Howwe use decision intelligence to transform customer experience.
WhatisCXand CSATResearch?
Customer satisfaction (CSAT) and customer experience (CX) research involves gathering feedback from customers to assess their level of satisfaction and overall experience with a product, service, or brand.
Only by trulyhearingthevoiceoftheircustomers, can brands really understand customers' perceptions, preferences, and pain points throughout their interactions with the company.
Understanding customer satisfaction and experience is crucial for any business as it directly impacts customer retention, loyalty, and advocacy. CX insights help lead to better service and product design, more happy customers, and higher revenue.
Expertiseand Experience
With over 20 years of delivering impactful CX research, we bring unparalleled expertise and a deep understanding of customer dynamics across various industries.
Bespoke Solutions
We tailor our research methodologies to fit your unique business needs, ensuring relevant and actionable insights that drive real results.
Advanced TechandAI
We leverage cuttingedge AI and advanced analytics to transform vast amounts of data into meaningful, predictive insights.
Real-time, integrated insights
Our real-time feedback and integration tools cover all touchpoints,providing a holistic understanding of your customers' journey so you can acton customer sentiments instantly.
In the many dozens of CX researchprojects we have deliveredin the past few years,we always begin with a commitmentto taking asystematicapproachto capturing,analysing,andactingoncustomer feedbacktoimproveproducts,services,andoverall customerexperience.
Hereare someof the principles and methodswe apply to ensurea greaterunderstandingof CX in the modernworld.
How consumers interactwith brands has fundamentallychanged in the past severalyears,yet manycontinue to employCX researchmethodsthat that are outdated and can no longer be reliedupon to tell you what you needto know.
We have the capability to conduct comprehensive journey mapping to identify all critical touchpoints.
We guarantee utmost data quality for generating accurate, actionable insights that truly reflect customer experiences & needs.
Our in-house AI and Advanced Analytics team utilises advanced text & sentiment analysis to uncover hidden patterns & render actionable insights.
We develop clear action plans based on the insights collected, including toolkits, workshops, and assigned ownership and timelines.
TechnologyGaps IntegrationGaps
We have the capability to develop integrated insight platforms that consolidate feedback from myriad channels into a single, comprehensive view.
Blackbox’s can seamlessly embed modern VoC tools and advanced analytics features into existing CX programmes for a more cohesive workflow and better insights.
Wehavehelpedmorethan50clientsenhancetheirCXappealinthepast2yearsalone. Our agile and bespoke approach helps commercial enterprises, public sector organisations, educational institutions, and non-profits.
We frequently design new indices to measure satisfaction and experience levels. We worked with one of Singapore’s leading universities to designa holisticPublicSectorCustomer SatisfactionIndex to empower improved public service delivery. Our own SensingSG is Singapore’s only live, independent and interactive citizen experience data platform.
National institutions entrust us to get a better understanding of their users by designing creative and enduring studies, delivered via interactive real-time dashboards.Government bodies overseeing Singapore’s defence and security, manpower, health, and nationalpension policies all have long-runningcitizen experiencetrackingstudiesofat least5yearswithus.
From the airport and cruise terminals, to nationaltourism hotspots like Sentosa and the zoo; our wildlife havens and parks, as well as museums and heritage spaces – our CX expertise has been called upon in dozens of studies to elevate CXateverytouchpointofthe Singaporeexperiencefor visitorsandlocalsalike.
Be in touch if you would like us to share more detail on our many CXSuccessStories – we have plenty!