Car Dealer Magazine: Issue 190

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Issue 190 | January 2024 | £6

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Blackball Media Units 1 - 2 Warrior Court 9-11 Mumby Road, Gosport, PO12 1BS T: (020) 8125 3880 W:

THE BOSS FOUNDER James Baggott Twitter: @CarDealerEd

EDITORIAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR James Batchelor Twitter: @JRRBatchelor


STAFF WRITER Jack Williams Twitter: @JournoJack25

MULTIMEDIA MANAGER Jon Reay Twitter: @JonReay

HEAD OF DESIGN Graeme Windell Twitter: @graemewindell

CONTRIBUTORS Becca Chaplin, Jack Evans Nigel Swan, Ted Welford




ACCOUNT MANAGER Michelle Searle Twitter: @cardealermich

Distribution Car Dealer is distributed to a database of up to 12,000 franchised car dealers, independents, service and repair sites, car manufacturers and suppliers. Advertisers are supplied with a print certificate every month.


Winner of Best Business Publication, Headline Auto Awards 2012 & 2014

Company No: 6473855 VAT No: GB 343 7049 04 ISSN 2756-1364

Car Dealer is published by Blackball Media Ltd (company number 6473855). All rights reserved. Conditions of sale and supply include the fact Car Dealer shall not, without our consent, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of in a mutilated way or in any unauthorised cover by way of trade or affixed to any part of a publication or advertising, literary or pictorial matter whatsoever. Car Dealer is fully protected by copyright. Nothing may be reproduced wholly or in part without permission.



f you were at the Car Dealer Used Car Awards this year then you probably didn’t see me. It’s not that I don’t like to say hello, but I was recovering from a stinking cold – of the type that everyone always replies with ‘Oh, there’s a lot of it going round’ when you tell them about it – and primarily because I was backstage. I was on social media duties during the night and, most importantly of all, making sure James Baggott was handing the correct trophy to Mike Brewer. He has a habit of wandering off, you see. But there’s always one award that I get up for from my seat that’s crammed behind the main stage and that’s Lifetime Achievement. Naturally, as its name suggests, it’s a big deal, but I like to see the face of the person to whom it’s being given; the gradual realisation that Mike Brewer is speaking about them. This year’s hugely deserving recipient was Umesh Samani. It was wonderful to see how much it meant to him to win the trophy. His colleagues and peers, top industry execs and manufacturer bosses all stood up and applauded. It’s a very privileged sight to witness. You can read more about Umesh collecting his gong – as well as all of our other worthy winners and highly commendeds – in our special Used Car Awards section, which runs from pages 20-71. The Used Car Awards took up a lot of our time during the month – a special thanks to the whole team for putting on this industry-leading event. But we’ve been busy doing other things, too. James Baggott sat down with the new boss of Stellantis UK and put some tricky questions to her – questions that Stellantis dealers had asked us to pose. You can read the full interview on pages six and seven, and James has written a special column about the chat, which you’ll find on page 15. It’s been a huge effort putting this magazine to bed, too. I hope you enjoy it, and on behalf of the whole team, here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas. Let’s do it all again next year!

I was on social media duties during the night and, most importantly of all, making sure James Baggott was handing the correct trophy to Mike Brewer.

JAMES BATCHELOR Associate editor | 03

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Interview: Stellantis UK’s new boss vows to put things right 6 AI Car Dealership Project 10 Ulez scrappage confusion 13 New car news 72 News digest 74 Cool stuff 81 Business news 82 Finance 86 Supplier news 89





COMMENT James Baggott Big Mike

15 16

USED CAR AWARDS 2023 Full coverage and pictures


FORECOURT Volkswagen ID.7 Audi TT

76 78



DATA FILE The Statistics LCV news Suppliers Guide Long-termers


‘We have done a big merger and this had implications and disruptions, mainly on systems.’ 6


‘I did the decent thing and immediately got on the phone to West Midlands Police.’ 16


‘Even as Audi’s TT bows out, this is a sports car that remains as desirable as the day it was first produced.’ 78

90 92 94 95


‘Britain’s new car market continues to recover, fuelled by fleets investing in the latest and greenest new vehicles.’ 90 | 05



We made mistakes. Now I plan to fix them • Stellantis UK’s new boss speaks to Car Dealer about how she’s planning to fix the car maker • Dealers have complained about missed bonus payments, poor retail offers and being forced to register cars stuck in ports • In a wide-ranging interview, new boss admits firm has made errors – and she says agency sales will be delayed again

by James Baggott @CarDealerEd


tellantis UK boss Maria Grazia Davino has admitted the manufacturing giant has urgent work to do to fix its relationship with dealers. In a wide-ranging interview with Car Dealer, the new Stellantis UK group managing director – who took over from Paul Willcox at the end of the summer – admitted the brand had made some serious mistakes. She apologised for late payments of bonuses to dealers, admitted that urgent work was needed to fix profitability, and said agency sales would be delayed again. Davino was parachuted into the role by chief Carlos Tavares in September and was given ‘clear direction’ and the ability to run the UK ‘how she wants to’. Her first drastic move will be to postpone agency sales until ‘the model is ready’, which will be until ‘at least the end of 2026’. Previously, DS and Alfa Romeo were set to move to fixed-price agency sales agreements in the middle of next year but that has now been shelved. Stellantis will now work with a council of dealers and outside experts, including research firm ICDP, to ensure the new sales agreements work for everyone. Speaking about the troubles the brands have faced, she told Car Dealer: ‘I do apologise sincerely, but people don’t care about apologies, they need actions, so I am putting myself in line to lead by example because we need to fix this. ‘You can’t imagine how many roadblocks we need to overcome to solve this, but with

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I do apologise sincerely, but people don’t care about apologies, they need action, so I am putting myself in line to lead by example. Maria Grazia Davino Stellantis UK boss

We have done a big merger and this had implications and disruptions, mainly on systems. STELLANTIS BRANDS INCLUDE...

AGENCY SALES DAVINO confirmed to Car Dealer that the manufacturer was delaying its agency sales plan yet again. DS and Alfa Romeo were due to move to the agency model next year but will be pushed back to the end of 2026 along with all the other brands. ‘We are going to postpone,’ she told Car Dealer. A working group was set up at European level to discuss an agency model and Davino said this was ‘not representative of the UK’. She would know, as she ran it. As a result, she’ll be setting up a working group with dealers and outside experts, including the research firm ICDP, to discuss how an agency model could work in the UK. ‘There are benefits to both parties, but we need to find a middle ground,’ she said. ‘We have a long way to go. We have to discuss this with dealers and find our own way in the UK. We will launch a study in March and then look at the results.’

Maria Grazia Davino

determination we have to do that.’ The Italian was moved from her role as head of sales and marketing in Europe to tackle the troubled UK organisation. There, she had been in charge of the new agency agreements for the brands across Europe. Previously, she ran the Austrian and Swiss markets. Ahead of this interview, Stellantis dealer partners spoke anonymously to Car Dealer about their frustrations at representing the car maker. Some slammed its ‘poor management’ that has led to large bonuses being missed, while others criticised the decision to force them to register cars to customers while the vehicles were still stuck in ports. Others questioned the relevance – and need – of so many brands in the face of stiff Chinese competition, with some admitting it was ‘embarrassing’ seeing big Stellantis brands fall behind the likes of Kia and MG. Davino said a large part of these problems had come as a result of PSA and FCA merging to become Stellantis. She said this caused many issues in the back office that had been hard to overcome. Stellantis was formed in January 2021 after the merger of Groupe PSA and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. It brought together 18 brands including Peugeot, Citroen, DS and Vauxhall along with Abarth, Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, Dodge, Fiat, Jeep and Maserati, among others. ‘We have done a big merger and this had implications and disruptions, mainly on systems,’ admitted Davino. ‘This mix of things generated such complexity of problems that one after the other have had to be tackled. My list of things to fix is very long.’ But Davino said she was confident that the logistics issues had been solved. This time last year, Car Dealer reported that some new car buyers were being forced to fork out three months’ worth of finance payments, insurance and tax for cars that they were still unable to collect as they were stuck in ports. Stellantis was said to be ‘strong-arming’ its dealers at the time into registering the cars that were in ports to hit their end-of-year targets. Davino said: ‘I admit that everything that is hurting customer satisfaction is a mistake. We do make mistakes. But the important thing is to react to those mistakes. ‘Now, on retail distribution, I am able to distribute a car in four days. From day one I have been attacking this problem. ‘I have a retail background and am conscious about the operations that are affected


INTERVIEW CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE by this problem.’ Stellantis partners also criticised former UK chief Paul Willcox for his ‘invisibility’ in the network. In October last year, he announced a plan to reduce the Stellantis dealership network by 138 and ‘was nowhere to be seen’ after that, said retailers. Davino said: ‘I will be doing things my way. Don’t compare me to the past. I am fully dedicated to this market.’


Davino spent her first few weeks in the job visiting more than 60 dealer partners across the UK and heard first-hand about their problems. Many dealers we spoke to had huge respect for her for making the effort to actually go and see them. ‘I wanted to understand the geography and understand the distances involved between dealers in this country,’ she said. Davino appeared to have some regrets at the savage cuts, explaining that on her travels around the UK she saw empty former Stellantis dealerships that had been shut down. ‘I have also seen the consequences of our own decisions. The termination process has been a tough one. ‘But all our dealer contracts have now been confirmed and this Stellantis contract is a very good one. ‘I would never like to lose a dealer. I sometimes saw an empty space that had been left and the territory uncovered. ‘And this is something that no one tells you because you don’t start from the holes and open points, so you don’t understand the geographic locations that are not covered as a consequence of dealers exiting.’ She said she wasn’t surprised by the ‘passion’ that she found in dealerships she visited, though, and commented that it was something she could ‘build on’. Davino also confirmed that Stellantis’s network restructuring was now complete.


Some dealers questioned whether there was any point continuing with all the brands under the Stellantis roof when some were seriously struggling for sales. Davino said she had asked herself the very same question. ‘But then I also asked myself, has everything been done for these beautiful products to make them work? My answer was it had not.’ In the face of tough competition from Chinese challenger brands, Davino admitted that some of her brands had a big job on their hands. But, in her grand plan, Vauxhall will become the star. ‘I take decisions and the potential is there with Vauxhall and there is no reason why I will not use it,’ she said. ‘In my plan, Vauxhall must be the star.’ She said the brand will help her position the UK as the ‘number one’ Stellantis market on a global scale. And it needs to be. She might currently have the backing of boss Carlos Tavares, who picked her personally to improve the UK market, but he wants to see results. ‘We have to grow market share and we have to improve the customer experience,’ she explained. ‘Carlos Tavares has given me clear direction on the results he’s expecting. The way we get to those results with integrity is left to us. ‘I am here to inject energy and confidence in my team. We have to stay cool, because when you race, you have to have tough nerves.’ As for how long it will take to improve relationships, Davino said that dealers can expect to see immediate changes, but she asked to be given ‘half a year’ to really see the impact of her work. ‘We will for sure be in a better place next year,’ she added. ‘But you’re a journalist and I don’t want to make myself look stupid by giving you dates.’


Into the lion’s den as Maria Grazia Davino visits dealers

I wanted to understand the geography and understand the distances involved between dealers in this country. Maria Grazia Davino Stellantis UK boss


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79.7 % of our audience isn’t shared with the market leader, allowing your stock to be seen by brand-new eyeballs. Want to find out more about building us into your lead-gen plan? Say hey today: 020 3936 1257 or *T&Cs apply. Data source: GB TGI-2023 November (October 2022–September 2023)© Kantar Media. | 09


I’M STARTING A USED CAR DEALERSHIP OF MY OWN – WITH THE HELP OF AI • The AI Car Dealership Project aims to find out exactly how new technology can help car dealers • Our used car dealership will be powered by AI as much as possible • You’ll be able to follow the series on our YouTube channel and read about it on our website


by James Baggott @CarDealerEd

t doesn’t matter how many people I explain my new idea to, the reaction usually follows a similar pattern: An open mouth, a slowly uttered ‘Riiiiight’, and then, as it sinks in, a lot of questions. That’s because I’ve decided to start my own used car dealership – and I plan to use artificial intelligence to help me as much as possible along the way. I’ve never run a used car dealership or, in fact, worked in one. But I’ve been writing about cars and the motor trade for more than two decades now. My thinking goes something like this: What better way to understand exactly what the readers of Car Dealer are going through than to experience it myself? However, with zero experience of selling cars, I knew that I needed some assistance – so I thought I’d put AI to the ultimate test and get it to help me out. I’ll be using ChatGPT to help me with this project as much as possible, and will be trying other businesses that are using AI to help me, too. It might not be able to do everything – in fact, I have no idea at this point exactly what AI can and can’t help me with – but I’ll refer to it first. This is not a gimmick; I genuinely want to see how powerful AI can be in this process. I’m certainly no expert on AI but I have read, like everyone else, how it will be taking over our lives and stealing our jobs faster than you can say ‘Terminator’. But what can it actually do? How can it really help in a car dealership, and is it worth it? This isn’t about replacing car dealers – or the gut feelings and incredible knowledge that I know are so important in making these businesses a success. It’s more about seeing, with a fresh pair of eyes, where it might make some things more efficient. I plan to try to use it for everything in the first instance and will be documenting it all for a new YouTube series, called The AI Car Dealership Project. You can watch the series as it progresses via our YouTube channel – there are currently two episodes – but I’ll also be talking about it on our weekly Car Dealer Podcast and writing regular updates about it for the Car Dealer website. The first job will be asking AI to help me come up with a name for my new business, write a business plan, help set the company up and tell me how to sort a website. I’m also very conscious that AI is incredibly controversial. I’ve read the horror stories, just like you probably have, but it’s coming and coming fast, so I felt it really had to be put to the test. While I might have a little bit of knowledge about the car industry, as well as some very good contacts who I hope will help me out along the way, I importantly want this to be 10 |

I’m certainly no expert on AI but I have read, like everyone else, how it will be taking over our lives and stealing our jobs faster than you can say ‘Terminator’. James Baggott Car Dealer editor-in-chief



real. Although I’ll be documenting my progress, I want this to be a genuine business, doing things properly, making money and standing on its own two feet. Like everyone when they start out, it’ll be small – a few cars sold from home – but I rapidly want that to build up to my own used car dealership with a forecourt and maybe even a workshop. Well, that’s if AI thinks it’s a good idea, too… I’ve seen countless examples of amazingly run car dealerships during my time writing about them – as well as judging them for our annual Used Car Awards – so I hope that I can put some of their best practices into place with my new venture. Most car dealer bosses I speak to still have no idea how AI can help in their business, but the advantage for me will be that I will never have done it any other way. I’ll be asking it to help me set up my marketing, write my car adverts, tweak my photos and even buy my stock. In fact, who knows, it might even be able to help me sell some cars. I’ve only just started this project and can already see the opportunities are plentiful plus, if anything, it’ll be an incredible story to tell along the way. And before you ask, no, ChatGPT didn’t write this for me. As a journalist first and foremost, I think for now it’s important that we humans still tell our own stories.

heeler Dealer host and used car specialist Mike Brewer knows a thing or two about selling cars – so who better to give me a pep talk than the man himself? As part of my plan to set up a used car dealership with as much help as possible from AI, I set about getting some advice from some humans. My first port of call was to see Used Car Awards host Brewer, who started his career selling cars in a used car dealership. In fact, he got his big break on television when a producer from Channel 4 called the showroom he was working in and was so impressed with his patter that they offered him a screen test. The rest is history. I pitched my plans to Brewer for the first time in the second episode of The AI Car Dealership Project, which is available to watch on our YouTube channel. If you missed the first episode, I can confirm that this isn’t a joke. I really am working on getting myself set up to sell used cars with the help of ChatGPT. And while I’ll be documenting my progress for the Car Dealer website and our YouTube channel, I genuinely want it to work. ‘Used car dealerships aren’t easy to set up from the ground, because people tend to want to go to an established business that has got reviews,’ warned Brewer. ‘But with you behind it, and the people you know in the industry, I can see it working. ‘I think it’s a really good idea tapping into AI. It’s a really clever resource. But be aware this is going to cost you a lot of money.’ Brewer also gave me advice on funding the business, detailed how small the margins can be when selling used cars and explained how it’s a trial-and-error process working out what to sell in your local area. I even asked him for some tips on how to sell cars. Brewer said: ‘The biggest key to selling a car is just being honest. Never lie, never cheat – be as open and as frank as possible about the car. ‘Make sure your pricing is as keen as it possibly can be. It doesn’t have to be thousands cheaper than the equivalent car up the road, it just needs to be keener than that car, or the offering has to be better. ‘And remember, the best advertising you can have is happy customers. They’ll tell their neighbours and their friends, so keep them happy.’

My business plan is quite simple. I’m going to start my new venture like any other wannabe car dealer would, by selling their first few cars without a site, but I plan to rapidly build up to my own forecourt – all while using AI to help. I don’t actually know quite where AI will assist me yet, but I’ve been referring to ChatGPT in the first instance for all decisions. Brewer suggested I use it to help write my adverts to save time and to keep an eye on used car prices. The Wheeler Dealer star also liked the name ChatGPT has come up with for the business – the Clever Car Collection Ltd. ‘I’d buy a car from someone called the Clever Car Collection,’ said Brewer. Also in the latest episode, I head to used car specialist Avalon Motor Company in Glastonbury to chat to sales manager Matt Ruddle about his business. He gave me some tips on how I could use AI, plus some ideas on ensuring that upsale opportunities that are of genuine benefit to customers are included in my planning. The latest episode ends with a pitch to local franchised dealership boss Brett Duke, of Fine Cars in Gosport. Ahead of the meeting with the Kia and SsangYong dealer, I asked ChatGPT how to approach it and what it thought I should ask him to help me with. Its suggestions were very sensible and actually rather useful. I came away from that meeting inspired and with some genuine offers to help me as I get things up and running. My next steps will be setting up the company officially, getting a bank account sorted and planning a website – all things that I expect AI to assist me with. More on that next time.

