Beyond 2020: The Future Of Work And Learning By Dr. Victoria Abboud It is no surprise the world of work has been changing. Rapidly. This “fourth industrial revolution,” as it has been called by several futurists and economists, requires fast-paced learning, problem-solving, and adaptation. It seems like once we’ve gained skills in one area, it’s time to learn something completely new. Pessimists often argue the way the world of work and learning is moving, this era will witness the demise of academic institutions, the complete shift of human workforces to robots, and the downfall of empathic humanity. However, when we engage through the lenses of possibility, creativity, and systems thinking, it’s clear that much of this change can be influenced by humans learning and working at their best. The “Tech Connect” initiative, first launched in July 2019, is a multi-pronged exploration of the Windsor Essex region that identifies our region’s prospective needs and trends,
both in the workplace and in the community. With the generous support of the Local Employment Planning Council led by Workforce WindsorEssex, WEtech Alliance endeavoured to create a snapshot of the regional “tech” scene and to question how the region might better connect employers and prospective employees. We learned so much more than our leading question would suggest. By interviewing community, business, and education leaders, hearing from college and university students, launching the Tech Connect survey, and facilitating the Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) Roundtable, we were able to isolate some of the key opportunities that are most important for our region — the very opportunities that will support our region in the uncertain future of work and learning. The keys to enabling our region to flourish in the future include: (1) intentional collaboration
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among business, education, and community; (2) identifying and supporting the evolving skill sets required of prospective employees; (3) opening young people to varied learning and career pathways; (4) supporting local businesses to create and foster fully inclusive work environments; and (5) opening the possibilities for broader-scale problem-solving and innovation across business, education, and community boundaries. Although the rate at which change now happens is exponentially greater than for previous generations, the nature of work and learning engages us in ways that bring us to our full creative and intelligent selves. By engaging as a community for our community, this region can adapt, grow, and flourish through this change. We have the capability if we move forward collectively. For the full Tech Connect report, visit: “Tech Bytes” is powered by WEtech Alliance ( where Dr. Victoria Abboud is the Tech Talent Strategist. She is also a faculty member at the University of Windsor teaching technical communications and emerging technologies. As a researcher, educator, and administrator for two decades in Canada, the U.S., and Brazil, she has supported over 2,500 learners and 150 faculty to see the broadscale applications of their work and the vital importance of ethics and empathy in all they do.