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Sparky Needs Your Toy Donations More Than Ever This Year By Deborah Jones This has been a challenging year for business owners, and of course in our personal lives too. Social distancing, mask wearing and sanitizer everywhere have become the norm. The holidays are going to be a different experience to say the least. Yet nothing stops Christmas from coming! That is why I want to highlight here a cause near and dear to my heart, Sparky’s Toy Drive. Each year when we release our awards tribute to the public, we also host an awards gala. Like many events in 2020, gathering restrictions mean we cannot celebrate how we normally would. Since 2010, Sparky’s Toy Drive has been our charity recipient with gala guests donating toys, gift cards and cash, in lieu of purchasing a ticket. We raise thousands of dollars in cash and toys through the support of those in
attendance and also businesses providing items for our raffles. “The Biz X Awards Gala has been a long time supporter of Sparky’s Toy Drive,” says Sean Costello, Sparky’s Toy Drive Coordinator, which is sponsored by the Windsor Professional Firefighters’ Benefit Fund. “It is one of our largest and favourite fundraisers of the year. It is community gatherings like this that will be sorely missed by Sparky’s Toy Drive in our efforts to give back to those in need this holiday season!” ° Sparky’s Toy Drive has been helping financially burdened families for over 40°years and is made up entirely of volunteers. Last year alone they helped°approximately 1,200°families and 3,000 children (ages one to 13) in Windsor Essex. “Due to COVID-19 issues this year we are facing some adversity, but realize that
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the need is°great°and we will persevere,” Costello stresses. “We know our fundraising efforts are going to take a major hit, but also we understand the Windsor Essex area is one of the most giving communities in the province.” Donations are accepted right up until December 23 with toys and gifts in the $25 range. Gifts for nine to 13 year olds are needed the most. If you are an individual, family, or business who is fortunate enough to be in a position to donate to the toy drive, we urge you to do so. There are toy drop off locations (visit their website for an updated list) at most Windsor Fire Halls, as well as at Canadian Tire and Toys “R” Us. Monetary donations are also accepted through: Let’s salvage what we can of 2020 by wrapping it up on a positive note with every child in our region having a special gift under the Christmas tree!