Wheeler Dealer host Mike Brewer



Introducing EV Drivers Club from Car Care Plan


he transition to electrical vehicles is already well under way. Sales have been rapidly rising in recent years as more consumers make the switch. At the midway point in 2023, battery-electric vehicles accounted for more than 16% of the market share, according to data from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. In June, an EV was the best-selling vehicle model in the UK, taking the fourth spot in the year to date. As the UK gets closer to the current 2035 ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans, consumer interest in the alternatives will only grow. There have been predictions EV sales could overtake petrol and diesel sales as early as 2025, when well over a million motorists will be on the UK’s roads in fully electric vehicles. There were 810,000 EVs on UK roads by the end of June 2023, according to Zapmap.

Impact on aftersales

Enjoy the benefits of EV Drivers Club In addition to the annual vehicle health check, EV Drivers Club members get access to:

EV Drivers Club Assist A breakdown and recovery service

For car retailers and their aftersales departments, the EV transition will have an impact on sustainable income generation, according to Chris Strong, head of product innovation and strategy at Car Care Plan, an industry-leading provider of warranty and add-on insurance products. ‘Many EV servicing programmes are no longer annual, they are “on demand”, or up to every two years,’ Chris explained. ‘Many features and vehicle updates can be completed remotely, and after researching several different manufacturer servicing inclusions, we found that there is also inconsistency on what is included within EV servicing events across all providers and OEMs. ‘Due to fewer servicing event requirements, aftersales income for dealer groups and OEMs will be greatly reduced, reportedly already as much as a third. Some OEMs are indicating aftersales income reduction could be as high as 75% once the full transition to electric vehicles has finalised.’

Zoom EV full membership

EV Drivers Club

Charger location and information

Car Care Plan has launched its EV Drivers Club membership programme to support its dealer and manufacturer partners and their customers. The programme has a wide range of benefits for members, while providing retailers with a new route to market and an opportunity to provide ongoing support to their customers. Chris said: ‘We identified a number of EV bespoke health checks that are not included in the majority of EV servicing requirements, all of which will enable the selling dealer to identify any issues.’ The programme’s comprehensive annual vehicle health check includes a thorough assessment of requirements outside a normal vehicle service, from traction battery and coolant checks to on-board computer and air conditioning function checks. The benefits of EV Drivers Club do not end there, however. ‘We also investigated the current ownership terrain for new and experienced EV drivers. There are many third-party applications and new-to-the-marketplace “transition experts” in the EV world,’ Chris continued. ‘On our clients’ behalf, we fully investigated the main features and benefits of these providers and brought the best on the market together under our EV Drivers Club umbrella.’

Piloting EV Switch

Car Care Plan’s provision in the growing EV marketplace does not end there, however. It also has a pilot in place called EV Switch. This service has been created to assist customers in their transition to EVs by providing independent advice on the subjects that matter most. Customers register their interest with their car dealer via an online platform. An EV transition specialist will then contact them directly to discuss and advise them on specific questions and concerns related to BEV ownership. Chris said: ‘We hope to release EV Switch to the general market by the end of 2023.’ For any retailers and manufacturers interested in offering EV Drivers Club to their customers, or if they’d like to learn more about EV Switch, contact Chris by emailing 12 |

Various charging benefits and discounts

SmartFob including Keycare Key insurance benefits

Zapmap premium membership

Bonnet charging app

Discounted charging on a wide network of providers

Dent Wizard Ventures (DWV) discount 10% off cosmetic and alloy wheel repairs

A customer portal provides access to all the benefits in the same place. They are also accessible via a SmartFob app included within the membership package.



Mayor of London Sadiq Khan

Drivers who are trying to claim a £2,000 grant are being frustrated by bureaucracy and throwing in the towel, reports Craig Cheetham.


housands of motorists have had their applications for a £2,000 Ultra Low Emission Zone (Ulez) scrappage grant rejected on technicalities, some of which occurred during the application process. To date, according to Transport for London (TfL) more than £36m of the £171m allocated to the Ulez scrappage scheme remains unclaimed, but one insider says that over a third of claims related to the scheme are being rejected. An employee of Capita, the private company that handles claims processing for TfL, told Car Dealer that they are given a checklist for each claim and if one piece of data is missing then the claim is rejected and sent back to the owner. The process can become protracted and lead to problems if, for example, the owner chooses to not renew their tax, MOT or insurance after submitting their initial claim. The Capita employee told us: ‘The most common reasons for a car being rejected for the scheme is if the MOT or vehicle tax has expired, but a lot of applicants have said they’ve not renewed either because they are no longer using their car as a direct result of Ulez.’ Frazer Rhodes, a 29-year-old sound engineer, has since sold his 2009 MercedesBenz C-Class privately after twice having his application rejected. ‘My first application was rejected as the car was registered in my name but my husband submitted the grant application, as the vehicle was shared between us and we live at the same address,’ he said. ‘The claim was rejected because the car was registered to me but insured by him and although we’re married we don’t share the same surname. We couldn’t re-register the vehicle in his name as you need to have owned the car since January 2002 to qualify, so we changed the insurance to my name and resubmitted the application. ‘Unfortunately, during the time the application was going through for a second time, the

MOT expired and the claim was rejected. In the end, we gave up and sold the car privately to a family member outside London for almost as much as the scrappage payment. ‘It was easier – and also better for the environment in my opinion as our car was far too good to throw away.’ Data from TfL shows that incomplete paperwork is the main reason for rejection. A spokesperson said:’We aim to accept or decline scrappage applications within 10 working days and have a robust process to verify the documents we receive as part of our measures to guard against fraud.’ However, some reasons for rejection have been branded ‘petty’ by applicants, who are asked to submit their registration documents and insurance certificates as part of the application process. An investigation by The Observer found that one person had her application rejected as the logo of the insurance company was partially obscured on the scan of the documents, while another was thrown out because the colour scan of the V5 was faded due to low printer ink. Other reasons for rejection included the V5 still being in the owner’s maiden name, or in the case of several sole traders, vehicles being registered in the name of their company rather than their personal property. In multiple cases, the insurance and MOT expired during processing of the claims and owners were told to renew both – often for vehicles no longer in use – if they were to submit a new application. The problems have now led to some

Mercedes-Benz C-Class

applicants withdrawing their applications. To receive the money, the final stage is to send TfL (via Capita) the car’s certificate of destruction, which is issued by the scrapyard that takes the vehicle, but it can then take a further two weeks for the payments to be issued by cheque, rather than bank transfer, and many owners simply don’t trust the process once they’ve already surrendered their car. TfL added: ‘We regularly review our application process and always consider any further ways to streamline our handling of applications.’ London Assembly member Caroline Pidgeon said TfL was failing to explain in all cases why applicants had been rejected. In a written question to mayor Sadiq Khan, she asked him to ensure the process was reviewed and that caseworkers were ‘specifying the precise information to help residents understand any issues related to their application’. In response, the mayor’s office said TfL ‘endeavours to make rejection letters as clear as possible’. Meanwhile, Dartford Tory MP Gareth Johnson has introduced a Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging (Amendment) Bill to Parliament to let the government overturn the Ulez expansion. It received its first reading on December 6 and progressed to a second reading, due to take place on March 22. He told BBC Radio Kent: ‘This Ulez expansion has nothing to do with pollution. I don’t accept what the Mayor of London is saying. ‘If he really wanted to actually stop these vehicles coming into London then he’d just ban them. This is a cruel form of taxation.’ | 13

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14 |

Here’s how new Stellantis boss handled horrible questions from car dealers


Davino has been on a tour of Stellantis car dealers in the first few weeks of her tenure as group managing director.

ar dealers are notoriously honest, so when I chatted to a clutch of Stellantis franchisees ahead of my interview with the firm’s new boss, I asked them what was really going on out there. They didn’t hold back. Under a veil of anonymity they let rip about a frustrating few years representing brands including Peugeot, Citroen, DS and Fiat.I spoke to three dealer group bosses ahead of my interview with Maria Grazia Davino and the feedback I received from them was pretty shocking. ‘Ask her why we haven’t been paid our bonuses,’ said one. ‘We’ve been waiting far too long for money we’re owed and it just isn’t on. The management is an absolute joke.’ Strong words, but they got worse. ‘I want to know if she thinks there’s any point continuing with some of these Stellantis brands in the face of competition from the Chinese, etc,’ said another. ‘It’s embarrassing that the likes of Kia and MG have been allowed to leap ahead in sales while previously strong brands like Peugeot are struggling. ‘Is there really any point continuing to sell Fiat, Jeep and DS? They sell next to nothing, the products aren’t very good and they’re expensive.’ Like I said, they didn’t hold back. Davino has been on a tour of Stellantis car dealers in the first few weeks of her tenure as group managing director. Appointed by Carlos Tavares with a mandate to fix the problematic UK market, she has been given very clear objectives on what the demanding global Stellantis boss expects. Davino took over from Paul Willcox in September but admits she was already getting stuck into the business over the summer. Willcox presided over the sacking of 138 dealer partners and was accused of not talking to the network. This time last year, Car Dealer reported on a debacle that saw Stellantis dealers forced to register cars still stuck in ports, with some customers asked to stump up monthly finance payments for cars they hadn’t even seen yet. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back for many. It ruined relationships with their customers and caused weeks of pain. It was no surprise, then, that when I called dealers they were ready to vent. It was against this backdrop that I began my Zoom chat with Davino, and she handled some frankly horrible questions well. The straight-talking Italian was honest with me. During our 53-minute interview, she apologised to dealers for what they’ve had to put up with and promised to fix it. She asked for six months and hopefully then they’ll start to see a difference. To prove she was listening to her partners, she said she’ll postpone the unloved move to a fixed-price, haggle-free agency model for all Stellantis brands until at least the end of 2026. That’s quite a step considering she was in charge of the transition across Europe in her previous role as sales and marketing director for the region. Asked if she wanted to say sorry to dealers, she jumped at the chance. ‘I do apologise sincerely, but people don’t care about apologies, they need actions, so I am putting myself in line to lead by example, because we need to fix this,’ she said. I’ve interviewed quite a few manufacturer bosses in two decades of writing about the motoring industry and I can count on one hand the times a boss has held up their hands like this and admitted they got it wrong. It just doesn’t happen. There’s always an excuse. But not this time. Davino was honest, open and frank about the problems the brands have been facing. I came away convinced she was focused on listening to dealers when it comes to fixing the problems. And for that, I have the utmost respect for her. My questions would have got the backs up of most car maker chiefs but she took them all on the chin, said sorry and explained her priorities to put things right. Perhaps this is the new dawn that Stellantis so desperately needs.

Speaking out



AGAINST OUR BETTER JUDGMENT, WE LET THE CEO HAVE HIS SAY James Baggott founded Car Dealer Magazine and is the chief executive officer of parent company @BaizeGroup, an automotive services provider. He now spends most of his time on Twitter @CarDealerEd and annoying the rest of us. | 15


Who is Big Mike? Well, that would be telling. What we can say is he’s had more than 40 years in the car trade so has probably forgotten more about it than we’re likely to know. 16 |


Apprentice Dave had the last laugh when we carried out Capri caper


was reading a report lately in which I found out that there are more apprentices in the motor trade today than there were 50 years ago. That can only be a good thing for our industry, as over the past few years a real shortage of skilled mechanics (or technicians, as they prefer to be called these days) has been a real issue. It’s also fair to say that being an apprentice today is more than likely a more positive experience than it was when I first started out in the motor trade at the end of the 1970s. Back then, mocking the apprentice, practical jokes and generally making their life hell was a rite of passage, and although it was occasionally quite amusing, it wasn’t necessarily the best thing to do to attract young people into an industry that already had a bit of an image problem. Sometimes, those practical jokes would also backfire, and the report brought back a memory from when I was working in the sales department of a Citroen dealership in the mid-1980s. We had a young lad join us straight from school – Dave was his name – and unlike many of the apprentices we took on, he showed genuine promise. He was a nice lad and also pretty handy with the spanners, but that was partly because he’d been learning by himself ever since he bought his own car at the age of just 14. Naturally, his car was his pride and joy and he couldn’t wait to drive it. He passed his test just a few weeks after his 17th birthday and from that day on he’d come to work in his Ford Capri, which had been a labour of love for much of his youth. With all credit to the lad, he made a decent job of doing it up. He’d repainted it in its original Signal Orange, which certainly wasn’t for shrinking violets, and would frequently bring it into the workshop at the end of his shift to fiddle with it, fettle it or polish it. To say he loved that car was an understatement. Now, those of you who’ve been around long enough will also remember that where Fords of the 1970s are concerned, it was very much a case of ‘one key fits all’, especially as the cars got older and the lock barrels became more worn. So, one day, when we had a Cortina in for some servicing, we thought it’d be hilarious to see if the Cortina key worked in Dave’s Capri. I worked at the sales department at the time, so once the lads on the shop floor had established that we were effectively in possession of what appeared to be a Ford master key, they popped over to ask us in sales to help them out with their prank. At the time, we were based on an industrial estate on the western outskirts of Birmingham and Dave would park his car religiously in the same space every day, a couple of minutes’ walk from the garage but in a busy area within full view of the main road, where he figured it was at a lower risk of being nicked. The joke. they explained, would be for one of us – namely me, as my

When we had a Cortina in for some servicing, we thought it’d be hilarious to see if the Cortina key worked in Dave’s Capri.

Naturally, his car was his pride and joy and he couldn’t wait to drive it.

absence wouldn’t be noticed from the workshop floor on the basis that I was never there – to go and move Dave’s car during the afternoon and park it round the back of the dealership in the sales wash bay, where he wouldn’t see it. Realising it was a fairly harmless prank, I waited until I knew that Dave was busy on a job, went for a little stroll and returned back to the dealership as discreetly as I could, given that I was driving a bright orange car. Home time came, but instead of rushing off back to their families or to the pub, the mechanics hung around waiting for Dave to come panicking back to the workshop exclaiming that his beloved Capri had been stolen. Imagine their surprise, then, when a few minutes later Dave and his Capri rolled into the workshop so that he could spend his usual half-hour communing with it before he went home. This was rather baffling, as the Capri should have still been in the wash bay where I’d left it about three hours earlier. But what came as even more of a surprise was to find that it still was – the fundamental difference being that it clearly wasn’t Dave’s Capri. Naturally, I did the decent thing and immediately got on the phone to West Midlands Police. However, like all good car salesmen, I changed the story a little bit, and rather than confess to my sins I told them that a Ford Capri had inexplicably appeared in our wash bay. They asked if I could hang back for a short while as they’d had a report of a similar car being stolen earlier this afternoon. An hour later, they turned up complete with a young lady who was massively relieved to find that not only had the car she’d borrowed from her boyfriend been recovered, but it had also been found less than half a mile away from where she’d left it, and with no damage whatsoever. As for Dave, well, unless he’s reading this column, to this day he never did find out.

I did the decent thing and immediately got on the phone to West Midlands Police. However, like all good car salesmen, I changed the story a little bit. | 17

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t was an utter delight to see so many people at The Brewery in London to celebrate the real engine room of the motor trade – the used car industry. Used cars drive all our businesses forward and are a vital cog that keeps this crazy industry turning. They’re a crucial profit stream for every business that was there – be that the independent dealers we’re so proud to recognise in our awards, or the giant car supermarkets and dealer groups. We’ve seen first-hand how vital used car profits are for dealers of all shapes and sizes in recent years – and in 2023, that’s been no different. That’s why it was so important for dealers to take a night off and look back at their achievements in an industry that’s always hustling. We recognised winners in all areas of the used car industry in 31 categories, and they came from a huge number of entries. The nominations list – the first cut of those firms that put themselves forward – was formed after looking at online reviews and feedback. The benchmark here is very high indeed and took into account the averages achieved by entrants across the category. Once the nominations list had been published, our mystery shopping started in earnest.


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Hundreds of nominations pour in from dealers, their business partners and customers across the UK via our survey link.


Each entry is scrutinised and judges eliminate those dealers that don’t come up to scratch, finishing with a long list of nominees.


We contacted every business on the list via email, web chat, phone or in person. Sadly, though, I found it staggering quite how many of them failed to act upon our inquiries this year. Some simply ignored our mystery shoppers completely. Needless to say, they didn’t get on to the shortlist. So, for those that did make the final five, it truly was an achievement of which they could be proud, because it meant they consistently offered their customers high levels of service. Those that picked up a highly commended certificate or, better still, a winners’ trophy should be incredibly proud. A Used Car Award is a badge of honour that tells your customers you’re at the top of your game. Thank you to all of the sponsors that helped make the glittering event happen. A special thanks must also go to our headline partner Black Horse for its ongoing support of the Used Car Awards – it was the company’s 10th year of backing them – and to the freshly rebranded Motors, which sponsored the drinks reception and fun casino. What an amazing night! Congratulations to everyone – I can’t wait for UCA 2024!

JAMES BAGGOTT Founder, Car Dealer


The list of nominees is published on our website and the next round of judging then begins – the mystery shopping to whittle them down further.


The shortlist, along with the categories, is published online in advance of the big night that is the Car Dealer Used Car Awards.


