2012 Maryvale Catalogue

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Welcome to the Maryvale “Power in the Pedigree” Bull and Female Sale Welcome to our 2012 catalogue and onproperty sale. We are really pleased to offer you this exciting lineup of nd Limousin bulls and females. The genetic merit of the bulls and females that we are offering on Thursday 2 February is outstanding and a direct of the “Power in the Pedigree” backs up each of these Welcome to function the Maryvale “Power in thethat Pedigree” Bull andanimals. Female Sale A few quick factstoand that support the genetic sale. merit of Welcome ourstatistics 2012 catalogue and onproperty Wethis areyear’s reallyoffering: pleased to offer you this exciting lineup of Limousin bulls and females. The genetic merit of the bulls and females that we are offering on Thursday 2 thisayear’s ofofbulls are in the Top 15% of the 400 day growth  is On averageand outstanding direct group function the “Power in the Pedigree” thatbreed backs for up each of these animals.



 On average this year’s group of bulls are in the Top 30% of the breed for docility A few quick facts and statistics that support the genetic merit of this year’s offering:  37 out of the 40 animals catalogued are naturally polled Terminal Production Index year’s is breed +$33for placing them in the Top 20% of the  The  average On average this year’s group of$bulls areofin this the Top 15%bulls of the 400 day growth breed for this trait  with commercial profit per cow joined up 13.80% on last year!  On average this year’s group of bulls are in the Top 30% of the breed for docility year’s group catalogued of bulls areare in the Top 20%  Onaverage 37 out this of the 40 animals naturally polledof the breed for short gestation length  The of Maryvale Legend, Maryvale Coconut TMFplacing Polledthem Harmonica, and Palmdale  first Thesons average Terminal Dakota Production $ Index of this year’s bullsRum, is +$33 in the Top 20% of the Utah sell in this year’s breed for this traitcatalogue  with commercial profit per cow joined up 13.80% on last year!  three On average thisheifer year’scalves group being of bullsoffered are in the 20%sensational! of the breed for short gestation length  The polled ET areTop simply 

The first sons of Maryvale Dakota Legend, Maryvale Coconut Rum, TMF Polled Harmonica, and Palmdale

Utahcouldn’t sell in this In many ways we beyear’s more catalogue pleased with this offering of 30 bulls and 10 females. The 30 bulls which have  The three polled ET heifer calves being offered simply been catalogued have been selected from a large group of are 2010 dropsensational! bullsand only the best bulls have been saved for our on property sale. The 10 females which have been selected are equally as impressive and have each been In many ways couldn’t be herd. more pleased with this offering of 30 bulls and 10excellent females. maternal The 30 bulls whichand havein handpicked from thewe heart of the These females offer high genetic merit, strength been catalogued have been selectedThe fromthree a large groupET of heifer 2010 drop bullsand only the sensational best bulls have saved many cases proven production records. polled calves are absolutely andbeen include an forsister our on TheLegend 10 females havesisters been selected equally asAIimpressive and have each been ET flush to property Maryvalesale. Dakota and which two flush from ourare $54,000.00 sire TMF Westwood 505W. handpicked from the heart of the herd. These females offer high genetic merit, excellent maternal strength and in many cases proven production records. The three polled ET heifer calves are absolutely sensational and include an We areETstrong believers of what can be achieved through genetic progress and each year we diligently go about flush sister to Maryvale Dakota Legend and two flush sisters from our $54,000.00 AI sire TMF Westwood 505W.

breeding a calf crop of genetically superior animals. Our attitude towards achieving consistent genetic progress ensuresWe that clients can continue enjoy the manythrough benefitsgenetic associated withand purchasing Maryvale genetics. The areour strong believers of whattocan be achieved progress each year we diligently go about peace of mind and increased performance comes Our with attitude sourcingtowards Maryvale genetics are just genetic two of the many breeding a calf crop of calf genetically superiorthat animals. achieving consistent progress benefits. Peacethat of our mind comes because all of bulls have been semen tested, vaccinated against pestivirus ensures clients canabout continue to enjoy theour many benefits associated with purchasing Maryvale genetics. The and vibriosis, scored, and docility scored well before they make it togenetics the catalogue! Increased calf peace ofstructurally mind and increased calf performance that comes with sourcing Maryvale are just two of the many performance comes about through on short gestation moderate weights, positive calving ease, benefits. Peace of mind comesselection about because all of our bullslength, have been semen birth tested, vaccinated against pestivirus and vibriosis, structurally and docility scored  wellprofitability before theytomake it to the catalogue! Increased calf and superior growth rates. All ofscored, these traits ultimately increase the producer. performance comes about through selection on short gestation length, moderate birth weights, positive calving ease, and superior thesefrom traitsthe ultimately increase to the producer. The following Profitgrowth Driver rates. Tree, All an of output Beef CRC BPPprofitability groups, demonstrates each of the elements which

influence profitability to the commercial beef producer.

The following Profit Driver Tree, an output from the Beef CRC BPP groups, demonstrates each of the elements which influence profitability to the commercial beef producer.







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kg/hd/yr kg/hd/yr Reprod Reprod

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%% Deaths Deaths

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increase increase increase profitability. profitability. profitability. The Thegreat great The thing thing great about about thing buying buying aboutMaryvale buying Maryvale Maryvale bulls bullsand and bulls genetics genetics and genetics is isthat thatit is itis is that a amanagement management it is a management decision decision decisio that that is is easy easy thattoisto implement easy implement to implement and and one one and that that one pays pays that high high pays dividendsand dividendsand high dividendsand hence hence it hence should it should itbecome should become become aa priority! priority! a priority!

Buying high genetic merit bulls from Maryvale isis one of the five levers commercial beef producers can to Buying highbuying genetic merit bulls fromeven Maryvale one ofyear the five levers thatour commercial beef producers can pull We Wehave have We made made have buying made Maryvale buying Maryvale Maryvale bulls bulls even bulls easier easier even this easier this year this by byyear interfacing interfacing by that interfacing ourHelmsman Helmsman our Helmsman sale sale with with sale AuctionsPlus. AuctionsPlus. withpull AuctionsPlus increase profitability. The great thing about buying Maryvale bulls and genetics is that it is a management decision increase profitability. The great thing about Maryvale bulls and genetics is the that itbid isbid aand management decision Make Make sure sure Make you you sure register register you and register and sign sign and onon in sign inadvance advance on in buying advance (it’s (it’sreally really (it’s easy!) easy!) really toeasy!) towatch watch tothe watch thesale sale and and sale from from bid home home fromif ifhome you youcan’t can’t if you can that easy implement and one that pays high dividendsand itit should become aa priority! that ison easy implement and one that pays high dividendsand hence should become priority! make make it make itis on sale sale ittoto on day day sale and and day would would and like would like toto participate. like participate. to participate. Tim TimBayliss, Bayliss, Timhence Bayliss, Landmark Landmark Landmark AuctionsPlus AuctionsPlus AuctionsPlus Coordinator, Coordinator, Coordinator, will willbebein will in be i attendance attendance attendance onon sale sale day on day sale and and day has has and inspected inspected has inspected the the sale sale the bulls bulls sale and and bulls females. females. and females. We Wehave havemade madebuying buying Maryvale Maryvale bulls bulls even even easier easier this this year year by by interfacing interfacing our our Helmsman Helmsman sale sale with with AuctionsPlus. AuctionsPlus. Make Makesure sureyou youregister registerand andsign sign on on inin advance advance (it’s (it’s really really easy!) easy!) to to watch watch the the sale sale and and bid bid from from home home ifif you you can’t can’t make make itit on on sale sale day day and and would would like like toto participate. participate. Tim Tim Bayliss, Bayliss, Landmark Landmark AuctionsPlus AuctionsPlus Coordinator, Coordinator, will will be be in in attendance attendanceon onsale saleday dayand andhas hasinspected inspectedthe thesale salebulls bullsand andfemales. females.

