March 2023 Business Strategy e Magazine

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BUSINESS STRATEGY E-magazine $9.99 BUY ON AMAZON MAGZTER ISBN: 978-81-953570-0-0 MARCH 2023 | Issue 33 EARTHQUAKES Update on Seismic Phenomena? STEPOUT
POST UNION BUDGET 2023 REVIEW BY BIZEMAG MEDIA BIZEMAG Events of the Month Dr. Vaneeta Aggarwal The Current State & Future of the GIG ECONOMY BALI INDONESIA Another Place on Traveller’s Bucket List
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Being a step ahead of the curve in the corporate world is essential for success. Businesses may need to think about a number of reforms in the upcoming years if they want to be competitive and relevant. Here are few possible areas for corporate reform, and it is hard to say with certainty what changes will take place in 2023 and beyond. Companies who see these trends, though, and act to adapt to them may be in a better position to succeed in the future.

• Sustainable and ethical business practices are becoming more and more important as customers and investors become more conscious of environmental and social challenges. Businesses that embrace sustainability may gain a competitive edge as a result of increased rules and standards.

• The COVID-19 epidemic has hastened this process, and businesses who adopt cutting-edge tools and digital technology may gain an edge over rivals. This might involve e-commerce, AI, and automation.

• The epidemic also brought attention to the viability and advantages of remote work, and more organisations may embrace hybrid models or remote work rules, which could affect how businesses function and are structured.

• Companies that value diversity and inclusion may have superior talent retention, creativity, and market appeal. Diversity and inclusion are becoming increasingly important in the workplace.

• Recent business scandals and failures have brought attention to the significance of ethical leadership and governance. Businesses with a focus on ethics, accountability, and transparency may have a competitive advantage.

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EARTHQUAKES Update on Seismic Phenomena? | 5

One of the most devastating earthquakes of recent times was observed in Turkey on 6th February 2023. On the Richter scale, the magnitude of the earthquake was 7.8. The fatal earthquake struck the areas of southern and central Turkey and some western and northern Syria areas. The danger did not bid farewell immediately as another devastating earthquake of 7.5 magnitudes on the Richter scale struck the countries none hours later. Close to 1200 aftershocks of the quake have made the condition the worst imaginable and perhaps one of the most devastating in human history.

The last powerful Earthquake that hit Turkey was in 1939. The recent Earthquake has caused an unimaginable

loss of human life and property. The center was near south-central Turkey in the area known as Gaziantep. This is quite popular as it is the home to various humanitarian camps housing Syrian refugees. Since Turkey has always been prone to these kinds of disasters, the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) is well prepared to handle the case. The government was quick in the disaster management response and received immediate help and international aid from various countries of the world.

With thousands of people already dead and plenty more gasping for their last breath, it is vital to reflect on the fact that Turkey was the center of such a colossal disaster and why it was so deadly. Many of the aftershocks were as fatal

as the earthquake. The damage and devastation were not only a result of the earthquake but the time of the quake. It occurred when most people were sleeping (dawn), and none were prepared.

The deadliness of the event was also aggravated due to the buildings ranking extremely poor in sturdiness quotient. Syria and South Turkey have very poor architecture, which is too old and unable to resist the aftermath of such devastating earthquakes. The earthquake occurred in a place unaffected by any earthquake for the past 200 years, and people were not prepared adequately. Also, the current humanitarian crisis in Syria is so engrossing that hardly anyone has the time and resources to put up precautions for it.

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What Caused the Earthquake in Turkey?

Let us first get into the basics of earthquakes. Geographically, the Erath’s plate comprises several tectonic plates that nestle along each other. These plates always possess the inertia for dynamism, but the friction of adjacent collision prevents them from moving so frequently. But there are times when the pressure build-up across the plates is so intense that the plates jerk off and causes motion. The magnitude of the friction determines the level of the earthquake. The earthquake in Turkey was caused by the fault lines in the Syria - Turkey region. It is often geologically termed the Strike-Slip Fault. There are three significant steps for earthquakes like these to occur. The rock underneath the fault likes (weak points in the Earth’s crust) move to cause some deformations. When the force gets too high and intense, the rock fractures across the fault lines and leads to the collapse of the plates.

Earthquake - The Geopolitical Aspect

This year is exceedingly critical for Turkey. On May 14th, the country will witness its presidential elections. The current president Tayyip Erdogan is playing a commendable role in organizing the country and saving it from the aftermath of this acute disaster. So, it will play a huge role in determining his political steps. The life of millions of Syrians and Turkey residents have changed overnight due to the earthquake. The death toll is more significant than 12,000. At least 23 million people have been severely affected, and nearly 6000 buildings have collapsed.

This catastrophe could have long-term rippling effects on a country where more than 85 million people are already wired to economic problems. With local inflation above 57%, the country was already amidst the worst imaginable crisis because a large section of the population was not even living a quality life. A devastating Earthquake now seems to be a

wrath for the citizens and the government. The current economic anxiety is stressful, and the government needs to allocate considerable funds to relieve the people.

The Turkey earthquake also speaks of a scandal of unpreparedness. It is hard to predict that such intense disasters will hit a country, but the Turkish and Syrian governments understand Turkey sits on the fault of the tectonic plates. The country is in one of the most sensitive zones of the Earth’s crust. The government has a long record of earthquake history, yet there are no specific regulations about building safety. The patchy architectural style and building safety quotient are shady. The seismologists are pro at preparing earthquake hazard maps, but the country ignored them. | 7

The Erdogan government could have introduced policies for building earthquake-resilient homes and buildings. At least it could have saved people from losing their homes or being buried under them. It is a tragedy that the Turkish government did not take proper measures to save the citizens. Many citizens are accusing the government of mismanagement and of the review that the government has gambled with people’s lives. Had the government enforced the building codes, people could have been saved. The earthquake and the devastation expose the gap between seismic knowledge and action.

The whole of Turkey is vulnerable to earthquakes. Turkey has two major fault lines - the

North Anatolian Fault zone and the East Anatolian fault lines. These two fault lines crisscross over each other. After the 1999 earthquake, the Turkish government levied a disaster tax to raise funds so the country could be better prepared against earthquakes. But sadly, there is no evidence that the government is utilizing this fund for better earthquake preparedness. There are serious questions about where the money is and why the country needs so many international funds. The worst imaginable scenario encompasses Turkey and Syria. The whole world awaits to witness how they overcome and manage the disaster.

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Hurdles and obstacles are always going to be a part of your success story.

Study says that there are four zones which one has to cross to become successful. If we somehow manage to come out of our comfort zone, then a new zone encircles us and that new zone is nothing but a zone of fear. What is the zone of fear? Let’s go back to our childhood days. The days when we used to be comfortable at our home. And then the toddler grew up and started going to school. The day this toddler came to know about the school, tears rolled down from his eyes as he was leaving the comfort zone and entering into a new zone of fear. Growing up at the school, making new friends, each day comes with a new learning and so this phase is called the learning zone of that child. After graduating from the school, we are again in our comfort zone and afraid to move towards our new destination which is college. Just a thought of separation from our friends and teachers, we are engrossed by the fear. Now the story repeats, in college we have similar anxiety. Gradually, all the college students, college faculties become our friends and we wish to live this short span of time to the fullest.

These things happen every single day. Right from the day the toddler is born to the day the old man dies, life compels us to leave the comfort zone, enter into the fear zone and learn new things in the learning zone and eventually move towards the growth zone.

