M A G A Z I N E SHARING THE MIRACLE OF SUCCESS Greater Jerusalem Area www.biznessmagazine.com Circulation: 21,000 copies JUNE 2015
Mirit Reif
The IRS Knows Where You Are
Moshe Wilshinsky
The Great Interest Rate Debate
Sara Shaposhnik
Discovering Unseen Causes of Illness
AG Wigs Helen Abelesz Blue Thread Marketing Netanel Buta Shimon Cohen Nachum Eilberg Rachel Factor Minda Garr Yossi Golano Richard Gussow Hatzala Beit Shemesh Ari Katz Tzvi Lefkowitz Yossi Lipsh David Litke Moshe Orman Yaakov Prince Rechavia Dental Center Restorno Dr. Bo Rosenblat Chanania Vialan Moshe Wilshinsky Karen Wolfers-Rapaport Sima Wolpin
Yaakov Prince
Don’t be Another Victim
Karen Wolfers-Rapaport
Peak Experiences Give Way to New Storylines
R’ Boruch Taubkin
Tools to Turn Your Life Around
Yossi Lipsh
Don’t Succumb to Hidden Pitfalls
Rachel Factor
Keeping Calm About Your Health
How To Buy A Used Car
Rechavia Dental Center How to Improve Your Smile
21,000 21,000COPIES!!!
Bizness Magazine is now online WWW.BIZNESSMAGAZINE.COM
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contents JUNE 2015
EXPERTS 07 What a Budget Counselor Can Do for You
23 The Perfect Plumber and Home Repair Handyman
10 Enough is Enough! Why you need Construction Management
24 How to Spruce up a Room with Paint
12 New Storylines: Under the Chuppah
25 What is the Value of Your Website?
14 Creating Healthy Family Boundaries
26 LED there be light!
16 Does Your Financial Advisor Put Your Interests First? 17 Why use decks? 18 The Great Debate and Your Monthly Mortgage Payment 19 How to Decorate with Antiques & Modern Furniture
27 We Save Lives! 30 Coffee: Can’t Diet With It… Can’t Diet Without It? 32 Rediscovering Yourself 34 How to Handle Health Anxiety
20 “How Can I Improve My Smile?”
35 Six Reasons for Buying your Home with a Realtor
22 Summertime
36 The Secret of Design
For Sale
English C ake baker y c afé fran chise at Naim i Mall.
EDITOR IN CHIEF Ariel Topf BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Yisroel Meir Simon CHIEF DESIGNER Adam Ram EDITORIAL MANAGER Aviva Sapir CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Naomi Isaacson, Daniel Price, Chayale Saibil CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Helen Abelesz, Shimon Cohen, Tomer Cohen, Nachum Eilberg, Rachel Factor, Minda Garr, Ahron Glazer, Yossi Golano, Richard Gussow, Hatzala Beit Shemesh, Nati Journo, Ari Katz, Ariel Levy, Yossi Lipsh, David Litke, David Page, Yaakov Prince, Karen Wolfers-Rapaport, Mirit Reif, Dr. Bo Rosenblat, David Schlussel, Moshe Wilshinsky ADVERTISING Chaya Hyams GRAPHIC ARTISTS Aliza Sokol HOW TO REACH BIZNESS MAGAZINE Advertising
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Custom designed bedrooms. Quality matresses for low prices, youth beds, 3-in-1, bunk beds, high-risers.
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Letter from the Editor Dear Readers, The two most common questions people ask me are how to select the right business and how to select a business that will be very profitable. If you observe the market, you will find that many people build businesses related to jobs they’ve had in the past. A teacher starts a new school, a graphic artist starts his own design firm, a dance teacher starts her own dance studio, a hair dresser starts her own salon and a corporate computer programmer develops and launches his own software. Others turn hobbies into money-making ventures. These include photographers, authors, aerobics instructors and professional athletes. They had a passion and turned it into a way to make a living. As they say, “A man who loves his job will never have to work again.” Then there are those who want to be independent, to be their own boss. The only thing missing is the vehicle. Take an inventory: First, your skills. Write down everything you’re good at and try to match these skills with potential opportunities. Look for market needs and problems you can solve. Second, your passion. What do you like to do? What are you passionate about? Find a way to turn that passion into a product or service. In order to maximize your chances of success, you must be a “product of your product.” You should have a product that you like so much you could talk about it all day long. That excitement should hold you over on days when you don’t want to get out of bed. It’s much easier to become successful and profitable if you pick a business that suits your abilities, interests, skills, lifestyle and passion. There is no particular business that is better than the other. People have become millionaires in manufacturing or marketing almost every item that you see in your home, office or on the street. There are millionaires in the computer industry, in the door industry, in the paper industry, in the light bulb industry, etc. I personally stick to passion. Your quality of life will be so much better if you deal with something you really love. Have in mind that half to three-quarters of your day is connected to your business. This means half to three-quarters of your life! It had better be something you love. Have a safe and productive summer! Ariel Topf ariel@biznessmag.com
Ariel has built several companies on three continents in the fields of internet, retail, wholesale, franchising, direct sales, high-tech, employment, food manufacturing, food supplements, clothing manufacturing, pet nutrition, personal development, restaurants, advertising and publishing. In this process, Ariel has headhunted, hired, trained and managed over 20,000 individuals. Among other ventures, Ariel heads BiznessPro, a business consulting division dedicated to help companies and entrepreneurs who are serious about success. (www.biznesspro.com).
JUNE 2015
Bizness Magazine
02 999 3939
What a Budget Counselor Can Do for You By David Litke me
ost of us not born into wealth are challenged by the necessity to ensure ourselves a decent measure of economic stability over our lifetime. Prosperity is gained by earned income and the wealth we accumulate during our working years by dint of our own industry and labors. Income should not be confused with wealth. While many people earn well, they do not accumulate wealth. Others, meanwhile, who earn less, are able - with responsible and frugal management - to accumulate impressive wealth over the years. The accumulation of wealth over a lifetime of labor ensures we meet our needs and provide our wants throughout our working and retirement years. Unfortunately, a large percentage of middle-income earners are not at all proficient in managing their money in a way which will ensure the building up of wealth over a lifetime of earning. A couple who have earned an average net income of 18,000 NIS per month will have reached a grand total of 5.4 million NIS in salaries over 25 years of work. Their income will naturally be spent on sustenance, shelter, education, health, recreation and other needs. Additionally, over those 25 years, they and their employers will be contributing monthly to pension and related funds which, with principle and interest, can reach two or even three million shekels at retirement age. This sum can provide a healthy monthly stipend for a retiree, but the stipend is not likely to reach the monthly salary earned during the working years. One of the “other needs” referred to in our example, therefore, is to supplement our pension and related funds with our own savings initiatives so as to be able to maintain the same standard of living and security we enjoyed during our working careers. Here is where budget counseling can make a difference in a family’s money management. A comprehensive counseling program will address three financial challenges common to every family: month-to-month management, risk management and goal realization. Let’s look briefly at all three. • Month-to-month management requires the preparation of a monthly budget before the beginning of each month, as well as weekly spending reviews so as to stay on target throughout the month. Every shekel that is earned should be allocated for the month: for basic ongoing needs, for savings and pension and for short, medium and long term life goals. People who do not budget are often unaware of where their money has gone each month. Budgeting is an eye-opening exercise, where much is learned about fixed and flexible expenses, and about ourselves and our priorities as manifested through our spending habits. • Risk management requires ensuring protection against
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financial catastrophe, both for ourselves and for our loved ones. This includes life, health and disability insurances, among others, as well as pension planning. • Goal realization requires the delineation of family financial goals, a timetable for reaching them, and a savings plan to implement them. I recall the couple with a 12-year-old son who declared to the budget counselor that his approaching bar-mitzvah “just sprung up on us out of nowhere,” as if they didn’t know at his birth that the big event would arrive one day! Life events can and should be planned for – smachot, higher education, weddings and vacations, just to name a few. These can be planned many years in advance. Take, for example, a four-year tuition fund for a daughter’s ulpana education estimated at 40,000 NIS (10,000 NIS per year). A savings account for this purpose could be opened at her birth, and if an amount of just 200 NIS would be deposited monthly until her 14th birthday, it would yield about 43,000 NIS at a conservative interest rate of 3.5% per annum, and the four-year tuition would be covered with no extra burden on the monthly budget. More than anything else, a budget counselor is a teacher. He will teach a couple how to plan each month’s spending in accordance with their priorities, so they can achieve the maximum financial benefit from their income. He will examine and explain the family’s insurance policies and recommend changes as might be necessary and prepare with them a comprehensive program of financial targets and goals, including pension plans, so that they can live prosperous and fulfilled lives. When you want a stable structure, you work from a blueprint. Budget counseling is the blueprint for a stable fiscal life based on a responsible planning of limited resources. Subscribe to our free email tips: www.budgetrelief.co.il 050-535-1800 david@budgetsuccess.co.il www.budgetsuccess.co.il www.BIZNESSMAGAZINE.com
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Enough is Enough! Why you need Construction Management By Yaakov Prince
nless you are lucky enough to find and purchase the home of your dreams, you most likely often imagine how you’ll design the perfect home when you get the opportunity. For the fortunate families that get to fulfill their fantasies, things don’t always go as planned. For clients that use Construction Management, however, the process can actually be as smooth as they’d always dreamed. As many homes can attest, a construction management company is crucial when doing construction. There are countless tales of kablanim who didn’t get the job right, didn’t finish on time, or didn’t finish the job at all, which can cost the client a lot of money and can be a real headache both in the short and long term. A client may hear “construction management” and automatically think it’s a luxury only for the rich. Hiring a construction manager actually saves you money – so not only does the construction manager ensure that the project runs smoothly, but hiring him puts money back in your pocket. Problems you might face with a kablan Unfortunately, the kablan is usually not on your side. He has his business to run, and getting your project done “just enough” usually suffices. Kablanim are hard to reach because they’re busy with other projects. As everyone knows, the job is almost never done on time; whatever time estimate you get, you automatically have to add a good few months. In severe cases, the job doesn’t get finished at all and the kablan walks away, leaving the client with a mess and the need to find someone else to finish. The next kablan sees your desperation and may take advantage of it by quoting a high amount. Even worse, the job, if finished, is almost never within the budget. There are always extra expenses that the kablan had to take care of that weren’t in the contract. For example, the installation of the dud shemesh itself might be listed, but not a timer or switch to turn it on—something that will add an extra 2,000 nis to the bill. Or, the disposal of the construction material and garbage are not in the contract, which an inexperienced client might not realize needs to be there, adding another 7,000 nis. And the list goes on and on, resulting in a significantly higher price than the initial quote. Aside from these larger issues, there are a myriad of smaller problems that can crop up throughout the building process, providing no small amount of stress for the client. Number one of many people’s lists is retivut, which is a common occurrence and needs to be actively avoided. There can be other plumbing issues as well, including odor issues and leaking. The roof also needs 10
JUNE 2015
to be built to prevent leaking problems, and porches need to be sealed so water doesn’t damage the neighbor’s apartment below. Another common problem is a poorly designed drainage system where rain water gets into the house through the doors. When not stated clearly in the contract, the contractor may choose poor quality doors, locks and bathroom fixings. He may purchase cheap paint that doesn’t last or clean easily and is slapped on without proper wall preparation. He may hang tiles crookedly, choose bars that don’t meet engineering specifications, and install kitchen parts improperly. And even if all these issues are clearly spelled out in the contract, most people are not experts in the construction field to be able to tell the difference between good and bad materials. This list doesn’t have to scare you into scrapping your construction plans. There is a better way. How construction management helps When you hire a construction manager, you get a professional who oversees the project and makes sure all of those scenarios don’t play out. We deal with the kablan on a daily basis, keeping tabs on and maintaining progress. We double check the contract to ensure everything is spelled out, and you don’t get any surprises. We authorize and check all construction materials, so you don’t end up with subpar building or the need to redo it. We supervise the process so tiles go on straight (and any design in the tiles end up in the right order!) We also test the work after the workers are finished, making sure everything has been installed correctly. Hiring a construction management company will add a small percentage to your overall cost, but it saves you money in the long run, preventing disasters that cost a pretty penny and, more importantly, cause tremendous aggravation. Building does not have to be an agony. Play it smart and don’t be another victim. We have the experience to make your renovation or construction project a pleasurable and exciting experience.