LotLot 1& 1& Lot Lot Lot 2 12& Lot 2

It Itcertainly certainly It certainly continues continues continues totobebeanan toexciting be exciting an exciting time timeforfor time the theLimousin for Limousin the Limousin breed breed breed asasastute astute  ascommercial astute commercial commercial producers producers producers enjoy enjoythe the enjoy th Lot11&&Lot Lot22 Lot capacity capacity capacity ofofthe thebreed of breed thetobreed toadd addlength, tolength, add weight, length, weight,shape weight, shapeand shape andred red and meat meat red yield yield meat tototheir yield theircalf tocalf their crops. crops. calf These crops. Thesetraits These traitsultimately ultimately traits ultimatel increase increase increase producer producer producer returns returnsby returns byincreasing increasing by increasing the thenumber number the of number ofkilograms kilograms of kilograms ofofbeef beefthey ofthey beef have have they totosell have sellwhile to while sell also also while providing providing also providing them them them certainlycontinues continues toto be be an an exciting exciting time time for for the the Limousin Limousin breed breed  as as astute astute commercial commercial producers producers enjoy enjoy the ItItcertainly with withthe the with ability ability the to ability to offer offer a to a product offer product a product which which commands which commands commands a a premium premium a premium in in the the market in market the place. market place. The place. The fact fact The that that fact we we that are are seeing we seeing are seein capacityofofthe thebreed breed toto add add length, length, weight, weight, shape shape and and red red meat meat yield yield to to their their calf calf crops. crops. These These traits traits ultimately ultimately capacity increased increased increased use use of of Limousin use Limousin of Limousin bulls bulls in in crossbreeding bulls crossbreeding in crossbreeding systems, systems, systems, increased increased increased uptake uptake of uptake of Limousin Limousin of Limousin bulls bulls in in large bulls large in commercial commercial large commercia increaseproducer producerreturns returnsby byincreasing increasingthe thenumber number of of kilograms kilograms of of beef beef they they have have to to sell sell while while also also providing providing them them increase Angus Angus herds, Angus herds, and herds, andunprecedented unprecedented and sales sales ofof sales Limousin Limousin of Limousin bulls bulls into into bulls pastoral pastoral into pastoral and and large large and scale scale large beef beef scale production production beef systems systems are are ar with theability ability offerunprecedented product which commands premium in the the market place. The fact that production wesystems are seeing with the toto offer aa product which commands aa premium in market place. The fact that we are seeing three three of of the three the reasons reasons of the reasons we we remain remain we so remain so excited excited so about excited about the the about future future the of of future the the Limousin Limousin of the Limousin breed! breed! breed! increaseduse useofofLimousin Limousinbulls bulls inin crossbreeding crossbreeding systems, systems, increased increased uptake uptake of of Limousin Limousin bulls bulls in in large large commercial commercial increased Angus herds, and unprecedented sales of Limousin bulls into pastoral and large scale beef production systems Angus herds, and unprecedented sales of Limousin bulls into pastoral and large scale beef production systems are The Thestrength strength The strength ofofthe theLimousin of Limousin the Limousin breed, breed,which breed, whichcannot cannot which easily cannot easilybeeasily bereplicated, replicated, be replicated, is isthe thebreed’s breed’s is the capacity breed’s capacity capacity totoproduce produce to produce high high red red high re threeofofthe thereasons reasonswe weremain remainso soexcited excitedabout aboutthe thefuture futureof ofthe theLimousin Limousin breed! breed! three meat meatyielding yielding meat carcases. yielding carcases. carcases. Limousin Limousin Limousin and andLimousin Limousin and Limousin infused infusedcattle infused cattleare are cattle unmatched unmatched are unmatched in intheir theirability inability theirtoto ability produce produce to produce the thehighest highest the highes

meat meat yielding yielding meat carcases yielding carcases carcases within withinthe the within industry industry the industry asasacannot aresult result as easily of a of result their their of ability theirtoto ability increase increase to increase both bothdressing dressing both dressing percentage percentage percentage and andretail retail and reta The strength the Limousin breed, which cannot easily beability replicated, the breed’s capacity to produce produce high red The strength ofofthe Limousin breed, which be replicated, isis the breed’s capacity to high red beef beef yield. yield. beef Maryvale yield. Maryvale Maryvale Prime PrimeBeef Beef Prime sires sires Beef are are sires the theultimate are ultimate the ultimate type type ofofanimal type animal toanimal toadd addred to red add meat meat red toability toyour meat your herd toherd your asasa herd aresult result as of a of result the the of th meat yielding carcases. Limousin and Limousin infused cattle areof unmatched in their ability to produce the highest meat yielding carcases. Limousin and Limousin infused cattle are unmatched in their to produce the highest meat yielding carcases within thewith industry as aaaresult result of their ability to increase increase both dressing percentage and retail fact factthat that fact we we combine that combine we combine red redmeat meat red yield yield meat with yield a agenetic with genetic ability genetic ability totheir to ability finish finish to quickly. quickly. finish quickly. Producing Producing Producing bulls bullsthat that bulls combine combine that combine our our Muscle, Muscle, our Muscle meat yielding carcases within the industry as of ability to both dressing percentage and retail beef yield. Maryvale Prime Beef siresare are the ultimate type ofprogram animal to add red meatcheck tocheck your herd as result of Cover, Cover, &Cover, & Docility Docility & or Docility or the the “Maryvale “Maryvale or the Beef “Maryvale Trifecta” Trifecta” Trifecta” is is exactly exactly iswhat exactly what our our what program our program isto is about. about. isCome about. Come Come them them check out out them for yourself out yourself forthe on yourself on o beef yield. Maryvale Prime sires the ultimate type of animal add red meat to your herd as aa for result of fact thatwe wecombine combinered redmeat meatyield yieldwith withaagenetic geneticability abilityto to finish finish quickly. quickly. Producing Producing bulls bulls that that combine combine our our Muscle, Muscle, sale sale day. day. sale day. fact that Cover,&&Docility Docilityororthe the“Maryvale “MaryvaleTrifecta” Trifecta”isisexactly exactlywhat whatour ourprogram program isis about. about. Come Come check check them them out out for for yourself yourself on on Cover, InIn regard regard to regard to the the females females to the females onon offer offer we onwe offer have have we certainly certainly have certainly pulled pulled out out pulled allall stops out stops all this this stops year year this and and year are are offering and offering are some offering some ofof some our our very very of our best best very bes saleIn day. sale day. Limousin Limousin Limousin females females females forfor your your selection. forselection. your selection. BeBe sure sure to Beto check sure check to them them check out! out! them out! regardtotothe thefemales femaleson onoffer offerwe wehave havecertainly certainlypulled pulledout outall allstops stops this this year year and and are are offering offering some some of of our our very very best best InInregard Limousin females for your selection. Be sure to check them out! Limousin females for your selection. Be sure to check them out! Whether Whether Whether orornot notyou or youare not arein you inthe the are market market in thefor market fora abull bull for oror afemale bull female orthis female thisyear year this wewe year extend extend weaextend avery verywarm awarm very welcome welcome warm welcome totoyou youtoto toattend you attend to atten nd nd nd February. We Wehope hope We that that hope you you that can can you join join can usustojoin toenjoy enjoy us to our our enjoy hospitality hospitality our hospitality and and an our oursecond second our onproperty second onproperty onproperty sale saleononThursday sale Thursday on Thursday 2 2 February. 2 February. Whetherorornot notyou youare areininthe themarket marketfor foraabull bullor or female this this year year we we extend extend aa very very warm warm welcome welcomendto to to nd you to nd attend Whether of February. February. of February. inspect inspect our inspect our cattle. cattle. ourWe cattle. We highly highly We recommend recommend highly recommend this this offering offering thisfemale of offering of cattle cattle of and and cattle wewe would and would we love love would toto see love see you to you see onon the you the 2 on 2 ofyou the 2 attend nd nd nd February. We hope that you can join us to enjoy our hospitality and our second onproperty sale on Thursday 2 our second onproperty sale on Thursday 2 February. We hope that you can join us to enjoy ournd hospitality and nd nd of February. inspect our cattle. We highly recommend this offering of cattle and we would love to see you on the 2 inspect our cattle. We highly recommend this offering of cattle and we would love to see you on the 2 of February.

Simon, Liz, & Isaac Vogt

Simon, Simon, Simon, Liz, Liz,& &Isaac Liz, Isaac &Vogt Isaac Vogt Vogt Simon, Liz, Isaac Vogt Simon, Liz, &&Isaac Vogt

Barry & Chris Vogt

Matt, Tess, Alastair,

Matt,Tess, Matt, Alastair, Tess, Alastair, Alastair, &&Hamish Hamish Hamish & Ham &Tess, Hamish Vogt Barry Barry &Barry && Chris Chris &Vogt Chris Vogt Matt, Tess, Alastair, & Barry Chris Vogt Vogt Matt, Matt, Tess, Alastair, & Hamish Barry & Chris Vogt Vogt Vogt Vogt 3 Vogt Vogt

