Enhance Alumni Connections of PolyU Design

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PolyU School of Design

Establishing PolyU Master of Design Intimacy Connection and Chemistry.

SD5203 Designing Services Team 7 Hu Wentao | Lu Zefeng | Tai Tsz Fung Zeco | Yan Yuxiang

Confidential notice and disclaimer. The information contained in these documents is confidential, privileged and only for the information of the intended recipient and may not be used, published or redistributed without the prior written consent of Koala Alpha Ltd. The opinions expressed are in good faith and while every care has been taken in preparing these documents, Koala Alpha Ltd. makes no representations and gives no warranties of whatever nature in respect of these documents, including but not limited to the accuracy or completeness of any information, facts and/or opinions contained therein. Koala Alpha Ltd, its subsidiaries, the directors, employees and agents cannot be held liable for the use of and reliance of the opinions, estimates, forecasts and findings in these documents.

What do we have.


Research Report

UX Ecosystem Design

Project Overview

Quantitive Research

Qualitative Research

Design Implementation

Holistic Understanding

Research Goal

Interview Focus

Four Action Framework

Project Objectives

Participant Criteria

Interviewee Criteria

Idea Generation Laddering

PolyU SD Success Factor

Data Collection & Analysis

Research Process

Design Inspiration

Scope Of Work

Matrix Analysis

Transcript Decoding

Design Concept

Research Plan & Methodology

Possibilities Moving Forward

Laddering Themes

Future Desired Service Design Blueprint

Project Deliverables

Behavior Laddering

Project Timeline

User Personas & Journey

Project Team

Faculty Interview & Summerise Design Approach

Project Overview. What is going on?

Holistic understanding. The pro-democracy protests movement and the outbreak of Coronavirus significantly changed the arrangement of PolyU Master course. Special arrangements in minimizing face to face interactions has affected both communications & opportunities for students and academic staffs.

1. Quality Issues causing production outage causes non-unified communication between each level of stakeholders. The need in strengthen transparency and efficiency 2. The flexibility and adaptability of curriculum arrangement design need to be improved in the future, low efficiency & engagement of online education system possibility affects student’s opportunities.

Act quick & manage complex relationship to solve immediate pain point

Establish efficient communicating for supporting post-school life

Re-established the reputation and trustworthy among stakeholders

The need to act now

Build connection in the ability to reach out for support

Project objectives. The project focus on the transformation of virtual communication in supporting student’s campus life. Enhance connectivity and seamless experience process of School of Design Master programme





Strength School Of Design reputation worldwide partnership for fulfilling student’s satisfaction. A student centric system

Visibility across the journey of the master course in supporting post-grads expectations and academic knowledge





Unified communication & understanding student needs. Less barrier in providing opportunities for the students

Talent acquisition in supporting campus and career across worldwide. Easy access to student’s profile

Create student centric in surfacing the right proposition for our target audiences.

PolyU School Of Design Success Factor. 01 Reputation of Alumni Achieving exceptional results in top companies in the world. School of Design’s innovative approach of combining professional knowledge with real-world experience has earned them the impressive ranking of 15th best design & arts school in the world.

02 World Class Campus Facilities Zaha Hadid, Architect, Innovation Tower. School of Design and is the new driving force in the development of Hong Kong as a design hub in Asia.

03 Limitless Imagination Allow design students to create beyond their imagination. The freedom and flexibility that drives student motivation and surface their best design work.

Take advantages of success factors in targeting for building a successful framework.

Scope of work. Team Koala Alpha will delivery the process in 3 approaches

Deep dive 1. In-depth examination or analysis, define framework & research 2. Interview with stakeholders in identify key pain points for qualitative analysis 3. Develop user persona in targeting segments

Technical discovery 1. Align integration or technical implementation 2. Existing software integration

Design discovery 1. Align design vision & direction. Validate high level concept 2. Service design blueprint in scenario walkthrough

Research plan. Discovery



Online Survey | Quantitative

Online Interview | Qualitative

Consolidate & Case Studies

Transcript making & coding

Today’s reality as-is investigation

Evaluate quantitative data

Define focus area

Theme Generation

Four Action Framework

Define interview approach

Create User Persona & Journey

Behaviour Laddering

Re-design touchpoint

Design Exploration

Design opportunities

Analysis methodology. Discovery



Online Survey | Quantitative

Online Interview | Qualitative

Consolidate & Case Studies

Motivation matrix

Transcript Coding Code 01

Code 01

Code 02


Four Action Framework

Code 02

Code 03

Code 03

Code 04

Code 04


Theme 01 Theme 02


Theme 03

New Value Curve


Behaviour Laddering Negative

Attribute Internal



Idea Laddering Theme 01

Theme 02

Social Benefits Emotional Benefits Functional Benefits


Theme 03

Technical Benefits


10 Mins


Online Survey. Research Focus 1. How we improve online class experience 2. To what extent, can we improve PolyU’s reputation in the social/industry? 3. What ways can we increase transparency in the communication between students and the management level 4. How do we support the on-boarding process? 5. How to support the students off-work (social/ career/health, etc)

