Module Code
Module Title
Enterprise & Innovation
Baljeet Samra
What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them? Throughout this module I have really been able to consider the business side of Graphic Design. Looking into things that I had never even thought about before. From working out finances, finding a premises to rent and working out an hourly/daily rate I now have a better understanding of what I would need to go through to set up my own business. I also think that for the first time I have been able to work effectively as part of a team which was reassuring.
What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these? I would say that personally I was able to carry out a set amount of relevant research that helped me to progress with the module. I also really enjoyed working on the branding for the group, I think that we have managed to create really well thought out branding and been able to apply this across other media, from the business plan to the direct mail. As a group I think that we worked well together, each of us contributing to set tasks that we needed to get on with.
What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully? Personally I think that I could have engaged better with the group - although I really got into the module I felt that other modules tended to be prioritised. If I had the chance to work on the module again I would definitely engage with it more. As a group I think the only weakness was maybe finalising the presentation, I wont lie I think we did leave it a bit last minute, I think if we had spent more time refining the presentation it would have been more successful. 5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these? 1 / Engage with the module more 2 / Try and understand the financial side of it better 3 / Stop being an idiot and help present during the final presentation 4 / Blog on a regular basis instead of leaving gaps and then wondering what needed to be blogged 5 / Learn how to spell. Honestly I'm ashamed about these "Buscuits"