Business Strategy E-Magazine May 2022

Page 30

Shalini Diwan

Taruna Sharma

Kashika Upadhyay

Jasdeep Kaur

Ann williams

E-magazine ISBN: 978-81-953570-0-0 MAY 2022 | Issue 23 $9.99 BUY ON AMAZON MAGZTER STRATEGY BUSINESS Perfectionism – Bliss or Misery? Dr. Neeta Pant Rising from Disruption through StrategyDr. Mythili Kolluru & Dr. Chinue

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3 4 6, 1 0 3 + Mo n t h l y R e a d e r s

39 0 , 8 7 5 + F a c e b o o k P a g e v i e ws

5 28 2 E ma i l S u b s c r i b e r s

29 0 , 9 0 6 + I n s t a g r a m r e a c h

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1 29 , 20 8 + Un i q u e v i s i t o r s

45 . 9 K Y o u t u b e Da i l y v i e ws

May 2022 | Issue 23 | 3 CONTENT “Uniqueness”... that’s truly her own 5 “Hard work never gets wasted” 23 Specialist in All Type of Skin Treatments 37 Perfectionism – Bliss or Misery? 13 Rising from Disruption through Strategy 30 Push Collections Inc - one stop solution for Cancer Survivors 40 Taruna Sharma Founder of Tarunaie Creations 19 Break the BiasBe the Leader 35 Astro 43

Disclaimer - The Magazine producers and editors are not responsible for any views, opinions and information provided by the writers. The content produced here is copyright of Business strategy e-magazine and cannot be reproduced in part or full form without official approval. Any graphics depicted within the magazine are solely for symbolic representation and are taken from stock free options.

Is it only the men who hold guns to fight the war? The answer is No. Men and women alike have to face the severe consequences of war. No one can escape the devastating impact of armed conflicts. At the same time, social media may be flooded with men fighting with each other to win the wars, visuals of mothers, wives, and daughters bidding farewell to their sons, husbands, and father who are going to the war.

The collapse of the social network threatens the security and safety of girls and women of almost every age and every societal tier. Women and Wars have an integral connection. It is impressive to witness how women have stepped forward from the back foot over the years, taking active roles in ending wars and promoting peace. Let’s pray and come forward to create an ecosystem to support the women in war-stricken zone.

In this issue, we welcome and represent five top women entrepreneurs who have shown the world the mettle of persistence and a zest to thrive despite the hurdles and proven their talents.

Enjoy reading the stories, contact us for contributing your story. Please submit your feedback to

May 2022 | Issue 23 | 4

“Uniqueness”... that’s truly her own SHALINI DIWAN

COMPANY NAME: Lucido Skin and Hair a brand by Nano-Bio Pharma Pvt. Ltd.

FOUNDED ON: 01-01-2019






“Future belongs to those who believe in their dreams. Pursue your dreams with courage, conviction and commitment… the stage is all yours.”

Don’t follow the a showstopper’

Bizemag: Describe your brand and the industry you are a part of

Lucido Skin and Haircare is a holistic brand that aids in the renewal of your hair and the Healing of your Skin. It's a part of the cosmetics industry.

Bizemag: Tell us about your childhood, education and early career

Education is essential for success and builds confidence.

My parents were firm believers in the value of education, and I had the good fortune of attending many schools around India, which provided me with a solid foundation during my formative years. Exposure to many cultures in various places instilled in me a high level of flexibility.

Following my education, I earned a bachelor's degree in commerce, which provided me with

business knowledge. I've always been attracted by fashion and fabrics since I was a child, therefore I earned a degree in Fashion and Textile Design. After my marriage, I wanted to spend more time with my children, so I took up fashion design and image consulting as a creative outlet rather than a financial venture.

Over time, I developed a passion for wellness, beauty, and fitness, which led to my foray into entrepreneurship.

Bizemag: Have you always been entrepreneurial? When and how did the idea coin to set up your own business?

Entrepreneurship has always aroused my curiosity, and I've always wished to launch my own business. I was certain that I have a one-of-akind talent to concoct magical lotions and potions for skin and hair care. Mixing and blending, as well as experimenting and testing with a variety of natural herbs, oils, roots, and nuts, helped me create these one-of-a-kind items. These products are unique in that they are holistic in nature and aid in the rejuvenation and restoration of damaged skin and hair. Lucido Beauty Care was developed as a result.

May 2022 | Issue 23 | 6

As the storey goes, I used to love watching the television show "I Love Lucy," and the name Lucy stuck in my head, so when I came across the world Lucido, I fell in love with it right away. Lucido is a Spanish term that implies outstanding, magnificent, and elegant, and it perfectly describes my product concept. How do we stand out in the beauty sector, which is swamped with a variety of brands? Lucido Skin and Hair Care is a company that promotes natural, clean, therapeutic, and effective products. No chemicals or preservatives are used in any of our products.

Bizemag: What were the challenges in your first project and how did you overcome them ?

Life is more exciting when there are challenges, and it is more significant when you overcome them. Challenges are often beneficial to one's

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growth, and I had some early difficulties as an entrepreneur. I've highlighted some of the obstacles I faced throughout the early stages of my business:

1. Getting the Formulation right and perfect so that they resonate with my vision.

2. Raising Initial Seed funds for my venture.

3. Getting the right labelling and packaging done.

4. Marketing Strategies for these products and creating trust amongst customers.

I was able to conquer my obstacles with the help of my family and friends because I had a strong belief in myself. And there was a great desire to succeed.

Bizemag: As you talk about raising seed funds, how did you manage to get first funding for it?

The family provided the initial funding. Then, in little, controlled steps, we progressed. And we were able to generate some funds for daily trying and testing, which allows us to continue our operation. Finally, with sound marketing strategies and personal recommendations from family and friends we were able to penetrate the market and get a significant amount of market share. Our venture eventually became self-sustaining.

Bizemag: What makes your brand and products different from other products available in the market ?

Lucido beauty care is unique and is holistic. The products aid in the healing and rejuvenation of skin and hair that has been damaged by excessive sun exposure, pollution, or the use of chemical-based products. Using natural components in the proper proportions aids in achieving the intended results. I feel that keeping things simple and natural is the best way to achieve beautiful, glowing skin and gorgeous, strong hair.