At the awards ceremony, Mike Brewer announces the winner and – where applicable – two highly commendeds. | 21




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DEALERS’ DEALER Category sponsored by AutoProtect Group Presented by Mike Edwards, chief sales and marketing officer

Jamie Caple with his trophy, flanked by Mike Edwards, left, and Mike Brewer




ur Dealers’ Dealer of the Year category celebrates the person in the motor trade who does the most to help others in the industry. The trophy is extra special as it is our only award voted for by dealers, reflecting the high regard in which the winner is held among their peers. There can be no doubt that our two highly commended dealers this year – Craig Applegate and Sean Kelly – rank among the very best that the trade has to offer but, as is always the case, there can only be one winner. This year, the coveted prize was awarded to Car Quay boss Jamie Caple, who also picked up the gong in 2021. Caple and Car Quay have been serial winners at the Car Dealer Used Car Awards down the years and the business also claimed top prize in the Used Car Dealership (Over 100 Cars) category this year. Reflecting on his latest success, the Derbyshire-based Caple told Car Dealer: ‘I didn’t expect this. I really didn’t. I’m grateful and really proud of this industry – I love this industry that we’re in. One of the reasons I think I might have won is because I’ll offer advice and help to fellow traders. I want everyone to win. ‘I know it has been a tough year this year for many reasons, but to be recognised by my industry contemporaries, friends, colleagues and probably people I don’t even know is very humbling. ‘It doesn’t cost anything to help someone. To pick the phone up and give someone five minutes of your time costs nothing and you can help people. If I’ve done that for one person then I’m thrilled. I’m a bit emotional. It means a lot. It really does.’ Car Dealer founder James Baggott said: ‘Our Dealers’ Dealer award is always a tightly fought contest as it recognises the industry leaders who stand out most among their peers. ‘Jamie impressed colleagues with his eagerness to help out others and was deemed to be a simply brilliant spokesperson for the trade. ‘He previously won the coveted gong in 2021 and leaves the Used Car Awards with our heartiest congratulations!’

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Craig Applegate, Carite • Sean Kelly, Vines Group

Craig Applegate collects his certificate

Sean Kelly with his certificate | 23

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SERVICE & REPAIR OUTLET Category sponsored by Warrantywise Presented by Ian Middleton, corporate sales director


CARITE Pictured from left are Mike Brewer, Ian Middleton and Carite team members Tom Ellis, Sam Williams, Craig Applegate, Tim Maddocks, Laura Dauncey, Rita Gething, Daniel Simpkins, Joona Kuusela, Jack Chappell and Robin Smith


windon used car dealership Carite picked up a prestigious accolade at the 2023 Car Dealer Magazine Used Car Awards. Based in Moormead Road, Wroughton, it won the Service and Repair Outlet trophy at this year’s ceremony at The Brewery in London. In addition, operations manager Craig Applegate was highly commended in the Dealers’ Dealer category. In the hotly contested Service and Repair Outlet category, assessors were not only looking for consistently high scores in online reviews, they also wanted to experience excellent customer service and an efficient ‘right first time’ approach to all service and repair work. Tim Maddocks, owner of Carite, said: ‘I’m absolutely ecstatic and very emotional actually. ‘We have come together as a team to make this happen and it’s absolutely brilliant. ‘Customer service is key for us. We treat people how we would want to be treated ourselves and I think it’s just a case of trying to do things right. ‘The motor trade has had a bad past many many years ago and now we are at the forefront of things and it’s a great place to be.’ James Baggott, editor-in-chief of Car Dealer Magazine, said: ‘The best used car dealerships know that carrying out servicing and repair work for their customers is vital to their success. ‘In this category, we aim to celebrate the very best businesses that look after their customers and their cars to the highest standards. ‘Carite absolutely aced the mystery shopping round and online feedback showed countless customers had received similarly impressive levels of service and communication. This is a well-deserved win for the team.’ Mike Brewer said: ‘Very well done to Carite on a great win in an important category at this year’s Used Car Awards. ‘The team have enjoyed previous success at the awards – last year, they won the gong for delivering outstanding customer care. It’s great to see the business moving onwards and upwards – nice one.’

HIGHLY COMMENDED • BS Motors • Spencers MOT & Service Centre

The BS Motors team collect their certificate

Spencers MOT & Service Centre was praised | 25

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USED EV DEALERSHIP Category sponsored by Santander Consumer Finance Presented by John Graham, head of core sales north

Estelle and Martin Miller collect their trophy from John Graham, right, and Mike Brewer




he plummeting values of used EVs have dominated the headlines this year, meaning that our Used EV Dealership of the Year prize perhaps carried more weight than it did on its inaugural outing in 2022. EV Experts impressed our judges immensely with its handling of tough market conditions and top-quality customer service. The outfit, which has sites in Surrey and Hampshire, has been a vocal champion of electric vehicles throughout 2023 and has actively encouraged traditional retailers to get on board with used EVs. Co-owner Martin Miller said: ‘What is really important to us is that we are now twin centres. We have got a site in Hampshire and a site in Surrey, and the fact we can add more customers is just so good. ‘We want to say a big thank you to all our customers because this wouldn’t have been possible without them. Our team have also been brilliant. We are growing in the market and that is really good for us.’ Wife and dealership co-owner Estelle added: ‘This is amazing. It’s the one that was really important to us because it’s about mystery shopping. ‘Our whole business is about putting the customers at the centre of that conversation. ‘The thing with EVs is that it is new technology and customers don’t have that brand loyalty, which means they don’t know what to go for. ‘It is just so important to us that our customers get treated with the greatest of respect and get good advice as part of the EV Experts experience.’ Car Dealer boss James Baggott praised the business for doing an ‘amazing’ job. He said: ‘The Used EV Dealership award celebrates a group of dealers who have had a tougher time than anyone this year. ‘Our winners – EV Experts – did an amazing job of dealing with rapidly plummeting used EV prices as well as an often sceptical consumer base. ‘A massive well done has to go out to bosses Martin and Estelle Miller as well as everyone connected to EV Experts.’


ERLS Vehicles collects its certificate for being highly commended | 27

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SOCIAL MEDIA USER Category sponsored by iVendi Presented by Lee Arnold, director of strategic partnerships

Marketing manager Carolina Wos and business manager John Ferguson with Lee Arnold, left, and Mike Brewer




hese days it’s crucial that dealers embrace social media if they’re to run a successful used car business. To that end, recent Car Dealer Used Car Awards have seen our Social Media User of the Year category become one of the most tightly fought over. In 2023, the gong was scooped by Acklam Car Centre, with the Middlesbrough-based business impressing our mystery shoppers by consistently delivering brilliant updates, including engaging videos on a range of social platforms. The outfit also tasted success at last year’s awards, when it picked up our Use of Video prize. Speaking after this year’s win, business manager John Ferguson said: ‘We’re buzzing, to be fair. We are absolutely ecstatic. We have put a lot of hard work into it, so we’re really pleased to win up against some really top dealers. ‘Our two main platforms are probably Facebook and Instagram. They are the ones which we really push most and get the most clients and leads from. ‘I think it has been difficult for the industry lately. This year has been tough. The last few years have been good for everybody but this year has certainly seen a little bit of a downfall – especially in the last couple of months or so. ‘Let’s see what next year brings and hopefully things will be looking up for everybody.’ The latest win certainly impressed Car Dealer’s editor-in-chief, James Baggott, who said: ‘The Social Media User award celebrates those firms that use a range of online platforms as a free marketing tool to increase brand awareness. ‘Acklam Car Centre delivered brilliant updates, including engaging videos on a variety of social platforms produced by a well-trained team of experts. ‘A huge congratulations to the entire Acklam team!’ Acklam Car Centre was founded more than 20 years ago and has enjoyed major growth over the past few years – driven largely by its impressive online presence. The company says it focuses on buying the very best stock and ensuring that customers are at the heart of the business.

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Car Quay • Romans International

We have put a lot of hard work into it, so we’re really pleased to win up against some really top dealers. John Ferguson | 29



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USE OF VIDEO Category sponsored by Autoguard Warranties Presented by Spencer Hutt, national sales manager

Tom Jaconelli picks up Romans International’s gong from Spencer Hutt, left, and Mike Brewer




s the used car industry becomes more and more digitalised, the use of video in the sales process grows in importance every year. There are a number of ways that businesses can incorporate videos into their work, from extended pieces on YouTube to WhatsApp video calls and even short TikTok clips. Our Use of Video award aims to recognise those that are excelling at it and taking their businesses to the next level. There was tough competition in this category, with our two highly commended firms – Acklam Car Centre and Wisely Automotive – impressing our judges with their engaging content and high production values. However, as with all our awards, only one entrant can triumph and this year the honour went to Romans International. The business was founded in 1994 by Paul Jaconelli, who today runs the dealership alongside his middle son Tom, who was on hand to collect the award. Tom told Car Dealer: ‘We have won a few Used Car Awards in the past but this is the one we’ve always wanted. ‘I studied video in my upbringing so I’m very proud to pick up this one. ‘I think we give a slightly different dynamic in our videos. We are all about giving information to our clients which enhances our offering. ‘We don’t want to be limited and we talk about giving advice in our videos and I think people resonate with that. ‘It’s been a tough year but there are certainly little pockets that are good for us. We certainly hope for better years ahead but we are doing okay.’ Among those to congratulate the team at Romans International was Car Dealer boss James Baggott. He said: ‘Our Use of Video award shines a light on the used car dealers who use video across their businesses – from brand and car promotion to engaging customer videos. ‘Romans International not only manages to create engaging videos that are beautifully produced and interesting to watch, but they have even built up a loyal following online as well. ‘Our judges were certainly impressed, and we can’t think of a more deserving winner for this gong.’

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Acklam Car Centre • Wisely Automotive

We have won a few Used Car Awards in the past but this is the one we’ve always wanted. Tom Jaconelli | 31

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USED CAR WEBSITE Category sponsored by EMaC Presented by Steve Jackson, key account director


BECK EVANS The Beck Evans team collect their trophy from Used Car Awards host Mike Brewer, right, and EMaC key account director Steve Jackson, left


or modern used car dealers, a strong website is as important as anything else when it comes to attracting customers. Our Used Car Website trophy aims to reward those firms that do online better than the competition with a simple, easy-to-use website. Our judges pored over crucial mystery shopping scores and our two highly commended firms – Fords of Winsford and Pershore Motor Group – both scored highly. They were also highly commended in the Used Car Supermarket and Used Car Dealership (Over 100 Cars) categories respectively However, Kent-based used car dealer Beck Evans blew away the competition with its offering of a great online experience, teamed with top-notch in-person service. The family-run dealership, part of the hugely successful Beck Evans Group, is no stranger to success at the Car Dealer Used Car Awards, having claimed several gongs over the years. With brothers Sam and Daniel Evans at the helm, the Sidcup retailer has been supplying new and nearly new cars to customers in the UK and around the world since 1970. Reacting to the firm’s latest win, Sam Evans, director and co-owner at Beck Evans, said: ‘This feels great. I didn’t actually think we’d win but it’s really good. ‘Simplicity is what makes our site special. We have worked at it for quite a long time and hopefully customers see that. ‘Customers do seem to like our website. They can get all the information they need and it makes it easier for them to purchase a car. ‘The last two months especially have been really good for us. We have come to the front and hopefully in the next year we can keep going as we are. ‘It’s always a really good night at the Used Car Awards and we are looking forward to winning more. This will be a nice addition to the shelf in our offices and we can’t wait to show our customers what we’ve done.’ James Baggott, founder of Car Dealer Magazine, said: ‘Beck Evans impressed the judges with its great online experience that’s coupled with excellent customer service in person, which wowed our mystery shoppers. ‘Everyone there should be incredibly proud of their achievement. Congratulations!’

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Fords of Winsford • Pershore Motor Group

Pershore Motor Group won two certificates

Fords of Winsford also did the double! | 33

Congratulations to

Snows Group Winners of this year’s Used Car Online Sales Experience at the Used Car Awards. It was brilliant to catch up with everyone on the night and excellent to see so many great businesses recognised for all their hard work. 34 |

USED CAR ONLINE SALES EXPERIENCE Category sponsored by Codeweavers Presented by Shannon Baker, senior affiliate account manager

Tom Price, second from right, and the Snows team collect their trophy from Shannon Baker and Mike Brewer




good online sales experience is crucial to any car dealer wishing to achieve success with a modern, omnichannel approach. Our Used Car Online Sales Experience of the Year title celebrates the firms that gave customers the best digital buyer journey. The judges were looking for a website that was smart, well designed, and backed up by brilliant levels of help and advice with performance ranked via mystery shopping scores. This category saw a victory for Snows Motor Group, which has earned significant success at the Used Car Awards over the years. The south coast-based group has undergone considerable expansion in recent years but remains a family-run business operating at the heart of the communities it serves in southern and south-west England. The company operates more than 50 franchised car dealerships plus a number of conveniently located used car centres and standalone approved service facilities. Reacting to the victory, Tom Price, customer communications director, said: ‘This is brilliant. I know that the team have put an awful lot of work into expanding our used car business and online is a really important thing for us. ‘I think it’s a great testament to the work of the team that we have won this tonight. We are delighted. ‘Used cars are a real growth area for us and everybody else. I think it’s really great that we are here tonight. ‘The really important thing for us is that we want to offer an omnichannel journey. ‘And being able to offer that end-to-end online experience coupled with a really strong offline experience, the important thing is it’s all about the customer and how we support their journey – however they choose to buy a car.’ Car Dealer founder James Baggott hailed Snows’ ‘outstanding’ performance over the past 12 months, saying: ‘Snows Motor Group impressed with a classy website that was backed up by good online support and a cracking mystery shopping score. ‘A huge congratulations to the entire team!’

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Car Quay • Wilsons of Epsom

I think it’s a great testament to the work of the team that we have won this tonight. We are delighted. Tom Price | 35

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SPECIALIST USED CAR DEALERSHIP Category sponsored by Automotive Transformation Group Presented by Trevor Munro, retail director


ROMANS INTERNATIONAL The Romans International team collect their prize from Mike Brewer and Trevor Munro, retail director at Automotive Transformation Group


hile for some in the used car industry the focus is on volume and variety, some businesses prefer to specialise and concentrate their expertise on a specific area they know best. From supercar dealers to firms that only sell cars from a single country or era, the motor trade is crammed full of specialists at the very top of their game. That’s certainly true for Fratelli Cars and Redline Specialist Cars, which both took home highly commended certificates in our Specialist Used Car Dealership category. However, our winner – Romans International – stood head and shoulders above the rest, impressing our mystery shoppers with its customer service. Our judges were blown away by the successful business’s ability to sell some of the most beautiful cars in the world from a stunning dealership. The dealership was founded in 1994 by Paul Jaconelli, who today runs the business alongside his middle son Tom, who was on hand to collect the award. The independent luxury car dealership offers a curated selection of the latest supercars, luxury SUVs and modern performance cars. The firm also won our Use of Video prize at this year’s Used Car Awards. Tom Jaconelli, director of Romans International, said: ‘This is a big one. We were not expecting this one so we just feel truly blessed really. ‘We work every day, including weekends, to make sure we make the business better. ‘We don’t ever expect awards like this, so knowing that we have been put forward by other people is even better. ‘This will 100 per cent be good for business. The respect of our peers in the industry is very important to us, as well as from our customers, so this means a lot.’ Car Dealer boss James Baggott added: ‘Romans International won two prizes this year in recognition of the fantastic work they do. ‘Having been down to their showroom myself, I have seen first-hand how they operate, and it was no surprise at all to see them enjoy so much success at this year’s awards. I just want to say a massive well done to Tom, Paul and all the team there. Great work everyone!’

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Fratelli Cars • Redline Specialist Cars

Fratelli Cars was highly commended | 37

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USED CAR DEALER PRINCIPAL Category sponsored by Heycar Presented by Karen Hilton, chief executive

Satinda Dhesi proudly holds her trophy, flanked by Karen Hilton and Mike Brewer




allying the troops in a used car dealership is vital and being a good leader is crucial when it comes to getting the team fired up. For this category during the nominations process, we looked at a car dealership’s overall performance, both from reviews and in the mystery shopping, as well as its citations. Mike Brewer said: ‘Satinda Dhesi runs a serial award-winning business. It achieved brilliant scores in our mystery shopping and has collected lots of rave reviews online.’ James Baggott said: ‘Everyone knows how hard it is to run a used car dealership, so this particular category is one of the most fought over at our Used Car Awards. ‘To win this trophy is the ultimate recognition of a job well done. ‘Satinda really wowed our judges with how she runs things at SUV Prestige. She is the consummate professional and can be rightly proud of winning.’ Her triumph this year maintained a fine family tradition, as husband Steve won the trophy for Used Car Dealer Principal at the 2022 Car Dealer Used Car Awards, where the Wetherby-based dealership also won the Used Car Online Sales Experience category! SUV Prestige is one of the largest independent prestige car dealerships in the UK, stocking up to 300 high-end sports and luxury vehicles, as well as 4x4s. With a state-of-the-art preparation centre on site, its expert teams of vehicle technicians, bodywork and detailing specialists ensure that every car sold or serviced receives supreme levels of care and attention. Dhesi told Car Dealer: ‘I’m so overwhelmed. It has been such a delightful experience to attend the awards ceremony and be recognised by this industry. ‘It’s tough to even have your name out there, but to walk away with an award is a massive achievement. ‘I hope that other dealers do enter because it just gives you confidence that it can be achieved, and it’s well worth all the hard work.’ She added: ‘It’s nice that my husband and I now have “his and hers” awards. ‘I’m lost for words.’