Part 01: Get to know you

Part2: Flashback

Part3: Recent vs Beginning

1. What is your gender a. Male b. Female c. Other

1. On the scale of 1 (Lowest) to 6 (Highest), The program has met your expectations & satisfaction

1. Choose 3 personal concerns in your program experience influenced by COVID-19? a. Curriculum arrangement b. Course quality c. Academic Support from school d. Teamwork collaboration e. Project length & workload f. Others

2. Are you at local or non-local a. students a. Local b. Non-Local c. Mainland

3. In which the currently taught postgraduate are you currently studying? a. Full time b. Part-time 4. What was the reason that made you apply for The Hong Kong Polytechnic University? a. Geographic location b. Academic scholarship c. Campus facilities d. Program time span e. Others

2. In what areas I was satisfied during my study at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University? a. Professional knowledge b. Campus facilities c. d. e. f.

Campus security Off/On-campus activities Curriculum arrangement Faculty resources

3. In what areas I was Dissatisfied during my study at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University?

4. I am satisfied with my overall improvement study at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in the following areas a. Softskills Very Satisfied —> Very dissatisfied b. Hardskills Very Satisfied —> Very dissatisfied

2. Which software do you use & efficient most of the time during virtual teaching? a. Zoom b. Blackboard c. Skype d. Microsoft Team e. WeChat Call f. WhatsApp Call g. Google Hangout 3. Which software is least efficient most of the time during virtual teaching? a. Zoom b. Blackboard c. Skype d. Microsoft Team e. WeChat Call f. WhatsApp Call g. Google Hangout

20 Mins


Student Interview. Research Focus 1. To what extent, can we improve the communication between PolyU applicants, students & alumni 2. How do we facilitate career consultation through the alumni community & reputation?

Part 01: Student career planning

Part 02: Community exploration

1. Could you tell us a little about your background before applying for PolyU MDes? a. Where did you work? b. Reason for choosing PolyU? Why? c. When did you study college and where?

1. What do you think about the current alumni connecting? Do you wish to have a better connection with alumni? a. What is your expectation while communicating with alumni?

2. Can you share us a story of you communicating, interacting with an Alumni, could be anything from consultation, chat, articles & videos a. If no, what was the reason behind it? Not interested or difficulties? b. If yes, what was your motivation? Curiosity? Uncertainties?

3. What would be your current career plan after studying at PolyU? a. How are you going to achieve it? b. What are the current difficulties for you? Why?

2. What’s your expectation in PolyU helping facilitate your connection with existing alumni? a. In what ways can alumni give you advice for your career? What kind?

20 Mins


Alumni Interview. Research Focus 1. How do we facilitate career consultation through the alumni community & reputation? 2. How can alumni help in the career consultation process? 3. What are the concerns of alumni?

Part 01: Student support

Part 02: Community Exploration

1. Could you tell us a little about your background after graduating from PolyU MDes? a. Where did you work after graduating Polyu b. Who affect your decision

1. What kind of help would you offer to fellow students about their career plans before & after graduation? a. If you are willing to share advice, what will be your motivation? Any concern? b. If you are not willing to share advice, what is your concern or reason?

2. Can you share with us a story of you communicating, interacting with an existing student or applicant? could be anything from advice, chat, & videos a. If no, what was the reason behind it? Not interested, Not being contacted? b. If yes, what was the interaction about?

3. Do you still have connections with other alumni? And how? a. What kind of topic do you talk about? b. Is that helpful for your career and life?

2. (Willing) What’s your expectation for the PolyU community with existing alumni?

3. (Unwilling) What will attract you to re-communicate the PolyU Design community?

20 Mins


Staff Interview. Research Focus 1. To what extent, are the limitation of communicating with students and alumni 2. What are School Of Design future strategy & concerns of the course structure 3. What channels would school of design seek to reach out

Part 01: Life after PolyU

Part 02: Community Exploration

1. What are some of the events or activities currently or in the past that will help students connecting with alumni? a. Has it been affected under virus

1. a. b. c. d.

2. How do you find and process job opportunities for students? Or how those opportunities find you? a. Are there any challenges to attract companies to come for recruiting? b. Has it been affected under virus, what is the difference in this year? c. Are there any contingency plans for this problem?

3. Does career trend or opportunities change during the years? How? a. What are the common channels of access to this information?

Do you still have connections with former students? How do you reach them? What kind of topic you will communicate? What is the common concern you hear from graduated alumni? What is the PolyU design’s advantage in the design industry? Have you heard any feedback from other working professionals?

2. PolyU has career fairs each year for a student’s career opportunities. Mainly from Local or medium firms. What has been the challenge for recruiting large companies such as Alibaba or IBM into these career fairs?