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Success is not about just visualizing the dreams but it is about going through all the rough phases and difficulties as shown in the picture and then achieving the awards and medals for your hard work.

Here is a small anecdote for you all to realize that ARE YOU REALLY SATISFIED WITH YOU ALL ARE DOING?

Once upon a time there was a king, who received two beautiful, magnificent Peregrine falcons as a gift. He handed them over to a Falcon trainer. After a couple of months, the trainer informed the king that one of the two falcons was performing outstandingly. Flying majestically! Soaring into the heights of the sky!. But the other one had not moved at all from its branch from the very day that it had started training them. The king brought healers and sorcerers from all over the place to try and get the falcon to move, but the bird just wouldn’t fly. Having tried everything he could, the frustrated king said to his minister, “Maybe we need someone more familiar with nature. Someone who understands animals and birds. I think only such a person can solve this problem. Go, look for someone like this from the countryside and assign this task to him. The next morning the king was thrilled to see the second falcon soaring high above the palace gardens. Delighted, he called his minister and asked him to get the donor of this miracle to him. The minister brought a simple farmer to the king. The king asked the farmer, “How did you make this falcon fly?” The farmer replied, “It was very easy, I simply cut the branch on which the bird was sitting.”

Here comes the message “we are all created to fly”. But the snag is that we treat ourselves as the second falcons which usually sit on a branch at his comfort, not doing much in life waiting for the right time to enter into the new path. Apparently, the ones who like a life like the first falcons have already reached the skies. We all are here to live our life with incredible potential we all have. But, the problem is we always muddle between the thoughts of “Should I try this? Or Should I go for that ? and end up doing nothing except sitting in our comfort branches, clinging to the things that are familiar to us. A human is so much comfortable in his comfort zone that he is not willing to explore new things, not willing to take the risks.

The sky has no limit and the opportunities are endless, but for most of us it remains undiscovered, untouched. The reason behind that is we continue to live in a familiar environment. We live a mediocre life just because we are enjoying life in our comfort zone, instead of exciting, thrilling.

Now the question comes that what is the branch that is holding us from flying high? What is the fear that is stopping us from taking the risk? Just a simple answer to these unanswered questions is unless we cut off the branches with which we are so used to we can never take off and reach the newer heights in our life. Now it’s completely up to us to decide whether we want to continue being the second falcon or touch the sky where infinite opportunities are waiting for us just like the first falcon.

Dear readers

“When you leave your comfort zone then only the magic happens”. So, just cut off the comfort zone branch and take off to your new flight.


Does anybody plan to be a bad boss? No, not at all. Sometimes, bosses just don’t know any better and become deficient by default. Some of us are boss by luck and others earn their way into it. Truth is, unfortunately, we all become a boss without any proper training. There is no manual provided to us. We do not know how to effectively manage people. So then how great bosses have been able to manage people so efficiently? Let’s demystify……

Being a boss isn’t complicated, but being a great boss is. It certainly requires focused thought and attention to the team to earn this badge. When so many people put their faith in us, follow us, we owe it to them to be our best

for their sake. We must learn then how to lead and guide people effectively on the way.

Everyone aspires to be a good, supportive, appreciable boss, but why does it matter in the first place? Let’s delve deeper -

Why Being A ‘Great Boss’ Matters -

1 Reduce Attrition - People quit organisation because of their bosses and not because of the organisations. High attrition leads to low morale in the team which sets up a chain reaction that weakens productivity and growth. GOOD BOSSES has the power and capability to reduce attrition.

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“The greatest boss is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.”
~ Ronald Reagan

2 Improve Employee Loyalty - When bosses lead with confidence, it builds team morale. When the team knows, the boss has their back, it encourages loyalty. Being decisive and standing up for your team is the golden rule.

3 Improve Productivity - Being consistent and available for the team directly impacts productivity and is the characteristic of a Good Boss. Employees who feel that they are valued by their bosses will never find it challenging to meet targets and deadlines. They will be motivated to positive risk-taking for innovation and improved productivity.

4 Improve Ownership - Great Bosses communicate the purpose and objective of the task they ask their team to do. When the vision and goal is communicated, team will automatically feel connected to the project in hand that improves ownership.

5 Healthy Work Culture - Healthy work culture means freedom to express, innovate and experiment which is fostered by a great boss. Great bosses allow people to come forward with their problems, encourage them to share their frustrations and act as solution providers for them. Open communication is the thumb rule to be a great boss.

Essentials for Being A Great Boss | 13

Great bosses exhibit management and leadership skills, ranging from self-awareness and resilience to emotional intelligence and sharp problem-solving skills. Let’s explore more -

1 Know Yourself - Knowing ourselves, our strengths and weaknesses, how do we deal with situations, how do we behave under stress and difficulties, how do we make our decisions are few things that comes handy on the path to becoming a great boss. Self-awareness along with self-acceptance makes us come across as human and fallible with whom people will be able to relate to easily.

2 Coping Mechanism - A Great leader is who can change and adapt to deal with unexpected opportunities or challenges. How we handle setbacks determines speaks volumes about us being a great leader. Bosses who remain calm and have their coping mechanism in place are great leaders. They are the ones who are better equipped to navigate through a crisis and bounce back with positive outcomes when facing adversities. Great boss are expected to have clear goals and a positive attitude.

3  Effective Delegation - Identifying the team’s strengths, delegating work accordingly, praising or critiquing people’s performance and investing time in their personal development is crucial to get the desired output from the team. Great bosses maximise team potential by effectively praising and recognising what the team does well. Offering encouragement, support and building team members’ confidence by setting clear goals is the stamp of a good boss. Good bosses also thrive by actively soliciting teams’ suggestions and ideas to get the best possible output from them.

4 Collaborative Decisions - Collaborative decisions, ensuring that perspectives from the team is taken while making a difficult decisions makes us stand out as a good boss. Consciously assembling a diverse team of people who are continuously challenging themselves and who can themselves towards a smart decision is crucial.

5 Reasonable Objectives – Every boss has a lot to achieve and transferring the load arbitrarily down the line does not help. Having reasonable objectives and clearly defined goals drive the team to attain victory and success. Great bosses work towards limiting the frustration, confusion and chaos by providing a clear sense of direction. Assessment of the team and then delegating work proportionately is a quality a good manager’s must to have.

6 Adaption – In a team, everyone is unique and there can’t be one-size-fits-all style of management. While some would want emotional support, some hand-holding, some a gentle push and some might be looking forward to encouragement and motivation. Adapting their management style according to individuals is what makes a good boss while accepting people as individuals.

7 Scrutinize Self - Nothing inspire the team more than their boss setting higher and higher benchmarks leading with examples. When the boss publicly accepts the

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weakness, consciously work on them and make adjustments to improve, the entire team benefits. Becoming a boss is a journey where one needs to grow him/herself each day when s/he leads.

8 Fix Things – A great boss is always honest with his/her team about what went wrong, and makes sure to provide solutions on how to fix it. Clear communication and instructions can nip the problems in the bud itself. Be the boss that fixes the problem and not blames. Bosses who passes blames whenever something goes wrong are not trusted by the team.

9 Strength-Spotting - The simplest, easiest and highly effective way to bring out the best in the team is strength spotting. As humans, our tendency is to notice mistakes and weaknesses in people. Continually pointing out weaknesses or mistakes tend to elicit dishonesty or defensiveness in team. Praising and acknowledgement, specific and timely, will reap significant benefits in team morale and engagement.