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Will Lee-Kemp, AutoSportiva • Jay Manek, Mercland

Will Lee-Kemp receives his certificate

Jay Manek proudly shows his certificate | 39

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FUTURE STAR Category sponsored by Northridge Finance Presented by Mike Lomas, regional manager

Jade Walton accepts her trophy from Mike Lomas, right, and Mike Brewer




his category celebrates those who are likely to be the next big thing in the used car industry and our judges looked closely at the nominations, taking into account the overall feedback that the dealerships received online and in mystery shopping. Awards compere Mike Brewer told the attendees: ‘Jade works for a firm that received excellent mystery shopping scores and was praised for the help given across the business. ‘A particular skill set for marketing has really helped this dealer – and Jade – shine.’ Car Dealer founder James Baggott said: ‘Finding the next generation of people who will make a difference in the used car sector is no mean feat. It’s a very important baton to hand on, so this category really is crucial. ‘We were absolutely dazzled by Jade’s approach to her work. For someone who is at the beginning of her career, she has flair and skills beyond her years and shows incredible potential. She’s a worthy winner of this year’s trophy indeed, and we look forward to seeing her go on to great things.’ Walton told Car Dealer: ‘I am so shocked. I feel like a bit of a fraud, to be honest, because I couldn’t do my job without being part of a team, so it shouldn’t just have my name on it – it should be everybody’s. ‘I couldn’t do what I do without the team that I work with. ‘They’re all just absolutely amazing. I sit at home thinking of little TV ad concepts and jotting them down on my phone.’ She added: ‘I honestly couldn’t imagine working in another industry.’ Walton’s triumph was the crowning glory for Fords of Winsford at this year’s awards, as the dealership was also highly commended in the Used Car Supermarket and Used Car Website categories. The dealership has two sites – one in the Cheshire town that forms part of its name – and the other in Trafford, Manchester, and can trace its roots back to 1959, when it was established by Vernon and Jean Ford as Fords of Holmes Chapel. It prides itself on still offering the same top levels of service and care after all these years.

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Michael Bibby MSB Car Sales • Bailey McMinn Plympton Car Centre

Michael Bibby collects his certificate for being highly commended | 41

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USED CAR CUSTOMER CARE Category sponsored by RAC Dealer Network Presented by Lee Coomber, client director

From left: Lee Coomber, Paul and Lorraine Richards, and Mike Brewer




his is a category that’s fiercely fought over and it was no different this year. Our shortlisted dealers all offer superb service, proved by excellent online reviews. However, overall victory really came down to Crompton Way Motors’ performance in the mystery shopping, said awards host Mike Brewer. ‘Our winner seriously impressed our mystery shoppers with a lightning-fast reply, friendly manner and excellent expertise,’ he added. What’s more, it saw Crompton Way Motors going one better on its result in the same category last year, where it was highly commended. 2022 also saw it scoop the trophy for Used Car Dealership: Up To 50 Cars – which it did in 2020 as well! Meanwhile, in 2021, it was highly commended in the Used Car Sales Team category. Bolton-based Crompton Way Motors is family owned and run, and has been trading for more than 16 years now, building up a fabulous reputation. James Baggott said: ‘Looking after customers is vital to success in business and used car dealerships are no exception to this. ‘Having impressed our judges enough to be highly commended in this category last year, Crompton Way Motors really showed our mystery shoppers that it was at the top of its game this year and thoroughly deserves this award. Congratulations to everyone there!’ Lorraine Richards, who co-owns the business and formerly worked in the travel industry in roles ranging from sales to management, told Car Dealer: ‘A lot of customers come to us because they read our reviews. ‘We’ve got thousands online so they see the service we provide and that is why they come to us. We just try to be genuine. We are a family business and that’s what we’re like.’ Husband Paul has always worked within the motor industry, and has notched up more than 30 years of experience, including running multi-franchise sites for Rover, Audi and Volkswagen. He says on the dealership’s website that he’s passionate about delivering memorable customer service to everyone who buys a car from Crompton Way Motors.

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Car Brothers NI • GKS of Ivybridge

GKS of Ivybridge is awarded its certificate for being highly commended | 43

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USED CAR SALES TEAM Category sponsored by Motorway Presented by Oliver Grummell, commercial director


BIG MOTORING WORLD, BLUE BELL HILL The Big Motoring World team with Mike Brewer, left, and Oliver Grummell, right


hey say team work makes the dream work – and in the used car sales business that could never be more true. The very best dealers perform well because their entire team follows the same goal and values. Awards host Mike Brewer said: ‘The dealers in this category were mystery-shopped more than once to ensure there was consistency with service, and Big Motoring World’s Blue Bell Hill team has helped the dealership achieve impressive results with high sales volumes and consistent levels of service.’ Car Dealer founder James Baggott said: ‘It’s an old cliché but a true one that there’s no “I” in “team” and that’s definitely the case here. ‘Blue Bell Hill has an impressively cohesive unit, making the whole operation smooth, streamlined and seemingly effortless. ‘It’s almost as if they all instinctively know what the other team member is thinking!’ He added: ‘The hard work by the sales team throughout the year really shone through. ‘Congratulations to Blue Bell Hill – this is an accolade of which the whole dealership can be immensely proud.’ Danny Pay, general manager at the Kent-based flagship showroom, said of the team’s victory: ‘It is fantastic and points to the hard work that has been put in. It’s a real privilege. ‘The team does everything with regards to the customer. Good customer service is what brings people back, and return customers are a big thing for us. ‘This year has been tough but we have got strategies in place that make things easier. ‘The key qualities for us are diversity and standards but the biggest part of it – even if you are a car supermarket like we are – is customer service.’ Blue Bell Hill prides itself on having the most used cars than at any of Big Motoring World’s seven other sites – more than 1,000. According to its website, it has an extensive stock range of the more prestigious car marques, with the vast majority of them being the popular German brands.

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Browns Car Company • Sidegate Motors

Browns Car Company with its certificate

Sidegate Motors collects its certificate | 45

Together, we do more 46 |

DAYS TO TURN Category sponsored by Auto Trader Presented by Marc Thornborough, partnerships director

From left: Mike Brewer, sales executive Raheel Akhtar, James Appleby, aftersales supervisor Alex Davison and Marc Thornborough




orth Yorkshire used car dealership Alexanders Prestige picked up a prestigious accolade at the 2023 Car Dealer Magazine Used Car Awards – often described as the Oscars of the motor trade. The dealership, based in Roecliffe, Boroughbridge, won the Days To Turn trophy at this year’s ceremony. In the hotly contested category, assessors were looking for an efficient and well-run sales operation, with cars leaving dealers’ forecourts soon after they arrive. The quick turnaround of a dealer’s stock indicates excellent levels of pre-sale preparation, fair pricing and great levels of customer care. Alexanders Prestige business manager James Appleby said: ‘This award is down to the full team. We’ve got our buyers, we’ve got our marketing team and we’ve got our service team in place all in-house. ‘In order for us to turn cars around quickly, we need to get them advertised to allow our sales team to be able to move cars through quickly. This is fantastic and good news all round really. ‘Without customers we’d be nothing, so good customer service obviously helps in getting cars moved on quickly. It all works exceptionally well for us.’ James Baggott, editor-in-chief of Car Dealer, said: ‘In judging the Days To Turn award, we collaborated with Auto Trader to find the dealers who are selling their cars the fastest. ‘Their data team looked at nearly 13,500 dealers to help us identify the best – with those nominated then subjected to our own rigorous checks and mystery shopping. ‘Alexanders Prestige absolutely aced the mystery shopping round, and its online feedback showed countless customers had received similarly impressive levels of service and communication. This is a well-deserved win for the team.’ Awards night compere Mike Brewer said: ‘Very well done to Alexanders Prestige. ‘As a used car dealer myself, I’m well aware of the importance of a fast-moving and efficient sales operation and the Alexanders team certainly don’t waste time! Well done to all concerned – you’re absolutely nailing it.’

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Porsche Centre Leeds • Silverleaf Sports & Prestige

Good customer service obviously helps in getting cars moved on quickly. James Appleby | 47

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USED COMMERCIAL VEHICLE DEALERSHIP Category sponsored by Close Brothers Motor Finance Presented by Neil Richardson, head of sales – north


VANSTAR WAKEFIELD The triumphant VanStar team on stage with Mike Brewer, left, and Neil Richardson, right


eing able to sell commercial vehicles is a tricky thing but there are rich rewards for getting it right – and VanStar Wakefield proved just that by scooping the trophy for this category at the 2023 Used Car Awards. The family-run business impressed the assessors, who were looking for a great selection of vehicles for people to choose from, professional and friendly customer service, plus plenty of positive online reviews. The dealership also gave excellent responses to our mystery shoppers’ queries. After receiving VanStar’s trophy, company director Jonathan Mcdonald said: ‘It feels fantastic to be a winner and I think we’ve won this because of the hard work of everyone in the business. ‘We all work incredibly hard and put the hours in – and we take great pride in the way we look after our customers. ‘We have a team of exceptionally dedicated people and this award is the most amazing thing of all!’ Car Dealer founder James Baggott said: ‘Selling commercial vehicles is an art that not everyone can master. But if a commercial vehicle dealership can find the winning formula, a thriving business and many happy customers will be the result. ‘Our judges were looking for professional levels of service, backed up by excellent online reviews. VanStar passed all the tests with flying colours. Congratulations!’ TV host and automotive industry legend Mike Brewer, who was the awards night compere, said: ‘Very well done to VanStar – their two sites in Wakefield and Leeds are very well-run operations. ‘Used commercial vehicles play a crucial role in keeping the wheels of the UK economy turning, and the whole team should feel very proud of this achievement. Nice one!’ VanStar is one of the largest used van retailers in the UK. Established for more than 40 years, the company has more than 600 vehicles on display at its two branches.

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Anchor Vans • Loads of Vans

We have a team of exceptionally dedicated people and this award is the most amazing thing of all! Jonathan Mcdonald | 49

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DIVERSITY & INCLUSIVITY Category sponsored by MotoNovo Finance Presented by Giulia Devey, senior account manager


STEVEN EAGELL GROUP Giulia Devey, left, and Mike Brewer, right, with the Steven Eagell Group team


his award celebrates the businesses where a lack of discrimination against people is at the companies’ very heart. Awards host Mike Brewer said: ‘The judges who assessed the entrants’ nominations wanted to see evidence of a policy at work in the businesses. Steven Eagell Group has demonstrated a clear commitment to diversity and inclusivity throughout its business.’ Car Dealer founder James Baggott added: ‘It’s vital for businesses these days not only to have a diversity and inclusivity policy in place but also to ensure that it is implemented. ‘We are firmly in the 21st century now and discrimination of any sort simply cannot be tolerated in this day and age. Steven Eagell Group seriously impressed our judges with its enlightened approach at every level, so it can be rightly proud of winning this category.’ Sheraz Rashid, group operations director at Steven Eagell Group, said: ‘It’s been a great evening in London and it’s great to see so many of our colleagues from the industry. ‘More importantly, it’s great to be recognised for our diversity and inclusivity. ‘We are really, really proud to share a stage with some great colleagues and to win this award. ‘First and foremost, our business always allows people from all backgrounds to flourish. ‘I’ve been in the business for 20 years and always aim to employ the right people for the right job – that has always been the motivation of Steven Eagell in terms of our diversity policy.’ Starting out in Milton Keynes in 2002, Steven Eagell is now the UK’s largest Toyota and Lexus dealer group, with showrooms in Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, the east of England, Essex, Herefordshire, Hertfordshire, Kent, Norfolk, Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, Staffordshire, the south-east of England, south-west Midlands, Suffolk, West Midlands, West Sussex and Worcestershire. Four days after the awards were held, it was revealed that its pre-tax profit for 2022 had soared to £29.2m from £25.8m the year before – a rise of 13%. It added that it was on target to top £1bn of revenue this year – the first time it will have done so.

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Mazda UK • Sytner Group

Our business always allows people from all backgrounds to flourish. Sheraz Rashid | 51



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BEST USED CAR CATEGORIES Category sponsored by G3 Vehicle Auctions Presented by Gareth Jones, digital director

Caption here please




THE judging panel gave the secondgeneration Juke model the nod because of its funky styling, uplift in quality and improved driving manners. The car’s appeal among used car buyers was also taken into account. Alice Nicholls, product section manager at Nissan GB, said: ‘It feels brilliant to win. Although the Juke was originally quite polarising, we now find it appeals to a lot of the market.’

THE German premium SUV received praise for its plush interior, wide engine range and desirability among used car buyers. Michael Otton, national used car manager at Audi UK, said: ‘This is a fantastic achievement and on behalf of Audi UK, I want to say we’re absolutely thrilled. ‘The Q5 is one of our flagship models, as it has been for many years, and our customers absolutely love it.’

THIS upmarket seven-seat Swedish SUV was noted for its practical yet plush interior, minimalist design and fantastic credentials for used car buyers. Sarah Tottle, senior fleet & remarketing manager at Volvo Car UK, said: ‘The XC90 is all things to all people – it’s whatever you need it to be.’ National used car lead Andy Dolan added: ‘Our network will be over the moon that we’ve won this.’

Nissan GB product section manager Alice Nicholls and the Nissan GB team collect the Juke’s trophy from Gareth Jones and Mike Brewer

Audi UK national used car manager Michael Otton and the Audi UK team are presented with the Q5’s gong at the Car Dealer Used Car Awards

Volvo Car UK’s Sarah Tottle and Andy Dolan with the XC90’s trophy after it triumphed in its particular category at this year’s ceremony





JUDGES felt the MX-5 is the archetypal sports car, and its appeal in the used car market grows each year. Its affordability relative to its performance and sheer smiles per mile sealed it the win. Mazda UK MD Jeremy Thomson commented: ‘It can be a hard thing to say in the car industry but a traditional, internalcombustion-engined car isn’t a bad thing. ‘It’s something that everyone loves!’

THIS British-built hatchback received top marks for its comfortable and well-made interior, fine driving characteristics, superefficient hybrid system and stylish design. Jenny Justice, senior manager of remarketing services at Toyota GB, said: ‘I think its affordability and practicality are what make the Corolla such an attractive proposition. It’s a car for everyone. Its size makes it the perfect vehicle for anybody.’

THE top-selling workhorse was the inaugural winner of this gong as 2023 marked the first year the category was included in the Car Dealer Used Car Awards. It sealed its triumph on account of its rugged construction, strong engines, upmarket image and plethora of variants. Mike Brewer said: ‘In one form or another, this van has been around for six decades and is much loved. It’s a true class act.’

Mazda UK MD Jeremy Thomson and sales director Laura Brailey receive the MX-5’s gong for the car’s affordability and its smiles per mile

Rob McKendrick, director of customer services at Toyota GB, Jenny Justice and the Toyota GB team collect the Corolla’s trophy

Rob Holdcroft, head of network sales at Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles UK, is presented with the Transporter’s award






USED CAR OF THE YEAR Category sponsored by G3 Vehicle Auctions Presented by Gareth Jones, digital director



Andrew Yellop holds the trophy, flanked by the Toyota GB team and Gareth Jones, digital director at G3 Vehicle Auctions, far left, plus Mike Brewer


he Used Car of the Year award for 2023 went to… the Toyota Corolla. The British-built hatchback came top of an impressive list of cars that had won their categories – the Nissan Juke, Audi’s Q5, the Volvo XC90, Mazda MX-5 and Volkswagen’s Transporter – after our panel of judges admired its efficient hybrid powertrain, smart design and ongoing appeal among used car buyers. Collecting the award, Andrew Yellop, defleet & remarketing services group manager at Toyota GB, said: ‘This is absolutely fantastic, especially for a car which is built in the UK. To receive two awards for that car is brilliant. It is easy to drive, it’s got low running costs and it’s a very simple, easy-driver experience.’ James Baggott, editor-in-chief of Car Dealer, said: ‘It’s no easy feat being crowned our overall Used Car of the Year and the Corolla beat some stiff competition this year. It’s a hugely deserving winner and Toyota should feel very proud of this accolade.’

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MANUFACTURER USED CAR SCHEME Category sponsored by Visitor Chat Presented by Joe Brockbank, sales manager



Joe Brockbank, left, with the Visitor Chat team and Mike Brewer, right


his year’s winner of the Manufacturer Used Car Scheme at the Car Dealer Used Car Awards was Ford. The judges were looking for a stand-out offering, which served dealers as well as customers with a great range of benefits. Ford was praised by its dealers, despite a highly competitive market, for putting together a scheme that really built confidence in buyers. Each car is offered with a comprehensive check from Ford technicians, Ford warranty and even the option to exchange if you’re not happy in the first 30 days or 1,000 miles. Ian Giblin, remarketing manager at Ford, said: ‘It’s fantastic to pick up this award for Ford. I think what sets this scheme apart is the uncompromised promise of a used car backed by Ford with a two-year unlimited-miles warranty, two years’ breakdown cover and fully refurbished. It’s shown that customers really love it.’ David Pattison, remarketing inventory and refurbishment manager at Ford, added: ‘Overall, it’s been a challenging year, but Ford has had a good year in a market that’s been quite volatile. ‘It’s been fantastic to be here tonight at the Used Car Awards and it means so much to come home with the award.’ Car Dealer editor-in-chief James Baggott said: ‘Ford should be really proud of this award. Its dealers told us how much they love this scheme and it’s clearly impressing customers. ‘It’s always tough judging this award because there’s so much competition from manufacturers out there. Congratulations to Ford for its win!’ Mike Brewer, Used Car Awards host and TV personality, said: ‘Ford should be incredibly proud of this award. There are so many great schemes out there at the moment but this scheme stood out as a clear winner! ‘When it comes to franchised dealers, these used car schemes can really make or break the success of a used car sales team. They want to be able to offer something that proves quality and builds trust. ‘Well done to Ford for winning this award!’

