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Dear Friends This issue of Cornerstone focuses on the music of the Cathedral, an essential part of its worship and of its role as a cultural centre. As well as the music at Sunday masses, high days and holy days, often involving visiting choirs, the Cathedral is a popular venue for choral concerts and organ recitals. The centrepiece for the Cathedral’s music is of course its magnificent organ, built some time in the 1850s by William Hill & Son for a London church, transported to Arundel, and installed in time for the church’s opening in 1873. Why such a splendid instrument should have been commissioned in the first place and then made available to Arundel remains a mystery, but in its position under the great rose window it looks absolutely appropriate. Repairs and adjustments were made periodically over the next 130 years, and then in 2005, under the direction of Canon Tony Whale and Monsignor Jeffrey Scott, a major restoration project took place: a team of seventeen organ-builders led by David Wells, bringing the organ up to pitch-perfect condition. Numerous distinguished organists have performed in the Cathedral, on an instrument described as ‘one of the finest of its kind to survive in an English church, or, indeed, anywhere’. The Cathedral is fortunate also in having two active composers currently associated with it. Elizabeth Stratford, Director of Music and Master of Choristers, and Fr Bruno Clifton OP. We feature articles on both, together with Canon Tim’s report for the past year, with details of current and future developments. We hope that as many Friends as possible will be able to enjoy and participate in the Cathedral’s music over the coming months, particularly during the Easter services. The Chrism Mass, this year on Wednesday 4 April, is always a particularly joyful prelude to the Easter Triduum; an uplifting occasion for the whole Diocese, with massed clergy and congregation raising the roof in song. Cantare est orare! Oliver Hawkins Editor

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DEAN’S REPORT FOR 2011 Without a doubt, the highlights of cathedral life during the year have been the completion of the fleche project and the beginning of the St Mary’s Hall renovations. The reinstatement of the fleche took place in July in wet but not windy conditions. The topping out ceremony occurred on the very fine day of 10 August and I am sure that Bishop Kieran much appreciated being interviewed by BBC South Today on the very top of the scaffolding. The words of the Bishop’s prayer of blessing crafted by the Chancellor unwittingly caused much mirth amongst the diocesan clergy; ‘Bless this fleche’!! I am grateful to Canons Hull, Coates and Foley for joining us in the celebrations that followed. The bell, contained in the first part to be fixed back on the roof has had its electrical works attended to by Whitechapel Foundries so that once again it can ring across Arundel. This was achieved by early in the New Year although there are one or two issues yet to be resolved with the system. A variety of other minor works have been undertaken, including internal lighting and improvements to the sound system, and other projects are due, ranging from the cleaning of the Cathedral floor to the re-slating of the Chancel roof. The next Quinquennial inspection in autumn 2012 will highlight other areas of the Cathedral’s buildings that will need attention in the future. Now to the next major project: St Mary’s Hall. R. Durtnell & Sons Ltd of Farnborough won the contract for the refurbishment and took possession of the site in September. For the duration of the works parish activities have been transferred either to the church (Choir practices), to the sacristy (First Holy Communion children’s classes) or to Cathedral House (Parish Core Team, Friends Meetings, First Holy Communion parents, confirmation classes). The work so far is progressing ahead of schedule despite extra work being involved. The front part of the building; entrance hall, disabled toilet, kitchen, server, bar area and choir office have been removed with the corresponding flooring with the ground dug out underneath to create additional room downstairs. The building in this area has now been underpinned. As was the case with the fleche I think we have caught some major structural problems just in time. As I write, most of the structural work has been completed and the frontage scaffolded for the cleaning of the brick and stonework. The project is due for completion on 18 May 2012 just in time for Corpus Christi.