10 Captain Cool - One sure-fire way to keep people motivated, engaged and productive is to value and respect them. Treating them with dignity and respect even when tempers flare earns us respect as leaders. Respecting their personal time, providing them reasonable timelines, helping them correct their mistakes or misses earns you the badge of a great boss.

Irrespective of all efforts, there’s a stigma around bosses, people always complain about their bosses constantly. So what can be done to remove the stereotype attached to the title - BOSS. Below tips can help -


1 Coach Mindset – A coach mindset is all about knowing the best positions for their teams and to realise that the success is determined by the team collectively. With the coach mindset, we need to place colleagues at

places where they can utilise their strengths to the maximum. A coach/boss will help people to identify and utilise their maximum potential. Coaches/bosses not only provide tips and techniques but also communicate clear standards to measure success. Leading by example, clear feedback, encouragements, acknowledgements, and celebration of success are sure-fire way to earn appreciation.

2 Personal Attention – Great bosses know that a little kindness, understanding and personal connect goes a long way. Understand that team members are individuals and not just cogs in a machinery and that they may have individual issues back at home which can impact their performance at work. Grow your relationship by spending quality time with them, ask polite but now overly personal questions. This will help the team to be more inspired, motivated, committed, engaged and innovative. As good bosses we need to be visible and available for them.

3 Be Authentic & Transparent – People have more respect and regard for a boss who is authentic, not fake and transparent. Involve them into the organisational problems, seek their help so that they feel they are part of the team. This will establish that they are trusted and valued. Involving them into the decision making process will not only boost their worth and will motivate them to work harder but we will win their loyalty and commitment too. Authenticity and transparency goes a long way in building a strong bond with the team.

4 Shared Vision - Good bosses know that decisions will be more accepted and successful if the team is involved into them from the start. The team should not feel that the decision is arbitrary. Team will prefer to understand the reasons behind the decision to fully accept it. Good bosses help the team connect with the goals and objectives too so that they can take ownership. The journey then becomes easy, worthwhile and enjoyable for the whole team and they will perform with pride and care and be grateful for the empowerment. | 15

5 Be Inspirational – The team generally looks up to the boss for inspiration and this can happen when the leader/boss takes pride in his/her work. Leaders always look for ways to make their output amazing and productive. We should be true to our words and fulfil our promises so that their faith and trust in the leadership remains intact. We must deliver first what we expect them to deliver. We must show them the way how to get things done. If we want them to achieve their targets, we must achieve our own targets. If we wish them to always be on time, we should be on time always. If we wish them to respect deadlines, we must ensure we don’t miss ours. Leading by example, that’s the only way!

6 Respect & Appreciate Them - Good bosses treat teammates with respect, honour, dignity, and pride. We must regard them as organisation’s assets rather than organisation’s expenses. Generally, the credits are passed on to the bosses for a project, ensure that due credits gets passed on downwards too post accomplishments. Rewards, acknowledgements and recognition from time to time will earn their trust, loyalty, and faith in us. Good Leaders/bosses focus on clear, constructive and specific feedback instead of criticism or incessant pointing out mistakes or misses.

7 Be Accountable And Generous - Always remember that as a boss, we have the greatest responsibility in the team, especially for failures. While pinpointing a teammates’ mistakes, we should not forget to accept our share of fault. Generosity is good bosses’ greatest attribute, be it accepting the faults or be it acknowledging others’ achievement. We shouldn’t hog the limelight. As a good boss, we must –

a Fix the failures before the occurrence,

b Acknowledge team’s achievements,

c Take the ownership of team’s failures

8 Essential Discipline - Without discipline, there is no success, that’s the thumb rule. Thus too much of kindness too is not good for the team. It’s essential for a good boss to set rules and system for the team and ensure that are adhered to. Penalties and punishments too should be spelt out clearly.

9 Realistic Challenges - Routine and unchallenging tasks not only become boring for the team but also stagnate team’s growth. A good boss always pushes team’s limits and challenge them to move out of their comfort zone. Promises to deliver what the team can’t achieve can put everyone in trouble.

10 Quick Decisions - Good bosses are known for their measured but quick decisions. They understand that beyond a point, additional information will only delay the process and won’t be a value add. Obsessing and second guessing about the decision is always a waste of time which a good boss never allows. Good bosses are not risk-averse when it comes to making a calculated decision.

11 Set High Standards - Foundation of success and achievements lies in setting standards high. Ensuring that the team understands and accepts these standards is a good leaders’ job. Good leaders keep pushing their team to maximise their potential. This also means understanding what the team may need from the boss and provide for them. Instilling the faith in them that they can achieve greater heights by not focus-

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ing on shortcomings but what has been accomplished is a major goal for a good boss.

12 Trust the Team - Most of us fall into the trap of “I can do a better job”. Great Bosses do understand that by doing this, they are restricting the team’s growth and robbing them of the learning experiences. Teach, coach, mentor, counsel, do whatever it takes but enable them to rise to the occasion. Bonus would be, we will have ample time and energy freed up to take on more important tasks.

13 Get Perspectives - Good leaders always seek out inputs and perspectives from the team. They don’t let their team’s opinions, ideas and thoughts go to waste with a “my way or highway” attitude. This way they not only have plethora of options and ideas but will ensure that the team feels heard, valued and respected.

Along with a list of essentials, its imperative to have a list of don’ts as well, isn’t it -

Things to avoid as a great boss –

1 Lose Temper – We all have frustrating days at work where nothing goes as per plan and it is easy to lose temper which will only make the team fearful of us or resent us. Screaming, passing hurtful remarks will create a void between the team and boss which will be difficult to fill. Teams hate bosses who dump their anger and frustration on them. On the contrary they have deep regards for someone who remains calm in crisis even. The hallmark of a great boss is that they never treat their teammates as their punching bags or take out that anger or frustration on their team.

2 Be A Fixer, Always - As a boss, we are accountable for everything that goes wrong but we don’t have to fix everything on our own. Identify from the team who is capable of handling the solution and make him/ her accountable for the situation and solution. By providing readymade fix-it-solutions,

we would deprive the team not only of the learning experiences but also would undermine their talent.

3 Don’t Speak First - As a good boss, our role is to invite the team to share their ideas and thoughts and to stimulate their thinking. If we start sharing our perspective first, the team will have no choice but to agree. Agreed that as a boss, we have more experience and wisdom but by always sharing our perspective only will restrict team’s growth. The team may start depending solely on our brain for solutions. Asking for their perspectives will also express that we value their inputs and opinions on important matters and, in turn, will earn us respect. Collective perspectives will help us formulate better management decisions. Teams also respect bosses who admit they don't know everything and do not claim to be an expert.

4 Favouritism - We tend to like some of our team members better than others. These personal preferences should not come in our ways of how we deal with them professionally. When bosses play favourites, it demoralises others. Teammates would assume that their best would not count much because of favouritism. It may also spark hostility toward the favourite.

5 Expect Them To Be Mind-Reader - Open and two way communication is the sure-fire way to be an effective boss. We should not expect them to read our silence or in between the lines communication, the chances are they will read what we didn’t intend. Great bosses always keep the lines of communication open.