Bizemag: Would you like to reveal your business strategy for your company’s growth in next 3 years

Our goal is to build a national and then international brand. We use social media, product testimonials, and brand endorsements to strategize our growth.

Bizemag: In this journey of being your own boss, what have been your make or break moments?

Being your boss entails a significant deal of responsibility and difficulty. The fact that I was able to build and popularise my brand has been one of the most rewarding aspects of this trip. However, as an entrepreneur, one may feel alone at times, and despair may set in as to whether or not one would be able to continue on this path.

Bizemag: What are the core values you ensure are followed by the team?

Our team focuses on the following core things:

1. The raw ingredients like nuts, roots and oils are extracted from a trusted source.

2. We make sure that our products give our customers the best experience.

Bizemag: Shalini how do you define success? Who do you credit your success the most to? Which is your most celebrated moment as a professional leader?

Success is similar to an adrenal hormone that circulates in your bloodstream and provides you with a sensation of accomplishment. Success is impossible to achieve without the support and strength of one's family. In my case, my life partner has been my pillar of strength.

The most memorable moment of my life was seeing my aspirations come true, my passion rewarded, and my belief in myself rewarded.

Bizemag: Kindly share about your achievements/awards with our readers.

1. Bharatiya Samta Samaj Award as Social activist (Haryana)

2. Haryana Garima awards 2018

3. Award of excellence from the Earth Saviours Foundation

4. 1000 Women of Asia award-Womennovator

5. The nightingale of IndiaDr. Sarojini Naidu Award

6. Indian Legend Award

7. Saidham Humanity Award

… and many more


Contact No: +91 8178597091



May 2022 | Issue 23 | 11
Bizemag: In the end we would like you to share your message for the aspiring women entrepreneurs across the globe ?
“Never say never”
“ Believe in yourself, as you are the only one who can make it happen”
“Dream with your open eyes and work hard to achieve them”
“Keep your inner fire burning which will motivate you to achieve your goals”
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Perfectionism –Bliss or Misery?

Dr. Neeta Pant

‘What are your weaknesses and strengths?’ is the most common question asked in job interviews. The most cliché answer to both is – ‘Perfectionism.’ While the candidate is projecting it as a weakness he/she is not only paying a coy compliment to self, is also subtly suggesting that “I’m detailed oriented and produce flaw-less work”. And while projecting it as strength, the candidate is openly telling – ‘I produce work that is par excellence and above normal standards’. ‘Perfectionism’ is perceived as a badge of honour with so much pride and superiority.

Traditionally, perfectionism is perceived as a positive trait and is flaunted like one. A perfectionist is who has a personality that strives for flawlessness accomplished through fixating on imperfections, trying to control situations, over achieving, working hard, or being critical of the self or others. But does it sound healthy? It will be helpful to define perfectionism to understand this better.

We often conflate perfectionism with higher-than-normal standards, attention to detail, commitment to excellence, being over-competitive and having desire to win/control always. But is it Perfectionism? Can one not have high standards without being termed as “Perfectionist?” “Perfectionism” term is overused and misunderstood completely.

Perfectionism actually is a paralysing rigidity that is rooted in a fear of failure. It’s about a need to be accepted by others, coupled with a fear of rejection & not loved/liked enough. A perfectionist will remain rigidly adhering to a standard they’ve set for themselves, even if that standard has surpassed “aiming high” to reach “virtually impossible.” True perfectionist struggles to appropriately adjust to the environment or situation.

Signs of being a Perfectionist –

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“Perfectionism is not a quest for the best. It is the pursuit of the worst in ourselves, the part that tells us that nothing we do will ever be good enough – that we should try harder”
~ Julio Cameron

People who are perfectionists may feel the need to achieve perfection constantly. They might also exhibit the following-

• They procrastinate and avoid chores because it is pointless to make an effort unless perfection can be achieved.

• Not see a task as finished until the result is perfect according to their standards. They would keep on improvising.

• Focus on the end product rather than the process of learning.

• Take excessive amount of time to complete a task in comparison to others.

• Anything short of ‘their’ standards is a sign of failure.

• Comparing oneself unfavourably and unrealistically to others.

• Avoid anything new for fear of being shown up as less than perfect.

B. Perfectionist, rigid & critical parents - having a parent who exhibits perfectionistic behaviour or expresses disapproval when the child does not accomplish. Many parents encourage their child to succeed in every area and appreciate their child only when they achieve or accomplish.

C. Insecure early attachment - People who had a troubled attachment with parents may experience trouble accepting a good outcome as good if it’s not perfect.

D. Linking self-worth with achievementsPeople with a history of high achievements feel overwhelming pressure to live up to their previous achievements.

E. Cultural expectations – Engulfed in a system that reinforces an exacting standard of worthiness and anything less is presumed as failure or sign of inherent unworthiness.


Many factors can contribute to development of perfectionism. A few include -

A. Frequent fear of disapproval from others - feelings of inadequacy, insecurity or low self-esteem.

Is Perfectionism a problem?

Well, it might be, but whether or not it’s a problem seems to be both a matter of opinion and levels/degree of perfectionism. There are two sides of this coin -

Upside - A tendency towards high standards means that a person will produce quality work, regularly.

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Flipside - Expecting nothing short of perfection can have painful psychological effects.

Perfectionism can also be a problem if –

a) You can’t accept criticism - Perfectionists equate criticism with failure and worthlessness. They often internalize their feelings by beating themselves up, or they might externalize them by becoming defensive and uptight about their critics.

errors like the wrong font in a document or papers not stapled or dishes not stacked properly in sink.

g) Equating success with happiness - Perfectionists can only be happy when they achieve perfection. Perfection is rare and so is happiness for them.

Psychological research suggests two types of Perfectionism –

b) Being critical of others - You can’t accept criticism, but can dish it out well. Impossible standards for self, unreasonable high expectations from others makes them demanding and critical. They fear only they can ‘get it right’ and hence avoid delegating tasks.

c) Procrastination - You can’t get started because of the fear of failure which leads to procrastination.

d) Expectation to excel from the word goYou tend to expect a high level of competency right off the bat. When you struggle to learn a new skill, you prefer giving up to working harder.

e) Fear of failure - High achievers are driven by a desire to succeed whereas perfectionists push themselves because they fear they will be perceived as failure if they’re anything less than the best. Fear becomes the motivation than the desire to succeed.

f) It’s ‘my way’ or the ‘highway’ - Perfectionists tend to like things a certain way—'their way’. They’re the ones reorganizing small

1) Healthy Perfectionism - is characterised by having high standards, motivation and discipline – ALL REALISTIC. It is also termed as adaptive perfectionism and helps you to strive better without any negative impacts on life. Striving for quality and excellence are strengths here.