The Helmsman Auction System The Auction System This Helmsman method of purchasing livestock combines the best features of both the auction system and the private This method of purchasing livestock best features of our bothclients the auction and the private The Helmsman Auction System selection process. We have chosen combines this sellingthe system to provide with ansystem equal opportunity to selection process. We have chosen this selling system to provide our clients with an equal opportunity to This method livestock combines best of both the of auction systemofand private operate on allofofpurchasing our bulls and females on offer the while stillfeatures maintaining some the benefits thethe private operate on all of our bulls andchosen females offer themost benefits the private selection process. We have selling system tomaintaining provide clients with an equal opportunity to process that we have used this in on the past.while We still believe that itour is some one ofofthe userof friendly auction selection process that we have used in the past. We believe that it is one of the most user friendly auction operate all of our bulls and offer while still maintaining some of the benefits ofsale the –private systemson available and after thefemales successonand “user friendly” nature of last year’s Helmsman we are systems available and after the success and “user friendly” nature of last year’s Helmsman sale – are selection used in the past. We believe that it is one of the most user friendlywe auction convincedprocess that it isthat the we wayhave to go! convinced that it is the way to go! systems available and after the success and “user friendly” nature of last year’s Helmsman sale – we are Buyers have the opportunity to bid on any lots in the sale simultaneously and can bid on any lot right until convinced that it is the way totogo! Buyers opportunity bidremoves on any lots in the salepressure simultaneously and can bid onand any can lot right until the end have of thethe sale. This process some of the of a traditional auction assist you the end of the sale. This process removes some of the pressure of a traditional auction and can assist you Buyers haveyour the opportunity to bid onLandmark any lots inwill thebesale simultaneously and canauction bid on process any lot right until to purchase animals of choice. facilitating the Helmsman for us on to purchase your animals of choice. Landmark will be facilitating the Helmsman auction process for us on the end This process some of the pressure of a lots traditional auction and can assist of you day of the sale. All agents willremoves be offered 4% commission on any that they purchase on behalf thepurchase day provided of the sale. All agents will betheir offered 4% commission onwriting, any Helmsman lots24that they purchase on behalf to your animals of choice. Landmark will be facilitating the auction process for us of on clients, that they introduce buying clients to us, in hours before the start of the clients, provided that they introduce their buying clients to us, in writing, 24 hours before the start of the the day of the sale. All agents will be offered 4% commission on any lots that they purchase on behalf of sale. sale. clients, provided that they introduce their buying clients to us, in writing, 24 hours before the start of the The Benefits sale.Benefits The 1. You have more time to consider lodging a bid. You can place genuine bids on any lot of your The1.Benefits You have more time to consider You can place genuine bids on one any bull, lot ofonly yourbid on choice at any time during the salelodging period.a bid. Just remember, if you are only after atatany time the period. Just your remember, if you are after only bid on 1. choice You bull have more time consider lodging a bid. You can genuine bids on one any bull, lot your one a time –during ifto your firstsale choice exceeds limit place you can thenonly start bidding on of your next one bull at a time – if your first choice exceeds your limit you can then start bidding on your next choice at any time during the sale period. Just remember, if you are only after one bull, only bid on choice. choice. one bull a time – if yourto first choice exceeds limit can thenwithout start bidding on your to next 2. You haveatthe opportunity reassess each lot your during theyou sale period any pressure make 2. You have the opportunity to reassess each lot during the sale period without any pressure to make choice. an instant decision. an instant decision. 2. You have a the opportunity to reassess during the salethat period any pressure to make 3. greater opportunity to take each homelot the lot numbers youwithout want, irrespective of sale lot 3. order. You have a greater opportunity to take home the lot numbers that you want, irrespective of sale an instant Fordecision. example, if your first choice is Lot 12 and your second choice was actually an earlier lot Lot, order. For example, if your first choice is Lot 12 and your second choice was actually an earlier Lot, 3. such You have a greater opportunity to take home the lot numbers that you want, irrespective of sale lot as Lot 1, you can see what price Lot 12 makes before having to consider your second choice, such as Lot 1, you can see what price Lot 12 makes before having to consider your second choice, order.though For example, if yourchoice first choice is Lot 12 and your second choice was actually an earlier Lot, even your second was catalogued earlier. even though your second choice was catalogued earlier. such as Lot 1,multiple you canlots, see the what price Lot process 12 makes before to consider your second 4. When buying helmsman gives youhaving the opportunity to average yourchoice, 4. When buying multiple the helmsman processearlier. gives you the opportunity to average your even though your choice was catalogued purchase prices tosecond suitlots, your budget. prices to suitlots, yourthe budget. 4. purchase When buying multiple helmsman process gives you the opportunity to average your The Process purchase prices to suit your budget. The Process 1. On arrival, the intending purchasers register at the bid table and receive a buyer number and a The1.Process On arrival, the cards. intending purchasers register at the bid table and receive a buyer number and a number of bid of bid 1. number On animals arrival, the intending purchasers register at the bid table a buyer and a 2. All willcards. be penned and available for inspection on theand dayreceive of the sale, withnumber all relevant 2. All animals will be penned and available for inspection on the day of the sale, with all relevant number of bid cards. in the catalogue. information provided information provided in theand catalogue. 2. animals will be penned forthe inspection on the day of theYou sale, with 3. All When the sale commences, all available lots are on market simultaneously. can bidallonrelevant any animal, 3. regardless When the sale commences, all lots are on the market simultaneously. You can bid on any animal, informationof provided in thebycatalogue. lot number, filling out a bid card and handing it to a ‘runner’. of lotcommences, number, filling out bidthe card and handing it tosubsequent a ‘runner’. 3. When theopen sale lots areaprice on simultaneously. You can bid on any animal, 4. regardless You may the biddingbyatall the upset formarket each lot and the minimum bid size is 4. regardless You may open the bidding at the upset price for each lot and the subsequent minimum bid size is to of is lotno number, filling out a bid andbid, handing it toitamust ‘runner’. $250. There limit onby the maximum sizecard of the however be greater than or equal is the nothereof. limit on the maximum sizefor of the bid, it must be greater thanbid or size equal 4. $250. You open bidding at the upset price each lothowever and the subsequent minimum is to $250may orThere multiples $250 or multiples thereof. There is noforlimit on lot thewill maximum size on of the it must be greater than or equal to 5. $250. The upset prices each be provided the bid, day however of the sale. 5. The upset prices for each lot will be provided on the day of the sale. or multiples 6. $250 Bids are recordedthereof. with the bidder’s buyer number on a large board within the sale tent area. You 6. Bids are recorded with the bidder’s on aalarge board within the bid salestill tent area.orYou 5. can The bid upset for each will bebuyer provided the of the sale. on prices any number of lot lots at once andnumber canonsee atday glance whether your stands has can bid on any number of lots at once and can see at a glance whether your bid still stands has 6. been Bids are with the bidder’s buyer number on a large board within the sale tent area.orYou out recorded bid. out bid. can bid any number lots atyourself once and see bid. at a glance whether your bid still stands has 7. been There ison no pressure to of commit to can another If your first choice animal goes overor your 7. There is no pressure to commit yourself to another bid. If your first choice animal goes over your been out can bid. still bid on any other animal in the sale. limit you limit can still bid on any other animal theretracted, sale.bid. Ifand 7. is no pressure to commit yourself toinanother your choice animal goes your 8. There A bidyou once submitted and recorded cannot be thefirst person submitting suchover a bid will 8. A bid once submitted and recorded cannot be retracted, and the person submitting such a bid will limit you can stillforbid any other animal in theout sale. be responsible it, on unless it is subsequently bid. be responsible for it, unless it is subsequently out bid. 8. A bid once submitted and recorded cannot be retracted, person bids submitting such a bid will 9. The sale will remain open for a minimum of 20 minutes. and Any the registered after this minimum sale 9. The sale will remain open for a minimum of 20 minutes. Any registered bids after this minimum sale be responsible foran it,extension unless it isofsubsequently outa bid. time will result in the auction for specified length of time. willbids result intrigger an extension the auction forno a more specified of time. 9. The sale will will remain open aofminimum ofuntil 20 minutes. Anylength registered bids this minimum 10. time Further thefor same process bids are received in aafter specified period, sale 10. which Further bids will trigger the same process until no more bids are received time will in the an extension the auction for a specified length of time.in a specified period, willresult signify end of theofsale. signify the end ofsame the sale. 10. which Furtherwill bids will trigger the process until no more bids are received in a specified period, which will signify the end of the sale.


Sale Day Information

Sale Day Information Sale Sale Day Information Sale Day Day Information Information

                                

  

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Malcolm Scroop – Landmark Stud Stock – SA – 0428 838 363 Gordon Wood – Landmark Stud Stock – SA - 0408 813 215 Trevor Driver – Landmark SA & NT Area Manager – 0428 241 049 Ray Atwell – Landmark Stud Stock – Melbourne – 0428 836 136 Peter Godbolt – Landmark Stud Stock – Albury – 0457 591 929