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New Storylines: Under the Chuppah By Karen Wolfers-Rapaport, MA
ften the question is asked, “Is Narrative Therapy effective for couples?” The answer is a resounding yes! Narrative therapy can be used for individuals, families and most definitely couples. In a couple setting, narrative therapy sets the stage for transforming negative communication into more accepting, nonjudgmental, and meaningful exchanges. Externalizing problems help couples reconnect with the heart of their relationship. In a couple, there are the stories you arrive with individually and the stories you create together. In the following article that I originally published on chabad.org, I want to highlight those special moments in life when a new storyline begins. Sometimes it helps to remember the starting points in life; memory can be a powerful teacher and co-author. The crossing of the Red Sea was the ultimate “high” for the Jewish nation. So epic was the revelation of Gd at the splitting of the sea that each Jew could point to the Almighty with his or her finger and state, “This is my Gd.” The sages say that even the common folk, the maidservants, witnessed a mystical vision greater than anything witnessed by the prophet Ezekiel. This revelation is incomparable to anything we know, but perhaps we can sense a tiny glimmer of such a reality during a “peak experience.” Psychologist Abraham Maslow described peak experiences as moments during which we feel the maximum levels of happiness, harmony and possibility. These experiences can range from the deepening of everyday pleasure to “supernatural” occurrences of enhanced consciousness. Climbing Mount Everest, giving birth, producing a great work, one’s wedding day—all of these have been described as peak experiences in one’s life. These momentous events would all pale in comparison to the splitting of the Red Sea, the ultimate peak experience. And yet the commentators tell us that the maidservants, after experiencing this open miracle, remained maidservants. What do they mean, and why is it important for us to understand this point? The sages point out that following their peak experience, their “high,” the maidservants reverted back to their prior selves. Instead of taking advantage of the awe-inspiring revelations during the splitting of the sea, the maidservants squandered an opportunity for accelerated growth and insight. The prophet Ezekiel, on the other hand, may have witnessed a more understated degree of divine revelation, but he utilized his spiritual opportunity to create a higher connection to Gd. Interestingly enough, the Talmud says that “to match couples together is as difficult as the splitting of the sea.”1 12
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Why the comparison? According to Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, whenever our sages refer to paradox, the unification of opposites, they refer to it as being as difficult as the parting of the Red Sea. Just as we were paradoxically able to walk on “a dry sea,” in marriage we are paradoxically asked to live with someone who is our inverse.2 Perhaps another reason for the comparison between the splitting of the sea and marriage is that they both have miraculous origins. The wedding is the beginning of this divine miracle. In front of Gd, you enter a holy union with anticipation and hope. Starting a new life together, your world is your blank slate. Your heightened senses bring the awe and love you feel for one another into undeniable view. You want to give. You want to be the best possible partner. You are at the apex of a peak experience, a genuine high. This is a moment that can be a catalyst for great personal and spiritual growth. It is not only about you anymore. You have another. There is potential for great transformation here. Remember the maidservants? After their great awakening, they returned to their earlier ways. When the wedding is over, and the intense bliss is on its way down, will you remember the compassion, kindness and commitment that you felt during your great awakening? When you settle down, and the responsibilities begin to pile up, will you remember to be as receptive and forgiving as you were on your special day? And as the inevitable challenges emerge, will you still cultivate the closeness you felt with your spouse during your peak experience? How fortunate are we that, at some point in our lives, we may be given the gift of an elevated awareness, a peak experience. During those times, it is important to take positive action to ensure that what we gleaned during those moments will not remain just a vague feeling. We have to step up during the “highs” and internalize their messages. When we arrive at a crossroads, when our babies are born, when it is our turn under the chuppah, let us not remain the maidservants that we were before. Let us transform. Sotah 2a. Steinsaltz, Adin. Change and Renewal: The Essence of the Jewish Holidays, Festivals and Days of Remembrance. Maggid, 2011. Reprinted with permission from chabad.org 1 2
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050-990-6368 karenwrapaport1@gmail.com
02 999 3939
By Ariel Levy
ith excellent used cars in great condition on the market today, many people are choosing the second-hand route when it comes to this formidable purchase. Fortunately, you can get some pretty good deals. Unfortunately, it’s not always so easy to know what’s a good deal and what’s a rip-off. There are many specifications that go into the making of a car, and some are more important to check than others. It’s always good to do a thorough check and then decide what matters to you; does torn fabric turn you off? Will scraped paint on the exterior be a key element? These are factors that may turn some off but not others. Certain factors, though, must be thoroughly inspected to make sure you’ve got a working vehicle that won’t shut down on you on the highway or cost you a lot more to fix than you intended. While it’s advisable to bring a used car to a professional for a full inspection, you can do a cursory inspection yourself to see if it’s worth getting started. Anyone can learn the key factors in a working car, and if you already drive, you’re probably familiar with most of them to some degree. Here’s a checklist of what to check out: 1. Start the car. Make sure there’s no smoke coming from the exhaust and no strange rattling sounds from the engine. 2. Check each body panel for dents, rust and matching paint color. Most small dents are not a problem and are only esthetic, so that’s up to you if it’s a bother. Larger dents may indicate high-impact accidents, which may have caused internal damage. Sometimes larger dents have been mostly fixed leaving only minimal damage, and you may need to rely on your instincts as to whether it seems there was a bigger problem. Rust is also problematic, as it can’t be repaired. 3. Open each door to check that the hinges aren’t loose. Not only don’t you want the doors to fall off, loose hinges also point towards overly heavy usage. 4. Check all rubber seals for tears or rotting. 5. Check all glass for cracks: windshield, rear window and door windows. Small nicks are usually ok but small cracks can be very dangerous because the glass pane could collapse at any time. 6. The tires may be quite old and need to be changed. Again, this itself would not signal any problems with the functioning of the car, but it would be an added cost, and it would also tell you more about how much and how roughly the car has been used. 7. Makes sure to checks that the suspension and brakes are
functioning properly. 8. Make sure there are no missing parts, such as side mirrors or rearview mirrors. If something is missing, ascertain that a new one is easily obtainable. 9. Check under the hood to see that there is no corrosion on the battery, and no hanging wires or hoses. 10. Check all wipers and function parts, such as air conditioning and so on. These may not be make it or break it factors, but they’re important to know about, and you can always use them as bargaining chips. Check all power locks and keys. These cost more to fix. An electric key in Israel can cost more than 600 nis to replace. The owner generally has two or three, so find that out as well. If he only has one, and you want a backup, that could be an extra cost. 11. Check manufacturer’s label to confirm all information, such as make, model and year of production. 12. Check that there are no weird leaks, either from the car itself or in the hood. Older models with more mileage are more prone to leaks; a newer, low-mileage vehicle should not have any leaks anywhere. If you are thinking about purchasing a used car, you know how confusing it can be. There are so many things to consider that it can be a daunting experience. You can go ahead and make sure you have checked all the items in the above list and hope for the best. On the other hand, you can let us do the work for you. At AutoKing, we are experts at fixing cars and we diagnose with precision what’s not working in a car. Furthermore, we have the experience to identify in advance what parts of the car are in a “high risk” category and will soon have to be repaired or change. When our clients bring to us the car they want to buy, we inspect it thoroughly and give them a full report of all pluses and minuses and our professional opinion if it’s a good buy. We recently had a customer who wanted to purchase a used car and kept bringing us prospects to check. Each time we told him it wasn’t worth the price because there were too many hidden problems. On the fourth card, we finally gave the green light, and he bought it. A car is an important investment and must be safe to drive. Remember that your car’s cargo is your most valuable asset! Phone : 02-626-1613 Mobile : 053 225 1613 Email : autokingbetshemesh@gmail.com Web : www.autoking.co.il Extensive Opening hours: 8am to 7pm (Fridays 12:00) Open late for YOU!
Creating Healthy Family Boundaries By Minda Garr, MSW
e all play many roles in our lives. We are spouses, mothers, fathers, children, friends, professionals and more. Among these roles, especially for women, we often find the role of care-taker. We care for our children and nurture them from infancy into adulthood. We care for our spouses. We care for our aging parents, and on occasion others. We often choose professions that place us once again in the role of caretaker - perhaps education, nursing or social work. In our role of care-taker, we often believe that we are fulfilling our life’s purpose. We are there to assist and support in any way that is needed. We feel good about what we’re doing — until we don’t. There often comes a moment when we begin to feel resentful and overwhelmed, and then we feel guilty about the resentment. Not only do we have to manage negative feelings that emerge, but we also have to negotiate secondary negativity. How does this happen? We are often raised to see the role of care-taker as a role without clear boundaries and limits. The value that is often internalized is to take care of others, often at the expense of our own personal well-being. We give to others until there is nothing left to give ourselves. We become exhausted and confused. How is it that a positive value – being present for the significant others in our lives – can create dissatisfaction? Probably one of the most important life skills for all of us is learning to maintain healthy boundaries. As spouses, we want to be fully present to give support when it is needed; but to maintain a healthy relationship, this support needs to go in both directions. If one is always doing the giving, and the other is always receiving, the relationship becomes unbalanced, and resentment can occur. If we give with no expectation of receiving, a pattern may develop where one spouse is always there to help the other, but that spouse begins to feel unacknowledged, unappreciated and over-burdened. The pattern becomes one of “rescuing” instead of providing healthy support, and in time the “rescue team” becomes resentful. The pattern of rescuing and subsequent resentment can be seen in parent-child relationships as well. Parents often do things for their children without expecting them to do things on their own. One example is when parents find themselves doing or supervising their children’s homework. When there are clear boundaries, parents are glad to help, but are clear that their children have tasks to master. They, the parents, have already gone to school. Another example is when parents don’t expect their children to be contrib14
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uting family members. They readily excuse them from household chores because they are “so busy with school.” Learning at an early age that being part of a family means contributing creates the foundation for healthy adults who understand how to give as well as receive. Learning to cooperate within a healthy family environment fosters mutual respect. In caring for our aging parents, we also sometimes lose sight of boundaries. There may be a health crisis when it’s clear whose needs come first, but many situations are ones of gradual aging and developing dependency, or crises that eventually morph into chronic health issues. “Rescuers” want to be there for everyone. One child may become the primary parental care-taker with little or no expectations from other siblings. This care-taking child may simultaneously be caring for her parents, her children and her spouse in addition to working outside the home. It’s easy to lose sight of priorities and lose clarity about whose needs come first. Often, the person most neglected is the one doing the caretaking. One of the best indicators of when we’re doing more than we should is how we feel about it. If every task brings feelings of resentment or negativity along with it, it might be time to look at what we could be doing differently. Perhaps we need to ask for support from others, or perhaps we need to look at our personal boundaries and whether we need to be taking better care of ourselves. In sum, healthy boundaries are about learning to give and receive, to share in responsibilities, and to take care of our own needs as well as the needs of others in our families. When we’re there to support each other, we feel good about what we’re doing. When we’re present for each other, we know we have who to depend on, and those we love know that we can be depended on as well.