2) Unhealthy Perfectionism – is characterised by when you are not meeting your own standards, when you feel you can’t live up to parental or self-expectations which leads to frustration. This is also termed as maladaptive perfectionism. Maladaptive perfectionists are excessively preoccupied with making mistakes and if they make a mistake they consider it devastating.

The point to consider here is whether a perfectionists' standards for self are just high or impossibly high. If you're setting yourself up for failure by raising the bar so high that is not humanly achievable, then that amounts to the wrong kind of perfectionism. If instead of perpetually fretting about the failures, you merely insist on giving your best, that's nothing to worry about.

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So how do you know if you are a maladaptive perfectionist, consider the following –

1. Never done - A project is never done because it does not meet the criteria for “perfect.” You keep improvising till the last minute.

2. Being 'second best' is a NO - You are very competitive and cannot stand to lose at anything no matter how insignificant. You even avoid tasks where you know you cannot be the best.

3. Stress and discontentment - Nothing is ever good enough, and that mindset robs you of ever feeling satisfied from your work.

4. No risks - Perfectionism is fuelled by an intense fear of failure. Eventually, you adopt a mindset - If I can’t do it perfectly, then I won’t even try. Consequentially, fear of failure makes you fail.

5. Creativity is throttled - Imagination and creativity takes a back seat as you are constantly stressed about doing something perfectly and not failing. Success is hindered then.

6. People pleasing - As a perfectionist, you are wanting others to think highly of you. You face lots of difficulty making decisions and avoiding important conversations, for fear that you’ll upset someone else.

7. Being critical of others - Being a perfectionist, you are also critical of others who don't do things perfectly.

8. Non-acceptance of constructive criticismYou become defensive/dejected when any errors on your part are pointed out to you because you cannot accept being less than perfect. Non-acceptance of constructive feedback can ultimately lead to real failure.

9. Delegation is an issue - With an all-or-nothing mentality, you believe that there is a right way to do something and that everything else is wrong. Since other people don’t always have the same standards and understanding, you might not approve of their output and think - It’s just easier to do it myself.

10. Risk for burnout - You believe that you can rest only when the job is done. And the job is never done because it’s never perfect enough which puts you at increased risk for burnout.

11. Obsession with achievement & excellence - It takes a toll on your health both mentally and physically. This unhealthy preoccupation leads to anxiety, depression and paralyzing self-doubt.

Unsurprisingly, unhealthy perfectionism can wreak havoc with your health, relationships and life in general. So how can you overcome maladaptive perfectionism?

Tips on Overcoming Maladaptive Perfectionism

Set realistic goals - Rather than being obsessed with perfection, strive for high standards and set realistic goals that focus on improvement, not the impossible. You will feel excited about the challenge then rather than being weighed down.

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Abolish the ‘all or nothing mindset’ - ‘All or nothing’ thinking is self-defeating. Nothing in life goes smoothly and without glitches. Accept that you will do some things imperfectly at times. Focus on progress then perfection.

Awareness - Be aware of your perfectionist patterns. Examining these patterns will help you become aware of your tendencies and, in turn, be in a position to alter them.

Observe self-acceptance - Instead of berating yourself, recognize that you've done your best at the given moment. Look for what went right and then resolve to improve.

perfectionism can be agonising and incapacitating. There are many drawbacks of perfectionism. It can be crippling for the affected person, can hold people back, rather than seeing them achieve to their potential. There’s a big difference between upholding high standards and perfectionism. If one is prepared to strive for excellence while acknowledging that doing so can require some flexibility, does not bring any har. But if one tends to be much more rigid in approach, that’s where perfectionism get complicated and painful too.

Establish realistic goals - The capabilities of an individual need a careful assessment, has to be more realistic, with sensible deadlines and feasible goals. Take small and incremental steps rather than setting unattainable goals. By setting smaller, achievable goals, you can work up to a more successful outcome.

Appreciate the process - Learn to overcome the fear of failure, experience and appreciate your mistakes and constantly improve and learn during the process.

Self-Reflection - To perform effectively in the workplace, accepting and moving on from mis takes is critical. Knowing where to start, change and adapt will help you move forward. Analyse the situation, consider the options available, make a decision and step into action.

Culturally, Perfectionism is something that is viewed as a secret strength but it isn't. True

Instead of pursuing perfectionism, we should pursue progress. We should leave perfect pre cision to machines and remember that to err is human.

“Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life”

May 2022 | Issue 23 | 18

Taruna Sharma Founder of Tarunaie Creations



Tarunaie Creations



Taruna Sharma



“Design is intelligence made visible

Taruna Sharma, Founder of tarunaie reations, A unique Women’s boutique in Gurgaon grew up seeing her mother having an import-export factory and designing garments for top designers. Thereby she learned every fashion sense she has since then. Therefore, Taruna’s mom was very supportive and proud of her when she started this company from a small house. As Taruna opens up, she told Bizemag that her motive was to dedicate all her efforts to bring pride to her loving Mom. I still design every piece of our clothing with love and passion”.

Entrepreneurial Journey

In the beginning, Taruna started her little dream venture with only stitching and alteration services, but as she developed her business, now they design pre bridal wear, everyday wear, and party wear collections.

Taruna gained great artistic sense from the very beginning as she enrolled and pursued under graduation in commercial arts.

Her latest style line is one of their latest “White Collection” which has some exquisite white muslin cloth pieces which can be worn by everyone.”


Taruna faced her biggest challenge as a business owner when she started the company in a small location and another was sourcing all the fabrics and hiring the right employees. Hiring great employees, especially the main tailor, was challenging. She tried many inexperienced tailors before finding the current well-experienced tailor.

Support System & Funding

Taruna gives all credit to her husband, who has always been very supportive of all her ventures and hobbies, he helped me set up the small business. Later Tarunaie Creations grew because of our dedication and style quotients which was liked by the customers.”

Business USP

Tarunaie Creations specializes in custom clothing, and the team helps to design for all occasions. Taruna takes pride in Creating unique designs while keeping comfort in mind is her priority.

