5. Ram Sridhar entered his fifth year as the Telethon Committee Chair and has volunteered with the local Easter Seals chapter since 2008. He is also an Economist at Injury Law Group.
Darryl Fanick, Leslie Boutet and Joe Brannagan, OECTA Secondary President, Windsor Essex Unit with a cheque for $2,500,°with additional anticipated pledges exceeding $5,000 to come.
6. Telethon Host, Mark McKenzie from 89X accepted a $5,000 donation from Biz X magazine represented by Columnist Joe McParland.
8. Members of The Legion Ontario Command, Riverside Branch 255, Windsor: Jim Dunn, Zone A-1 Commander; Bernie Kelly; Bruce Tribute, Sgt. at Arms; Susan McAree, Zone A-1 Secretary and Frank Maheux, Colour Guard were pleased to contribute $2,500°with additional pledges to come exceeding $5,000.
7. Photographed from the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA) were: Dean Hughes, Adriana Palamides,
B IZ X M A G A Z IN E • N O V / D E C 2 0 2 0
9. Working in collaboration with David Jacob Duke Creative Design Studio, CircleBox Video was on-site — capturing footage to air for the broadcast — and represented by: Michael Poirier, Video Production Technologist St. Clair College; Jolie Inthavong, Media Artist and Eric Tulp, Technical Director. Thanks to all who donated to the “Easter Seals Ontario (Windsor-Essex) Telethon” to help raise $105,290 when the segments ran throughout the showing of two Harry Potter movies on CTV Windsor.