Maryvale Limousin Bull & Female 2013 Sale Catalogue

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2013 Maryvale “Power in the Pedigree� Bull & Female Sale Thursday 31st January 2013

- Inspection from 10.00am sale at 12.30pm

Vogt Family - Ph: 08 8566 2045 Fax: 08 8566 3601 Email: PO Box 468 Kapunda SA 5373 Mobile Contact: 0407 959 836 (Simon) 0407 959 837 (Matt) Property Located 10km North of Kapunda on the Marrabel Road

Welcome to the Maryvale “Power in the Pedigree” Bull and Female Sale Welcome to our 2013 catalogue and on-property sale. We are really pleased to offer you this exciting line-up of Limousin bulls and females. The genetic merit of the bulls and females that we are offering on Thursday 31st January is outstanding and a direct function of the “Power in the Pedigree” that backs up each of these animals.

Some of the highlights of our 2013 offering include the following: •

The first 5 sons of TMF Westwood 505W sell! Westwood is proving to be an awesome breeding bull

An excellent selection of Polled and Homo Polled stud sires are being offered*

An excellent group of black bulls sell, including a large number of Maryvale Blue Print sons, our high IMF sire!

All bulls have been scanned for EMA, fat depth, and marbling

Lot 1, Maryvale Goliath G201, is the most exciting Homo Polled stud sire that we have offered to date!

Two sensational ET heifer calves sell as Lots 47 & 48, including a TMF Westwood daughter and a super impressive Polled French Pure heifer, Maryvale Hemline H207!

5 cow and calf pairs sell including one of the first heifer calves on Lot 42 from our $13,000 herd sire Froghollow Enigma and a sensational cow and calf unit as Lot 41!

Two semen packages in the highly proven breeding bull ROMN Made to Order sell

Two semen packages in the ever popular and hard to source TMF Polled Harmonica 777N sell

Video previews are available online for a selection of the available bulls

* Please note that we are awaiting the Homo Polled test results on 8 of the potential stud sires

This year’s sale provides breeders with a great opportunity to bring the TMF Westwood influence to your herd. We certainly had very high expectations of TMF Westwood when we secured the Australian semen rights to the bull just before he sold for $54,000 at just 9 months of age. The great news is that he has bred beyond these expectations and has now proven himself as a great breeding bull. In our opinion he is a very unique bull and complete bull and combines the right numbers with the right type. Genetically he is a moderate birth weight, fast growth rate sire recording all growth traits and Production $ Indexes in the Top 10% of the breed. Westwood is also a very short gestation length sire with exceptional genetic docility that ranks him within the Top 5% of the breed for this important trait. Phenotypically Westwood has the right maturity pattern, the right type, exceptional structural soundness, a huge volume of muscling, and the right level of softness or finishing ability. In addition to this he adds unbelievable shape to his progeny from a young age and is Homozygous Polled. In 26 years of breeding Limousin seed stock we have used over 200 Limousin sires and of this extensive list of bulls TMF Westwood is clearly Number 1 for consistency and completeness against the genetic characteristics which today’s industry demands. TMF Westwood has impressed us on all three inspections, at 8 months of age, 18 months of age, and 3.5 years of age. We welcome you to take the opportunities in this sale to bring the TMF Westwood influence to your herd. This year’s draft of bulls and females offers some very exciting opportunities for both stud and commercial beef producers. In last year’s Maryvale sale 9 Limousin stud herds purchased bulls for use in seed stock enterprises in Australia and abroad. This year’s sale offers another exciting opportunity for stud breeders to select from breed leading and industry leading genetics. There is an excellent number of potential stud sires catalogued by TMF Westwood, Maryvale Dakota Legend, Palmdale Utah, Maryvale Blue Print, Ivy’s Shazam and Froghollow Black Hawk. The catalogued draft of bulls also offers the same great opportunities that commercial producers come to expect of us. Once again we are presenting a consistent draft of Maryvale Prime Beef sires that excel for the Muscle, Cover, and Docility trifecta of traits which we have selected for over many generations. The strength of the Limousin breed, which cannot easily be replicated, is the breed’s capacity to produce high red meat yielding carcases. Like the Prime Lamb sires in the sheep industry our bulls provide an opportunity for producers to increase growth rates, increase muscling, improve carcase quality, and capitalise on hybrid vigour. We are really pleased with the years and years of genetic selection that has resulted in the softer, docile type of Limousin bulls that we now produce. These bulls have proven performance across a wide range of environments including stellar performance in the far north pastoral regions.


It certainly continues to be an exciting time for the Limousin breed - as astute commercial producers enjoy the capacity of the breed to add length, weight, shape and red meat yield to their calf crops. These traits ultimately increase producer returns by increasing the number of kilograms of beef they have to sell while also providing them with the ability to offer a product which commands a premium in the market place. Recent NLRS data once again demonstrates that the market place is paying consistent premiums for B muscled animals over C muscled animals with the premium regularly averaging more than 20c/kg. The fact that we are seeing increased use of Limousin bulls in crossbreeding systems, increased uptake of Limousin bulls in large commercial Angus herds, and unprecedented sales of our Maryvale Limousin bulls into pastoral and large scale beef production systems are three of the key reasons we remain so excited about the future of the Limousin breed!

For the first time this year we have captured a selection of video footage on some of the individual sale bulls and some of the pen groups. Be sure to check out this footage on our website at

We have also increased our bull offering, providing more opportunity and choice for clients old and new to secure a bull that meets your requirements on sale day. Please feel free to contact us to discuss how we can assist you in any way with inspecting, selecting, or purchasing Maryvale genetics in 2013. Once again photos are provided for every lot and the sale will be interfaced with Auctions Plus enabling you to purchase with confidence from a distance if required.

Whether or not you are in the market for a bull or female this year we extend a very warm welcome to you to attend our third on-property sale on Thursday 31st January.

We hope that you can join us to enjoy our hospitality.


the helmsman auction sYstem This method of purchasing livestock combines the best features of both the auction system and the private selection process. We have chosen this selling system to provide our clients with an equal opportunity to operate on all of our bulls and females on offer while still maintaining some of the benefits of the private selection process that we have used in the past. Buyers have the opportunity to bid on any lots in the sale simultaneously and can bid on any lot right until the end of the sale. This process removes some of the pressure of a traditional auction and can assist you to purchase your animals of choice. Landmark will be facilitating the Helmsman auction process for us on the day of the sale. All agents will be offered 4% commission on any lots that they purchase on behalf of clients, provided that they introduce their buying clients to us, in writing, 24 hours before the start of the sale.

the Benefits 1. You have more time to consider lodging a bid. You can place genuine bids on any lot of your choice at any time during the sale period. Just remember, if you are only after one bull, only bid on one bull at a time – if your first choice exceeds your limit you can then start bidding on your next choice. 2. You have the opportunity to re-assess each lot during the sale period without any pressure to make an instant decision. 3. You have a greater opportunity to take home the lot numbers that you want, irrespective of sale lot order. For example, if your first choice is Lot 12 and your second choice was actually an earlier Lot, such as Lot 1, you can see what price Lot 12 makes before having to consider your second choice, even though your second choice was catalogued earlier. 4. When buying multiple lots, the helmsman process gives you the opportunity to average your purchase prices to suit your budget.

the Process 1. On arrival, the intending purchasers register at the bid table and receive a buyer number and a number of bid cards. 2. All animals will be penned and available for inspection on the day of the sale, with all relevant information provided in the catalogue. 3. When the sale commences, all lots are on the market simultaneously. You can bid on any animal, regardless of lot number, by filling out a bid card and handing it to a ‘runner’. 4. You may open the bidding at the upset price for each lot and the subsequent minimum bid size is $250. There is no limit on the maximum size of the bid, however it must be greater than or equal to $250 or multiples thereof. 5. The upset prices for each lot will be provided on the day of the sale. 6. Bids are recorded with the bidder’s buyer number on a large board within the sale tent area. You can bid on any number of lots at once and can see at a glance whether your bid still stands or has been out bid. 7. There is no pressure to commit yourself to another bid. If your first choice animal goes over your limit you can still bid on any other animal in the sale. 8. A bid once submitted and recorded cannot be retracted, and the person submitting such a bid will be responsible for it, unless it is subsequently out bid. 9. The sale will remain open for a minimum of 20 minutes. Any registered bids after this minimum sale time will result in an extension of the auction for a specified length of time. 10. Further bids will trigger the same process until no more bids are received in a specified period, which will signify the end of the sale.


Sale Day Information Sale Date: Thursday 31st January 2013 Sale at 12.30pm followed by lunch Inspection from 10.00am 40 Limousin & Lim-Flex Bulls 8 Limousin Females 4 Semen Lots Key Contacts Landmark will be facilitating the sale for us by Helmsman Auction. Phone Bidding Phone Bidding can be arranged in advance by contacting one of the following key contacts within Landmark: Malcolm Scroop Gordon Wood Trevor Driver Ray Atwell Peter Godbolt

– Landmark Stud Stock – SA – Landmark Stud Stock – SA – Landmark SA & NT Area Manager – Landmark Stud Stock – Melbourne – Landmark Stud Stock – Albury

– 0428 838 363 – 0408 813 215 – 0428 241 049 – 0428 836 136 – 0457 591 929

Rebates to outside agents We appreciate the strong support that has been shown to us by Landmark and many other agents over the history of our stud. A 4% rebate will be made available to all outside agents purchasing stock at the sale of behalf of clients. Outside agents must introduce the clients to us in writing 24 hours before the start of the sale to be eligible for the 4% rebate. Please feel free to contact Simon Vogt on 0407 959 836 to discuss this matter or email

Insurance Animals will become the responsibility of the purchasers at the conclusion of the sale. We strongly recommend insuring your animals for a 3, 6, or 12 month period at the conclusion of the sale. Insurance can be arranged with Landmark as required.

Freight & Travel We are willing to hold animals for a reasonable period after the sale to enable purchasers to coordinate the successful and efficient transport of animals home to their properties. We can provide recommendations of suitable stud stock carriers and will assist wherever we can to ensure the safe and efficient transport of animals to your home property. Please contact Matt Vogt on 0407 959 837 in regard to the freight and transport of animals post the sale.

Accommodation Our property is located 10 kilometres North of Kapunda on the road to Marrabel on the Eastern side of the road. We are located approximately 1.5 hours North of the Adelaide Airport. We are located between the two small townships of Allendale North and Hamilton. Our property has a “Maryvale Limousins” sign on the main road. Accommodation is readily available in both the nearby Barossa and Clare Valleys which are both very renowned areas of attraction.

Please Note: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that all of the details presented in this catalogue are accurate and correct we cannot guarantee that the content is free of any errors or ommissions.


Information on the Animals for Sale Sale Day – Thursday 31st January 2013 All animals will be offered for sale by Auction on Thursday 31st January at 12.30pm. All animals will be penned and available for inspection from 10.00am onwards. Health and Structural Soundness Maryvale is MN3 Accredited under the BJD Market Assurance Program. All bulls have been vaccinated twice with 7 in 1, and have also been vaccinated against vibriosis and pesti-virus. All animals have been independently structurally assessed by Dick Whale and considered structurally sound. Structural scores will be available on request. Please contact Simon by email or by phone 0407 959 836 and he will be able to post, fax or email the structural scores to you to assist in your selection if required. As mentioned all the bulls and females catalogued for this sale have been inspected and assessed on the IBMS Type/ Structure system, by Dick Whale. They were all considered acceptable for soundness and muscling. If any potential buyers would like to discuss any of the bulls at any time, please contact Dick on 0427 697 968.

Stud History Maryvale was established in 1986 with the purchase of three outstanding French Pure heifers from the Ashfield stud at Wangaratta. These three females went into a significant embryo transfer program, along with their resulting daughters. Our female herd now involves over 240 females and we continue to select mate each female every year. We are also making significant progress in multiplying the elite end of our female herd using mainly proven and some exciting new sire lines via Embryo Transfer. We have used a very large number of sires over time and continue to select the best AI and natural service sires that meet our breeding objectives. We believe that we continue to learn more each year about successful sire lines within the breed, and within our herd, with each calf crop that is born and raised. We believe that successful seed-stock producers in the Australian beef industry, within the various breeds, will maximize the strengths of breed, identify the weaknesses within the breed and address these weaknesses and overcome them to produce a superior animal which is suited to the Australian environment in which it has to perform. From the early 1990’s we recognized that there were two main areas within the Limousin breed which needed to be addressed and these issues were temperament and the ability to lay down cover whilst still retaining red meat yield. We have worked hard on these traits, such that we can now offer bulls that have temperament as strength and also offer bulls with the correct amount of softness or finishing ability, whilst still maximizing red meat yield. In later years we have also taken it upon ourselves to place emphasis on continued fertility and maternal improvements, udder quality, polledness, and excellent hair type. In our mission to make temperament and finishing ability a strength of Maryvale cattle we are always conscious not to use genetics or sire lines which sacrificed structural soundness, growth, adequate muscling, incorrect maturity pattern, hair type, survivability or calving ease. We are fascinated by genetics and are great believers in what can be achieved by genetic progress and we take great care in producing each calf crop. Survivability and performance of Maryvale genetics has been proven across a vast range of environments from some of the harshest areas of the far north pastoral to the more southern regions of Australia.


We enjoy producing these cattle and take great satisfaction in our client’s success. Please feel free to contact us any time in regard to this offering and we look forward to working with you to continually improve your beef business.

AuctionsPlus Information Electronic Online Auctions 02 9262 4222 The Maryvale Limousin Production Sale is a helmsman sale linked with AuctionsPlus. This allows buyers to place bids online over the AuctionsPlus system. To bid via AuctionsPlus, contact your local agent or register online at least 48 hours prior to the sale commencing. Registration is free and easy, click the register tab on the AuctionsPlus homepage. If you are already an AuctionsPlus user simply log on with your username and password then click connect to continue to the Maryvale sale.

The AuctionsPlus contact for this Sale: Landmark AuctionsPlus Coordinator Tim Bayliss 0457 568 803

1st time users of AuctionsPlus must click on DOWNLOADS found within the Left-hand side Menu to make sure SILVERLIGHT has been installed on your computer. This software allows you to access the site and sale. SILVERLIGHT can take up to 10 minutes to download. 1st time users will also need to register with AuctionsPlus to receive log in details. Remember to have your PIC number and contact details ready when you register. All of your local livestock agents should be able to assist you with bidding in an AuctionsPlus auction if required.

2013 Sale Bulls


A guide to EBV Information An Estimated Breeding Value (EBV) is an estimate of the genetic merit of an animal for each trait measured. In this catalogue EBV’s for each trait that has been measured have been provided. EBV’s have been provided for the following traits:

Calving Ease Calving ease EBV’s are based on calving ease (CE) scores, birth weights and gestation length. The more positive the calving ease EBV, the easier calving the bull’s progeny should be.

Gestation Length This EBV ranks animals based on the time between conception and the birth of a calf. Shorter gestation length is indicated by negative EBV’s and longer by positive EBV’s.

Birth Weight Birth weight EBV (kg) is based on the measured birth weight of animals, adjusted for dam age. The lower the value, the lighter the calf at birth and the lower the likelihood of a difficult birth. This is particularly important when selecting sires for use over heifers.

Milk 200 Day Milk EBV (kg) is an estimate of an animals milking ability. For sires, this EBV is indicative of their daughter’s milking ability as it effects the 200 Day weights of their calves.

200 Day Growth 200 Day Growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of animals taken between 80 & 300 days of age. Values are adjusted to 200 days and for damage. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for growth to early stages.