6 Micromanaging – Checking out the employees every now and then, tracking every minute of theirs spent in office is not a good sign. Good bosses know that they have hired adults who can manage their time and responsibilities. There should not be any need to micro-manage them. What should matter is the task accomplished well and within the time frame. | 17

7 Taking Things Personally - Good Bosses know how to maintain a thorough professional relationship while keeping it warm too. If we pick up something for the grapevine, its important for us to not take it personally. Accepting the criticism well and learning from it, makes us a good boss. Bosses are privy to confidential information too, its our responsibility to stay out of the interpersonal complexities.

We all know that there is no straight formula for becoming a great boss. Our mission is to inspire and motivate the team to deliver. But, what do the team expects from us is crucial too so that they follow our lead? What personality traits and attributes do we need to win people’s hearts and minds? Let’s find out -

Great Boss From The Lens Of A Team Member –

1. Knowledge - Good bosses are expected to be knowledgeable. They are expected to be a source of inspiration, motivation and selfaware. Good bosses are expected to explore opportunities to learn new things, improve upon their work. Truly great leaders are also expected to be the subject matter experts.

2. Composed – Constant monitoring of the emotions, understanding them, bringing in self-control in challenging situations is the basic expectation from a great boss. Team expects them to remain calm, composed and content even when the situation go out of hand. Even in the adverse situations, they are expected to adapt, adjust, stay in control of situation.

3. Grace & Gentleness – Great bosses are the perfect combination of being strong and gentle. Intimidation, anger, manipulation, frustration etc. are not associated with their personalities. Being approachable, easy, self-control, cheerful, willing worker all the qualities that one expects from a great leader/boss.

4. Honesty & Hard Work - While honesty allows genuine connection with people, hard work takes them to reach greater heights and attain success. Integrity, passion and enthusiasm is what teammates will look forward to in a leader/boss.

5. Deliberation & Certainty - Too much deliberation to make a decision is ineffective and misleading and thus teams want their bosses to be quick but thoughtful decision makers. Speaking assertively is a trait that the team would want to see in their leader. Leader/ boss must deliver his/her ideas with conviction and certainty.

6. Positive Body Language – Positive body language makes all the difference in a conversation because how we say something can be more important than what we say. Enthusiastic tone, eye contact, attentiveness, undivided attention, rephrasing, leaning toward the speaker are all positive body language forms that great bosses must have a mastery on.

7.  Confidence - Confidence in self and the team yield victories which increases the morals and eagerness to tackle future challenges. Faith in the team’s abilities and capabilities is a trait that the team wants to see in a leader/ boss.

8. Courage - Fear is a choice and is nothing but an emotion fuelled by imagination. Courage is real. Great leaders know this and thus they flip fear into courage. They do not allow the fear to take over, rather bring on the courage to conquer their fears. Teams look forward to derive their courage from great bosses.

9. Gratitude - The hallmark of a good leader is gratitude. Instead of basking in the self-glory of achievements, great leaders acknowledge other’s contribution in their success, be it their family, mentors, colleagues or teammates. They have gratitude in their hearts for people who are up and down the ladder for their role in their personal success journey.

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Final Thoughts –

A good boss badge is not that easy to earn. It not only takes a lot of patience, diligence, self-control, and even compassion but also involves constant learning and practice. There may be lot of failed expectations on the way, frustrations and heart-burns too because it’s not easy to manage people. Every individual has different expectations, different capabilities, their own share of issues and to take them together on a journey of success is no easy task. Nevertheless, as long as we are sincere in our efforts to lead, chances are we can earn respect and appreciation from people and can make our place in their heart as GOOD BOSS.

Key Takeaways –

1. MANAGE individuals, not numbers.

2. ADAPT your style basis individuals.

3. MEASURE what's relevant.

4. STAY cool-headed.

5. TAKE responsibility for failures.

6. SHARE your vision.

7. LISTEN rather than providing solutions.

8. TREAT everyone equally, fairly.

9. DON'T expect more than you're willing to give.

10. GET perspectives.

11. DON'T procrastinate.

12. NEVER micromanage.

13. ACKNOWELDGE team efforts.

14. TAKE consistent actions.

15. SPARE time for open communication. Being a great leader/boss requires personal growth. No matter how efficient we are today, there is always room to grow and improve. With the above tips and insights, one can lead with strength and confidence and earn respect and appreciation both!

“The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humour, but without folly.” | 19
~ Jim Rohn


Panel Members

1. Host - Dr. Vaneeta Aggarwal Founder of Bizemag

2. Dr. Bigyan Verma Director, IMT Nagpur

3. Brig. Sanjay Agarwal Former Security Advisor, MHA & Educator

4. Mr. Mohit Khandelwal Practicing Chartered Accountant

5. Mr. Anil Gulati Educator and Retd Defence Officer

6. Prof. Sudhir Gavhane Former VC, YCMOU & Chief Academic Advisor

7. Mr. Neeraj Saxena Managing Partner, XScale & Univision Fund

Dr. Vaneeta Aggarwal - Host

Dr. Vaneeta started the Post Union Budget Review session with 6 panelists and couple of participant audience on 2nd Feb, 2023. The session began with Dr. Bigyan Verma, an academician and former investment banker.

Views on Education Budget

1. Introduction - The speaker introduces himself as an academician with over two decades of experience in education, and also having worked as an investment banker for Morgan Stanley.

2. Budget Analysis - The speaker mentions that the budget announcements made by the finance minister should not be altered as a published budget for it addresses structural issues for almost all segments of the population and has large number of impactful messages for a large number of sectors.

3. Post-Pandemic Budget - The speaker mentions that this budget being post-pandemic has fiscal limitations and the private sector has a big role to play in the growth story of India.

4. Inclusive Development - The budget focuses on inclusive development and reaching the last mile, with a focus on infrastructure investment and green growth.

5. Focus on Education - The speaker mentions that the world is changing with regard to new systems and technologies and they are going to be a part of education. He also mentions that the education sector has received the highest ever allocation of rupees 1.12 lakh crores since independence, with a substantial part of it going for school education.

6. Conclusion - The speaker concludes by mentioning that education is an enabling factor for the youth who will emerge to be the power for this nation.

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Bigyan Verma, an academician with over two and a half decades of experience in the education sector, believes that the allocation of funds towards education in the recent budget is a significant step towards bridging the gap caused by the pandemic and setting a new era for the country's education system. He highlights the fact that the recent budget has allocated the highest ever amount, 1.12 lakh crores, towards education since India's independence, with a substantial part of it being allocated towards school education, which he believes is crucial in shaping the future of the country's youth.

He then goes on to talk about the recent budget announcement and its impact on the education sector. He notes that this is the highest ever allocation for education since independence, with a significant portion of the allocation going towards school education.

Bigyan also highlights the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the education sector and how the budget aims to bridge the gap and bring the sector back to a new era. He also mentions that the budget is focusing on inclusive development, infrastructure investment, and green growth, with a particular emphasis on the youth and technology.

Bigyan Verma, who has also spent some time in the financial services industry as an investment banker, brings a unique perspective to the discussion. He recognizes the limitations of the budget, which was announced post-pandemic and had fiscal limitations. Despite this, he feels

that the budget is realistic and addresses structural issues for various segments of the population. He also believes that the budget's focus on inclusive development, infrastructure investment, green growth, and the youth, particularly in the technological and financial sectors, highlights the government's commitment to continuing the growth story.

