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NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020 volume 23 • issue 9
Year 23 Theme
"We Are All Survivors" WWW.BIZXMAGAZINE.COM 4° Funny Stuff 5° From The Publisher: Help Sparky With A Toy Donation 6° Editorial Viewpoint: COVID-19 Exposes Long-Term Care Neglect Henry Johnson (pictured), an 84 year old Windsorite, Secretary of the regional chapter of CARP, has emerged as a difference maker in a movement to radically reform the Long Term Care (LTC) system in Ontario. Johnson tells columnist Alan Halberstadt that warehousing our seniors in private LTC homes needs to end. 8° Front Lines 11° Heard On The Street 12° Hot Shots: “Easter Seals Ontario (Windsor-Essex) Telethon” Even a pandemic did not stop the Easter Seals from broadcasting their annual telethon to help children with physical disabilities! Many local companies, organizations and individuals donated to the cause, including Jeremy Renaud (in photo by Rod Denis). He personally donated $2,250 and is also the Development Officer for the local chapter. So how did Renaud and his team pull it off? Turn to our event photo page to get the details. 14°Newsflash 16° Food For Thought: The Best Pizzas All In One Club 54 Have A Cup Of Joe With Joe: John Fairley, An Essex County Champion YourTVWindsor is celebrating 20 seasons of “Face to Face” with TV host John Fairley (shown in photo at top right courtesy of YourTV). Since 2000 Fairley has conducted over 800 interviews and community conversations, which inform, enlighten and entertain. From business leaders and politicians to the movers and shakers of our region, he knows how to ask the tough questions we all want answered.
And now Biz X’s Joe McParland turns the tables on Fairley to ask about his most memorable TV moments and volunteer work he has done over the years. 56° XX Files: Linda Innes Celebrates 20th Anniversary Of Her Dougall Avenue Shop, Linda’s Fashions & Accessories 57° Portfolio Corner: Bye, Bye 2020 58° Ask The Experts: Make The Most Of Your Closet Space With California Closets Windsor 60° Tech Bytes: The “Digital Main Street” Program 62° ’Tis The Season: The TWEPI Holiday Gift Guide And Supporting Local 64° The Parenting Biz: Christmas Is Claus For A Family Celebration The holidays are usually a time to come together and celebrate, but what happens during a pandemic? It’s still the most wonderful time of the year, so why not try some new holiday traditions that put the focus on your immediate family? For example, our first tradition is purchasing an “Elf on the Shelf” whereas another is all about baking Christmas cookies together . . . and there are more ideas to read to keep the season festive! (Photo courtesy of The Lumistella Company). 70 From The Bookshelf: Jacquelin Ihuwan’s “When I Look In The Mirror” 71 Health Matters: “You Better Watch Out”, Flu Season Is Here 72° The Way It Was: Windsor Goodfellows & The Salvation Army 74° Biz Of The Month: Garlatti Landscape, LaSalle
ON THE COVER —“It’s A Jungle Out There “ — The 23rd Annual Biz X Awards — PAGE 18 206 nominees, 24 winners, the 23rd annual Awards Tribute and a battle to stay healthy against a world-wide pandemic — physically and economically. “We Are All Survivors” of 2020! On the TV show “Survivor” an “Immunity Idol” is awarded to the winning tribe after an “Immunity Challenge” has taken place. Locally, the “survival instinct” of our nominees kicked in to give them strength to compete for a Biz X Award (shown on the cover). But, who will be the “Sole Survivor” in each category, as decided by our Judging “Tribal Council”? COVER MODELS: Joe Paonessa is a Fire Prevention Officer for Windsor Fire & Rescue Services. He started competing in 2017, most recently in the “Toronto Pro Qualifier” on November 21, 2020. He is the owner of JPFitness online coaching, where clients looking for lifestyle improvements can receive online nutrition and exercise guidance. (Instagram.com/jpfitness19). Krystal Francoeur is a Support Worker at Community Living Essex County by day, bodybuilder by night. In 2014, Krystal decided to take control of her life and get active as a competitive bodybuilder. Her first competition was in 2015 and now, in 2020, she is preparing for a pro qualifier in hopes of obtaining her IFBB pro status. (Follow her journey on: Instagram.com/fit.chick.0_o) LOCATION: Our jungle environment, with leafy tropical plants, tiki torches and firewood was created by Diane Spencler, Owner of Designs by Diane and set up at her venue, 5885 Huron Church Line, LaSalle. (DesignsByDiane.org and WindsorMicroWeddings.com.) PHOTOGRAPHER: Rod Denis. (RodneyLDenisPhotographer.com)
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