400 Day Growth 400 Day Growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of the animals taken between 301 and 500 days, adjusted to 400 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for yearling weight.

600 Day Growth 600 Day Growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of animals taken between 501 and 900 days of age, adjusted to 600 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for growth beyond yearling age.

Docility Docility EBV (%) is based on the animals docility score taken at weaning and estimates the genetic differences for docility. A more positive EBV indicates more docile progeny.

Domestic Terminal $ Index Estimates the genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow joined for an example commercial crossbred herd (run in a temperate environment) targeting grass finished production for the domestic trade. Animals are assumed to be pasture grown with finished progeny weighing 475kg at 18 months, from British Breed cows. All progeny are slaughtered.





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Lot 1 - Maryvale Goliath G201 (Homo Polled) Identifier


Lot 1 - Maryvale Goliath G201 (Homo Polled)



Identifier Age

AMSPG201 20 Months

DOB Pedigree



20 Months TMF Tankard

TMFPedigree Westwood

TMF 902P

TMF Tankard Palmdale President TMF Westwood Palmdale Shantal A189 TMF 902P Palmdale W170 Palmdale President Palmdale Shantal A189 Palmdale W170 Calving Gest Ease Length Maryvale G201 +0.1 -3.1 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 Calving Gest

Birth Weight +1.8 +1.6 Birth

Milk +6 +4

200 Day Growth +22 +16 200 Day

400 Day Growth +42 +26 400 Day

600 Day Growth +53 +36 600 Day

Docility EBV +49 +24 Docility

Domestic $ Index +$40 +25 Domestic

Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Comment:G201 MN3 Herd. +0.1 We start our 2013 sons and+53 Maryvale Goliath leads off Maryvale -3.1 catalogue +1.8with four outstanding +6 +22 of TMF Westwood +42 +49 G201 +$40 as Lot 1. An exceptional bull that was the result of a very successful ET flush. Well worthy of stud duties, G201 offers an exciting Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 opportunity to progress the Limousin breed and the Australian beef industry. Full brother and flush mate Maryvale Grange G207 retained MN3 for extensive stud duties at Maryvale. Three sisters averaged just over and 9 months of age. An exceptional Comment: Herd. We start our 2013 catalogue with flush four outstanding sons $4,000 of TMF at Westwood Maryvale Goliath G201 leads off combination of Muscle, Cover, & Docility. All of growth and $ Indexes the Top 10%ofofstud the breed. Big scrotal, as Lot 1. An exceptional bull that was the result a verytraits successful ET Well worthy duties, G201 offers extra an exciting softness, Homo Polled DNA Full test brother pending.and flush mate Maryvale Grange G207 opportunity to progress the Limousin breed and big the EMA! Australian beef industry. retained for extensive stud duties at Maryvale. Three flush sisters averaged $4,000 at just over 9 months of age. An exceptional combination of Muscle, Cover, & Docility. All growth traits and $ Indexes in the Top 10% of the breed. Big scrotal, extra softness, big EMA! Homo Polled DNA test pending.

Lot 2 - Maryvale Gunnedah G205 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier Age DOB Pedigree Age

8/05/11 AMSPG205 20 Months 8/05/11

TMF Pedigree Westwood TMF Westwood Palmdale C14 Palmdale C14

Lot 2 - Maryvale Gunnedah G205 (Polled)

20 Months TMF Tankard TMF 902P TMF Tankard Obiwan TMF 902P Palmdale Peppermint Obiwan

Palmdale Peppermint Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G205 -5.8 -4.2 +2.7 +6 +26 +47 +64 +48 +$37 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale -5.8exceptional, -4.2 +2.7 +6 +26that has been +47 admired +64 +48 +$37 Comment:G205 MN3 Herd. An high performance TMF Westwood son by many. A superbly put together Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 in bull with impeccable structural soundness. All growth traits in the Top 5% of the breed. TMF Westwood is proving to be such a once a lifetime bull for us and is consistently breeding exceptional cattle. They all excel for muscle shape, volume, softness, docility, and Comment: MN3 Herd.AAn exceptional, highof performance TMF sons Westwood been admired by many. A superbly put G205 together structural soundness. very exciting group TMF Westwood in this son sale,that all has worthy of stud duties. Maryvale Gunnedah is bull with impeccable structural soundness. aAll growth in the Top EMA, 5% ofexcellent the breed. TMF Westwood is proving to be such a once in replica of traits his sire. Huge cover! a lifetime bull for us and is consistently breeding exceptional cattle. They all excel for muscle shape, volume, softness, docility, and structural soundness. A very exciting group of TMF Westwood sons in this sale, all worthy of stud duties. Maryvale Gunnedah G205 is a replica of his sire. Huge EMA, excellent cover!


Lot 3 - Maryvale Ground Control G214 (Polled) Lot 3 - Maryvale Ground Control G214 (Polled) Identifier


Identifier DOB

AMSPG214 15/05/11


15/05/11 20 Months

Age Pedigree

20 Months

Pedigree TMF Westwood TMF Westwood

TMF Tankard


TMF Tankard 902P


TMF 902P Ionesco Palmdale Teresa B61 Ionesco Palmdale Piaf Palmdale Teresa B61 Palmdale Piaf


Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale G214 -1.8 -2.4 +2.9 +6 +27 +46 +63 +58 +$41 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Maryvale G214 -1.8 -2.4 +2.9 +6 +27 +46 +63 +58 +$41 Breed Average -1.4 +1.6/; 21) 2* 6+4 +24 Comment: ) 4+0.0 ( # 29 9 , % 6%& 7 // 255-& , ) 0 256329+16 ) 4* 7 / 32//) ( +26 -0 27 5-1 & 7 //5+36 62 5) // -1 7 56 4%/-% %4; 8 +25 %/) 427 1( 21642/ ) : ' ) /5 * 24 0 7 5' /) ) : 34) 55-21 %1( 3) 4* 240 %1' ) $27 21/; , %8 ) 62 6%. ) %/22. %6, -5 3) ( -+4) ) 62 5) ) 9 , ) 4) , -5 powerful to Comment: ) !4( Wow…what # # 29 , %6: a%bull! & 7 // 5' Possibly 21) 2* the 6,%)' .most 0) (256 329 & 7 27//55-1 62 sell 5) -1( Australia. 564& % ; 8. % 329 ) 4 ' 20 ) 5MN3 * 420 Herd. ) 569922( 21) 2255-& : %/;7 3,one -1 of 9 -6 , )2*4* 7 6,/ polled )32//) +4) (%6Limousin 5-02* 276, 5-1 ) bulls -0 & 4//) )in 6,7 -5 7 /-% // 9 Maryvale -// % 04% ) /)%1 Control G214 and performance. a%look 427 21642/ )29 : ' 6), /564for *% 24 0 7 ! 5'23/) expression )): % 34 ) 55-21 %1( 3) * 24(0 !%1' ) # You $27 21/; , 5 %86,) )to 620take 6256 %. ) 329 /22. % , 20 -5 pedigree 3) , ) )4) 27his , -5 -0 Ground 3% ' 61(! 23 * 24 %// +4excels -65muscle ( 29 %40 5 /% & )4//) ) 569only 22( have % ) 4* 7 at /6his 2 ( -+4 2//)) () to &627 see //5)62) where ' 920 62* power the 329 ) 4comes ' 20 ) 5 from…TMF * 420 ! # , ))-456 9 2+4 22(%x0 : Ionesco 21) -1 Stacked %' 24 . )' () with 2*, -5 6, +4 ) greats , /2+7 ) Limousin -0) (27 5215 5-1 breed & 4) ) ( this 6, -5 bull & 7 // will 9 -// make 0 %. ) an %1 6Westwood 34 %1( 5'6, 2-5x: -5Dauphin! '% )7 43,6%-1/; 4)6-1* (9 -6 9, -63, of 6 27+4)3%2*65 of ' 2*%the 66% Top 5%* 24 for%all growth Top Meadow labelled powerful come -0impact. 3%' 6 ! 23 // +4 29 6, 64traits. %-65 ! 23 ) %( 29 Farms %40 5 /% & ) //) ( ! TMF# Westwood ) 569 22( %as 5 6,the ) 0most 256329 ) 4* 7 / Homo 20 2 Polled 2//) ( & bull 7 // 62to' 20 ) 27out 62* of their program and this is certainly reinforced with 6, ) -4 342+4 %0 %1( 6 , -5 -5 ' ) 46% -1/; this 4) -1* group 24' ) ( of 9 -6catalogued , 6, -5 +427 3sons! 2* ' %6Homo %/2+7 ) Polled ( 5215DNA test pending.


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Lot 4 - Maryvale Gammon G225 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier Age DOB Pedigree Age

29/05/11 AMSPG225 20 Months 29/05/11

TMF Pedigree Westwood

Lot 4 - Maryvale Gammon G225 (Polled)

20 Months TMF Tankard

TMF 902P TMF Tankard TMF Westwood Palmdale Solo Palmdale Vera D31 TMF 902P Palmdale T93 Palmdale Solo Palmdale Vera D31 Palmdale T93 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G225 -0.7 -1.4 +2.2 +6 +21 +42 +56 +48 +$40 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G225 -0.7really like -1.4 +6choice between +21 Maryvale +42 +56 and Maryvale +48 Grange +$40 Comment: MN3 Herd. We this bull and+2.2 it was a tough Gammon G225 G207 Breedwhen Average +0.0 a TMF Westwood -1.4 +1.6 +4 for the Maryvale +16 +36 +25 it came to retaining son as a stud sire herd.+26 We are really pleased to +24 be offering this outstanding group of TMF Westwood son's as a group potential stud sires or for use in top end commercial herds. Maryvale Gammon Comment: We really like ititwas aatough choice between Gammon and Grange G207 Comment: Wewith really likethis thisbull bulland and was tough choice betweenMaryvale GammonG225 G225 and Maryvale Grange G207 G225 offers MN3 lots ofHerd. balance balanced EBV's and a well balanced phenotype. AMaryvale great opportunity to bring theMaryvale Westwood influence to when it came to retaining a TMF Westwood son as a stud sire for the Maryvale herd. We are really pleased to be offering this are really pleased to be offering this your herd! Top 10% for growth, big EMA, built like aWe tank! outstanding group of TMF Westwood a groupstud potential for use top end commercial herds. Gammon outstanding group of TMF Westwood son's as ason’s groupas potential sires stud or forsires use or in top end in commercial herds. Maryvale G225EBV's offersand lotsaofwell balance with phenotype. balanced EBV’s andopportunity a well balanced phenotype. G225 offers lots ofMaryvale balance Gammon with balanced balanced A great to bring the Westwood influence to A great opportunity your to bring theTop Westwood to EMA, your herd! 10% for growth, big EMA, herd! 10% for influence growth, big built Top like a tank! built like a tank! Homo Polled DNA test pending. 10

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Lot 5 -Maryvale Gloucester G206 (Polled) Identifier




Identifier Age

AMSPG206 20 Months

DOB Pedigree



20 Months Octopus

Sympa Pedigree Sympa Maryvale 6022

Maryvale 6022

Lot 5 -Maryvale Gloucester G206 (Polled)

Operette Octopus ROMN Justice Operette Maryvale 1701 ROMN Justice

Maryvale 1701 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G206 -0.2 -0.4 +2.7 +6 +26 +37 +55 +18 +$35 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Comment: MN3 Herd.-0.2 We offerd a-0.4 big numbered bull as Lot +6 5 last year and the same again Gloucester Maryvale G206 +2.7 +26have done+37 +55 here. Maryvale +18 +$35 G206Average is a polled son of +0.0 the UK sire Sympa bred incredibly Sympa pedigree some Breed -1.4 who has +1.6 +4 well in the +16UK. This bull +26offers the+36 +24 but with +25 softness as a result of his mother's influence. An outcross polled sire that would do a great job in a stud or commercial herd. This bull will add lengthMN3 and Herd. shape We to his calf crop. Top 5% forbull 200asday and Vealer $ Index. Thissame bullsagain dam sells Lot can see Comment: offerd a big numbered Lotgrowth 5 last year and have done the here.asMaryvale Gloucester where he gets his softness, IMF, and ideal fat cover from!! G206 is a polled son of the UK sire Sympa who has bred incredibly well in the UK. This bull offers the Sympa pedigree but with some softness as a result of his mother's influence. An outcross polled sire that would do a great job in a stud or commercial herd. This bull will add length and shape to his calf crop. Top 5% for 200 day growth and Vealer $ Index. This bulls dam sells as Lot can see where he gets his softness, IMF, and ideal fat cover from!!

Lot 6 - Maryvale Gauge G213 (Polled) Lot 6 - Maryvale Gauge G213 (Polled) Identifier Identifier DOB DOB Age Age Pedigree Pedigree

AMSPG213 AMSPG213 14/05/11 14/05/11 20 Months 20 Months

Wulfs Klint Wulfs Klint Ivy's Near Perfect Ivy's Near Perfect Junior Junior Palmdale Topsy B48 Palmdale Topsy B48 Palmdale U58 Palmdale U58 Ivy's Shazam Ivy's Shazam

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $+$26 Index Maryvale G213 -0.3 -5.0 +0.6 +6 +19 +27 +31 +35 Maryvale G213 -0.3 -5.0 +0.6 +6 +19 +27 +31 +35 +$26 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Comment: MN 3 Herd. Maryvale Gauge G213 is a very impressive son of Ivy's Shazam that we really like. Maryvale Gauge has a Comment: MNphenotype Herd. Maryvale Maryvale Gauge G213 is is aaset very impressive sonis ofaIvy's Ivy’s Shazam thatthis webull really like. Gauge has Comment: MN 33Herd. Gauge very son of that we really like. Maryvale Gauge has aa really appealing supported by a G213 balanced ofimpressive EBV's. There lot toShazam like about and withMaryvale a moderate birthweight really appealing phenotype supported by a balanced set of EBV’s. There is a lot to like about this bull and with a moderate birthweight really appealing phenotype supported by a balanced set of EBV's. that ranks in the Top 20% of the breed, combined with his phenotype and nature, we see a big future for this bull in either a stud or top that commercial ranks in in the theherd. Top 20% 20% of the of breed, combined withgestation his phenotype phenotype and nature, we see out big future for this bull in either either that ranks Top the breed, combined with his see aa big in stud or top end Topof 10% the breed for short length.and Benature, sure towe check hisfuture videofor onthis ourbull website. Heawill impress end commercial 10% of the breed for shortthe gestation length. Be sure toout check out his on our website. end commercial herd. Topherd. 10%Top of the breed forand short gestation length. to check his video onvideo our website. He will impress withstand strictestBe ofsure inspections. He will impress and withstand the strictest of inspections. Homo Polled DNA test pending. and withstand the strictest of inspections.