Bizness Magazine
052-614-6932 wellnessisraelhealing@gmail.com www.wellnessisrael.wordpress.com
02 999 3939
“I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen it work so many times” Sara Shaposhnik , author of the renown Balabusta Daily Organizer, has dedicated herself to learning the latest breakthroughs in the field of human consciousness, health and energy healing. Sara has been practicing muscle testing for over ten years and was certified by renowned holistic physician and lecturer Dr. Bradley Nelson. You have become a very sought after practitioner, working with the Body Code/Emotion Code Healing System. What inspired you to become an energy healer? It’s been quite an intense personal journey. I have done research for over a decade and learned alternative health practices from some of the very best teachers in the United States. Years ago, I suffered from asthma and terrible insomnia and went from doctor to doctor asking for help. Doctors would just tell me to take an inhaler for my asthma and sleeping pills. At some point after suffering for many years, someone directed me to a nutritionist who sent me for blood work and a gluten sensitivity test (not celiac which is what the doctors test for), and low and behold I had a gluten sensitivity. As soon as I went off gluten my asthma disappeared and I slept like a baby. After that I was inspired to intensify my search so I could really help people find the unseen causes of their illness without spending years in pain. When I discovered Dr. Bradley Nelson’s Body and Emotion Code, I saw that it is truly the ‘ultimate health’ and happiness solution that can improve the quality of your life in so many different ways. I have been able to help so many people and my children through their allergies, ADHD and so many other deep issues. What is the premise of Dr. Bradley Nelson’s Body Code? Dr. Nelson explains that the conscious mind is like the visible part of an iceberg; it’s only 10% of the iceberg. The other 90% is hidden from the eye. This relates to the subconscious mind, which remembers and knows so much that we aren’t consciously aware of. Dr. Nelson discovered that it is in fact possible to access the wisdom of the subconscious mind by using muscle testing. A client holds out his arm in front of him and keeps it strong, and the practitioner will ask the client’s subconscious a question and then push down on his arm. If the answer is yes, then client’s arm will stay strong. If it’s no, then the arm will become weaker. This is based on the premise that our body is strong from truth and weak from falsehood. In this way we’re able to intuit so many hidden facts about ourselves. Why do I have asthma? Why do I get migraines? Do I have allergies, what are they, and how do I cure them? The possibilities are literally endless. I’ve even helped people uncover their spiritual maladies. What is the Emotion Code? Dr. Nelson discovered something that he calls ‘trapped emotions’. An emotion is energetic. This ball of energy can literally get stuck in the body and wreak havoc on a person’s system. It usually lowers immunity and can cause pain or illness, and if left untreated lead to disease. I use muscle testing to discover its 15
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Interview with
Sara Shaposhnik, Energy Healer whereabouts and source when you got it and how. Then I run a magnet down the client’s back to release the trapped emotion. Clients have seen anything from pain to seasonal allergies, anxiety or sadness disappear. Chronic pain such as fibromyalgia is often a symptom of trapped emotions. This is truly an amazing tool and is used in conjunction with the Body Code. What makes your modality different from other practitioners? I believe it to be a gift from G-d. I am captivated by it because it is not simply me giving you advice based on my knowledge and experience. The client’s subconscious mind is giving the answer. That really excites me. There are so many fantastic techniques in the world today but this is the real thing. How do you perform proxy testing and remote treatment? How would this differ from a face-to-face muscle testing session? This is what is so breathtaking about this energy work. I have clients all over the world and I can work on someone simply by thinking about them. I use my own arm to push down for the answers. Then the client will usually swipe a magnet over his own head to release the trapped emotions. I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen it work so many times. It just adds to my appreciation of the greatness of the creation and our Creator. How many sessions are usually required? In one session I can often help a client tremendously by finding the root of their problem and how to rectify it. Children can often be treated in one session, most clients come about two to three times. How can we control our emotions so that they don’t control our bodies? It’s very important to work through our negative emotions in a healthy way and not ignore them and let them bottle up where they may end up controlling our bodies and our lives. If you want to enjoy real vitality, energy and embrace your authentic power then you need to release old unconscious patterns and beliefs. Dr. Nelson said it really does help you discover a new world that can help you unlock better health, better relationships and more abundance in your life. Your health is your wealth. info@labriyut.org, 050-229-2316, 718-887-9292
Bizness Magazine
02 999 3939 www.BIZNESSMAGAZINE.com • 15
Does Your Financial Advisor Put Your Interests First? By Richard Gussow
his year marks the 75th anniversary of the book, “Where Are the Customers’ Yachts: or A Good Hard Look at Wall Street,” by Fred Schwed. The opening of the book relates the following story: Once in the dear dead days beyond recall, an out-of-town visitor was being shown the wonders of the New York financial district. When the party arrived at the Battery, one of his guides indicated some handsome ships riding at anchor. He said, “Look, those are the bankers’ and brokers’ yachts.” “Where are the customers’ yachts?” asked the naïve visitor. This story is as pertinent today as it was 75 years ago. You should ask yourself whether your financial advisors, which include insurance agents, investment advisors and the like, have your best interests at heart. Commissions can cloud objectivity How can you tell if your advisor is giving you unbiased advice? One way may be how he/she is compensated. Financial advisors are generally compensated in one of two methods: commissions (including fee + commission) and fee-only. Many people are naturally suspicious of financial salespeople, especially those earning a commission. Let me start off by saying that I know many honest financial advisors who earn their livings through commissions on sales and provide honest advice to their clients. However, there are others whose goal is to just sell products (whether needed or not) in order to generate commissions. I know this from experience from when I briefly worked for a major US insurance company early in my career. After a meeting with a prospective client, I came back to my manager, and before I told him the details about the client, my manager started pushing me to sell him a million dollar whole-life insurance policy. I was stunned, because my manager had no idea what the client’s needs were and was already trying to sell my client an insurance policy, which he did not need, as he was adequately covered. I left the job shortly thereafter. I also see examples here in Israel. One client of mine was advised several years ago by an unscrupulous insurance agent to open a second Managers Insurance policy (Bituach Menahalim.) While the agent earned a nice commission for himself, the second policy was far inferior to my client’s previous policy, and my client lost money as a result.
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Fee-only advisors are generally more objective I chose to be a fee-only advisor because it is the structure I was most comfortable with. Fee-only planners charge either an hourly fee, a flat fee or a percentage of assets. Fee-only financial advisors do not accept commissions or any other form of compensation from the sale of financial products, greatly reducing potential conflict of interest. You benefit through typically lower costs and higher investment return potential. This may not seem obvious, as many people believe that they are currently paying nothing for advice. In reality, you are paying high commissions, which significantly reduces investment return and can create conflict of interest. The firm I work for has a very interesting fee structure, which is based on a percentage of assets. However, the unique part of our fee structure is that the commissions and fees we earn from investment, pension and insurance products are given to the customer and are deducted from our fee. We therefore have no incentive to sell a particular product, and our net fee is often reduced to near zero. Some of our clients get refunds so large that they exceed our fees and we end up paying them! Whomever you choose as your financial advisors, make sure they have your best interests at heart. In the long-run, it will save you time and frustration, and perhaps most importantly, your money will work harder for you. The information is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice or any other advice. It is general in nature and not specific to you. Before using this information to make an investment decision, you should seek the advice of a qualified investment advisor and undertake your own due diligence.
Bizness Magazine
(03) 970-7070 (052) 806-6690 richard@theservice.co.il www.richardgussow.com
02 999 3939
Why use decks?
By Element Wood
What is a wooden deck? A wooden deck is a wooden platform attached to the side of a house. Its basic objective is to parallel the height of the house and thus serve as a buffer between the ground and the person walking outdoors. There are various types of wood decks. The difference between them is the type of wood used, its color and density. Advantages of a deck over a green garden Another hot Israeli summer has come again. Some people say it is the hottest we have had, while others say it is normal. One thing is for sure though. Our water consumption will be limited both this summer and in future years and lawns will dry out, taking away the pleasure of enjoying our gardens. Even though this is well known in advance, people continue paying a lot of money to keep their grass looking nice for lack of an alternative. But there is in fact an alternative which can provide a beautiful garden that requires minimal upkeep. Decks - the Israeli summer never looked better ... This alternative has actually been around for a long time, and is a perfect solution which is more suitable for the hot climate in Israel. It is of course decking – creating a beautiful wooden walkway laid on the ground of the garden. Originally only the upper class used decks, but over time its use has gradually spread to many houses and gardens. Decking allows the home-owner to reduce the verdantarea of the garden and use it for a beautifully crafted solid wood platform which optimally integrates with the rest of the garden’s
motifs and creates an interesting and eye-catching contrast. Due to the recurring periods of droughts decks have long become the latest trend, since it is reduces the surface that requires irrigation and intensive care and replaces it with an aesthetic alternative which becomes an integral part of the garden. Not just decking alone… Although decking may seem like the sole solution, using decking alone in an entire garden does not take advantage of, and in fact eliminates its inherent beauty. Today, it is customary to use the decking as a shaded sitting area and to combine it with a pergola along with wooden walkways around the garden. This way it is possible to create kinds of islands amongst the greenery, and to maintain its vitality even during our hot summers. Either way, it provides a great area to lounge in with friends and family. Who knows, perhaps the water you are saving by having a deck, you can use for a luxurious pool! To see videos of before and after decking go to Youtube and type in ”“אלמנט אומנות בעץ. Tel. 050 676 3222 Off.: 02-570-9702 Nati element.nati@gmail.com wooden-pergolas.co.il Find us on Facebook elementwood
JUNE 2015
Bizness Magazine
02 999 3939
The Great Debate and Your Monthly Mortgage Payment By Moshe Wilshinsky, CEO, Moville Mortgage and Finance Ltd.
re we near the end of this long period of low and lower interest rates, where one year’s new lows are replaced by the next? The world has been in a low interest rate environment for so long. In the U.S., it has been due to market conditions and concerted efforts by the U.S. government, which is referred to as Quantitative Easing and Quantitative Easing 2 (QE and QE2). The Federal Reserve or Fed brought short and long-term interest rates to historic lows (even negative --- but that is for another article). This has been true for both what are called “short term” interest rates and “long term” interest rates. It’s called “short term” interest, because regardless of whether the loan is for one year or thirty years, the interest rate can change within a short time. These interest rates are used in a wide range of types of loans from credit cards to mortgages. There are markets that trade these short term interest rates everyday just like stocks and commodities. The Central Bank or regulator of any given country use short term interest rates to either control inflation by raising interest rates or stimulating a weak economy by lowering interest rates. In the U.S. the Fed uses the Fed Funds Rate and in Israel the Bank of Israel (BOI) uses the Prime Interest Rate. These government controlled short term interest rates set the pace for the short term interest rate markets. In contrast, long term interest rates are set for years e.g. ten, twenty or even thirty years. That means the interest rate is fixed (never changes) for that period of time. Long term interest rates are used for everything from corporate bonds to fixed rate mortgages. These rates are set based on market demand (i.e. what interest lenders are willing to lend at and what interest rate borrowers can borrow for) and are also traded on a daily basis. In the U.S., until QE the government had much less direct effect, but with QE they became buyers of bonds or notes (meaning the lender) and were thereby able to bring rates down simply by having a bigger check book and would even buy their own bonds (yes, that means they gave themselves money). Why it works, and there are those that debate the fact, is beyond the scope of this article. I do know my bank has not liked the idea of me lending myself money (even at low rates) but then again unlike the governments that are doing this, I can’t print money. It seems this economic policy is really coming to an end. The announcement by the Fed that this will 18
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stop and rates will go up is all the market needs to turn rumor to reality. While the Fed has made similar comments, this time was the most direct, and given what seems to be a firming of the U.S. economy, warranted. In Israel, the Bank of Israel uses the Prime Interest Rate (similar to the Fed Funds rate in the U.S.) as the leading indicator of the short term interest rate market in Israel. Here in Israel, that magical phrase that always seems to mean we owe some institution more money than we borrowed, e.g. the Madad, an acronym used to measure inflation, has shown signs of going up, to the point that we see mortgage interest rates have started to move up . So is it real this time? Take into account that from April 2009 until April 2011, the Bank of Israel’s prime interest rate increased from 2% to 4.5%; it then proceeded to fall from there to its current rate of 1.6%. I do not have a crystal ball to tell you what will happen in Israel or the world with short or long-term interest rates, and many people far more qualified than I can argue for or against interest rates going up. This issue has turned into the great debate in the press, academia and financial markets around the world: Will we see inflation and thereby interest rates go up with a vengeance, or like Japan will economic weakness keep interest rates down for a long time? If you are a borrower with a mortgage that has short term interest rates, the only point I would like you to consider is not to rely on the fact that there are academics, journalists and financial traders that are saying that short term rates will stay low. You should think today if you can afford the risk tomorrow if they are wrong, because it will mean a higher monthly mortgage payment and nobody but you will be there to pay it.
Bizness Magazine
073-796-2226 ext. 711 questions@movillefinance.com www.movillefinance.com
02 999 3939
My last article reviewed the rise (and fall) of modern furniture, and concluded with the unorthodox recommendation that it’s fine to mix modern and traditional styles. (See Bizness’s May issue: What’s Right and Wrong with Your Interior Designer: The Battle between Traditional and Modern.) Now I want to explain why having both is a healthy approach to decorating, and how to pass an appreciation for traditional craftsmanship onto your children.
lounge chairs, which I restored with a very modern fabric. Here we succeeded in combining antique and modern in one piece!
Some people claim that the home should be a retreat for relaxing the mind, body and spirit, while others expect to come home and be inspired. When it comes to achieving the desired effect of projecting your own personality in your home, understand how you and your family will react to different styles, and be creative in planning that impact.
Traditional furnishings reflect their rich history and the quality of their craftsmanship. Antiques and good reproductions have a timeless appeal. Antique furniture remains the focal point of many highprofile spaces, such as hotels, upscale offices, and of course, homes.