Future Business Strategy

Tarunaie has recently started creating their own collections based on different themes. For the coming years, Taruna Sharma plans to create more theme collections that follow the latest trends. They are also focusing on brand visibility, participating in multiple national exhibitions,

and even planning to participate in some international exhibitions

Entrepreneur’s make or break moments

Taruna tells Bizemag, “The fear of not being successful at first was very scary, but now all these nerves give me confidence to keep trying"

Success Mantra & Acheivements

Taruna Sharma is focused on keeping the customers happy, so they strive to be on time while delivering the best quality.

Taruna sharma says, “ for me success is making my brand to known all across India and we are determined to do that. There is no way for me to emphasize enough how important my team is to this business, the way they help me create all the designs and work overtime during crunch times, I really appreciate all the hard work they put in"

Tarunaie Creations recently showcased their designs at a fashion show in Gurgaon.

May 2022 | Issue 23 | 21

Message for the aspiring women entrepreneurs across the globe

In conclusion, please don't be afraid to follow your passion - it will always lead to amazing experiences.


Tarunaie Creations, SF 48 first floor, Galleria Market, Dlf Phase IV, Gurgaon Haryana 122009

Instagram: medium=copy_link

May 2022 | Issue 23 | 22



Mahasri - Kashika’s Art


KEY OFFICIAL’S NAME: Kashika Upadhyay




“Hard work never gets wasted”

Was always said by my ideal - my late father. A statement which always echoes in my soul, pulled up by unseen motivation and push to do more. Every single word that I recall, I work on it. The path is full of challenges, but I know the destination is bright.

Bizemag: Have you always been entrepreneurial? When and how did the idea coin to set up your own business.

Kashika: Born in a business-oriented family I was blessed to inherit the trait of entrepreneurship from my grandfather and father. But I never knew the seed would sprout so early in life. I would love to share a little story. I had been painting Ganapati since I was 6 years old. When in grade 8th my friend suggested me to sell my painting to her mother for Rs 500/- but I only had a painted sheet and no frame. An

idea sparked in my mind. I marched over to the jewellery shop and sold my gold earrings that I was wearing for 350/- and now my work was framed hence worked sold off. I do not know how much profit I made but my happiness was mere satisfaction that my work will be hanged on someone’s wall, beautifying it!!

Entrepreneurship to me is ability to make a livelihood out of your passion. My workaholic -self gets restless with nothing to do, so I used it to my advantage. I did a lot of work from applying Henna patterns, cooking, painting projects, doing assignments for others, conducting sessions and classes etc but the big marble hit my enterprise in the year 2010. This was when I realised the need to be self-sufficient monetarily. I started selling customised paintings, spread the word of my artwork via online platforms, sculpted clay idols, held summer camps and enjoyed myself thoroughly.

Bizemag: Briefly describe your brand and the industry you are a part of.

Kashika: As I told, my line of interest is art, handmade decor, paintings, wall-paintings. I work under the flagship of my company Mahasri as Kashika’s Art. I ventured into art industry a more than a decade ago.

In the art industry, originality is the key. People are always out to buy original pieces that blow life into their houses. But each artist has to struggle in this industry to keep one’s head above the water. Not everyone will know about your art, not everyone will like the style of your paintings and most commonly they won’t like the price you

put up for each of them. One thing I have learnt is that sale of artwork doesn’t depend on the ‘badness’ of it as no such thing as ‘bad art’ exists. It does depend on spreading the word out there about your business. Currently I run a day-care centre and do my paintings art and craft alongside.

Bizemag: Tell us about your education and early career.

Kashika: I belong to the state of Punjab in India, completed my formal education from St, Joseph's Convent school. Being a scholarship winner in bachelor’s degree (2001) from Punjab university, I completed my masters in HR and Marketing in 1st div from MIT,

PUNE 2003. There - on, I did my projects with multiple corporate giants viz. TISCO, Tata Communications, Reliance Infocom, & others.

Bizemag: What were the challenges in your first project and how did you overcome them?

Kashika: In 1995, a known family friend wanted me to replicate original Chokhi Dhani pics from Rajasthan. I did put my sweat and hard work in it but could not ask for a price. Hesitant and afraid. That was my first honorary project.

However my grandfather, Dr. R N Sharma ( ex- Vice President, Tata iron and steel, In-

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dia) and my late uncle, Kewal Prashar (ex World Bank) made me learn, that no labour is done for free. We don’t live in a world of selfless services. Ask for your share… Be it in money or in gratitude.

Bizemag: How did you manage to get funding for it?

Kashika: When I came into the industry of small-scale business, I funded my passion with a part of my income from previous jobs. My husband too supported me. Now, With more know- how and stability, I manage funds via MAHASRI.

Bizemag: What are the distinct solutions/USP your brand offers and who is your target audience?

Kashika: USP for the brand Kashika’s Art, is its originality, vibrance and connect with buyer. Art lovers who wish to look for paintings into several forms like abstract, scenic, and mythological art, craft etc. as gifting, collecting or decor, are mainly targeted.

Bizemag: How are you strategizing your company’s business model in the near future.

Kashika: As the markets are growing both locally and globally, I would work on think globally and act locally for a year or two. The demand for handcrafted creative art has gone high for last few years. People are becoming more aware of art and to-

wards their surroundings, it is a vast field.

ART IS APPROACH, and my goal is to target buyers both nationally and internationally from low to high range. Major task is to create a marketing strategy to develop awareness campaign about my paintings among potential buyers, using tools through social media, online selling, advertisement campaigns, festive discounts etc. with a goal to create niche in the market.

Bizemag: In this journey of being your own boss, what have been your make or break moments?

Kashika: Being your own boss, as fun as it sounds, is anything but easy. Constant

struggles have to be made to come up with fresh ideas for artwork, spend hours on each piece and most importantly being able to sell them. Here hard work does not suffice. One has to learn the skill of smart work to be a successful entrepreneur. Like all, I too have shared my fair share of ups and downs in my life. I remember the first time I was approached to participate in an exhibition, I felt elated. I sold paintings to happy customers, my dreams were

coming true. At the same time, I missed having my close friends at the first exhibit but I learnt everyone has their own priorities. I have faith in myself, my husband, children and God.

What are the core values you follow while pursuing your dream?