Lot 7 - Maryvae Gaucho G229 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

4/06/11 AMSPG229


19 Months 4/06/11

Pedigree Age

19 Months

Pedigree Palmdale Utah Palmdale Utah

Lot 7 - Maryvae Gaucho G229 (Polled)

Wulfs Rambler Palmdale Peaches Wulfs Rambler

Ionesco Palmdale Peaches Palmdale Old Gold W13 Palmdale U58 Ionesco Palmdale Old Gold W13 Palmdale U58 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G229 -0.3 -2.8 +2.4 +5 +19 +36 +45 +32 +$36 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G229 -0.3 -2.8 +2.4 +5 +19 +36 +45 +32 +$36 Comment: MN3 Herd. Named after an Argentinian restaurant in Adelaide that loves to serve large portions of red meat, this bull lives Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 up to his name! Maryvale Gaucho offers a unique and exciting opportunity to purchase a bull that does a remarkable job at combining muscling and softness. This bull provesArgentinian beyond doubt that both muscling and softness can be increased at of the same time. Abull bull that Comment: Comment: MN3 MN3 Herd. Herd. Named Namedafter afteran an Argentinianrestaurant restaurantininAdelaide Adelaidethat thatloves lovestotoserve servelarge largeportions portions ofred redmeat, meat,this this bulllives lives provides the answer to everthing that theaAustralian beef industry demands. An excitinga sire prospect for the stud or commercial herd. up to his name! Maryvale Gaucho offers unique and exciting opportunity to purchase bull that does a remarkable job at combining up to his name! Maryvale Gaucho offers a unique and exciting opportunity to purchase a bull that does a remarkable job at combining Top 15% for 400 day growth and Domestic Terminal Index. muscling and and softness. softness. This muscling This bull bull proves proves beyond beyond doubt doubt that that both both muscling muscling and and softness softness can can be be increased increased at at the the same same time. time. AAbull bullthat that provides the answer to everthing that the Australian beef industry demands. An exciting sire prospect for the stud or commercial provides the answer to everthing that the Australian beef industry demands. An exciting sire prospect for the stud or commercialherd. herd. Top 15% for 400 Top day 15% growth Terminal Index. Homo Polled DNA test pending. forand 400Domestic day growth and Domestic Terminal Index.









Lot 8 - Maryvale Geralton G227 (Polled) Lot 8 - Maryvale Geralton G227 (Polled) Identifier


Identifier DOB

AMSPG227 30/05/11


30/05/11 20 Months

Age Pedigree

20 Months

Pedigree Refstrup Tabias Maryvale Dakota Legend Refstrup MaryvaleTabias 9801 Maryvale Dakota Legend Maryvale Palmdale 9801 President Palmdale Tuppence B81 Palmdale President Palmdale T93 Palmdale Tuppence B81 Palmdale T93 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale G227 -0.3 -2.4 +1.4 +5 +12 +28 +34 +31 +$27 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Maryvale G227 -0.3 -2.4 +1.4 +5 +12 +28 +34 +31 +$27 Breed AverageMN3 Herd.+0.0 -1.4 +1.6Dakota Legend +4 +16has an excellent +26 +36 is very +24 +25 Comment: We really like this Maryvale son!! He phenotype, well balanced and

offers exceptional structural soundness. We have to admire the way Dakota Legend provides a slick coat and eye appeal to his Comment:MN3 MN3Herd. Herd. We really like this Maryvale Dakota Legend son!! He an phenotype, isisvery well balanced and Comment: Hehas has anexcellent excellent very balanced and progeny. A bull that will do a great job as a stud sire or in a leading commercial herd. Maryvalephenotype, Geralton offers all well the traits that our offers exceptional exceptional structural structural soundness. soundness. We have to admire the way Dakota Legend provides a slick coat and eye appeal to his offers industry requires in a moderate birth weight, eye appealing package. Be sure to take a look at his video on our website. Check out the progeny. A A bull bull that that will will do do aa great great job job as as aa stud stud sire or or in in aa leading leading commercial commercial herd. herd. Maryvale progeny. Maryvale Geralton Geralton offers offers all all the the traits traits that that our our slick coatsire and scrotal development on this youngster! industry requires in a moderate birth weight, eye appealing package. Check out the slick coat and scrotal development industry requires in a moderate birth weight, eye appealing package. Be sure to take a look at his video on our website. Check out the on this Polled DNA testyoungster! pending. slick coatyoungster! and scrotalHomo development on this











Lot 9 - Maryvale Gear Shift G218 (Polled) Lot 9 - Maryvale Gear Shift G218 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

29/05/11 AMSPG218


20 Months 29/05/11

Pedigree Age

20 Months

Refstrup Tabias Pedigree Maryvale Dakota Legend Maryvale 9801 Refstrup Tabias

Maryvale Dakota Legend Palmdale President Maryvale 9801 Palmdale C46 Palmdale Palmdale X205 President Palmdale C46

Maryvale G218 Breed Average

Palmdale X205 Calving Ease +3.8 Calving +0.0 Ease

Gest Length -0.7 Gest -1.4 Length

Birth Weight +0.8 Birth +1.6 Weight

Milk +7 +4 Milk

200 Day Growth +11 200 Day +16 Growth

400 Day Growth +21 400 Day +26 Growth

600 Day Growth +28 600 Day +36 Growth

Docility EBV +33 Docility +24 EBV

Domestic $ Index +$24 Domestic +25 $ Index

Maryvale G218 +3.8 -0.7 +0.8 +7 +11 +21 +28 +33 +$24 Comment: MN3 Herd.+0.0 We just love -1.4 the phenotype of these Maryvale Dakota slick coated, sound structured, Breed Average +1.6 +4 +16Legend sons. +26 They are+36 +24 +25 big nutted bulls with excellent muscle expression. They also have excellent cover and real sire appeal. Maryvale Gear Shift comes Comment: MN3 Herd. We line just with love both the phenotype of grand these dam Maryvale Dakota Legend sons. They slick coated, sound structured, from a very maternal female his sire and having exceptional and are maternal strength. Maryvale Gear Comment: MN3 Herd. We just love the phenotype of these Maryvale Dakota Legendsoftness sons. They are slick coated, sound structured, big nutted bulls withofexcellent muscle expression. They also have excellent cover and Maryvale real sire appeal. Maryvale Gearthat Shift comes Shift is in the Top 20% the breed for calving ease and milk. Lot 8 & 9 are two excellent Dakota Legend sons wecomes believe big nutted bulls with excellent muscle expression. They also have excellent cover and real sire appeal. Maryvale Gear Shift from a very maternal female line with both his sire and grandthere dam current having exceptional softness and maternal strength. Maryvale Gear will actually punch EBV's for early growth. from a very maternal female line with both his sire and above grand dam having exceptional softness and maternal strength. Maryvale Gear Shift is in the Top 20% of the breed for calving ease and milk. Lot 8 & 9 are two excellent Maryvale Dakota Legend sons that we believe Shift is in the Top 20% of the breed for calving ease and milk. Lot 8 & 9 are two excellent Maryvale Dakota Legend sons that we believe will actually punch above there current EBV’s for early growth. Homo Polled DNA test pending. will actually punch above there current EBV's for early growth.

Lot 10 Maryvale Gardner G208 (Polled/Scurred) Lot 10 Maryvale Gardner G208 (Polled/Scurred) Identifier


Identifier DOB

AMSPG208 10/05/11


10/05/11 20 Months

Age Pedigree

20 Months


TMF Tankard

TMF Westwood TMF Westwood

TMF TMF Tankard 902P

TMF 902P Ionesco Palmdale Ornate W10 Ionesco White Lakes Real Peach Palmdale Ornate W10 White Lakes Real Peach Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale G208 -1.4 -4.4 +2.0 +5 +22 +39 +55 +50 +$35 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Maryvale G208 -1.4 -4.4 +2.0 +5 +22 +39 +55 +50 +$35 Breed AverageMN3 Herd.+0.0 +1.6 +4 son with +16 +26of muscle+36 +25 Comment: Another high-1.4 performance TMF Westwood an abundance and shape. +24 Maryvale Gardner

records all growth traits in the Top 12% of the breed along with a docility EBV in the Top 10% of the breed. Excellent type and Comment:amongst MN3 Herd. high performance TMF Westwood with an muscle and and complete shape. Maryvale consistency theseAnother TMF Westwood sons. TMF Westwood is son certainly oneabundance of the mostofexciting sires theGardner Limousin records all growth traits in the Top 12% of the breed along with a docility EBV in the Top 10% of the breed. Excellent and breed has seen in a long time. It is no real surprise that some TMF Westwood semen sold recently for $1,550 per dose!type Carcase, consistency amongst these TMF Westwood sons. TMF they Westwood certainly oneforofshort the most exciting and complete sires the Limousin character, and constitution have it isall! Top 10% gestation length. breed has seen in a long time. It is no real surprise that some TMF Westwood semen sold recently for $1,550 per dose! Carcase, character, and constitution they have it all! Top 10% for short gestation length.


Lot 11 - Maryvale Geology G245 (Polled/Scurred) Lot 11 - Maryvale Geology G245 (Polled/Scurred) Identifier


DOB Identifier

17/06/11 AMSPG245


19 Months 17/06/11

Pedigree Age

19 Months

Palmdale Solo Pedigree Maryvale E-Class Maryvale Palmdale 5849 Solo


Ivy's Shazam Maryvale 5849 Maryvale Diva 8172 Maryvale 8202 Ivy's Shazam



Maryvale E-Class


Maryvale Diva 8172 Maryvale 8202

Maryvale G245 Breed Average

Calving Ease +3.1 Calving +0.0 Ease

Gest Length -2.4 Gest -1.4 Length

Birth Weight +0.8 Birth +1.6 Weight

Milk +7 +4 Milk

200 Day Growth +21 200 Day +16 Growth

400 Day Growth +27 400 Day +26 Growth

600 Day Growth +35 600 Day +36 Growth

Docility EBV +30 Docility +24 EBV

Domestic $ Index +$32 Domestic +25 $ Index

Maryvale G245 +3.1 -2.4 +0.8 +7 +21 +27 +35 +30 +$32 Comment: MN3 Herd. +0.0 Here is an interesting youngster starting to really us. He recorded Eye Muscle Area Breed Average -1.4 +1.6 that is +4 +16 impress +26 +36 the largest +24 +25 (EMA) of all of the bulls catalogued when scanned in November. Sired by an impressive Maryvale bull that we used as a yearling and out of a highMN3 perfromance Ivy's Shazam daughter this bull offers the pedigree and the EBV's to go on and the do alargest great Eye job. Muscle Top 20% of Comment: Herd. Here is an interesting youngster that is starting to really impress us. He recorded Area the breed for direct calving ease and yet in the Top 12% of the breed for 200 day growth. The combination of moderate birth weight with (EMA) of all of the bulls catalogued when scanned in November. Sired by an impressive Maryvale bull that we used as a yearling and strong this earlybull growth thepedigree perfect combination. out of a high perfromance Ivy's Shazam daughter offersisthe and the EBV's to go on and do a great job. Top 20% of


C C s

the breed for direct calving ease and yet in the Top 12% of the breed for 200 day growth. The combination of moderate birth weight with strong early growth is the perfect combination.

Lot 12 - Maryvale Glasshouse G246 (Polled) Lot 12 - Maryvale Glasshouse G246 (Polled) Identifier


Identifier DOB

AMSPG246 20/06/11


20/06/11 20 Months

Age Pedigree

20 Months

Pedigree Ivy's Shazam Maryvale Empire Ivy's Shazam Maryvale 6118 Maryvale Empire Maryvale Ramornie6118 Xavier A82 Maryvale 8199 Ramornie Xavier A82 Maryvale 4758 Maryvale 8199 Maryvale 4758 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale G246 +1.3 -1.9 +1.9 +8 +18 +31 +39 +26 +$31 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Maryvale G246 +1.3 -1.9 +1.9 +8 +18 +31 +39 +26 +$31 Breed Average MN3 Herd. +0.0 -1.4bull in this +1.6 +4 Glasshouse +16G246 offers +26a very balanced +36 set of EBV's +24 and a great +25 Comment: The youngest pen. Maryvale phenotype together with good growth for age. Plenty of milk in this bull's pedigree so a good choice if you are looking to purchase a bull Comment: youngest bull in pen. Maryvale Glasshouse G246 offers scrotal a very balanced set ofMaryvale EBV's and a great from which youMN3 mightHerd. retainThe a few daughters. Anthis impressive, slick coated bull with excellent development. Glasshouse phenotype together with good growth for age. Plenty milk this bull's so a good choice if you are looking to purchase a bull records a milk of EBV in in the Top 10%pedigree of the Limousin breed. from which you might retain a few daughters. An impressive, slick coated bull with excellent scrotal development. Maryvale Glasshouse records a milk EBV in the Top 10% of the Limousin breed.











l e l e

Lot 13 - Maryvale Grey Wolf G240 (Polled) Lot 13 - Maryvale Grey Wolf G240 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

10/06/11 AMSPG240


19 Months 10/06/11

Pedigree Age

19 Months

Thunder Down Under Pedigree Maryvale Blue Print MaryvaleDown 6102 Under Thunder Maryvale Blue Print Palmdale 6102 Shakespeare Maryvale Palmdale D41 Palmdale T39 Shakespeare Palmdale D41 Palmdale T39 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G240 +2.2 -2.1 +3.1 +5 +28 +45 +62 +33 +$43 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G240 +2.2 -2.1 +3.1 +5 +28 +45 +62 +33 +$43 Comment: MN3 Herd. +0.0 An exceptional, black+4 sire to lead +16 of this first pen Grey Wolf records Breed Average -1.4high performance +1.6 +26of black bulls! +36 Maryvale+24 +25 some of the highest $ Indexes in the catalogue with all Indexes within the Top 5% of the breed. An impressive, high IMF bull sired by Comment: Herd. high black first ofofblack Maryvale Wolf records the provenMN3 Maryvale Blue Print and out of performance aperformance really high performance Palmdale female. Maryvale Grey damGrey is breeding very Comment: MN3 Herd.An Anexceptional, exceptional, high blacksire siretotolead leadofofthis this firstpen pen blackbulls! bulls!Wolf's Maryvale Grey Wolf records some of in with all Top the An IMF bull by consistently and is $currently an absolute cracker heifer within calf bythe Froghollow Enigma. A very soft, docile high bull here issired highly some of the the highest highest $ Indexes Indexesraising in the the catalogue catalogue with all Indexes Indexes within the Top 5% 5% of of the breed. breed. Animpressive, impressive, high IMFthat bullsired by the Print of high Palmdale Maryvale Grey Wolf’s forout stud or commercial use. All growth traits female. in the Top 5% of the breed. the proven proven Maryvale Maryvale Blue Bluesuitable Print and and out of a a really really high performance performance Palmdale female. Maryvale Grey Wolf'sdam damisisbreeding breedingvery very consistently consistentlyand andisiscurrently currentlyraising raisingan anabsolute absolutecracker crackerheifer heifercalf calfby byFroghollow FroghollowEnigma. Enigma.AAvery verysoft, soft,docile docilebull bullhere herethat thatisishighly highly suitable for stud or commercial use. All growth traits in the Top 5% of the breed. Homo Polled DNA test pending. suitable for stud or commercial use. All growth traits in the Top 5% of the breed.