Project deliverables. Team Koala Alpha deliverable outcomes for the project

Service Proposition

UX Ecosystem

Insights & Direction 1. In-depth analysis to address user value & needs. 2. Value action gap in students & alumni 3. Clear direction or improvements in supporting student centric service 4. Differentiation in students desire against other educational system in surfacing PolyU’s service proposition

Research Report

1. Main trigger in an end-end experience for PolyU students and alumni. 2. Reimagine the experience for virtual educational system in supporting students campus life & academic knowledge 3. Future desired service design blue print is connecting a customer journey 4. Leverage the communication network from staff access in the ability to adapt and adjust under any circumstances

Project timeline - agile methodology. Team Koala Alpha will manage the project by breaking it up into several stages and involving constant collaboration with stakeholders and continuous improvement and iteration at every stage

Week 1 -2

Week 3 -4

Week 5 -6

Phase 01 Discovery Sprint planning


Sprint planning


Sprint planning


Design survey Analysis survey data

Conduct Interviews

Interview planning & recruitment

Analysis Interview data Consolidate results for design preparation

Phase 02 Design Design case studies Functional requirements & validate High level design concepts

Mid-validity concepts

Future-desire service design blue print

Sprint 01

Sprint 02

Sprint 03

Project team. Scrum team role Product Owner Project Manager/ Scrum Master Development Team

YAN Yuxiang LU Zefeng Hu Wentao | Tai Tsz Fung Zeco

Project stakeholders Subject Director Subject Assistant Programme Instructor Programme Adviser

E.P. Greer Leon Bucker WEI Huaxin | HO Jeffery KWOK Sarah

Quantitive Research. What do the majority think?

Research focus for online survey. Reimagine PolyU Learning Experience 1. How we improve the online class experience? 2. To what extent, can we improve PolyU’s reputation in the social/ industry? 3. What ways can we increase transparency in the communication between students and the management level? 4. How do we support the on-boarding process? 5. How do we support students off-work (social/career/health, etc)?

Total 40 participants has completed our survey

Participant criteria.

74% 26% are female

are male

90% Full-time 10% Part-time

67% Mainland 20% Non-Local 13% Local


Data analysis.

Surface knowledge into projects Resource support such as funding, resource flexibility to give students more opportunities to implement their design ideas with professional knowledge


Soft skills


Project funding Satisfied

Pro. Support

Curriculum arrangement

25.8% Faculty Resource 58.1%



Classmates quality


Alumni Com.

Campus Security


Campus facilities

School Environment

22.6% 54.8%


29.3% 38.5%

Career consultation


Studio environment



Professional knowledge

Career Opportunities



Career path support to students To the majority of students, career opportunities was the main reason for joining MDes. However, there are not enough career support during the program.

Resource Flexibility & Safety Design studio remains the core value in supporting student’s satisfaction level, security seems to be a big issue, protest could be the huge factor.



Classmate collaboration


Personal concerns in your program experience influenced by COVID-19

Geographic location

45.1% On/off Campus Activities 35.5%


Course Proposition

53.8% 87.7%


Course quality

Teamwork collaboration



Enhance Campus Collaboration Students are satisfied with classmate collaboration. A opportunity to enhance collaboration with campus activities such as gathering organised by administration

Academic Support

Under COVID-19. Most efficient Software is the most efficient during virtual teaching

Skype Zoom WeChat


If PolyU Is your boyfriend/girlfriend, what would you like to say to him/her? How do we repair student relationships with the school




Anything you would like to tell me?

It's a tough time, I understood. But we'll go through it! Why do u act like u don't care :(



Don't be a stain in my life




i think we have to talk about us


Try harder

Most frequently use Software used most of the time during virtual teaching

Motivation matrix. Next step



1. Academic knowledge in design theories across different disciplines 2. Classroom environment in design studio experience 3. Classroom collaboration with in-class design projects

1. Geographic location in access point to Mainland China 2. Alumni’s reputation in career after graduation 3. Classmate quality in various design industry in sharing mutual interest and experience

1. Career consultation in job hunting & industry insights 2. School support in online arrangements through unify softwares 3. Information access for real-time announcements before applying and on campus experience

1. Reach out beyond classroom in contact alumni for career consultation 2. On & Off campus activity provided from third parties or school of design 3. Alumni community in reaching out for support in career choices or course details



Key Focus. Opportunities to explore Team Koala Alpha will focus on areas internal & enteral factors that is causing negative emotions for students. An area that can be improved or enhanced

Target Area

Possibilities moving forward.





How should PolyU facilitate MDes students in career consultation

Deliver precise information through united platforms

Enhance virtual connecting in more adaptability.

Collaboration beyond classroom in surface PolyU design branding

Facilitate Job Hunt & Industry Insights Majority students seeks for career consultation during their study at school of design. As the course focuses on academic knowledge which is the key in driving student’s satisfaction. School of design should consider expand its service from facilitate students in career paths such as job hunting and industry discipline

Unify role for each platform Large amount of info will affect user’s cognitive load. Students should be able to differentiate the platform effortlessly in terms of its core function and purpose of the platform. As blackboard, zoom and email could share the same function at time. School of design should also consider connecting students with popular platform in social media for real-time informations or announcements.