THE BASICS OF MODERN FURNITURE Modern furniture is known for its streamlined design and functionality: clean lines, a restrained and simple composition, smooth and polished surfaces and few details. It should not be bare and lifeless! However, due to blasé tastes in color scheming and budget constraints, this often becomes the case. Stainless steel, nickel and chrome are the typical choices for lamps, appliances and hardware. Black metal is a popular accent. Wood is often dark or light, rarely medium in color. Upholstered furniture is sleek with comfort in mind, placing a premium on leather and solid or muted colors and textured fabrics. The downside of decorating with modern furniture is that you are bound to the current trend. Well-made modern furniture outlasts its popularity by decades, leaving the owners with outof-style decor. Unfortunately, contemporary furniture is often mass manufactured from cheap materials, lacking in design and craftsmanship. Good modern furniture can have a pizzazz that traditional cannot. It should be well-made and have long-lasting aesthetic appeal that can be restored with contemporary fabrics and finishes later in life. Note the before-and-after pictures of a pair of mid-19th century American Victorian
Many people think antiques must cost a lot. Antiques and fine reproduction furniture are more cost-effective in the long-term than disposable furniture. Thanks to the recent financial crisis in Europe and America and rising demand in Israel, antiques and fine reproductions are becoming more and more affordable. Do your homework before buying, because there is always the unscrupulous dealer who wants to sell you Asian knock-offs as valuable antiques. A LITTLE EDUCATION CAN GO A LONG WAY Let’s not forget where we live: a 1980’s Ralph Lauren model home with its 1800’s English manor décor will look out of place in 21st century Israel. So, the trend is to mix traditional with modern, emphasizing the benefits of both with well-placed contrasts that make one appreciate both. As I mentioned above, this can often be done within the same piece. One of our favorite kinds of projects is to remodel or “upcycle” unusable antiques into eye-popping functional furniture. Note the before-and-after pictures of the desk I turned from junk into an heirloom by replacing a drawer, adding marquetry, gilding, a gallery and of course,3 refinishing. Appreciating fine furnishings and craftsmanship turns into a more meaningful experience when the whole family is involved. Educate your children in Restorno’s Wood Studio opening at The Open Studio in Jerusalem this summer. Restorno and The Open Studio are teaming up to provide a safe and fun environment, where children ages 8-17 will learn to construct quality wooden projects such as a simple chair, shelves, valuables box, etc. and more that can be used by the whole family. Participants will learn traditional handbuilding techniques, which most modern carpenters no longer use. Our Wood Studio will be taught by two professional instructors with a ratio of one staff member for every six participants. Wood Shop at the Open Studio will run for weekly sessions between July 19th-August 13th. Space is limited. To register visit WWW.OPENSTUDIOJLEM.COM or call 054-626-8496. RESTORNO Tel. 050-764-6726 | email: yona.restorno@gmail.com
“How Can I Improve My Smile?” By Dr. David Schlussel, DDS
can’t tell you how often I am asked this question. Truth be told, the road to smile enhancement can be simple or complicated, and anywhere in between. Each case is dealt with on an individual basis. Let’s discuss some different modalities that we as dentists can apply to different situations. I will list them in order of most to least conservative. Tooth whitening Very often, by simply whitening patients’ teeth, there can be a dramatic change in their smile. If someone’s teeth are in good shape and in a good position, they can either have naturally dark tooth coloring or the color could change with age. There are three treatment options that can be utilized. First, there is take-home whitening. A thin, comfortable, flexible custom tray is fabricated and the patient can place the whitening gel into the trays at home. There are some gels that are used anywhere from 15 minutes to all night while sleeping and each has its advantages and disadvantages. The second option is to have the whitening done in the dental office. A whitening gel is placed on the teeth over the course of an hour and then there is no further treatment other than regular maintenance. The third option, for those who want very white teeth, is something called deep bleaching which is a combination of the first two in a special technique developed by a whitening guru in California. Orthodontics Orthodontics comprise an amazing modality that dramatically changes a smile. Besides the functional benefits of orthodontic treatment, the aesthetic changes can truly be outstanding. Some of the aesthetic challenges that patients present are crooked or crowded upper and lower teeth, gummy smiles and open bites. In profile, a patient can be seen as having a deficient or protruding chin and/or upper lip. Narrow arches which give a narrow facial appearance can be widened. Orthodontics are not just limited to children. More and more adults are opting for orthodontics, whether they be for cosmetic or functional reasons. Veneers Veneers have been around for many years, and they keep getting better. Veneers are a covering on the side of the teeth next to the lips and cheeks and sometimes wrap around to the tongue side of the teeth. The veneer can be made from a com-
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posite or porcelain material. Porcelain is more durable and will not change color. Veneers can change the shape, position and color of the teeth. They can be very conservative with regard to how much tooth structure needs to be removed, depending on each case. Usually only two visits are required for a veneer case. Crowns Crowns can also be a great solution for aesthetic challenges. Crowns are used when greater changes need to be made to the tooth, that cannot be achieved with the previously discussed techniques. Crowns can be made from porcelain fused to metal, all porcelain or porcelain fused to zirconia. Thanks to advances in technology, crowns that are highly aesthetic, and virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth, can be fabricated. Research has shown that one of the first things people notice when they meet someone new is his or her smile. Improving your appearance can create a positive first impression. If you have any cosmetic concerns, ask your dentist what he or she can do for you. You won’t regret the improvement. Keep smiling and pass it on.
Bizness Magazine
15 Ibn Gevirol Street, Jerusalem 02-561-9770, 02-561-9780 www.rechaviadental.co.il
02 999 3939
WE BUY Silver Items
Gold Jewellery
Watches / Pocket Watches
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Any other interesting items
054-837-3874 Baruch 054-250-2043 Moshe
Summertime (and the Living is Easy!) By Shimon Cohen
WE OFFER YOU OUR SUMMER INSURANCE CHECK LIST 1. Travelling overseas? Enjoy! Make sure you have travel insurance (including coverage for various things you might need – maternity, skiing, trip cancellation, etc.). We are travel insurance experts and will personally deal with your claims! Make sure that overseas jewelry cover has been extended and issued on your home contents policy. Without this there is no cover overseas. Leaving your house empty? Make sure to turn off water and gas. If you are leaving for more than two months, you must inform your insurance company. 2. Staying here? Enjoy! Young drivers using your car? With all your kids home, it’s essential to check that your policy has been extended to cover young/new drivers. (Most insurance companies have relatively cheap options to add on young drivers for short periods of time.) Overseas visitors using your car – is an overseas license valid? A tourist or temporary resident can drive a private car in Israel for up to a year following arrival. If the person lives in Israel but returns frequently to חו”ל, this may also be acceptable (the law states: “In case of multiple exits and entries from and to Israel, each case will be judged individually” – what that means, go figure!). In general, if one is living in Israel, even if you haven’t made formal Aliyah, you must transfer your overseas license to an Israeli one. Did you know? If your kid starts a campfire and causes damage to someone’s new car in the camping ground on the Kinneret (or anywhere in Israel, for that matter) – don’t panic! Your home policy’s Third Party Liability covers you and your family anywhere in Israel (don’t give him any ideas, though!).
Know Your Rights and Obligations One of the “dark” areas for many English speakers is that bastion of Israeli bureaucracy – Bituach Leumi. Insuring your domestic workers Do you have a cleaning woman, gardener or a nurse that cares for a sick family member? In all these cases, you (the employer) are required to pay National Insurance (Bituach Leumi). The benefits to the worker include: maternity leave, work accident, permanent or temporary disability, unemployment, pension, medical insurance etc. If you do not pay, and the worker makes a claim, Bituach Leumi will pay the claim and sue you for the money. How much does one pay: a. For an Israeli worker between ages of 18 and 65? The amount is 7.5% of the salary (of which 2% should be deducted as the worker’s portion). b. For a foreign worker or Arab worker who is not an Israeli resident? The amount to pay is 2% of the salary. *If a few people employ one worker, the salaries can be combined, and the Bituach Leumi is paid as if one salary.
When and how do I pay? Payments are made twice yearly; in July (for months January to June) and in January (for months July to December). Call Bituach Leumi and they will provide you with form 614, which can then be paid at any bank. Simple, but very important for all concerned.
JUNE 2015
Bizness Magazine
02-623-2546, 050-548-2192 www.egertcohen.co.il
02 999 3939
the Perfect Plumber and Home Repair Handyman “Chanania’s Plumbing & Home Repairs, good morning,” said the pleasant voice on the other end of the phone line. What a nice surprise to have a service other than a hotel reception desk answer the phone with such a cheery greeting, in English, and on the second ring. I had called Chanania to ask him to come have a look at our toilet, which had inexplicably come loose from the floor. Whoever had installed it obviously had not used the right type of adhesive mix. Chanania came that same day and did a very clean, professional job. His price was reasonable as well, considering the high-quality work and the peace of mind it gives us as we sit on the porcelain throne. This was not the first time I had called Chanania, and I knew from past experience that he was the right person for all sorts of small but important home repairs that we needed to have done quickly. No matter how well a house is built, there are so many parts that need to be repaired or replaced as the years go by, and we have lived in our home for over 20 years. Each time we called Chanania, he would schedule a house call within a day or two, or even the same day, if it was really urgent. When he arrived at the appointed hour, he had all the right tools and replacement parts to get the job done, quickly and with a high level of professionalism. He guarantees his work, too, so if a leaky tap starts dripping again a couple of days after being fixed, or if a window blind whose strap has just been replaced isn’t going up and down smoothly, Chanania will come back and fix the problem. —A satisfied customer Everyone should have a plumber and home repair handyman whose work they know they can trust, and Chanania is the right man for that job.He does larger renovation jobs, too, and is happy to provide references. Chanania also has much more than on-thejob experience and a pair of golden hands. Before launching his business, he became a certified plumber and plumbing contractor and is a graduate of several other training programs in home construction and maintenance, recognized by the Ministry of Labor – one more reason to keep Chanania’s phone number in your cell phone for easy access. OFFICE: 055-669-6565 FOR EMERGENCIES: 050-343-3451
How to Spruce up a Room with Paint By Nachum Eilberg
t never ceases to amaze me how often such little things make such a huge impact on a home. I would like to share with you some ideas of what we do with paint that can transform your room into something special. Just applying a fresh coat of paint will make a room look a lot better. Adding stripes, circles, accent walls, magnetic paint, chalkboard paint or any of the numerous faux finishes, takes it to the next level. Stripes Usually stripes are painted on just the one wall opposite the door where you enter the room. Vertical strips make a room feel taller, and horizontal strips will make a room wider. Stripes need not be the same width, and can alternate between narrow and wide. The stripes can all be different colors, either darker or lighter than the background wall. It is also possible to have stripes the same color as the background, in a different sheen, for a very elegant but subtle effect. Circles A great way to spruce up a bedroom is to paint circles of various colors and sizes on the walls. Painting circles within circles is also fun to do and gives you the ability to add a lot more color to a room. Taking a pencil, you can map out circles on your walls using various sizes of bowls and plates. Usually about a dozen circles on a wall are all you need. The circles do not need to be centered, and circles of random sizes and colors will spruce up any bedroom or playroom. Accent walls Painting just one wall in a room a different color can make the room feel it has more depth to it. Be brave and use a very bold color on this one accent wall. We have followed our customers’ requests and painted dark red, burgundy, and fuchsia, as well as dark navy, on the accent wall, and produced amazing results. Magnetic paint In recent years, receiving magnetic pictures from weddings and bar/bat mitzvot has become very common. Painting walls with magnetic paint allows you to place these magnetic pictures on your walls. Although it works great for this type of picture, it does not work well enough for hanging up calendars, or even several papers, under a magnet. Chalkboard paint Playrooms are a great place for chalkboard paint. It allows your kids to write with chalk directly on your walls. In a playroom it 24
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is common to just paint the lower walls about half-way up with the chalkboard paint. Kids can then use the walls to play games of tic-tac-toe or hangman and have fun writing on the walls and erasing it with soap and water. Restaurants are also a good place to use chalkboard paint to write any specials of the day they may be offering. Kitchens are also a great place for chalkboard paint to allow family members to leave each other notes or reminders of what needs to be purchased on the next trip to the supermarket. Faux finishes Finishes that make walls look like marble, suede, leather, velvet, etc. are both very elegant and practical. This is one of the best ways to hide imperfections on walls and prevent seeing handprints on areas that are often touched on staircases. These finishes tend to cost a lot more than the earlier suggestions made, but if you have the budget for it then it is a great option for one of the nicest looks and practicality. In addition to paint, another key to making a room look much better is to remove clutter. So often we come to homes where too much is saved, and the customers admit they have not used that dot matrix printer or 8 track stereo, or looked at the magazines they are collecting, for the past 20 years. Getting rid of these things, and tidying up your house, will make you feel great and give your home a whole new feeling you will really enjoy. Nachum Eilberg, of Walls R Us Painting, will be happy to answer any painting-related questions. Please submit questions to nachum@wallsruspainting.com and perhaps your question will be published in a future issue. Nachum of “Walls R Us Painting” can also be reached at 052-611-9500 or by visiting the company website at: www.wallsruspainting.com
Bizness Magazine
052-611-9500 www.wallsruspainting.com nachum@wallsruspainting.com
02 999 3939
What is the Value of Your Website? By Ahron Glazer