Kashika: Art is a form of expression. Different talented artists use their creativity to depict awareness on important matters, deep thoughts of humans, beauty of nature etc. I choose to work on the principles of celebrating individuality, peace, tranquillity and abstract emotions. I ensure that I enjoy my work, and don’t over-burden myself solely for the purpose of monetary gain. I always value originality and imagination in my craft.

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How do you define success? Who do you credit your success the most to?

Kashika: Success for me is continuous journey of one’s work, one can polish it, use it, destroy it and recreate it. A famous saying “after every successful man there is a woman” Behind my success it’s my two young women - my daughters and my husband Shantanu. They make sure to extract best out of me. My most celebrated moments are the happiness to create Art for my clients.

Kindly share about your achievements/awards with our readers.

Kashika: I have been awarded Scholarship from Punjab university for Bachelors in Fine

Arts 2001. I was appreciated and honoured for best creative employee at WNS, Since than accumulating rewards for my hardworking, creative skills and endurance for my work at camps, classes, exhibitions etc.

What is your message for the aspiring women entrepreneurs across the globe ?

Kashika: I find women as go getters, our grandmothers, mothers and all lovely ladies around. The times have changed we need to push ourselves to be seen but I would say, “do not pressurise yourself instead “BE YOU’. Follow your instincts, create balance, nurture yourself and the world will follow”.


Phone: +91 9250 356 660

Facebook Link: kashikasart/

Rising from Disruption through Strategy

Dr. Mythili Kolluru & Dr. Chinue


The current pandemic has disrupted the dynamics of global markets, worldwide supply chains, local businesses, and customer consumption, accelerating the pace of disruption and propelling the world into an immediate crisis. Business leaders must rethink their organizations' financial stability and resilience for future growth and stability. The perspectives of strategy must also undergo a sea of change encompassing agility within the individual, team, and organization. Leadership must look at strategic development as not a destination at a retreat/resort with top-notch consultants but as an ongoing series of occurrences where the employees are part of the strategic planning and implementation. When employees buy into the strategy, the execution will align with the envisioned strategy. There is no perfect strategy because exponential change alters the execution landscape. Strategic development is not rigid. It should be an agile process.

Strategy Framework-People-Process- Technology


The people, processes, and technology framework will enable leaders to effectively strategize and transform their organizations. Understanding each component of people, processes, and technology enables leaders to gain visibility into opportunities, strategize approaches, and optimize the organization and operations demands. Leaders are the key to the successful implementation of their organization’s strategy. While their focus should be on achieving the organization’s goals, efforts should align with collaborating, engaging, and empowering them. With their team driving results, the organization can realize a greater impact in terms of operational efficiency, enhanced customer service, and brand recognition. In this ever-changing landscaping, leaders need to help their teams embrace change; ideate like never before; identify, pilot, and implement solutions; and execute on business imperatives.

In disruptive times, crucial decision-makers need to have a high quotient of emotional intelligence and emotional stability to make decisions objectively and not subjectively. Strategic agility enables transformation at three dimensions of thought, feeling, and action at an individual, team, and organizational level. A recent working paper reveals that mindfulness increases employee productivity, well-being, resilience, attention span and reduces stress and anxiety (Karlin, 2018). Mindfulness has proven effective at many leading organizations like Google, Workday, Salesforce, Aetna, and BCG. Mindfulness can be looked upon as a framework for strategic thinking and fostering an agile mindset. It could be an approach that could ignite the creative and innovative latent talent hidden in the human brain.


As teams work together to pivot their organizations during these disruptive times, a true sense of what is not working rather than what is working needs to be established. Here is the opportunity for leaders to determine the changes required, delegate to their teams the

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Figure 1. Strategy Agility Framework Source: Developed by Authors

opportunity to develop action plans and next steps and transform their organizations. Teams can only realize success, financial, and organizational health once people are engaged, and processes are optimized. Organizations can learn from leaders like Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, who led the cultural transformation towards a growth mindset (Hobson, 2019; Ibarra et al., 2018; Nadella et al. 2018). The unprecedented pace of technological transformation, economic and societal change, and demographic dynamics necessitates a metamorphosis of strategic thinking. Strategy is no longer an "elite club." Leadership must create an atmosphere of open dialogue with various stakeholders and engage in cross-functional interactions to get grassroots-level information. Before embarking on this journey of inclusive connectivity, the leader must ensure that the psychological safety of the employee is protected. Setting the security context will enable the employees to speak their minds without fear and bias.


The key components are quick communication, people involvement, flexibility, and adaptability to the changing demands of the environment. Corporations should not look at disruptions as a threat. Leaders must seize alternative opportunities to leverage technology for faster and sustainable client results. The Information Technology department is traditionally viewed from a functional perspective. It can also be looked at as an enabler if leveraged creatively. The Higher Educational Institutions and Information Technology (IT) companies and other sectors worldwide have adopted to work remotely in the pandemic's wake. The Indian IT sector’s agile mindset has resulted in most of the companies adopting hybrid work strategies during and post-Pandemic.

The agile approach of the leadership has proved to ensure steady revenue, client deliverables, and employee satisfaction. In fact, for every employee that works remotely the company is expected to save an estimated $11,000 (Kolluru et al., 2021). An organization's ability

to transition is influenced by a host of factors like the nature of the industry, size, economic development of the country, customers, financial capacity, and other market dynamics. Organizations need to transition to extreme customer-centricity to be productive and progressive in such a fractured business landscape. Intense alignment with customer needs involves the following steps: Companies must try to tap the hidden needs of their clients, customer engagement, be aware and align with the client customer cycle. For example, in the bank's anti-money laundering policy scope, they have a Know Your Customer (KYC) document. Organizations need to develop a similar framework called Know your Customer/Client Needs (KYCN). Organizations must embrace digital transformations and view them as enablers rather than threats (Nadella et al., 2018). Many views Artificial Intelligence (AI) skeptically, but mindset change to leverage the relation of decision making, strategy, and AI must be explored in impactful strategic dialogue.

