10 kilometres North of Kapunda on the road to Marrabel on the Eastern side of the road. We are located approximately 1.5 hours North of the Adelaide Airport. We are located between the two small townships of Allendale North and Hamilton. Our property has a “Maryvale Limousin” sign on the main road. Accommodation is readily available in both the nearby Barossa and Clare Valleys which are both very renowned areas of attraction.

Please Note: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that all of the details presented in this catalogue are accurate and correct we cannot guarantee that the content is free of any errors or omissions.


Information on the Animals for Sale Health and Structural Soundness Maryvale is MN3 Accredited under the BJD Market Assurance Program. All bulls have been vaccinated twice with 7 in 1, and have also been vaccinated against vibriosis and pesti-virus. All animals have been independently structurally assessed by Dick Whale of IBMS. If you would like to discuss any animals with Dick he can be contacted on 0427 697 968. As mentioned all the bulls and females catalogued for this sale have been inspected and assessed on the IBMS Type/ Structure system, by Dick Whale. They were all considered acceptable for soundness and muscling. If any potential buyers would like to discuss any of the bulls at any time, please contact Dick on 0427 697 968.

A guide to EBV Information Calving Ease

Calving ease EBV’s are based on calving ease (CE) scores, birth weights and gestation length. The more positive the calving ease EBV, the easier calving the bull’s progeny should be.

Birth Weight

Birth weight EBV (kg) is based on the measured birth weight of animals, adjusted for dam age. The lower the value, the lighter the calf at birth and the lower the likelihood of a difficult birth. This is particularly important when selecting sires for use over heifers.


200 Day Milk EBV (kg) is an estimate of an animals milking ability. For sires, this EBV is indicative of their daughter’s milking ability as it effects the 200 Day weights of their calves.

200 Day Growth

200 Day Growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of animals taken between 80 & 300 days of age. Values are adjusted to 200 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for growth to early stages.

400 Day Growth

400 Day Growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of the animals taken between 301 and 500 days, adjusted to 400 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for yearling weight.

600 Day Growth

600 Day Growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of animals taken between 501 and 900 days of age, adjusted to 600 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for growth beyond yearling age.


Docility EBV (%) is based on the animals docility score taken at weaning and estimates the genetic differences for docility. A more positive EBV indicates more docile progeny.

Domestic Terminal $ Index

Estimates the genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow joined for an example commercial crossbred herd (run in a temperate environment) targeting grass finished production for the domestic trade. Animals are assumed to be pasture grown with finished progeny weighing 475kg at 18 months, from British Breed cows. All progeny are slaughtered.


AuctionsPlus Information Electronic Online Auctions www.auctionsplus.com.au 02 9262 4222 The Maryvale Limousin Production Sale is a helmsman sale linked with AuctionsPlus. This allows buyers to place bids online over the AuctionsPlus system. To bid via AuctionsPlus, contact your local agent or register online at least 48 hours prior to the sale commencing. Registration is free and easy, click the register tab on the AuctionsPlus homepage. If you are already an AuctionsPlus user simply log on with your username and password then click connect to continue to the Maryvale sale.

The AuctionsPlus contact for this Sale: Landmark AuctionsPlus Coordinator Tim Bayliss 0457 568 803

1st time users of AuctionsPlus must click on DOWNLOADS found within the Left-hand side Menu to make sure SILVERLIGHT has been installed on your computer. This software allows you to access the site and sale. SILVERLIGHT can take up to 10 minutes to download. 1st time users will also need to register with AuctionsPlus to receive log in details. Remember to have your PIC number and contact details ready when you register. All of your local livestock agents should be able to assist you with bidding in an AuctionsPlus auction if required.



Lot 1 - Maryvale Hammertime H300 (Black & Polled) Identifier




Identifier Age

AMSPH300 22 Months

DOB Pedigree



22 Months TMF Tankard

TMF Westwood Pedigree TMF Westwood Maryvale Day Lilly

Maryvale Day Lilly

Lot 1 - Maryvale Hammertime H300 (Black & Polled)

TMF 902P TMF WulfsTankard Ridgley TMF 902PApril 5880 Maryvale Wulfs Ridgley

Maryvale CalvingApril 5880 Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H300 +2.2 -3.3 +1.3 +4 +24 +43 +67 +59 +$49 Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Weight bull that Milkis very easy Growth Growth Growth $ Index Comment: MN3 Herd. We lead offLength with an exceptional to get excited about. The result of a EBV very successful ET Maryvale H300 +2.2 -3.3 +1.3 +4 +24 +43 +67 +59 +$49 flush, Hammertime recorded a very moderate 36 kilogram birthweight and yet chalked up the highest 200 and 400 day weight amongst Breed Average -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 softness, +27soundness, +26 his 75 contempories. In+0.2 addition to his outstanding objective performance he is also unmatched for volume, and

docility. We consider Maryvale Hammertime to be the best bull that we have offered so far and one of the very best sons of our legendary Comment: We lead off2% with bull Top that 10% is very to get traits. excited about.full The result of aand very50% successful ET breeding bullMN3 TMFHerd. Westwood. Top foranallexceptional $ Indexes and foreasy all growth Selling possession marketing flush, Hammertime recorded a very moderate 36 kilogram birthweight and yet chalked up the highest 200 and 400 day weight amongst rights. A very marketable bull - let the genetic progress begin! his 75 contempories. In addition to his outstanding objective performance he is also unmatched for volume, softness, soundness, and docility. We consider Maryvale Hammertime to be the best bull that we have offered so far and one of the very best sons of our legendary breeding bull TMF Westwood. Top 2% for all $ Indexes and Top 10% for all growth traits. Selling full possession and 50% marketing rights. A very marketable bull - let the genetic progress begin!

Lot 2 - Maryvale Halberg H319 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier Age DOB Pedigree Age

12/06/12 AMSPH319 20 Months 12/06/12

Lot 2 - Maryvale Halberg H319 (Polled)

20 Months Hunt Mr Jock Birubi Jock Diplomat D140 Pedigree Lloyds Wunda Hunt Mr Jock ROMN Birubi Jock Diplomat D140Justice Palmdale Uroma C7Lloyds Wunda Palmdale Roma ROMN Justice Palmdale Uroma C7 Palmdale Roma Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H319 +3.9 -4.3 +1.3 +10 +25 +48 +61 +25 +$52 Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Comment: MN3 Herd. +3.9 When industry speaks - we listen carefully! is a direct result breeding program. Maryvale H319 -4.3 +1.3 +10 This bull+25 +48 of our industry +61 focused+25 +$52 Maryvale Halberg offers+0.2 moderate birthweight, explosive ability. You +38 have to admire and Breed Average -1.7 +1.5 growth,+5and unmatched +16 finishing+27 +27the softness +26 easy keeping body type that this bull has to offer which will allow his progeny to finish quickly and be the first to market. Top 10% for all growth traits Top When 5% forindustry all Production bull worthy ofbull studisduties or result a place a industry top commercial When you Comment: MN3and Herd. speaks$- Indexes. we listenAcarefully! This a direct of in our focusedherd. breeding program. combine meat explosive yield and finishing ability the opportunities endless! Maryvale Halberg offers moderate birthweight, growth, and unmatched finishingare ability. You have to admire the softness and easy keeping body type that this bull has to offer which will allow his progeny to finish quickly and be the first to market. Top 10% for all growth traits and Top 5% for all Production $ Indexes. A bull worthy of stud duties or a place in a top commercial herd. When you combine meat yield and finishing ability the opportunities are endless!


Lot 3 - Maryvale Halfback H301 (Scur/Polled French Pure) Identifier




Lot 3 - Maryvale Halfback H301 (Scur/Polled French Pure)

Age Identifier

22 Months AMSFH301

Pedigree DOB


Posthaven Age 22 MonthsSell-out Posthaven Polled Urban Cowboy MTN Perfect Fleur Pedigree Broombee Lumberjack Posthaven Sell-out Maryvale Zig Zag Urban Cowboy Posthaven Polled Maryvale 3302 MTN Perfect Fleur Maryvale Zig Zag

Broombee Lumberjack

Calving3302 Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H301 -3.0 +0.5 +1.8 +4 +9 +20 +26 +22 +$16 Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Comment: MN3 Herd. Ease Maryvale Halfback offers everything expect from a Polled French Pure. He is heavy muscled, Length H301Weight Milkyou would Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index sound H301 structured, and-3.0 packed full of red meat. No surprise why Pure genetics some of the best+$16 milk Maryvale +0.5 +1.8 +4the French+9 +20can often produce +26 +22 vealers. One of Maryvale Halfback's -1.7 full ET sisters sold in last years the Pebbly Range Breed Average +0.2 +1.5 +5 sale to+16 +27 Limousin +38stud for $5,000 +27 at 9 months +26 of age. She was a sensational heifer and we are looking forward to flushing her sister here at Maryvale. A robust, sound structured bull thatH301 will work well across many different environments. Comment: MN3 Herd. Maryvale Halfback offers everything you would expect from a Polled French Pure. He is heavy muscled, sound structured, and packed full of red meat. No surprise why the French Pure genetics can often produce some of the best milk vealers. One of Maryvale Halfback's full ET sisters sold in last years sale to the Pebbly Range Limousin stud for $5,000 at 9 months of age. She was a sensational heifer and we are looking forward to flushing her sister here at Maryvale. A robust, sound structured bull that will work well across many different environments.