Furthermore, he acknowledges the importance of technology in the education sector, given the changing world, and the need for new systems and technologies to be a part of education. He specifically focuses on the impact of the pandemic on school-going children, who have faced massive disruption due to the lockdown. He believes that making children sit in front of a computer for hours is not ideal for their growth and development, and that the growth of children happens outside the classroom, through play with their peers and various activities.

In conclusion, Bigyan Verma is optimistic about the future of education in India and the role that the recent budget will play in shaping it. He believes that education is an enabling factor that will empower the youth and emerge as a crucial power for the nation. He recognizes that the budget may not please everyone and there may be skeptics and critics, but he feels that this is healthy for a democratic country like India, and the discussions and debates are necessary.

Views on Defence Budget

Sanjay Agarwal, a distinguished professor at SRM University Chennai's NCR campus, and a former fulltime advisor to the National Highway Authority of India, introduced himself to the audience by mentioning his long career in the Indian Army and his current work as a motivational speaker and teacher at various institutions. He emphasized on the defence budget as one of the key topics of discussion in his interview.

Points Highlighted by Sanjay Agarwal:

1. Introduction of himself as the full-time advisor to the National Highway Authority of India and a distinguished professor at SRM University Chennai.

2. His 36 years of experience as an officer in the Indian Army and his current role as a motivational speaker.

3. Overview of the Union Budget and the allocation of 593,000 crores to the Total Defence Budget.

4. Capital expenditure increased by 7% and revenue expenditure increased by 16% compared to last year.

5. Overview of the Agneepath scheme, a key motivator behind the budget.

6. 23% of the capital expenditure goes to the Army, 32% to the Navy, and 35% to the Air Force.

7. Only 10% of the defence budget is allocated for research and development.

8. Discussion on the new tax regime and how the Baklava people being in the 12 to 15 lakh slab will pay only 20% tax.

9. The Agneepath scheme is proposed to exempt the corpus received from tax, allowing the young man or woman to keep the kitty intact.

10. The financial motive behind the Agneepath scheme.

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Sanjay Agarwal, a retired army officer and a distinguished professor at SRM University in Chennai, is an expert in security and defense matters. In a recent interview, he discussed the Indian Union Budget and its impact on the country's defense. Key points covered in his talk include:

The current union budget has allocated 593,000 crores to the total defence budget, with a 7% increase in capital expenditure and a 16% increase in revenue expenditure. The defence pensions have also gone up by 15%. The allocation of the defence budget among the Army, Navy and Air Force shows that the Navy and Air Force receive approximately onethird of the budget while the Army receives one-fourth and the remaining 10% is allocated for research and development.

Sanjay Agarwal highlighted that the allocation for research and development is not as high as one would

have hoped. However, he did mention that there is a bright spot in the budget with the allocation for agro tech startups. He also pointed out that the new tax regime in India, with people in the 12 to 15 lakh slab now paying only 20% tax, could positively impact the defence budget. The Agneepath Scheme, which provides a Corpus for young men and women joining the defence forces for four years, is also proposed to be exempt from tax, keeping the Corpus intact in the person's hands. Sanjay Agarwal mentioned that the financial motive behind this scheme is the prime mover. He highlighted that the Union Budget has allocated 593,000 crores to the Total Defense budget, with an increase of 7% in capital expenditure and 16% in revenue expenditure. Within the defense budget, the Army receives 23%, the Navy 32%, and the Air Force 35%. Research and development only receive 10% of the allocation.

The Agneepath scheme, which provides incentives for young men and women to join the military for four years, has been proposed to be exempt from taxes. This is seen as a financial motivator for the scheme.

With the new tax regime, individuals in the 12 to 15 lakh slabs will pay only 20% tax. This will have a positive impact on the defense budget.

Sanjay Agarwal also highlights the importance of increasing the allocation for research and development in the defense sector, and the potential benefits of the Agneepath scheme for the country's security.

In conclusion, Sanjay Agarwal's view on the defence budget highlights the increase in allocation, the distribution among the three services, and the importance of research and development. He also talked about the potential positive impact of the new tax regime and the Agneepath Scheme on the defence budget. | 25

Views on Tax

Mohit Khandelwal is a qualified chartered accountant who is currently in practice and has his office in Jaipur. He has expertise in the field of finance and taxation and is able to provide insights and information on the subject matter. In the given context, he has discussed the changes in the slab rate for the current financial year and explained the difference between the old and new regimes of taxation. According to him, the government has introduced new regime with some changes in the slab rates, and a person earning up to seven lakhs and opting for the new regime can avail the benefits of section 87A of the Income Tax Act and save around 15,000 every year. He also mentions that every year individuals have to opt for either the old or new regime for paying taxes, but starting next financial year, once a person opts for a regime, they do not have to disclose it again.

Points Highlighted by Mohit Khandelwal

1. The speaker, Mohit Khandelwal, is a qualified chartered accountant currently in practice in Jaipur.

2. There have been changes in the tax slab structure this year but there is no change in the old regime.

3. The changes in the new regime include a rebate of up to 7 lakhs, with different tax rates for different income ranges (up to 3 lakhs exempt, 5% for 3-6 lakhs, 10% for 6-9 lakhs, 15% for 9-12 lakhs, 20% for 12-15 lakhs, and 30% for income above 15 lakhs).

4. The government is encouraging people to shift from the old regime to the new regime, where they are not allowed to invest in any tax-saving instruments.

5. The old regime includes exemptions for those earning up to 2.5 lakhs, 5% tax for those earning between 2.5-5 lakhs, 20% for those earning between 5-10 lakhs, and 30% for those earning above 10 lakhs.

6. The benefit of Section 87a can be availed by individuals who opt for the new regime, saving them around 15,000 every year.

7. Individuals have to choose between the old regime and new regime every financial year, but starting next year, they do not have to disclose their choice..

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Mr. Mohit is speaking in response to a question about how the recent changes in the tax slab structure will affect homemakers and start-ups. The speaker mentions that there is a slight change in the slab rate this year, with changes only in the new regime and no changes in the old regime.

The speaker explains that the government has introduced the new regime to encourage people to shift from the old regime, where they are not allowed to invest in certain directions, to the new regime.

The speaker defines the old regime and the new regime, stating that under the old regime, if a person earns up to 2.5 lakhs, they are not required to pay any tax. If they earn between 2.5 to 5 lakhs, they are supposed to pay 5% tax, which comes to 12,500. But the government gives a rebate of 12,500 under Section 87a of the Income Tax Act, 1961. This means that if a person earns up to 5 lakhs, they are not required to pay any tax. If they earn between 5 to 10 lakhs, they are supposed to pay 20% tax, and if they earn more than 10 lakhs, they are supposed to pay 30% tax. Under the new regime, if a person earns up to 3 lakhs and opts for the new regime, they are exempt from tax. If they earn between 3 to 6 lakhs, they are supposed to pay 5% tax, if they earn between 6 to 9 lakhs, they are supposed to pay 10% tax, if they earn between 9 to 12 lakhs, they are supposed to pay 15% tax, if they earn between 12 to 15 lakhs, they are supposed to pay 20% tax, and if they earn above 15 lakhs, they are supposed to pay 30% tax.

The speaker mentions that if a person earns up to 7 lakhs and opts for the new regime, they will still get the benefit of Section 87a of the Income Tax Act, which means that they will save around 15,000.

The speaker concludes by stating that every year, individual salary persons have to opt whether they want to pay tax as per the old regime or the new regime, but from the next financial year, if they opt for the new regime, they do not have to disclose it.