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Audi • Volkswagen

It’s been fantastic to be here tonight at the Used Car Awards and it means so much to come home with the award. David Pattison | 57

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NEWCOMER DEALERSHIP Category sponsored by Moneybarn Presented by Bill Scotney, commercial director


CAR PLUG MCR Pictured above: Ade Sadiq, Samson Adefeso and Jamie Jackson collect their trophy from Bill Scotney, commercial director at category sponsor Moneybarn, left, and Mike Brewer


ar Plug MCR won the coveted Newcomer Dealership of the Year trophy at this year’s Used Car Awards. In this hotly contested category, assessors were looking for a great selection of vehicles for customers to choose from, professional and friendly customer service, and plenty of positive online reviews for businesses launched only recently. Car Plug MCR specialises in providing ex-lease premium cars, carefully hand-picked to meet the highest standards of quality and luxury. The dealership, based in Balfour Road, Altrincham, was praised by the judges for its impressive customer service, a great range of well-prepared vehicles and shining reviews. Car Plug MCR director Ade Sadiq said: ‘To win this award feels amazing – we’re absolutely ecstatic.’ Fellow director Samson Adefeso said: ‘We were delighted just to be shortlisted, so to win is just brilliant. ‘It’s great to win recognition for our little dealership tucked away in Altrincham!’ James Baggott, editor-in-chief of Car Dealer Magazine, said: ‘Starting a used car dealership is not easy – there’s a huge amount to think about, from stock acquisition to pricing, pitches and marketing. ‘Judges looked at online reviews for our nominated car dealers before putting them to the test in the mystery shopping. ‘Car Plug MCR excelled at both stages of the judging process and their success is to be applauded. Congratulations!’ Awards night compere, TV host and automotive industry legend Mike Brewer said: ‘Very well done to Car Plug MCR – their story is truly inspiring. ‘The business has gone from strength to strength since being founded in 2020 and the whole team should feel very proud of this achievement. Nice one!’

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Biggleswade Car Sales • Wink Cars

Wink Cars is presented with its certificate for being highly commended | 59

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USED CAR SUPERMARKET Category sponsored by Motors Presented by Barry Judge, chief executive


CARSHOP From left: Barry Judge, CarShop digital marketing manager Sergio Collado, Robert Dodson, group F&I operations director at CarShop’s parent company Sytner Group, Natasha Holland and Mike Brewer


espite some seriously tough competition in the used car market, CarShop walked away with the Used Car Supermarket trophy at this year’s Used Car Awards. The national car supermarket has gone from strength to strength over recent years and mystery shoppers reported being blown away by the level of customer service that they received. CarShop now has 12 showrooms around the country but it also impressed with its online car-buying options, which were easy to use and clear to understand. Customers can shop in person or online, easily completing the process from the comfort of their own home if they wish to. Its approachable style, branding and work in the community also impressed customers and judges, marking it out from the crowd in a competitive market. Natasha Holland, head of marketing, said: ‘This feels fantastic. I think ultimately, for us, it is about the customer. ‘We continue to put them first throughout what is a tough market. ‘They are at the forefront of everything we do. It has been a fabulous evening as always and we just want to say a big thank you.’ James Baggott, editor-in-chief of Car Dealer, commented: ‘CarShop have proved time and again that they set an incredible standard when it comes to retailing used vehicles. ‘Not only do they create a friendly and approachable environment for anyone to buy a car from them but their customer service throughout the process is also fantastic. ‘Congratulations to the whole team. They should feel incredibly proud.’ Used Car Awards host and TV personality Mike Brewer said: ‘The team at CarShop are really setting the standard for retailing used cars on a huge scale. ‘When you can be consistent, keep customers happy and, importantly, keep them coming back, you know you’re on to a winning formula. ‘This is always one of the most competitive categories and so difficult to judge, but CarShop have done a brilliant job in 2023. Congratulations!’

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Car Planet • Fords of Winsford

The Car Planet team collect their certificate for being highly commended | 61

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OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT Category sponsored by Howden Presented by Harry Berry, new business account handler


PETER WADDELL & THE BIG MOTORING WORLD TEAM Harry Berry presents the trophy to Big Motoring World, with Mike Brewer


he winner of the special Outstanding Achievement category for 2023 is a business that has excelled in the used car market while others have struggled. Big Motoring World and its boss, Peter Waddell, were honoured for a monumental effort in their business this year. There is no shortlist for this special award, which aims to celebrate a person or business for an outstanding achievement in the motor trade over the past year. There would be few people who wouldn’t agree 2023 hasn’t been challenging for the used car business as stock shortages have kept everyone on their toes. But at a time when many businesses have been announcing significantly reduced results, Big Motoring World has been expanding. This year, it has opened three new used car supermarkets plus a new head office – and it has still managed to announce financial results that saw profits rise 65% to £10.9m. It’s a business that seemingly goes forward when many others are falling back. Host Mike Brewer said: ‘Big Motoring World consistently performs and this year it has managed to do that in a very tough market. ‘It’s not been easy out there, but this team has performed amazingly well. ‘Huge congratulations to all the Big teams, and I’m sure this won’t be the last time we see them picking up awards at our event.’

Big Motoring World consistently performs and this year it has managed to do that in a very tough market. Used Car Awards host Mike Brewer | 63

GARDX CELEBRATE ITS 20TH ANNIVERSARY WITH FURTHER AMBITIONS FOR DEALERS & OEMS AMONGST MARKET HEADWINDS. Far from sitting back to reflect and reminisce, GardX marked its 20th anniversary by unleashing an ambitious suite of new products and innovations. Announced under a framework of “Transformation @ Twenty” these new products and innovations reflect the culmination of two years’ development and are the most significant co-ordinated launches in the history of the company. Since launching its Ignite Strategy, GardX has undergone an extensive transformation, to become a digital-first organisation as it responds to changing market conditions whilst helping dealers and OEMs futureproof their own businesses. The company has redefined its approach to become far more agile and more able to respond to different challenges on the automotive horizon. By focusing on its three core pillars GardX Protect (non-regulated protection products), GardX Assure (regulated insurance solutions), GardX Engage (digital solutions), the group are positioned to provide an integrated proposition worldwide. This supports its ambitions to become the world’s leading provider of Value-Added Products (VAPs).

INTRODUCING NEW PRODUCTS DESIGNED TO DRIVE INCREMENTAL CLIENT PROFIT, ENHANCE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE AND INCREASE RETENTION. GX2 Graphene - Paint Protection is an enhanced formulation and is a significant leap forward in paint protection products. GX2 Graphene utilises the very latest technology available in the sector, bringing with it some significant benefits for both dealer and end-consumers. This new product has greatly improved performance, with a higher and deeper gloss finish, greater hydrophobicity giving enhanced water beading and enhanced weathering. Elixogen is a brand-new elite vehicle protection system, designed specifically for premium and prestige vehicles and consumers. Elixogen showcases the latest innovation and consumer offering, with enhanced formulations that offer Dealers and OEMs a compelling value proposition. GardX EVerity is the industry’s first and only integrated testing, reporting, certification, and warranty solution for Battery Electric Vehicles, created in partnership with global battery specialists, Altelium. GardX EVerity is set to be ‘game-changing’ in the fast-growing UK BEV sector. EVerity is designed to drive successful sales of BEVs and a new revenue stream for dealers, whilst providing used car customers with confidence around their battery health. GardX Connect is a digital ecosystem and support services designed for clients to leverage as a core ‘enabler’ to maximise value-added-products and insurance opportunities, increase revenue and transform their business growth. This can be fully white-labelled to clients’ CI and is designed to act as a key platform, no matter how end-consumers wish to interact.

To find out more information on how GardX Group can support you and your business, please visit or email

64 |

LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT Category sponsored by GardX Presented by Adrian Wilmore, group director of UK sales




sed car industry legend Umesh Samani was left speechless when he was announced as this year’s Lifetime Achievement trophy winner at the Car Dealer Used Car Awards. The IMDA founder drew rapturous applause from the hundreds of attendees at the event, held at The Brewery in London, as he went up to collect his award. James Baggott, editor-in-chief of Car Dealer Magazine, said: ‘Umesh is a genuine legend of the used car industry. A true gentleman, he’s built a solid reputation with his dealership over the decades and has devoted his life to helping others in the profession. ‘I am truly delighted for him – this accolade is thoroughly well deserved!’ Host Mike Brewer told the crowd: ‘Umesh has run his own successful used car dealership for nearly 30 years. ‘Both he and Specialist Cars have collected numerous accolades from us in the last decade, being celebrated in particular for their customer care and social media. But it’s his commitment to helping other independent used car dealers that really impresses. ‘Umesh was a founding member of the IMDA, which has helped hundreds of like-minded used car dealers to come together, share their experiences and support each other.’ Samani, who established his Stoke-based dealership Specialist Cars in 1997, said afterwards: ‘I had no idea and didn’t think I’d be getting anything like this tonight. ‘It has just left me totally speechless and everyone would have noticed on stage! I honestly didn’t know what to say genuinely. I have no words for it. ‘I wasn’t expecting any awards this evening. I came for a good meal, a good evening out and a good party, so to walk away with the Lifetime Achievement award is incredible.’ At the 2013 awards, Samani scooped two trophies – Dealers’ Dealer of the Year as well as Social Media User of the Year. Meanwhile, at the 2014 and 2015 awards, Specialist Cars was highly commended in the Best Used Car Customer Care category, while 2015 saw Samani highly commended in the Dealers’ Dealer category as well. He was also highly commended as Dealers’ Dealer in 2017, and Samani was highly commended as Used Car Dealer Principal at the 2018 awards.

It has just left me totally speechless and everyone would have noticed on stage! Umesh Samani

Umesh Samani wasn’t expecting to win a thing | 65

Advertising Feature

A smart way to get on the EV ladder Demand for electric vehicles (EVs) continue to increase steadily, despite UK new car sales hitting a 30-year low in 2022, rising to a 16.6% market share. The used car market is also gaining speed, growing 4.1% in the first and second quarter of 2023. EVs are playing a major role, with transactions rising 56.5% in early 2023. The used car market has grown throughout 2023, a trend we’ve noticed at Black Horse: September saw 6.4% of our used car business focused on EVs. This has been increasing month-on-month throughout 2023, rising from 0.8% at the start of the year. It’s indicative of improving supply in the used car market and a softening of list prices. Despite this steady rise in EV sales, there are signs customers remain hesitant about used EVs – internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles still make up 95% of the used car market. To help you address this hesitation and ensure customers consider all options when choosing their next car, we’re sharing three key benefits of buying a used EV:

EVs cost less to run than ICE vehicles EVs have fewer moving parts than traditionally fuelled engines, often reducing maintenance requirements and running costs. Other parts, like the braking system, naturally last longer thanks to innovations like regenerative braking.

Battery warranties show reliability Nobody knows for certain how long EV batteries last, but manufacturers are setting longer warranties than on ICE cars, which demonstrates their confidence in battery performance. These warranties usually guarantee a minimum of 70% of battery capacity (and therefore range) at the end of the cover period. But although warranties are generous, manufacturers attach conditions to cover areas like misuse or abuse of the battery, just as they do with components in ICE vehicles. Customers should always follow best-practice advice for driving EVs so they don’t risk voiding their warranty. 66 |

Charging-point planning can help with range anxiety According to data from Zapmap, there are now more EV charging locations in the UK than there are petrol stations, with 29,709 charging locations (containing almost 50,000 charging points) vs. 8,300 petrol stations. Although not all charging points are suitable for all EVs, a simple shift in behaviour to plan journeys in advance can reduce risks around range limitation. Customers should check on the type of EV charging points along their route to make sure they’re stopping at the right one, ensure they have the right payment method and factor charging time into their overall journey plan. “At Black Horse, we’re committed to sharing the potential of used EVs with dealers and customers. We’re taking steps to provide education to make EVs more easily accessible. We’re also reviewing our finance products to ensure we are giving dealers confidence to stock and consumers confidence to buy.” Tim Smith, Head of Motor Finance Find out how we’re supporting dealers to guide customers through the transition to electric:

USED CAR DEALERSHIP: UP TO 50 CARS Category sponsored by Black Horse Presented by Tim Smith, head of motor finance



Pictured from left are Tim Smith, Thame Cars operations director Scott Price, managing director Nicholas Allen, management support Karl White, finance director Neil Beck and Mike Brewer


xfordshire used car dealership Thame Cars picked up this prestigious accolade at the 2023 Car Dealer Magazine Used Car Awards. Based in Rycote Lane, it’s slap bang on the Oxfordshire/Buckinghamshire border, and most of its trade comes, in fact, from Buckinghamshire residents. In this category, assessors were looking for a high-quality selection of vehicles for customers to choose from, professional and friendly customer service, plus plenty of positive online reviews. Thame Cars managing director Nicholas Allen said: ‘I am absolutely delighted. It has been a long time coming for us. All of us have worked together for a very long time and this encapsulates everything we have been working towards. ‘I am delighted not just for those of us here but for the whole company – we have 18 fantastic members of staff. ‘What we do is make life simple, safe and easy for our customers. We provide the very best cars and prepare them to a fantastic standard, which means that whether you are coming from far away or very close to home, you can get a very, very healthy car. We’ve had a fantastic time and it’s been absolutely incredible here.’ James Baggott, editor-in-chief of Car Dealer Magazine, said: ‘The Used Car Awards honour dealerships of all shapes and sizes, and we’re delighted to shine the spotlight on some of the operators who prefer to keep things small yet perfectly formed. ‘Having said that, Thame Cars has a great selection of more than 40 cars available, with respected manufacturers such as Ford, Nissan, VW, BMW, Mini, Vauxhall, Kia and Hyundai all represented. Well done to everyone concerned – your success is richly deserved.’ Awards compere Mike Brewer added: ‘As I often say, this is a category I love, because it sums up what the Used Car Awards are all about. We celebrate everyone who does a good job in this industry and Thame Cars gave our mystery shoppers sterling service with plenty of help and advice. Many other businesses would be thrilled to have Thame Cars’ glowing online reviews. The whole team should be truly proud of this achievement.’

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Alyn Brewis • The Premium Car Collection

The Alyn Brewis team collect their certificate

As do The Premium Car Collection team! | 67

USED CAR DEALERSHIP: 51-100 CARS Category sponsored by Black Horse Presented by Tim Smith, head of motor finance


RANGEBROOK The Rangebrook team are overjoyed at scooping the trophy


s the stock numbers increase, so too do the stress levels – but the winner of our Used Car Dealership of the Year (51-100 cars) category certainly knows how to overcome that. This year, the accolade went to Rangebrook, based in Nuneaton, which impressed our judges with a swiftly returned phone call to our mystery shoppers. As well as excellent reviews online, Rangebrook offered our judges superb information when we called the dealership to test its service. Awards host Mike Brewer said: ‘Our winner seriously impressed, with some excellent feedback from our mystery shoppers. ‘Rangebrook did an amazing job and were rightly winners in a very tough category.’ Speaking after picking up the award, Mark Gothard, sales manager at Rangebrook, said: ‘It is fantastic. ‘ At the end of the day, everyone has done their jobs to the best of their ability, so to be recommended and then win the award is brilliant and fantastic. Spot on! ‘I think for us it’s a case of being big enough to do numbers but still small enough to be personal with everyone. ‘We still aim to treat everyone like we’re a small car dealership with a personal touch and treating everybody like an individual. ‘We do around 60 to 70 units a month, which is fantastic as it gives us numbers but it also gives customers the benefit of having a small car dealership feeling.’ 68 |

HIGHLY COMMENDED • ASK Motors • Optimum Vehicles

ASK Motors was highly commended

USED CAR DEALERSHIP: OVER 100 CARS Category sponsored by Black Horse Presented by Tim Smith, head of motor finance


CAR QUAY Car Quay’s staff and boss crowd on to the stage to collect the trophy


his award aims to celebrate the best of the larger used car dealerships – and our winner this year was an absolute cracker. As stock increases further, the teams face conflicting pressures on their time, so our judges wanted to see proof of well-run dealerships as well as knowledgeable staff. This was abundant in spades when our mystery shoppers called at Car Quay, based at Stenson Marina, Barrow-on-Trent. In addition to this category win, owner and founder Jamie Caple was named Dealers’ Dealer and the business was highly commended in two other categories: Social Media User and Online Sales Experience. In the Over 100 Cars category, assessors were looking for a wide selection of high-quality vehicles for sale, professional and friendly customer service, plus plenty of positive online reviews. Caple said: ‘To be crowned Dealers’ Dealer of the Year was a humbling and emotional moment for me. It feels wonderful to receive recognition from colleagues and friends in the industry. ‘And as for our success in the Over 100 Cars category – I couldn’t be more delighted! My team give their heart and soul to our business every day of the week and this award is for them.’ Awards night compere Mike Brewer said: ‘Congratulations to Car Quay. It’s a dealership that offers a truly unique experience and it’s clear to me that the team care passionately about looking after their customers. ‘Many other businesses would be thrilled to have their amazing online reviews. ‘The whole team should be truly proud of this achievement, and congratulations in particular to Jamie Caple – a true champion of the used car industry.’ Highly commended were Tenby Car Supermarket and Pershore Motor Group, the latter of which also gained a certificate in the Used Car Website category.