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Recent events have included the Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (8 December) in the Duke of Norfolk’s Chapel, Arundel Castle to which we were delighted to welcome Bishop Richard Moth KC*HS, the Bishop of the Forces who presided at Mass. The Friends of Arundel Cathedral Advent service at 7pm on Friday December was also a great success taking as its theme; The Angelus. Next years’ event will be on Sunday, 2 December at 6pm in the form of a Solemn Vespers for Advent to which Bishop Kieran has kindly agreed to preside. Please put the date in your diaries as we look forward to seeing you all there. With my best wishes for 2012 Canon Tim Madeley KHS Cathedral Dean

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ARUNDEL CATHEDRAL CHOIR Ten years ago in June 2002 Elizabeth Stratford was appointed Organist and Master of the Choristers (Director of Music) at Arundel Cathedral and took up her appointment in October of that year. Following an intensive period of vocal training with the existing adult choir she then formed places for a mixed-sex group of 14 choristers, recruited mainly from local schools, some of whom still sing in the Cathedral, having progressed to the adult choir. The choir has grown steadily over the past few years and attracts membership from many different areas within the Diocese. Past choristers have gone on to win numerous awards and scholarships, to Worth Abbey, Chichester Prebendal School, Wells Cathedral School, Lancing, Brighton College and others. Over the years the Choir has undertaken concert and other performance engagements, including residencies at Canterbury Cathedral and at York Minster, and has recorded CDs of choral music associated with the Arundel’s Corpus Christi and other services (CDs available from the Cathedral shop). As well as directing and teaching Elizabeth is an accomplished composer. For this writer her Ave Maria, composed for the centenary of her old school, St Joseph’s College in Bradford, is one of the finest pieces the choir has sung, and Friends may well remember hearing it at past Christmas concerts. Elizabeth says she has difficulty finding the time for composition, much as she loves it, but she has nevertheless managed to compose the Hirondelle Mass, sung at the 11.15 mass, for which a congregation sheet is in preparation, and we hope that she will continue to pursue this aspect of her vocation. The choir now has 22 choristers and 16 adults. In addition to weekly commitments at the Cathedral the choirs regularly perform outside the Cathedral, and and undertake fundraising activities ranging from 10-12 hour Musicathons to humble car-washing, to boost choir funds. Future plans include a choir tour to Paris and a summer gala concert. Scholarships for voice training are offered to choristers showing outstanding promise and an organ scholarship is also available. Full details of places, rehearsals and commitment are available on request. Thanks to Frances Newman for her photo, opposite, of Elizabeth Stratford with young choristers.

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THE ARUNDEL MASS Friends attending mass in the Cathedral in recent months may well have heard, or joined in singing, the newly composed Arundel Mass. The composer, Fr Bruno Clifton OP, is one of a family who have been mainstays of music in the Cathedral for several decades. His parents Deacon David and Monica, and his sister Frances are all musicians and singers, and it is no surprise that Fr Bruno has been actively involved in music from an early age. The idea of an Arundel Mass first came from his mother, in response to the need for new settings for the new translation of the English liturgy. Bruno studied composition at the University of Durham and the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester, and while he was still a student a movement of his first symphony was played by the BBC Philharmonic in 2000, directed by James MacMillan. His Letters for string quartet was performed at the Sophie Silver Lining Festival, Banbury. In 2002, Bruno joined the Order of Preachers (Dominican Friars). During his novitiate year, he wrote a Way of the Cross for organ, baritone and assembly. During his theological studies at Oxford his piece In Flanders Fields, a setting for tenor and organ of the famous poem by John McCrae, was first performed at a service in Brussels Cathedral on 11 November 2007 After ordination to the diaconate he was appointed assistant chaplain to Edinburgh University. While in Edinburgh, he wrote several works for the New Edinburgh Orchestra. He was ordained to the priesthood in Edinburgh in 2008, continuing his chaplaincy work for another year. He is now resident in Rome, where he is engaged in studies at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, and continues to write orchestral and other works. The musical score for the Arundel Mass is now available, priced at ÂŁ3.00 (30p for cards with melody line for congregation). Enquiries and orders should be made by email to aruncath1@aol.com

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The Friends of Arundel Cathedral registered as a company Limited by guarantee and not having a share capital (No 3792834) Registered Charity No 1078149 The Friends’ Office, Cathedral House, Parsons Hill Arundel, West Sussex BN18 9AY Telephone: 01903 884567 Email: aruncathfriends@btconnect.com

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