Overall, the speaker provides a clear and comprehensive overview of the changes in the tax slab structure and how it affects different sections of society, including homemakers and start-ups.

Brig Sanjay’s view on Mohit’s Speech

Brig Sanjay says that for the next financial year (20232024), the default tax regime will be the new regime but taxpayers still have the option to opt for the old regime by filling out a small form. The government is incentivizing taxpayers to move to the new regime and for those who do, there will be a standard deduction of 50,000 to 52,500 depending on their gross total income. The benefit of the standard deduction will only apply to those who opt for the new regime.

Anil Gulati’s views on the Defence Budget

The speaker is discussing the recent budget and its implications. They mention the difference between the old and new tax regimes, noting that the default is now set to the new regime, but individuals still have the option to opt for the old regime by filling out a small form. The speaker also mentions the standard deduction of 50,000, which is applicable for those opting for the new regime. They also mention the limit for investing in PPF, which is only applicable for the old system. The speaker suggests that for individuals without savings, it might be more beneficial to shift to the new system, as they could potentially receive exemptions of up to 3.24 or 3.74 lakhs, but this would depend on their income.

Business Strategy

Views of Prof. Sudhir Gavhane on Education Budget

Prof. Sudhir Gavhane expressed his thoughts on the budget and feels that investing in health and education should be given the highest priority as it is important for the development of India. He stated that the government's allocation for health and education should be proportional to the GDP and should be in line with what other countries are investing.

He mentioned that the government should provide resources for both public and private universities to enable them to compete globally. Prof. Gavhane feels that India needs to invest in the quality of higher education, just like China has done in the last 20 years, to develop world-class universities. He also emphasized the need to invest in school education to improve the overall quality of education.

The professor expressed his disappointment in the execution of the budget, as it is not addressing the needs of the 95% of the population that is aspiring for education and health. He feels that the budget is centered towards the middle and upper-middle class and does not provide enough support for those in need.

In conclusion, Prof. Gavhane believes that investing in health and education is crucial for the development of India and should be given the highest priority by the government. The allocation for health and education should be proportional to the GDP and resources should be provided to both public and private universities to enable them to compete globally. The budget should address the needs of the aspiring population and provide better education and health facilities for all. | 29

Neeraj Saxena’s views on the Startup & Corporate budget

Neeraj Saxena is the Managing Director of X scale, a company that invests in Indian B2Bs and helps them scale their business in both Indian and international markets. In this context, he was asked about his thoughts on the recent budget announcements and their impact on the startup ecosystem, particularly with regards to Research and Development (R&D).

Positive aspects:

a. Tax benefits and holidays for companies incorporated as start-ups have been extended to the end of the next financial year.

b. Carry forward of losses for start-ups has been increased to 10 years, which is a more realistic term.

c. India Start-up Seed Fund allocation has increased significantly to promote entrepreneurship in the country.

Missed opportunities:

a. Lack of parity between the long-term capital gain tax on start-up investment and listed equity.

b. Ambiguity and lack of transparency in the tax treatment of venture capital funds.

c. The rules for venture capital funds need to be clearer and in line with international standards to attract more investment.

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Overall, Neeraj views the budget as having some positive aspects for the start-up ecosystem, but also mentions some missed opportunities for further improvement.

Saxena begins by highlighting a few positive aspects of the budget for the startup ecosystem. Firstly, companies incorporated as start-ups and granted a startup certificate are exempt from paying income tax or allowed to have a tax holiday for three years, and this date has been extended to the end of the next financial year (March 2024). Secondly, the carry forward of losses for start-ups has been extended from 7 years to 10 years, which is a more realistic term given the typical trajectory of startups. Lastly, the India Startup Seed Fund, which promotes entrepreneurship in the country, has seen a significant increase in allocation (from 100 crore to 283 crores).

However, Saxena also points out some areas that have been missed in the budget. Firstly, there is a lack of parity in the long-term capital gains tax for start-up investments compared to listed equity investments, which he feels should have been addressed. Secondly, there is still ambiguity in the tax treatment of certain components of venture capital funds, such as management fees and carry, which needs to be made more transparent and in line with international standards.

In conclusion, Saxena views the budget as generally positive for the startup ecosystem, but feels that there is room for improvement in addressing the tax treatment of start-up investments and venture capital funds. Watch complete session here : | 31



Dr. Vaneeta Aggarwal

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Dr. Vaneeta hosted the Post Union Budget Review session with 6 panelists and couple of participant audience on 2nd Feb, 2023 at 4:00 pm. The panelists were :

1. Host - Dr. Vaneeta Aggarwal Founder of Bizemag

2. Dr.Bigyan Verma Director, IMT Nagpur

3. Brig. Sanjay Agarwal Former Security Advisor, MHA & Educator

4. Mr. Mohit Khandelwal Practicing Chartered Accountant

5. Mr. Anil Gulati Educator and Retd Defence Officer

6. Prof. Sudhir Gavhane Former VC, YCMOU & Chief Academic Advisor

7. Mr. Neeraj Saxena Managing Partner, XScale & Univision Fund

Dr. Vaneeta Aggarwal was invited to attend and participate in a closed room, post union budget review organized by FICCI with Indian Finance Minister Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman. She reached the venue at 7:30 pm soon after winding up the review session. She thanked honorable minister for increased allocation for education budget and emphasized need of more fund for R & D budget.

Feb 02
Feb 02

Dr. Vaneeta Aggarwal , founder of Bizemag Media & L’strategyq Advisors is passionate Anthophile. She visited a flower decoration workshop and arranged a bunch of beautiful exotic flowers.

Feb 10 Feb 11

Ministry of Culture, Government of India organized a musical event at the heart of India Gate, New Delhi. Here live singers and various Indian Musical Instrument players exhibited their Art. Dr. Vaneeta Aggarwal visited the Delhi Durbar and enjoyed the evening. Here is talk with the Harmonium artist -


Dr. Vaneeta Aggarwal was Invited by the Women Development Cell of Shaheed Rajguru college of Applied Sciences for Women, Delhi University to be on a panel to spread awareness among the students to combat fear of Domestic Violence through financial independence. She was joined by other panelists – Dr. Shweta Sharma, Clinical Psychologist at Manipal Hospital, Gurgaon & Mrs. Shalini Kapoor, President of Yatan NGO.


Dr. Vaneeta Aggarwal has been invited as Jury member to judge APAC entries in Stevie Business Awards 2023 in continuation with 2022. | 35

The Current State and Future of the ECONOMY GIG | 37

The gig economy, also known as the sharing economy or on-demand economy, refers to the growing trend of companies and individuals participating in short-term, flexible employment arrangements. This can include everything from ride-sharing and food delivery services to freelance work and short-term rentals.

Currently, the gig economy is growing rapidly, driven by advances in technology and changes in consumer behaviour. Many people are drawn to gig work because of the flexibility and autonomy it offers, as well as the potential to earn more money than traditional jobs. However, the gig economy also has its downsides, such as lack of benefits, job security, and regulation.

In the future, it is expected that the gig economy will continue to grow, with more companies and individuals participating in this type of work. However, there may also be increased regulation and pushback from traditional labour groups, as well as efforts to provide gig workers with more benefits and protections. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the growth of gig economy, as more people have been forced to look for flexible and remote work opportunities.

Companies which are TOP

Listed as GIG workers

• Uber: A ride-hailing service that allows people to hail a ride from their smartphones.