Lot 14 - Maryvale Gunshot G200 (Polled) Lot 14 - Maryvale Gunshot G200 (Polled) Identifier


Identifier DOB

AMSPG200 30/04/11


30/04/11 21 Months

Age Pedigree

21 Months

Pedigree Froghollow Yakka Froghollow Black Hawk B330 Froghollow Froghollow Yakka Victoria V51 Froghollow Black Hawk B330 Froghollow Victoria V51 Palmdale Otto Palmdale Ritz Z12 Palmdale Ritz Z12

Palmdale Palmdale Otto Kym Palmdale Kym

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale G200 +3.6 -4.6 +0.9 +3 +17 +30 +39 +41 +$33 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Maryvale G200 +3.6 -4.6 +0.9 +3 +17 +30 +39 +41 +$33 Breed AverageMN3 Herd.+0.0 -1.4 +4 +26 +36 Comment: Palmdale Ritz is doing a +1.6 great job at producing top +16 end black and polled bulls, with her son+24 in last years+25 sale,

Maryvale Fandango, selling to theRitz Beudesert Limousin herd for stud duties. She has and produced anotherwith cracker bullinhere in Maryvale Comment: MN3 Herd. Palmdale isisdoing aagreat job top end black polled her years sale, Comment: MN3 Herd. Palmdale Ritz doing great jobat atproducing producing top end black andrecording polledbulls, bulls, with herson son inlast last years Gunshot that is also suited for stud duties. Maryvale Gunshot is stacked for calving ease, most calving ease traits in thesale, Top Maryvale Fandango, Fandango, selling selling to to the the Beudesert Beudesert Limousin Limousin herd herd for for stud stud duties. duties. She has produced another cracker bull here in Maryvale Maryvale She has produced another cracker bull here in Maryvale 12% of the breed while maintaining well above breed average growth. A very sound bull all round and a great chance to secure a Gunshot that that is is also also suited suited for for stud stud duties. duties. Maryvale Gunshot is stacked for ease, recording most Gunshot Maryvale Gunshot is stacked for calving calving ease, recording most calving calving ease ease traits traits in in the the Top Top Froghollow Black Hawk son. Scanned a very large EMA. 12% of of the the breed breed while while maintaining maintaining well well above above breed breed average average growth. growth. AAvery 12% very sound sound bull bull all all round round and and aa great great chance chance to to secure secure aa Froghollow BlackFroghollow Hawk son.Black Scanned a very large EMA. Homo Polled DNA test pending. Hawk son. Scanned a very large EMA.


Lot 15 - Maryvale Graphite G242 (Polled) Lot 15 - Maryvale Graphite G242 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

12/06/11 AMSPG242


19 Months 12/06/11

Pedigree Age

19 Months

Thunder Down Under Pedigree Maryvale Blue Print Maryvale 6102 Under Thunder Down Maryvale Blue Print Palmdale 6102 Solo Maryvale Palmdale Verity D59 Palmdale Palmdale Y172 Solo Palmdale Verity D59 Palmdale Y172 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G242 -0.1 -0.7 +3.0 +2 +26 +40 +54 +44 +$36 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G242 -0.1 -0.7 +3.0 +2 +26 +40 +54 +44 +$36 Comment: Blue Print son, Maryvale Breed Average MN3 Herd. +0.0Another high -1.4performance +1.6Maryvale +4 +16this time out +26of a Palmdale +36 Solo daughter. +24 +25 Graphite records all growth traits in the Top 10% of the breed together with breed leading docility. Top 10% for Vealer Terminal $ Index, Top 12% for Domestic Terminal Index. Scanned well for cover despite his heavy muscling. all theSolo Maryvale Blue Print sons Comment: MN3 Herd. Another$ high performance Maryvale Blue Print son, this time out of aLike Palmdale daughter. Maryvale Maryvale Graphite also scanned well10% for Intra Muscular Fat (IMF) and as aleading result will sire progeny with marbling and Graphite records all growth traits in very the Top of the breed together with breed docility. Top 10% forexcellent Vealer Terminal $ Index, eating quality keeping beef's reputation as the premium eating experience!! Top 12% for Domestic Terminal $ Index. Scanned well for cover despite his heavy muscling. Like all the Maryvale Blue Print sons Maryvale Graphite also scanned very well for Intra Muscular Fat (IMF) and as a result will sire progeny with excellent marbling and eating quality - keeping beef's reputation as the premium eating experience!!









Lot 16 - Maryvale Gravity G220 (Horned) Lot 16 - Maryvale Gravity G220 (Horned) Identifier Identifier DOB DOB Age Age Pedigree Pedigree

AMSPG220 AMSPG220 25/05/11 25/05/11 20 Months 20 Months

Thunder Down Under Maryvale Blue PrintThunder Down Under Maryvale Blue PrintMaryvale 6102 Maryvale 6102 WLCC No Substitute Palmdale Special A7 WLCC No Substitute Palmdale Old Gold Palmdale Special A7 Palmdale Old Gold Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale G220 +8.6 -4.0 +0.5 +3 +19 +32 +38 +32 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $+$41 Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Maryvale G220 +8.6 -4.0 +0.5 +3 +19 +32 +38 +32 +$41 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Comment: MN3 Herd. The ultimate black bull to join to a herd of Angus females and produce some calves with some extra weight and shape! Maryvale Gravity allblack production Indexes in the Top 10% of the and breed along with most calving the Top Comment: MN3 Herd. Therecords ultimate bull to $join to a herd of Angus females produce some calves with ease sometraits extrainweight and 10% also.Maryvale G220 does this while stillallrecording strong early growth with10% his 200 and 400 day growth EBV's in the ease Top 25% shape! Gravity records production $ Indexes in the Top of the breed along with most calving traitsofinthe thebreed. Top A highalso. performance bullthis thatwhile will add to yourearly calf crop andwith dollars to your line. TheEBV's other amazing bull 10% G220 does still kilograms recording strong growth his 200 andbottom 400 day growth in the Topthing 25%about of thethis breed. is that he scanned highkilograms IMF, providing ancalf excellent opportunity addbottom muscleline. and weight to Angus without A high performance bullwith thatvery will add to your crop and dollars totoyour The other amazing thingsacrificing about this bull marbling!! He an willexcellent be in theopportunity Top few % of forand IMF.weight to Angus without sacrificing is that he scanned with very high IMF, providing to the addbreed muscle marbling!! He will be in the Top few % of the breed for IMF.







1 C 1



d d . .l l

Lot 17 - Maryvale Geometric G243 (Horned) Lot 17 - Maryvale Geometric G243 (Horned) Identifier


DOB Identifier

16/06/11 AMSPG243


19 Months 16/06/11

Pedigree Age

19 Months

Thunder Down Under Pedigree Maryvale Blue Print Maryvale 6102 Under Thunder Down

Maryvale Blue Print Ramornie Sentinal W16 Maryvale 6102 Maryvale Charisma 7043 Maryvale Ramornie1701 Sentinal W16 Maryvale Charisma 7043 Maryvale 1701

Maryvale G243 Breed Average

Calving Ease -0.1 Calving +0.0 Ease

Gest Length -2.3 Gest -1.4 Length

Birth Weight +3.1 Birth +1.6 Weight

Milk +3 +4 Milk

200 Day Growth +28 200 Day +16 Growth

400 Day Growth +47 400 Day +26 Growth

600 Day Growth +66 600 Day +36 Growth

Docility EBV +43 Docility +24 EBV

Domestic $ Index +$41 Domestic +25 $ Index

Maryvale G243 -0.1 -2.3 +3.1 +3 +28 +47 +66 +43 +$41 Comment: an absolutely Angus females weight and +24 shape. Maryvale Breed Average MN 3 Herd. +0.0Once again -1.4 +1.6excellent bull +4 to join to +16 +26to increase+36 +25 Geometric G243 records all growth traits in the Top 2% of the breed and all production $ Indexes in the the Top 10% of the breed. You can do the math, but be Once assured thatan this bull will add serious kilograms your calf crop.toAincrease real performance powerhouse and a Comment: MN 3 Herd. again absolutely excellent bull to join totoAngus females weight and shape. Maryvale demonstration of everything that a Maryvale Prime Beef sire should be. Like all Maryvale Blue Print sons, this bull excels for combining Geometric G243 records all growth traits in the Top 2% of the breed and all production $ Indexes in the the Top 10% of the breed. You Muscle, Cover, surprise, surprise...IMF! can do the math, but be assured that this bull will add Docility serious and kilograms to your calf crop. A real performance powerhouse and a demonstration of everything that a Maryvale Prime Beef sire should be. Like all Maryvale Blue Print sons, this bull excels for combining Muscle, Cover, Docility and surprise, surprise...IMF!

Lot 18 - Maryvale Gilchrist G255 (Horned) Lot 18 - Maryvale Gilchrist G255 (Horned) Identifier


Identifier DOB

AMSPG255 12/07/11


12/07/11 18 Months

Age Pedigree

18 Months

Pedigree Thunder Down Under Maryvale Blue Print Thunder MaryvaleDown 6102 Under Maryvale Blue Print Maryvale Broombee6102 Lumberjack Maryvale 4758 Maryvale 4758

Broombee Lumberjack Maryvale 4303 Maryvale 4303

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale G255 +4.9 -1.1 +1.8 +2 +18 +35 +40 +31 +$37 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Maryvale G255 +4.9 -1.1 +1.8 +2 +18 +35 +40 +31 +$37 Breed Average -1.4 Trade +1.6 +4 +16 +26 a Domestic +36 Terminal +24 +25Top Comment: MN3 Herd. +0.0 Another Domestic specialist by Maryvale Blue Print that records $ Index in the

11% of the breed. Bulls like this will help you achieve the 20c/kg premium that exists in the market place for B muscled animals over C Comment: MN3 Herd. Another specialist by Maryvale Printathat records Domestic Index in the yet Top muscled animals as captured by Domestic the NLRSTrade database. Maryvale GilchristBlue records calving easea EBV in theTerminal Top 10%$ of the breed 11% of the breed. Bulls like this will help you achieve the 20c/kg premium that exists in the market place for B muscled animals over combines this with a 400 day growth EBV in the Top 11% of the breed. Muscle, Cover,'s all right here! A bull that will addC muscled animals as captured by the NLRS database. Maryvale Gilchrist a calving ease EBV in the Top 10% of the breed yet some weight and shape to records his calf crop. combines this with a 400 day growth EBV in the Top 11% of the breed. Muscle, Cover,'s all right here! A bull that will add some weight and shape to his calf crop.


Lot 19 - Maryvale LF Gallon G231 (Polled) Lot 19 - Maryvale LF Gallon G231 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

7/06/11 AMS2G231


197/06/11 Months

Pedigree Age

19 Months

Pedigree Palmdale Solo Palmdale Solo Maryvale LF 8159 Maryvale LF 8159

Maryvale G231 Breed Average



Palmdale Ionesco Odelle


Maryvale Print Palmdale Blue Odelle


Maryvale Maryvale W73 Blue Print


Maryvale W73 Calving Ease +7.1 Calving +0.0 Ease

Gest Length -3.6 Gest -1.4 Length

Birth Weight -0.3 Birth +1.6 Weight

Milk +3 +4 Milk

200 Day Growth +14 200 Day +16 Growth

400 Day Growth +22 400 Day +26 Growth

600 Day Growth +27 600 Day +36 Growth

Docility EBV +41 Docility +24 EBV

Domestic $ Index +$28 Domestic +25 $ Index

Maryvale G231 +7.1 -3.6 -0.3 +3 +14 +22 +27 +41 +$28 Comment: MN3 Herd.+0.0 Maryvale LF-1.4 Gallon G231+1.6 is a black and that goes back Breed Average +4polled bull+16 +26to our Lim-Flex +36 program. +24An excellent +25bull to join to heifers or use in the pastoral zone as a result of his moderate birthweight and positive calving ease. Maryvale LF Gallon records a direct ease EBVLF that ranksG231 him in Top 2% the breed for goes calving ease. Check out allprogram. the blue An shading on the Comment: MN3 calving Herd. Maryvale Gallon is the a black and of polled bull that back to our Lim-Flex excellent bull ease traits!! to join to heifers or use in the pastoral zone as a result calving of his moderate birthweight and positive calving ease. Maryvale LF Gallon


records a direct calving ease EBV that ranks him in the Top 2% of the breed for calving ease. Check out all the blue shading on the calving ease traits!!

Lot 20 - Maryvale Granite G233 (Polled) Lot 20 - Maryvale Granite G233 (Polled) Identifier


Identifier DOB

AMSPG233 8/06/11


198/06/11 Months

Age Pedigree

19 Months

Pedigree Thunder Down Under Maryvale Blue Print Thunder MaryvaleDown 6102 Under Maryvale Blue Print Maryvale Ramornie6102 Xavier A82 Maryvale 8224 Ramornie Xavier A82 Maryvale 7201 Maryvale 8224 Maryvale 7201 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale G233 +7.3 -3.0 +0.7 +5 +17 +26 +29 +35 +$33 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Maryvale G233 +7.3 -3.0 +0.7 +5 +17 +26 +29 +35 +$33 Breed Average +1.6 +4 Print bull +16 +36 +25 Comment: MN3 Herd. +0.0 Now here is a-1.4 really classy Maryvale Blue that would be+26 well suited for stud duties+24 or siring high value commercial progeny. There is a lot to like about this bull - excellent pedigree, excellent type, really well balanced EBV's. Once again a Comment: Now is aease reallydirect classy Bluechoice Print bull that would be wellMaryvale suited forPrime stud duties or siring high value bull that is MN3 in theHerd. Top 2% forhere calving soMaryvale a very good for heifers. A classic Beef sire that offers the commercial progeny. There is a lot to like about this bull - excellent pedigree, excellent type, really well balanced EBV's. Once again a flexibility to meet a number of target markets. bull that is in the Top 2% for calving ease direct so a very good choice for heifers. A classic Maryvale Prime Beef sire that offers the flexibility to meet a number of target markets.






M Br M Br

Lot 21 - Maryvale LF Glasgow G247 (Polled) Lot 21 - Maryvale LF Glasgow G247 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

21/06/11 AMS1G247


19 Months 21/06/11

Pedigree Age

19 Months

Thunder Down Under Pedigree Maryvale Blue Print Maryvale 6102 Under Thunder Down Maryvale Blue Print Maryvale 6102 Maryvale 5916 Maryvale 5916 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G247 +5.0 -3.8 +0.4 +3 +18 +28 +39 +33 +$27 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G247 +5.0 -3.8 +0.4 +3 +18 +28 +39 +33 +$27 Comment: Maryvale LF-1.4 Glasgow G247 and polled bull back to our Lim-Flex program. Breed AverageMN3 Herd.+0.0 +1.6 is a black+4 +16that goes+26 +36 +24 Maryvale +25LF Glasgow G237 is in the Top 10% of the breed for direct calving ease while also being in the Top 12% of the breed for short gestation length andMN3 moderate making himG247 a veryissuitable join to heifers or use in atopastoral environment. shortLF Comment: Herd. birthweight Maryvale LF Glasgow a black bull and to polled bull that goes back our Lim-Flex program.Using Maryvale gestation length bulls yourofcows a few for extra days to rejoin and helps maintain short intervals. The for consistency and Glasgow G237 is in the gives Top 10% the breed direct calving ease while also being in the calving Top 12% of the breed short gestation structural integrity of this group of Maryvale Blue Print sons is exceptional. High IMF. length and moderate birthweight making him a very suitable bull to join to heifers or use in a pastoral environment. Using short gestation length bulls gives your cows a few extra days to rejoin and helps maintain short calving intervals. The consistency and structural integrity of this group of Maryvale Blue Print sons is exceptional. High IMF.