Lot 4 - Maryvale Huntsville H304 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier Age DOB Pedigree Age

29/05/11 AMSPH304 22 Months 29/05/11

Lot 4 - Maryvale Huntsville H304 (Polled)

22 Months Hunt Mr Jock Mandayen Energizer E1338 Pedigree Ramornie Abigail U2 Hunt Mr Jock Palmdale Mandayen Energizer E1338 Solo Maryvale Enrich 9303 Ramornie Abigail U2 Maryvale Zesty 4748 Palmdale Solo Maryvale Enrich 9303 Maryvale Zesty 4748 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H304 -3.0 -0.5 +3.2 +8 +27 +44 +74 +45 +$41 Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Comment:H304 MN3 Herd. Maryvale Huntsville numbered, high Energizer A long bodied Maryvale -3.0 -0.5 is a big+3.2 +8 performance +27 son of Mandayen +44 +74 E1338. +45 +$41bull that records 5% of the breed the Top 10%.+27 Maryvale Huntsville and +27 his sister Maryvale Breed Averageall gorwth traits +0.2 in the Top -1.7 +1.5 and all $+5Indexes in +16 +38 +26 Harvest Moon were the result of flushing Maryvale Enrich 9303 as a heifer. Maryvale Enrich is a soft, sound structured daughter of Palmdale Solo - our polled Ionesco son studissire. Energizer x Ionesco crossson hasof worked very well. Maryvale Enrich 9303 will now Comment: MN3 Herd. Maryvale Huntsville a bigThe numbered, high performance Mandayen Energizer E1338. A long bodied bull become a donor for the Limousin Stud at 10%. Marsden Park. Huntsville and his sister Maryvale that records all gorwth traits in the Top 5% of the breed andGanian all $ Indexes in the Top Maryvale Homo9303 Polled pending. Harvest Moon were the result of flushing Maryvale Enrich astest a heifer. Maryvale Enrich is a soft, sound structured daughter of Palmdale Solo - our polled Ionesco son stud sire. The Energizer x Ionesco cross has worked very well. Maryvale Enrich 9303 will now become a donor for the Ganian Limousin Stud at Marsden Park. Homo Polled test pending. 9

Lot 5 -Maryvale Hugo H354 (Black & Polled) Identifier




Age Identifier

19 Months AMSPH354

Pedigree DOB


Lot 5 -Maryvale Hugo H354 (Black & Polled)

Wulfs Realtor Age 19 Months Froghollow Enigma Froghollow Jewel Y121 Pedigree Palmdale Saffron Wulfs Realtor Palmdale D76 Froghollow Enigma Palmdale W126 Froghollow Jewel Y121 Palmdale D76

Palmdale Saffron

CalvingW126 Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Palmdale Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H354 -7.7 -3.8 +3.9 +11 +35 +58 +79 +34 +$43 Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Comment: MN3 Herd.Ease The first son to sell from our high performance sire FroghollowGrowth Enigma thatGrowth we purchasedEBV for $13,000 the Length Weight Milk Growth $ at Index NLBS. If H354 you like big numbered bulls -3.8 Maryvale Hugo boxes. He records all growth within the Top 1% Maryvale -7.7 +3.9certainly ticks +11 all of the+35 +58 +79 traits well +34 +$43 of the Average breed. We really like a result of his awesome performance, super sound+27 structure, large gentle Breed +0.2this bull as-1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +38scrotal size, +27and really+26 disposition. One of Dick Whale's favourites. Maryvale Hugo is the youngest bull in this lead pen of great bulls and is two months younger than our the high average age of thesire pen. Performance plus!that we purchased for $13,000 at the Comment: MN3 Herd. The first son to sell from performance Froghollow Enigma NLBS. If you like big numbered bulls Maryvale Hugo certainly ticks all the boxes. He records all growth traits well within the Top 1% Homo Polled testofpending. of the breed. We really like this bull as a result of his awesome performance, super sound structure, large scrotal size, and really gentle disposition. One of Dick Whale's favourites. Maryvale Hugo is the youngest bull in this lead pen of great bulls and is two months younger than the average age of the pen. Performance plus! Homo Polled test pending.

Lot 6 - Maryvale Hunter H363 (Black & Polled) Lot 6 - Maryvale Hunter H363 (Black & Polled)



DOB Identifier

5/08/12 AMSPG363


185/08/12 Months

Pedigree Age

18 Months

Shalone Black Brew B21 Pedigree Shalone Black Brew E110 Shalone Black Black Brew Zyla Z1 Shalone B21 Shalone Black Brew E110 Palmdale Saffron Shalone Black Zyla Z1 Maryvale Carnival 7005 Maryvale 4749 Palmdale Saffron Maryvale Carnival 7005 Maryvale 4749 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H363 +4.2 -4.1 +1.7 +10 +24 +39 +54 +46 +$40 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ +26 Index Maryvale H363 +4.2 -4.1 +1.7 +10 +24 +39 +54 +46 +$40 Comment: MN3 Herd. One the catalogue. Hunter is a great of what we +26 would Breed Average +0.2of our favourite -1.7 bulls in +1.5 +5 Maryvale +16 +27 bull to lead +38off this pen +27 describe as an awesome pen of black and polled Limousin bulls. They are thick bodied, deep, soft, and powerful - everything that our program isMN3 about. A definite here. bulls He has a moderate birthweight, superissound in bull his structure, an Comment: Herd. One ofstud oursire favourite in the catalogue. Maryvale is Hunter a great to lead offand thishas pendemonstrated of what we would outstanding of performance every age. Maryvale Hunter is also and very docile. daughters are describe aslevel an awesome pen ofat black and polled Limousin bulls. Theysoft are bodied thick bodied, deep, soft,Our andPalmdale powerful Saffron - everything that our breeding brilliantly and produce top bulls.isTop 10% all Production $ Indexes. program is about. A definite stud sire here. Heconsistently has a moderate birthweight, super sound in his structure, and has demonstrated an out all of the blue shading for this Hunter bull, representing thevery top 25% of Our the Limousin outstanding levelCheck of performance at every age. Maryvale is also soft EBV’s bodiedinand docile. Palmdalebreed! Saffron daughters are breeding brilliantly and consistently produce top bulls. Top 10% all Production $ Indexes. Check out all of the blue shading for this bull, representing EBV’s in the top 25% of the Limousin breed! 10

Lot 7 - Maryvale Hat Town H326 (Black & Scur/Polled) Identifier




Identifier Age

AMSPH326 20 Months

DOB Pedigree



20 Months JCL Lodestar

RUNL Stetson Pedigree

Lot 7 - Maryvale Hat Town H326 (Black & Scur/Polled)


JCL Lodestar Maryvale New Trend RUNL Stetson Maryvale Whisper 6102 RUNL 72L Maryvale 3502 Maryvale New Trend Maryvale Whisper 6102 Maryvale 3502

Maryvale H326 Breed Average

Calving Ease +2.9 +0.2 Calving

Gest Length -3.2 -1.7 Gest

Birth Weight +1.0 +1.5 Birth

Milk +7 +5

200 Day Growth +22 +16 200 Day

400 Day Growth +30 +27 400 Day

600 Day Growth +41 +38 600 Day

Docility EBV +56 +27 Docility

Domestic $ Index +$35 +26 Domestic

Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Comment: MN3 Herd. An exciting and impressive+1.0 son of RUNL+7 Stetson. To +22 understand the to consider Maryvale H326 +2.9 -3.2 +30power in this +41bull it is necessary +56 +$35 maternal pedigree. We have found soft cows with plenty of volume is exactly what Breedhis Average +0.2 -1.7 that RUNL +1.5Stetson works +5 best on+16 +27 +38 and that +27 +26 Maryvale Whisper brings to the pedigree. She is one of the softess cows in our herd and she has already produced two great stud sires Maryvale Blue Print andAn Maryvale Blue. Maryvale Town recordsTo a understand moderate birthweight yetbull alsoit ais200 day growth EBV in Comment: MN3 Herd. exciting Deep and impressive son ofHat RUNL Stetson. the powerand in this necessary to consider the Top 12% of the breed. Top 5% for docility. A great Stetson son! his maternal pedigree. We have found that RUNL Stetson works best on soft cows with plenty of volume and that is exactly what Maryvale Whisper brings to the pedigree. She is one of the softess cows in our herd and she has already produced two great stud sires Maryvale Blue Print and Maryvale Deep Blue. Maryvale Hat Town records a moderate birthweight and yet also a 200 day growth EBV in the Top 12% of the breed. Top 5% for docility. A great Stetson son!

Lot 8 - Maryvale Halls Creek H307 (Black & Polled) Lot 8 - Maryvale Halls Creek H307 (Black & Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

31/05/12 AMSPH307


20 Months 31/05/12

Pedigree Age

20 Months

HC Final Time 407 Pedigree Mandayen Raven Time Ramornie Jill Z25 HC Final Time 407 Mandayen Raven Time Maryvale AJillRod Ramornie Z25 Maryvale Chic 7071 Maryvale A5850 Maryvale Rod Maryvale Chic 7071 Maryvale 5850 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H307 +1.2 -3.1 +1.2 +11 +20 +30 +44 +26 +$30 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H307 +1.2 -3.1 +1.2 +11 +20 +30 +44 +26 +$30 Comment: MN3 Herd. A really impressive of Mandayen Raven Time. Maryvale Halls deep, thick and Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 black and +1.5polled son+5 +16 +27 +38 Creek is+27 +26soft and demonstrates the shape and body type we like to look for to produce sale topping commercial calves. Halls Creek demonstrated this shape from youngAcalf andimpressive has held his muscle patternson andofthickness at Raven every growth stage. A very maternally as well Comment: MN3a Herd. really black and polled Mandayen Time. Maryvale Hallsstrong Creekbull is deep, thick and softrecording a milk EBV in the Top 5% of the Limousin breed. His dam has been a very consistent producer and now resides in WA after and demonstrates the shape and body type we like to look for to produce sale topping commercial calves. Halls Creek demonstrated being selected by James Morris their Morrisvale this shape from a young calf and has held his muscle patternand andCasey thickness at for every growth stage.herd. A very strong bull maternally as well HomoHis Polled recording a milk EBV in the Top 5% of the Limousin breed. damtest haspending. been a very consistent producer and now resides in WA after being selected by James and Casey Morris for their Morrisvale herd. 11 Homo Polled test pending.