Elements of Disruption

Embracing disruptions, leveraging technological advancements, managing human resources, and transitioning quickly will enable organizations to build competitive advantage in dynamic environments. Corporations must embrace the changes experienced within the competitive landscape stemming from disruptions. Working with employees, leaders can identify opportunities to differentiate themselves. Corporations must redefine the strategy-process-structure paradigm. Value chain analysis is a fundamental tool that will redesign the workflow, workforce, and workspace. The higher the degree of flexibility and agility, the faster the organization will outperform its competitors. Developing a risk-taking culture across cross-functional teams will create a new learning curve for the employees and ensure that the organization is at the frontier of innovation and change. To reinforce the risk-taking ability, HR must develop appropriate incentives and rewards. Leadership must also evolve from control to decision empowerment. Develop-

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ing a culture of collaborative decision-making will reduce risk and create a sense of shared responsibility. Relationship leadership with empathy, a high quotient of emotional intelligence, and support extended to all ecosystem stakeholders will ensure sustainable organizational well-being and growth.

A Path to Strategic Agility

Automation, Artificial Intelligence, and globalization have drastically changed the dynamics of organizations and competition. The world is moving from change management to managing change. Industries are unbundling; formal categories are reduced; decentralization and flatter organizations are some of the fundamental developments in the corporate world. To grapple with the dynamic nature of organizations, corporate leadership can look towards strategic agility as a possible solution. Strategic agility is not a magical formula that corporations can adopt, but it is the magic organizations can apply to their unique strategy (Ahammad et al., 2020). Strategic agility is to infuse fluidity into the strategy development and decision-making process. Strategic agility is a set of practices that embrace the possibility of change. Strategic agility involves developing an agile approach to innovation, strategic planning, and operational planning.

 Strategic agility makes the organization strategically empowered. Organizational resources, staff, and technology must be working in an agile culture that thrives on accepting and embracing change at neck-breaking speed. Several approaches to become strategically agile encompass the following:

• Do not make rigid long-term goals.

• Develop processes that can quickly adapt to customer and market requirements and technology advancement

• The perception towards strategy as rigid must change to fluid.

• Organizations can acquire agility through observation and practice.

• Strategic planning should not be limited to board rooms but must transcend to incorporating insights from the grassroots level.

• Collaborative decision making

• Leaders must model agile behavior.

• Leverage technology into strategic thinking

• Approach strategic development as an agile process and continuously involve organizational members, ensuring agile strategy.

Final Considerations

Strategy in disruptive times provides a plethora of opportunities for organizations to reassess current practices and foster sustainable growth by addressing people, process, and technology. As leaders build, develop, and coach their employees, engaged employees help advance the organization, driving improved results. By reassessing outdated processes and strategies, organizations can become more efficient, reduce non-value, add activities, and improve the quality of services and products offered. Technology change provides opportunities for organizations to transition from manual applications and policies to provide more effective options for leaders to drive better business decisions. What is the critical lesson for leaders of organizations? The essential lesson for leading strategy in disruptive times emerges from the shared experiences cultivated during the transformation. That is why learning is crucial for leadership, team members, individual employees, and the organization to foster momentum toward evolving in disruptive times.


1 Ahammad, M. F., Glaister, K. W., & Gomes, E. (2020). Strategic agility and human resource management. Human Resource Management Review, 30(1), 100700.

2 Hobson, P. (2019). Satya Nadella: Bringing Microsoft into the Modern Age. The E&S Magazine, 63(2), 13.

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3 Ibarra, H., Rattan, A., & Johnston, A. (2018). Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a growth mindset. London Business School case no. LBS CS-18-008 (London: London Business School, 2018).

4 Karlin, D. S. (2018). Mindfulness in the workplace. Strategic HR Review

5 Kolluru, M., Krishnan, K., & Kolluru, S. K. (2021). Post-COVID-19 Work Strategies and Implications: Insight on the Indian IT Sector. ECONOMICS, 9(2), 49–72. https://doi. org/10.2478/eoik-2021-0014

7 Nadella, S., & Euchner, J. (2018). Navigating Digital Transformation: An Interview with Satya Nadella. Research-Technology Management, 61(4), 11-15.

8 Nadella, S., & London, S. (2018). Microsoft’s next act. The McKinsey Quarterly


Dr. Mythili Kolluru is an Assistant Professor at the Undergraduate and Professional Studies Department, College of Banking and Financial Studies, Oman, with teaching and research experience over diverse areas of Strategic Management, Organizational studies, and International Business. She has obtained a doctorate in strategic management, focusing on the relationship between strategic management and leadership. She is a certified Strategic Planning Professional. She has over 20 years of experience in academics and the corporate world, spanning the USA, India, and the Middle East. She has supervised over 100 Masters and undergraduate research projects. She has published ac-

tively in ABDC, Elsevier, Emerald, Scopus, Q4, peer-reviewed journals, edited book chapters, and a book on strategic management. She has presented at both national and international conferences. She is a reviewer, editor, and presenter at various platforms. She actively participates in outreach initiatives nationally and internationally through her active involvement in Knowledge Oman and the Association of Strategy Professionals.

Dr. Chinue has 20 years of experience in Leadership, Operations, and Strategy. She has worked as a Chemical Engineer, Operations Manager, Strategy Manager, Master Black Belt, and Management Consultant. She has successfully led global initiatives, including managed a cancer center's telehealth program; leading KPI development and strategic planning for government agencies; supported a medical system with expanding COVID19 testing and vaccinations; managed a CDC diabetes prevention program serving underserved populations; developed a tri-county behavioral health hub workflows and procedures; and supported an international life sciences company's supply chain operation. She has taught at the university level, is serving on two doctoral committees, delivered workshops as a Facilitator/Trainer, and has presented her research on strategy and rural healthcare at national conferences. She has a BA in Chemistry from the University of Chicago, a BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Chicago, an MBA from Marquette University, and a DBA from Walden University with a Healthcare Management specialization. She is a certified Master Black Belt and Strategic Planning Professional. Additionally, she serves as the Board Chair for the Boys and Girls Club of St. Thomas/St. John and Board Secretary for the Association for Strategic Planning (ASP).

May 2022 | Issue 23 | 34

Break the BiasBE THE LEADER

Dr. Vaneeta Aggarwal

Women have been breaking stereotypes for a long time now. It is the right time now to accept the fact that women are indeed presented with job opportunities much differently than men. Even in the hiring, managerial sector or the way women entrepreneurs have to deal with a peculiar mindset while proceeding with their ventures.

