Bizness Magazine

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Circulation: 18,000 copies

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 

 JULY 2013

  What is the

status of a foreign driving license?

  A friend

of mine told me that the Damon system is the best. Is that true?


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When something as basic as the cost of money rises, it increases the cost


  We believe that no

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Sure it’s

 The greatest

  The

 

 

Change the so that the tire on the left hand


   Zeev served in the

children are around much more, can be negative traits even more than usual.



   The have imagined!


 Recent




 Three hundred

occasion to occasion.




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advances in technology have

400,000 Israelis.


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                                


  There is an


    Filters are a great disaster for the human





            

     

 regulation is not learned or

it is inhibited by other hormone activity

 





 

in the body, children can have issues regulating behaviors and emotions.


 I

chemistry, and biochemistry at university.


 I have

come into my store usually

   



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                

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   


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      

     

   





Tzvi builds his reputation on customer satisfaction

Air Conditioners                                                 

   

                                                           

 Happy Birthday Bizness Magazine!!!

L Our goal is to continue to increase our circulation and reach most Anglo communities and facilitate the integration of the several Anglo communities across the land. This is

headhunted, hired, trained, managed and/or mentored over 20,000 individuals.



  

Last year I bought at Sea Secret a great

 

    

     

  


     

bought it for me and brought it to my

is really creamy and so tasty. Great for hot summer shabbatot. To custom order call

   

  

Our son read beautifully at his bar mitz

heartily recommend him to others. Rabbi     

to tell her that I recommended you to her. Anat Talmud

 you Yehudis. Regards, Sandy Jacobs




len and only then the true facts came to light. The original car had been totaled but

 



1. dealer and it turns out to be stolen, he is



rael on the condition that it has been valid

of the car’s history (Section 34 of the Israeli Sales Law, 1968

olim chadashim, tourists 2.

is the status of a foreign driving license? So

buyer’s driving school.

A Quick Quiz 1. An oleh can drive for three years on his/ her foreign license. Y/ N 2. As long as you retain your tourist status, you can drive on your foreign license in Y/ N

not valid Israeli licenses, A few words about accidents in which there are injuries: 1. in 48

to Israel, you can transfer this to an Israeli license. Y/ N *See bottom of article for the answers. A Quick Summary 1. Oleh chadash, tourist, returning resident, temporary resident: Does not need an Israeli license immediately. Period of time: to Israel. 2. Tourist/student (coming in and out of Israel during the year) Period of time:

3. Transferring a foreign license to an Israeli license Period of time: The license of an oleh chadash can

not guilty of a crime but at the same time he/she To sum up: The aim of all insurance in the case of a claim is to restore the insured to the situa before the insurance event

What you need to bring: bituach chova form and your driver’s license. 2.

Doch Nifgaim.

All medical treatment is covered in full by the bituach chova

sure it.

In Gemara terminology, a classic “Mekach Ta’ut.” A “Hot” policy at Egert and Cohen:

a. Overseas Surgery b. c. kupat cholim (eg. for rare medical condi

Claim of the Month: Question: Can you insure a stolen car (and

in Israel on condition that the foreign li aliyah date. For the temporary resident, tourist or returning Israeli, the license can be

Happy Summer!

*All answers to the quiz are NO! 12





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     

 Dear Drs. Lavi and Gherman:

braces. A friend of mine told me that the Damon system is the best. Is that true? Signed, Dazed about Damon Dear Dazed:

choosing an orthodontist. If you hang on until the end of this article, it

No system is ideal for every situation.

Now for the special news,

beautiful smile.

Dr. Eliyahu Gherman Dr. Edo Lavi’s




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time, the US Fed (Federal Reserve Sys


When something as basic as the cost of money rises, it increases the cost of everything and that results in

madadIt is strange but true that good economic times can be bad for madad

to the madad About the Author Moshe Wilshinsky is the CEO of Moville Mortgage & Finance Ltd. Contact information: In Israel, dial: 073-796-2226 and then press the special 711 Bizness Magazine extension. In the U.S., dial: 201-377-3418; in the U.K., dial 208-596-4501. Website is at:

Ironically, the one thing the madad-

madad loan your monthly



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selling or buying. Why is this project good for the seller in particular? the same time.


   

Large client base.

Why is this project good for buyers?

It is no secret that deals fall through occasionally on small issues

home become a reality. What else do you offer?