Lot 9 - Maryvale Harper H335 (Black & Polled) Lot 9 - Maryvale Harper H335 (Black & Polled)



DOB Identifier Age DOB Pedigree Age

19/06/12 AMSPH335 20 Months 19/06/12

20 Months Wulfs Realtor Froghollow Enigma Pedigree Froghollow Jewel Y121 Wulfs Realtor Froghollow EnigmaWLCC No Subsitute Palmdale Special Froghollow Jewel Y121 Palmdale Old Gold WLCC No Subsitute Palmdale Special Palmdale Old Gold Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H335 -3.7 -4.0 +1.9 +5 +23 +42 +58 +34 +$35 Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Comment: MN3 Herd. -3.7 Palmdale Special Maryvale Harper really Maryvale H335 -4.0 continues +1.9to raise great +5 bulls and+23 +42 is an excellent +58 example +34of this. We +$35 like this bull. He is the most birth weight+1.5 Froghollow Enigma son in the catalogue weight EBV+27 of +1.9 and +26 yet he Breed Average +0.2 moderate -1.7 +5 +16 +27with a birth +38 records all growth traits in the Top 10% of the breed. He combines the phenomenal performance of his sire with the moderating influence of his mother produce Special an idealcontinues set of EBV's. Maryvale is moderate framed,isthick bodied, and deep.ofHe is We alsoreally very Comment: MN3 Herd. toPalmdale to raise great Harper bulls and Maryvale Harper an excellent example this. sound in his structure which has been characteristic of the Froghollow Enigma sons. like this bull. He is the most moderate birth weight Froghollow Enigma son in the catalogue with a birth weight EBV of +1.9 and yet he records all growth traits in the Top 10% of the breed. He combines the phenomenal performance of his sire with the moderating influence of his mother to produce an ideal set of EBV's. Maryvale Harper is moderate framed, thick bodied, and deep. He is also very sound in his structure which has been characteristic of the Froghollow Enigma sons.

Lot 10 Maryvale Honcho H328 (Black & Polled) Lot 10 Maryvale Honcho H328 (Black & Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

15/06/12 AMSPH328


20 Months 15/06/12

Pedigree Age

20 Months

Hunt Mr Jock Pedigree Birubi Jock Diplomat D140 Lloyds Hunt MrWunda Jock

Birubi Jock Diplomat D140 Palmdale Qdos Lloyds Wunda Palmdale Vicky D36 Palmdale Sugar Palmdale Qdos Palmdale Vicky D36 Palmdale Sugar

Maryvale H328 Breed Average

Calving Ease +3.7 Calving +0.2 Ease

Gest Length -2.5 Gest -1.7 Length

Birth Weight +0.3 Birth +1.5 Weight

Milk +7 +5 Milk

200 Day Growth +16 200 Day +16 Growth

400 Day Growth +32 400 Day +27 Growth

600 Day Growth +39 600 Day +38 Growth

Docility EBV +18 Docility +27 EBV

Domestic $ Index +$37 Domestic $ +26 Index

Maryvale H328 +3.7 -2.5 +0.3 +7 +16 +32 +39 +18 +$37 Comment: Maryvale Honcho pedigree which with positive+27 calving ease, making him+27 a great choice Breed AverageMN3 Herd.+0.2 -1.7 offers a+1.5 +5 is stacked+16 +38 +26for joining heifers. Palmdale Vicky has been a very consistent producer for us with her first calf being one of our best TMF Westwood daughters inMN3 production. Vicky is Honcho consistently thick, which deep bodied calves ideal calving frame size. 15% him of the breedchoice for most Comment: Herd. Maryvale offersraising a pedigree is stacked withwith positive ease,Top making a great for calving ease traits and Top 12% of the breed for Domestic $ Index. joining heifers. Palmdale Vicky has been a very consistent producer for us with her first calf being one of our best TMF Westwood daughters in production. Vicky is consistently raising thick, deep bodied calves with ideal frame size. Top 15% of the breed for most calving ease traits and Top 12% of the breed for Domestic $ Index.


Lot 11 - Maryvale Hitch H367 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier Age DOB Pedigree Age

15/08/12 AMSPH367 18 Months 15/08/12

Lot 11 - Maryvale Hitch H367 (Polled)

18 Months Wulfs Realtor Froghollow Enigma Pedigree Froghollow Jewel Y121 Wulfs Realtor Froghollow EnigmaPalmdale Saffron Maryvale Crown Jewel Froghollow Jewel Y121 Maryvale 4755 Palmdale Saffron Maryvale Crown Jewel Maryvale 4755 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H367 -8.8 -3.1 +3.4 +7 +30 +46 +66 +30 +$33 Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Comment: MN3 Herd. Maryvale Hitch is one of our favourites -+7 we just love+30 the body type on this bull!+66 We feel that+30 he is the ideal bull Maryvale H367 -8.8 -3.1 +3.4 +46 +$33 to lead this pen despite being in the catalogue. and+27 deep bodied+38 with that soft and easy keeping Breed Average +0.2 one of the -1.7youngest+1.5 +5 Sound structured +16 +27 +26 body type - it is easy to see what we like about him. Maryvale Hitch also has an ideal maturity pattern and a strong maternal pedigree. He is also MN3 a trueHerd. performance recording a 200 day growth- EBV in the of type the breed. Palmdale Comment: Maryvalebull Hitch is one of our favourites we just loveTop the1% body on thisAnother bull! Wegreat feel bull that from he isathe ideal bull Saffron daughter - it is quite howSound consistently theyand are deep producing topwith bulls. to lead this pen despite being one of the youngest in remarkable the catalogue. structured bodied that soft and easy keeping body type - it is easy to see what we like about him. Maryvale Hitch also has an ideal maturity pattern and a strong maternal pedigree. He is also a true performance bull recording a 200 day growth EBV in the Top 1% of the breed. Another great bull from a Palmdale Saffron daughter - it is quite remarkable how consistently they are producing top bulls.

Lot 12 - Maryvale Hawkeye H308 (Polled) Lot 12 - Maryvale Hawkeye H308 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

20/06/11 AMSPH308


20 Months 20/06/11

Pedigree Age

20 Months

Hunt Mr Jock Pedigree Mandayen Energizer E1338 Ramornie Abigail U2 Hunt Mr Jock Mandayen Energizer E1338 Wulfs Rambler Ramornie Abigail U2 Palmdale Odelle Palmdale T26 Wulfs Rambler Palmdale Odelle Palmdale T26 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H308 -1.3 -0.1 +2.2 +10 +21 +39 +64 +40 +$40 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H308 -1.3 -0.1 +2.2 +10 +21 +39 +64 +40 +$40 Comment: Maryvale Hawkeye combines the great cow families in +27 the Limousin +38 breed. On the top side you have Breed AverageMN3 Herd.+0.2 -1.7 +1.5 some of +5 +16 +27 +26 Ramornie Abigail U2 and on the bottom side you have Palmdale Odelle W23. Palmdale Odelle is the mother of our stud sire Palmdale Solo (whoMN3 now Herd. residesMaryvale at the Pebbly Range Limousin stud)ofand has produced natural calvesbreed. - demonstrating Comment: Hawkeye combines some the she great cow families 10 in the Limousin On the top her sidebreeding you have longevity. Abigail Maryvale records production within Odelle or veryW23. near the Top 10% of the Moderate strong Ramornie U2Hawkeye and on the bottom10side you havetraits Palmdale Palmdale Odelle is breed. the mother of our birth stud weight, sire Palmdale andRange a strong maternal pedigree make bull an 10 attractive Solo (who now resides at growth, the Pebbly Limousin stud) and she hasthis produced naturalproposition. calves - demonstrating her breeding longevity. Maryvale Hawkeye records 10 production traits within or very near the Top 10% of the breed. Moderate birth weight, strong growth, and a strong maternal pedigree make this bull an attractive proposition.


Lot 13 - Maryvale Heiniken H322 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier Age DOB Pedigree Age

13/06/12 AMSPH322 20 Months 13/06/12

TMF Pedigree Westwood TMF Westwood Maryvale 4705 Maryvale 4705

Lot 13 - Maryvale Heiniken H322 (Polled)

20 Months TMF Tankard TMF 902P TMF Tankard DJ Gentleman in Black TMF 902P Maryvale 4004 DJ Gentleman in Black

Maryvale 4004 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H322 +3.1 -2.8 +1.2 +6 +17 +38 +50 +42 +$43 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H322 MN3 Herd. +3.1Maryvale -2.8 +6muscled son +17of TMF Westwood. +38 +50 +42offers a very +$43 Comment: Heiniken is a+1.2 rugged, heavy Maryvale Heiniken Breed Average +0.2positive calving -1.7 ease, +1.5 +5length, strong +16growth, and +27all production +38 $ Indexes +27 +26 of balanced set of EBV's with short gestation in the Top 12% the breed. H322 also offers a strong maternal pedigree. Our DJ Gentleman in Black daughters are demonstrating excellent longevity Comment: MN3 Herd. Maryvale Heiniken is aand rugged, heavy muscled of TMF Westwood. Maryvale Heiniken offers a very maternal strength in son our herd. balanced set of EBV's with positive calving ease, short gestation length, strong growth, and all production $ Indexes in the Top 12% of the breed. H322 also offers a strong maternal pedigree. Our DJ Gentleman in Black daughters are demonstrating excellent longevity and maternal strength in our herd.

Lot 14 - Maryvale Hard Rock H338 (Polled) Lot 14 - Maryvale Hard Rock H338 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

20/06/12 AMSPH338


20 Months 20/06/12

Pedigree Age

20 Months

Hunt Mr Jock Pedigree Birubi Jock Diplomat LloydsMrWunda Hunt Jock Birubi Jock Diplomat Palmdale Solo Lloyds Wunda Palmdale Verity D59 Palmdale Y172 Palmdale Solo Palmdale Verity D59 Palmdale Y172 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H338 -1.3 0.0 +2.1 +6 +22 +35 +53 +42 +$33 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ +26 Index Maryvale H338 -1.3 0.0 +2.1 +6 +22 +35 +53 +42 +$33 Comment: MN3 Herd. Maryvale Hard-1.7 Rock H338+1.5 is a bull with +5 great depth to his pedigree. and maternal Breed Average +0.2 +16 +27His mother +38 +27grand mother +26 are two cows with a great production record in the Maryvale herd. Maryvale Hard Rock records all growth traits in the Top 20% of the breed and yet maintains an ideal mid maturity pattern. A bull capacity to to sire thatHis willmother have the togrand meet a range are of Comment: MN3 Herd. Maryvale Hard Rock H338 is athat bull has withagreat depth hisprogeny pedigree. andflexibility maternal mother markets. two cows with a great production record in the Maryvale herd. Maryvale Hard Rock records all growth traits in the Top 20% of the breed and yet maintains an ideal mid maturity pattern. A bull that has a capacity to sire progeny that will have the flexibility to meet a range of markets.