lients often ask me, “I want to take my website to the next level, and I feel it’s time to start making money from my website and social media campaigns. How do I create advertising opportunities?” My answer often begins with, “Well… what’s your website worth?” It’s usually at that point that I get the blank stare, followed by… “What do you mean, what’s my site worth?” Your website and network have value; but before you can think about making money through them, you need to evaluate their worth. You need to determine what someone would be willing to pay to utilize your website, not what you think it should be worth. In order to determine the value of your digital presence, you need to first ask a few preliminary questions: 1. How long has my website and online presence been active? 2. How many unique visitors am I getting each month to my site? 3. How large are my network, email list and social media following? 4. Is my network engaged, actively listening to the content we offer? Advertisers want to utilize platforms they feel are most worth their money. If your website only tracks 250 unique visits a month, that may be good enough for your business, but it’s probably not enough traffic to rent that space to someone else. Advertisers are looking for one thing and one thing only: quantity. The challenge quantity presents, however, is that it stems from the quality of your site and social media. If you don’t offer solid value to your customers, you won’t have the traffic, and no traffic means no advertising opportunities. Once your site has the traffic that advertisers are looking for, there are three primary ways to sell your advertising space. BANNER ADS On your website, plan for and create space for advertising, either along the header or sidebars. However, be careful that the ads are secondary to the content or goals of the site. Otherwise, visitors will be reluctant to return. On your social media platforms, your cover photo is prime real estate. You can easily rent that space in order to promote a business or cause. Again, just make sure it’s in line with your overall message. For example, the Israel Foodies group is a popular Facebook group run by Chef Yehudah Jacobs, with close to 4,000 active followers who are constantly sharing recipes and creative food ideas and looking for places to eat in Israel. For a local restaurant, it’s
worth the advertising budget to rent the cover photo of a group like this, simply because the group is big, local, active and has the exact reach of its target audience. FEATURED ARTICLES OR POSTS Offer to write an article on your blog. Again, it’s important to make sure the article is in line with your audience’s interests. You don’t want to write something completely from left field that will shock your audience, who is interested in your site because they like what you write and how you think. Don’t steer away from that. On Facebook or any of your social channels, offer to write and share a post on your page. Add some extra cash and highlight, boost or pin the post to give it extra promotion. EMAIL BLASTS Send an email to your audience; just remember what we said about not shocking your viewership. Make sure your content is on target with your interests, and don’t veer too far away from that. Usually, if your site is not a high generating traffic site, for example a news source or a popular e-commerce site, there won’t be much room for banner advertising opportunities. But, don’t give up just yet; utilize your blog. Blogs serve many purposes and offer excellent additional value. Blogs: • Provide information to like-minded supporters and followers. • Create a wider community that might have otherwise missed your site. • Can be a great utilization for ad space (assuming it has the value.) Don’t be fooled; it’s not as simple as “If you build it, they will come.” Evaluating your site is not simple, and the quantity goes hand in hand with quality. If your content is no good, no one will engage with you. If you offer quality to your audience, your follower base will naturally grow. This is the value of your site; the balance between quality and quantity. social@bluethreadmarketing.com 052-736-6592 bluethreadmarketing.com www.BIZNESSMAGAZINE.com
LED there be light! By Ari Katz
here’s an old joke…how many therapists does it take to change a lightbulb? Only one, but the lightbulb has to want to change. Ha! To begin a discussion about the origins of light, we need to look no further than the first couple of lines of the Torah. The first thing Hashem created even before the world was light. And for as long as Humans have been around, we have been finding better and better ways of extending the daylight hours of our days. If I asked who invented the light bulb, my guess is that everyone would already know the answer: Thomas Edison. What people may not know is that since then, not much has changed. Sure, there have been vast improvements over the years in quality, efficiency and cost, but there have been few revolutionary developments in lighting. Much like Henry Ford and today’s automobiles; they’re faster, safer, more sophisticated, on-star, Northstar and five star; but in the end, it’s an internal combustion engine mounted to four wheels with a seat. Until flying cars, fully electric cars or solar cars literally “take off,” we’re all driving around in a 60th generation Model–T. So too with lighting. With one notable exception: the florescent light. That honor goes to Peter Cooper Hewitt, who in 1903 discovered a way to generate light by passing electricity through a gas-filled tube. The name comes from a mineral called fluorite used in the early years. The curlicue bulbs most of us use are the same thing, but they’re twisted up to save space. Due to their efficiency, longevity and brightness, florescent light bulbs have been the choice for commercial lighting for the last 75 years. The downside is the actual light, which gives your skin that greenish, institutional, ‘night-of-the-living-dead’ tone. There are also questions about their overall health effects on people, but I don’t know if there is anything conclusive about that. LED is not the old type of light bulb, nor a halogen or florescent. It’s completely new. It’s a flying car. The technology is revolutionary in that it uses a new process to actually make the light, which uses half the energy, produces more light, lasts for years and is much more pleasant on the eyes than florescent light. It’s quite flexible so it can be adapted to any shape, thus utilizing existing fixtures and infrastructures. It’s also scalable, from microtools used by surgeons to street lamps and stadiums. Automobile lights, power tools, flashlights and emergency lights, airplanes, refrigerators and on and on are all using this technology. By far though, the magnum opus of LED is the savings in electrical costs. For example, a Yeshiva, office building or
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parking garage using 1,000 bulbs can reduce its yearly lighting expense by 60-70%, saving 500,000 nis over the lifetime of the bulbs. This is more than five times the cost of the entire conversion project. I have had to explain this to people many times over, as they simply can’t believe that it can be true, but it’s not rocket science. If your 50 watt lights are being replaced with 21 watt lights, that’s less than half the power required to get 20% more light and last for five years. Remember, watts are a measurement of how much electricity is being used, NOT how much light is actually given. If you’re interested in changing over to LED, make sure you do your homework; the quality scale is huge, and advertising can be deceiving. There is a large, name brand light bulb company that claims their new LED lights last 35,000 hours and come with a “three year warranty.” However, the fine print says “according to six hours of use per day,” normal residential use. A hospital, however, never turns the lights off, so the product has to be of a much higher quality to really last five years in a place like Hadassah. I work with an importer who can manufacture commercial bulbs to spec. If he wants a two-dollar bulb, a ten-dollar bulb, a fifty, or a one hundred dollar bulb, it can be made accordingly by adjusting the quality of components. It seems that for commercial use, 35,000-45,000 hours is what people are looking for. That’s between five and seven years. Anything less, and it doesn’t seem to justify the expense. Longer than that, it becomes more expensive, and people are nervous to invest that far down the road. If you have any questions about LED, or to get a free quote on savings and costs for your office, retail store, commercial property, school, yeshiva, clinic, etc…it would be my pleasure to speak to you about this awesome new technology and see if it can work for you.
Bizness Magazine
Contact 052-736-7369 premiumrepairs@gmail.com
02 999 3939
We Save Lives!
Caring and professional emergency first response Hatzala Beit Shemesh
ecently, we received a call for a person struck by a vehicle. Someone called our locally manned emergency number: 02-999-9992. Within moments, Hatzala Beit Shemesh first responders and an ambulance were on location. Our first responders pulled out their BAGS, complete with everything needed in the field to stabilize the patient. Reaching into their ambulance toolkit, they strapped the patient on to a BACKBOARD. The first responders administered an IV. Gave the patient OXYGEN. Multiple pieces of GAUZE and TAPE were used to clean and bandage flesh wounds. A NECK BRACE was applied to keep the patient’s neck from moving. The STRETCHER was prepared, and the PATIENT was covered with a BLANKET. The AMBULANCE driver pushed on the GAS, and off the patient went, to the nearest medical facility. On every call, between 100 NIS and 1,000 NIS are spent on patient care, excluding the time of our dedicated responders, drivers, and others. This includes gauzes, tapes, oxygen, immobilizers, IV kits, masks, gloves, toys for the kids to make them comfortable, blood pressure monitors, glucometers and squeezy balls for ladies in labor. Each ambulance has to be fueled, maintained and insured. Additionally, each volunteer needs ongoing training so they can give of their time for their local community. How does Hatzala provide a caring and professional emergency first response ambulance service to the Beit Shemesh Community? “Hatzala has tremendous friends in the community”, says Dovid Cohen, Director of Operations. “We have people who donate monthly and yearly, who all realize what an important asset Hatzala Beit Shemesh is, and what a vital neighborhood organization it is. People understand that their money stays in Beit Shemesh – we do not get called to Jerusalem or Haifa – or Nepal or Japan - to help people. Our strongest point is the ability to serve the Beit Shemesh community – and our community alone.” Donations to Hatzala Beit Shemesh are an investment in our community. Money donated to Hatzala Beit Shemesh goes towards you, your family, your neighbors, your friends. Every penny goes to Beit Shemesh. Not only do the donations go to Beit Shemesh, but our es-
teemed donors understand that, when a donation is made to Hatzala Beit Shemesh, they are standing right there with us as our members save lives and bring new lives into the world. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our dear donors. Each one of you has the zechus of being there as we save lives, deliver babies, and help the community as best we can. THANK YOU TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU. Without your generosity, none of this would be possible. In an emergency, Hatzala Bet Shemesh has only one number: 02-999-9992. It is a local Beit Shemesh number, manned by locally trained volunteers, who, in an emergency, will make sure help comes as soon as possible. Not yet a donor? Join the growing number of caring, understanding and generous local residents who, by donating to Hatzala Beit Shemesh, are ensuring that if needed, they will have emergency care all the way through to the nearest available medical facility. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Hatzala Beit Shemesh’s emergency line is: 02-999-999-2. This line is for EMERGENCIES ONLY! For administrative purposes, our number is 02-991-2345.
Office: 02-991-2345 Emergency line: 02-999-9992 hatzalabeitshemesh.org www.BIZNESSMAGAZINE.com
Interview with
R’ Boruch Taubkin,
CBT -Therapist, Head of Machon Rov Yoetz
e are fortunate to have on our doorstep a talmid of HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel Zt”zl, who has a great track record in helping many people do just that!! Boruch Taubkin is a religious professional with a Torah-based outlook who has been very successful in treating anxiety, fears, OCD, depression, low selfesteem, interpersonal issues and other complex problems, helping people turn their lives around. He works in English, Hebrew and Russian with men over age eighteen and has offices in Beit Shemesh, Jerusalem and Beitar. Boruch treats people with a medium to high level of intelligence. He treats clients who want to change themselves, empowering them with information and tools for lasting effect on their lives. Please tell us about your background and how you initially began helping others deal with their challenges. I left Russia in 1989. As a child, I was exposed to Jewish concepts from small pamphlets that were secretly passed around. I knew already then that I would go on to work and learn in the realm of mussar and man’s purpose in life - although in Russia I only learned sciences. When we landed in America, I announced to my family that I was going to learn in Yeshiva. That is how I found myself three weeks later, at the age of sixteen, in Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin in Brooklyn. After six years in NY, I wanted to elevate my learning and came to the Mir Yeshiva in Yerushalayim. Where I continued to learn for nearly 15 years. I learned b’chavrusa with the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel, and B”H, the strong kesher, from which I benefitted greatly, lasted many years. I was very much connected to the vaadim of R’ Shlomo Wolbe and Rav Aryeh Finkel and started learning in depth with some of Rav Wolbe’s students. I also attended the shiurim of Rav Moshe Shapira. During this period, friends would unburden their personal problems to me, and I realized that I was able to understand what people were going through in challenging life situations. I learned much from the guidance of R’ Yechiel Yaakobson, a master educator. How did you decide to obtain professional training? I realized that I have the ability to provide assistance to others and teach middos development through Torah sources. With the 28
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guidance of my Rabbonim, I went to learn modern counseling techniques and I began using modern tools to help people. I studied and became certified in coaching, NLP and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) at Haredi educational centers. Does that mean that you combine modern theory with a Torah outlook? No. My approach, and the messages I give over, are purely Torah inspired. The therapeutic tools I use are simply that -tools which have proven to be most effective the world over. I have helped hundreds of people with a variety of emotional and behavioral problems, and I continue to train and specialize in this field. I teach my clients how to change their perceptions without compromising their self-esteem and without compromising on the truth. The Torah doctrine puts a person’s actions and intentions in his own hands, and despite the difficulty everyone can affect change - I teach you how. I am especially attuned to immigrant issues and mentality blending. Due to my great success in the field, Ezrat Achim subsidize my treatments in Beit Shemesh. Can you describe how cognitive behavioral therapy works? This treatment method has proven to be very effective and works quickly with long term results. CBT focuses on changing the perception of reality and faulty thinking patterns that are the direct causes of our emotional problems. So even advanced depression and severe interpersonal problems can be addressed at the root of the problem, and the client can achieve quick results through changing his outlook. This process opens a window into the soul and provides critical information about what is inhibiting a person, paving a way towards freedom. Thought processes and behavioral changes are implemented by the client himself. This helps him feel his newly revealed spiritual abilities constantly unfolding and it generates life changes for the better. No one is immune to suffering from these conditions. I have treated successful people in respectable positions who had been suffering in silence with crippling problems until they sought out help. What is the secret of your success for netting quick results for patients in the Haredi community? There are no secrets, but there are some crucial points: Firstly, I gear my tools to each client individually. I don’t waste my client’s time and money if I don’t see a clear route toward positive results from the very beginning. The foundation of Jewish spiritual healing is in Hashem’s Torah, and the success is not mine, but the Creator’s; the Jewish spirit, for which Hashem created Torah as a remedy. I come from a background broad enough to understand different people without judging them, and I can quickly pinpoint the problem without digging too much in the past, so people open up easily. My clients get specialized treatment tools that give them the skills to change their approach to their issues. I have also been through significant difficulties myself, including moving countries twice, and I have dealt with fundamental questions at certain crossroads in my life. I feel great respect for anyone who decides to take a handle on his issues and is ready to work to change his life for the better.