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Pershore Motor Group • Tenby Car Supermarket

The Pershore Motor Group crew

The Tenby Car Supermarket team | 69

USED CAR DEALERSHIP GROUP Category sponsored by Black Horse Presented by Tim Smith, head of motor finance

Peter Smyth accepts the trophy from Tim Smith, left, and Mike Brewer




unning a successful car dealership group is a tough job, with multiple plates to keep spinning – but our winners know how to do it with style. Our judges wanted to see groups focused on used cars just as much as new, with high customer service levels, and Crewe-based Swansway Motor Group does just that. In this hotly contested category, assessors were not only looking for consistently high scores in online reviews, they also wanted to experience excellent customer service when visiting a dealership in person, as well as smart sites. Swansway director Peter Smyth said: ‘We’re very pleased to win this award – delighted, in fact! I was more than happy to be on stage to receive the trophy, but we’ve won this because of the hard work of everyone in our business. ‘Within that, I’d like to mention our marketing teams, our people in digital, our talented sales colleagues, our management personnel and my fellow directors. ‘If there’s one thing that makes us stand out, it would be the word “focus”. ‘We’ve had a very enjoyable evening at the Used Car Awards and it’s an amazing feeling to be among the winners.’ Awards night compere, TV host and automotive industry legend Mike Brewer said: ‘Very well done to Swansway on a great win in an important category at this year’s Used Car Awards. ‘They have a terrific management team backed up by hundreds of hardworking colleagues who go the extra mile for the business. Nice one!’ 70 |

HIGHLY COMMENDED • Snows Motor Group • Wilsons

We’ve won this because of the hard work of everyone in our business.’ Peter Smyth



he awards night began with a VIP drinks reception and ended with a fun casino, both of which were sponsored by the newly rebranded Motors. Chief operating officer Phill Jones said: ‘We chose this year’s awards to reveal our new Motors branding and made both the VIP reception and fun casino focal points of the event, enabling us to share our new direction with dealers in a relaxed and fun way. ‘It was great to see the room buzzing with dealers catching up and celebrating.’ He added: ‘The awards event reaches to the heart of our amazing industry and represents everything that is brilliant about used car retailing and those involved. ‘We were extremely proud to be sponsoring the awards again this year.’

John Lewis vouchers to the value of £500, £350 and £150 were the prizes at the fun casino that took place after the awards

£5,000+ is raised in memory of Trade Price Cars’ Dan Kirby MORE than £5,000 was raised by used car dealers in memory of Trade Price Cars founder Dan Kirby, who tragically died in September at just 37. His death shocked the industry, and a raffle held in his memory in aid of charity Ben raised £5,024.98. The prizes were donated by 67 Degrees, Warrantywise, G3 Vehicle Auctions, Heycar, Mike Brewer, Codeweavers and the RAC Dealer Network. | 71


CAR NEWS ROUND-UP Manufacturers have been refining their models and producing new ones. We look at some of the results... TOYOTA

2024 compact electric car previewed with Urban SUV Concept reveal TOYOTA has revealed a new compact electric SUV due for launch next year. The Japanese carmaker debuted the car, currently in concept form, at its annual Kenshiki forum in Brussels. It was revealed alongside a range of other electric concept cars that have

already been shown this year and preview fullproduction models, including a new sports car, a new SUV and a high-riding crossover coupe. The Urban SUV Concept hints at a model that is planned to launch in 2024. It’ll compete in the B-SUV segment and will rival models such as the

recently launched Volvo EX30, but it won’t replace the popular Yaris Cross hybrid. Toyota was tight-lipped about specific details but it did say the small electric SUV will be offered with two battery options and come in front- and all-wheel-drive versions.



Duster hits road with hybrid technology DACIA’S new Duster has hit the road with a fresh new look, efficiency-boosting hybrid technology and a variety of new ‘green’ materials. The third-generation Duster arrives with an eye-catching new design that incorporates a similarly boxy look to its predecessor but with plenty of updated touches. Its front end features sharper headlights, while Dacia’s new logo sits at front and rear. The back of the Duster is noticeably different to its predecessor with distinctive lights that appear to wrap around the sides of the car. 72 |

Panamera plug-in hybrid offers 56 miles of electric-only range PORSCHE has unveiled its third-generation Panamera, introducing a range of engines. Arriving in March, it’ll have various engine choices, including a V6 petrol and range-topping V8 plug-in hybrid. That latter model develops an impressive 671bhp enabling a 0-60mph time of 3.1 seconds and a top speed of 196mph. Meanwhile, a larger battery means the plug-in hybrid can now manage up to 56 miles of electric-only range – an increase on the 39 miles available on the previous PHEV model. A new 11kW on-board charger also means the Panamera plug-in hybrid can be charged in two hours and 39 minutes.


Tucson updated for 2024 with new look

HYUNDAI has announced a number of updates for its popular Tucson mid-size SUV that include styling revisions and interior tweaks. The latest generation only arrived in the UK in 2021 but has now been modified. This new model carries over the parametric jewel hidden lights – light-up elements in the grille – but adopts a more rugged look courtesy of new silver-painted skid plates in the lower front and rear bumpers. Fresh alloy wheel designs are also available.



Details of upcoming 5 E-Tech released

JCW Countryman is flagship model

RENAULT’S retro-inspired 5 E-Tech will bring a range of up to 248 miles and use an ultracompact bodystyle. A production-ready version is to be unveiled in February at the Geneva Motor Show. At 3.92m long, it’s considerably shorter than the Clio’s 4.05m, thanks to a new AmpR Small platform that helps to create an extremely compact body structure, while new multi-link rear suspension aims to ensure the 5 can deliver ‘excellent stability and roadholding’, says Renault.

MINI has unveiled the flagship of its Countryman SUV line-up – the John Cooper Works. The new, third-gen Countryman was only revealed in September, with Mini offering petrol versions alongside new electric models capable of up to 287 miles from a charge. This new car, arriving in early 2024, will have a turbocharged 2.0-litre petrol engine developing 296bhp and 400Nm of torque. Mini claims a 0-60mph time of 5.2 seconds and a top speed of 155mph for it.


2024 Swift boasts design and interior overhaul for supermini SUZUKI has revealed the next-generation version of its Swift supermini, which brings significant styling and interior enhancements to the firm’s popular small car. Set to arrive in the UK next spring, the new Swift gets a more distinctive look than its predecessor, with a more rounded gloss black grille and L-shaped daytime running lights. Inside is a larger nine-inch touchscreen with wireless smartphone mirroring for the first time, along with a more premium interior finish throughout.


Cybertruck arrives with 340-mile range and 845bhp THE first Tesla Cybertrucks have been delivered to customers, with the futuristic-looking model bringing a claimed range of up to 340 miles and an apparent ability to be bulletproof. It was first revealed in prototype form in November 2019, when it was promised that production would begin, but it’s only now that manufacturing has started in earnest. Tesla claims that the Cybertruck will return up to 340 miles from a single charge, while a top-level tri-motor setup will deliver 845bhp and a 0-60mph time of 2.6 seconds. A regular version with 600bhp and two motors will also be available.



ID.7 launches with prices from £55,570

Quartermaster starts rolling off lines

VOLKSWAGEN’S new flagship electric car – the ID.7 – has gone on sale in the UK priced from £55,570. Equipped with a 77kWh battery, the ID.7 can return a claimed range of up to 384 miles – although a larger battery version is expected to join the range soon and is claimed to deliver 430 miles between trips to the plug. There’s a new 15-inch central infotainment display with VW’s latest software, combined with a head-up display of all kinds of info.

INEOS has kickstarted production of its Grenadier Quartermaster following the pick-up’s reveal at the Goodwood Festival of Speed. The double-cab pick-up is being made at Ineos’s site in Hambach, with first customer deliveries in December. Named after the senior military officer who looks after the supply and distribution of provisions, the 3.0-litre Quartermaster is built on the same platform as the regular Grenadier station wagon but has extra load-carrying ability – up to 760kg. | 73


Brayleys bolstered by Hyundai site

BRAYLEYS has expanded with the purchase of a Hyundai showroom – its first outlet with the manufacturer. The Car Dealer Top 100 business bought the St Albans site from family-run Coupers for an undisclosed figure and, says Brayleys, tops off another period of steady growth in its 20thanniversary year, adding to its brand portfolio of Honda, Mazda, Renault, Dacia and Kia. Pictured are Brayleys CEO Paul Brayley, left, with Coupers MD Paul Kendall


JCB Group buys Marshall VW site

MARSHALL has sold its Volkswagen showroom in Tunbridge Wells – another casualty of the takeover by Constellation Automotive Group. The site in Dowding Way has been bought by the JCB Group family business. It follows Marshall losing all its Toyota and Lexus sites in July and customers of Marshall’s Welwyn Garden City Volvo dealership being told via email that from July 1 its new car sales would cease. Image: Google Street View

74 |





Bangers4Ben 2023 raises record-breaking figure with four-day rally and sale of cars at auction THE cars have all been sold at auction and the Bangers4Ben teams have raised more than £91,000 to be donated to automotive charity Ben – a record-breaking figure. This year, 38 teams drove around Ireland on a four-day rally, organised by Automotion Events, while asking supporters to dig deep. In total, the cars raised £28,707, and £62,950 was fundraised, making a total of £91,657. The charity’s Matt Wigginton said: ‘I’d like to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone involved in Bangers4Ben this year.’ Pictured are Ian Gardner, left, and Joel Combes in the Lawgistics entry



Airport scuppers solar panels plan

Flagship Volvo UK showroom opens

AN airport has grounded plans by a car dealership to fit solar panels. Mercedes-Benz of Poole had made a prior approval application to BCP Council, which covers Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, for permission to put 242 panels on the flat roof of its Holes Bay Road site. But Bournemouth Airport opposed it, citing ‘aviation safety’ because of possible glint and glare problems, and it was rejected. Image: Google Street View

I spoke to three dealer group bosses ahead of my interview with Stellantis’s Maria Grazia Davino and the feedback I received from them was pretty shocking. James Baggott p15

VOLVO Car UK has opened a flagship showroom in Elstree that it says is its most sustainable yet. It’s run by Car Dealer Top 100 dealership Endeavour Automotive and has had a combined £8m invested in it. A 178kW solar panel system on the roof is predicted to reduce CO2 by 25 metric tons a year. The site also has a 5,000-litre rainwater harvesting system plus several heatrecovery-based heat pumps.

Carwow undergoes full global rebrand Supplier News: p89

‘This is a sports car that remains as‘Quote.’ desirable as the day it was first produced.’ Forecourt: p78 Feature: pXX



Nissan Canterbury scoops top award

Showroom for young Alex Chesterman steps down at Cazoo drivers proving a hit

A NISSAN dealership in Kent has scooped the manufacturer’s Global Award for Best Overall Site. The Canterbury showroom’s accolade recognises it as the top-performing Nissan franchise in the UK. Michael Auliar, pictured left, sales director at Nissan Motor GB, presented the award to dealer principal Terry McCabe, right, saying: ‘It’s a fantastic achievement for the whole team. It acknowledges their exceptional performance across all disciplines


ALEX Chesterman – the outspoken founder of online used car dealership Cazoo – has finally stepped down. Following confirmation the troubled used car dealer had restructured its debt in a deal that saw its $630m debt converted to $200m, Chesterman bowed out. The former CEO was said to be ‘retiring’ along with four other directors who stepped down at the same time. Cazoo will now be chaired by Tim Isaacs.

A USED car showroom aimed at younger drivers being priced out of the market is proving to be a big success, the dealership says. As reported by Car Dealer in June, multi-franchise dealership Dicksons of Inverness said it wanted to tap into the lucrative 20-to-35-year-old market with its Carzar showroom. The £1m dealership opened in September, offering cars from £6k to £16k, and MD Fraser Bryce now says it’s so popular it’s also attracting people of all ages.



Lookers may fall foul of takeover rules

Rybrook to become part of Sytner Group

LOOKERS may fall foul of Takeover Panel rules after the bid to make it private appears not to have detailed the extent of redundancies that followed the sale. While the bidding vehicle of Canadian firm Alpha Auto Group said head office functions would no longer be needed, it didn’t mention the significant redundancies announced since Lookers went private. The panel and Lookers have both declined to comment.

Back then, mocking the apprentice, practical jokes and generally making their life hell was a rite of passage.

Big Mike p16

THE American owner of Sytner Group is expanding further in the UK after agreeing a deal to buy the Rybrook chain. Penske Automotive Group is snapping up Rybrook’s 15 premium dealerships: four BMW showrooms, four Mini locations, four Volvo sites, two Land Rover dealerships and a Porsche showroom. It’ll see Rybrook become part of Sytner and won’t be run separately. Image: Google Street View

BITE-SIZE Click on the text box for the full story

LEAVING: Mercedes’ UK boss Gary Savage is to retire next summer after 14 years with the brand. He has been its CEO here since 2014 but will step down at the end of June 2024. Replacement Olivier Reppert will shadow him from March.

GROWTH: The UK’s new car production increased to more than 91,000 cars in October, marking eight consecutive months of growth. A total of 91,512 cars rolled off factory lines – the best October performance since 2019.

ACCOLADE: Leslies Suzuki was named the manufacturer’s UK dealer of the year for 2023 at a ceremony held at Suzuki’s national dealer conference on Tenerife. Meanwhile, Pearson Wemyss Bay was awarded the Best Customer Experience title.

PARTNERSHIP: Vertu Motors is merging luxury transport with fine dining after striking a deal with Rick Stein Restaurants. It is supplying a Defender 110 for diners at the TV chef’s Seafood Restaurant in Padstow and will gain from marketing initiatives.

EDUCATION: Vindis Group has got together with Cambridge Regional College to bring more people into the automotive industry. As automotive retail partner, it’ll help shape elements of the curriculum and offer technical expertise. | 75



The electric motor and 77kWh battery give the ID.7 282bhp and a 0-60mph time of 6.3 seconds.

VOLKSWAGEN ID.7 Volkswagen has thrown all of its latest tech at the ID.7 but has it paid off? Jack Evans tried one out.

WHAT IS IT? Incorporating all of Volkswagen’s latest technology while taking into account some criticism applied to other ID vehicles, the ID.7 has cars such as the Tesla Model 3 firmly in its sights, both in terms of in-car features and electric range. WHAT’S NEW? The ID.7 sits on the same MEB platform that you’ll find underpinning cars such as the ID.3 and ID.5, but it’s the first to get a new generation of more efficient electric motors that should, in theory, help it to travel further between trips to the plug. It’s also been designed to be as slippery as possible. Plus, with a long wheelbase and plenty of space between each axle, it’s also here to provide loads of interior space with a good degree of legroom. WHAT’S UNDER THE BONNET? A 77kWh battery allows for a claimed range of up to 384 miles, but if you’re after more miles between top-ups then it’s worth hanging on for a bigger-battery version due in 2024 that’ll return up to a claimed 430 miles. However, this ‘regular’ ID.7’s maximum charging rate of 175kW means a 10 to 80 per cent charge can be conducted in as little as 28 minutes. VW claims that when charging at this speed, 127 miles of range can be added in 10 minutes, too. WHAT’S IT LIKE TO DRIVE? It’s quiet – both at low and high speeds – while when you’re on the motorway the ride quality is great, only turning sharp when you’re moving around town where potholes do tend to upset it slightly. The steering has some decent weight to it, too, and there’s more than enough performance on offer regardless of the situation. It’s the refinement that really shines through, however, and the whole car feels very well executed from behind the wheel. For such a raked-back design, visibility is good, while despite its rather long footprint it doesn’t feel tricky or cumbersome to pilot around town or narrower streets. HOW DOES IT LOOK? The ID.7 has more than a hint of some of the latest Chinese EV arrivals, with the long, sweeping roofline being core to its design. It hasn’t got too many tell-tale features and isn’t instantly recognisable as a VW, in truth, with the rear having a look of the latest Peugeots in our eyes. Remove the badges and would you be able to tell it’s a VW? We’re not sure. There 76 |


Price (as tested): £55,570 Powertrain: Electric motor with battery

Power: 282bhp Torque: 545Nm Max speed: 112mph O-60mph: 6.3 seconds Range: 384 miles Emissions: 0g/km CO2

are some cool features that are a common thread through VW’s latest cars such as the light bar at the front and rear, but we would’ve liked to have seen the German brand go a little wilder with the styling of the ID.7. It’s all down to personal preference, though, of course. WHAT’S IT LIKE INSIDE? With its long wheelbase, it’s got acres of room for front and rear passengers, with those in the back treated to a completely flat floor, meaning there’s no squeezing in if you’re sitting three abreast back there. The material quality is good, too, with Volkswagen’s veganfriendly treatment being another word for a cabin trimmed entirely in plastic. But comfort is tip-top, with optional ergoActive seats providing plenty of support as well as clever electric activations that can help reduce the aches and strains you might get during a long journey. Our car came with a full panoramic sunroof that encroached on headroom slightly at the back, but the boot space is impressive, and at 532 litres has that classic saloon-car depth to it. Plus, there’s a separate under-boot-floor space for the charging cables. WHAT’S THE SPEC LIKE? It feels like a case of one step forward, two steps back with the ID.7. The touch-sensitive



Traditional saloon car drivers who want to make the switch to an EV that still brings refinement.

THE RIVALS: Tesla Model 3 Mercedes EQE BMW i4


There’s acres of room for front and rear passengers and comfort is excellent. The quality of the materials used is good as well.

1. Great refinement 2. Lots of equipment 3. Plenty of tech


It’s comfortable, superbly refined and hasn’t been designed to be overly sporty – key attributes you’d want from any long-distance saloon.

The ID.7 feels like a good saloon car first and an electric car second – something that we think lots of drivers will appreciate.