Lot 15 - Maryvale Hamilton H323 (Polled French Pure) Lot 15 - Maryvale Hamilton H323 (Polled French Pure)



DOB Identifier Age DOB Pedigree Age

13/06/12 AMSFH323 20 Months 13/06/12

TMFPedigree Whiskey Jack

20 Months TMF Polled Harmonica

Highland Jade TMF Polled Harmonica TMF Whiskey Jack Broombee Lumberjack Highland Jade Maryvale 4749 Maryvale 1003 Broombee Lumberjack Maryvale 4749 Maryvale 1003 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H323 -0.4 -2.4 +1.2 +5 +12 +31 +36 +32 +$27 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H323 -2.4 +1.2 +5 +31Jack. His +36 +32 an excellent +$27 Comment: MN3 Herd.-0.4 Maryvale Hamilton is a moderate birthweight son of+12 TMF Whiskey dam is establishing Breed Averagerecord here+0.2 -1.7 has just +1.5 +5 bull calf by+16 +27Some great +38 +27 production at Maryvale and weaned a great RLF Yardley. French Pure sires in this+26 bulls pedigree including TMF Polled Harmonica and Broombee Lumberjack S722. Clean fronted, slick coated, tight sheathed, and short Comment: MN3 Herd. Maryvale Hamilton is gestation a moderate birthweight son of TMF Whiskey length - all strengths of this bull. Jack. His dam is establishing an excellent production record here at Maryvale and has just weaned a great bull calf by RLF Yardley. Some great French Pure sires in this bulls pedigree including TMF Polled Harmonica and Broombee Lumberjack S722. Clean fronted, slick coated, tight sheathed, and short gestation length - all strengths of this bull.

Lot 16 - Maryvale Hedge Fund H325 (Black & Polled) Lot 16 - Maryvale Hedge Fund H325 (Black & Polled) Identifier DOB Identifier Age DOB Pedigree Age

AMSPH325 15/06/12 AMSPH325 20 Months 15/06/12 20 Months

Wulfs Realtor Pedigree Froghollow Enigma Froghollow Jewel Wulfs Realtor Froghollow Enigma Palmdale Saffron Froghollow Jewel Palmdale Valda D8 Palmdale T26 Palmdale Saffron Palmdale Valda D8 Palmdale T26 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H325 -7.2 -2.8 +2.9 +8 +28 +47 +63 +32 +$33 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H325 -7.2 next pen-2.8 +2.9 +28 and performance +47 +63 Maryvale+32 +$33 Comment: MN3 Herd. This of black bulls really step it+8 up for the growth traits! Hedge Fund records Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 We all growth traits in the Top 5% of the breed. We really like this bull - he is slick coated, sound structured, and has good scrotal size.

have been really impressed with the body length, performance, and structural soundness of our Froghollow Enigma sons. Comment: MN3 Herd. This next pen of black bulls really step it up for the growth and performance traits! Maryvale Hedge Fund records This bulls offers the growth, shape, and yield of Euro genetics and yet maintains a softness, slick coat, and scrotal size that all growth traits in the Top 5% of the breed. We really like this bull - he is slick coated, sound structured, and has good scrotal size. We would make him fit with an Angus operation. The flexibility of industry focused Maryvale genetics. have been really impressed with the body length, performance, and structural soundness of our Froghollow Enigma sons. Definite stud sire potential here - Homo Polled test pending. This bulls offers the growth, shape, and yield of Euro genetics and yet maintains a softness, slick coat, and scrotal size that There are 3 great Enigma x Saffron bulls in this catalogue! would make him fit with an Angus operation. The flexibility of industry focused Maryvale genetics. 15 Definite stud sire potential here - Homo Polled test pending. There are 3 great Enigma x Saffron bulls in this catalogue!

Lot 17 - Maryvale Henry H345 (Black & Polled) Lot 17 - Maryvale Henry H345 (Black & Polled)



DOB Identifier Age DOB Pedigree Age

29/06/12 AMSPH345 20 Months 29/06/12

20 Months Shalone Black Brew B21 Shalone Black Brew E110 Pedigree Shalone Black Zyla Shalone Black Brew B21 Tomahawks Touchdown Shalone Black Brew E110 Maryvale 6016 Shalone Black Zyla Maryvale 7803 Tomahawks Touchdown Maryvale 6016 Maryvale 7803 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H345 +3.6 -3.4 -0.1 +8 +16 +28 +38 +54 +$32 Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Comment: MN 3 Herd.+3.6 A Shalone Black that offers both Bulls Maryvale H345 -3.4 Brew son -0.1 +8 calving ease +16 and performance. +28 +38like Maryvale +54 Henry provide +$32 scopeAverage to target a range of+0.2 markets. He-1.7 would suit +1.5 everything from MSA steers in the South East Breed +5producing+16 +27 +38 to producing +27 feeder steers +26 in a pastoral environment. This bull would work really well in the pastoral areas over Hereford or Angus cows. The growth rate of Euros without comprimising calving ease orBlack finishing This is the exact resultease of our industry focused Bulls program. LimousinHenry bulls with this Comment: MN 3 Herd. A Shalone Brewability. son that offers both calving and performance. like Maryvale provide scope to target a range of markets. He would suitfrom everything from producingofMSA steers in the South much softness come multiple generations genetic selection for thisEast trait.to producing feeder steers in a pastoral environment. This bull would work really well in the pastoral areas over Hereford or Angus cows. The growth rate of Euros Homo Polled test pending. without comprimising calving ease or finishing ability. This is the exact result of our industry focused program. Limousin bulls with this much softness come from multiple generations of genetic selection for this trait. Homo Polled test pending.

Lot 18 - Maryvale Hot Shot H359 (Black & Polled) Lot 18 - Maryvale Hot Shot H359 (Black & Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

2/08/12 AMSPH359


182/08/12 Months

Pedigree Age

18 Months

Shalone Black Brew B21 Pedigree Shalone Black Brew E110 Shalone Shalone Black Black Zyla Brew B21 Shalone Black Brew E110 Mandayen Vision Shalone Black Zyla Maryvale 8201 Maryvale 6401 Mandayen Vision Maryvale 8201

Maryvale H359 Breed Average

Maryvale 6401 Calving Ease +1.4 Calving +0.2 Ease

Gest Length -3.2 Gest -1.7 Length

Birth Weight +2.8 Birth +1.5 Weight

Milk +10 +5 Milk

200 Day Growth +28 200 Day +16 Growth

400 Day Growth +46 400 Day +27 Growth

600 Day Growth +66 600 Day +38 Growth

Docility EBV +58 Docility +27 EBV

Domestic $ Index +$44 Domestic $ +26 Index

Maryvale H359 +1.4 -3.2 +2.8 +10 +28 +46 +66 +58 +$44 Comment: Another bull -1.7 that fits like +1.5 a glove with this performance polled Limousin Breed AverageMN3 Herd.+0.2 +5 pen of high +16 +27black and +38 +27bulls. Maryvale +26 Hot Shot records all growth traits in the Top 5% of the Limousin breed along with all production $ indexes in the Top 5% of the breed. Maryvale Hot alsoAnother recordsbull a milk docility EBVwith in the Top 5% theperformance breed. The growth andpolled meat Limousin yield of a bulls. Limousin, the Comment: MN3Shot Herd. thatand fits like a glove this pen of of high black and Maryvale softness and coat colour of an Angus, and the docility of a Teddy Bear! Genetic progress is incredible. The sires outlook Hot Shot records all growth traits in the Top 5% of the Limousin breed along with all production $ indexes in the Top 5% of the breed. and slick coat onEBV this bull impress. Polled test Maryvale Hot Shot also records a milk and docility in the Top 5% Homo of the breed. Thepending. growth and meat yield of a Limousin, the softness and coat colour of an Angus, and the docility of a Teddy Bear! Genetic progress is incredible. The sires outlook and slick coat on this bull impress. Homo Polled test pending.


Lot 19 - Maryvale Hoss H369 (Black & Polled) Lot 19 - Maryvale Hoss H369 (Black & Polled)



DOB Identifier Age DOB Pedigree Age

20/08/12 AMSPH369 17.5 Months 20/08/12

17.5 Months Shalone Black Brew B21 Pedigree Shalone Black Brew E110 Shalone Black Zyla Shalone Black Brew B21 Shalone Black Brew E110 Kasper Palmdale Shalone Black Zyla Palmdale Y4 Palmdale V35 Palmdale Kasper Palmdale Y4 Palmdale V35 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H369 +0.9 -1.5 +2.1 +6 +20 +37 +52 +43 +$35 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H369 +0.9 +2.1 +6 with a set +20of numbers +37 +52 +43pen of +$35 Comment: MN3 Herd. The-1.5 youngest bull in the catalogue that are consistent with this Breed Average +0.2 black and-1.7 +1.5 bulls. Maryvale +5 +27day growth+38 +27 12% +26 high performance polled Limousin Hoss+16 records a 200 EBV in the Top of the Limousin breed and yet maintains a moderate birth weight EBV and positive calving ease. Comment: youngest bull in the catalogue with amissed set of numbers thather areproduction consistentrecord. with this pen of HisMN3 damHerd. has anThe excellent production record and hasn't a beat with high performance black and polled LimousinHomo bulls. Polled Maryvale records a 200 day growth EBV in the Top 12% test Hoss pending. of the Limousin breed and yet maintains a moderate birth weight EBV and positive calving ease. His dam has an excellent production record and hasn't missed a beat with her production record. Homo Polled test pending.