We rebate appreciate themade strong support that shown to usthat by Landmark andsale many agents over the history ofagents our stud. A the history o 4% will be available to allhas outside agents purchasing stock atshown the behalf of clients. agents must We appreciate thebeen strong support been to of usother by Landmark andOutside many other over We rebate appreciate themade strong support that has been shown to us by has Landmark andsale many other agents over the history of our stud. A 4% willclients be available to all outside agents purchasing stock at the of behalf of clients. Outside agents must introduce the to us in writing 24 hours before the start of the sale to be eligible for the 4% rebate. Please feel free to contact 4% rebate will be made available to all agents purchasing stock at the Outside sale of behalf ofmust clients. Outside age rt that has4% been shown to us by Landmark and many other agents over theoutside history ofthe oursale stud. A rebate will be made available to all outside agents purchasing stock at of behalf of clients. agents introduce theon clients usintroduce in writing 24 hours before the startsimonvogt@bigpond.com of the salebefore to be the eligible Pleasefor feel contactPlease fee Simon Vogt 0407 to 959 836 toatdiscuss this matter or email the clients to us of in writing 24 hours startfor of the the 4% salerebate. to be eligible thefree 4%to rebate. e to all outside agents purchasing the sale of behalf clients. Outside agents introduce theon clients usstock in writing 24 hours before the startsimonvogt@bigpond.com of the sale to be must eligible for the 4% rebate. Please feel free to contact Simon Vogt 0407 to 959 836 to discuss this matter or email on this 0407 959 to discuss this matter or email simonvogt@bigpond.com ting 24 hours before the start of959 theSimon saletotoVogt be eligible for the 836 4% rebate. Please feel free to contact Simon Vogt on 0407 836 discuss matter or email simonvogt@bigpond.com  discuss this matter or email simonvogt@bigpond.com    Animals will become the responsibility of the purchasers at the conclusion of the sale. We strongly recommend insuring your Animals for willabecome responsibility of the the conclusion purchasers thesale. conclusion of the sale. We strongly insuring yourrecommend insu animals 3, 6, or the 12 month period at ofatthe Insurance can arranged withrecommend Landmark required. Animals will become the responsibility of the purchasers atbethe conclusion of the sale. as We strongly Animals for willabecome themonth responsibility ofthe theconclusion purchasers atthe thesale. conclusion of the sale. We strongly recommend insuring your animals 3, 6, or 12 period at of Insurance can be arranged with Landmark as required. animals forthe a at 3, 6, or 12 strongly monthof period at theInsurance conclusion of be thearranged sale. Insurance can be as arranged with Landmark as re sibility of the purchasers at6,the conclusion of sale. We recommend insuring can your animals for a 3, or 12 month period the conclusion the sale. with Landmark required.  period at the conclusion of the sale. Insurance can be arranged with Landmark as required.    We are willing to hold animals for a reasonable period after the sale to enable purchasers to coordinate the successful and efficient We are willing to holdhome animals for willing aproperties. reasonable period sale to enable purchasers to stud coordinate the successful and efficient transport of animals to their can after provide recommendations of suitable stock carriers and to willcoordinate assist We are to holdWe animals for athe reasonable period after the sale to enable purchasers the success We are willing to hold animals for aproperties. reasonable period after the sale to enable purchasers to stud coordinate the successful and efficient transport of animals home to their We can provide recommendations of suitable stock carriers and will assist wherever we can to ensure the safe and efficient transport of animals to your home property. Please contact Matt Vogt on 0407 transport of animals home to their properties. We can provide recommendations of suitable stud stock carriers and or a reasonable period after the sale to enable purchasers to coordinate the successful and efficient transport of animals home to their properties. Wetransport can provide recommendations of property. suitable stud stock carriers andVogt will assist wherever we can to the safe and efficient of the animals to your home Please contact Matt on 0407contact Matt V 959 837 in regard toensure the freight andwe transport of animals post sale. wherever can to ensure the safe and efficient transport of animals to your home property. Please eir properties. We can provide recommendations of suitable stud stock carriers and will assist wherever can to the and safetransport and efficient transport of the animals home property. Please contact Matt Vogt on 0407 959 837 inwe regard to ensure the freight animals post sale. toofyour 959to837 in home regardproperty. toof the freight andcontact transport animals post the sale. safe and efficient transport oftoanimals your Please Matt Vogt on 0407 959 837 in regard the freight and transport of animals post the sale.  and transport of animals post the sale.    Our property is located 10 kilometres North of Kapunda on the road to Marrabel on the Eastern side of the road. We are located Our property is1.5 located kilometres North of Kapunda on the toofMarrabel side of the road. We are located approximately hours10 North of the Adelaide Airport. We are road located between the two small townships of Allendale North and Our property is located 10 kilometres Kapundaon onthe theEastern road to Marrabel on the Eastern of the road. We Our property is1.5 located kilometres North of Kapunda on are the North road to Marrabel on the Eastern side of the road. We North are side located approximately hours10 North of the Adelaide Airport. We located between the two small townships of Allendale and of Allendal Hamilton. Our property has a “Maryvale Limousins” sign on the main road. approximately 1.5 hours North of the Adelaide Airport. We are located between the two small townships etres North of Kapunda on the road to Marrabel on the Eastern side of the road. We are located approximately hourshas North of the Adelaide Airport. We between the two small townships of Allendale North and Hamilton. Our 1.5 property a “Maryvale Limousins” onare thelocated main road. Hamilton. Ourthe property hassign a “Maryvale Limousins” sign and on the main road. of the Adelaide Airport. We are located between two small townships ofmain Allendale North Hamilton. Our property has a “Maryvale Limousins” sign on the road. Accommodation is readily available in both the nearby Barossa and Clare Valleys which are both very renowned areas of attraction. Maryvale Limousins” sign on the main road. Accommodation is readilyAccommodation available in both the nearby Barossa Clare Valleys which are very renowned of attraction. readily available in and both the nearby Barossa andboth Clare Valleys whichareas are both very renowned are Accommodation is readily available in bothisthe nearby Barossa and Clare Valleys which are both very renowned areas of attraction. able in both the nearby Barossa and Clare Valleys which are both very renowned areas of attraction.


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All animals will be offered for sale byy Helmsman Auction on Thursday 2 February at 12.30pm. All animals will be penned and available for inspection from 10.00am onwards.


 Maryvale is MN3 Accredited under the BJD Market Assurance Program. All bulls have been vaccinated twice with 7 in 1, and have also been vaccinated against vibriosis and pestivirus. virus. All animals have been independently structurally assessed ed by Dick Whale and considered structurally sound sound.. Structural scores will be available availabl on request. Please contact Simon by email simonvogt@bigpond.com or by phone 0407 959 836 and he will be able to post, fax or email the structural scores to you to assist in your selection if required. As mentioned all the bulls and femaless catalogued for this sale have been inspected and assessed on the IBMS Type/Structure system, by Dick Whale. They were all considered acceptable for soundness and muscling. If any potential buyers would like to discuss anyy of the bulls at any time, please contact Dick on 0427 697 968.  Maryvale was established in 1986 with the purchase of three outstanding French Pure heifers from the Ashfield stud at Wangaratta. These three females went into a significant embryo transfer program, along with their resulting daughters. Our female emale herd now involves over 240 females and we continue to select mate each female every year. We are also making significant progress in multiplying the elite end of our female herd using mainly proven and some exciting new sire lines via Embryo Transfer. We have used a very large number of sires over time and continue to select the best AI and natural service sires that meet our breeding objectives. We believe that we continue to learn more each year about successful sire lines within the breed, and within our herd, with each calf crop that is born and raised. We believe that successful seedstock stock producers in the Australian beef industry, within the various breeds, will maximize the strengths of breed, identify the w weaknesses eaknesses within the breed and address these weaknesses and over come them to produce a superior animal which is suited to the Australian environment in which it has to perform. From the early 1990’s we recognized that there were two main areas within the Limousin breed which needed to be addressed and these issues were temperament and the ability to lay down cover whilst still retaining red meat yield. We have worked hard on these traits, such that we can now offer bulls that have temperament as strength and also offer bulls with the correct amount of softness or finishing ability, whilst still maximizing red meat yield. In later years we have also taken it upon ourselves to place emphasis on continued fertility and maternal improvements, improvements udder quality, polledness, and excellent hair type. In our mission to make temperament and finishing ability a strength of str Maryvale cattle we are always conscious not to use genetics or sire lines which sacrificed structural soundness, growth, adequate muscling, incorrect ct maturity pattern, hair type, survivability or calving ease. We W are fascinated by genetics and are great believers in what can be achieved by genetic progress and we take great care in producing each calf crop. Survivability and performance of Maryvale genetics has been proven across a vast range of environments from some of the harshest areas of the far north pastoral to the more southern regions of Australia. We enjoy producing these cattle and take great satisfaction in our client client’s success. Please feel free to contact us u any time in regard to this offering and we look forward to working with you to continually improve your beef business. 


AuctionsPlus Information Electronic Online Auctions   The Maryvale Limousin Production Sale is a helmsman sale linked with AuctionsPlus. This allows buyers to place bids online over the AuctionsPlus system. To bid via AuctionsPlus, contact your local agent or register online at least 48 hours prior to the sale commencing. Registration is free and easy, click the register tab on the AuctionsPlus homepage. If you are already an AuctionsPlus user simply log on with your username and password then click connect to continue to the Maryvale sale.   Landmark AuctionsPlus Coordinator Tim Bayliss 0457 568 803

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 An Estimated Breeding Value (EBV) is an estimate of the genetic merit of an animal for each trait measured. In this catalogue EBV’s for each trait that has been measured have been provided. EBV’s have been provided for the following traits:  Calving ease EBV’s are based on calving ease (CE) scores, birth weights and gestation length. The more positive the calving ease EBV, the easier calving the bulls progeny should be.  This EBV ranks animals based on the time between conception and the birth of a calf. Shorter gestation length is indicated by negative EBV’s and longer by positive EBV’s.  Birth weight EBV (kg) is based on the measured birth weight of animals, adjusted for dam age. The lower the value, the lighter the calf at birth and the lower the likelihood of a difficult birth. This is particularly important when selecting sires for use over heifers.  200 Day Milk EBV (kg) is an estimate of an animals milking ability. For sires, this EBV is indicative of their daughter’s milking ability as it effects the 200 Day weights of their calves.  200 Day Growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of animals taken between 80 & 300 days of age. Values are adjusted to 200 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for growth to early stages.  400 Day Growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of the animals taken between 301 and 500 days, adjusted to 400 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for yearling weight.  600 Day Growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of animals taken between 501 and 900 days of age, adjusted to 600 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animals genetic merit for growth beyond yearling age.  Docility EBV (%) is based on the animals docility score taken at weaning and estimates the genetic differences for docility. A more positive EBV indicates more docile progeny.  Estimates the genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow joined for an example commercial crossbred herd (run in a temperate environment) targeting grass finished production for the domestic trade. Animals are assumed to be pasture grown with finished progeny weighing 475kg at 18 months, from British Breed cows. All progeny are slaughtered.