Lot 22 - Maryvale LF Global G248 (Polled) Lot 22 - Maryvale LF Global G248 (Polled) Identifier


Identifier DOB

AMS1G248 22/06/11


22/06/11 19 Months

Age Pedigree

19 Months

Pedigree Thunder Down Under Maryvale Blue Print Thunder MaryvaleDown 6102 Under Maryvale Blue Print Maryvale 6102 Maryvale X346 Maryvale X346

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale G248 +5.5 -3.9 +0.3 +2 +17 +28 +39 +38 +$28 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Maryvale G248 +5.5 -3.9 +0.3 +2 +17 +28 +39 +38 +$28 Breed Average MN3 Herd. +0.0Another structurally -1.4 +1.6 Maryvale+4Blue Print son +16that decends +26 from our+36 +24 The extra +25 Comment: correct Lim-Flex program. softness of these Maryvale Blue Print sons makes them very suitable for a wide range of markets and environments. Maryvale LF Comment: Herd. Another structurally Maryvale Blue PrintEBV son in that Lim-Flex program. The extra Global G248 MN3 is also stacked for calving ease,correct with a calving ease direct thedecends Top 5% from of theour breed. Maryvale LF Global also softnessboth of these Maryvale Print sons makes very wide range of markets environments. Maryvale LF records birth weight andBlue gestation length EBV'sthem in the Topsuitable 12% offor theaLimousin breed. A slickand coated, high IMF bull, with some Global G248 is also stacked for calving ease, with a calving ease direct EBV in the Top 5% of the breed. Maryvale LF Global also extra length of body. records both birth weight and gestation length EBV's in the Top 12% of the Limousin breed. A slick coated, high IMF bull, with some extra length of body. 10% of the proceeds from this bull will go to the Tarlee Tennis Club to assist them with re-surfacing their courts


Lot 23 - Maryvale Grampian G256 (Polled/Scurred) Lot 23 - Maryvale Grampian G256 (Polled/Scurred) Identifier


DOB Identifier

14/07/11 AMSPG256


18 Months 14/07/11

Pedigree Age

18 Months

Thunder Down Under Pedigree Maryvale Blue Print Maryvale 6102 Under Thunder Down Maryvale Blue Print Palmdale 6102 Saffron Maryvale Palmdale Veleta D78 Palmdale Palmdale U58 Saffron Palmdale Veleta D78 Palmdale U58 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G256 +3.0 -1.7 +2.2 +5 +23 +38 +46 +33 +$38 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G256 +3.0 -1.7 +2.2 +5 +23 +38 +46 +33 +$38 Comment: MN3 Herd. +0.0 If you are looking and Grampian Breed Average -1.4 for a black +1.6bull with some +4 extra performance +16 +26growth Maryvale +36 +24 G256 could +25 be your man! Strong early growth in a moderate birthweight, positive calving ease package is what you have here. Maryvale Grampian G256 recordsMN3 200 and 400 day are growth EBV's Top 10% the breed a Domestic Terminal Index in Grampian the Top 11% of the breed. Comment: Herd. If you looking forina the black bull withofsome extraand performance and growth $Maryvale G256 could be A domestic tradecalving specialist here! your man! Strong early growth in a moderate birthweight, positive ease package is what you have here. Maryvale Grampian G256 records 200 and 400 day growth EBV's in the Top 10% of the breed and a Domestic Terminal $ Index in the Top 11% of the breed. A domestic trade specialist here!






ge C


Lot 24 - Maryvale Geothermal G249 (Polled) Identifier DOB Identifier Age DOB Pedigree Age


24 - Maryvale Geothermal G249 (Polled)

26/06/11 AMSPG249 19 Months 26/06/11

19 Months Thunder Down Under Maryvale Blue Print Pedigree Maryvale 6102 Thunder Down Under Maryvale Blue PrintDJ Gentleman in Black Maryvale 5840 Maryvale 6102 Maryvale 7803 DJ Gentleman in Black Maryvale 5840 Calving7803 Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G249 +8.0 -5.2 +0.1 +7 +19 +33 +41 +31 +$43 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Comment: MN3 Herd. +8.0 Another real performance bull that would to heifers as +41 a result of being 1% of Maryvale G249 -5.2 +0.1 +7be very suitable +19 to join +33 +31 in the Top +$43 the breed for calving ease direct. Despite Top 10% of +4 the breed for+16 moderate birthweight Maryvale a 400 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 being the +1.6 +26 +36 Goethermal +24 records+25 day growth EBV in the Top 20% of the breed. All up this bull records 8 performance traits in the Top 10% of the breed and is out of a big volume in Black daughter. Comment: MN3 Herd. Another real performance bull DJ thatGentleman would be very suitable to join to heifers as a result of being in the Top 1% of the breed for calving ease direct. Despite being the Top 10% of the breed for moderate birthweight Maryvale Goethermal records a 400 day growth EBV in the Top 20% of the breed. All up this bull records 8 performance traits in the Top 10% of the breed and is out of a big volume DJ Gentleman in Black daughter.






M B M B s




f 0 g f 0 g

Lot 25 - Maryvale LF Gambler G228 (Polled) Lot 25 - Maryvale LF Gambler G228 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

31/05/11 AMS1G228


20 Months 31/05/11

Pedigree Age

20 Months

Thunder Down Under Pedigree Maryvale Blue Print Maryvale 6102 Under Thunder Down Maryvale Blue Print Maryvale 6102 Maryvale Z675 Maryvale Z675 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G228 +3.4 -5.3 -0.3 +2 +14 +24 +36 +31 +$17 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G228 +3.4 -5.3 -0.3 +2 +14 +24 +36 +31 +$17 Comment: MN3 Herd. +0.0 There is a lot-1.4 to like about+1.6 this Lim-Flex+4 bull as he has Maryvale Breed Average +16a great phenotype. +26 +36 LF Gambler +24 G228 records +25 a very low birthweight EBV which ranks him in the Top 10% of the breed for this trait. He is also in the Top 10% of the breed for short gestation length which your a about few extra to rejhoin a 365 day calving intervalLF or Gambler less. If you arerecords looking Comment: MN3 There is cow a lot herd to like this days Lim-Flex bull asand he maintain has a great phenotype. Maryvale G228 some finishing ability in your this bull10% is aof great choicefor asthis he combines of in the softess females the Maryvale afor very lowextra birthweight EBV which ranksprogreny him in the Top the breed trait. He istwo also the Top 10% of theinbreed for short Z675 Maryvale Print'samother gestation length which gives your cowherd herdinahis fewdam extra daysand to rejhoin andBlue maintain 365 day6102. calving interval or less. If you are looking for some extra finishing ability in your progreny this bull is a great choice as he combines two of the softess females in the Maryvale herd in his dam Z675 and Maryvale Blue Print's mother 6102.

Lot 26 - Maryvale Goolwa G258 (Horned) Lot 26 - Maryvale Goolwa G258 (Horned) Identifier


Identifier DOB

AMSPG258 15/07/11


15/07/11 18 Months

Age Pedigree

18 Months

Pedigree Thunder Down Under Maryvale Blue Print Thunder Down Maryvale 6102 Under Maryvale Blue Print Maryvale Maryvale 6102 Xpert Maryvale 6075 Maryvale 4703 Xpert Maryvale Maryvale 6075 Maryvale 4703 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale G258 +4.1 -2.6 1.3 +2 +21 +32 +39 +41 +$37 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Maryvale G258 +4.1 -2.6 1.3 +2 +21 +32 +39 +41 +$37 Breed AverageMN3 Herd. +0.0 -1.4 +16of both worlds +26 - combining +36 moderate +24 Comment: Here is a Maryvale Blue+1.6 Print son that+4 offers the best birth weight+25 with strong early growth. Maryvale Goolwa records a below average birth weight EBV yet records a 200 day growth EBV in the Top 20% of Comment: MN3 Herd. Here is choice a Maryvale Blue Print son that offers the best ofto both combining moderate birth weight with the breed. An excellent to join to Angus or British breed females addworlds shape- and increase turn-off weights. strong early growth. Maryvale Goolwa records a below average birth weight EBV yet records a 200 day growth EBV in the Top 20% of the breed. An excellent choice to join to Angus or British breed females to add shape and increase turn-off weights.


Lot 27 - Maryvale Gringo G281 (Polled) Lot 27 - Maryvale Gringo G281 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

4/09/11 AMSPG281


164/09/11 Months

Pedigree Age

16 Months

Refstrup Tabias Pedigree Maryvale Dakota Legend Maryvale 9801 Refstrup Tabias Maryvale Dakota Legend Xpert Maryvale 9801 Maryvale 6113 Maryvale 4701 Xpert Maryvale 6113 Maryvale 4701





Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G281 +4.8 -5.0 0.2 +7 +14 +25 +35 +20 +$31 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G281 +4.8 -5.0 0.2 +7 +14 +25 +35 +20 +$31 Comment: MN3 Herd. +0.0 We drop a couple of age here+4with Maryvale making him +25 just 16 Breed Average -1.4 of months +1.6 +16Gringo being +26 a September +36 drop calf+24 months of age. We have a Maryvale Dakota Legend son here that records most calving ease traits in the Top 10% of the breed as a result of hisMN3 dam's influence. A full brotheroftomonths Maryvale Gringo last yearsGringo sale tobeing Churinga Station. drop A bullcalf withmaking balanced Comment: Herd. We drop a couple of age heresold withinMaryvale a September himEBV's just 16 that see him fit forLegend producing a range of potential targettraits markets. months of age. We have a Maryvale Dakota sonprogeny here thatfor records most calving ease in the Top 10% of the breed as a result of his dam's influence. A full brother to Maryvale Gringo sold in last years sale to Churinga Station. A bull with balanced EBV's that see him fit for producing progeny for a range of potential target markets.

M B M BC r re C r re

Lot 28 - Maryvale Gotcha G289 (Polled) Lot 28 - Maryvale Gotcha G289 (Polled) Identifier


Identifier DOB

AMSPG289 17/09/11


17/09/11 16 Months

Age Pedigree

16 Months

Pedigree Refstrup Tabias Maryvale Dakota Legend Refstrup MaryvaleTabias 9801 Maryvale Dakota Legend Maryvale 9801 Kensal Xceed Maryvale 5880 Kensal Xceed Maryvale 7402 Maryvale 5880 Maryvale 7402 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale G289 -5.2 -1.5 3.3 +5 +21 +39 +57 +39 $28 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Maryvale G289 -5.2 -1.5 3.3 +5 +21 +39 +57 +39 $28 Breed Average -1.4 +1.6 +4 here! Maryvale +16 +26Legend has +36 +24 as a high +25 Comment: MN3 +0.0 Herd. There is some power in the pedigree Dakota proven himself performance sire and in this case he has been combined with one of the most powerful black females in the Maryvale herd to produce Comment: Herd. Gotcha There isissome power inbull the in pedigree here! Maryvale Dakota Legend has and proven himself as a in high Maryvale Gotcha.MN3 Maryvale the youngest the catalogue and combines strong growth sound structure a slick performance sire andpackage. in this case he has been combined with of the most powerful females herdperformance. to produce coated, loose skinned Some extra birthweight here soone recommended for use onblack mature cowsin tothe addMaryvale growth and Maryvale Gotcha. Maryvale Gotcha in the catalogue andwould combines strong growth and sound structure in a slick All growth traitsisinthe theyoungest Top 10% bull of the breed! This bull be ideal for brahman cows. coated, loose skinned package. Some extra birthweight here so recommended for use on mature cows to add growth and performance. All growth traits in the Top 10% of the breed! This bull would be ideal for brahman cows.













Lot 29 - Maryvale Gunsmoke G210 (Polled) Lot 29 - Maryvale Gunsmoke G210 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

12/05/11 AMSPG210


20 Months 12/05/11

Pedigree Age

20 Months

Mandayen Vision Pedigree Maryvale Deep Blue Maryvale 6102 Mandayen Vision Maryvale Deep Blue Palmdale 6102 Showman Maryvale Palmdale Velvet D30 Odelle Palmdale Showman Palmdale Velvet D30 Palmdale Odelle Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G210 +6.8 -4.1 +0.1 +9 +15 +20 +31 +42 $30 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G210 +6.8 -4.1 +0.1 +9 +15 +20 +31 +42 $30 Comment: MN3 Herd. +0.0 If you are looking coated bull to your man. Maryvale Gunsmoke Breed Average -1.4 for a red+1.6 +4join to heifers +16than this bull +26 could be +36 +24 +25 records all calving ease EBV's in the Top 10 to 11% of the breed making him an excellent choice for a heifer joining or an environment requiring calving primary trait. Maryvale his positive Production $ IndexesGunsmoke that are all Comment: MN3ease Herd.asIfayou are looking for a redGunsmoke coated bullcombines to join to heifers than calving this bullease couldwith be your man. Maryvale Top making 30% of him the breed. records all calving ease EBV's in the Top 10 to 11%within of thethe breed an excellent choice for a heifer joining or an environment requiring calving ease as a primary trait. Maryvale Gunsmoke combines his positive calving ease with Production $ Indexes that are all within the Top 30% of the breed.

Lot 30 - Maryvale Greenback G221 (Polled/Scurred) Lot 30 - Maryvale Greenback G221 (Polled/Scurred) Identifier


Identifier DOB

AMSPG221 26/05/11


26/05/11 20 Months

Age Pedigree

20 Months


Ivy's Shazam

Maryvale Empire Maryvale Empire Palmdale E28 Palmdale E28

Ivy's Shazam Maryvale 6118 Maryvale Palmdale 6118 Qdos Palmdale Palmdale Qdos U17 Palmdale U17

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale G221 +6.1 -3.5 +0.1 +6 +15 +27 +26 +21 $35 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Maryvale G221 +6.1 -3.5 +0.1 +6 +15 +27 +26 +21 $35 Breed AverageMN3 Herd.+0.0 -1.4 calving+1.6 +16 +26 Maryvale +36Greenback +24 +25a Comment: Another positive ease bull that+4 is well suited to join to heifers. G221 records direct calving ease EBV in the Top 5% of the breed and all calving ease indicators in the Top 16% of the breed. A great bull for pastoral Comment: MN3 Another positive calving ease bull that is in well to join Greenback records a environments that Herd. also records both Terminal Production Indexes thesuited Top 20% of to theheifers. breed. Maryvale It is bulls like this thatG221 will consistently direct calving ease EBV in the Top 5% of the breed and all calving ease in clients. the Top 16% of the breed. A great bull for pastoral produce excellent results for indicators our pastoral environments that also records both Terminal Production Indexes in the Top 20% of the breed. It is bulls like this that will consistently produce excellent results for our pastoral clients.


Lot 31 - Maryvale Grafton G224 (Polled) Lot 31 - Maryvale Grafton G224 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

29/05/11 AMSPG224


20 Months

Pedigree Age Palmdale Solo Pedigree Maryvale E-Class Maryvale Palmdale 5849 Solo Maryvale E-Class Froghollow Black Hawk Maryvale 5849 Maryvale 9283 Maryvale 2301 Froghollow Black Hawk Maryvale 9283 Maryvale 2301 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G224 +2.8 -3.5 +0.9 +2 +19 +29 +38 +27 +$34 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G224 +2.8 -3.5 +0.9 +2 +19 +29 +38 +27 +$34 Comment: Maryvale Grafton is a long bodied by a two year G224 is in the Top 25% of+25 the Breed AverageMN3 Herd.+0.0 -1.4 G224 +1.6 +4 bull raised+16 +26old heifer. +36 +24 breed for direct calving ease, short gestation length, and 200 day growth. He is also in the Top 25% of the breed for all production $ Indexes. AnMN3 excellent ofGrafton the moderate birth weight, yet bull strong earlybygrowth characteristics are An Comment: Herd.example Maryvale G224 is a long bodied raised a two year old heifer. which G224we is in theselecting Top 25%for. of the excellent bull forcalving either ease, the inside or alength, pastoral Siring with pigment when joined toproduction white faced$ breed for direct shortcountry gestation andenvironment. 200 day growth. Heprogeny is also in the100% Top 25% of the breed for all cattle is another benefit which Maryvale sires offer the industry. Indexes. An excellent example of just the moderate birth weight, yet strongPrime earlyBeef growth characteristics which we are selecting for. An excellent bull for either the inside country or a pastoral environment. Siring progeny with 100% pigment when joined to white faced cattle is just another benefit which Maryvale Prime Beef sires offer the industry.