What’s the idea behind joining forces?

and all you have left to do is to give us your list of requirements and

you from the kablan

Rachel, tell us a bit about yourself and your strengths. I’m no stranger in this city. Anything else? a high standard of customer service, bringing in the right clients, a

Yaniv, share with us a little of your background.

How can people contact you? Rachel Cohen can be contacted at: 052-761-7468 or at: Yaniv Bukobza can be contacted at 050-429-3034 or at:



about his unbearable tenants under the

 

out giving Daniel any form of security and

the rent rather than request that he agree to

 


andlords often either use stan

Daniel recently sent the family a notice requiring them to vacate the house due to breach of contract. They of course refused to do so.

family did. agreement. giving Daniel the right to shut off utilities

him from shutting off their utilities. The only recourse left for Daniel is to

the outcome. In the meantime, the family remains in the house.

for damage that the family had caused rath

needed to evaluate the house for insurance

addressed to him that arrived at the house.

the lease agreement safeguards you, as the

About the Author Nicole Levin is an American born, Israeli trained, real estate attorney with 28 They family began arbitrarily deduct neighbors.



Modiin. Her website can be visited at www.



   


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outcomes from the conventional healthcare system. root out the root causes of diseases, rather

activities. The nature of healing lies in the removing of obstructions to lize these remedies. erly nourished, the body maintains a balance and has the tools to heal itself. The body is only as strong as its surrounding ourselves.

is greater than the sum of its cause. Underlying causes of disease must be illness. For yourself and your family, call me for an

health, today. the disease itself.

About the Author Dr. Shoshana Kesner, DHM, BSN, has worked with women and babies throughout the course of her entire 18-year career. She is a doctor of homeopathic medicine, has a B.S. in nursing, is a trained midwife and is an active parenting educator and an integrated natural healing specialist.




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 By Helen Abelesz


Oy vey,’

Only Hashem

herself. She had an older brother

unfavorably to him. She had a as a child and this sibling received

herself as she felt that her sister’s

had three children, one after an other.




to give me a call. clearly tell me all her faults in great de

Yet Sara couldn’t tell me anything

 itive light. Sara also began to hear her

  


She got used to noticing everything

her as she recognized that she had the Hashem had given her to deal

Phone: 057-316-0000 Fax: 02-999-3330 Email:

ing details have been changed.

 

    

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Seemingly, it becomes clearer that he should not defer the gain under the in

Other Factors

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under the installment sale regime. For


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this communication (including any at

transaction or matter addressed herein.


lcohol can have various biological and behavioral ef

Direct Alcohol Effects:

Dehydration and Electrolyte Imbalance: Alcohol causes the

including fatigue, headache, dizziness and vertigo. Alcohol Hangovers:

Gastrointestinal Disturbances: Alcohol directly irritates the

Low Blood Sugar: Several alterations in the metabolic state

factors may also contribute to the hangover condition. Symptoms of Hangovers: Constitutional: Pain: Gastrointestinal: Sleep and Biological Rhythms: Sensory: Vertigo and sensitivity to light and sound. Cognitive: Decreased attention and concentration. Mood: Sympathetic Hyperactivity:

Diabetics Disruption of Sleep and other Biological Rhythms: Al


Drink only Small Amounts of Alcohol: Eat Foods Containing Fructose: Other interventions may reduce the intensity of a hangover but have not been systematically stud

type of alcoholic beverage consumed and the amount a person drinks


 

  



About the Author

workplace ergonomics problems. Dr. Rosenblum trains your staff in the proper, proven techniques to avoid injuries, reduce stress, increase productivity and enhance the work place environment. To schedule an appointment or to discuss how this service can work for you, call Dr. Rosenblum at: 052-662-4658. 1

Information for this article was taken from physiology/a/alcoholhangover_3.htm.




 


 

      






 Medical facials  Acne treatments   Anti-aging treatments Special event beauty treatments Medical pedicure Manicure- gel Fragrance products Waxing

Waiting for you,



                                     

 

  


 



 Tell us how Compuskills began.

What programs are available? How can a student start to earn as a freelancer?

combination of courses and tests. Who teaches at Compuskills?

tomers. What can a student expect after completing their course? Who are the students and what are their backgrounds?

force. What is the most popular course now?

Where is Compuskills located?

located for students from all over the city and also for students

line courses is that students can study on their time and at their When are the next courses starting?

How can people learn more about Compuskills?

Which courses do you recommend people take?

 




Al Derech Burma has just moved closer to you: visit our beautiful new 270 meter facility conveniently located just 2 minutes North of Big in Har Tuv Aleph, Rechov Hataasiya 16.