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Comment: We selected an absolute cracker TMF Polled Harmonica son to lead this years catalogue. Maryvale Forum F16 is a very well balanced bull that combines moderate birthweight and good growth with excellent docility. Combine this with a milk EBV in the Top 25%, excellent phenotype, and a polled head and you have a bull worthy of stud duties or a place in a top end commercial herd. Make sure you take note of this bulls two outstanding maternal sisters which are being offered as ET heifer calves - Lot 41 & Lot 42

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Comment: Now for a TMF Polled Harmonica son with some big numbers and some extra performance! Maryvale Freehold is in the Top 5% of the breed for 400 day and 600 day growth, while also in the Top 10% for 200 day growth and milk. A really sound bull backed by some big performance numbers. Top 10% of the breed for Domestic Terminal $ Index. Check out the blue shading on this bulls EBV’s which indicates EBV’s in the Top 25% of the Limousin Breed.


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this bull! Here is a bull that combines positive calving ease, short gestation length, moderate birth weight and breed leading performance beautifully. Top 10% of the breed for all production $ Indexes. A true sire that will add length, weight, and shape comfortably. We are really  impressed by the type and performance of these Palmdale Utah sons.

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Comment: You have to admire the consistency and carcase of these TMF Polled Harmonica sons. An excellent bull that will add the muscle and the red meat yield that the Limousin breed is renowned for. Top 25% of the breed for 400 day and 600 day growth. Top 25% of the breed for short gestation length. Top 20% of the breed for Domestic $ Index. A heavy muscled Limousin sire here!


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Domestic $ Index at a huge +$51! Top 1% for all growth traits. A bull that will add serious kilograms to your calf crop...if you like big numbered bulls...here is your man! What we really like about this bull is the fact that he combines his massive growth in a medium maturity pattern. Perfect muscle to bone to fat ratios in this  bull help make him weigh like lead! Join to mature cows.

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Comment: Another high performance Palmdale Utah son to complete this first pen of six bulls. Check out the body length in this bull that he will pass on to his progeny. All growth traits in the Top 15% of the breed, combined with a really short gestatation length in the Top 10% of the breed to get your calves on the ground early and easily. Short gestation length bulls give your cow herd some extra days to rejoin early. Top 10% of the breed for Domestic $ Index.


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Comment:  A magnificent   front cover  edition! A bull with a sensational  body bull…the type and

carcase that combines muscle and cover perfectly. The phenotype of this bull is exactly what we are striving for in our program - that perfect combination of muscle and finishing ability. Have a look at the way the huge eye muscle or rib eye on this bull lifts above his spine. A first class bull that will breed progeny with outstanding red meat yield.

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Comment: Another slick coated TMF Polled Harmonica son built for red meat yield and punching out vealers. A really low birth weight bull here that may be suitable to join to heifers while maintaining muscling and shape. The short, slick coats on these TMF Polled Harmonica bulls is certainly a highlight. A safe, flexible bull here...put him to work where you choose!



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Comment: Here is a very interesting TMF Polled Harmonica son that offers super short gestation length, moderate birthweight, and good growth. A bull that does a great job of combining Muscle, Cover and Docility. Maryvale Formula One was joined with 25 yearling heifers for a 9 week joining period in the spring of 2011. John Tomlinson of Palmdale really liked this bull when he saw him out with heifers in early October. A bull that is very suitable to join to heifers as a result of his short gestation length and low birth weight. Don’t let his working clothes throw you!


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Comment: A well balanced, slick coated bull that offers moderate birthweight and good early growth. The type and slick coat on this bull would make him very well suited to a pastoral environment. This bull has a calving ease EBV in the Top 30% of the Limousin breed and he has a great nature.

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Comment: Now here is an outstanding, high performance bull. This bull is 6 months younger than the average age of the bulls in the first two pens and yet because of his sheer performance you wouldn’t pick it. An exceptional example of Muscle, Cover and Docility in the one package... you can’t help but admire the finishing ability and softness of these Maryvale Coconut Rum sons. Top 5% of the breed for all growth traits and the highest 400 day growth EBV of all bulls in the sale at +51 kilograms. The winning bidder goes home with a great bull here!

Palmdale Shantal A189 - Dam of Lot 1 & ET Heifer Calves Lot 41 & Lot 42 


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advance the Limousin breed or a top end commercial herd. Power in the Pedigree?...absolutely!

Let’s start with his mother...she is an outstanding 9 year old cow with an exceptional production record. She has raised 7 consecutive natural calves on a 360.5 day calving interval. She is a docile, stand out, front paddock female with exceptional Limousin characterisitcs - sired by Broombee Lumberjack S722 and out of a Tanholm Claus daughter. Females from the Lumberjack sire line sold to $20,000 in the Donna Valley dispersal sale. Now let’s look at his sire. TMF Polled Harmonica is a unique Polled French Pure bull that was sold by Top Meadow Farms for CAD $47,000. We imported a limited quantity of TMF Polled Harmonica semen and it sold like hot cakes. The reports from the resulting calves Australia wide have been very positive and most often glowing. TMF Polled Harmonica has proven to be a slick coated, moderate birth weight, excellent muscled breeding bull with a Docility EBV in the Top 5% of the breed. Now let’s take a look at Maryvale French Connection himself - he is a slick coated, sound structured, high performance, docile bull with exceptional body length, capacity, and softness. French Connection is in the Top 10% of the breed for all growth traits and docility and the Top 25% of the breed for milk. An excellent opportunity to secure a polled French Pure bull that will add performance and superb breed characteristics to your herd. We will let you be the judge - semen retained.

F74’s sire: TMF Polled Harmonica

F74’s Dam - Maryvale Waitress 12


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He is sired by Maryvale Coconut Rum - a young breeding bull that is stamping his progeny with the same performance, softness, type, structure, and docility that he possessed. Maryvale Federa is out of a polled daughter of the great breeding bull Echo - a foundation bull in the Limousin breed in Australia held in high regard. Power in the Pedigree?...you had better believe it!

Maryvale Federa has excellent udder quality on both sides of his pedigree and records a 200 day growth and 400 day growth EBV in the Top 10% of the breed. Combine this with a very docile nature, massive body capacity, and a true sires head and you have an impressive individual. A bull that could perform stud duties in a worthy manner or alternatively could be used in a top end commercial herd to target MSA, EU, or local trade cattle. Flexibility and choice is exactly what this bull offers. When you combine Muscle, Cover and Docility the options are endless!

Maryvale Federa - Good from every angle!


Maryvale Federa’s grand dam - the mother of Maryvale Coconut Rum

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- Maryvale Elwood - an excellent bull that sold to Tim Truscott for $7,000. Once again she has produced another great bull with exceptional performance. Maryvale Fiscal Policy offers a 400 day growth EBV in the Top 5% of the breed and a 600 day growth EBV in the Top 10% of the breed. Top this off with short gestation length, a docility EBV in the Top 12% of the breed and a Domestic $ Index in the Top 10% of the breed at +$40 and you have a great Maryvale type bull.

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Comment: You just have to love the body type and carcase on this bull - he oozes softness and finishing ability. Check out the blue shading on this bulls EBV’s - indicating that he is in the Top 25% of the breed across all displayed traits. Maryvale Fletcher records calving ease, gestation length, 400 day growth, and all Production $ Indexes in the Top 10% of the breed. Match this with excellent docility and some extra maternal strength and you have a great bull from which strong maternal daughters could also be retained. Another bull that offers flexibility and choice!


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structural soundness. Maryvale Foundation records 200 & 400 day growth EBV’s in the Top 10% of the Limousin breed. A bull that will add length, weight, and shape to his calf crop. Our Maryvale Blue Print sons continue to impress us for combining muscling with that all important finishing ability. Top 15% of the breed for Domestic $ Index.

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Comment: A very structurally correct Maryvale Coconut Rum son that offers flexibility and choice in regard to producing progeny which could target a number of markets. Maryvale Fair Deal offers a calving ease EBV in the Top 10% of the breed, together with a 400 day growth EBV in the Top 10% of the breed. A bull that combines positive calving ease and moderate birthweight with excellent performance. Top 20% of the breed for Domestic $ Index.


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Comment: A heavy  and polled  bull that   muscled, black will really add some shape to his progeny.