Lot 20 - Maryvale Holbrook H313 (Black & Polled) Lot 20 - Maryvale Holbrook H313 (Black & Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

9/06/12 AMSPH313


19 Months 9/06/12

Pedigree Age

19 Months

Wulfs Realtor Pedigree Froghollow Enigma Froghollow Jewel Wulfs Realtor Froghollow Enigma Palmdale Solo Froghollow Jewel Palmdale Wilda E41 Palmdale Nikki Palmdale Solo Palmdale Wilda E41 Palmdale Nikki Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H313 -5.2 -3.1 +2.1 +6 +24 +41 +56 +18 +$31 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H313 -5.2 -3.1 +2.1 +6 +24 +41 +56 +18 +$31 Comment: MN3 Herd. Surprise, surprise, another big numbered bull to round out this pen of high performance black and polled Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Limousin bulls. Maryvale Holbrook records a 200 and 400 day growth EBV in the Top 10% of the breed. This pen of bulls are sure to add some body length and growth to your calf crop. Comment: MN3 Herd. Surprise, surprise, another big numbered bull to round out this pen of high performance black and polled Limousin bulls. Maryvale Holbrook records a 200 and 400 day growth EBV in the Top 10% of the breed. This pen of bulls are sure to add some body length and growth to your calf crop.


Lot 21 - Maryvale LF Hughsey H314 (Black & Polled) Lot 21 - Maryvale LF Hughsey H314 (Black & Polled)



DOB Identifier Age DOB Pedigree Age

9/06/12 AMS2H314 20 Months 9/06/12

20 Months HC Final Time Pedigree Mandayen Raven Time Ramornie Jill HC Final Time Mandayen Raven Time Mandayen Vision Maryvale LF 8177 Ramornie Jill Maryvale LF 8177

Mandayen Vision

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H314 +2.0 -5.4 +1.1 +10 +24 +38 +57 +51 +$37 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H314MN3 Herd.+2.0 -5.4 for some +1.1extra calving +10ease, be sure +24 to take a+38 +57 of black bulls. +51 Maryvale +$37 Comment: If you are looking look at this pen LF Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 Hughsey offers positive calving ease and a moderate birth weight EBV and yet still records a 200 day growth rate in the Top 10%+26 of the breed. A great bull that would work really well on Angus or Hereford cows in a pastoral environment or equally as well in an inside Comment: MN3 Herd.Top If you looking forfor some calving ease, $beIndex sure-toH314 takewould a looksire at this pengreat of black bulls. Maryvale country environment. 10%are of the breed milk extra and self-replacing some replacement femalesLF if Hughsey offers positive calving ease and a moderate weight EBV andpedigree yet still records given the birth opportunity. Strong for IMF. a 200 day growth rate in the Top 10% of the breed. A great bull that would work really well on Angus or Hereford cows in a pastoral environment or equally as well in an inside country environment. Top 10% of the breed for milk and self-replacing $ Index - H314 would sire some great replacement females if given the opportunity. Strong pedigree for IMF.

Lot 22 - Maryvale LF Hot Springs H330 (Black & Scur/Polled) Lot 22 - Maryvale LF Hot Springs H330 (Black & Scur/Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

22/06/11 AMS2H330


19 Months 22/06/11

Pedigree Age

19 Months

HC Final Time Pedigree Mandayen Raven Time Ramornie Jill HC Final Time Mandayen Raven Time Maryvale Blue Print Ramornie Jill Maryvale LF 8157 Maryvale LF 8157

Maryvale Blue Print

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H330 +2.3 -2.8 +1.4 +5 +24 +37 +53 +38 +$34 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H330 +2.3 -2.8 +1.4 +5 +24 +37 +53 +38 +$34 Comment: MN3 Herd. Maryvale Hot Springs H330 offers another great combination of calving ease and performance. Hot Springs Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 records all growth traits within the Top 12% of the breed and yet offers a very moderate birth weight EBV of +1.4. Maryvale LF Hot Springs offers a very strong pedigree for IMF which will ensure that he produces progeny with the potential for great eating quality. The Comment: MN3 Herd. Maryvale Hot Springs H330 offers another great combination of calving ease and performance. Hot Springs depth of quality runs very deep in this pen of soft, thick bodied black Limousin bulls. records all growth traits within the Top 12% of the breed and yet offers a very moderate birth weight EBV of +1.4. Maryvale LF Hot Springs offers a very strong pedigree for IMF which will ensure that he produces progeny with the potential for great eating quality. The depth of quality runs very deep in this pen of soft, thick bodied black Limousin bulls.


Lot 23 - Maryvale Hickory Smoke H332 (Black & Polled) Lot 23 - Maryvale Hickory Smoke H332 (Black & Polled)



DOB Identifier

17/06/12 AMSPH332


20 Months 17/06/12

Pedigree Age Pedigree RUNL Stetson RUNL Stetson Maryvale 4702 Maryvale 4702

20 Months JCL Lodestar RUNL 72L JCL Lodestar DJ Gentleman in Black RUNL 72L Maryvale 3101 DJ Gentleman in Black Maryvale 3101

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H332 +3.2 -2.4 +1.2 +7 +19 +39 +49 +50 +$43 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H332 MN3 Herd. +3.2 -2.4 out of a big +1.2volume, big +7capacity Gentleman +19 +39 daughter +49 +$43 Comment: A Stetson son in Black with a great+50 breeding record. Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26Top Maryvale Hickory Smoke offers another great combination of positive calving ease and strong growth with a 400 day weight in the

10% of the breed. He also records a Domestic Terminal $ Index in the Top 5% of the breed at +$43. This bull has a great set of EBV's. Comment: MN3 Herd. A Stetson son out of a big volume, big capacity Gentleman in Black daughter with a great breeding record. A domestic trade specialist! Maryvale Hickory Smoke offers another great combination of positive calving ease and strong growth with a 400 day weight in the Top 10% of the breed. He also records a Domestic Terminal $ Index in the Top 5% of the breed at +$43. This bull has a great set of EBV's. A domestic trade specialist!

Lot 24 - Maryvale LF Hummer H333 (Black & Polled) Identifier




Identifier Age

AMSP1333 20 Months

DOB Pedigree


Lot 24 - Maryvale LF Hummer H333 (Black & Polled)

Age 20 Final Months HC Time Mandayen Raven Time Pedigree Ramornie Jill Z25 HC Final Time Mandayen Raven Time Maryvale X325 Ramornie Jill Z25 Maryvale X325

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H333 +1.6 -3.1 +1.4 +6 +21 +39 +61 +19 +$35 Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length a very Weight Milk Growth $ Index Comment: MN3 Herd. There is certainly strong pattern in this penGrowth of black bulls for positiveGrowth calving ease, EBV strong growth, and Maryvale H333 shape. +1.6 -3.1 records +1.4 +6 in the Top +21 +61and combines +19 this with+$35 excellent muscle Maryvale Hummer all growth traits 20% of the +39 Limousin breed a short Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 Hummer's +5 dam is a +16 +27that has produced +38 +27 +26 gestation length and positive calving ease. Maryvale Lim-Flex female 8 consecutive natural calves for us with a 354 day calving interval! Comment: MN3 Herd. There is certainly a very strong pattern in this pen of black bulls for positive calving ease, strong growth, and excellent muscle shape. Maryvale Hummer records all growth traits in the Top 20% of the Limousin breed and combines this with a short gestation length and positive calving ease. Maryvale Hummer's dam is a Lim-Flex female that has produced 8 consecutive natural calves for us with a 354 day calving interval!


Lot 25 - Maryvale Harley H366 (Black and Polled) Lot 25 - Maryvale Harley H366 (Black and Polled)



DOB Identifier

9/08/12 AMSPH366


18 Months 9/08/12

Pedigree Age Pedigree Maryvale Flagship

18 Months Maryvale Coconut Rum Maryvale 7701 Maryvale Coconut Rum

Maryvale Flagship Mandayen Vision Maryvale 7701 Maryvale F50 Maryvale 4702 Mandayen Vision Maryvale F50 Maryvale 4702

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H366 +5.7 -4.3 +1.7 +9 +24 +47 +59 +25 +$51 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale H366MN3 Herd.+5.7 -4.3 H366 records +1.7 a direct+9calving ease +24 +59 +$51 Comment: Maryvale Harley EBV in the+47 Top 5% of the breed while+25 also recording all Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 growth traits in the Top 10% of the breed. He certainly fits in well with this pen of positive calving ease, strong growth sires. Harley's combination of breed leading growth and calving ease result in him recording all production $ indexes well within the Top 5% of the Comment: MN3breed. Herd. Maryvale Harley H366 direct calvingaease the Topwithin 5% ofthe theTop breed while also recording all Limousin Lots of blue shading forrecords this bullarepresenting wide EBV rangeinof traits 25% of the breed. growth traits in the Top 10% of the breed. He certainly fits in well with this pen of positive calving ease, strong growth sires. Harley's Homo Polled test pending. combination of breed leading growth and calving ease result in him recording all production $ indexes well within the Top 5% of the Limousin breed. Lots of blue shading for this bull representing a wide range of traits within the Top 25% of the breed. Homo Polled test pending.

Lot 26 - Maryvale Caitlyn 7125C (Apricot & Polled) Lot 26 - Maryvale Caitlyn 7125C (Apricot & Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

18/11/07 AMSPC7125


6 years 18/11/07

Pedigree Age

6 years

Pedigree Maryvale Yoyo Maryvale Yoyo Maryvale 3203 Maryvale 3203

Maryvale 7125 Breed Average

Maryvale Update Maryvale Update 3904 Maryvale Broombee3904 Lumberjack Maryvale Maryvale 601 Broombee Lumberjack Maryvale 601 Calving Ease -4.1 Calving +0.2 Ease

Gest Length +0.3 Gest -1.7 Length

Birth Weight 3.0 Birth +1.5 Weight

Milk +7 +5 Milk

200 Day Growth +15 200 Day +16 Growth

400 Day Growth +30 400 Day +27 Growth

600 Day Growth +41 600 Day +38 Growth

Docility EBV +22 Docility +27 EBV

SR $ Index +$21 SR +26 $ Index

Maryvale 7125 -4.1 +0.3 3.0 +7 +15 +30 +41 +22 +$21 Comment: A top quality-1.7 outfit. Maryvale and feminine Maryvale Breed Average MN3 Herd.+0.2 +1.5 Caitlyn 7125 +5 is a productive +16 +27 +38 female with +27 a sensational +26 polled bull calf at foot Maryvale Justice J476 born on 19/08/2013. The bull calf at foot is certainly demonstrating stud sire potential and is sired by our 95 point studAsire Grange G207. Caitlyn Grange7125 is a Homo Polled son offeminine our legendary Canadian Westwood. Comment: MN3 Herd. topMaryvale quality outfit. Maryvale is a productive and Maryvale femalesire withTMF a sensational We are really pleased to be able to offer this quality cow and calf outfit. The bull calf at foot records all growth traits in the Top 10%and of the polled bull calf at foot Maryvale Justice J476 born on 19/08/2013. The bull calf at foot is certainly demonstrating stud sire potential is breed. Homo Polled test pending on the calf. sired by our 95 point stud sire Maryvale Grange G207. Grange is a Homo Polled son of our legendary Canadian sire TMF Westwood.