Huge relocation sale. Come on in and prepare to be inspired.

Tel. 054 351 8009 - 074 703 0029 Mon - Thu 10:00 - 19:00 Fri 9:00 - 15:00


 



ous as


1. You’ve heard about rotating tires, does that mean: A.

end out of alignment. This can damage your

Treads gauge. The reading on the gauge should be car so that the tire on the left hand front


high, let some air out. When tires have too much air, they’re overly rigid, and don’t ab

D. 2. How much air should you put in your tires? A.

hours. Tire Rotation Don’t your tires rotate every time you ?

Replacing Car Tires

So how will you know when to replace your tires?

When your car mechanic tells you to. When you fail the registration test. need in either in the car manual or on the car itself. C. All cars are different and need different amounts of air. D. All of the above. 3. Overly worn tires can cause your car to: A. driven before. C. D. Tire Pressure


I strongly recommend that you bring should be all right.

is that you rotate your car’s tires for every


About the Author: Ariel Levy’s car garage is located in the Bet Shemesh industria area on Hamasger Street (next to the Moadon Haklavim pet shop). Ariel can be contacted at 054-205-0389.


  

Here at our Family Dental Clinic run by Dr. Jacki Glassman, we offer a full range of dental treatments under one roof and at very attractive prices.


Among the many treatments we offer: Dental Implants and Oral Reconstruction. Crowns, Bridges and Dentures. Preventative Resin Restorations and aesthetic fillings. Root canal treatments and extractions. Orthodontics. Laser dentistry. Routine cleaning by our licensed hygienists. Aesthetic dentistry. FOR A FREE INITIAL EXAM AND CONSULTATION PLEASE CALL OUR CLINIC: (FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY)


Elcharizi 18, Rechavia, Jerusalem

  

  Ima! Do we really have to go all the way to Jerusalem to get my Kallah dress? Not anymore! Suri has brought her tasteful collection of designer dresses from New York to Bet Shemesh. From lavish gowns with elegant beading to simple gowns that gracefully accent the femininity of a modest bride. Embroidered gowns and gowns accented with lace overlays or otherwise embellished.

Envision your perfect dress and our designer will bring it to life. We can work on an existing gown or start completely from scratch and design the one for you. Choose the right dress to make your wedding a truly unique and unforgettable experience. We are a one stop shop. At Suri s you can get your makeup done and choose all your accessories shoes, crowns and veils. Our personal touch, guidance and low stress environment will alleviate some of the anxiety for both mother of the bride and kallah.



  

  Z

ously, he succeeded in studying for a business degree. largest drugstore chains in the United States. The chain’s 4,000

During one of Zeev’s visits to Israel, after 12 years in the



Why did you decide to change?

Tell us about the new Bet Shemesh branch. What’s your management style?

People say you smile a lot.

What do you enjoy most? Tell us about your new optical department.

your free eye test already today. Tell us more about the products.

from abusive homes. Tell us about Superpharm as a chain.

have been introduced in the branch.

Now a big Mazal Tov on the new store at the Big Fashion mall! What wakes you up in the morning?

Tell us about the move from the “old Big” to the new Big Fashion mall? What characterizes the Bet Shemesh residents who come to the store?

What’s your vision for the store? Tell us more about your staff.

night. We are totally dedicated to our clients.

     


situations that tainted their klitah

What’s the main challenge for Anglos when they decide to build?

But you have the dual-advantage of being “Israeli” as well....

Do you deal in all markets and with all projects?

constructed commercial areas. What makes you different from other builders?

How should people contact you to discuss their projects?


  

and requires treatment.



I side effects from various serious medical treatments. And don’t

The treatment has a calming, restorative effect that increas

We cannot avoid the appearance of pain but it is our choice to continue suffering from it or not.

good even during the treatments.




   



 

    

  

     

   



 

  As an entrée


chassid. dulce de leche dulce de leche,

Gonen, where are you from? I’m from Tel Aviv, Israel. How did you become a chef?

time for more. about it? my day, my life. Tell us a cooking secret.

How did you learn the art of cooking?

Is the food at Greg health-friendly? What’s your specialty?

I’m planning to come for a meal with my wife next week, what would you recommend? Who owns the place?