Lot 32 - Maryvale Generator G234 (Polled) Lot 32 - Maryvale Generator G234 (Polled) Identifier


Identifier DOB

AMSPG234 8/06/11


198/06/11 Months

Age Pedigree

19 Months


Palmdale Solo

Maryvale E-Class Maryvale E-Class Maryvale 9370 Maryvale 9370

Palmdale Solo Maryvale 5849 Maryvale Maryvale 5849 Culture Shock Maryvale Maryvale Culture 7201 Shock Maryvale 7201

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale G234 +4.1 -2.1 +1.2 +5 +19 +29 +36 N/A +$34 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Maryvale G234 +4.1 -2.1 +1.2 +5 +19 +29 +36 N/A +$34 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 records nearly +16 all production +26 traits above +36 breed averaging +24 Comment: MN3 Herd. An excellent Maryvale Prime Beef sire that as a+25 result

of his very balanced EBV profile. Maryvale Generator is a moderate birthweight, positive claving ease bull that offers the perfect earlyComment: Herd. excellentinMaryvale BeefMaryvale sire that Generator records nearly production traitsgrowth above breed averaging as agrowth result mid maturityMN3 pattern thatAn is required the beefPrime industry. also all offers strong early recording a 200 day of his very balanced EBV Maryvale Generator is aThis moderate birthweight, ease bullcover. that offers the perfect earlyEBVprofile. in the Top 25% of the breed. bull scanned with apositive big EMAclaving and very even mid maturity pattern that is required in the beef industry. Maryvale Generator also offers strong early growth recording a 200 day growth EBV in the Top 25% of the breed. This bull scanned with a big EMA and very even cover.







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Lot 33 - Maryvale Gold Rush G244 (Polled) Lot 33 - Maryvale Gold Rush G244 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

17/06/11 AMSPG244


19 Months 17/06/11

Pedigree Age

19 Months

Pedigree Palmdale Utah Palmdale Utah Maryvale 5884 Maryvale 5884

Wulfs Rambler Palmdale Peaches X95 Wulfs Rambler Ionesco Peaches X95 Palmdale Maryvale Ionesco 3302 Maryvale 3302

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G244 -0.2 -2.3 +2.1 +2 +17 +28 +39 +12 +$30 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G244 -0.2 -2.3 +2.1 +2 +17 +28 +39 +12 +$30 Comment: MN3 Herd. +0.0 Bring back the Gold Rush!+1.6 Maryvale Gold classic Maryvale a bull that would Breed Average -1.4 +4 Rush is a+16 +26 Prime Beef +36 sire and +24 +25 be well suited to chasing cows in a pastoral environment. Survivability, fertility, and marketability are all traits that our bulls bring to large scale pastoral producers. Maryvale Gold Rush hasMaryvale a short, slick coat a very clean sheath. Theresire areand some great in Comment: MN3 Herd. Bring back the Gold Rush! Goldhair Rush is aand classic Maryvale Prime Beef a bull thatanimals would be this bulls pedigree. well suited to chasing cows in a pastoral environment. Survivability, fertility, and marketability are all traits that our bulls bring to large scale pastoral producers. Maryvale Gold Rush has a short, slick hair coat and a very clean sheath. There are some great animals in this bulls pedigree.

Lot 34 - Maryvale Glenrowan G250 (Polled) Lot 34 - Maryvale Glenrowan G250 (Polled) Identifier


Identifier DOB

AMSPG250 27/06/11


27/06/11 19 Months

Age Pedigree

19 Months


Ivy's Shazam

Maryvale Empire Maryvale Empire Maryvale 9359 Maryvale 9359

Ivy's Shazam Maryvale 6118 Maryvale Maryvale 6118 Barrister Maryvale 8601 Barrister Maryvale Maryvale 8601

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale G250 +7.2 -4.9 -0.2 +7 +14 +28 +32 +22 $38 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Maryvale G250 +7.2 -4.9 -0.2 +7 +14 +28 +32 +22 $38 Breed Average MN3 Herd. +0.0Maryvale Glenrowan -1.4 +4 +26 add some +36shape to his +24progeny. +25 Comment: is+1.6 a a positive calving ease +16 bull that will really His

pedigree is stacked for calving ease yet he also records a Domestic Terminal $ Index that ranks in the Top 10% of the breed. Pastoral Comment: MN3 Maryvale a the a positive calving ease bullchoice that will add some shape to sacrificing his progeny. His or or inside country thisHerd. is a bull that will Glenrowan get out andisdo job well. An excellent forreally joining to heifers without muscle pedigree is stacked for calving ease yet he also records a Domestic Terminal $ Index that ranks in the Top 10% of the breed. Pastoral shape. or inside country this is a bull that will get out and do the job well. An excellent choice for joining to heifers without sacrificing muscle or shape.


Lot 35- Maryvale Goal Post G232 (Polled) Lot 35- Maryvale Goal Post G232 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

8/06/11 AMSPG232


198/06/11 Months

Pedigree Age

19 Months

Palmdale Solo Pedigree Maryvale E-Class Maryvale Palmdale 5849 Solo Maryvale E-Class Maryvale 5849 Coalition Maryvale Maryvale 9350 Maryvale Maryvale 5851 Coalition Maryvale 9350 Maryvale 5851 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G232 +4.3 -2.0 +1.0 +5 +19 +24 +34 +13 +$29 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G232 +4.3 -2.0 +1.0 +5 +19 +24 +34 +13 +$29 Comment: MN3 Herd. Maryvale Goal-1.4 Post is a positive ease bull that also records a 200 day growth the Top 25%+25 of the Breed Average +0.0 +1.6 calving +4 +16 +26 +36 EBV in+24 Limousin breed. Moderate birth weight with strong early growth is exactly what we like to achieve. Another very clean sheathed, sound structured MN3 bull that is well suited Goal for the Australian landscape and environment in which he awill work. Maryvale records calving Comment: Herd. Maryvale Post is a positive calving ease bull that also records 200 day growth EBV in the aTop 25% ease of the EBV that ranks him within the Topwhat 10%we of like the to breed. Limousin breed. Moderate birth weight with strong early growth is exactly achieve. Another very clean sheathed, sound structured bull that is well suited for the Australian landscape and environment in which he will work. Maryvale records a calving ease EBV that ranks him within the Top 10% of the breed.







Lot 36 - Maryvale Gallant G238 (Polled) Lot 36 - Maryvale Gallant G238 (Polled) Identifier


Identifier DOB

AMSPG238 10/06/11


10/06/11 19 Months

Age Pedigree

19 Months


Ivy's Shazam

Maryvale Empire Maryvale Empire Maryvale 9343 Maryvale 9343

Ivy's Shazam Maryvale 6118 Maryvale Maryvale 6118 Coalition Maryvale Maryvale Coalition 6801 Maryvale 6801

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale G238 +4.1 -2.5 +0.9 +6 +16 +28 +32 +19 +$32 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Maryvale G238 +4.1 -2.5 +0.9 +6 +16 +28 +32 +19 +$32 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4is a bull with +1.6really well+4 +16 He records +26 a calving+36 +24 Comment: MN3 Herd. Maryvale Gallant balanced EBV's. ease EBV in the top 10%+25 of the breed with above average 200 and 400 day growth. A bull that is flexible enough to be used in a number of environments for a number Comment: Herd.He Maryvale is a bull with really EBV's. records a calving ease EBV in the 10% of the of targetMN3 markets. scannedGallant with above average IMF. well The balanced results from usingHe bulls like this in the pastoral zone hastop been very breed with above 200pastoral and 400clients. day growth. A bull enough to be used in red a number of environments number encouraging foraverage us and our Another bullthat withisa flexible neat sheath structure. Dark bulls like this join really for wella to red of target markets. He scanned with above average IMF. progeny The results using bulls like this in the pastoral zone has been very coated cattle to produce withfrom exceptional marketability. encouraging for us and our pastoral clients. Another bull with a neat sheath structure. Dark red bulls like this join really well to red coated cattle to produce progeny with exceptional marketability.







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Lot 37 - Maryvale Gant G257 (Polled) Lot 37 - Maryvale Gant G257 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

14/07/11 AMSPG257


18 Months 14/07/11

Pedigree Age

18 Months

Refstrup Tabias Pedigree Maryvale Dakota Legend Maryvale 9801 Refstrup Tabias Maryvale Dakota Legend Dauphin 9801 Maryvale Palmdale Posh Palmdale Dauphin U176 Palmdale Posh Palmdale U176 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G257 -3.7 -1.6 +2.7 +7 +18 +32 +45 +31 +$24 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G257 -3.7 -1.6 +2.7 +7 +18 +32 +45 +31 +$24 Comment: MN3 Herd. A+0.0 bold, rugged-1.4 son of Maryvale that has and performance. Maryvale Breed Average +1.6 Dakota Legend +4 +16eye appeal +26 +36 +24 Gant records +25 a 400 day growth EBV in the Top 25% of the breed and a milk EBV in the Top 20% of the breed. This bull is a real domestic trade specialist andHerd. will sire calvesrugged with shape, and performance. has three breeding bulls in his immediate pedigree in a Comment: MN3 A bold, son ofsytle, Maryvale Dakota LegendHe that has eyegreat appeal and performance. Maryvale Gant records Dakota Dauphin, Tabias. 400 day growth EBV in the Top 25%Maryvale of the breed andLegend, a milk EBV in the and Top Refstrup 20% of the breed. This bull is a real domestic trade specialist and will sire calves with shape, sytle, and performance. He has three great breeding bulls in his immediate pedigree in Maryvale Dakota Legend, Dauphin, and Refstrup Tabias.

Lot 38 - Maryvale Galleon G261 (Polled) Lot 38 - Maryvale Galleon G261 (Polled) Identifier


Identifier DOB

AMSPG261 29/07/11


29/07/11 18 Months

Age Pedigree

18 Months

Pedigree Palmdale Solo Palmdale Solo Maryvale 4708 Maryvale 4708

Ionesco Ionesco Palmdale Odelle Palmdale Odelle Refstrup Tabias Refstrup MaryvaleTabias 3703 Maryvale 3703

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale G261 +1.9 -1.7 +1.2 +4 +11 +16 +24 +31 +$18 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Maryvale G261 +1.9 -1.7 +1.2 +4 +11 +16 +24 +31 +$18 Breed Average +4 is no surprise +16 given that +26he has Ionesco +36 and Refstrup +24 Tabias+25 Comment: MN3 Herd. +0.0 There is a lot -1.4 of red meat +1.6 in this bull, which in his

pedigree. A bull that will add shape and weight to his calf crop. He has the necessary early to mid maturity pattern which will allow him Comment: MN3 Herd. There is a lot at of a red meatage. in this is either no surprise given that heorhas and Refstrup Tabias in his to turn off progeny young A bull, greatwhich bull for the pastoral zone theIonesco inside country. pedigree. A bull that will add shape and weight to his calf crop. He has the necessary early to mid maturity pattern which will allow him to turn off progeny at a young age. A great bull for either the pastoral zone or the inside country.


Lot 39 - Maryvale Guyra G282 (Polled) Lot 39 - Maryvale Guyra G282 (Polled) Identifier


DOB Identifier

4/09/11 AMSPG282


164/09/11 Months

Pedigree Age

16 Months

Refstrup Tabias Pedigree Maryvale Dakota Legend Maryvale 9801 Refstrup Tabias Maryvale Dakota Legend Palmdale 9801 Saffron Maryvale Maryvale 7018 Maryvale Palmdale 4747 Saffron Maryvale 7018 Maryvale 4747 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G282 -2.2 -2.6 +3.6 +6 +26 +40 +62 +12 $33 Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale G282 -2.2 -2.6 +3.6 +6 +26 +40 +62 +12 $33 Comment: We have stepped growth and performance with He carries some as a Breed AverageMN3 Herd.+0.0 -1.4 up the+1.6 +4 +16 this bull. +26 +36 extra birth +24weight and+25 result we would only recommend him for use on mature cows. Maryvale Guyra records all growth traits in the Top 10% of the Limousin breed and he will Herd. add some serious kilograms to his calf crop. He also records all Production $ Indexes the Top 20% of the breed. Comment: MN3 We have stepped up the growth and performance with this bull. He carries someinextra birth weight and as a Maryvale a couplehim of really great breeding bullsMaryvale in Maryvale Dakota Legend and Palmdale Saffron. Being a September result weGuyra wouldcombines only recommend for use on mature cows. Guyra records all growth traits in the Top 10% of the Limousin is only 16 months age. breed and he will add some serious kilograms todrop his bull calf he crop. He also recordsofall Production $ Indexes in the Top 20% of the breed. Maryvale Guyra combines a couple of really great breeding bulls in Maryvale Dakota Legend and Palmdale Saffron. Being a September drop bull he is only 16 months of age.




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Lot 40 - Maryvale Gold Mine G290 (Polled) Lot 40 - Maryvale Gold Mine G290 (Polled) Identifier


Identifier DOB

AMSPG290 19/09/11


19/09/11 16 months

Age Pedigree

16 months

Pedigree Palmdale Solo Palmdale Solo Maryvale 6118 Maryvale 6118

Ionesco Ionesco Palmdale Odelle Palmdale Odelle Maryvale YoYo Maryvale Maryvale YoYo 6601


Maryvale 6601

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility Domestic Maryvale G290 +3.0 -1.9 +1.5 +4 +16 +28 +36 +31 $+18 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Maryvale G290 +3.0 -1.9 +1.5 +4 +16 +28 +36 +31 $+18 Breed Average +1.6 +4section of +16 +26 +36 Mine is full +24of red meat +25 Comment: MN3 Herd. +0.0 What a great-1.4 animal to complete the bull the catalogue. Maryvale Gold and also scanned well above average for IMF. A calving ease bull that has a lot of shape and is chock full of red meat. He is very typical of Comment: MN3that Herd. What aSolo great animal the bull section the catalogue. full red of red meat and the type of cattle Palmdale has bred to forcomplete us. A true domestic tradeofspecialist that willMaryvale produceGold someMine veryishigh meat yielding also scanned well above average for IMF. A calving ease bull that has a lot of shape and is chock full of red meat. He is very typical of progeny. the type of cattle that Palmdale Solo has bred for us. A true domestic trade specialist that will produce some very high red meat yielding progeny.








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Lot 41 - Maryvale Berries & Cream 6022 (Polled) & Heifer Calf (Polled) Lot 41 - Maryvale Berries & Cream 6022 (Polled) & Heifer Calf (Polled) Identifier Identifier DOB DOB Age Age Pedigree Pedigree ROMN Justice ROMN Justice Maryvale 1701 Maryvale 1701

AMSPB6022 AMSPB6022 20/08/06 20/08/06 6 years 6 years ROMN Fortune ROMN Fortune ROMN Lady Rock ROMN Lady Rock EXLR Power Up EXLR Power Up Maryvale 3703 Maryvale 3703

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR Maryvale 6022 +5.0 -3.4 +0.8 +9 +20 +33 +44 +47 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $+$40 Index Calf at Foot +4.5 -2.7 +0.9 +6 +19 +30 +39 +52+47 (MP) +$37 Maryvale 6022 +5.0 -3.4 +0.8 +9 +20 +33 +44 +$40 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Calf at Foot +4.5 -2.7 +0.9 +6 +19 +30 +39 +52 (MP) +$37 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Comment: MN3 Herd. Wow…what an outfit to kick off our female catalogue! Check out all the blue shading here demonstrating an outstanding of EBV's. Top 10% of an theoutfit breedtofor calving milk, and scrotal size.out This the type of outfithere you demonstrating would only expect Comment:set MN3 Herd. Wow…what kick off ourease, female catalogue! Check all is the blue shading an to find in a dispersal sale. Maryvale Berries & Cream is a very productive breeding cow with excellent feet and legs. Outstanding polled outstanding set of EBV's. Top 10% of the breed for calving ease, milk, and scrotal size. This is the type of outfit you would only expect heifer foot, Maryvale Hourglass H245,&sired by Palmdale Solo. To add to the cow excitement, this cow was 15/09/2012 polled to our to find calf in aat dispersal sale. Maryvale Berries Cream is a very productive breeding with excellent feet andAI'ed legs.onOutstanding exclusive new Homo Polled sire to RLF heifer calf at foot, Maryvale Hourglass H245, sired by Palmdale Solo. To add theYardley. excitement, this cow was AI'ed on 15/09/2012 to our exclusive new Homo Polled sire RLF Yardley.

