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Red Angus Bred Females
Lot 77 has the look of a front pasture cow and she is hard to let go. Her pedigree is stacked with maternal power and AI bred to Stockmarket E119. She is due May 23, 2023 and we expect her calf to be something special. Her maternal half sister is Lot 58 with potential! Built to calve easily plus raise calves that will grow with excellent carcass traits She’s bred natural service
Lot 79 traces to the Bieber Surprise cow family. They have power and near perfect udders in our herd. She’s AI bred to Nine Mile Franchise 6305, due May 16, 2023.
J01 and due June 14, 2023.
WFL Merlin 018A BUF CRK Redpride N179 LJC Merlin T179 LJC Mission Statement P27
Jewelmaker 9024 WFL Commitment 042Y