Re lls of A/C Gas Refrigerant Gas Re lls for older A/C systems

V.A.T included

We have an exclusive arrangement with insurance companies. Replacement Vehicles –trade your key with ours! Mechanics | Fronts | Electrical engineering | Air Conditioners Body work and paint |Glazing | Muf ers | Radiators | Accessories | Alarms Punctures and Tires | Oil Services | Preparation for Annual Test

V.A.T included

A/C Filter Checkup

Hatzomet Garage

Car repair center since 1979

Sderot Yigal Alon 24

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 inviting, comfortable thing in the house.

ignore the sides and bottom of the mattress.

bag. Bedding Israel concerns. Bedding Israel

dust mites, bed bugs and any other allergens in the mattress. At the

are allergens via the bedding.

to be unhealthy, shortens the life of the mattress and, in most cases,

Bedding Israel believe this trend must begin in your home. If anyone in your fam ily suffers from allergic reactions or if you are concerned about their

Guaranteed. or 052-777-BEDS (2337) Bedding Israel – Sleep the Difference.

uncomfortable. 42




*Not including men’s department

Men Store: 02-992 8484 Hours: 6:30 - 21:30 Ladies & Children Store: 02-992 3434 Hours: 10:30 - 13:30 and 16:30 - 20:30 Address: Ben Ish Chai 1 Shopping Centre in Hefsiba, Bet Shemesh

Fabu lo u s Cu sto m Je w e l ry Swarovski crystals Japanese beads

Come and design your own jewelry and enjoy an interesting workshop experience

Located under Shefa Shuk

Sun - Thr 10:30 - 19:00 Wed 10:30 - 20:30

Tel. 052 243 1419


  

David, where are you from? years. What are your educational and trade backgrounds?

What are you known as in the market?

How many years have you been in the building industry? What type of projects do you do? How did you get started?

not normally used in ceiling construction. 44



Tell us some big names you have done construction for.


There is a big difference between building surgery rooms or Tower and doing small residential renovation projects. How do you operate in such different worlds?

client and give him your best regardless of the money you might or

What are some of the challenges you have faced in your job?

Who should contact you?


 


t’s all about protexia


is usually decided many months before the actual conference, so

bring a ton of unique business cards to give out!

investor, an introduction may be made for you and then the meeting

it can bring you more business than you can handle. Other Networking There are clubs, religious organizations, shul and community


“The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work.” TOOLS FOR NETWORKING: Trade Shows, Conferences and Networking Events for you. Social Media Marketing & Word of Mouth Marketing “Social media marketing



Word-of-mouth marketing

some great business together. Once you have that familiarity and

Twitter Al pi Derech HaTeva catering to the frum


man, a member of the tribe. Since then, it has become tremendously

Facebook Pages

business or for some advice or to hire someone the more successful Bottom Line


About the Author Nachum Kligman is a serial entrepreneur, consultant and speaker. He is the founder of and is the co-founder of He is also the founder of ViewBix Inc, and the co-founder of &, among many other startups. His most recent launch is Mianzi the special needs community in mind. He is also the owner of KosherVend Ltd. which is the exclusive importer of Cotton Candy Vending Machines to Israel ( as well as a partner in Cellar 18, a boutique wine store located in Ramat Bet Shemesh.

  

    How did you technologies? .






in Israel a device that he had invented and then distribute it the body’s natural system of secretions. Where do all the toxins and chemicals go? What’s the problem with tap water?

body’s natural secretion system. This can be seen by the high

What’s the effect on the human body? Amazing. There is an amazing affect on the quality of the red

of money. Explain the principle of the Mayim Chayim 8 system.






scream and he used to scratch him

 

told me that she had never seen him

all of the acne that she had on her face What is your opinion about the taste of the water?

How often do you need to replace parts? to clean the device for many years. What is the warranty?

 

After the device’s installation, there is no need for maintenance for many years, 20 years or more. There is no longer any need to shlepp This can bring clients savings of thou

for body creams and hair conditioners. ter also cleans out the lime scale from Have you seen changes in people’s health?

The device is totally manufactured

How is the system installed? meter in order that all of the faucets in

office. How can people get more information? To see our internet site, get more information and to hear video

of the sores that he had. Of course the time. a his life from eczema on his hands.




   What’s your background?

How and when did you get into the tire business?

What’s the best tip for long lasting tires?

is invested in cars loses its advantage. There is an electronic system designed to monitor continuing education courses since on the What type of tires do you sell?


ir pressure

mation to the driver of the vehicle, either steering system. 2. Safeguarding the front wheel alignment excessive erosion to the

What other services do you provide?

well-paved roads damage to the tires. vide greater safety for the driver, the vehicle, the loads and others on the road. They also

There are so many brands in the market, how do you select the right tires for each car?

character and of course the budget. Can we assume that American and Western European products are better than Eastern European and Far Eastern products? One cannot assume the quality of a tire from its country of origin. What determines


causing irreversible damage to the tire. What are the signs that there are problems with the tires, balancing or alignment?

tion, stability. Can people go directly to Super Tire or should they call for an appointment?