Intimacy between students & professors With circumstances under COVID-19, suddenly virtual communication become the only tool which causes confusion and disconnected. Without face to face interaction at times, how can professor stay in touch with students in simple interaction informally without increasing their workload.

Enhance collaboration with third party Students enjoy collaboration and desire for more support in on/off campus activities. School design can consider enhance this particular area to increase stickiness of the platform.

Share course experience & life onwards An opportunity to build a alumni community for a two way communication in enhance student’s experience and also support for the professors in School Of Design

Lower administration workload The lack of support from administration could possibly be a delay in response. School of design should consider rebrand its social media position in promotions or announcements deliver to MDes students

Geographic Barrier With virtual connection, School of design can consider expand its networking through virtual communications in supporting students overseas. Enhance both onboarding experiences and life after graduations. A community without geographic barrier

Make PolyU accessible worldwide Collaboration shouldn’t be limited in classroom. A more diverse learning experience to attract applicants through social media. Create a identity and personality in a platform.

Qualitative Research Explore more in depth

Research focus for online Interview. Alumni community & Career Consultation 1. To what extent, can we improve the communication between PolyU applicants, students & alumni 2. How do we facilitate career consultation through the alumni community & reputation? 3. How can alumni help in the career consultation process? 4. What are the concerns of alumni?

4 Students 3 Alumnus 4 Faculties

Interviewee Criteria. In order to build a better connection ecosystem between existing students and alumni, and support them, we interviewed some current students and alumnus with different working experience to understand their insights. Then we interviewed school faculties to understand how the current alumni connection and development system work and what are the challenges.

Student & Alumni Interviews 4 Students & 3 Alumnus ‣ Reach out students and alumni and conduct interview ‣ Transcript & coding & theming ‣ Build persona & journey

Expert Interviews 2 Administration Staff & 2 Teaching Staff ‣ Reach out experts and conduct interview ‣ Transcript & organise key points

Research Process. Student & Alumni

Student & Alumni Interview

With Faculty Interview

Online Interview

Pre - Analysis

Analysis & Opportunity

Video Recording Sign consent form

Voice To Text


Upload video or audio on Temi to transform a pre-edited verbatim text.

‣ Codes ‣ Coding Scheme ‣ Theme Generation

Verbatim Transcription A transcription that capture EVERY word without any paraphrase. The transcript keeps record of everything the participant said including any grammatical errors, repetition, or false starts. Non-verbal communication such as pauses, tone of voice and gestures are also noted.

Edited Transcription A transcript that capture the sense and content of the conversation. The transcription is focused on the content and meaning of the dialogue instead of word to word attention.

Outcome ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣

Laddering Themes Persona & Journey Design Opportunities Faculty Summaries

Student & alumni transcript decoding. Edited Transcript Choose quotes with interesting insights from the edited transcription. E.g. “We had an exhibition for Michael Fox's class, some of the alumni came. So that's how I saw them.”

Codes Use a short sentence to represent the key meaning of the chosen quote E.g. “Connection with alumni through school events.”

Coding Scheme Put similar codes in the same group E.g. “Connection with alumni through school events.” “Students get contacts of last year students in exhibition.” “School connects successful alumni who can help students.” “School should organise alumni networking.”

Theme Generation Use a term to represent the group E.g. “Connections organised by school”

Click here to see the full coding form

Laddering themes. Types of product attributes Products and brands can help users satisfy or achieve values.

Generated Themes

Abstract attributes subjective, intangible. Concrete attributes tangible, physical characteristics.

be classified to

Types of consequences Attributes









Interviewee Story 1

Interviewee Story 2

Behavior Path

Interviewee Story 3

Users think about products and brands in terms of consequences. Functional consequences tangible outcomes of product use. Psychosocial consequences the psychological/social outcomes of product use.

Types of values

Values are people’s broad life goals. Core values central to people’s self-concept/self-schema. Terminal values preferred states of being or broad psychological states. Instrumental values preferred modes of conduct.

Student A-C-V theme implementation. Attributes Personal Difficulties Have personal limitations in finding jobs and reach out alumni Alumni Recruitment Alumni is an important resource for job recruitment Alumni Guidance Alumni’s guidance is helpful and trustworthy



Self-Connecting With Alumni Contact with alumni with own connections.

Go With Will Have strong wills in future plan

School Organises Connection with Alumni Get to know and connect with alumni through school events.

Seek For Challenges

Connecting Alumni Through Peers Reach alumni through peer connections.

Campus Recruitment Have personal limitations in finding jobs and reach out alumni

Click here to see the full student A-C-V theme form

Seek for self improvement and more challenging life Desire To Change Want to get out of comfort zone and do some changes

Alumni A-C-V theme implementation. Attributes Personal Limitation Low efficiency in connecting students and alumni Extra Effort Low motivation to connect alumni considering the efforts

Consequences Incoming Job Opportunities Job opportunities from current connections

Values Career Interest Value jobs fit personal interest Initiate Connecting

Peer Connections Expand connections from current connections

Expectation vs Reality Working reality is different from expectations Sense Of Reinsurance Trust the skills of students graduated from PolyU Design

Click here to see the full alumni A-C-V theme form

Eager to expand connections with designers Sense Of Urgency Urgent to find new jobs

Behavior laddering. Building Ladders Apply A-C-V themes to recall participants’ story during interview. E.g. “Attributes: Personal Difficulties Consequences: Self-Connecting With Alumni Value: Campus Recruitment”

Laddering Scheme Colour similar ladders paths with same scheme to shape one type of behavior ladder.