We are really pleased to be able to offer this quality cow and calf outfit. The bull calf at foot records all growth traits in the Top 10% of the breed. Homo Polled test pending on the calf.


Lot 27 - Maryvale Bridget (Scur/Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier Age DOB Pedigree Age

17/09/06 AMSPB6060 7 years 17/09/06

Refstrup Tabias Pedigree Refstrup Tabias Maryvale 7201 Maryvale 7201

Lot 27 - Maryvale Bridget (Scur/Polled)

7 years Martini June Anette Martini Premier Captain Snooze June Anette Maryvale 1403 Premier Captain Snooze

Maryvale 1403 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale 6060 -0.4 -5.3 +2.2 +3 +15 +25 +35 +10 +$10 Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Comment: Another great cow and calf unit. Black+3 and Polled bull Maryvale 6060MN3 Herd.-0.4 -5.3 +2.2 +15 calf at foot, +25Maryvale Judge +35 J432, born +10 on 05/10/2013 +$10 and sired by Froghollow Enigma. An impressive and functional female with an excellent phenotype. We have always been impressed Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 by Refstrup Tabias as a breeding bull - he is certainly on our list of all time great breeding bulls. A great opportunity to purchase a cow with phenotype that could be and flushed to produce cattle.Judge J432, born on 05/10/2013 Comment: MN3 Herd. Another great cow and calf unit. Black Polled bull calf some at foot,great Maryvale and sired by Froghollow Enigma. An impressive and functional female with an excellent phenotype. We have always been impressed by Refstrup Tabias as a breeding bull - he is certainly on our list of all time great breeding bulls. A great opportunity to purchase a cow with great phenotype that could be flushed to produce some great cattle.

Lot 28 - Maryvale Jessie J307 (Homo Polled) Lot 28 - Maryvale Jessie J307 (Homo Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

4/04/13 AMSPJ307


10 Months 4/04/13

Pedigree Age

10 Months

Pedigree TMF Westwood TMF Westwood Maryvale 7057 Maryvale 7057

Maryvale J307 Breed Average

TMF Tankard MagsTankard Mayflower TMF Kensal Xceed Mags Mayflower Maryvale 6902 Kensal Xceed Maryvale 6902 Calving Ease +0.7 Calving +0.2 Ease

Gest Length -2.9 Gest -1.7 Length

Birth Weight +1.3 Birth +1.5 Weight

Milk +3 +5 Milk

200 Day Growth 200+20 Day +16 Growth

400 Day Growth 400+38 Day +27 Growth

600 Day Growth 600+55 Day +38 Growth

Docility EBV +56 Docility +27 EBV

SR $ Index +$45 SR +26 $ Index

Maryvale J307 +0.7 -2.9 +1.3 +3 +20 +38 +55 +56 +$45 Comment: MN3 Herd. An excellent opportunity to+1.5 purchase a really a lifetime of +27 breeding potential Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +5 smart Homo +16 Polled ET +27heifer with+38 +26 in front of her. Maryvale Jessie is a very clean fronted and is the result of a very successful flush which resulted in 16 ET calves from the TMF Westwood x Maryvale Curacao joining. Top 5% of the for docility, 10%ET of heifer the breed domestic $ Index. potential Maryvalein Comment: MN3 Herd. An excellent opportunity to purchase a breed really smart HomoTop Polled withfor a lifetime of breeding Jessie offers an exciting opportunity to secure a show heifer and breeding female with a great depth of pedigree. Sired by great front of her. Maryvale Jessie is a very clean fronted and is the result of a very successful flush which resulted in 16 ET calvesthe from the Westwood and her dam recently sold for $10,000 in the Maryvale "Cow Time" sale. TMF Westwood x Maryvale Curacao joining. Top 5% of the breed for docility, Top 10% of the breed for domestic $ Index. Maryvale Jessie offers an exciting opportunity to secure a show heifer and breeding female with a great depth of pedigree. Sired by the great Westwood and her dam recently sold for $10,000 in the Maryvale "Cow Time" sale.


Lot 29 - Maryvale Jaffa J308 (Black & Polled) Lot 29 - Maryvale Jaffa J308 (Black & Polled)



DOB Identifier Age DOB Pedigree Age

5/04/13 AMSPJ308 10 Months 5/04/13

RUNL Stetson Pedigree

10 Months JCL Lodestar

RUNL 72L JCL Lodestar Maryvale Welldone RUNL Stetson Maryvale Zooky 4741 RUNL 72L Maryvale 7402 Maryvale Welldone Maryvale Zooky 4741 Maryvale 7402 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale J308 +4.2 -2.4 +0.7 +16 +16 +32 +37 +48 +$37 Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Comment: MN3 Herd. Another Jaffa combines with Maryvale 4741. a soft, Maryvale J308 +4.2 ET heifer -2.4 - Maryvale +0.7 +16 RUNL Stetson +16 +32 +37Maryvale Jaffa's +48 dam is+$37 deep Average bodied female with+0.2 an excellent -1.7 production record. excellent bulls sold well at+27 auction. Maryvale Breed +1.5 She has +5bred some+16 +27which have +38 +26 Jaffa is deep bodied and has an easy keeping body type like her dam. Top 10% of the breed for calving ease, Top 20% of the breed for scrotal size, and TopJaffa 15%combines of the breed for Domestic Terminal $ Index. Comment: MN3 Herd. Another ET heifer - Maryvale RUNL Stetson with Maryvale 4741. Maryvale Jaffa's dam is a soft, deep bodied female with an excellent production record. She has bred some excellent bulls which have sold well at auction. Maryvale Jaffa is deep bodied and has an easy keeping body type like her dam. Top 10% of the breed for calving ease, Top 20% of the breed for scrotal size, and Top 15% of the breed for Domestic Terminal $ Index.

Lot 30 - Maryvale Joey J324 (Black & Polled) Lot 30 - Maryvale Joey J324 (Black & Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

4/06/13 AMSPJ324


84/06/13 Months

Pedigree Age

8 Months

Pedigree RLF Yardley RLF Yardley Maryvale 9357 Maryvale 9357

Maryvale J324 Breed Average

Wulfs Tailor Made RLF406W Wulfs Tailor Made Maryvale RLF406WBarrister Maryvale Barrister 8601 Maryvale Maryvale 8601 Calving Ease +3.2 Calving +0.2 Ease

Gest Length -3.7 Gest -1.7 Length

Birth Weight +1.3 Birth +1.5 Weight

Milk +5 +5 Milk

200 Day Growth +21 200 Day +16 Growth

400 Day Growth +38 400 Day +27 Growth

600 Day Growth +50 600 Day +38 Growth

Docility EBV +42 Docility +27 EBV

SR $ Index +$44 SR $ +26 Index

Maryvale J324 +3.2 -3.7 +1.3 +5 +21 +38 +50 +42 +$44 Comment: MN3 Herd. A young RLF -1.7 Yardley heifer that is two months younger & 29. Her mother Breed Average +0.2 +1.5 +5 +16than the ET +27heifers offered +38 as Lot 28 +27 +26 has quite a production record here at Maryvale. She produced her first calf at just 20.5 months of age and kept up the momentum to produce 3 natural calvesAwell ahead her 4thheifer birthday an months averageyounger calving interval 363 days offered - now that is fertility! Maryvale Joey Comment: MN3 Herd. young RLFofYardley thatwith is two than theofET heifers as Lot 28 & 29. Her mother is another feminine, clean fronted female with an exceptional set of EBV's. Positive calving ease, strong growth, and all production $ has quite a production record here at Maryvale. She produced her first calf at just 20.5 months of age and kept up the momentum to Indexes in the Top 15% of the breed. Lots of breeding options here. produce 3 natural calves well ahead of her 4th birthday with an average calving interval of 363 days - now that is fertility! Maryvale Joey is another feminine, clean fronted female with an exceptional set of EBV's. Positive calving ease, strong growth, and all production $ Indexes in the Top 15% of the breed. Lots of breeding options here.


Lot 31 & Lot 32 - 50 straws of RPY Paynes Derby (Homo Polled)

RPY Derby Breed Average

Calving Ease

Gest Length

Birth Weight


200 Day Growth

400 Day Growth

600 Day Growth

Docility EBV

Domestic $ Index










Comment: We were very excited to secure the Australia semen rights in RPY Paynes Derby in November 2013. Derby appealed to us as a result of his flawless phenotype and strong maternal pedigree. Derby's dam Ivy's Polled Princess is a highly proven breeding female and was Canadian Show Dam of the Year for 3 out of 4 years between 2009 and 2012. We love the body type on Derby. He has more muscle and shape than a lot of Euro's and yet combines this with an incredible depth of flank and that really soft body type that we strive for. He is also Homo Polled by pedigree allowing us to continue our focus on developing Homozygous Polled Limousin cattle. Derby also offers massive scrotal size and excellent structural integrity. RPY Paynes Derby achieved an excellent show record, winning Grand Champion Limousin bull at three major shows in Western Canada in October and November 2013. He was also Supreme Champion bull of all breeds at one of these shows. RPY Paynes Derby went on to sell for $31,000 at the National Western Stock Show to Highland Stock Farms. This was the highest price across all breeds. We believe these two packages of 50 straws offer a very exciting opportunity for some additional Limousin breeders in Australia to get in on the ground floor with us on this outstanding bull. We are very excited about the breeding potential of this bull and can't wait to use him on some of our TMF Westwood daughters. Auctioned on a $ per straw basis.