Bizness Magazine
052-763-9653 cbt@okmail.co.il
02 999 3939
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Coffee: Can’t Diet With It… Can’t Diet Without It? By Dr. Bo Rosenblat, M.D. CHIEF PHYSICIAN, DR. BO’S DIET
f you’re like most people, you need a cup of coffee to simply get your eyes open in the morning. And then another one to get you out the door. And probably another to perk you up midday. So let’s start off with the good news – coffee has a lot of health benefits. You’re likely getting more antioxidants from coffee than from any other source. Also, coffee only contains about 1 calorie per 8 oz. cup. Of course, that’s before that Café Greg barista gets her hands on it! So fear not, you needn’t give up your coffee simply because you’re watching your waistline. Actually, doing so might have a negative impact on your diet. Here’s what you need to know about your cup of Joe to keep your diet and sanity in check: Coffee is a Liquid; It’s Not Water. Since you’re drinking coffee, you decide to skimp on your water and sip your java instead. This might be one of the biggest mistakes dieters can make. An average cup of coffee contains 95 mg of caffeine per cup, with drinks from shops containing as much as 450 mg in larger portions that include espresso shots. While reasonable amounts of coffee won’t generally lead to dehydration, excessive amounts may lead to headaches, trouble sleeping and increased urination and bowel movements, which may leave your body feeling depleted. It’s always a healthy idea to up your water intake when drinking a lot of caffeine, especially starting mid-day. This helps stave off the usual afternoon hunger, hydrates you and flushes your system, too. Aim to go at least cup for cup, water to coffee, for optimal health benefits. Coffee Will Wake You Up and Keep You Up. Striking a balance between getting the energy you crave and the sleep you need can be a challenge. Lack of sleep or poor sleep quality has a dramatic effect on your waistline, too. People that get sufficient rest burn more calories. If you’re starting a weight-loss program, the last thing you want to do is cut out your caffeine altogether. Since caffeine is a stimulant (which suppresses the appetite,) experiencing caffeine withdrawal will most often increase your appetite. Imagine the difficulty of slashing your calories and your caffeine together on day one! If you’ve tried to get more rest unsuccessfully, and you think your coffee consumption may be the culprit, start by consuming 75% of your daily caffeine before 2pm. Then, for the rest of the day, try and go half decaf. If that doesn’t work, talk to your doctor about your trouble with sleeping, but don’t reduce your caffeine haphazardly. Doing so may only interfere further with your weight loss goals. Sweeteners, Sugar and Flavors, Oh My. While coffee itself 30
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is nearly calorie free, adding in your sugar, creamer or flavoring may increase your beverage to 500 calories or more! If you must sweeten your coffee, try to cut back on the amount you use. Try opting for a natural sweetener like Stevia or Xylitol to provide a more regulated amount of sweetness without chemicals. Sipping All Day, Snacking All Night. You start out the day with just coffee, then continue the day with just coffee, finally realizing in the evening that you’ve only had coffee; but you don’t even feel hungry, right? This is because caffeine suppresses the appetite. However, it’s not a nutritionally rich meal replacement. The end result is that your body tries to make up all those missed vitamins, minerals, and energy at the end of the day, resulting in significant excess overeating at night. We go through our modern day lives, working at a desk, driving our cars or taking a bus for any significant trips, and using our mobile devices to accomplish every task in between. Our bodies, however, have more primal instincts. When we go for hours without eating, our hunger hormone, ghrelin, goes dormant. When we start to eat, there’s no shortage of food to choose from. Since our bodies are hardwired to build up extra fat stores (just in case there’s another food shortage,) we keep on eating. The satiation hormone, leptin, doesn’t kick in quick enough, and we end up eating more calories than we would have in an entire day in just a few nighttime hours. The simple fix is to eat on a schedule with about 4 to 6 hours between each meal. Not enough time for “real meals?” Start with easy grab-and-go options like yogurt, nuts, fruit and cut up vegetables with hummus. Aim for a balance of protein, fat and some carbohydrates, and keep refined sugars to a minimum. This will ensure you don’t experience any major shifts in hormones throughout the day. Dr. Bo Rosenblatt is a Board Certified Medical Doctor who has served in many leadership positions in hospitals and clinics, and has lectured for physician organizations all across the United States. Dr. Bo’s Diet is a comprehensive, customized 5-Phase Weight Management Program producing rapid weight loss in the short term, and healthy weight management in the long term. For more information call 077-228-5877 or email details@drbosdiet.com
Bizness Magazine
077-228-5877 details@drbosdiet.com
02 999 3939
a passport IRS will know your location
ndividuals who renew their US passport need to take into consideration that their Social Security Number (SSN) and country of residency will be forwarded to the IRS. Since July 2014, the passport renewal instructions forms have dedicated a specific paragraph detailing this new procedure: “Section 6039E of the Internal Revenue Code (26 USC 6039E) requires you to provide your Social Security Number (SSN), if you have one, when you apply for a US passport or renewal of a US passport … If you are residing abroad, you must also provide the name of the foreign country in which you are residing. The US Department of State must provide your SSN and foreign residence information to the US Department of Treasury. If you fail to provide the information, you are subject to a $500 penalty enforced by the IRS…” Section §6039E(b)(4) grants the IRS the authority to require any additional information as it may prescribe. What is currently requested is the applicant’s full name and, if applicable, previous name, permanent address and, if different, the applicant’s mailing address, taxpayer identifying number (TIN), and date of birth. As stated in Section 6039E, the IRS may impose a $500 penalty on a passport applicant who fails to provide the required information. Before assessing the penalty, the IRS will provide to the passport applicant written notice of the potential assessment of the penalty. A passport applicant has 60 days from the date of the notice of potential assessment of the penalty, or 90 days from such date if the notice is addressed to an applicant outside the United States, to respond to the notice. If the passport applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Commissioner or the Commissioner’s delegate that the failure to provide the required information is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect, after considering all the surrounding circumstances, then the IRS will not assess the penalty. This factual determination by the IRS is made on a case-by-case basis and involves consideration of all the surrounding circumstances. These regulations were first proposed in 2012 and finalized in 2014, and apply to all passport applications submitted after July 18, 2014. As part of the increasing efforts of the IRS to expose unre-
ported worldwide income, this is yet another way to ensure tax compliance and to detect the tax invaders. The information the IRS is given by the US Department of State is enough to check the compliance of any passport applicant. This is in addition to the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), which was enacted in the United States 2010 as part of the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act and was an important development in U.S. efforts to combat tax evasion by Americans holding investments in accounts outside the United States. Under FATCA, non US foreign financial institutions (banks, hedge funds, pension funds, insurance companies etc.) are required to report to the U.S. tax Authorities (the IRS) information regarding accounts held by U.S. taxpayers, or by foreign entities in which U.S. taxpayers hold a substantial ownership interest, i.e. 10%. Failure to do so will impose a withholding tax of 30% on most US sourced income payments to the foreign financial institution. Offshore tax evasion is a serious problem for countries all over the world, NOT just in the USA, and all countries have a shared interest in cooperating with each other and sharing information between them. On October 29, 2014, the finance ministers of approximately 50 countries met in Berlin and signed a Multi-Lateral Competent Authority Agreement which will designate which institution in each country is responsible for transferring tax data to other member states. Under the agreement, information on new accounts and pre-existing individual high-value accounts will be exchanged by the end of September 2017. All other account information will be exchanged by the end of September 2018. Countries are finding creative ways to receive their citizen’s personal information in order to check their tax compliance status. What starts as an innocent request for a passport renewal can lead to a very long and unpleasant correspondence with the IRS regarding your tax issues… This article is not a substitute for legal consultation. Legal advice should be sought in accordance with the particular circumstances. Dave Wolf & Co. is a law firm specializing in taxation and wealth management with offices in Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv and New York and affiliate offices in Greater China, London and Amsterdam. Mirit Reif, an Israeli tax attorney, is a senior associate at the firm. She can be reached at 02-622-2335. www.BIZNESSMAGAZINE.com
Rediscovering Yourself By Helen Abelesz
meet women on a regular basis who tell me that they have been working in the same job for years and really hate it. They are bored and feel unfulfilled. When I ask them why they stay, they always have plenty of reasons – “it’s convenient”; “the hours fit in with my kids’ schedules”; “they let me take off school holidays”. They are putting their children’s needs way above their own. Their own feelings of personal satisfaction in their jobs are way down on the list. It doesn’t have to be this way! Being a good mother can also be about showing a good example, by going after your dreams, enjoying a full and rich life, and feeling accomplished at work. Dalia* was 37, had 4 children, and worked part time in a gan. She had worked there for 8 years, ever since her second child was in the gan. It had been good for the first few years, as she enjoyed the work, it was easy, local and the hours were great. For the last couple of years, however, Dalia had no longer enjoyed the work; she was bored and she had to force herself to go to work every morning. Her kids were now all in school and she wanted to do something different. She was desperate to change careers, but didn’t know where to start. She also felt petrified at the thought of going for anything new. She had only ever worked as a gannenet and felt she had no skills to offer a potential employer. The thought of going for a job interview was really terrifying, and she didn’t have self-confidence to do anything about it - so she gave me a call. When I first met Dalia she didn’t know what kind of career she wanted. She only knew that she wanted a change - so we first started to work on trying to identify her skills and what she liked to do. This was really difficult for her, as she had forgotten what she herself enjoyed doing due to always putting her children first. She had to dig really deep, and try to remember who she was when she wasn’t a mother. When Dalia began to acknowledge her skills, she began to feel a little more confident about exploring potential careers. She asked everyone she met what they did, and she discovered many different options of things she didn’t even know existed. As she gained confidence, we worked on preparing for job interviews. This included relaxation exercises and role playing for job interviews.
JUNE 2015
Dalia didn’t get the first few jobs she applied for, and this again knocked her confidence, but we talked about how every successful person had to go through a number of failures before they became successful. She eventually got a job and gave up the work at the gan. She now tells me that she wakes up with a smile on her face and can’t believe that she stayed at the old job for so long. If you, like Dalia, are feeling stuck, call me today for a free first consultation to see how we can make real changes in your life! Call Helen Abelesz, Life Coach for Women, on 0544829815 or email me at helenabelesz@gmail.com Check out my facebook page for coaching tips https://www. facebook.com/pages/Life-Coaching-for-Women/64321416240 6829?ref=bookmarks * not her real name and all identifying features have been changed
Bizness Magazine
054-482-9815 helenabelesz@gmail.com
Facebook: Life-Coaching-for-Women/643214162406829
02 999 3939
Delivering Beautiful, Perfect Countertops for your Kitchen and Bathrooms
old as stone? Not on your life! Marble and stone, when used with artistry and professional technique, can add both elegance and warmth to a kitchen, bathroom, or any other space requiring aesthetic and functional decor. Even thousands of years ago, if marble was hard to obtain, or too costly, people wishing to demonstrate their high status would paint wall panels to simulate marble in order to decorate their homes (some really ancient examples still exist in the ruins of Pompeii despite the cataclysmic eruption of Vesuvius). Today, while perhaps still considered a luxury item, marble and stone wall coatings are more readily available to add an element of aesthetic enhancement to both private and public buildings, and Bet Shemesh is no exception to the general trend. Bet Shemesh is always ready to welcome new arrivals, and one of the latest, albeit not human, is newly ensconced at Shaish Ori, where they are delighted to be able to offer clients the benefit of the literally cutting-edge technology of the GMM Gravellona BRIO CNC bridge sawing machine. The machine should add an extra dimension to their ability to fulfill the demanding requirements of both their private and professional clients in various fields. No chipping away patiently with a chisel here; unlike the long-suffering marble-workers of old, this Monoblock
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sawing machine can be used completely in manual mode, or follow a range of automatic programs including single, multiple or orthogonal cuts. It can be programmed to cut raw slabs into finished sizes ready for edge polishing or processing with relatively little need for an operator’s presence. The BRIO can also drill, carve or execute lettering on request. So what does this mean for the private customers and professionals using the services of Shaish Ori? Committed to pursuing innovative methods of providing excellence, accuracy, and superb finish in their products, Shaish Ori (Ori Stone) uses advanced manufacturing systems to attain their aesthetic and luxurious standards. Their showroom displays examples of marble and stone surfaces for coating the walls and countertops of bathrooms and kitchens with granite, onyx and CaesarStone®, in a variety of patterns and lovely colors. They pride themselves on careful selection of the best raw materials, and strive to offer personalized attention to the needs of each client. Among the latter are architects, builders, interior designers, customers and companies, hotel chains, cafes and restaurants. All the above can now look forward to greater flexibility of design and even more efficient turnover, as well as excellent finish, on the items of their choice.