Lot 42 - Maryvale Adelaide 5860 (Polled) & Heifer Calf (Polled) Identifier





7 years

Pedigree Wulf's Rambler Bruangil Park Xanadu Broombee Polled Caroline Maryvale 5804

Maryvale 5860 Calf at Foot Breed Average

Broombee Lumberjack Maryvale 3801

Calving Ease -0.3 -7.4 +0.0

Gest Length -1.3 -2.8 -1.4

Birth Weight +3.4 +4.1 +1.6

Milk +10 +8 +4

200 Day Growth +23 +31 +16

400 Day Growth +36 +54 +26

600 Day Growth +57 +78 +36

Docility EBV +49 +24

SR $ Index +$39 +$42 +25

Comment: MN3 Herd. Another absolutely cracking Maryvale outfit!! Maryvale Adelaide is a very high performance, hard working breeding female with a milk EBV in the Top 5% of the Limousin breed. She also records all growth traits in the Top 12% of the breed and a docility EBV in the Top 10% of the breed. An absolutely strapping polled heifer calf at foot, Maryvale Hollandaise H263, sired by our new $13,000 stud sire Froghollow Enigma. This cracker heifer calf records all growth traits in the Top 1% of the Limousin breed. AI'ed to Wulfs Xtractor on 30/08/2012. Backed up with Maryvale Federa.


LotLot 43 43 - Maryvale Zelena 47444744 (Horned) & Heifer (Polled) - Maryvale Zelena & Heifer Calf Calf (Horned)

Lot 43 - Maryvale Zelena 4744 & Heifer Calf (Horned) Identifier


DOB Identifier

9/11/04 AMSPZ4744


8 years 9/11/04

Pedigree Age

8 years

Premier Captain Snooze Pedigree Maryvale Uptown 3401 Snooze MaryvaleCaptain Premier Maryvale Uptown Maryvale Kayenbe Norman Maryvale Maryvale 2101 Maryvale 225 Maryvale



Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Maryvale 4744 +4.1 -0.8 -0.1 -2 +10 -13 +$17 Calving Gest Birth 200+5Day 400+9Day 600 Day Docility SR Calf at Foot -0.1 +0.1 +1.6 +4 +18 +30 +47 +20 (MP) Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $+$36 Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Maryvale 4744 +4.1 -0.8 -0.1 -2 +5 +9 +10 -13 +$17 Calf at Foot -0.1 +0.1 +1.6 +4 +18 +30 +47 +20 (MP) +$36 Comment: MN3 Herd. The was to offer+1.6 the impressive at foot, Maryvale H223, on her own. Breed Average +0.0plan here-1.4 +4young polled +16heifer calf+26 +36 High Life+24 +25 We then got a great photo of the cow and calf as a pair and thought well why not...we may as well offer the heifer calf along with her mother! ThisMN3 exciting siredwas by Mandayen hasheifer a great phenotype along with a good set of on EBV's. Her Comment: Herd.heifer The calf planishere to offer the Energizer impressiveE1338 youngand polled calf at foot, Maryvale High Life H223, her own. mother is got a strong, cow softness. Breedplan notasbeen to her,calf butalong this heifer calf We then a greatsound, photo breeding of the cow andwith calfgreat as a volume pair andand thought well why not...wehas may well very offer kind the heifer with her what this Energizer cow is capable AI'ed 22/08/12. mother! This exciting heifer calfdemonstrates is sired by Mandayen E1338of.and hastoa RLF greatYardley phenotype along with a good set of EBV's. Her mother is a strong, sound, breeding cow with great volume and softness. Breedplan has not been very kind to her, but this heifer calf demonstrates what this cow is capable of. AI'ed to RLF Yardley 22/08/12.



Lot 44 - Maryvale Bohemian Raphsody 6058 (Polled) & Bull Calf (Polled) Identifier





6 years

Pedigree Kensal Xceed

Maryvale 6604

Maryvale 6058 Calf at foot Breed Average

Thunder Down Under


Kensal Black Pearl R137 Premier Captain Snooze


Maryvale 3501

Calving Ease -0.2 +3.3 +0.0

Gest Length -1.5 -2.8 -1.4

Birth Weight +2.2 +1.2 +1.6

Milk +1 +4 +4

200 Day Growth +18 +17 +16

400 Day Growth +35 +31 +26

600 Day Growth +49 +46 +36

Docility EBV 0 +26 (MP) +24

SR $ Index +$36 +$38 +25

Comment: MN3 Herd. This young, polled Maryvale female offers excellent structural integrity and a picture perfect udder with perfect attachment and excellent teat size. An impressive polled bull calf at foot that will provide you with some quick cash flow from this investment when he is ready to sell within the next 12 months. Maryvale Bohemian Raphsody is in the Top 12% of the breed for 400 day growth and records all production $ Indexes in the Top 25% of the breed. AI'ed to TMF Westwood on 20/09/2012. Bull calf at foot sired by Shalone Black Brew E110 and has a great set of EBV's as displayed.


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Lot 45 - Palmdale Vanity D6 (Polled) & Heifer Calf (Polled) Lot 45 - Palmdale Vanity D6 (Polled) & Heifer Calf (Polled) Identifier Identifier DOB DOB Age Age Pedigree Pedigree

TJGPD6 TJGPD6 4/03/08 4/03/08 4 Years 4 Years

Palmdale President Palmdale ShowmanPalmdale President Palmdale ShowmanPalmdale Oprah Palmdale Oprah Ionesco Palmdale Precious Ionesco Palmdale Precious Palmdale Mabel Palmdale Mabel

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $+$37 Index Palmdale D6 +1.7 -1.8 +2.0 +5 +20 +30 +44 +41 Palmdale D6 +1.7 -1.8 +2.0 +5 +20 +30 +44 +$37 Calf at foot -3.4 +2.9 +7 +26 +43 +66 +47+41 (MP) +$45 Calf atAverage foot -3.4 -1.8 +2.9 +7 +26 +43 +66 +47+24 (MP) +$45 Breed +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +25 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Comment: MN3 Herd. An opportunity to purchase a young Palmdale female with an exciting heifer calf at foot sired by Mandayen Comment: MN3 Herd. An opportunity to purchase young EBV Palmdale withofan heifer calfwith at foot sired by Mandayen Energizer E1338. Palmdale Vanity records a 200 dayagrowth in thefemale Top 20% theexciting breed together a Self Replacing $ Index Energizer E1338. records a 200She day is growth in theyoung Top 20% of the breed together a Selfgreats Replacing $ Index and Docility EBVPalmdale in the TopVanity 20% of the breed. a veryEBV feminine female and has two of thewith breed's (Ionesco & and Docility in the Top 20% of the breed. She is a veryHigh feminine young female hastraits two of Dauphin) in herEBV pedigree. Polled heifer calf at foot, Maryvale Fashion, records all and growth in the the breed's Top 5%greats of the (Ionesco breed and& all Dauphin) in her pedigree. Polled heifer calf at foot, Maryvale High Fashion, records growth traits in the Top 5% of the breed and all Production $ Indexes in the Top 10% of theall breed. Production $ Indexes in the Top 10% of the breed.

Lot 46 - Palmdale D039 (Polled) Lot 46 - Palmdale D039 (Polled) Identifier Identifier DOB DOB Age Age Pedigree Pedigree Palmdale Qdos Palmdale Qdos

Palmdale A98 Palmdale A98

TJGPD39 TJGPD39 21/03/08 21/03/08 4 years 4 years

Palmdale Oliver Palmdale Oliver Palmdale Old Gold Palmdale Old Gold Palmdale Peppi Palmdale Peppi Palmdale X174 Palmdale X174

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $+$27 Index Palmdale D39 +5.4 -2.2 +0.2 +8 +12 +20 +21 +13 Palmdale D39 +5.4 -2.2 +0.2 +8 +12 +20 +21 +13 +$27 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Comment: MN3 Herd. Palmdale D39 is a very soft, well put together Palmdale female. D39 is in the Top 10% of the breed for calving Comment: MN3 Herd. and Palmdale D39sells is a very well put together female. in the Top 10% of thesoftness breed for calving ease, low birth weight, milk. She PTICsoft, to Palmdale Solo. AnPalmdale impressive femaleD39 thatisbalances volume and perfectly. ease, birth weight, and milk.and She PTIC to An impressive female perfectly. D39 islow very structurally sound willsells withstand thePalmdale strictest Solo. inpsection. The resulting calfthat by balances Palmdale volume Solo willand be softness worth waiting for! D39 is very structurally sound and will withstand the strictest inpsection. The resulting calf by Palmdale Solo will be worth waiting for!


Lot 47 - Maryvale Hemline H207 (Polled French Pure ET Heifer) Lot 47 - Maryvale Hemline H207 (Polled French Pure ET Heifer) Identifier


Identifier DOB

AMSFH207 19/04/12


19/04/12 9 months

Age Pedigree

9 months


Posthaven Sell-out Posthaven Urban Cowboy Posthaven Sell-out MTN Park Perfect Fleur Posthaven Urban Cowboy MTN Park Perfect Fleur Broombee Lumberjack

Maryvale Zig Zag Broombee Lumberjack Maryvale Zig Zag Maryvale 3302 Maryvale 3302

Calving Ease Calving -3.9 Ease +0.0 -3.9

Gest Length Gest +0.2 Length -1.4 +0.2

Birth Weight Birth +2.9 Weight +1.6 +2.9

Milk +4 Milk +4 +4

200 Day Growth 200 Day +17 Growth +16 +17

400 Day Growth 400 Day +32 Growth +26 +32

600 Day Growth 600 Day +49 Growth +36 +49

Docility EBV Docility +8EBV (MP) +8+24 (MP)

SR $ Index SR $+$30 Index +25 +$30

Maryvale H207 Breed Average Maryvale H207 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Comment: MN3 Herd. Wow! We are offering a really exciting Polled French Pure ET heifer calf here. This heifer calf has been admired by many for her volume, softness, style. We are retaining 3 flush to this ourheifer herd addition to some Comment: MN3 Herd. Wow!depth, We offering aareally exciting Polled French Pure ET calf here. This calf has Comment: MN3 Herd. Wow! Weare are offeringand really exciting Polled French Puresisters ETheifer heifer calfheifer This heiferin calf hasbeen been furtherby embryos from joining. We softness, think she and is one of the more exciting Polled heifers Australia a admired by many for for herthis volume, depth, softness, and style. We are 33 flush sisters to heifer in our herd to some admired many her volume, depth, style. We are retaining retaining flushFrench sistersPure to this this heiferto inbe ouroffered herd in ininaddition addition toas some result of her striking phenotype, excellent EBV's, and eye catching style. Sells unjoined and will be weaned after our sale. An exciting further embryos from this joining. We think she is one of the more exciting Polled French Pure heifers to be offered in Australia as a further embryos from this joining. We think she is one of the more exciting Polled French Pure heifers to be offered in Australia as a donor prospect thatEBV's, offers and tostyle. advance the Polled French gene base. result of of her her striking striking phenotype, phenotype, excellent EBV’s, andopportunity eye catching catching style. Sells unjoined and be after result excellent and eye Sells unjoined and will willPure be weaned weaned after our our sale. sale. An Anexciting exciting donor prospect prospect that that offers offers and an opportunity donor opportunitytotoadvance advancethe thePolled PolledFrench FrenchPure Puregene genebase. base.

Lot 48 - Maryvale Hot Butter H201 (Polled ET Heifer) Lot 48 - Maryvale Hot Butter H201 (Polled ET Heifer) Identifier Identifier DOB DOB Age Age Pedigree Pedigree

AMSPH201 AMSPH201 7/04/12 7/04/12 9 months 9 months

TMF Tankard TMF Tankard TMF 902P TMF 902P Wulfs Ridgley Maryvale Day Lilly Wulfs Ridgley Maryvale Day Lilly Maryvale April Maryvale April TMF Westwood TMF Westwood

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR Maryvale H201 +2.9 -4.3 +0.4 +6 +21 +39 +56 +48 (MP) Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $+$47 Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +25 Maryvale H201 +2.9 -4.3 +0.4 +6 +21 +39 +56 +48+24 (MP) +$47 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Comment: MN3 Herd. Check out the blue shading here, this exciting ET heifer records all dispalyed traits in the Top 25% of the Limousin breedMN3 fromHerd. calvingCheck ease out through to growth and performance. Word's cannot explain how well TMF breeding Comment: the blue shading here, this exciting ET heifer records all dispalyed traitsWestwood in the Top is 25% of the for us and this ET from heifercalving offers an exiting opportunity bring the TMF Westwood influence to your herd. greatWestwood show heifer and donor Limousin breed ease through to growthtoand performance. Word's cannot explain how wellATMF is breeding for prospect thisET deep, soft, highan performance heifer covers allthe theTMF bases. 3 flush sisters andtoayour flushherd. brother Maryvale to be us and this heifer offers exiting opportunity to bring Westwood influence A great showHammertime heifer and donor in our herd for stud duties. Sells unjoined andsisters will beand weaned after our sale. prospect this deep, soft, retained high performance heifer covers all the bases. 3 flush a flush brother Maryvale Hammertime to be retained in our herd for stud duties. Sells unjoined and will be weaned after our sale.


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Lot 49 - ROMN Made to Order (Polled) - 6 Straws Lot 49 - ROMN Made to Order (Polled) - 6 Straws Identifier Identifier DOB DOB Age Age Pedigree Pedigree

IMUPE9608 IMUPE9608 17/03/02 17/03/02 10 Years 10 Years

ROMN Fortune ROMN Fortune ROMN Lady Rock ROMN Lady Rock DT Polled Thick Set ROMN Miss Thick DT Polled Thick Set ROMN Miss Thick ROMN Miss Cleo ROMN Miss Cleo ROMN Justice ROMN Justice

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR ROMN MTO +3.5 -3.7 +1.4 +8 +25 +51 +62 +58 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $+$57 Index Breed +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 ROMNAverage MTO +3.5 -3.7 +1.4 +8 +25 +51 +62 +58 +$57 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Comment: ROMN Made to Order is a highly proven, high performance Limousin sire recording 13 production trats in the Top 10% of the breed. Made OrdertoisOrder in theisTop 1% ofproven, the breed forperformance all production $ Indexes is also in Top 1% of theinbreed for 10% EMA,of Comment: ROMNtoMade a highly high Limousin sireand recording 13the production trats the Top weight,to&Order 400 day thisfor with massive docility EBVand of +$58. Made semen in theCarcase breed. Made is ingrowth. the Top He 1%combines of the breed allaproduction $ Indexes is alsoROMN in the Top 1%toofOrder the breed forisEMA, extremely supply worldwide and isHe highly soughtthis after asaamassive result ofdocility his proven These twotopackages are the Carcaseshort weight, & 400 day growth. combines with EBVperformance. of +$58. ROMN Made Order semen is inlast known available semen that will be Australia. Made breeds rugged breeding bulls and veryare maternal extremely short supply worldwide andavailable is highlyinsought after ROMN as a result of to hisOrder proven performance. These two packages the last daughters. Many ROMNinMade to Order daughters have produced sires. known available semen that will be available Australia. ROMN Made to Order breeds recent ruggedsemen breeding bulls and very maternal daughters. Many ROMN Made to Order daughters have produced recent semen sires.