Pedigree JCL Lodestar Kajo Responder Kajo Sheryl Ivy's Polled Molten Ivy's Polled Princess EXLR Jenna 020L


Lots 33, 34, 35 & 36 - 25 straws of GHR Polled Aftershock (French Pure)

GHR Aftershock Breed Average

Calving Ease

Gest Length

Birth Weight


200 Day Growth

400 Day Growth

600 Day Growth

Docility EBV

Domestic $ Index










Comment: Another exciting opportunity to join us on the ground floor with a great bull. We believe that GHR Polled Aftershock provides a very exciting addition to Polled French Pure genetics. He is deep bodied, sound structured and walks out very well. He also has a great topline, a good depth of flank, and a fine, slick hair coat. GHR Polled Aftershock also offers some animals in his pedigree which are an outcross to existing Polled French Pure genetics. We believe that he is a Polled French Pure animal that offers constitution, cover, and carcase that will blend really well with both existing French Pure and purebred genetics in Australia. GHR Polled Aftershock is currently in collection and it is anticipated that his semen will arrive in Australia in July/August 2014. Semen will be dispatched upon arrival in Australia to the four successful purchasers of these packages of 25 straws. Payment will be requested after arrival and prior to dispatch. We have also been impressed with the volume, capacity, and softness of GHR Polled Aftershock's dam who is pictured below. Auctioned in $/straw.

Pedigree 1-Way Golden Pride (P) Bodell Polled Utmost (P) Bodell John S Sienna 1-Way Extra Precision (P) HBL Polled Terrific (P) HBL New Wave


Lots 37 to 46 - 6 straws of TMF Westwood (10 packages) Lots 37 to 46 - 6 straws of TMF Westwood (10 packages)

TMF Westwood Breed Average

Calving Ease +1.0 +0.2

Gest Length -4.1 -1.7

Birth Weight +1.3 +1.5

Milk +3 +5

200 Day Growth +23 +16

400 Day Growth +46 +27

600 Day Growth +66 +38

Docility EBV +66 +27

Domestic $ Index +$53 +26

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Comment: Homozygous Polled. A Length rare releaseWeight of 60 doses ofMilk semen in TMF Westwood as 10 packages has Ease Growth Growth Growthof 6 straws. EBV This bull $ Index reached legend status with+1.0 us here at Maryvale. He+1.3 is by far the greatest sire +23 that we have+46 used in 28 years cattle. TMF Westwood -4.1 +3 +66 of breeding +66Limousin+$53 It is very rare to find a bull that combines a flawless phenotype with a flawless set of EBV's. Westwood has also proven himself to be a Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 great breeding bull here in Australia and also in Canada. We recently developed a '100 point phenotypic score card' against which we could measure Homozygous the breeding sires thatAwe usedofwithin our herd. We are strong advocates EBV'soffor measuring Comment: Polled. rarehave release 60 doses of semen in TMF Westwood as of 10using packages 6 straws. Thisproduction bull has traits such as status birthweight, growth, and scrotal however we were scoring system which captured reached legend with us here atmilk, Maryvale. He issize by far the greatest sirekeen that to weimplement have useda in 28 years of breeding Limousinthe cattle. importance to us. TMF Westwood scores a massive 98set points on this Westwood phenotypichas scored thathimself we have It isphenotypic very rare totraits find of a bull that combines a flawless phenotype with a flawless of EBV's. alsocard proven to be a developed for internal use within our herd. The in next closest We bullrecently that we have assessed is point one ofphenotypic his son's Maryvale Grange who scored great breeding bull here in Australia and also Canada. developed a '100 score card' against which we 95 points. We have used lotssires of different describe how TMF bred forofus but we feelfor that his 98 point score could measure the breeding that weanalogies have usedtowithin our herd. We Westwood are strong has advocates using EBV's measuring production on our phenotypic score card growth, is the best measure of how has bred. haskeen out muscled a number of the French Purecaptured bulls thatthe we traits such as birthweight, milk, and scrotal sizehehowever we He were to implement a scoring system which havephenotypic used and yet has soft, productive daughtersscores which aare setting98 new benchmarks for us withscored their first progeny. are traits of produced importance to us. TMF Westwood massive points on this phenotypic card that we We have really pleased to be able offerour thisherd. exciting forbull other to son's benefitMaryvale from theGrange TMF Westwood developed for internal use to within Theopportunity next closest thatLimousin we havebreeders assessedinisAustralia one of his who scored influence. If he breeds as well for you as he has for us, this could become one of the best genetic investments that you have 95 points. We have used lots of different analogies to describe how TMF Westwood has bred for us but we feel that his 98 ever pointmade. score An our excellent opportunity to flush some your eliteofcows Westwood. of the breed for all Indexes. We have anwe on phenotypic score card is the bestofmeasure how to heTMF has bred. He hasTop out1% muscled a number of $the French Pure bullsset that upstartsoft, priceproductive for these daughters packages of TMFare Westwood semen of $250 per have used and yet has produced which setting new benchmarks for straw. us with their first progeny. We are Auctionedfor onother a $ per straw basis. really pleased to be able to offer this exciting opportunity Limousin breeders in Australia to benefit from the TMF Westwood

influence. If he breeds as well for you as he has for us, this could become one of the best genetic investments that you have ever made. An excellent opportunity to flush some of your elite cows to TMF Westwood. Top 1% of the breed for all $ Indexes. We have set an Pedigree upstart price for these packages of TMF Westwood semen of $250 per straw. ROMN Made to Order Auctioned on a $ per straw basis. TMF Tankard Mags Mayflower Pedigree EXLR Limited ROMN Made Edition to Order TMF TMF902P Tankard TMF 602L Mags Mayflower EXLR Limited Edition TMF 902P

TMF 602L


Lots 47 to 54 - 15 straws of RLF Yardley (8 packages) Lots 47 to 54 - 15 straws of RLF Yardley (8 packages)

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index RLF Yardley +2.2 -4.0 +0.8 +22 +39 +53 +31 +$41 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 +26 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index RLF Yardley Homozygous +2.2 +0.8 +22 +53 +$41 Comment: Polled and -4.0 Homozygous Black. RLF Yardley offers an exciting+39 genetic combination being+31 Homo Polled and Breed +0.2 -1.7to breed +1.5 +16 markets+27 +27 an opening +26 for HomoAverage Black. He provides an opportunity bulls targeted +5 at the pure black in Australia. +38 There is certainly Homo black and polled Limousin genetics in Australia for use in Angus and Hereford herds to produce 100% black hided calves. RLF Comment: Homozygous and Black. RLF Yardley and offers an exciting genetic Like combination being Homo Polled and Yardley is establishing a Polled great set ofHomozygous EBV's with moderate birthweight strong early growth. him, his progeny excel for body Homo Black. Hehe provides an opportunity to sire breed at the pure black markets certainly an Canadian opening for length. So far has rated as a 90 point forbulls us ontargeted our phenotypic score card. What in weAustralia. really likeThere aboutisthe TMF and Homo and polled Limousin in Australia for growth use in Angus and Hereford herds to TMF produce 100%and black hided calves. RLFa bulls thatblack we have selected is their genetics birth weight to 200 day rate ratios. TMF Westwood, Arizona, RLF Yardley all have Yardleybirthweight is establishing great set+1.5 of EBV's withalso moderate strong Like him, his progeny for while body current EBValess than and yet acheivebirthweight a 200 dayand growth rateearly EBVgrowth. of greater than +20. They alsoexcel do this length. So far has ratedand as ashape 90 point on ourfor. phenotypic scoreis card. really like about theMaryvale TMF andand Canadian maintaining thehe phenotype thatsire we for areus looking RLF Yardley siring What some we classy calves here at also in bulls that we have selected their birthwill weight to 200 dayongrowth ratios. TMF TMF $ Arizona, all have a Canada. All of these semenispackages be auctioned a $ perrate straw basis. HeWestwood, has a Domestic index inand theRLF Top Yardley 10% of the breed. current birthweight EBV less than +1.5 and yet also acheive a 200 day growth rate EBV of greater than +20. They also do this while maintaining the phenotype and shape that we are looking for. RLF Yardley is siring some classy calves here at Maryvale and also in Canada. All of these semen packages will be auctioned on a $ per straw basis. He has a Domestic $ index in the Top 10% of the breed. Pedigree WZRK Primestar Pedigree Wulfs Tailormade Wulfs Masterpiece WZRK Primestar Wulfs Tailormade Carrousels Peak Power Wulfs Masterpiece RLF 406W JDK Dream Weaver Carrousels Peak Power RLF 406W JDK Dream Weaver


Lots 55 to 60 - 20 straws of TMF Arizona (6 packages) Lots 55 to 60 - 20 straws of TMF Arizona (6 packages)