User Personas A basic persona structure establish on same behavior ladder. E.g. Persona type: Career Transformer Description: Seek for career transformation and new opportunities Value: Desire To Change Consequences: Connecting Alumni Through Peers School Organizes Connecting with Alumni Attributes: Alumni Guidance Alumni Recruitment

Click here to see the full laddering form

Student persona & journey.

Career Transformer

Opportunity Seeker

Self Explorer

Rope Walker

Conduct master study as seeking for career transformation and expecting new opportunities.

Struggle with career plan, open to all possibilities.

Seeking for self improvement and already have clear plan, not asking much advice.

Want to improve self skills and leave comfort zone but also want someone’s guidance.

Student persona 01. When I worked as UX/UI designer, I gained more knowledge for interaction design. Generally I want to transform to that area. Da Vinci Potter, 4 Years Working Experience

Career Transformer Conduct master study as seeking for career transformation and expecting new opportunities. Bio Da Vinci was a graphic designer before, after a few years work he increase more interest in user experience area and want to transform to work as UX designer so he pursue the master study. He want to know some alumni so he can learn some experience from them and also maybe job opportunities from them.

What I Value

What I Expect

What Influence Me

Desire to shift to careers which I feel more meaningful

Sharing experience and job chances from alumni

I trust alumni’s capability but no connection with them.

Career transformer journey. Phases

Application Process “I was doing UI design for four years. I don't want to do the visual design for a long time. I plan to do something in the UX.”

During Program

Obtain new design skills

Prepare portfolio

Quit from UI position Taking Courses

Experience Ask alumni for program details “I asked about new things in PolyU and get a bit info about the study and also the living accommodation.”


PolyU is poor to display the succeed cases who graduated from MDes

Personal limitation in reaching out alumni

Apply & transform design field

Seek opportunities from alumni

Various difficulties for job position & guidance

“I just focus on the group information but didn't have any communication with alumni.”

Mismatch timing for job hunting season, which wastes lots of opportunities.

With personal effort can only build weak connection with alumni.

Too much non-related email interrupting receiving useful information.

Student persona 02. I want to know more about finding jobs, like how they deal with their career choice after they graduate. It is some kind of guidance to me. Shizan Wan, No Working Experience

Opportunity Seeker Struggle with career plan, open to all possibilities.

Bio Shizan conduct master study immediately after graduated from undergraduate. He wants master degree for being more competitive in job recruiting, but does not have fixed plan for the future. He expect to receive some guidance from successful alumni and also job opportunities.

What I Value

What I Expect

What Influence Me

Alumni’s guidance will be helpful

Any useful guidance and job chances from alumni

High difficulties in find jobs by self.

Opportunity seeker journey. Phases

Application Process “I only reached 2 graduated from the MDes who gave me several advice about interview and also she checked my portfolio and give some comments.”

During Program

Obtain new design skills

Ask peers for reviewing portfolio Taking Courses


“I might just give out to dozens of apply letter and see which chance I can get.”


Struggle to find jobs after undergrad

Requirements of application guidance.

Requirements in existing student works’ updates.

Applicant cannot reach much alumni source.

Seek opportunities from campus recruitment

Reach alumni by professors “I think it's a good way to listened few of alumni speech, but they are not invited by the school.”

Few chances to join online guidance from alumni & professor

“I feel that our program maybe lacks that kind of connection because we have one year and stop to ease this thing.”

School has low awareness for sharing information and connection in guiding job recruitment.

One year program is hard to connect alumni by current students.

Student persona 03. I think so-called career planning, life guidance these conceptual things are meaningless. Both students and alumni are busy with own affairs, no need to always stuck together. Babara Wei, 1 Year Working Experience

Self Explorer Seeking for self improvement and already have clear plan, not asking much advice. Bio Babara has a solid career path for himself, but he found his academic background is not competitive enough so he conduct the master degree and improve his personal abilities in the same time. Alumni’s help for him is a plus but not necessary.

What I Value

What I Expect

What Influence Me

Improve personal skills and enjoy challenging life

Some successful alumni cases which I can reference

The effort required to connect with alumni.

Self explorer journey. Phases

Application Process

Research information on the internet

“I did a broad search in Baidu. But the matching accuracy is not satisfying and are just text.”

During Program

Understand more theories

Taking Courses


Quit from current job Want to enhance academic background


No efficient platform for gaining useful application information

Looking for internship by campus recruitment

Reach alumni through school events

Communicate with senior students who has successful projects

“The experience that they think is valuable to their growth support broader understanding of the industry.If you talk about guidance it’s like chicken soup.”