A domestic trade specialist! Check-out all the blue shading on this bulls EBV’s demonstrating his high genetic merit. Maryvale Foolproof records all Production $ Indexes in the Top 5% of the breed, all growth traits in the Top 10% of the breed, and a calving ease EBV in the Top 10% of the breed. A powerful, heavy muscled bull.

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Comment: The first Maryvale Dakota Legend son to be catalogued and he is a cracker! Check out the stlye, muscling, and carcase on this bull. Maryvale Flight Deck records a really short gestation length in the Top 10% of the breed, a 200 day growth EBV in the Top 15% of the breed and a milk EBV in the Top 15% of the breed. An excellent black and polled Limousin bull of high genetic merit that will consistently add length, weight, and shape to his progeny.


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600 growth EBV’s in the Top 5% of the breed. Another exellent son of Maryvale Dakota Legend - you have to admire the carcase, structure, and performance of these Dakota Legend sons. We would only recommend joining this bull to mature cows as a result of the extra birth weight and performance that he carries. A bull that will add significant kilograms to his calf crop.

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Comment: A high percentage (80% Limousin/20% Angus) Lim-Flex bull that offers positive calving ease, moderate birth weight and above breed average growth and performance. This bulls dam, Maryvale X325, produced an outstanding bull that sold for $5,800 in last years sale. An excellent black and polled Maryvale Prime Beef Sire with power in his pedigree.



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Comment: A really high docility, positive calving ease bull to complete these two pens of excellent black and polled bulls. Maryvale Farrier records calving ease, gestation length, and low birth weight EBV’s in the Top 10% of the breed making him suitable to join to heifers. Farrier combines his positive calving ease with a 400 day growth EBV well above breed average making him an excellent all round bull for beef production. The Maryvale traits of Muscle, Cover, and Docility are well represented in this bull - including a docility EBV in the Top 10% of the breed.


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Comment: An excellent, moderate framed Limousin bull that has been DNA tested as being Homozygous Polled which means that he will throw all polled calves even when joined to horned cows. Maryvale Factor is a very well balanced bull offering positive calving ease, a short gestation length in the Top 5% of the breed, a moderate birth weight, sound growth and excellent doclity. Maryvale Factor combines tow of our favourite breeding bulls, Palmdale Saffron and Refstrup Tabias in a Homozygous Polled package. Please note that DNA tests for HP are 90% accurate.




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Comment: Maryvale Franchise once again combines Palmdale Saffron and Refstrup Tabias - two of our all time favourite breeding bulls. The result is a strong, robust bull that will stand the test of time and add length, weight, and shape to his calf crop. Maryvale Franchise offers breed leading calving ease and short gestation length with well above breed average growth. An excellent Maryvale Prime Beef sire with power in his pedigree!


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Comment: A big, upstanding Maryvale Coconut Rum son that offers a unique blend of traits. Maryvale Fixed Asset combines a calving ease EBV in the Top 5% of the Limousin breed with a 400 day growth EBV in the Top 15% of the breed. A bull of high genetic merit with all Production $ Indexes in the the Top 20% of the breed. Another bull that offers short gestation length, maximising the opportunity for your cows to re-breed quickly.




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Comment: A moderate framed, Palmdale Solo son that is chock full of red meat. A bull that offers positive calving ease and a moderate birth weight in a well muscled package. A bull that will add shape and red meat yield to his progeny. Palmdale Solo progeny sold very well in our 2011 sale as a result of their ability to combine muscle and softness.


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Comment: A short gestation length son of Maryvale Dakota Legend that offers flexibility and choice as a result of his balanced EBV’s and easy fleshing body type. Maryvale Financier’s dam is an excellent female that has bred really consistently for us.


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  Fusion     Dakota Legend   Comment: Maryvale is is a high performance son of Maryvale and is the youngest bull in this

pen of bulls by at least a month. Maryvale Fusion was named as a result of the fact that he brings together two of our best cow families in his dam Maryvale Zyler and his grand dam Maryvale Xpressive (Maryvale Dakota Legend’s dam). Fusion offers 200 day and 600 day growth EBV’s in the Top 10% of the breed. An outstanding individual that has lots of power in his pedigree! Recommended for use on mature cows to produce fast growing progeny.

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Comment: Maryvale Federal is an excellent son of Maryvale Barrister out of a productive Palmdale Saffron daughter. Maryvale Federal offers the softness and calving ease of his sire with the performance of his dam - resulting in an excellent EBV spread. Maryvale Federal records all measured traits above average - combining a moderate birth weight with all growth traits in the Top 20% of the breed. Maryvale Federal records all Production $ Indexes in the Top 10% of the breed. A bull of high generic merit and similar to the Maryvale Barrister sons that sold well in our 2011 sale.

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  Field   A really  Comment: Maryvale Trial is a big, soft son of Maryvale Coconut Rum. sound structured bull with beautifully balanced EBV’s. A moderate birth weight bull with a 400 day growth EBV in the Top 15% of the breed. An excellent bull that offers an ability to work really successfully across a number of production environments, including the far north pastoral.

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Comment: Another great opportunity to secure a big numbered, high performance son of Maryvale Dakota Legend. There is a lot of genetic merit in this last pen of young bulls. Maryvale Finke is a dark red bull that records all growth traits in the Top 5% of the breed, together with an industry leading short gestation length in the Top 15% of the breed. Maryvale Finke’s dam produced an excellent dark red bull that sold in last years sale to Brett Lockett for $3,700. Recommended for use of mature cows to produce fast growing progeny.



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Comment: Maryvale Freighliner is a high performance Maryvale Dakota Legend son recording all growth traits in the Top 10% of the Limousin breed. Maryvale Dakota Legend had short gestation length on both sides of his pedigree and has passed this on to his progeny with Maryvale Freightliner recording a short gestation length EBV in the Top 10% of the breed. The spread of high performance bulls from the first pen to the last pen is a real highlight and strength of our 2012 offering.

TMF Westwood 505W - ET Heifer Calves sell as Lot 41 & Lot 42. The first sons  of  TMF Westwood will sell in our 2013 Sale…they will be awesome bulls!


Lot 33  Maryvale Zig Zag 4727 (French Pure)

Identifier AMSFZ4727

DOB 20/10/2004

Sire Broombee Lumberjack S722

Age 7 years Horn Status Horned

Dam Maryvale 3302

Self Replacing Index

MGS Collian Park Hague

Maryvale 4727 Breed Average


Calving Ease 10.5 +0.1

CE Daughters +1.0 0.8

Gest Length 2.3 1.1

Birth Weight +5.7 +1.6

Milk +2 +4

200 Day Growth +26 +15

400 Day Growth +46 +25

600 Day Growth +69 +35

Docility EBV +10 +23

Comment: An opportunity to purchase an outstanding French Pure female from the heart of the Maryvale herd. Maryvale Zig Zag was flushed succesfully in 2011, which together with retaining two of her daughters has enabled us to offer her for sale. Broombee Lumberjack S722 has produced some outstanding breeding females for us and females from the Lumberjack sire line sold to $20,000 at the Donna Valley dispersal. This female is every bit as good and offers outstanding performance being a triple trait leader for all growth traits. AI’ed to TMF Whiskey Jack on 31/08/2011. PTIC.

Lot 34  Maryvale Day Lily 8132D (Polled)

Identifier AMSPD8132

DOB 16/04/2008

Sire Wulfs Ridgley

Age 3.5 years Horn Staus Polled

Dam Maryvale 5880

Self Replacing Index

MGS Kensal Xceed

Maryvale 8132 Breed Average


Calving Ease +2.8 +0.1

CE Daughters 0.6 0.8

Gest Length 2.4 1.1

Birth Weight +1.0 +1.6

Milk +7 +4

200 Day Growth +22 +15

400 Day Growth +38 +25

600 Day Growth +57 +35

Docility EBV +43 +23

Comment: An opportunity to buy a really impressive Black & Polled ET daughter from one of the best black females in the Maryvale herd. Check out all of the blue shading! Maryvale Day Lily offers very high genetic merit, recording 8 production traits in the Top 10% of the breed including all Production $ Indexes. Maryvale Day Lily was flushed by us in 2011 to TMF Westwood. A female which offers excellent structural integrity and a really soft, easy keeping body type. AI’ed on 31/08/2011 to TMF Westwood, depastured with Shalone Black Brew E110 - both bulls 27 being Homozygous Polled. PTIC.

Lot 35  Maryvale Elation 9336E (Polled)

Lot 35  Maryvale Elation 9336E (Polled)

Identifier AMSPE9336

DOB 6/09/2009

Sire Ivy's Shazam

Age 27 Months Horn Status Polled

Dam Maryvale 3202

Self Replacing Index

MGS Broombee Lumberjack S722

Maryvale 9336 Breed Average


Calving Ease +0.4 +0.1

CE Daughters +1.7 0.8

Gest Length 0.2 1.1

Birth Weight +1.5 +1.6

Milk +6 +4

200 Day Growth +15 +15

400 Day Growth +30 +25

600 Day Growth +38 +35

Docility EBV +36 +23

Comment: A really nice young polled female out of an excellent French Pure dam in Maryvale 3202 that once again goes back to the Lumberjack sire line. Maryvale Elation has a really well balanced set of EBV’s which will make her a valuable breeding female. A really sweet heifer that has been joined to our high performance, homozygous polled sire Froghollow Enigma - purchased recently at the NLBS for $13,000. PTIC.

