Proactive controlsto mitigate IT security risk

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Proactive controls to mitigate IT security risk Policy Compliance Content Security Secure Access Endpoint Security

Information security risk mitigation

Empowering people to work securely

The Cryptzone Group Cryptzone offers proactive user-­friendly solutions and services that mitigate IT security risk. Our innovative products empower people to work securely wherever, whenever and however they want. Whether at home or work, or even RQ WKH PRYH &U\SW]RQH GHOLYHUV IDPLOLDU EXVLQHVV DSSOLFDWLRQV LQ D XQLĂ€HG DQG VHFXUH ZRUNLQJ HQYLURQPHQW By reducing complexity and providing a simple common user experience, the burden on IT administrators is reduced, business continuity maintained and workers become more productive. +HDGTXDUWHUHG LQ 6ZHGHQ DQG OLVWHG RQ 7KH )LUVW 1RUWK VWRFN H[FKDQJH &U\SW]RQH KDV RIĂ€FHV DURXQG WKH ZRUOG &XVWRPHUV LQFOXGH )RUWXQH FRPSDQLHV JRYHUQPHQW DQG GHIHQVH RUJDQL]DWLRQV Ă€QDQFLDO LQVWLWXWLRQV and companies in a wide range of other market segments.

Professional services & technical support The Cryptzone professional services and support teams work with customers to ensure the success of each project. Having developed a collaborative approach to service delivery, our highly skilled sales and technical personnel are able to ensure customers optimize the on-­going value of their IT security investment in Cryptzone products. That’s why more than 95% of Cryptzone customers choose to stay with us year after year. Cryptzone is a global IT security vendor with international customers. “Follow the sunâ€? support structures enable us to provide world-­class support 24/7 365. In addition, we offer Security-­as-­a-­Service for organizations that choose to adopt effective and affordable cloud computing services. Our world-­wide network of trusted partners is able to assist customers with the evaluation, deployment and training options around the Cryptzone solution portfolio.

What we do

Optimize security, governance and compliance efforts to reduce risk and meet regulatory requirements. Deploy effective IT security solutions to protect sensitive DQG FRQĂ€GHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ Maximize the business value of IT security investments in a rapidly changing commercial and regulatory environment.

There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-­ range risks and costs of comfortable inaction. John F. Kennedy

IT security risk mitigation


The strategic importance of information security has increased during the 21st century. Issues of data SURWHFWLRQ SULYDF\ DQG FRQĂ€GHQWLDOLW\ RI LQIRUPDWLRQ are of paramount importance.

$Q RUJDQL]DWLRQ¡V Ă€UVW OLQH RI GHIHQVH IRU VWUHQJWKHQLQJ security is its users. Creating a security aware culture, where everyone shares responsibility for protecting information assets, reduces the likelihood of human error, which is a major factor in many security incidents.

Today technology risks have the ability to impact reputation, equity value and can even threaten an organization’s very existence. The management of regulatory compliance and information security therefore requires active board level oversight. It is vital that board members and senior management teams understand the IT security risks facing their organizations and the risk mitigation strategies they can adopt to counter them.

Cryptzone software helps you better manage the human side of IT security risk mitigation.

Processes $Q HIIHFWLYH VHFXULW\ SROLF\ DQG ZRUN Ă RZ SURFHVV can only be effective if those processes are adhered to by everyone.

Cryptzone’s approach

Use Cryptzone solutions to communicate, monitor and enforce your security policies and processes

IT security initiatives must be in line with corporate risk objectives and add value to the business in order to support an organization’s ultimate strategic objectives.


The Cryptzone Group brings together the people, processes and technology in order to mitigate LQIRUPDWLRQ VHFXULW\ ULVNV LGHQWLĂ€HG LQ IRXU NH\ DUHDV

Policy Compliance Content Security Secure Access Endpoint Security

Security threats are becoming more sophisticated and PRUH GLIĂ€FXOW WR GHWHFW DQG LQWHUFHSW $W &U\SW]RQH ZH have developed ground breaking technical controls for IT security risk mitigation. Our award winning technologies offer policy based security and technical controls that address the challenges of an increasingly demanding world. Implement Cryptzone software in your IT environment or get selected services provided in a cloud based infrastructure.

Policy Compliance Assure total governance across the enterprise

The human factor

Policy life-­cycle management

Out-­of-­date, poorly communicated, unenforced policies, procedures and guidelines put your organization at risk of non-­compliance with legislative and regulatory obligations.

Measure & monitor understanding

How do you ensure your people read, understand and comply with corporate expectations?