The long sweeping roofline is core to the ID.7’s look, plus there are nice design touches such as the light bars at the front and back.

sliders – which for some reason were never lit up on existing ID models and therefore impossible to use at night – have now been illuminated, so they’re far more intuitive to use than before. However, key controls – such as those for ventilation and even directing airflow – have now been centralised in the main screen. At one point we were driving with a car misting up and it was a real nightmare to solve the issue. On the up side, the screen and system itself are some of the best that Volkswagen has produced to date, being sharp, responsive and with loads of great features. WHAT DO THE PRESS THINK? Top Gear said: ‘The ID.7 lacks a bit of style, but at least VW has nailed most of the basics this time around.’ WHAT DO WE THINK? It’s comfortable, superbly refined and hasn’t been designed to be overly sporty – key attributes you’d want from any long-distance saloon. It’s also got plenty of range. Space is great, plus the level of polish exceeds what we’ve seen from other ID models. It’s just a shame that aspects aren’t intuitive. The screen is so close to being perfect, but loading every aspect of the in-car controls into it feels like a step too far. | 77



THE KNOWLEDGE Audi TTS Final Edition Roadster

Price (as tested): £57,010 Engine: 2.0-litre turbocharged petrol Power: 316bhp Torque: 400Nm Max speed: 155mph O-60mph: 4.6 seconds MPG (combined): 32.8mpg Emissions: 198g/km CO2


The 2.0-litre turbocharged petrol engine pumps out 316bhp and 400Nm of torque.

As Audi pulls the plug on its TT, Ted Welford bags one final drive.

WHAT IS IT? The TT, named after the Isle of Man’s legendary motorbike racing event, has gone down particularly well with UK buyers, with 157,000 being sold here over the 25 years it’s been around. But all good things come to an end, with Audi shortly stopping production of this great model. Before the ties are cut, though, we’re trying it for one last time. WHAT’S NEW? Audi’s current third-generation TT has been around since 2014, although a 2018 update helped to bring a redesigned front end, additional power and equipment upgrades. This Final Edition gains features such as 20-inch Audi Sport alloy wheels, previously reserved for the top-spec RS model, a host of black detailing, as well as Alcantara trim in the cabin. WHAT’S UNDER THE BONNET? Using a similar turbocharged 2.0-litre petrol engine to that found in cars such as the Volkswagen Golf R and Audi S3, it’s paired with a seven-speed S tronic automatic gearbox, with the drive delivered to all wheels via Audi’s Quattro system. WHAT’S IT LIKE TO DRIVE? The all-wheel-drive system offers remarkable traction and grip across all kinds of weather conditions, so it’s easy to see why it’s gone down well in the UK. The point-to-point pace is exceptional from the TTS, feeling quicker than the figures suggest in many cases. It’s not all perfect, though. The ride on our test car was particularly firm, not helped by the combination of large 20-inch alloy wheels with particularly low-profile tyres. That said, it was liveable, with longer journeys easy in the TT courtesy of its comfortable sports seats and plenty of adjustability to the driving position. HOW DOES IT LOOK? As the TT in its current generation approaches a decade on sale, it’s still a stunning car in our eyes. The fact Audi has managed to keep plenty of design cues from the original TT means it’s easily identifiable, with the wraparound bonnet and metal fuel filler cap being two particular highlights. We particularly like the look of these Final Edition models, too. The 20-inch alloys, while not helping the ride, look great, while the various black detailing for the spoiler, mirrors and badging is also welcome. The Coupe derivative is a bit sleeker

78 |


The Audi TT is still a stunning car with plenty of identifiable design cues from the original, such as the wraparound bonnet and metal fuel filler cap.

and more authentic, but the Roadster still looks great. The fact its roof quickly folds away in only around 10 seconds and at speeds of up to 30mph is welcome, too, for the UK’s unpredictable weather conditions. WHAT’S IT LIKE INSIDE? There’s no main touchscreen at all, rather a large 12.3-inch digital Virtual Cockpit instrument cluster that handles all traditional media controls. You can control it using the steering wheel buttons or a conventional selector, which largely works well, although it does date the TT slightly. But the quality of the TT’s cabin is exceptional, with upmarket materials used throughout. Indeed, it arguably feels better inside than plenty of Audi’s newer models. The Final Edition also seems more special courtesy of its performance seats with smart red stitching, while details such as an Alcantara and leather-trimmed steering wheel with a 12 o’clock marker are very cool. Details such as ventilation controls housed within the air vents are ingenious, too. By opting for the TT in Roadster guise, there’s no option for rear seats, although they’re not particularly useful anyway. At 280 litres, the boot is larger than you might expect, but it’s not the most practical of shapes.

Even as Audi’s TT bows out, this is a sports car that remains as desirable as the day it was first produced.

WHAT’S THE SPEC LIKE? Because the TT is so near to ending production, there’s now only the Final Edition model that you can choose. It comes with a generous list of equipment, however, such as 20-inch alloy wheels, heated front seats and that impressive 12.3-inch Virtual Cockpit system. On this TTS model, it also brings keyless entry, a reversing camera plus an excellent Bang & Olufsen sound system. Prices have risen quite considerably over the years, with a standard TT Final Edition available from £42,000, but in TTS Roadster guise it’s pushing close to £60,000. WHAT DO THE PRESS THINK? Top Gear said: ‘The TT’s final iteration is its best: a very good car that’s easy to live with.’ WHAT DO WE THINK? Even as Audi’s TT bows out, this is a sports car that remains as desirable as the day it was first produced. There might be more driver-focused cars in this class, but this Audi’s ability to combine quality with style and performance remains hard to beat. While admittedly there are areas where the TT is starting to feel its age, if you can get your hands on one of the Final Edition cars, it’s likely to soon command icon status, just as earlier cars already have.


The quality of the TT’s interior is exceptional with upmarket materials used throughout and feels better inside than many of Audi’s newer models.


Sports car buyers looking for a high-quality product.


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1. All-weather performance 2. Iconic design 3. High-quality interior


Still one of the best everyday sports cars. | 79

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What I think makes Close Brothers different is that we have a relationship built on trust. It feels like a real partnership - they truly care about my business. David Wilson

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An award winning partnership For over 30 years we’ve built an established reputation as a flexible and trusted finance provider, and have supported our dealer and broker partners through both good and challenging times. 80 | Finance Compliance Funding Insight


Lego Peugeot 9X8 24h Le Mans Hypercar – £169.99 NOTHING says Christmas quite like settling down to complete a good set of Lego, and the new Peugeot 9X8 kit – forming the French firm’s latest Le Mans racer – is bound to keep groups of all ages happy for many hours. It’ll take some time to complete, too, with 1,775 individual pieces making up this 19.5-inch monster. And no pressure, but Lego specialists managed to build a scale version of the 9X8 in the iconic plastic blocks in just 24 hours at this year’s Le Mans event!


Christmas is upon us and with it comes the often-challenging prospect of buying the right gift for that special person. Fortunately, if they’re into cars – or motoring in general – there are plenty of options out there for a variety of budgets. Here are some of the best products to check out, from Lego sets for those of a constructional bent to cooler bags that can make any car adventure a little easier. Let’s see what’s on offer if you’re still stuck for ideas...

Yeti Hopper Backpack Cooler – £275 ALTHOUGH it might be hard to think about warmer temperatures in the middle of winter, it’s nice to imagine those balmy summer days when all you can think about is getting out to explore. The Hopper Backpack Cooler is one of outdoor brand Yeti’s latest offerings, combining the rugged build quality that the firm is known for with some great goanywhere features. It’s ideal for slinging in the boot of the car before a trip and it’s got space for 20 cans of your favourite drink. Plus, there’s a handy pocket at the front for your car keys or other loose items you want to keep safe.

Renault 5 E-Tech Prototype Pedal Car – £256 RENAULT’S new electric 5 isn’t even on the roads yet, but smaller drivers can get behind the wheel of a very special ‘prototype’ pedal car depicting the stylish new EV. Complete with working lights at the front and rear, the car also has an adjustable seat so that riders aged over three can get comfy. It’s even finished in the same bright yellow paint scheme as the full-size prototype, meaning that it’s bound to turn heads at the local park.

Bentley Bear – £65

BENTLEY’S teddy bears have become a mainstay for Christmas, with these loveable and plush characters designed and created with the same sense of care and attention to detail as the luxury carmaker’s vehicles. There’s even a new Special Edition Signature Bear, which comes with flexible joints and a smartlooking double ribbon necktie. A Bentley-branded ear tag completes the look. | 81





Admiral agrees deal to buy More Than


Saudis buys 49% of Rocco Forte hotel chain SIR Rocco Forte’s luxury hotels group is to sell a 49% stake to Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund in a deal thought to value the owner of the Balmoral and Browns hotels at around £1.2bn. Rocco Forte Hotels said Saudi’s $700bn (£552bn) Public Investment Fund, which also owns 20.5% of Aston Martin, is snapping up the ‘significant’ minority stake with aims also to invest in the group to help it expand further worldwide.

CAR insurer Admiral has agreed to buy the More Than personal home and pet cover business from RSA Insurance in a deal worth up to £115m. Admiral will buy the UK personal insurance operations and More Than brand from RSA for £82.5m upfront and a further potential £32.5m depending on how many policies ultimately transfer over.


Rees-Mogg’s fund manager to close

THE fund management firm co-founded by former business secretary Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg is to be wound down after losing its biggest client. London-based Somerset Capital Management saw its assets under management plunge after St James’s Place withdrew a reported $2.5bn (£2bn) in assets in a move said to have unsettled remaining clients.

82 |


Sports Direct parent firm’s profit and income go up SPORTS Direct parent firm Frasers Group said it was heading into the key Christmas trading period with ‘great momentum’ as profit and revenue both rose over the latest half-year. Group revenue at the firm that is majority owned by Mike Ashley increased by 4.4% to £2.77bn for the six months to October 29 versus the same period last year. Meanwhile, adjusted pre-tax profit went up by 12.6% year on year to £303.8m.



Some 500 jobs at risk at Nationwide NATIONWIDE has said around 500 workers are at risk of redundancy as part of an overhaul of head office operations at the building society. The firm said the redundancy consultation is to improve efficiency and help it direct investment to other parts of the business. The move followed Nationwide rescinding its ‘work anywhere policy’ and requiring staff to return to the office for at least two days a week for full-time employees from early next year.


Marston’s drops to a loss but bookings rise

THANK YOU FOR YOUR VOTE! Finance Provider of the Year (Sub-Prime)

PUB giant Marston’s has reported ‘promising’ Christmas bookings after a 7.4% jump in sales since September, but it also slumped to a loss for the past year. The company said bookings for the key period had been ‘tracking ahead of last year’. It fell to a £20.7m pre-tax loss for the year to September 30 versus a £163.4m profit a year earlier, though, on a 9.1% rise in revenue to £872.3m. The firm blamed interest rate swap movements and charges linked to weaker property valuations for the drop.


MARCH 7, 2024





















THANKS TO YOU! This year we’ve won not one, but three awards - an achievement that we are all very proud of. Our customers voted First Response Finance as the ‘Best Car Finance Provider’ in the Consumer Credit Awards 2022 for the second consecutive year. In addition to that, we’ve won the prestigious ‘Firm of the Year’ award! The second recognition came from our dealer partners who voted us ‘Finance Provider of the Year (Sub-Prime)’ in the Car Dealer Power Awards. We are honoured to have won this award 8 times! Vans, cars, motorbikes - it doesn't matter what type of vehicle we’re financing, our award-winning service remains the same.

First Response Finance Ltd, 5 Regan Way Chetwynd Business Park, Chilwell, Nottingham, NG9 6RZ. Authorised & Regulated by the Financial Conduct | 85 Authority. Registered in England No. 03560611.



New business for consumer finance falls by 3% MISSED REPAYMENTS

More households turning to debt to pay for essentials by John Bowman


early a fifth of households in Britain owe money after missing a repayment on credit or a loan, as consumers turn to debt to fund everyday expenses, new research has revealed. Families in serious financial difficulty are increasingly taking on debt to pay for essentials, according to a survey by the Abrdn Financial Fairness Trust and the University of Bristol. It comes as the cost of living continues to rise, with food prices still more than a tenth higher in November than the same time last year, according to official figures. The survey found that 16% of households owe money because of missing at least one payment on a credit commitment, which can include motor finance, a credit card, personal loan and buy-now-pay-later. That’s five percentage points higher than the 11% who said so in a survey conducted in May this year. Nearly two-thirds of all households across the UK have some consumer debt, the survey of some 5,600 adults showed. But middle-income households, incorporating the middle 20% of incomes among working-age households, were more likely to owe at least £5,000 across their various forms of credit than those on the lowest 20% of incomes. That, said the researchers, suggests the total amount of credit owed doesn’t always relate to the level of financial difficulty that households experience – with people often using credit cards for benefits such as building credit scores and getting cash back and rewards. Karen Barker, head of policy and research at Abrdn Financial Fairness Trust, said: ‘It is particularly worrying that many in serious financial difficulties continue to take on debt just to pay for essentials. This group is also more likely to borrow from friends and family, meaning their loved ones may be going without to help keep them warm and fed.’

86 |

LATEST figures from the Finance & Leasing Association (FLA) show that consumer car finance new business volumes fell by 3% in October 2023 versus the same month in 2022. The corresponding value of new business was 2% lower over the same period. In the 10 months to October 2023, new business volumes remained 6% lower than in the same period in 2022. The consumer new car finance market reported new business up 1% by value but 2% lower by volume in October compared with the same month in 2022. In the 10 months to October 2023, new business volumes were 5% lower than in the same period in 2022. The consumer used car finance market reported a fall in new business in October of 5% by value and 4% by volume compared with the same month in 2022. In the 10 months to October 2023, new business volumes were 6% lower versus the same period in 2022. But director of research Geraldine Kilkelly said: ‘The value of new business is expected to be only 4% lower in 2023 than in 2022.’




It’s a good time to celebrate dealership successes of 2023


Richard Pygott is digital marketer for First Response. Call him on 0115 946 6365 or email richard.

is the season once more – the streetlights flicker into life by 4.30pm and darkness descends by 5pm. The weather is draped in shades of grey and there’s a chill in the wind, while one of my neighbours proudly placed an inflatable Santa on their front porch in late November and it’s still cheerfully wobbling in the breeze. Does time really speed up as you age? It certainly feels that way, and with my neighbour’s early reminder that Christmas is just around the corner, it also signals the end of the year and, with it, the impending arrival of 2024! In these quieter times of the year, I always find it useful to reflect on the past 12 months and take stock of achievements and lessons learnt. At First Response Finance, we’ve completed the refurbishment of all our offices, sponsored Eden Car Sales’ Chris Smiley of Restart Racing in the TCR-UK racing series and launched two new websites – one for consumers and another for our dealer partners. We also hosted our first annual conference since Covid, and despite challenging trading conditions caused by the cost-of-living crisis and ongoing economic problems, our award-winning service has resulted in fantastic growth for us across the board. It’s been rewarding but far from easy – hard graft never is – but the fruits of our labour throughout the year have paid off and will continue to do so in the new year. I’m aware that dealers in the trade have been working tirelessly, too, adapting to a market where used car prices continue to fluctuate, buyer behaviour shifts due to tightened budgets and changes to some of the finance lenders’ criteria have made it tough going for dealers. However, the remarkable resilience displayed by those in the motor trade never ceases to amaze me. It’s this unwavering determination that not only withstands the difficulties but also propels the motor trade forward, and I tip my hat to the whole motor industry. As the Christmas and new year festivities draw near, it’s always a good time to reflect on your dealership’s journey over the past 12 months. There are usually so many good things that just get forgotten or left behind due to the relentless pace of the motor trade, and I would also recommend celebrating those achievements as well. If you have any successes that you would like to share, get in touch via our page on LinkedIn and we will happily share them. All of us here at First Response Finance would like to wish everyone in the motor trade a Christmas filled with cherished moments with those who truly matter, and as we toast the new year, may it bring you prosperity. Merry Christmas and a happy 2024!

As the Christmas and new year festivities draw near, it’s always a good time to reflect on your dealership’s journey over the past 12 months.


88 |





Hedin buys alloy wheel refurb specialist RRT

ALLOY wheel refurbishment specialist RRT has been bought by Swedish car dealer group Hedin. RRT, which has a 13-strong team, handles more than 20,000 wheels a year at its two warehouses in Luton on a 1,300 square metre site that includes an automated pretreatment and paint plant. Transfer of the business, with the acquisition of all RRT’s shares, took place on November 30 for an undisclosed sum.

Online marketplace hails new era with rebrand ONLINE marketplace Carwow has undergone a wide-ranging global rebrand that it says will help supercharge growth plans for the UK, Germany and Spain next year. The aim is to widen its appeal to new car-buying and selling audiences to help drive more demand to its dealer and OEM partners. Its new logo, colour palette and tone are part of a full refresh of its brand identity – the company’s first since launching 14 years ago.




Motors partners with British Motor Show

Deal will bolster digital Jana Jones is made senior vice-president experiences at FOW

NEWLY rebranded Motors has become the headline sponsor of the British Motor Show. The outfit, previously known as eBay Motors Group, will partner with the annual show for the next two years. Andy Entwistle, chief executive of the British Motor Show, said: ‘We’re incredibly excited to partner with Motors and believe with their support we can take the British Motor Show to the next level.’

The remarkable resilience displayed by those in the motor trade never ceases to amaze me.

Richard Pygott p87

VEHICLES in Video has partnered with FOW Car Supermarket to strengthen its digital experiences. Matt Maley, CEO of the video outfit, seen right with co-founder Danny Cooksey, said: ‘We are absolutely thrilled to be partnering with FOW Car Supermarket. ‘When we entered into early discussions with them, it was apparent that the flexibility in our solution aligns itself perfectly with their vision.’

