How has the Print Industry been affected by the need for digital media and the growth of new technologies? It would be naive to assume that ‘Print is Dead’, but considering the shift from traditional print to digital media it is safe to say that print is having to battle against the growth of new technologies. It was inevitable that one day there would be such a demand for digital media but where exactly does this leave print? A vast increase in the number of smaller printing businesses having to close over the past few years highlights the vulnerable position of print, but does this mean to say that one day print will no longer be valued? The printing revolution started in the 1450’s when Gutenberg created the notion of moveable type, which lead to the printing of the first bible in 1454. A significant development within print, which meant that for the first time print, could be used as a form of mass communication to thousands of people at what was considered to be reasonably inexpensive. By ‘1470’s every city in Europe had established printing companies’, and by the ‘1500’s around four million books had been printed’. ‘The history of printing is an integral part of the general history of civilization. The principal vehicle for the conveyance of ideas during the past five hundred years, printing touches upon, and often penetrated, almost every sphere of human activity..’ (Steinberg, SH, 1975, p. 11). It is print that revolutionised the form of mass communication and continues to do so with print technology continuing to develop further. Print played a fundamental part in how society revolutionised communication; print was at the forefront of communication and it was only towards the end of the twentieth and early twenty-‐first centuries when the digital age began to impact on value of print;
‘…As the digital revolution took hold, newspapers lost half of their advertising income, one quarter of their subscribers and 30 percent of their editorial capacity… triggering hundreds of newspaper bankruptcies and tens of thousands of layoffs.’
1 Baljeet Kaur Samra – Contextual and Theoretical Studies OUCS205