Lot 36  Maryvale Extravagence 9368E (Polled)

Identifier AMSPE9368

DOB 12/10/2009

Sire Maryvale Barrister

Age 27 Months Horn Staus Polled

Dam Maryvale 5860

Self Replacing Index

MGS Bruangil Xanadu

Maryvale 9368 Breed Average


Calving Ease +3.7 +0.1

CE Daughters +0.4 0.8

Gest Length 3.6 1.1

Birth Weight +1.4 +1.6

Milk +7 +4

200 Day Growth +18 +15

400 Day Growth +33 +25

600 Day Growth +47 +35

Docility EBV +54 +23

Comment: A Maryvale Barrister daughter with a sensational set of EBV’s. Once again check out all the blue shading which indicates EBV’s in the Top 25% of the Limousin breed. A really nice polled female with an excellent set of EBV’s including a docility EBV in the Top 5% of the breed at +54. AI’ed to Birubi Jock Diplomat D140 on 31/08/2011, a full brother to the $16,000 Birubi Delta (Supreme Exhibit at the 2011 Limousin National). Depastured with Maryvale Deep Blue. PTIC.


Lot 37  Maryvale Zeudo Echo 4703 (Polled)

Lot 37  Maryvale Zeudo Echo 4703 (Polled)

Identifier AMSPZ4703

DOB 20/08/2004

Sire Echo

Age 7 years

Dam Maryvale 7201

Horn Status Polled

MGS Premier Captain Snooze

Self Replacing Index

Maryvale 4703 Breed Average


Calving Ease 1.6 +0.1

CE Daughters 1.6 0.8

Gest Length 1.6 1.1

Birth Weight +1.5 +1.6

Milk +0 +4

200 Day Growth +14 +15

400 Day Growth +19 +25

600 Day Growth +22 +35

Docility EBV +12 +23

Comment: Here’s an excellent cow and calf package that offers an interesting pedigree and proven production ability. This cow is sired by the legendary breeding bull Echo that has 876 progeny recorded with the ALBS and is out of a productive Premier Captain Snooze daughter. If you want to measure the breeding capacity of this cow check out her son Maryvale Federa as a feature bull at Lot 13 in this catalogue. A really sweet polled heifer calf at foot by high performance sire Palmdale Utah. AI’ed to Mandayen Raven Time on 31/08/2011, backed up with Maryvale Deep Blue. PTIC.

Lot 38  Maryvale Daiquiri 8140D (Polled)

Identifier AMSPD8140

DOB 30/06/2008

Sire Palmdale Saffron

Age 3.5 Years Horn Staus Polled

Dam Maryvale 5872

Self Replacing Index

MGS 1Way Polled Justice

Maryvale 8140 Breed Average


Calving Ease 0.4 +0.1

CE Daughters +0.9 0.8

Gest Length 1.2 1.1

Birth Weight +2.6 +1.6

Milk +5 +4

200 Day Growth +22 +15

400 Day Growth +35 +25

600 Day Growth +48 +35

Docility EBV +15 +23

Comment: An excellent, young, polled Maryvale female with an outstanding pedigree, excellent EBV’s and a sensational black and polled heifer calf at foot sired by Maryvale Blue Print. An excellent opportunity to secure two great breeding females. In terms of having “Power in the Pedigree” this female is second to none, being sired by Palmdale Saffron and out of a donor dam in Maryvale 5872. An excellent Limousin female with all growth traits in the Top 20% of the breed. You couldn’t ask for anything more - performance, type, & a perfect udder! Joined to Maryvale Formula One - PTIC.


Lot 39  Maryvale Enrich 9303 (Polled) Lot 39  Maryvale Enrich 9303 (Polled) Identifier AMSPE9303 Identifier AMSPE9303 Sire Palmdale Sire Solo Palmdale Solo Dam Maryvale Dam4748 Maryvale 4748 MGS Premier MGS Captain Snooze Premier Captain Snooze

Maryvale 9303 Breed Average Maryvale 9303 Breed Average

DOB 9/08/2009 DOB 9/08/2009 Age 29 months Age 29 months Horn Status Polled Horn Status Polled Self Replacing Index Self Replacing Index +$19 +$19

Calving Ease Calving +2.5 Ease +0.1 +2.5 +0.1

CE Daughters CE +3.2 Daughters 0.8 +3.2 0.8

Gest Length Gest 3.1 Length 1.1 3.1 1.1

Birth Weight Birth +1.3 Weight +1.6 +1.3 +1.6

Milk +5 Milk +4 +5 +4

200 Day Growth 200 Day +17 Growth +15 +17 +15

400 Day Growth 400 Day +25 Growth +25 +25

600 Day Growth 600 Day +35 Growth +35 +35

Docility EBV Docility +26 EBV +23 +26 +23

Comment: An absolutely excellent polled heifer that will withstand the strictest inspection. Maryvale Enrich is the pick of our 2009 born heifers. We don’t usually flush heifers, but we thought so much of this female that we flushed her successfully in July 2011 as we wanted to multiply her type and softness across our herd. The only comfort that we have in offering this heifer is that we have embryo calves from her which will be born in 2012! We really hope to retain a son from these ET calves to use in the Maryvale herd. A true gem - Top 25% for most calving ease traits. PTIC.

Lot 40  Maryvale Gemma G101 (Polled) (ET) Lot 40  Maryvale Gemma G101 (Polled) (ET)

Identifier AMSPG101 Identifier AMSPG101 Sire Refstrup Sire Tabias Refstrup Tabias Dam Maryvale Dam9801 Maryvale 9801 MGS EXLR MGS Power EXLRUp Power Up

Mid Parent Breed Average Mid Parent Breed Average

DOB 25/04/2011 DOB 25/04/2011 Age 9 Months Age 9 Months Horn Staus Polled Horn Staus Polled Self Replacing Index Self Replacing Index +$20 (MP) +$20 (MP)

Calving Ease Calving 1.5 Ease +0.1 1.5 +0.1

CE Daughters CE +1.3 Daughters 0.8 +1.3 0.8

Gest Length Gest 5.9 Length 1.1 5.9 1.1

Birth Weight Birth +2.4 Weight +1.6 +2.4 +1.6

Milk +6 Milk +4 +6 +4

200 Day Growth 200 Day +20 Growth +15 +20 +15

400 Day Growth 400 Day +31 Growth +25 +31 +25

600 Day Growth 600 Day +49 Growth +35 +49 +35

Docility EBV Docility +28 EBV +23 +28 +23

Comment: Wow! Here is your chance to secure a female that may well become one of the centre piece cow families in your seedstock herd! A full ET sister to Maryvale Dakota Legend and a polled daughter of the legendary breeding bull Refstrup Tabias. A double dose of short gestation length, large scrotal size, and structural integrity in this females pedigree. Midparent EBV’s only have currently been provided. Usually money can’t buy this type of opportunity - luckily for you today it can! Flush sisters retained in the herd - we cannot speak highly enough of this polled ET heifer calf!


Lot 41  Maryvale Glamour G104 (Polled) (ET) Lot 41  Maryvale Glamour G104 (Polled) (ET) Identifier AMSPG104 Identifier AMSPG104 Sire TMF Sire Westwood TMF

DOB 30/04/2011 DOB 30/04/2011 Age 9 months Age

9 months Horn Status Polled Horn Status

Westwood Dam Palmdale DamA189

Polled Self Rplacing SelfIndex Rplacing

Palmdale A189 MGS Palmdale MGS President Palmdale



Maryvale G104 Breed Average Maryvale G104

Calving Ease Calving Ease +0.1

CE Daughters CE Daughters 0.8

Gest Length Gest Length 1.1

Birth Weight Birth Weight +1.6

Milk Milk +4

200 Day Growth 200 Day Growth +15

400 Day Growth 400 Day Growth +25

600 Day Growth 600 Day Growth +35

Docility EBV Docility EBV +23

Breed Average +0.1 rare opportunity 0.8 1.1 +1.6 edge Limousin +4 +15 +25 Glamour +35 and Maryvale +23 Comment: Another to secure cutting genetics. Maryvale

Glimmer provide you with a chance to secure an ET daughter from the $54,000.00 sire TMF Westwood. Westwood is one of the most exciting Homozygous Polled Limousin bulls that the breed has seen in some time. We have an excellent group of TMF Westwood’s on the ground and they have exceeded our highest expectations. The Westwood’s are unmatched in their style, type, volume, and capacity. They are also very structurally sound and very docile.