JANA Jones has been named senior vice-president of sales, marketing and communications at iVendi. She will lead the company’s sales, marketing and customer excellence teams, developing and implementing commercial strategies based on its corporate goals and objectives, as well as becoming part of its executive leadership team. Jones, who joined the firm in 2020, said: ‘It’s a very exciting moment to be involved here.’ | 89









Fleet sales drive increase in new car figures to the best November in four years



by John Bowman

he new car market rose year on year by 9.5% in November with 156,525 units sold, according to latest figures from the SMMT. It makes it the market’s best November for four years, said the trade body, with registrations almost back to pre-pandemic levels – down just 96 units (0.1%) on 2019’s figure of 156,621. Growth was driven entirely by fleets investing in the latest vehicles, with registrations increasing by 25.4% to account for 93,049 units and 59.4% of the market. Private demand, on the other hand, dropped by 5.9% to 60,506 registrations, while business uptake fell by 32.7% to 2,970 units. The year to date, though, sees the overall market up by 18.6% at 1.762m units. November was strong for hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs) and plug-in hybrids (PHEVs), which rose by 27.8% and 55.8% respectively. Fleets also continued to transition to batteryelectric vehicles (BEVs), thanks to what the SMMT called ‘compelling tax incentives’. Of the 24,359 new BEVs reaching the road in November, 77.4% were for fleets and businesses. Overall BEV volumes fell by 17.1%, though, leading to a reduced market share of 15.6%, but November 2022 was atypical, said the SMMT, because of ‘significant deliveries’ after the supply chain disruptions. Year to date, BEV uptake is up 27.5% with a 16.3% market share – expected to rise to 22.3% next year. But the SMMT warned that with new regulations coming into force next month stipulating that 22% of each manufacturer’s new vehicle registrations must be zero emission, sustained recovery depended on giving consumers cash incentives. It added that greater investment was also needed in charging infrastructure to give drivers confidence. Halving VAT on new BEVs and reducing VAT on public charging to 5% in line with home charging would make driving electric more attractive, it said. It’d also make the zero emission transition more accessible to more consumers. And the SMMT said the need to delay tougher new UK-EU rules of origin, which begin on January 1, was even more urgent. It warned that failing to postpone them would see EVs that are traded both ways incur tariffs that would raise prices for consumers at a critical moment in the transition. Mike Hawes, SMMT chief executive, said: ‘Britain’s new car market continues to recover, fuelled by fleets investing in the latest and greenest new vehicles. ‘With car makers gearing up to meet their responsibilities under new market legislation, now is the time to take sensible steps that will multiply that economic growth and minimise carbon emissions. Private EV buyers need incentives in line with those that have so successfully driven business uptake – and workable trade rules that promote rather than penalise the transition.’ 90 |



Ford Puma


Vauxhall Corsa


Nissan Qashqai




Ford Kuga


Kia Sportage


Vauxhall Mokka




Volkswagen Golf


Audi A3


Click here to see our top 10 rolling sales charts for November 2022 to November 2023

Britain’s new car market continues to recover, fuelled by fleets investing in the latest and greenest new vehicles. Mike Hawes SMMT chief executive

11th consecutive month of growth LCV news: p92





Figures supplied by SMMT

Marque Abarth Alfa Romeo Alpine Audi



% market share



% market share

% change



% market share


% market share

% change


53 167 15 11,205 97

0.03 0.11 0.01 7.16 0.06

100 80 30 10,965 149

0.07 0.06 0.02 7.67 0.10

-47.00 108.75 -50.00 2.19 -34.90

819 1,417 281 127,871 1,265

0.05 0.08 0.02 7.26 0.07

1,513 1,488 268 101,203 1,533

0.10 0.10 0.02 6.81 0.10

-45.87 -4.77 4.85 26.35 -17.48

BMW BYD Chevrolet Citroen Cupra Dacia DS Fiat

11,989 267 102 2,504 2,185 2,154 106 653

7.66 0.17 0.07 1.60 1.40 1.38 0.07 0.42

10,257 0 0 1,926 1,246 3,229 437 822

7.18 0.00 0.00 1.35 0.87 2.26 0.31 0.58

16.89 0.00 0.00 30.01 75.36 -33.29 -75.74 -20.56

101,392 895 102 28,689 23,383 25,453 2,326 15,955

5.75 0.05 0.01 1.63 1.33 1.44 0.13 0.91

99,101 0 0 27,514 13,262 26,282 3,571 18,722

6.67 0.00 0.00 1.85 0.89 1.77 0.24 1.26

2.31 0.00 0.00 4.27 76.32 -3.15 -34.86 -14.78

Ford Genesis GWM Ora Honda Hyundai Ineos

11,349 102 94 1,786 6,422 41

7.25 0.07 0.06 1.14 4.10 0.03

11,078 199 5 1,867 5,922 0

7.75 0.14 0.00 1.31 4.14 0.00

2.45 -48.74 1,780.00 -4.34 8.44 0.00

135,243 1,290 854 23,933 81,878 841

7.68 0.07 0.05 1.36 4.65 0.05

119,150 837 47 23,556 75,679 0

8.02 0.06 0.00 1.59 5.09 0.00

13.51 54.12 1,717.02 1.60 8.19 0.00

Jaguar Jeep Kia Land Rover Lexus Maserati Maxus Mazda Mercedes-Benz

1,539 231 7,396 4,712 1,219 72 1 2,034 7,688

0.98 0.15 4.73 3.01 0.78 0.05 0.00 1.30 4.91

736 96 7,595 3,468 1,097 31 0 2,214 5,193

0.52 0.07 5.32 2.43 0.77 0.02 0.00 1.55 3.63

109.10 140.63 -2.62 35.87 11.12 132.26 0.00 -8.13 48.05

13,167 2,888 104,180 48,869 14,350 858 13 28,735 80,489

0.75 0.16 5.91 2.77 0.81 0.05 0.00 1.63 4.57

11,256 2,232 96,741 40,588 9,034 649 0 23,041 76,564

0.76 0.15 6.51 2.73 0.61 0.04 0.00 1.55 5.15

16.98 29.39 7.69 20.40 58.84 32.20 0.00 24.71 5.13















































































































































51.38 15.16























































Other British











Other imports

















18.60 | 91




New van demand grows for 11th month in row by John Bowman THE new LCV market grew for the 11th consecutive month in November as 27,433 vans, pickups and 4x4s joined Britain’s fleets, according to latest figures from the SMMT. The 12.7% rise was 4.6% above the November 2019 pre-pandemic level of 26,238 and took the year-to-date figure to 311,754 units – the largest for two years. Battery-electric van (BEV) registrations fell for the second month, though, with 1,631 units registered – 343 fewer than in November 2022. But the SMMT said the broader trend was positive, with BEV registrations up 15% since January. A total of 17,289 BEVs have joined UK roads in 2023, accounting for almost one in 18 new vans registered during the year.


Figures supplied by SMMT


Ford Volkswagen Vauxhall Citroen Mercedes Toyota Peugeot Renault Maxus Isuzu Nissan Iveco Fiat Land Rover Renault Trucks Suzuki Isuzu Trucks MAN SsangYong Ineos Dacia Fuso LEVC LDV Total light CV




% market share









% market share

% change


% market share


% market share

% change






















































52.79 18.84
























































































































70 54 21 19 1 1 27,433

0.26 0.20 0.08 0.07 0.00 0.00 100.00

86 0 8 26 4 0 24,352

0.35 0.00 0.03 0.11 0.02 0.00 100.00

-18.60 0.00 162.50 -26.92 -75.00 0.00 12.65

1,261 734 197 253 73 2 311,754

0.40 0.24 0.06 0.08 0.02 0.00 100.00

943 0 85 226 293 0 260,314

0.36 0.00 0.03 0.09 0.11 0.00 100.00

33.72 0.00 131.76 11.95 -75.09 0.00 19.76




Mercedes Ford Peugeot Fiat Iveco Maxus Citroen Isuzu Trucks MAN

151 124 73 71 23 18 12 7 5

Volkswagen Vauxhall

% market share



% change

16.48 13.97 8.10 18.44 7.82 32.40 0.28 0.00 0.56

155.93 148.00 151.72 7.58 -17.86 -84.48 1,100.00 0.00 150.00

1,443 1,739 508 861 255 368 112 11 61

59 50 29 66 28 116 1 0 2

5 0

1.02 0.00

5 1

1.40 0.28

0.00 0.00

Renault Renault Trucks Other imports

0 0 0

0.00 0.00 0.00

0 1 0

0.00 0.28 0.00

Total heavy CV





92 |


% market share

30.88 25.36 14.93 14.52 4.70 3.68 2.45 1.43 1.02

Figures supplied by SMMT


% market share


% market share

% change

18.02 29.81 14.72 17.61 6.41 6.82 2.27 0.39 0.64

83.35 33.56 -21.00 11.96 -8.93 23.49 13.13 -35.29 117.86

26.40 31.82 9.30 15.75 4.67 6.73 2.05 0.20 1.12

787 1,302 643 769 280 298 99 17 28

50 41

0.91 0.75

65 26

1.49 0.60

-23.08 57.69

0.00 0.00 0.00

8 7 1

0.15 0.13 0.02

9 25 20

0.21 0.57 0.46

-11.11 -72.00 -95.00








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W: T: 0844 264 3519 Info: Leading provider of retailing solutions, Automotive Transformation Group maximises sales for retailers, OEMs, financiers and fleet suppliers by making car buying easier for their consumers.

W: T: 0808 1890 617 E: Info: We are a SaaS-based data analytics solution provider for multisite dealers. Our business intelligence tools help customers make faster and better decisions.

W: E: Info: Modernise your stock management, advertising, communication, sales and website. DealerDesk provides you with easyto-use tools designed to simplify your dealership management.

W: T: 0115 946 6317 E: Info: First Response is an awardwinning UK finance company providing simple financial solutions. Get in touch and let us help increase your profits.

W: T: 01245 245678 Info: Benefit from Forza Finance’s expertise, choice of products and lenders. Their personal approach will help you achieve higher levels of finance penetration and, ultimately, sell more cars.

W: T: 01480 455500 E: Info: HR Manager is Lawgistics’ new digital compliance portal designed to assist employers in managing their legal obligations, responsibilities and duties.

W: T: 0121 248 9313 Info: Providing motor trade insurance to full- and part-time motor traders in the UK, the Tradesure team are reliable professionals who know how to help you.

W: T: 0330 229 0028 E: Info: iVendi delivers a fully connected platform that engages consumers, converts buyers and manages transactions of vehicles online and in the showroom.

W: T: 01480 455500 E: Info: The legal experts for the motor trade, giving advice and support to our industry for over 15 years. Not anti-consumer, just pro-trader.

W: T: 020 8125 3880 Info: We are a leading provider of PR, video and events services to the automotive industry. The PR team has a proven track record of securing high-value, big-impact media coverage.

W: T: 01892 599911 E: Info: Our SocialStock helps target prospects with tailored stock remarketing and social media advertising tools, and automated lead capture for Facebook.

W: T: 0808 131 1333 Info: Ben is a not-for-profit organisation that partners with the automotive industry to provide support for life to its people and their families.

W: T: 01270 780855 E: Info: UK makers of photo booths incorporating our turntables for car, van and motorcycle dealers. Our software controls turntable and cameras – a onestop solution.

W: T: 020 8867 2340 E: Info: Total vehicle security. Clever tracking technology, advanced immobilisation, 24/7 monitoring and an easy-to-use app. Security. Connectivity. Peace of mind.

W: T: 0800 088 7889 E: Info: Händler Protect is an exclusive dealer warranty provider. Proud to partner and represent more than 1,000-plus ‘active’ independent motor dealers across the UK each month.

W: T: 0800 001 4551 E: Info: Warrantywise sells over 100,000 warranties per year. Quentin Willson personally designed Warrantywise to be the UK’s best used car warranty.

W: T: 01844 293810 E: Info: Open 24/7, we offer award-winning warranty products for FCA- and non-FCA-registered dealerships.

T: 01279 406888 E: Info: AutoProtect offers a full portfolio of award-winning protection products, including GAP. We lead the market with an ‘Excellent’ rating on Trustpilot.

W: T: 01926 651000 Info: Bluesky Interactive drive dealer websites and digital marketing forward thanks to game-changing innovation, the latest technology and our exceptional relationships with our clients.



Key Control

Oil & Lubricants

Warranty Providers

Website Design & Digital Marketing

Blue Motor Finance



Car Care Plan



Lead Management


Warranty Providers

Website Design & Digital Marketing

Close Brothers Motor Finance

GardX AD-Vantage

WeRecruit Auto

Centurion Warranties


W: T: 020 3005 9331 E: Info: Blue is transforming the car finance market, making car ownership simple and flexible and providing motor traders with access to essential finance.

W: Info: Close Brothers Motor Finance are a specialist finance provider, working with over 8,000 dealer partners to offer flexible finance solutions for car, motorcycle and LCV customers.

W: T: 0333 355 3726 E: Info: Bespoke software and electronic key management cabinets to deliver the most effective solution to dealerships to manage their keys and vehicles.

W: T: 01243 376426 E: Info: The award-winning 360 service offers an engaging display of the vehicle while additionally presenting profitable F&I products to a consumer.

W: T: 0800 0857 420 Info: Whether using Mobil 1™ or Mobil Super™, Mobil™ engine oils meet or exceed the latest standards of the oil industry and vehicle manufacturers.

W: T: 01603 550041 Info: Permanent recruitment – here to assist businesses within the automotive sector find the best fit for their company in terms of skillset, experience and culture.

W: T: 0344 573 8000 Info: Car Care Plan is a leading provider of motor protection products, trusted around the world to deliver quality protection with integrity and a customer-oriented outlook.

W: T: 0800 368 7420 E: Info: Centurion offers comprehensive aftermarket warranty solutions to motor dealers across the UK who sell first-owned vehicles through to high-end, prestige and sports cars.

W: T: 020 3920 6164 E: Info: Composer is a next-gen automotive platform. You have extensive stock management options, and you’ll gain a brilliantly responsive new website.

W: T: 01273 837749 E: Info: Websites that are designed to increase the number of customers for dealers. We have solutions for all budgets and needs. All solutions include our DMS Autopromotor.

To have your details included email and ask for Suppliers Guide listings 94 |



AUDI RS 6 James Baggott waxes lyrical about his long-term performance estate test car.


s long-term car loans go, they don’t get much better than six months with an Audi RS 6. As my colleagues will testify, I can usually find at least one thing to moan about most cars – but when it comes to this mighty estate I can honestly say I struggle to find a bad word to say about it. For me, an RS 6 is about as perfect as cars can get. You get the practicality of an SUV with a huge boot that swallows pretty much anything you throw at it, but all coupled with excellent driving dynamics, handling and supercar power. I’ve never been a huge fan of SUVs that seem to dominate the best-selling car charts and have always favoured the humble estate. In fact, were it my own money I was shelling out on a family car, a powerful performance load lugger like this would be top of my list. What I really love about the Audi is the fact that while it might have 591bhp under the bonnet and the ability to hit 60mph in 3.6 seconds – which, for the record, is faster than a Ferrari 360 – it can still be wonderfully sedate when you want it to be. When you’ve got a baby in a child seat in the back plus the rest of the family along for the trip, it’s good to know that the RS 6 can behave itself with a compliant ride and wafting acceleration rather than always being an unruly racer. As a family-friendly car, the RS 6 works brilliantly. The child car seat fits on to the ISOFIX points in the back with plenty of space to spare for the front seat passenger, and the cavernous boot has swallowed pushchair and baby accompaniments on many occasions without trouble. I’ve had a few warning lights illuminate on the dash in recent weeks, but thankfully nothing serious. The first was a low oil level light that meant some urgent addition of Mobil 1, while the second was low tyre pressures. The latter I put down to the recent cold snap, but I have topped them up nonetheless. There are lots of other little things to love about the Audi that all add up to make it a great car to live with. The infotainment system is first class, with the excellent integration of wireless CarPlay a real boon. I’m also a big fan of the memory seats. My better half is roughly half my height. OK, that might be pushing it, but every time I get in after she’s been driving the RS 6, I smack my knees on the steering wheel and head-butt the sun visor. Fortunately, the memory seat button puts the seat and steering wheel back into my favoured position swiftly – I just wish it’d adjust the rear view mirror, too. The sound system is monumentally good and the haptic feedback touchscreens – of which it has two – are great to use and display information clearly. Everything is so intuitive that you only really notice how good it is when you try to use a system in another car. Few have lived up to the ease of the Audi. I was reminded of quite how good the RS 6 is during a recent swap into a Bentley Flying Spur test car. While it’s from the same manufacturing stable, I found the Bentley incredibly uncomfortable to drive compared with the Audi and the tech far less simple to use. And despite its far bigger proportions, I would say the RS 6 was capable of carrying more. Next up for the RS 6 is my annual pilgrimage to the Alps. I’ll be adding roof bars, top box and winter tyres for the trip and am nearly as excited about driving it down there as I am for the snow. I’ll report back next time on how that trip goes.

Audi RS 6

Price (as tested): Engine: Power: Torque: 0-60mph: Top speed: Fuel economy: Emissions: Mileage:

£106,020 4.0-litre V8 591bhp 800Nm 3.6 seconds 155mph 22.4mpg (combined) 286g/km CO2 12,876

This month’s highlight: We are struggling to find a bad word to say about ‘our’ mighty Audi estate.


Peugeot 408 Mileage: 6,519 We’ve been putting in plenty of motorway miles and the 408 continues to be a capable car.

Suzuki Swace Mileage: 7,457

The Swace’s boot has been put to the test with a trip to Ikea. | 95

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