Alumni career experience sharing is more important than conceptual topic like life guidance.

Student persona 04. I wanted to do something different because I was doing UI for a really long time, three years, really long. So, I decided to do something which adds to my skill set. Danish Li, 2 Years Working Experience

Rope Walker Want to improve self skills and leave comfort zone but also want someone s guidance. Bio Danish felt herself has been working comfortable in a field for a long time and her future competitiveness so she decided to improve her skills and know some experience from different design jams, after consulting to some connections she decided to conduct master study.

What I Value

What I Expect

What Influence Me

Improve personal skills under guidance

Sharing experience and from alumni

Schools events which alumni will participate

Rope walker journey. Phases

Application Process

During Program

Prepare portfolio Ask information through peer connections


Taking Courses

Quit from current job

Self research in interaction field


Seek opportunities by social recruitment

“I think networking because is a part of their curriculum, should be organized by the college.”

Seek for advice from alumni

“It's highly important to at least connect with the alumni and see what they are doing. It kind of encourages you to push through the course and define your path.”

School does not organise efficient communication with alumni.

Working experience sharing from alumni is important.

Alumni persona & journey.

Drifting Boat

Head Hunt

The Nostalgic

The Helper

Not satisfied with current position, urgent to find new chance and expect the work information from alumni. .

Looking for efficient channels to connect & recruit alumni & student

Desire to explore network for further development chances but not urgent.

Willing to help existing students through peer connections but not willing to give formal talks.

Alumni persona 01. My professor recommended a position to me. But later I found out it is not exactly what I looking for, so I stayed there only for a short time.

Drifting Boat

Janet Pan, Junior Designer 1 Year Working Experience

Not satisfied with current position, urgent to find new chance and expect the work information from alumni. Bio Janet experienced a very competitive time when she just graduated and finally choose a job from professor’s connection. But later she found her work did not fit her career plan, so she is still looking now jobs. Alumni for her is an important resources for job opportunities.

What I Value

What I Expect

What Influence Me

Efficient approach to find jobs suitable for me.

Connections with alumni for more job opportunities.

Sense of urgency drive me to run and I got help from peer connection.

Drifting boat journey. Phases

Application Process

During Program

Prepare portfolio


Apply PolyU with suggestion form friends

Taking courses

After Graduation

Join early recruitment

Job abroad

Work content not suitable

Vary difficulties for job position Wait for opportunities

Apply job opportunities from peer


PolyU lacks for putting alumni recognition and in-course cases, which can enrich program details for potential audiences.

“I met professor and he is looking for designers. I thought it's easier for having a connection. So that's why I joined his company.”

Re-apply new position

“Later found out is not exactly what I looking for. so I only applied there for a really short amount of time.”

Vary difficulties, like international or mis-match timing for job hunting season.

Unclear job description result the actually working content fail to achieve expectation.

No career guidance for current students.

Seeking new position by limited alumni under unsatisfied job situation.

Lack of resources for job recruitment event, only rely on limited resources from peers or professors.

Alumni persona 02. It is it is difficult for me to contact all alumni, I only contact who initiate to reach me.

Head Hunt

Chenyuan Gao, Design Lead 10+ Years Working Experience

Looking for efficient channels to connect & recruit alumni & student Bio From his own study experience, Chenyuan Gao believe the alumni from PolyU Design have competitive skills in design industry. As a design director, he has some recruitment requirements. He is more willing to recruit alumni but he can only reach to them through peer connections.

What I Value

What I Expect

What Influence Me

Efficient approaches to reach alumni and students.

People who are graduated from PolyU Design to join my team.

I trust alumni’s capability but no connection with them.

Head hunt journey. Phases

Application Process

During Program

Obtain extra design skills


Apply PolyU because it’s close to hometown

Taking courses

After Graduation

Apply job positions

Job abroad

School limited onboarding time

Connect current students

Release recruitment information Provide advices and guidances

“They are not very realistic and really don’t know how important the job hunting seasons for the graduation of students.”


The school and professor don’t focus helping students for finding jobs.

Mismatch timing for job hunting season, which wastes lots of opportunities.

“I am actually very difficult to take the initiative. I don’t know the students in next year.”

“They would actually be more willing to recommend their schoolmates who graduated from this school.”

Hard to connecting all students & alumni.

Some job position only released for internal recommendation.

There is no efficient channel for posting job recruitment info.

Alumni persona 03. I just feel good to keep in touch with each other, it is good if you could maintain that connection with the school as we are all designers.

The Nostalgic

Steve Lee, Mid-level Designer 2 Years Working Experience

Desire to explore network for further development chances but not urgent. Bio Steve is willing to explore his network especially with designers. He is now working in-house and no intention to change, but he believe connecting with other designers will benefit himself in the future and no harm. Alumni for him is a good resource but he does not really have approach to reach them.

What I Value

What I Expect

What Influence Me

Have a broad social network with designers.

Meet more alumni and build connections with them.