Lot 50 - ROMN Made to Order (Polled) - 5 Straws Lot 50 - ROMN Made to Order (Polled) - 5 Straws Identifier


Identifier DOB

IMUPE9608 17/03/02


17/03/02 10 Years

Age Pedigree

10 Years

Pedigree ROMN Justice ROMN Justice ROMN Miss Thick ROMN Miss Thick

ROMN Fortune ROMN Fortune ROMN Lady Rock ROMN Lady Rock DT Polled Thick Set DT Polled Thick Set ROMN Miss Cleo ROMN Miss Cleo

ROMN Made to Order Daughter at Top Meadow Farms ROMN Made to Order Daughter at Top Meadow Farms

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR ROMN MTO +3.5 -3.7 +1.4 +8 +25 +51 +62 +58 +$57 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 ROMN MTO +3.5 -3.7 +1.4 +8 +25 +51 +62 +58 +$57 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Comment: ROMN Made to Order is a highly proven, high performance Limousin sire recording 13 production trats in the Top 10% of the breed. Made to Order is in the Top 1% of the breed for all production $ Indexes and is also in the Top 1% of the breed for EMA, Comment: ROMN Made to Order is a highly proven, high performance Limousin sire recording 13 production trats in the Top 10% of Carcase weight, & 400 day growth. He combines this with a massive docility EBV of +$58. ROMN Made to Order semen is in the breed. Made to Order is in the Top 1% of the breed for all production $ Indexes and is also in the Top 1% of the breed for EMA, extremely short supply worldwide and is highly sought after as a result of his proven performance. These two packages are the last Carcase weight, & 400 day growth. He combines this with a massive docility EBV of +$58. ROMN Made to Order semen is in known available semen that will be available in Australia. ROMN Made to Order breeds rugged breeding bulls and very maternal extremely short supply worldwide and is highly sought after as a result of his proven performance. These two packages are the last daughters. Many ROMN Made to Order daughters have produced recent semen sires. known available semen that will be available in Australia. ROMN Made to Order breeds rugged breeding bulls and very maternal 33 daughters. Many ROMN Made to Order daughters have produced recent semen sires.

Lot 51 - TMF Polled Harmonica 777N (Polled French Pure) - 4 straws Lot 51 - TMF Polled Harmonica 777N (Polled French Pure) - 4 straws Identifier Identifier DOB DOB Age Age Pedigree Pedigree Harmonica Harmonica Top Meadow 64J Top Meadow 64J

IMCFY777 IMCFY777 10/02/03 10/02/03 9 Years 9 Years Findun Findun Emeline Emeline EBY Extra Special EBY Extra Special Black Ink Always Black Ink Always

Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $ Index Calving Gest Birth 200 Day 400 Day 600 Day Docility SR TMF 777N -2.6 -2.8 +1.3 +5 +20 +38 +52 +47 Ease Length Weight Milk Growth Growth Growth EBV $+$34 Index Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 TMF 777N -2.6 -2.8 +1.3 +5 +20 +38 +52 +47 +$34 Breed Average +0.0 -1.4 +1.6 +4 +16 +26 +36 +24 +25 Comment: TMF Polled Harmonica 777N is a truly unique and very impressive Polled French Pure sire. TMF Polled Harmonica is in the Top 10% ofTMF the breed 400 day, 777N the Top 12% the breed docility, and the Top 20% of the Limusin breed for Domestic Terminal Comment: Polled for Harmonica is a trulyofunique andfor very impressive Polled French Pure sire. TMF Polled Harmonica is in $the index. TMFofHarmonica Polled French published Docility in Limusin Australia. He has proven himself as Top 10% the breed is forcurrently 400 day,the theNumber Top 12%1 of the breed forPure docility, and thesire Topfor20% of the breed for Domestic Terminal great TMF breeding bull andisthe two year daughters that French we calved outpublished this spring have excellentinudders andHe arehas doing a great job on $ aindex. Harmonica currently theold Number 1 Polled Pure sire for Docility Australia. proven himself as their calves. These of 4 old straws are thethat last we known straws of semen will be made available Australia. TMF Polled a great breeding bulltwo andpackages the two year daughters calved out this springthat have excellent udders andin are doing a great job on Harmonica soldknown for $47,000 as a yearling. their calves. These two packages of 4 straws are the last strawsCAD of semen that will be made available in Australia. TMF Polled Harmonica sold for $47,000 CAD as a yearling.

Lot 52 - TMF Polled Harmonica 777N (Polled French Pure) - 4 straws Identifier





9 Years

Pedigree Harmonica

Top Meadow 64J

TMF 777N Breed Average

Findun Emeline EBY Extra Special Black Ink Always

Calving Ease -2.6 +0.0

Gest Length -2.8 -1.4

Birth Weight +1.3 +1.6

Milk +5 +4

200 Day Growth +20 +16

400 Day Growth +38 +26

600 Day Growth +52 +36

Docility EBV +47 +24

SR $ Index +$34 +25

Comment: TMF Polled Harmonica 777N is a truly unique and very impressive Polled French Pure sire. TMF Polled Harmonica is in the Top 10% of the breed for 400 day, the Top 12% of the breed for docility, and the Top 20% of the Limusin breed for Domestic Terminal $ index. TMF Harmonica is currently the Number 1 Polled French Pure published sire for Docility in Australia. He has proven himself as a great breeding bull and the two year old daughters that we calved out this spring have excellent udders and are doing a great job on their calves. These two packages of 4 straws are the last known straws of semen that will be made available in Australia. TMF Polled Harmonica sold for $47,000 CAD as a yearling.


inspectinspect our cattle. our cattle. We highly We recommend highly recommend this offering this offering of cattle ofand cattle weand would we love would tolove see to you se usin breed, which cannot easily be replicated, is the breed’s capacity to produce high red Limousin and Limousin infused cattle are unmatched in their ability to produce the highest thin the industry as a result of their ability to increase both dressing percentage and retail e Beef sires are the ultimate type of animal to add red meat to your herd as a result of the meat yield with a genetic ability to finish quickly. Producing bulls that combine our Muscle, aryvale Trifecta” is exactly what our program is about. Come check them out for yourself on

n offer we have certainly pulled out all stops this year and are offering some of our very best selection. Be sure to check them out!

the market for a bull or female this year we extend a very warm welcome to you to attend nd ale on Thursday 2 February. We hope that you can join us to enjoy our hospitality and nd hly recommend this offering of cattle and we would love to see you on the 2 of February.

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Simon, Liz, Isaac & Claudia Vogt

Simon, Simon, Liz, &Liz, Isaac & Isaac Vogt Vogt

Barry & Chris Vogt

Matt,Ma Te

BarryBarry & Chris & Chris Vogt Vogt


Barry & Chris Vogt

Matt, Tess, Alastair, & Hamish Vogt

Matt, Tess, Alastair, & Hamish Vogt


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Limousin cross steers perform well for eating quality Securing a strong place in today’s beef industry is something which must be earned and not inherited. To earn a place in the industry we must be producing a product which: v is valued by consumers v can be produced and processed in a profitable manner As a breed we are very fortunate to have the Limousin Information Nucleus which is a progeny test program involving 10 young Limousin sires which are joined to British breed cows. We have two sires in this progeny test program. A total of 101 steers from the first cycle were weaned in May 2011 and backgrounded for 7 months before entering the Peechelba Feedlot near Wangaratta at an average live weight of 459kg. The steers did exceptionally well in the feedlot, gaining an average of 1.79 kilograms per day for 116 days on feed with a feed conversation ratio of 7.38 : 1. The steers were slaughtered at the Teys Cargill plant at Wagga Wagga with an average carcase weight of 372.6kg and all of the steers comfortable met the 6mm minimum fat cover requirement. There were no dark cutters and the meat pH levels in each carcase were all below 5.7. The draft of 101 steers had 100% compliance with MSA grading requirements. Teys allocated all of the carcases to a boning group based on the MQ4 eating quality score, with boning group 1 being the highest eating quality and boning group 10 being the lowest eating quality. 86% of the carcases graded in boning groups 1 to 3 and 100% of the carcases were boning group 5 or below which is still a very acceptable eating quality. Most of the steers had a marbling score of 1 with some of the steers recording a marbling score of 2. This demonstrated that high eating quality can be achieved with moderate levels of marbling. Apart from breed, all of the steers would have qualified for the Certified Australian Angus Beef brand based on meat quality. Shear force was used as a measure of tenderness and the average shear force score was 3.6 which is very tender. The average intramuscular fat content was 3.6% which is adequate to provide flavoursome but healthy beef. The results from the first set of steers are both exciting and encouraging for the Limousin breed. Beyond doubt these results demonstrate that the Limousin breed has earned its place in today’s beef industry based on an ability to consistently achieve excellent meat quality and record high levels of performance from birth to slaughter. Excellent feedlot performance, 100% MSA compliance, zero dark cutters, low boning grades, and very tender beef… very exciting stuff! Achieving excellence in regard to carcase quality, when combined with the unique high red meat yielding characteristics for which the breed is renowned will keep us at the forefront of our exciting industry.


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Scenes 2012 Maryvale BullBull & Female Sale Scenesfrom fromthe thesuccessful successful 2012 Maryvale & Female Sale


High Sellers from the 2012 Maryvale Sale

Lot 13 - $12,000 Sold to Top Meadow Farms & Rail Line Farms Canada

Lot 1 - $6,250 Sold to the Limek Limousin Stud, Bordertown SA

Lot 3 - $5,250 Sold to the Beaudesert Limousin Stud, Mudgee NSW

Lot 5 - $5,250 Sold to the Huntly Limousin Stud, Deniliquin NSW

Lot 5 - $5,000 Sold to the Tara Limousin Stud, Allanooka WA

Lot 11 - $4,750 Sold to Peter Wardle, Kimba SA


Congratulations and thanks to the following Limousin studs for purchasing animals at the 2012 Maryvale sale We certainly appreciated the support of fellow Limousin breeders at our sale and each year we strive to offer bulls and females that have a capacity to advance the Limousin breed and the individual programs of the stud herds that support our sale. In 2012 we were very grateful for the support of the following Limousin studs that purchased animals at our Maryvale “Power in the Pedigree” bull and female sale in early February: v v v v v v v v v v v

The Modra family of Limek Limousin stud, Bordertown SA, for purchasing Lot 1 & Lot 38 Beaudesert Limousin stud, Mudgee NSW, for purchasing Lot 3 Tara Limousin stud, Allanooka WA, for purchasing Lot 5 Huntly Limousin stud, Deniliquin NSW, for purchasing Lot 6 Pebbly Range Limousin stud, Rockleigh SA, for purchasing Lot 12 Top Meadow Farms and Rail Line Farms Limousin studs, Canada, for purchasing Lot 13, The Strong Black Limousin stud, Wharparilla Vic, for purchasing Lot 14 & Lot 34 Meadowbrook Limousin stud, Hope Forest SA for purchasing Lot 23 Ganian Limousin stud, Marsden Park NSW, for purchasing Lot 36, Lot 37, & Lot 39 Warrawindi Limousin stud, Penola SA, for purchasing Lot 41 Bonian Limousin stud, Bungaree Vic, for purchasing Lot 42

We are very grateful for the support of these 12 Limousin studs and look forward to continuing to follow the progress of their purchases. We also appreciated the support of Brendan Welsh of the Oakleigh Limousin stud who purchased an outstanding Maryvale female at the 2012 National Limousin Show and Sale. Brendan purchased a TMF Westwood ET heifer, Maryvale Genevieve G107, at the National Sale in April 2012. This heifer was from the very successful flush joining between TMF Westwood 505W and Palmdale Shantal A189. A group of 10 ET calves were born from this flush, 8 heifers and 2 bulls. Lot 1 in this year’s sale, Maryvale Goliath G201 is from this flush. His ET brother Maryvale Grange G207 has been retained for extensive stud duties at Maryvale. 5 of his flush sisters have also been retained in the Maryvale herd and are looking sensational. The remaining 3 flush sisters were purchased by the Warrawindi, Bonian, and Oakleigh Limousin stud herds. At least 3 of the heifers from this flush have already been flushed themselves which will really ramp up the genetic progress and impact that this excellent group of animals will enable within the breed. We are very excited by the opportunity for a stud or top end commercial herd to secure Maryvale Goliath G201, Lot 1 in this year’s sale, and multiply the influence of this very successful joining across your herd.

Maryvale Glamour G104—TMF Westwood Daughter and full ET flush sister to Maryvale Goliath, Lot 1 in this year’s sale. Maryvale Glamour sold in last year’s sale to the Warrawindi Limousin Stud, Penola SA for $4,500.

TMF Westwood 505W as inspected in August 2012 as a 3.5 year old bull in his working clothes at Rail Line Farms, Ontario Canada.


Introducing our next Homo Polled Canadian Sire - RLF Yardley 601Y

What we really like about this bull: • Homo Polled by DNA • Excellent outcross pedigree (Wulfs Tailormade x RLF 406W) • He was raised by a very maternal 2 year old heifer • Extremely sound feet & leg structure • His sire’s outlook and presence • He was the Canadian National Champion Limousin Bull in 2011 as a 9 month old calf • His extreme length of body and sensational performance (Top 1% for growth) • His very moderate birth weight yet with explosive early growth


RLF Yardley joins an impressive stable of outcross Homo Polled sires at Maryvale including TMF Westwood & TMF Arizona!

Maryvale genetics at work in Canada in the Top Meadow Farms and Rail Line Farms Limousin herds - Maryvale Federa F67

We were very excited last year when Top Meadow Farms and Rail Line Farms joined forces to purchase Lot 13 in our sale, Maryvale Federa F67, for $12,000. This bull continues to impress all that see him as a result of his incredible volume, softness, and docility. He is also an outcross to most Canadian pedigrees which made him of particular interest to the two Canadian herds which purchased him. Maryvale Federa F67 went into collection at Total Livestock Genetics in late Autumn 2012 and was successfully collected over the winter months. The first shipment of semen arrived in Canada in September 2012 and was used on fall calving cows in November 2012. We are really looking forward watching the progress of his first calves which will arrive in Canada in August and September 2013. When we were at Top Meadow Farms in August 2012 we selected a number of elite donors which we will be flushing for Australia in late 2012 and early 2013. One of these particular donors, TMF623T, will be joined to Maryvale Federa as we believe that these two animals complement each other and will produce some very exciting Black and Polled Limousin progeny. We have a lot of confidence in the ability of Maryvale Federa F67 to breed on as a result of his exceptional softness, volume, docility, and structural soundness. While we could have chosen from a suite of outcross sires in our Canadian embryo program, we have chosen to use Maryvale Federa on some of the selected elite Canadian donors as we believe that his volume and softness is unsurpassed. Maryvale Federa F67 semen is also available in Australia through Agri-Gene at Wangaratta. Maryvale Federa F67 has impressed experienced stud breeders from a wide range of different breeds and we eagerly await his first progeny both here in Australia and also in Ontario Canada. We appreciate the confidence that two of Canada’s leading Limousin seed stock programs have placed in this bull and look forward to providing progeny updates along the way. A large percentage of the black and polled Limousin’s in Australia have been established on North American genetics. We believe that Maryvale Federa provides an excellent opportunity to compliment these North American genetics and enhance the volume, softness, and structural integrity required by the Australian beef industry.

For Australian semen orders, please contact Agri-Gene on 03 5722 2666. 43





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