As the inhabitants of a progressive society, we have definitely overcome various social inequalities - gender bias being one of the primary issues. Women are emerging as efficient leaders in the workplace - leading teams and achieving new heights of success. Women have been an integral part of the workforce since time immemorial. But their contribution was not crucially recognized. Even when they started becoming an active part of the corporate workforce, women had to go through workplace biases. Even the renowned workplaces could not create an all-inclusive environment for the women where they would not be bullied, stereotyped, looked down upon, or isolated. Such prejudices against women are definitely to be condemned and fought with bravery and that’s why I say that break the bias and be a leader for upcoming generations - be it men or women.

Establishing gender equality in today’s competitive work environment is a major challenge in today’s world. It is very important to tackle biases of all kinds - conscious or unconscious. The impact of biases is grave on women. It not only leaves them under confident but also makes them doubt their capabilities making them uncomfortable.

A cycle of bias works against almost all women leaders. The way to the top is not as smooth for women leaders as their male counterparts. Pervasive bias in hiring and advancement is one of the social evils that need not only to be condemned but ended. Progress towards effective gender parity at the workplace. It is true that we may be witnessing a huge number of women being elected to public offices, but there is severe underrepresentation of women in senior leadership programs across various industries.

Many companies and global institutions invest considerably in promoting women's leadership but however, the results are not satisfying especially in the corporate market of the underdeveloped countries. Bridging gender gaps and promoting gender parity through work culture, Human Resource Policies, and other steps are

very important to promote women's leadership in an interdisciplinary way.

Female leaders are not represented properly in various arenas and especially in private sector leadership faucets. Cases of outright discrimination, unfair prejudices, and denying leadership roles to women are still prevalent. These are prominent prejudices that most people can notice,address, and also take remedial steps against. However, there are various organizations where women are subtly dissuaded in various ways to keep away from pursuing leadership roles. There are various decision-makers at the top tiers of the administrative hierarchy in every organization who are yet not comfortable with the idea of women leading the projects, the teams, or the company. Though the number of women entrepreneurs, the number is quite negligible as compared to male entrepreneurs.

But the question is how can we break this cycle of bias and encourage women to take up leadership roles. To pave way for women leaders to come upon the stage there are several steps that every organization can take:

The administration needs to take every possible step to maintain the status quo in their organization. Gender diversity should be used as a resource that will educate the employees and set positive examples for others to follow. Initially, very small steps can also make a large impact. These may include sharing responsibilities equally, preventing any type of gender discrimination while assigning tasks and leadership roles. The ways to get up the ladder of the hierarchy should be exactly the same for men and women workers. Creating an unbiased work environment that is conducive for all women workers and can bring the best in them and help them explore their complete potential should be the goal of every organization. Candidates should be assessed and evaluated based on only their capabilities and work skills. The same policy should apply for hiring as well. Removing bias from the corporate environment through various tools can promote women's leadership.

On this International Women’s Day let us pledge to make workplaces better for women upholding the principles of gender equality and unbiased attitude towards all. A gender-inclusive work environment kindles the best in all employees, especially for women to deliver their best and lead the teams.

May 2022 | Issue 23 | 36


Specialist in All Type of Skin Treatments

Dr. Jasdeep Kaur Malhotra is a Dermatologist in Skin Aura Brain & Spine Neuro Centre, Gurugram and has an experience of 13 years in this field. She completed MBBS from Manipal Academy Of Higher Education, Manipal, India in 2006 and DDVL from Madras Medical College, Chennai in 2009.

Special Interests

 Acne and Scar reduction Treatment

 Double Chin Treatments

 Anti-Ageing Treatment

 Face Tightening Procedures.

 Moles, Skin Tags & Warts Removal

 Skin rejuvenation & Brightening

 Pigmentation

 Vitiligo Surgery

 Laser Hair Reduction

 Hair Treatment & Hair Transplant

 Laser Tattoo Removal

 Scar Revision

 Sexual Transmitted Diseases

Specialist in Brain & Spine

Dr Vikas Kathuria is a Dynamic Neurosurgeon Specializing in Brain and Spine Surgeries. Dr Vikas Kathuria is extensively trained in surgeries of brain like brain tumour, brain clot, trauma surgeries for EDH and SDH. Apart from brain surgeries Dr Kathuria is also experienced in performing spine surgeries


Skin Aura Brain & Spine Neuro center is one of the reputed clinic offering various surgical and non-surgical treatments related to skin, hairs, brain & spine. The clinic is successfully run by Dr. Jasdeep Malhotra (Dermatologist) & Dr. Vikas Kathuria (Neurosurgeon) in Gurgaon.

May 2022 | Issue 23 | 38

Office Address

 H.N. 7311, (GF & Basement), Opp. Supermart-2, DLF Phase 4 Gurugram -122002, Haryana, India

F-9, 1st Floor, DDA Market Kohat Enclave, Landmark: Near Kohat Enclave Metro Station +91-8586844718

+91-9215151260, +91-9991281488

May 2022 | Issue 23 | 39


COMPANY NAME: Push Collections Inc

FOUNDER’S NAME: Ann Williams

ADDRESS: Dallas, Texas, USA

COUNTRIES ENGAGED: Global (e-commerce)

Push Collections Inc - one stop solution for Cancer Survivors

Ann Williams (Texas, USA) is a single mom of two girls who recently got married. She has owned multiple businesses since 2005 from Cleaning Services to her, Free Cleaning Services and more.

Ann belongs to black owned business own foundation called Push For Cancer Inc which is a non-profit organization. Push for Cancer Inc

provides FREE services to men, women and kids undergoing cancer treatments. The services range from Rent Assistance, Medication Assistanceminority, owned life via helping people while having been a loaner all her life. Ann is a true self-made entrepreneur as she has always used her own money to build up her foundation to help families instead of getting grants.

Ann herself is a cancer survivor and understands the need for specially customised shoes for cancer patients and survivors. Her plan for Push Brand is to be world-wide with marketing the products across the world and they can purchase all shoes and clothing through the e-commerce website:,”

May 2022 | Issue 23 | 40

Battle Blue Shoe is for Colon Cancer Patients and Survivors

March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month


% of all sales with go to non-profit organization each month

May 2022 | Issue 23 | 41


This is a good time to focus on your dreams because your intuition and psychic abilities will improve. Then, until mid-2023, Saturn will assist you in distilling your hopes and desires into more practical options while also assisting you in achieving the goals you've worked so hard to achieve. The Solar Eclipse may bring you a job opportunity, a raise, a significant sum of money, or a revaluation of your financial situation. Now is the moment to establish a list of what you want to do and go out to accomplish them. You'll like the beauty and strength, so show it out to the rest of the world! From May 28 through June 22, 2022, Venus will direct her magnetic energy into your money and possessions sector.