Workload makes no leisure time to put much effort in connecting others.Â

The nostalgic journey. Phases

Application Process

During Program

After Graduation

Prepare portfolio Job abroad

Taking courses


Apply PolyU

Cliche with same class peers

Don’t recognize UX value in current company

Invited & Join school event

Apply job positions Sharing info with peers


Seeking job positions from headhunt, but the outcome is not satisfied.

“We had an exhibition for one course, some of the alumni came. And for graduation show there were some alumni who came because they were invited.”

Existing gap on understanding UX field between self and current company.

Pleasure to increasing intimacy through join event and chat with peers.

Willing to expand network for future development.

Alumni persona 04. There's no reason for me to use an alumni communication platform if there's no benefit for me.

The Helper

Arsha Kumot, Senior Designer 4 Years Working Experience

Willing to help existing students through peer connections but not willing to give formal talks. Bio Arsha is an experienced designer, he is willing to help when some younger designers reach him personally and ask him for some advice. But when it comes to formal support for students or alumni which he consider will take much effort, he will expect some benefit from that.

What I Value

What I Expect

What Influence Me

More effort required, more motivation needed.

Some benefit for myself when giving formal supports.

The effort required to connect with alumni.

The helper journey. Phases

Application Process

During Program

After Graduation

Prepare portfolio Job abroad

Release position for PolyU students

Taking courses


Apply PolyU

Few experience to join alumni Apply job positions


“There's no reason for you to join this platform as an alumni because there's no benefit for you.”

“I think someone who already in these degree are mostly qualified. So that's helpful for them & my company as well.”

Believe PolyU MDes students are more qualified than public applicants.

Foresee few benefits to join any alumni related event.

Faculty interview & key summaries. Lack of activities hosted to invite alumnus ‣ School invites alumnus to attend special events: an excuse to connect with alumnus ‣ There are informal social connection but very less formal connection ‣ The conference tools used under COVID-19 triggered connections with alumni in long distance

Not proactive in career support ‣ School does not initiate to contact companies, but companies will initiate to contact PolyU to participate in school career expo. ‣ Some alumni will contact administration office to post job recruitment through email ‣ Some alumni will contact professors directly to support recruitment informally ‣ There are time mismatch between position release and students applying timing

As is

Key Student takeaways. design approach.

Can be High motivation in seeking career support


Opportunities Opportunity Seeker 1. More access point Effortless in seeking for support in various platform to connect to alumni Career Transformer

Low capability in connecting

Rope Walker

High capability in connecting

2. Beyond just career consultation Career consultation could be a topic, but they key is to build connections is helping each other out as student’s career progresses. 3. Fit into daily life Announcements or information should be sent to students daily life platform to increase capabilities.

Self Explorer

Low motivation in seeking career support

As is

Key Alumni takeaways. design approach.

Can be High motivation in seeking career support


Opportunities Head Hunt

1. Increase motivation with external trigger Build incentive such as rewards or recognition to increase motivation.

The Nostalgic Low capability in supporting

High capability in supporting

2. Make it effortless & transparent Increase capability through faster effort and meaningful content. No geographic barrier for such interaction 3. Boost capability through common platforms Consider support for alumni in popular platform for easy accessible information such as social media

Drifting Boat

Low motivation in seeking career support

The Helper

Design Implementation How should we improve it?


Four action framework.

Alumni Incentive in giving back to the university. Motivates or encourages in helping out students or professors in events or activities Geographic Access in overseas campus recruitments or talent acquisition. Some organization might have low capacity or motivation in direct coming Hong Kong.

Eliminate Low awareness on job hunting. In understanding student's purpose and incentive for applying MDes. The change to support and raise awareness for students in Job hunting

Alumni Success Case in career pursuit from different design background. Showing more success factors of alumni after graduation from MDes

Junk Email. Too much irrelevant ideas in email ideas. some important information could miss out, target information is priority for the students
 Time Mismatch. Current course structure or activities might overlap with job hunting chances and activities in the university

Intimacy between school/professor and Alumni. An opportunity for collaboration & connecting in mutual interest

New Value Curve

Reduce Non-unify communication across platform. Reduce the change of missing useful piece of information in job recruiting and sharing session. Reduce confusion and form target audiences Reduce layer filtering. Information should only be sent to student if it is relevant. Job recruitment or sharing session should pass through less staff in directly to the students Awkwardness. in finding alumni for sharing talks and connections. Currently are base on close relationship in which it could be very limited at times


Recognition to Alumni. for supporting the program such as sharing, guidance & campus activity in official website, social media. Create recruitment invitation. for students that looks for career transform opportunities in HK or overseas. The ability to support MDes students Adaptation in popular platforms. in current market such as Instagram, WeChat. More accessible to the market to raise high awareness in PolyU MDes. Easier for school to reach out and recruit Experience Sharing Jam. Cross culture & design expertise. Where alumni, students and professor can share design knowledge across industries.

Idea generation laddering.