s-ori@netvision.net.il www.BIZNESSMAGAZINE.com
How to Handle Health Anxiety By Rachel Factor LCSW
n individual with health anxiety wants to know for certain that he is not suffering from illness. He may frequently visit doctors to get reassurance that everything is okay with his health. However this provides at most temporary relief until the doubts begin to return. “Did the doctor understand me correctly?” Or, “Did I forget any details?” Some people with health anxiety scan the Internet to check up on any symptoms of illness. Others will ask friends and family for reassurance. Their loved ones may say, “Stop looking for things to worry about. You’ll just make yourself sick from worry.” If only it was so easy to stop. It is estimated that between 4 – 6% of the population struggles with health anxiety. Indeed up to 10% of all visits to primary care physicians are related to health anxiety (OCD center of LA). Studies do not indicate that people with health anxiety actually live longer. Their frequent self-checking, reassurance seeking, trips to the doctor, and repeated medical tests are likely in vain. This is not to say that there haven’t been stories of individuals obsessing about health and eventually making a discovery of illness. However, stories like this are few and far between. All the anxiety and scrupulous attempts at staying healthy do come at a price. Someone who is preoccupied by thoughts of illness is missing out on the life he has. As one person summed it up, “If nothing really is wrong, look at the time I’ve wasted and lost. And if something is wrong, look at the time I’ve wasted, lost, and will never have a chance to recover.” (Grayson, 2014) With health anxiety, as well as other forms of anxiety, the therapeutic work is not in convincing the client that his fear won’t materialize; rather the goal is to learn to live with uncertainty. None of us have any guarantees about our health. The difference for the individual with anxiety is that he is acutely aware of it at all times and nonetheless must learn to accept the lack of certainty. When fearful thoughts arise, I teach my clients to learn to notice their thoughts, without acting upon them. I tell them to imagine that they are standing at a train station. The trains are passing through. Imagine the trains as our thoughts. We can watch the trains come and go, but we don’t have to get on them. With practice, one can learn to let thoughts pass and react less to them. The therapist and the client can create guidelines, and at times consult with the doctor as well, regarding how to relate to their health symptoms. For example, I discourage clients from seeking reassurance for questions that were previously asked and tell them 34
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to limit or cut out spending time online researching their feared illness. The guidelines will be individualized to how the client experience his anxiety. The therapist, together with the client, can create scripts that will expose the client to his feared consequence. Exposure scripts help a person habituate to their fears. The more someone exposes himself to his fear, the fear level will correspondingly decrease. The individual needs to repeatedly expose himself to the fear, while not giving in to the impulse to act upon it. He will start with lesser fears and work his way up to greater ones. When a person has a fear, he feels that if his fear would materialize he couldn’t go on living. I discuss with my clients that if their fear would materialize, although they may be caught off guard initially, hopefully they would find a way to cope. Their life will then become different than the one they had planned on. Maybe they will grow in ways they never even imagined. One never knows how he will respond, but if we begin thinking along these lines we increase the chances in our favor. A most touching experience was working with Yitzchak. He lived in constant fear of having a life threatening illness. Over time Yitzchak internalized the concept of living with uncertainty. A few years following the conclusion of therapy, Yitzchak called me up and said that his doctor is concerned that he may be suffering from a serious condition. The doctor asked why he hadn’t come sooner to discuss his symptoms. (Based on our guidelines Yitzchak actually should have gone sooner, but chose not to.) I’ll never forget what Yitzchak said to me. “Perhaps I should have gone sooner, but that’s okay. These past few years I learned to live in the moment, enjoy my life, enjoy my family and any price I have to pay for that is worth it.” As an after note, medical tests showed that Yitzchak was indeed fine, but his message still rings clear.
Bizness Magazine
052-713-4130 (Israel) 845-510-4169 (US) Rachel@OCDsolutions.com www.OCDsolutions.com
02 999 3939
Six Reasons for Buying your Home with a Realtor By Yossi Lipsh
n an earlier article we discussed the benefits of using a realtor when SELLING your home. In this issue we will focus on the important benefits of BUYING with an agent. Everyone, understandably, wants to save money. While doing the work yourself can save you the commission, flying solo may not be the way to go – and could end up being more costly than a realtor’s commission in the long run. Buying or selling a home is a major financial (and emotional) undertaking. Find out why you shouldn’t discard the notion of hiring an agent just yet. Finding Available Homes Though many homes for sale are widely accessible to buyers on websites and social media, sellers often don’t want the fact that they’re selling to be widely publicized. In such cases, only real estate agents know the properties on the market. Sometimes people don’t want their property advertised actively. Maybe for personal reasons they don’t want their neighbors or friends to know their house is for sale, and sometimes health problems, financial problems or divorce necessitate privacy. Either way, working with a real estate agent gives you access to homes you might otherwise miss seeing. Finding the RIGHT home It’s true that anyone can shop for a house, and even get a peek inside, without formally signing on with a real estate agent. But unless you have time to make home shopping a part-time job, an agent will be able to match you with the perfect property much faster. If you’re looking for something specific, such as a swimming pool, a fenced-in yard, or a basement playroom, a real estate agent is the person whose job it is to know if there’s a house out there to fit your needs. In the best-case scenario, an agent will have such a good idea of what you’re looking for that he won’t waste your time touring unsuitable houses, and will hold your hand through the deal to boot. Pricing Expertise Most real estate agents can set a price on a home as they walk through the door. A good real estate agent has the experience to know whether a specific house is overpriced or underpriced. Unemotional Negotiation Levelheaded as you may be, when fighting with a seller it’s easy to lose your cool. Having an agent write requests objectively and forward them to the seller prevents your getting overly emotional. If the seller won’t budge on a certain addition, and you want to adjust your offer. The agent can handle that part calmly too. Experts advise letting the agent take the heat in difficult negotiations.
Look for the positive part of every offer and counteroffer, and never let the other party see you make a sour face. Often, the most effective way to do that is to present the face that’s doing business – not your own. Tackling the Paperwork If you’ve ever bought a house, you’ve probably dedicated a full shelf somewhere to the documents involved in the transaction. These probably include the written offer, the written and signed counter-offer, little details (like specific repairs), and what exactly was and was not included in the sale. Paperwork can be tiresome. The odds of missing something, not initialing a margin or not checking a box, can drop substantially when you’re working with someone who knows the paperwork inside and out. If you need access to additional information through the iriya, the lawyers, etc, a good real estate agent can save the day. He will connect you to all the data you need, including experts to hire like engineers, contractors, and a good lawyer. Avoiding closing problems When a sale nears closing, all kind of pitfalls can kill the deal in the final hours. A real estate agent knows to watch for trouble before it’s too late. For example, the title of the house may not be clear — some long-lost relative might be listed on the title who hasn’t signed off on the sale. Or maybe the lender is not meeting the timeline on financing. You want to make sure there aren’t any unexpected title issues, the financing has come through and all the professionals involved are staying on task and on timeline. Real estate agents can work through almost any challenge that arises. For more information, and to set up your free no-commitment consultation, don’t hesitate to call us today! 02-999-4466 info@yossilipshrealty.com www.rbs-realty.com Facebook: RBS-Realty
By Yossi Golano
The Secret of Design
hen approaching a new project in your home, office or shul, an important principle is not to be afraid to take chances with design. What makes a finished product beautiful is that it reflects the client’s personality or establishes the desired atmosphere. The details are what make home and office furnishings different and unique. These details can be aesthetically pleasing to the eye or practical and functional. When I design a piece for a customer, most of the time I encounter people who begin with limitations that they place on themselves due to a limited budget, lack of knowledge or unpleasant past experiences when purchasing furniture or cabinets. I encounter many people who erroneously believe that moving to Israel for a more “simple” life is equated with a life that is devoid of passion, expression and beauty in what they buy. However, if one were to notice the beauty within the details of creation, one would perceive a Creator who cares about details. My job as a designer and artist is to try to help people free themselves from these limitations. I do this by reassuring my customer that creating a unique piece does not necessarily mean a more expensive one. And just because they may lack the knowledge of their design options, it does not mean that their hopes are out of reach. The same applies to those who may already have a room full of furniture that lacks personality. This does not mean that they cannot embark on a whole new journey toward creating a room that can change how they feel and think. When you think about it, people buy all kinds of things that reflect their inner personality – like clothes, cars, books and virtually everything. My job as a designer is to get a sense of what makes them and the room they are working on unique and try to infuse their personality into what I design. Once this is achieved, the ultimate satisfaction is attained. A simple stagger in a string of cabinets or a purposely-placed angle or curve can transform a room into a work of art. Well-placed lighting, a molding or an accent can provide a certain atmosphere. Using exotic woods with unique grain patterns, utilizing creative and artistic color choices or making use of a combination of colors can cause a room to come alive. Functional storage compartments or a place to display a special item like an heirloom or keepsake can provide personality. So can designing a piece that makes room for the everyday needs of the customer worked into the design. In addition, practical flow should be considered and incorporated in the placement of cabinets and furniture so that movement and accessibility is made simple. This makes everyday life easier. A person may want to design a piece or a room to reflect his profession, interests or hobbies, or they may want to escape and
JUNE 2015
find sanctuary and rest from their everyday routine. The truth is, commercial designers like myself, and those with whom I have worked, have known this for years. This is why we are drawn to certain stores, restaurants, coffee shops, businesses and shuls. We simply like the way they make us feel, think and act because of the mood and tone the environment creates. A good design can reflect the past, change the present or inspire hope for the future. It can set the tone for productivity, creativity, inspiration, and family. I have seen and experienced how an organized person can feel chaos and distraction in disorganization. How a creative person feels depressed and uninspired in a room without artistic expression. How a grounded person can feel anxious and distracted in a room full of bright lights and colors. Simply put, a person’s personal space should reflect the inner person. When this is achieved, we enjoy inviting people in. When I design something, I never force a person to like what I like or buy what I would buy. Instead, I try to get a sense of who they are or what their business is about and access their needs and then crate a reflection of it – an artistic rendition and expression of the soul. Does all this sound too lofty and out of reach? Well it’s not. So don’t be afraid to take chances…Let’s get creative!
Bizness Magazine
yossidesigns@gmail.com yossidesigns.blogspot.co.il
02 999 3939
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Career Counseling Chana Ratner, Director of Tzomet Career Counseling, helps clients to choose an educational program leading to a successful career. Tzomet guides clients to a variety of valuable educational programs and has connections in various industries to help individuals find satisfying employment.
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Other areas of study available at the Ono Haredi Campuses: Law, Advertising and Marketing Communications, Education and Society, Human Resources, Information Systems Analysis, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy. You will find the best lecturers in Israel at Ono (according to the 2014 Israel Student Union survey). Nearly 3,000 Haredi graduates are already working in the professional job market. Your journey to a high-demand profession begins at Ono.
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Four Basic Principles of Prudent Inheritance and Gift Tax Planning* By Adv. David Page, Senior Partner at Woolfson Weinstein & Co., Jerusalem, Israel
Four Basic Tax Principles Everyone Should Know US tax law is a highly intricate area of law. It can be daunting to think about tax planning. But there are four simple rules of thumb that can be used to understand how to legally minimize tax liability for gifts and inheritances (estates): 1. Tax-Free Yearly Gifts A yearly tax-free gift can be made to family members up to $14,000 per person. Thus two parents or two grandparents can each make a gift to a child or grandchild totaling $28,000 per year. When divided among a few children or grandchildren, this effectively reduces the value of a person’s estate over time and allows tax-free gifts even above the current lifetime unified gift and estate tax exemption amount of $5.35 million per person. 2. Irrevocable Trusts Irrevocable trusts of many kinds can be used to effectively and permanently freeze the value of an asset before it appreciates and causes gift or inheritance tax liability. Put simply, a person only has a lifetime exemption of $5.35 million that can be used taxfree for gifts and the person’s estate. If that exemption amount is exceeded, the tax rate is a very high 40% – the so-called “death tax” about which politicians often complain. This kind of “death tax” is incidentally also one of the items on the new Minister of the Treasury Moshe Kahlon’s party platform: Kulanu intends to institute this kind of inheritance tax in Israel as well to target the wealthy elites who founded Israel and whose family offices often quietly own and profit from large parts of the Israeli consumer and public spending economy. Using irrevocable trusts, it is possible to take those assets at today’s value, gift them to the trust, and thus freeze the value of the assets at the time of the gift. The asset can then appreciate, and the increased value of the asset will not be included in the gifting person’s gross taxable estate when the person making the gift dies. Every kind of asset can be placed in such a structure: personal residences, financial assets, insurance policies, annuities etc. - the list is very long. 3. Charitable Causes – Doing Good While Doing Tax Planning Well In addition, there are special provisions for charitable contributions that allow even those making the gifts to benefit from income from the assets largely gift- and inheritance-tax free. The kinds of trusts are very complicated, and it is important to understand how to draft them correctly so as to avoid unnecessary problems with the IRS. 38
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4. Non-Resident Non-US Citizens with US-Based Assets For non-resident non-US citizens, whose inheritance and gifttax exemption is only $60,000 for US-situs assets like real estate, there are special forms of trusts that can be used to legally minimize their tax liability. It is important to understand that these are all long-established legal tax planning strategies that allow people to sleep well at night while at the same time legally minimizing unnecessary gift and inheritance tax liability. * In accordance with Treasury Regulations Circular 230, any tax advice contained in this article was not intended to be written to be used, and cannot be used for the purposes of (i) avoiding tax-related penalties under the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any tax-related matter addressed herein. This article is also not meant to constitute legal advice for a particular client, for which consultation with a qualified attorney is required.
