Module 1-Ideation

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Dimitri Blazos Module 1 Virtual Environments Sem 2 Student number: 607507 15/8/2012

A magnetic field can be created artificially or can be produced naturally such as our planet earth.At any given point a magnetic field has a direction and a magnitude. The fields are created from moving electric charges. Our Earth has a magnetic field and connects the North and South poles.

From here I explored ways of mapping magnet fields but especially from the planetary example. I was interested in the form created in the three dimensions and how it could be represented as a complete form.

Concept 1: Magnetic field

When observing the way the magnetic field lines interact, I was able to determine a pattern for the exterior structure of the lamp.

I looked at what shape was created when the lines interact. From this I derived a trangular pattern.


Ancient Greeks had been observing the planets for centuries. It is at these times where they believed the planets rotated around the earth (egocentric). When observing the planets especially Mars, we notice that it seems to return back on itself. So if we were to take a point and mark the parth it toook, it would take various paths like the ones on the left.

Concept 2: Locii

A development model of my first concept. It displays a path of a planet through a locii point. It also contains a circular panel at the bottom which replicates this pattern for in array to create a 3 dimensional representation of a planet.

Here we have an extrusion of the locii path. The pattern on the bottom is the locii path with an array which formed this beautiful pattern.


Sound waves are replicated in many natural forms such as waves in the ocean, or when we vibrate a slinky. Even when we map the path of a surfer sitting on his surfboard which he waits for the big wave to come. The path he takes replicates a sine wave.

A wave contains a peak and a trough. The wave amplitude is defined by A and its wave length by Lamda. South waves spread out according to their frequency. High frequency does not diffract as much as low frequency sound.

Concept 3 Sound Wave

Due to the concept having modulation and articulation this would allow for the figure to move independently from its components.

So the concept has been derived from the sound wave. It establishes that sound waves extend and contract but also contain a sine wave pattern to them. In my research I am looking at ways of defining a skin, to determine a surface pattern. My ultimate aim would be to find a way of panelling to represent this compression and extensions.


Virtual Environments Module 1 Dimitri blazos

Developed Concept The idea of sound and fundermental mathematics is very interesting. The different frequencies determines different sounds, high frequency representing high pitched sounds and low frequency representing low and deep sounds. In the example of the trumbone, the wave length of the sound is altered to change the different sounds. In establishing how sound travels within our three dimensional world i wanted to take it further by exploring how it travels within a tube.

recedents Precedents

Examples of nurb designs of the building of the rotating tower situated within dubai. designed by Dr. David Fisher.

this is a revolutionary building which establishes a new style of dynamic architecture

this building also adopts a lot of environmental sustainability techniques

d evelopment The model proposal moulds and reflects the features i have expressed early. the compression of a sound wave, to the wave travelling through a tube and diffracts on exit of the tube. here i have represented this through fabrication at the base of the lamp. the reason for the section at the top is to represent a tube, but the break down of what is happening internally,

Final Development


In developing the final model I thought I would do a detailed section of the entire lamp, to show the individual articulated parts.

The final design incorperates both my first and second design ideas. This concept will allow for a manufacturable lamp as it would be easy to construct with its articulated and modular components

rhino Generation

My final Rhino concept I feel has explored and taken the concept to its limits. I believe that with design you can never get to attached to your initial concept. So for this reason I further developed my concept twice in order to find way of best representing the meaning behind the design.

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