Social Benefits

Emotional Benefits

Functional Benefits

Technical Benefits

Adapt Connect via Popular Platform

Geographical access and recruitment invitation

1. Shaping the begin development of alumni & students 2. Efficient the quality human resource flow

1. Efficiency flow for campus recruitment flow 2. Save more resource

1. Increasing confident for during job interview 2. Strengthen self-insurance for job hunting 3. Minimize tedious effort in publishing career-related information

1. Increase the motivation for both employees and students 2. Easier to start recruitment in PolyU

1. Announce vary info in unified channel(recruits/event/sharing sources) 2. Unify & collect, then deliver demands for target objects 3. Channel for connect more alumni & interested audiences 4. Access to obtain experience for job searching and hunting

1. WeChat MDes Official Account 2. Instagram story pull up for external sources

Intimacy between SD and alumni & Information sharing jam 1. Bigger platform for SD community 2. Raise the awareness of SD branding in Design industry

Incentive with recognition & reward

1. Gain recognition like a celebrity 2. Shows value in making effort 3. Benefit self reputation

1. SDer help SDer 2. Active and helpful SD community with more resources 3. Increase the sense of belonging

1. Self-Esteem - associated with being respected, socially recognized, and with showing mastery and personal growth.

1. Lower boundary & equal opportunity while job hunting in a long distance 2. Formal invitation to employees and alumni to increase their awareness

1. Bond SD and alumni 2. Information exchange and gathering 3. Easier communication

1. Share session or talk video via online 2. Process can be Interact with online 3. Able to view or signup because the event occur

1. Virtual confluence software 2. Email 3. Social communication platform (e.g. WeChat, WhatsApp, Instagram...)

1. IGTV 2. Other virtual confluence software

1. Instagram - MDes page identity in live streaming & stories 2. WeChat official account updates

Does building a new platform works? The answer is No. Digital doesn’t have to be disruptive Focus should be adapting PolyU School of design strategy and structure to capture opportunities enabled by digital technology. Digital transformation doesn’t have to be involve a radical disruption of the business, huge new investments in technology

Service should adapt student’s daily life routine With countless softwares used in PolyU, the core improvements of its infrastructure should be more attentive & comfort in deliver student what they want instead of asking them to reach out.

Power of social media What are the benefits of using social media for business? Consider that there are now more than 3 billion using social networks across the globe. Taking advantage of social should be inexpensive, and effective way to reach PolyU community

Reimagine social media accounts engagement.

Increase stickiness

Raise awareness

Second level invitation

Interactive platform

Build community surrounding meaningful content such as sharing or insights to maintain intimacy connection

Social media is the perfect platform for acknowledgement in boosting motivation and internal trigger point.

Possible formal meetings could take place in Zoom, however, a high engagement platform is important to promote such event

Real-time sharing or announcement can be reach to students & alumni. Faster & easier access for users to join and engage

Design Concept No.1

Recognize alumni s achievements & their support in raising their incentives to help the campus Target Personas: Student - Opportunity Seeker / Self Explorer Alumni - Head Hunt / The Helper

Instagram Live Design Jam Using IGTV to live design jam, invite alumni to sharing their career path, course experience and portfolio making, etc.

WeChat Official Account Promote Alumni Promote alumni who participate in the design jam on WeChat Official Account article. Help alumni gain recognition.

IGTV live design jam example

Instagram post to promote alumni example

Design Concept No.2 WeChat Official Account Example

Create a efficient flow to deliver unified valuable information cross popular platforms like WeChat and Instagram Target Personas: Student - Opportunity Seeker / Rope Walker Alumni - Drifting Boat / The Nostalgic

WeChat Official Account Post filtered information about portfolio making, job opportunities, and current events. Students can follow this account to get updates on daily basis. Instagram Instagram stories and posts is a efficient media to catch student’s eyes, and announce events and informations in advance

Instagram Story Example

Design Concept No.3

The trend of virtual communication brings possibilities to invite companies to join effortless campus recruitment Target Personas: Student - Career Transformer / Self Explorer Alumni - Drifting Boat / Head Hunt

Digital invitation to potential employers Invitations send out through email and social media to employees. Help them to organize virtual campus recruitment.

Virtual confluence software Set up virtual campus recruitment through software like Zoom or Skype, even BlackBoard. Less effort for employer to connect with SD students.

Email invitation example

Virtual campus recruitment example

Design Concept No.4

Raise the awareness of SD community & gathering resource through re-bond intimacy between alumni, faculty and students Target Personas: Alumni - Head Hunt / The Nostalgic

Private Re-bond Gathering There will be private re-bond gathering once a while, with flexible topics discussion. For example, this year’s topic is “How to survive as a designer under global epidemic” Internal Recruitment Info From Alumni During the recruitment seasons, SD reach out to alumni for their company’s internal recruitment detail and timeline. SD staffs can collect information and post them on WeChat Official Account or Instagram.

Private gathering invitation example

Internal recruitment info example

Future desired service design is here.

Thank you &

Let s keep PolyU SD bonded closer from today.

SD5203 Designing Services Team 7 Hu Wentao | Lu Zefeng | Tai Tsz Fung Zeco | Yan Yuxiang

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