Biz X magazine October 2020

Page 5

from the publisher

Small Businesses Need Your Support By Deborah Jones Every year at this time my column is about all the events and celebrations related to October being “Small Business Month.” There is still cause for celebration, but things are different. Without pointing out the obvious, 2020 is a year most just want to be over. In my daily conversations and emails with business owners, they tell me they are fighting to survive and working harder than ever. One guess, why! That’s right, the C word. I am not going to dwell on it here on how much the world has changed — everyone is well aware of the suffering, stress and the state of the economy. We just have to get through it the best we can and stay healthy, plus keep our employees and customers/clients safe too. There is a lot of speculation that plenty of businesses, small ones at that, will soon close up shop. The truth is we just don’t know what the future will bring.

Small businesses are the heart of Windsor Essex — the backbone of our economy and community. We need to make sure we support these companies, in any way possible. Considering that I run a small business, I am grateful for the advertising support we have received from our valued clients and for new advertisers choosing us as well. The stories we publish promote small businesses in our region as they inform residents and potential consumers where to visit or purchase goods/services. So what can you do — a heck of a lot! Choosing to purchase from a local business and not buying online at big retailers is the most important one. Any dollars you can spend locally helps keep the cash flowing in our economy so employees and owners can be paid as can suppliers. And even if you do not wish to physically enter the shop, see if delivery or curbside pickup is offered. People are buying less, that’s a given.

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However, certain items and services like groceries, haircuts, new clothing for growing kids and birthday gifts etc. are always needed. Whenever you can, order flowers online to send to someone special; shop for home décor items (sprucing up your home is the thing to do these days!); purchase artwork or a new CD from a Windsor artist; treat yourself to a massage or manicure, just to name a few ideas. As the colder weather arrives and sitting outside on a patio at your favourite restaurant is no longer an option, order take-out or delivery every chance you can. And when the delivery driver arrives, tip BIG! Even if you do not have a lot of spare cash, you can still show your support for small business. On social media there are all kinds of graphics going around with suggestions such as: liking, sharing and commenting on posts on the pages of small businesses; writing a review online and telling your family and friends about the companies you patronize so they can do the same. The more we can support small business during this crisis, the faster our economy will bounce back, when life returns somewhat to the way we remember. So happy “Small Business Month”! I look forward to connecting with you in our next edition when we honour even more small businesses with the 23rd annual Biz X Awards . . .


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