Why is it important to go to a professional tire place for service?



  Smiley is a stationery store that also sells toys, gift items and school supplies, including textbooks. They are located in the Park Center shopping area on Nahal Dolev in Ramat Bet Shemesh. Smiley has the




      

Shiran, what led you to open up the store “Smiley?”

What products do you sell in your store?

store. What is the best way for parents to deal with the lists of books and supplies for the new school year? Back to School with Smiley”


brit or a bar mitzvah. We also offer our

How do you choose such a wide range of products?

ent, from the moment that he enters Smiley, is given a

close to home. Who are your best clients—adults or children?

Are your prices higher for the additional service that you supply?

What types of products connected with school do you carry?

When should people bring you their lists of school supplies?

Do you sell brand names or general items? eral items. We carry quality names such as Staedtler, How about delivery?



 

or it is inhibited by other hormone ac tivity in the body, children can have is sues regulating behaviors and emotions. cortisol during daycare or nursery school

these children are not able to regulate behaviors due to high cortisol levels. In adults, stress can affect normal daily activities or functions. In chil establish attention, a crucial element to lead to attention issues later in life.

increased cortisol may also lead to behav


atigue often comes from a vari

issue as it relates to children and teens. Stress and Cortisol in Children and Teens

toddlers, young children and teenagers. had control of emotions or the ability to child’s behavior. cause stress is an inevitable occurrence

adults. Infants, toddlers and teens can also be equally affected by stress. In re cent years, studies have been conducted

Cortisol Cortisol is one of the main stress hor

ferently to stress than men.

els in infants and young children can lead the effects of stress. The same might be said for children.


lab test called the ASI (Adrenal Stress kupot cholim. About the Author Dr. Rosenberg offers a free one-hour consultation in person or by phone to discuss your health issues. Call today to begin getting real answers to your health questions. Cel. 052 761 6793,,


        

        

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  

  

 


Where are you from? I made aliya What made you become a dietician?

  

Where did you train? How many years have you been practicing? Where did you work previously? kupot What’s the difference between a dietician and a nutritionist?



kupot cholim, old age homes, gyms, etc., although there industry. What types of conditions are treated by a dietician? Other than the obvious conditions of riety of conditions such as high choles terol, triglycerides, diabetes, gestational diabetes, allergies, gastro issues such as

How does preventive medicine apply to

SAVE THE DATE Thursday, August 1st Binyanei HaUma, Jerusalem 11:00-20:00 FREE ENTRANCE!

Looking For a Job? Looking For a New Direction? Don’t Miss the Employment Zone @

The Event 2013

Bring your CV- come prepared to network of these conditions. The aim is to change one’s lifestyle, involving healthier eating

Visit us on Facebook at “The Event 2013: For the Anglo Community in Israel.”

Register today at:

Who is a typical client?

range of clients, from teens to elderly cli clinical diagnoses. What’s the biggest misconception about clinical dieticians?

Who should consult with you? In order to be eligible for a consultation in kupat cholim, you need to be suffering from any of the above conditions. Can people go to you directly or do they need a family doctor referral? To see a dietician in any kupat cholim, one needs a referral from a family doctor

 

Where do you see patients?

 

   


Why Anglos?

What is the Goldshtein Kitchen advantage?

What made you come to Bet Shemesh from Jerusalem to start Kitchens here?

of a “one stop shop?”

We are also distributors of Caesar stone. We carry a large selection of marble granite, ceramics, glass, Blanco and Fordham

What services do you provide?

Dealing with big budgets is easy, how do you deal with small budgets?

here, what’s your goal? How many years have you been in the construction/renovation industry? years. What type of projects have you done?

Chalav UÂ’Dvash It is possible to eat pizza and eat healthy!

SUMMER SALE! Family size (14”) pizza 3 Family size pizzas + large Coke XXX large pizza (45 cm) + large Coke



   

Zest of one lemon

 1. 2.


forming a ball of dough. It should be a soft dough.

Cut small circles.

10. Let them cool. 11. 12.



    

    

       

   

                

                 





        

          

            

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 


Intro: //




// Am

// B7

Chorus: // Em





















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/ C //







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