This is one of the most crucial times of the year to begin new acts and travels since it serves as a preview of the year ahead. Make a list of all the things you want to do in the coming year and set out to do them. Take steps toward achieving personal and professional goals, as many will almost certainly begin to materialise. In the next years, you will be in high demand, and you will be regarded as a leader. Then, from May 10 to June 3, 2022, be aware of the onset of Mercury Retrograde, which will generate a great lot of confusion in regards to your finances and personal projects.

As Jupiter moves through your area of successes until May 10, 2022, expect doors to open like theatre curtains. Your work life will be blessed with a unique dosage of luck and expansion as a result of this. Many Geminis may perceive prospects for advancement, accolades, or to build a name for themselves in their field. You'll be the centre of attention! A destined event involving true love, pleasure, and creativity will occur soon, and children will be born. If you are to part ways at this time, know that it was meant to happen and that you are being redirected toward the next chapter of your life. If you are to fall more deeply in love or find a fated soulmate, know that it was meant to happen and that you are being redirected toward the next chapter of your life.

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The movement of Jupiter in your sector of shared assets and closeness till May 10, 2022 will be the first thing to notice. This could be a particularly remarkable time for you, when you feel particularly close in your relationships and witness your spirits grow in lockstep. This same arena is linked to financial assistance, so if you've been searching for venture funding, a scholarship, a loan, a bonus, royalty checks, or even a divorce settlement, it could be coming soon. Some of you may be relocating, renovating, or repairing your home, or you may be forced to spend time with family. If anything traumatic happens, remember that it was predestined and that there isn't much you can do about it but go on and on.

The movement of Jupiter in your sector of shared assets and closeness till May 10, 2022 will be the first thing to notice. This could be a particularly remarkable time for you, when you feel particularly close in your relationships and witness your spirits grow in lockstep. This same arena is linked to financial assistance, so if you've been searching for venture funding, a scholarship, a loan, a bonus, royalty checks, or even a divorce settlement, it could be coming soon. Some of you may be relocating, renovating, or repairing your home, or you may be forced to spend time with family. If anything traumatic happens, remember that it was predestined and that there isn't much you can do about it but go on and on.

At this time, single Virgos may cross paths with a destined twin flame. While this energy clearly supports serious partnerships and marriages, it will also favour all business ties and discussions. Intense This year, Saturn will remain in your productive zone until spring 2023. Work will become busier and more demanding than it has ever been before. You could grow overwhelmed with work or feel as though your "day job" is no longer rewarding you. Another area where Saturn's mentoring may be focused is on your health and physical fitness. It's possible that you'll get sick. Some of you will be involved in the development of a media or publishing project, which will entail laws and contracts to be signed.

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This month will make your job easier, happier, and more blessed. Seize the day if you're seeking for a better job. Current jobs may appear to have a milder breeze blowing through them. Another way this could benefit you is an increase in physical strength and health, especially if you’re willing to work with a better diet and fitness regimen. You'll be hyper-aware of what you offer and receive in your relationships, and if you're unhappy, you'll walk away. Financial support for people seeking a loan, venture capital, scholarship, or royalty payments could also be aligned as a result of this. Then, through May 24, 2022, strong Mars will race across your productivity zone. You'll be quite busy at work as a result of this.

Scorpio, your fate is about to change right in front of your eyes! Great blessings await your love life, as benevolent Jupiter soars through your sector of pleasure and passion until May 10, 2022. Your heart will blossom as a result of this. Many Scorpios will find their soulmate or grow closer to the one they already have. It's possible that if you're trying for a baby, it'll happen now. You will be intensely focused on renovations, home repairs, or even relocating now or in the coming years. While there may most certainly be some difficulties with family, this will only strengthen you and help you all grow closer. If you're an artist, you'll be able to produce some of your most well-known and creative work in recent memory.

Sagittarius! Your ruler, benefic Jupiter, will dance through your domestic area till May 10, 2022, bringing delight and serenity to your home and family matters. Some Sagittarians may find that they enjoy their kindred more or that their extended family expands. Others may conclude that it is time to relocate. If you do, you may be able to take advantage of a new location that is considerably larger and brighter. It's likely that you'll take on increasingly significant writing, speaking, advertising, and branding tasks. There could be some people that challenge your point of view, but this will be to make sure you are articulating everything much more clearly. Many Sagittarians will start successful radio and media shows, as well as write significant works.

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Capricorn, get ready for a tumultuous and energising month! Jupiter, the benefic planet, will transit your communications sector until May 10, 2022. All of your writing, speaking, marketing, and intellectual pursuits will prosper during this time. Some Capricorns might start working on a prize project, a book, or a movie, while others might decide to brush up on their qualifications. As you follow these ideas and promote your beliefs, more money will come your way. Then, until spring 2023, Saturn will continue to revolve within your financial zone, settling in for the long haul. He'll be teaching you valuable money management lessons throughout your life. It's also possible that you'll be called upon to assist with a family situation, particularly if one of your parents is involved.

A hurricane of a month has arrived for you, Aquarius! Until May 10, 2022, benefic Jupiter travels through your money sphere. More prosperity will most likely come in the shape of a raise, increased salary, or a great job offer. Wealth and wealth could very soon more easily present itself to you, but work toward it with focus and you’ll be rewarded. Then, until spring 2023, Saturn will remain in your zodiac sign, assisting you in establishing vital roots and plans that you will build over the next three decades. You'll be doing a lot of "growing up," and Saturn may make you feel like you're carrying the weight of the world at times.

A new chapter in your life has begun, one full with joys and wonders. Now is the time to show the Universe what you're looking for and start creating the life you've always desired. Dream large, fly high, and don't limit yourself! You'll experience what it's like to be the "Celestial Favorite," with the entire Universe beaming down on you! Single Pisceans will often meet their soulmate at this time, while attached Pisceans may make crucial arrangements with their partner. You could be working on a media, publishing, academics, or international business project right now. Instead, if you're wanting to travel or immigrate, this craziness can help you put the puzzle pieces together.

May 2022 | Issue 23 | 46

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