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index TMF Arizona -0.7 -2.1 +1.4 +21 +38 +52 +19 +$35 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.2 -1.7 +1.5 +5 +16 +27 +38 +27 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ +26 Index TMF Arizona -0.7 -2.1 +1.4 +21 +38 +52 +19 +$35 Comment: Homo Polled.+0.2 We have dug-1.7 deep into every our genetic +16 "wine cellar" +27 this year with+38 the semen packages that+26 we are Breed Average +1.5 corner of+5 +27 offering! We can't wait to multiply the influence of this group of exclusive sires that have made such a positive impact on our program. We areHomo reallyPolled. lookingWe forward seeing makecorner a positive contribution within otherthis herds Australia. We use a that basicwe are Comment: have to dug deep them into every of our genetic "wine cellar" yearacross with the semen packages mathematical equation tomultiply describethe ourinfluence TMF Arizona x depth x width = capacity! TMF Arizonaimpact has bred some really offering! We can't wait to of thisprogeny. group of Length exclusive sires that have made such a positive on our program. impressive calves for us in 2013 and they are almost unmatched for capacity. His sons are robust and rugged and are already displaying We are really looking forward to seeing them make a positive contribution within other herds across Australia. We use a basic large scrotal size. His to daughters and powerful look xlike theyx are going to be very functional mathematical equation describe are our feminine TMF Arizona progeny. and Length depth width = capacity! TMF Arizonabreeding has bredunits. some TMF really Arizona scores very 93 points on our score card. We also His like sons the hair on and the Arizona progeny with most being impressive calvesafor ushigh in 2013 and they are phenotypic almost unmatched for capacity. aretype robust rugged and are already displaying verylarge slickscrotal coated. His progeny are also demonstrating excellent performance they are heavy, heavy, heavy! Our TMF Arizona progeny size. His daughters are feminine and powerful and look like they are going to be very functional breeding units. TMF also have a little extrahigh bone93which gives them some realscore presence. A daughter look out for on in the is progeny Maryvalewith Jacuzzi Arizona scores a very points on our phenotypic card. We also liketothe hair type the future Arizona mostJ323. being TMF female us of his dam TMF performance Sunflower 33S. Sheare is heavy, picturedheavy, belowheavy! and is just type of female that very Arizona's slick coated. His progeny progeny are are reminding also demonstrating excellent - they Our the TMF Arizona progeny you to bebone the mother of your herdsome sire. real An exciting opportunity to secure semen in is this outcrossJacuzzi Homo J323. Polled alsowould have choose a little extra which gives them presence. A daughter to lookaout for inpackage the future Maryvale stud sire. TMF Arizona offers aus pedigree andTMF bodySunflower type that is wellShe beyond mainstream genetics. TMF Arizona's female progeny are reminding of his dam 33S. is pictured belowLimousin and is just the type of female that you would choose to be the mother of your herd sire. An exciting opportunity to secure a semen package in this outcross Homo Polled stud sire. TMF Arizona offers a pedigree and body type that is well beyond mainstream Limousin genetics. Pedigree Pedigree RPY Paynes Rough Rider TMF Traveler 742T JYF RPYRae Paynes Rough Rider TMF Traveler 742T TMF Landmark JYF Rae TMF Sunflower 33S TMF 440M Landmark TMF Sunflower 33S TMF 440M


                                     

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Why we love Limo’s! After 28 years of breeding Limousin cattle we remain very strong advocates of the Limousin breed and what they can offer the beef industry. Our strong alliance to the Limousin breed can be described by two key words, efficiency and flexibility. It has been scientifically proven in many independent trials that the Limousin breed is the most efficient and turning feed products, whether it be grain or grass, into saleable red meat. The reason for Limousin’s outstanding conversion rates comes down to a unique gene in the breed known as the F94L gene. Most of the European breeds generate an increase in dressing percentage in the order of 4%. The unique F94L gene in the Limousin breed however also generates an unmatched increase in retail beef yield with increases of 6% not being uncommon. Retail beef yield is measured by the number of kilograms of saleable red meat that can be generated from a dressed carcase after it has been boned out and trimmed. Considering a 450 kilogram live weight animal, a 4% increase in dressing percentage and a 6% increase in retail beef yield, can result in an increase in saleable red meat from that animal in the order of 28 kilograms. At a conservative retail value of $16.50 per kilogram, this results in an additional $462 of value being generated from the animal. It is no surprise why many astute butchers and processors for the domestic market are closely aligned with the Limousin breed. A 4% increase in dressing percentage and a 6% increase in retail beef yield is what can

be achieved between a pure British breed animal and a pure Limousin. Hence if a Limousin bull is joined to a British breed female, such as an Angus or Hereford, the increase in dressing percentage and saleable red meat yield is halved and the resulting progeny would have approximately 2% more dressing percentage and 3%more retail beef yield. This would result in an increase in saleable red meat from the Limousin sired progeny of approximately $230 per carcase. We have an enormous amount of respect for the Angus breed and always will have. They are excellent maternal cattle, they perform well in feedlots, they have excellent adaptability to a wide range of climates, and they have a strong capacity to produce high marbling carcases. Given this, they make excellent mothers of Limousin sired calves! As much respect as we have for the Angus breed, we remain far too committed to the strengths of the Limousin breed to consider breeding pure Angus seedstock at present.

Here are a few reasons why: Limousin bulls joined to Angus females will smash the growth rates that could otherwise be achieved from the same cows being joined to Angus bulls. The resultant calves from a Limousin x Angus joining will have more muscle and shape than pure Angus calves and we have seen consistent premiums of 20 cents per kilogram live weight for B muscled cattle over C muscled cattle in the market place. The Limousin x Angus female is a brilliant F1 breeding female and has outperformed pure Angus females for maternal strength in a number of situations. The Limousin breed is free of major genetic defects and as a result increased productivity can be achieved from joining Angus females to a different breed. Hybrid vigour pays dividends in many ways! The market for highly marbled beef is capped. New and emerging markets such as China will look for efficiency in beef production and procurement before they will look for large volumes of highly marbled beef. It has been widely proven that Limousin x Angus progeny can meet a wide range of market specifications including the premium MSA and EU markets. If we were to breed pure Angus, we would seek to develop a type of Angus that had more muscle and shape, a midmaturity pattern, increased docility, enhanced structural soundness, and the right amount of softness or finishing ability. This could all be achieved however we would end of with a type of animal that would be very similar to the bulls and genetics offered in this catalogue. Here is the dilemma though…it would be highly unlikely that the resultant animals could ever carry 2 copies of the Limousin F94L gene and there would be an efficiency loss to the beef industry! To us an efficiency loss is considered counterproductive.

Given this, we have two recommendations for the next few years ahead… Go China and Go Limousin beef producers!


Results of the Maryvale “Cow Time” Sale – Spring 2013 We were really pleased with the results of our private selection female sale held in the Spring months of 2013. 35 cows and calves topped at $10,000 and averaged $3,729 while 37 unjoined heifers topped at $3,500 and averaged $1,922. In total the sale grossed $201,650 with the combined 72 lots averaging a very healthy $2,800. The sale outcome will raise more than $3,000 in support for Limousin Youth. The Ganian Limousin stud, from Marsden Park in Sydney NSW, purchased the top priced cow and calf unit Maryvale Curacao 7057 for $10,000. Maryvale Curacao is a Homo Polled donor female and she had a strapping Homo Polled heifer calf at foot, Maryvale Jindabyne J350, sired by Maryvale Grange. She formed part of a large draft of females purchased by the Ganian herd and will become one of their cornerstone donor females as they rapidly increase the size of their stud herd at Marsden Park. Three females shared the equal second top price of $6,000. James and Casey Morris, Morrisvale Limousin, WA selected Maryvale Endless Summer 9310 for $6,000 with an excellent bull calf at foot sired by TMF Arizona. The bull calf, Maryvale Jeep Wrangler J427, formed one of three great calves by TMF Arizona secured by James and Casey in their selected draft of 7 cows and calves and 2 heifers. Maryvale Charisma 7043 and Maryvale 4702 also made $6,000 with both of these black females going to the Ganian Limousin stud in Marsden Park. Both of these females have also been marked as future donor females for the growth of the Ganian Limousin stud herd. Kevin and Sue Nettleton, Unison Limousin Stud, WA secured an excellent draft of cows and calves and heifers and were the first to look through the herd and make their selections. Included in their draft of Maryvale females were the equal top priced heifers. These two heifers, Maryvale Henrietta and Maryvale Heidelberg, were twins from Palmdale A189 and sired by the highly proven TMF Westwood. These outstanding heifers are full siblings to our stud sire Maryvale Grange and also Maryvale Goliath who sold in our 2013 sale for $9,500 to David and Jess Eagleson for their Ulster 1 Limousin Stud in Qld. Buyers at the Maryvale “Cow Time” sale really appreciated the opportunity to look through the whole herd, make their selections without any time pressure, and with support from the Maryvale team. We really appreciated the opportunity to spend time with each buyer and assist with customising each draft of females to suit their requirements and breeding objectives. The open herd concept worked really well and buyers appreciated that we made virtually every female in the herd available for selection. Knowing that they could select any female in the herd gave the buyers a great deal of confidence in the standard and quality of the females available.

Kevin and Sue Nettleton from the Unison Limousin stud selected a total of 12 Maryvale females. Other highlights in their quality draft of females included Maryvale Diamond Jewel 8148, a Palmdale Saffron female with a cracking bull calf at foot, Maryvale Jackson J419, sired by TMF Westwood. They also purchased Maryvale Fiesta F8, a TMF Polled Harmonica daughter with a standout heifer calf at foot, Maryvale Jive J319, also sired by TMF Westwood. To add to the TMF Westwood influence in their excellent draft of females Kevin and Sue also selected a Homo Polled ET heifer, Maryvale Jess J301, a daughter of the $10,000 sale topper.


James and Casey Morris, Morrisvale Limousin stud selected a total of 9 Maryvale females. Their quality draft included ET heifer Maryvale Josephine J302, a Wulfs Xtractor daughter who was the result of successfully flushing TMF Westwood daughter Maryvale Geraldine as a heifer. James and Casey’s draft included two excellent bull calves by TMF Arizona, Maryvale Journeyman J455 and Maryvale Jeep Wrangler J427, and a sensational TMF Arizona heifer calf Maryvale Justine J325. Brighton Farms, WA also selected a cow and calf unit. Underpinning the scale of the sale, the Ganian Limousin herd put together an excellent draft of 50 females, made up of 20 cows and calves and 30 unjoined heifers. Together with previous purchases of Maryvale females at our last three on property sales these females will form a very solid foundation for their Ganian herd at Marsden Park. Included in their draft of heifers were 7 daughters of Maryvale Deep Blue and 5 daughters of Froghollow Enigma. Other females of note amongst their draft of cows and calves included Refstrup Tabias daughter Maryvale Danish Design 8134, French Pure female Maryvale Waitress 5, and Palmdale Uroma C7, the mother of Maryvale Halberg, Lot 2 in our current sale catalogue. We wish all of the buyers well with their purchases and look forward to following the progress of these 72 females into the future. We are most appreciative of the confidence shown in our breeding program and look forward to continuing to offer females under the open herd approach into the future. To support interest shown during the Maryvale “Cow Time” Sale we will also be flushing a number of our elite females during 2014 and making embryos available to Limousin breeders across Australia.

Matt and Simon Vogt enjoying inspecting pastures in October 2013. The strong Spring flush was very welcome after a very dry Summer and Autumn at the start of the year.






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