• Lyft: A similar service to Uber that operates in the United States and Canada.

• Airbnb: A platform that allows people to rent out their homes or apartments to travellers.

• TaskRabbit: A platform that connects people with local freelancers for various tasks, such as cleaning, handyman work, and moving.

• Fiverr: A marketplace for freelance services, such as graphic design, writing, and programming.

• Postmates: A delivery service that allows people to order food and other goods from local merchants.

• Instacart: A grocery delivery service that allows people to order groceries online and have them delivered to their homes.

• Upwork: A platform that connects businesses with freelance professionals for various tasks, such as writing, graphic design, and programming.

• DoorDash: A food delivery service that allows people to order food from local restaurants and have it delivered to their homes.

• GrubHub: A similar service to DoorDash, GrubHub is a food delivery service that allows people to order food from local restaurants and have it delivered to their homes. The ranking of the top gig economy companies may vary depending on the source, but those listed above are among the most well-known and widely used.

Positive Impacts on GIG Economy

The gig economy has had several positive impacts, including:

Flexibility: One of the main benefits of gig work is the flexibility it offers. Gig workers can choose when and where they work, which can be particularly beneficial for those with other commitments, such as parenting or caregiving.

Increased income: Gig work can provide people with an additional source of income, and in some cases, gig workers can earn more than they would in traditional employment.

Entrepreneurship: The gig economy has also made it easier for people to start their own businesses and be their own boss. Platforms like Etsy and Fiverr have made it possible for people to sell their goods and services online

without having to set up a physical storefront.

Consumer choice: The gig economy has also expanded consumer choice. Through services like Airbnb and TaskRabbit, consumers have more options when it comes to travel and home services.

More efficient use of resources: The sharing economy has also made it possible for people to share resources, such as cars and homes, which can help reduce the environmental impact of consumption and save money.

Access to work: The gig economy has also made it easier for people who may face barriers to traditional employment, such as people with disabilities or those living in rural areas, to find work.

Remote work opportunities: The gig economy has also provided more remote work opportunities, which can be

beneficial for people who want to work from home or move to another location.

Innovation: The gig economy has also led to innovation in products and services, such as the development of ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft, and the expansion of on-demand delivery services like Postmates and GrubHub.

Negative Impacts of Gig Economy

The gig economy has also had several negative impacts, including:

Lack of benefits: Many gig workers are not entitled to the same benefits as traditional employees, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.

Job insecurity: Gig work is often characterized by a lack of job security, as gig workers can be let go at any time without notice.

Unpredictable income: Gig workers' income can be unpredictable, as it is often dependent on the availability of work and the amount of work, they are able to complete.

Lack of regulation: The gig economy is often characterized by a lack of regulation, which can lead to issues such as exploitation of workers and poor working conditions.

Competition: Gig workers often have to compete with a large pool of other workers for the same jobs, which can lead to lower pay and fewer opportunities.

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Exploitation of workers: Some gig economy companies have been accused of misclassifying workers as independent contractors, which allows them to avoid providing benefits and protections to their workers. This can lead to exploitation of workers, as they are not entitled to the same rights and protections as traditional employees.

Limited opportunities for advancement: Gig work often does not offer opportunities for career advancement, and gig workers may find it difficult to transition to traditional employment.

Social isolation: Gig work can be isolating, as gig workers often work alone and may not have the same sense of community and camaraderie as traditional employees.

Legal disputes: There have been cases of legal disputes

between gig economy workers and companies, regarding the worker's classification as an employee or independent contractor, and the lack of benefits, protections, and rights that arise from it.


on Local Economies:

The emergence of gig economy companies has also led to concerns about their impact on local economies. Some critics argue that these companies are displacing traditional businesses and leading to a loss of jobs and revenue for local communities.

GIG Economy Contribution in Global Economy

The gig economy has had a significant impact on the global economy, contributing to economic growth

in several ways. According to a report by McKinsey Global Institute, the gig economy has the potential to add $2.7 trillion to global GDP by 2025.

Firstly, the gig economy has created new opportunities for self-employment and entrepreneurship, which can lead to job creation and economic growth. It has also made it easier for people to find work, which can help to reduce unemployment and stimulate economic activity.

Secondly, the gig economy has also led to increased consumer choice and convenience, as people can now access a wider range of services and goods through on-demand platforms. This has led to increased consumer spending, which can drive economic growth.

Thirdly, the gig economy has also led to more efficient use of resources, which can help to reduce costs and increase productivity. This can lead to increased economic growth as it allows businesses to be more competitive and innovative.

However, it's worth noting that the gig economy also has negative impacts on the economy, such as lack of benefits, job security, and regulation. Additionally, the growth rate of the economy depends on many factors and the gig economy is just one of them. | 41


Another Place on Traveller’s Bucket List

If you have ever visited the Iatsgarma feed of any famous traveler, it ain’t possible that you haven't encountered pictures of Bali. When it comes to the best travel destinations in Asia, Bali surely tops the list. Bali in Indonesia is a gem for tropical travel It is heaven for beach lovers. If you like nature and want to witness a new culture, head towards Bali. Bali has recently become extremely popular as a tourist spot because of its beautiful natural setting, a heavenly backdrop for your Instagram photo dump.

Being in Bali feels like riding on a roller coaster of never-ending adventures. There is so much, Bali perhaps a soothing vibe for every human soul. There are unending beaches, idyllic sea shores, a captivating natural kaleidoscope, terraced rice fields, the world’s most exotic sunset, Hindu temples, and mesmerizing food that makes it less of an island and more of a paradise. From amazing nightlife to delicious seafood and exotic resorts to tremendous adventure water sports - Bali perhaps doesn’t lack anything. Be it your honeymoon or a family trip - the Balinese beauty and charm will relieve your soul and mind.

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Must Know Facts About Bali

Most travelers are pretty apprehensive about the weather in Bali, but there is not much to worry about regarding the rain. Bali is an Asian country and features an overall humid yet pleasant climate. The best time to visit Balis is between May and October. During this time, the humidity level is low, and you can easily participate in all the outdoor activities. However, during this time, Bali has a significant tourist rush, so the resorts and flight tickets can get expensive. To save yourself from spending extra bucks, pre-plan your Bali trip, and if you want it even cheaper, November to April can be a perfect time to visit.

Most people in Blai can understand basic English since it is often flooded with global tourists. The currency of the country is Indonesian Rupiah. There are plenty of foreign currency exchange stops in Bali, so you need not worry about that. However, people in Blai prefer using cash over cards. Bali has mostly type C plugins. So ensure you have one, or you need to carry the universal plug-ins. Bali is one of the safest countries on the planet. It is the top preferred destination for female solo travel because the people are amazing. They are soft-spoken, timid, and reliable people, humble and helpful. If you are a confident rider, bike rides are the best way to decode Bali because the mountains have so much to offer.

Bali is not a paradise for vegetarians. But it is for seafood lovers. You can find the food and cuisine of almost every country in Blai because it is a global tourist destination. Right from the Indian biriyani to the American sausages, everything is available at the most affordable process. However, authentic Balinese food is merely a treat for travelers. If you want to explore the fantastic food in Bali, don't try to try out these dishes that speak of Balinese culture and people:

Nasi Goreng

Ayam Pelalah

Nasi Campur Bali

Sambal Matah

Lilit Satay

Since Bali is an agricultural country in Asia, most dishes are based on rice as the primary ingredient.

