Module 3

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Module 3 semester 2 2012

Dimitri Blazos

IN DETERMINING WHAT WOULD BE THE MOST SUITABLE PANELLING IDEA, I LOOKED AT SOUND IN 3-DIMENSIONS, the image below depicts sound in a variouble manner which is my intention of the overall surface.

I also wanted to look at frequency, this would change the variation in the surface. A wave with a longer wavelength would make the panelling surface a lot smoother.

Va r



When adding this concept to my design it made me think of applying it to real life architecture. this variation on the surface called dynamic architecture could be applied to the exterior of the building, and would change according to the graph where the peaks would be at the hotest part of the day, so the triangular parts could act as eaves.

determining panelling

In creating the panelling surface i needed to make it from a 3d grid using manage 3d patterns under manage library pattrns. From there i create a grid 3 x 3 from here i designed the triangular panelling surface.



When allowing the plugin grasshopper to create tabs for me, it caused some problems. When creating the tabs it created many overlapping lines. This meant I had to go through all the pieces manually and alter them to make sure they did not overlap.

Creating tabs

First prototype sent off to the fablab


When prototyping and after sending my first file to the fablab, I experimented the panelling surfaces to see if they could be physically built. As my panels were quite intricate and had surfaces which bent in two directions, when making the model i needed to score both sides of the paper- making sure I did not cut through the paper.



Here i have started grouping the separate parts of the model using different colours. I started by creating different layers of altering colour in order to identify which colours went where.


Final file sent to fablab

Final rhino file

When thinking about what building/architectural example my design has qualities from. I thought of building 80 of the new rmit building This building contrains many triangular surfaces which have also elevated triangular panels. This is very similar to my design, in this case the triangle panels which are elevate allow light to penetrate within the building. This makes me think how when we apply design it needs to apply functionally as well as aesthetically


Creating circuit

Model lighting

here we have the final rhino design with rendering on the right

Final design

In finally making the model, it really put everything into perspective and was quite exciting as something i had created was finally being fabricated. Due to the fact that i got it cut by the card cutter this saved me time and increased my accuracy. each piece which i created had tabs which were developed to make it asy to attach each part.

Fabricating Model

My final model has had some problems and have discovered some limitations of creating a form which spirals. Due to the spiral, this means that each section which has been unrolled needs an identifier of where to attach it. Overall i am very happy with this development as it gave me an idea of the scale of the model as well as the panelling and whether it would work

Final model

Reading response gershenfeld, Neil (2005) looks at ways in which modern technology have revolutionised the way fabrication is undertaken. The reading explains it as machinery which either subtracts or adds material. Both methods have positives and negatives and the correction precortions need to be taken when using the (e.g. Laser cutter can ignitre a flamable material). When applying this to our designs, it is important to minimise waste, this can be done by organising our sheets well so that there are no large gaps between cutting pieces of subtraction. The thing about digital design is the fact that it does remove the abstract part of design, it allows designers to have a representation of a designing which thinks about fabrication so when it comes to printing the engineer and builder all have the same drawings. The computer is also very accurant and one does not have to rely on the words of the person.

Reading Response This weeks reading on “Making Ideas� by Macfarlane. B explores concepts of digitisation and how he has applied it to his own works within his own firm. Macfarlane and his projects such as Restaurant Georges within the Pompidou Centre looked at using entirely digital techniques, and in fact transforming his entire firm into a digital environment. Doing so allows the firm to develop real life drawings on the computer to show clients, but to also make adjustments to objects which may just be to difficult to analyse otherwise. As much as computers are the focus these days I still will never completely rely on them, as there are still many limitations and time constraints, meaning doing something by hand could be quicker.

Lecture Response Virtual Environments Week 10 Last lecture focus is a reflection on what we have learnt throughout the weeks, we initially looked at underlying patterns and ways of approaching them from different focuses- which led to looking at ways of applying it to a design for our lanterns. The lecturer spoke about how the lectures went from being very specific to very abstract. From the lecturers analysis some students work was very clear, and some other work was not as clear. Taking the designs a step further We don’t want to look at the design process just based on architecture, but very tangible design outcomes of mathematics to paper artists etc from the different disciplines whom came and spoke with us to broaden our horizons and thinking. Overall module 3 taught me that the design process never ends, and that until you actually construct your model you do not really understand it. The various limitations I had made me realize how important time management was even though I got to my intended position.

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