The writer, David Page, is an American and Israeli attorney at the law firm Woolfson Weinstein & Co. His practice areas, among other fields, include Wills, Trusts and Estates Law and International Tax practice under both Israeli and US law. Visit David Page, Israel and US lawyer, on LinkedIn. © 2015 by David Page, all rights reserved.
Contact David at 02-678-9111 ext. 222 or 054-463-6824 Visit his website at www.ww-law.co.il/en/ Connect with David on LinkedIn.
Bizness Magazine
02 999 3939
THE SUPER-PHARM GUIDE TO SUMMER The halcyon days of summer are upon us, and with them the joys of sea and sunshine, hikes in the countryside, lazy days and happy children, long cool drinks and many-flavored, mouthwatering ice-cream delights. Summer day-dreams have us lithe and healthy, soaking up sunshine with never a care. We wear our new summer outfits, hiking clothes, and well-designed sports-shoes, enjoying sea, sky, and landscape as the wonderful blessings they are. Total bliss. Well, almost. The pleasures of this bright season, as all others, carry the awareness of its dangers too. The caressing rays of the sun, when allowed free reign, also bear the harmful potential to cause open burns, skin cancer, and premature ageing of the skin. This is not something we can put off till tomorrow to think about. Sun-filters with an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of 30 or more, sunglasses, hats, and protective clothing, are essential if we are to go through the vacation period in comfort. If the proverbial “shady glen” is not readily at hand, we need to find an alternative shady place in which to rest, and particularly to avoid falling asleep in the hot sun. Every child is fascinated on seeing the diaphanous floating medusa, so ubiquitous on our shores at this time. Warnings to avoid touching, or being touched, by a “jellyfish” often go unheeded as our children frolic in the waves, and all too frequently the glee changes to a cry of pain as the cnidocytes,
or stinging cells, of the medusa strike. Fortunately, the sting of the medusae in our area is not fatal, and if promptly treated with vinegar, apple cider vinegar, or fresh lemon juice, the poison is neutralized and the victim soon returns happily to play. While one can usually get some from the lifeguard’s stand on most beaches, it’s a good idea to have a small supply of vinegar on hand in one’s beach-bag. Vinegar wipes are also obtainable from pharmacies. It’s important not to wash medusa stings with fresh water, nor to rub the inflamed area of skin where the sting is with sand or anything else. At a later stage, soothing preparations such as Life skin soothing gel, which contains aloe vera, onion concentrate, garlic concentrate and trolamine, can be spread on the skin. The sting wound should dry up and close within two to three days. In case of infection, oozing, or still open sores which such preparations have not helped, it’s advisable to consult a doctor. Sensitive to dehydration as we are, medusae evaporate if left stranded in the hot sun, leaving an almost invisible thin membrane where they die. Diarrhea, colic and tummy-aches are common in children, particularly in summer, with changes in daily routine, and sometimes improperly balanced meals taken outside the home. Continued diarrhea carries the risk of dehydration as the body loses liquids rapidly. Pink Bismuth can be good to keep on hand for this, but should never be used for children under three years of age, or for a child running a temperature, without first consulting a doctor. Probiotics can always be beneficial for holding off viruses and disease in cases of diarrhea.
A balmy summer evening. The children are sound asleep, worn out from the exertions of play. The fresh air and sun have left you pleasantly weary too, so why not take a relaxing shower and turn in for an early night, in anticipation of tomorrow’s lengthy walking trail? As your head sinks into the cool pillow, you drop off to sleep almost immediately. Total bliss. The droning pierces the landscape of your idyllic dream gradually, its insidious whine working its way into your consciousness without mercy. Too late you awaken to flick away the demon destroyer of your rest. You have already been bitten by a mosquito. Super Pharm recommends being equipped with natural preparations against mosquito bites based on aromatic oils, for example citronella, lemon eucalyptus, lavender, geranium and lemon-grass. Recommended for children and infants are “A-toosh”, Life’s “Citronella Forte”, “X-toosh” from Moraz, and others, or chemical preparations for spreading on the skin, but these are forbidden for use under one year of age. After the attack, treatment of mosquito bites is aimed at minimizing itchiness and inflammation. Then is the time to try preparations such as Fenistil gel, Life’s soothing skin gel, aloe-vera gel, calendula gel, Atoosh soothing gel, or calamine to dry the bites. In case of extreme inflammation or oozing of bites, consult a doctor to prevent infection. Children’s bites often get infected as they tend to scratch them with dirty hands. An open bite that has become infected can cause a rise in temperature as evidence of systemic infection in need of anti-biotics. Consult a doctor. As we make plans for exciting holiday activities, we should also take time to tidy the medicine cupboard, get rid of expired medications, and prepare a first aid kit to take on excursions. The kit should include plasters of various shapes and sizes, elastic bandages, small scissors and tweezers, disinfectant, and regular chronic medications such as inhalers for asthma. Having attended to the above, planned a sensible diet, and committed to gradually building up a regular exercise regime, we can enjoy the full benefits of those halcyon days.
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By Tomer Cohen
The Best Microwave for Your Kitchen
Dr. Jonathan Links -
High Quality Orthodontic Treatment, in the hearts of Jerusalem and RBS.
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BÂ&#x203A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x192;çĂ?Â&#x203A; DĂ&#x2122;. LÂŽ Ă&#x201E;ÂťĂ? ½Ă&#x160; ò
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one are the days when microwaves were an extra. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re standard in todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s modern kitchens for heating food quickly, and even for cooking. The newest versions feature exciting features that are supposed to make your life even easier. Here are some tips for choosing the best appliance for your needs: 1. Do you want a countertop model, an over the range model or a built-in? The countertops are the least expensive and come in the largest range of sizes, but they obviously take up precious counter space. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll only work for you if you have a large enough space. You can get a fairly small appliance to deal with the problem, but of course it will hold less. Over the range (OTR) models were created to stay out of the way, but they take the place of range-top hoods while not doing as well of a ventilation job. They are also fairly pricey. Built in models solve both issues, but are usually the most expensive and often require the services of an electrician for installation. 2. Determine what cooking power is important to you. Smaller ones have less, usually in the 600-800 watt range, while larger ones have up to 1,200 watts. This affects how fast the food cooks. 3. Keep in mind that larger microwave ovens donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t necessarily provide as much space as they claim, since some of the space is â&#x20AC;&#x153;unusable.â&#x20AC;? Think high and narrow; although an expensive model might have a second rack to take advantage of high space. 4. Fancier microwaves offer more shortcut keysâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;it used to be popcorn and pizza, but now they might have pasta and oatmeal. However, avoid paying more for a fancy machine that offers extras that are irrelevant to your lifestyle. 5. Numeric keypads and digital timers are easier to use than dials and cost more as well. Decide if this is important to you. 6. Some more expensive models offer features such as grilling and convection cooking. These generally donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t work as well as in a standard oven, so they may not be worth the extra cost. 7. If noise will bother you, seek a machine that has a quiet rating. 8. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s always more effective to see potential appliances instore and get a sense for how they look. There are some features that you may not get a feel for just from hearing about them or seeing them in an ad.
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With these factors in mind, you can set out to purchase the perfect microwave for your needs. Happy shopping! Chashmal 1/2 Chinam is an electric appliance store located on 9 Yitzchak Rabin St., Bet Shemesh Tel. 02-999-7193 ď&#x20AC;ź
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LIFE COACH Helen Abelesz Helen is a life coach who specializes in working with women who are feeling overwhelmed, lack self confidence, dealing with stress or are not achieving their potential. (02) 992 0263 | 054 482 9815 | helenabelesz@gmail.com
INSURANCE Egert-Cohen Egert-Cohen is a Jerusalem-based brokerage specializing in helping Englishspeaking Olim with all insurance needs. Shimon Cohen 050-548-2192 or Yona Egert at 050-536-3897 | www.egertcohen.co.il
WEIGHT LOSS Dr. Bo’s Team Dr. Bo Rosenblat is a nationally recognized, boardcertified physician with more than 15 years of experience 077-228-5877 | details@drbosdiet.com | www.drbosdiet.com FURNITURE RESTORATION Restorno Nati Journo and Yona Triestman both have strong backgrounds in furniture restoration. They offer a 25-year guarantee! 02-650-8777 | nati.restorno@gmail.com
REAL ESTATE Yossi Lipsh Yossi Lipsh is one of the most experienced realtors in Bet Shemesh. They specialize in buying, selling and managing properties in Ramat Bet Shemesh (02) 999-4466 | 052396-0551 | info@yossilipshrealty.com | www.rbs-realty.com | Facebook: RBS-Realty
PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING Richard Gussow Richard has been involved with the financial services industry both in Israel and globally for over 30 years (03) 9707070 | 052-806-6690 | richard@theservice.co.il | www.richardgussow.com PAINTING Nachum Eilberg Walls R Us began in Jerusalem in 1985 and has a strong reputation for its amazing customer service and immaculate cleanliness. nachum@wallsruspainting.com | 052-611-9500 MORTGAGE Moshe Wilshinsky A 27-year veteran in the mortgage industry, Moshe is the CEO of Moville Mortgage and Finance LTD. Call 073 796 2226 and press their special 711 Bizness Extension. questions@movillefinance.com | www.movillefinance.com ANXIETY DISORDERS Rachel Factor LCSW Rachel had a large private practice in Monsey, NY before making Aliyah in 2009. Her expertise is providing relief from OCD and anxiety disorders for adults, children and adolescents 052-713-4130 | rachel@ocdsolutions.com | Skype: Rachel-Factor TAX ADVISOR Sima Wolpin Sima is well versed on all the intricacies of the Israeli tax system. She gives prompt, thorough service in the language you understand 052-763-2408 | sima.taxadv@gmail.com
WIG STYLING AG Wigs Ayala Greenbaum and Yaniv Hofi are the founders of AG Wigs. They sell high-end wigs in Europe, the USA and Israel. They are located at the Leonardo Plaza Hotel in Jerusalem (formerly Sheraton) 052-654-3500 HOLISTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY Minda Garr Minda combines all her experience in her work as holistic Psychotherapist. Minda addresses the physical, spiritual, Mental and emotional facets of her clients 052614-6932 | wellnessisraelhealing@gmail.com | www.wellnessisrael.wordpress.com BUDGET COUNSELING David Litke Both Israeli and American trained, David helps families with their monthly budgeting. He helps Olim take to control of their finances 050-535-1800 | david@budgetsuccess.co.il | www.budgetsuccess.co.il CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Yaakov Prince An experienced construction manager, Yaakov makes sure any project runs smoothly. From small residential jobs to luxurious 5 star hotels 02 535 5732 | 052 698 3534 | Yaakov@princecm.com | www.princecm.com
EMERGENCY FIRST RESPONSE Hatzala Beit Shemesh Hatzala Beit Shemesh’s team has been serving the Community for over 10 years. They provide emergency medical response and ambulance services. Emergency line: 02-999-9992. Office: 02-991-2345 www.hatzalabeitshemesh.org ELECTRICIAN Ari Katz Ari Katz, a.k.a Mr. Fix It, has been successfully fixing things since he was a child. He specializes in electricity, and makes customer service his top priority. premiumrepairs@gmail.com 052-736-7369 PLUMBING Chanania Vialan Chanania is a professionally trained plumber who specializes in bathroom renovations and all plumbing needs. vialnch@gmail.com 050-343-3451 SOCIAL MEDIA Blue Thread Marketing Ahron Glazer and Mordechai Holtz, coCEOs of Blue Thread Marketing, have a combined experience of over a decade of digital marketing expertise. Blue Thread Marketing helps brands get ahead by making a strong digital impact online. social@bluethreadmarketing.com 052-736-6592 OUTDOOR WOOD CREATIONS Element Wood Creations Netanel Buta is a creative craftsman who is always expanding his knowledge in the field. Element wood creates custom made decks, pergolas, pools and anything else you can dream of for the outdoors. 050-676-3222 element.nati@gmail.com
NARRATIVE THERAPY Karen Wolfers-Rapaport Karen Wolfers-Rapaport is a psychotherapist specializing in Narrative Therapy. She works with her clients in overcoming issues they may have with their innate tools 050-990-6368 | karenwrapaport1@gmail.com
AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING Tzvi Lefkowitz Handyman Tzvi is a licensed technician who provides care and maintenance service and sales for all major airconditioner brands. tzviair.com 02-628-8282
DENTAL CARE Rechavia Dental Center The Rechavia Dental Center staff is comprised of three highly qualified American-trained specialists, dental hygienists and dental assistants. 15 Ibn Gevirol Street, Jerusalem | (02) 561-9770 | rechaviadental.co.il
CARPENTRY Yossi Golano Yossi specializes in high-end custom made furniture, producing exquisite work. 052704-2800 | yossidesigns.blogspot.co.il | yossidesigns@gmail.com
ANTIQUE DEALER Moshe Orman Moshe buys and sells items of value. That includes gold and silver pieces, watches, antiques and more. 054-837-3874 | 054-250-2043 ormanantiques@gmail.com
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