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Must Visit Places

Several places in Bali will almost feel like a paradise to you. If you are genuinely looking for a peaceful and calm holiday destination, don’t forget to check out the following most popular destinations in Bali:


Looking for a place on the planet to help you rest, relax and forget your life’s troubles? Canggu is the ideal place to be in. It has the ultimate Bohemian vibes, culture, cafes, and people. Canggu is a fine place for water adventure sports. It is one of the most incredible spots to hang out in Bali. The 8 km long beach and sweeping rice fields are excellent for hanging out with friends and family. The ideal way to explore Canggu is to rent a bike and drive all across. You can also travel by renting a taxi. There are numerous beautiful villas where you can board while in Canggu. There are fabulous shops to collect Balinese memoirs from Canggu.


If you ever google Bali, the first image you get is of an iconic picture. That backdrop in your Insta feed marks that you had an incredible vacation in Bali, and this temple is situated in Uluwatu, Bali. It is nestled across the southern tip of Bali. If you want the best sunsets from clifftops and romantic white sand beaches to discuss life with your loved ones, don’t wait for anything else - go for Uluwatu. It is heaven for the surfing freaks. There are numerous high-end resorts in Uluwatu. You can plan your entire Bali trip around this place. | 45


Ubud is located across the stereotypical rice paddy terraces of Bali. It is one of the greenest places in Bali. There are steep rice terraces and little hills all across Ubud. The most notable places to visit in Ubud are the gigantic and mesmerizing Hindu temples. It is also the best place to explore the culture and people of Bali. The locals and their food, lifestyle, and the authentic Balinese vibes - you can get a sip of all of these in Ubud.

Wrapping it Up

If you are traveling to Bali for the first time and you pretty much want to dive into the beauty of Bali, here are the top 7 activities you cannot miss:

Visit the Uluwatu Temple

Go to the Monkey Forest

Enjoy swings at Tegallalang Rice Terraces

Watch the sunset at the Tanah Lot Temple

Spend time in the Nusa Dua beach

Bali is the ultimate glamours yet soulful travel detsination appropriate for almost everyone. So, when are you planning your next trip to Bali?

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March Astrology Report

March 2023 is expected to be a month of transition. We are all about to experience several new changes this month. March is the onset of spring, and as per the astrological calendar, it is the onset of the new year. The sun is entering the house of Aries on 20th March. There will be significant transitions in the plenary positions this month. Some generational shifts will happen in March. March is all set with notable gateways to make your life better and more happening. Let us have a quick sneak peek at what the zodiac signs can expect this March:

This month is excellent for enhancing your spirituality. March is a great month to start your journey toward mindful practices. If you feel disconnected or isolated, connecting with yourself and your soul is the best way. Let your mind and body thrive well in the best alignment. Start with some meditation to give your mind direction. It is a great time to start with a new career or kick boost someventureyou had been long planning for. Exercise and some healthcare practices may be suitable for your current body status. Try to stay more grounded.

It’s time to organize. Especiallyyour friend’s circle. Yes, you heard that right. You are harboring plenty of toxic friends in your life. It is the right time to cut down on excess. Remove people from life who are not adding to your positive energy. March can be ideal to start with some weight loss regime. Choose quality over quantity. It is the right time to start accepting yourself as you are and work towards achieving better goals. Reorient your life’s purpose and work hard toward the plans. Sincerity and loyalty will guide you. Declutter your bedroom or closet to start the journey.

You are yet to choose a disciplined path in your life, and March is the true time for it. This month is all about being yourself. If you have any professional switch in kind, go for it because this one is the right time. The month is all about living a life that you truly desire. Gain some confidence because you are lacking some right now. Disciplineyourself and listen toyour heart.Your health might be a bit troublesome, but it won't get across your way to success. Gain some control and authority over your life | 47


March can be a month of discomfort for you. This will probably happen because you are pursuing something meaningful and true to your heart. If you have already made significant decisions in your life and are crumbling - to give up, March brings the good news for you to keep hoping and hold on just a bit more. Making excuses is not a great idea instead, you can make mistakes. March will be a month of crucial career choices where you have to try new things you never thought of. Life may demand sacrifices this month; ensure you don't head back.

March is the right time to start something afresh. Be it a new business venture or some new relationship. Have the courage to start all over from the beginning. Life has already equipped you with the resources. All you have to do is use them rightly enough and use your experiences and wisdom correctly. Life may out some endings to your current persuasions but trust the timing for better. Focus on your family relationships and make some time to retrospect your actions. You need some quality time for yourself. Healing can be the best experience, and you should try it during March.

Time for some lessons. Life is trying to teach you some crucial virtues to keep moving forward, and you should imbibe them. Expanse your sense of self. March marks the end of a drowsywinter and brings the best season, Spring. This could be the best season of your life as well. All you have to do is focus more on self-care, prioritizing your health and well-being, and profusely caring for your mental health. Don't be afraid to manifest your true self to the world, be responsible for your additions because life can put you into unnecessary troubles.

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March is the time for you to hold on. If you have recently invested in some new projects or established new relationships, it is time you hold on to the decisions because losses might come along. It is a splendid time for project managers to start working on new things and also retrospect their growth. It is suitable for a project switch if possible. The whole universe will support your goal and help you thrive in uncomfortable situations. Your goals need your time, uninterrupted attention, and a disciplined approach. Don't worry about people being sad about you.

March can be a paradoxical month for you. There will be several opportunities - in relationships and work- but you have to choose the best one wisely. Some may seem tempting but have poor returns. Taking risks can be synonymous with the march, but the calculated ones yield the best. Get creative and focus on your preferences. March can be a suitable time for relaxation. It is time to re-establish the strong connections in your life. Enable your mind and body to relax and devote some time to your hobbies. Explore the people and life opportunities around you and establish more connections.

You must be feeling quite detached and suspended currently. But it is time to get back to the normal flow of life. It may feel stiff. However, that is the right thing for the moment. You are seeking opportunities to feel free, and March is the right time for you. Liberate your soul, imbibe whatever comes along, and live life like never before. If you are wondering, set a meaningful goal for yourself that matters and pursue it with all your heart. Become a part of this beautiful nature and appreciate the beauty of all the wonderful people in your life. | 49


Stay grounded. Ifyou perceive that your life is astray, maybe it is a great time to imbibe some new routines. No one else is accountable for your life decisions, so ensure that you take responsibility foryour deeds. March demands to care foryourself and all others in your life. Life has some unpredictable twists foryou this month; prepare to handle them well. Don’t forget that your mind has a limited capacity to endorse things, and it is not a great idea to over-tire yourself. Live in the present.

Stop trying to take up everyone else’s responsibility. People have to bear the consequences of their karma, and it is not up to you to save them all the time. It is hard to accept that you are good because of how people have made you feel in the past, but it is time you learn to accept the love and praise that others are showering on you because you truly deserve them. Maybe you can't see yourself from their perspective. You are terrific, and accept the fact that others praise you. Keep being the original version of yourself without any hesitation.

This month is the time for growth. You can presume it as the ideal growing season for your life. March will stimulate new areas of your life to flourish. You have been paying less attention to the binds in your life. It is time you care more for them. Take care of yourself, your mental health, and most importantly, your happiness. There have been a couple of losses in the past months, and it may be time for you to grieve. But keep your senses open for new growth changes to set in life.

Business Strategy | 50

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