Lot 42  Maryvale Glimmer G103 (Polled) (ET) Lot 42  Maryvale Glimmer G103 (Polled) (ET)

Identifier AMSPG103 Identifier AMSPG103 Sire TMF Sire Westwood TMF

DOB 27/04/2011 DOB 27/04/2011 Age 9 Months Age

9 Months Horn Staus Polled Horn Staus

Westwood Dam Palmdale DamA189

Polled Self Replacing Index Self Replacing

Palmdale A189 MGS Palmdale MGS President Palmdale



Maryvale G103 Breed Average Maryvale G103 Breed Average

Calving Ease Calving Ease +0.1

CE Daughters CE Daughters 0.8

Gest Length Gest Length 1.1

Birth Weight Birth Weight +1.6





Milk Milk +4 +4

200 Day Growth 200 Day

400 Day Growth 400 Day

600 Day Growth 600 Day

Docility EBV Docility





Growth +15

Growth +25

Growth +35

Comment: To continue the story on these two special ET flush sisters and daughters of TMF Westwood Maryvale Glamour and Maryvale Glimmer - they are out of a very productive Palmdale female that has Dauphin in her pedigree. We were very fortunate that 10 ET calves were born from this flush, 8 heifers and 2 bulls - providing this excellent opportunity to offer you a pair of outstanding Limousin heifers. We are excited by what these TMF Westwood daughters will go on to produce. Both will be tested for being Homozygous Polled and we hope to have EBV’s by sale day...they will be good!

EBV +23



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potential to all breeders interested in French Pure genetics. This proves the flushing potential and fertility of this great French Pure Maryvale cow. We have displayed dam’s EBV’s only.     the  

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Scenes from the successful 2011 Maryvale Bull & Female Sale



High Sellers from the 2011 Maryvale Sale High Sellers from the 2011 Maryvale Sale High Sellers from the 2011 Maryvale Sale High Sellers from the 2011 Maryvale Sale

Lot 25 Lot 25 Lot 25 Sold to Trevor Voigt,Lot Yorketown SA, for $7,600 25 Sold to Trevor Voigt, Yorketown SA, for $7,600 Sold to Trevor Voigt, Yorketown SA, for $7,600 Sold to Trevor Voigt, Yorketown SA, for $7,600

Lot 1 Lot 1 Lot 1 Sold to Garrison Cattle Lot 1Feeders for $6,000 Sold to Garrison Cattle Feeders for $6,000 Sold to Garrison Cattle Feeders for $6,000 Sold to Garrison Cattle Feeders for $6,000

Lot 5 Lot 5 Lot 5 Sold to L Baker “Malbrae” for $5,200 Lot 5 Sold to L Baker “Malbrae” for $5,200 to L Baker “Malbrae” for $5,200 36 Sold Sold to L Baker “Malbrae” for $5,200

Lot 2 Lot 2 Lot 2 Sold to Tim Truscott, Lot Naracoorte SA, for $7,000 2 Sold to Tim Truscott, Naracoorte SA, for $7,000 Sold to Tim Truscott, Naracoorte SA, for $7,000 Sold to Tim Truscott, Naracoorte SA, for $7,000

Lot 3 Lot 3 Lot 3 Sold to Middle Range Family Trust for $5,800 Lot 3 Sold to Middle Range Family Trust for $5,800 Sold to Middle Range Family Trust for $5,800 Sold to Middle Range Family Trust for $5,800

Lot 13 Lot 13 Lot 13 Sold to Peter O’Neil, Parawa, for $4,600 Lot 13 Sold to Peter O’Neil, Parawa, for $4,600 Sold to Peter O’Neil, Parawa, for $4,600 Sold to Peter O’Neil, Parawa, for $4,600

Mulgoa Pastoral establishes the seed for the Ganian Limousin Stud at the 2011 Maryvale Bull and Female sale                                                                                                                                                      


The The next next Homo Polled Powerhouse fromTop Top TopMeadow Meadow MeadowFarms! Farms! Farms! The nextHomo HomoPolled PolledPowerhouse Powerhouse from The next Homo Polled Powerhouse from Top Meadow Farms!

Introducing TMF Arizona 584X (HP) by DNA Introducing Introducing TMF TMFArizona Arizona584X 584X(HP) (HP)by byDNA DNA 2 Copies of the F94L Gene 2 2 Copies of ofthe the584X F94L F94L(HP) Gene Gene IntroducingCopies TMF Arizona by DNA Grand Sire: RPY Payne’s Rough Rider

We purchased the semen rights to TMF Arizona in conjunction with Semex We We purchased the the semen semenrights rights totoTMF TMF Arizona inconjunction conjunction with with Semex Semex andpurchased Greenwood Limousins (Canada) at Arizona the Fall in Harvest Limousin Sale in and and Greenwood Greenwood Limousins Limousins (Canada) (Canada) at at the the Fall Fall Harvest Harvest Limousin Limousin Sale Sale October 2011 for $35,000.00—TMF Arizona 584X is described as a bull inin We purchased the semen rights to volume TMF Arizona with October October 2011 2011 for for $35,000.00—TMF $35,000.00—TMF Arizona Arizona 584X 584Xissimilar isdescribed described asasaand abull bull with incredible muscling and thatinisconjunction very inSemex type and Greenwood Limousins (Canada) at the Fall Harvest Limousin Sale in with incredible isisvery similar and with incredible musclingand andvolume volume that verywho similar intype and structure to his muscling maternal grandsire, TMFthat Landmark, has in left atype very October 2011 for $35,000.00—TMF Arizona 584X is described as a bull positive stamp the Limousin breedTMF in Canada and who produced some ofvery structure structure totohis hison maternal maternal grandsire, grandsire, TMF Landmark, Landmark, whohas hasleft lefta avery with incredible muscling and volume that is very similar in type and the breeds elite females that continue to breed on with excellence. TMF positive positivestamp stampononthe theLimousin Limousinbreed breedininCanada Canadaand andproduced producedsome someofof structure toalso his maternal TMF coat Landmark, who has left aAmerican very Arizona displays agrandsire, slicker hair than on most North the the breeds breeds elite elite females females that thatcontinue continue totobreed breed onwith with excellence. excellence.TMF TMF positive stamp on the Limousin breed in Canada and produced some of pedigrees, making him very suitable for coat Australian conditions. Arizona also displays a aslicker hair most Arizona also displays slicker hair coatthan than mostNorth NorthAmerican American the breeds elite females that continue to breed on with excellence. TMF pedigrees, pedigrees,making makinghim himvery verysuitable suitablefor forAustralian Australianconditions. conditions. Arizona displays slickerthis hairbull: coat than most North American What also we really likeaabout

2 Copies of the F94L Gene

Sire: TMF Traveller 742T Grand Dam: JYF Rae Grand Sire: TMF Landmark Dam: TMF Sunflower 33S Grand Dam: Top Meadow 440M

pedigrees, making him very suitable for Australian conditions. What Whatwe we really really like likeabout about this thisbull: bull:  Homo Polled by DNA

What we really about this bull:  Homo Homolike Polled Polled byby DNA DNA  Excellent outcross pedigree  Homo Polled by DNA  Excellent Excellent outcross outcross pedigree  Extremely sound feet &pedigree leg structure  Excellent outcross pedigree  His similarity in type tosound the great breeding bull TMF Landmark  Extremely Extremely sound feet feet &&leg legstructure structure  Extremely sound feet & leg structure  His muscleinvolume capacity, with incredible softness  His His similarity similarity intype typeto& tothe thegreat greatyet breeding breeding bull bullTMF TMF Landmark Landmark  His similarity in type to the great breeding bull TMF Landmark  volume His strong dam softness  His Hismuscle muscle volume &&maternal capacity, capacity,pedigree yet yetwith withand incredible incredible softness  His muscle volume & capacity, yet with incredible softness  584X’s short, slick hair coat  His Hisstrong strong maternal maternal pedigree pedigree and anddam dam  His strong maternal pedigree and dam  High docility by EPD, pedigree, & nature  584X’s 584X’sshort, short,slick slickhair haircoat coat  584X’s short, slick hair coat High High docility docility EPD, EPD, pedigree, pedigree, &&nature nature  High docility bybyby EPD, pedigree, & nature

TMF Sunflower 33S (by TMF Landmark)TMF Arizona’s Dam TMF Sunflower 33S (by TMF TMF TMFSunflower Sunflower33S 33S(by (byTMF TMF Landmark)TMF Arizona’s Dam

Landmark)TMF Landmark)TMFArizona’s Arizona’sDam Dam

TMF Miss 602X - A very typical TMF TMF Arizona 584X (Homo Polled) - A Landmark Daughter true outcross pedigree! TMF Miss 602X - A very typical TMF TMF Arizona 584X (Homo Polled) - A TMF TMFMiss Miss602X 602X- A - Avery verytypical typicalTMF TMF TMF TMFArizona Arizona584X 584X(Homo (HomoPolled) Polled)- A -A Landmark Daughter true outcross pedigree!

Landmark LandmarkDaughter Daughter

true trueoutcross outcrosspedigree! pedigree!

Tim Bayliss, Malcolm Scroop, Matt Vogt, Gordon Wood & Barry Vogt all smiles after looking over the 2012 Maryvale sale animals



Feature Bull - Maryvale Federa F67!

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