Effective automation Cryptzone provides practical, automated policy management tools to measure, monitor and manage policy compliance at all levels within your organization. Automated delivery of your eLearning and communication program ensures users understand why policies exist, as well as their responsibilities.

Communicate & enforce &XW FRVW LQHIĂ€FLHQF\ DQG WKH DGPLQLVWUDWLYH EXUGHQ of tracking who has received, read and agreed to policies.

Monitor & measure Mitigate risk by raising policy awareness and improving user comprehension.

Prove regulatory compliance Give managers and auditors access to accurate reports to help identify & address non-­compliance.

It is reassuring for the business to know that we can produce evidence of policy compliance at the click of a button. Head of Compliance, International Bank

User awareness & education Corporate communications Risk management reporting


Content Security Empower end users to protect information

Protecting data


Data protection has become a legal obligation of concern to both IT and business managers. As the demand for mobile connectivity and collaborative working has increased, so has the need to protect sensitive information.

Encrypt emails and attachments

How do you ensure that information is secured no matter where it is stored or being transmitted?

Collaboration is key Cryptzone content security solutions empower people to store information securely and collaborate safely with both internal and external parties. No matter whether data is in use, in transit, or stored in a variety of remote locations, Cryptzone has the tools to secure it. (PSRZHU XVHUV WR VHFXUH ÀOHV IROGHUV DQG GRFXPHQWV in Microsoft SharePoint Ž, email messages and USB à DVK GULYHV Enable your users to easily assign access rights to internal or external collaboration partners without having to manage encryption keys. Cryptzone’s unique Enterprise Protection Method (EPM) technology provides automatic authentication and encryption keys for your users. Send secured emails to any recipient no matter what email application, web site or device. This includes Outlook Ž, Lotus Notes Ž, Gmail, Hotmail, Mac, PC, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Android Ž and Windows Phone Ž. The recipient can simply and easily read and reply back securely from any device with access to the Internet. Cryptzone content security offerings are also available as SaaS solutions.

We observed a priority need to encrypt our HPDLOV ÀOHV IROGHUV DQG 86% à DVK GULYHV IT Coordinator, Construction Company

(QFU\SW ÀOHV DQG IROGHUV Secure collaboration for Microsoft SharePoint Ž 86% à DVK GULYH HQFU\SWLRQ Data loss prevention

Secure Access Securely connect from any device and any location

New working patterns 7KH JURZWK RI HQWHUSULVH FROODERUDWLRQ DV ZHOO DV ÁH[LEOH and mobile working practices has resulted in the collapse of the traditional network. Workers require the same level of access to business applications, data and services whether internal or external to the corporate network. ,V \RXU RUJDQL]DWLRQ XQGHU SUHVVXUH WR SURYLGH XQLÀHG access to network resources & to maintain security?

A different approach Cryptzone solutions allow seamless controlled policy-­ based connectivity and ease of use, whatever the location or mode of connection.

Secure mobile working Securely connect users from any device and any location. Using policy-­based solutions, Cryptzone can determine whether a user is on a trusted device in a trusted location, an untrusted device in an untrusted location or any mixture of the two and deploy access rights accordingly.

Network access management Mobile access (Apple, Windows, Android) SSL/SSH VPN Document access control Business continuity/disaster recovery Internal network segmentation One Time Password support

Cost-­effective authentication SMS, mobile device and token authentication is supported. Cryptzone’s One Time Password authentication removes the need for expensive tokens to authenticate users.

Low maintenance overhead Dynamic security policies ensure access is automatically assigned without user or administrator intervention, HQDEOLQJ FHQWUDOL]HG FRQÀJXUDWLRQ

Emergency response A plan to minimize business disruption reduces the potential impact on worker productivity and customer service. Secure remote access is a simple and cost-­ HIIHFWLYH ZD\ IRU RIÀFH VWDII WR ZRUN DV QRUPDO LQ WKH event of an emergency. Cryptzone provides a 90 day emergency unlimited user licence for when an unpredictable event occurs and more users require remote access.

We can now offer our employees a more ÁH[LEOH DSSURDFK WR ZRUNLQJ ZLWKRXW worrying about whether our data is at risk. IT Director, Healthcare

Endpoint Security Data protection and loss prevention for endpoints

Regulatory compliance

Known or unknown threat

The use of PCs, laptops and mobile devices has dramatically risen in recent years. While the increased storage capacity of these devices has improved accessibility to information and improved worker HIÀFLHQF\ LW H[SRVHV RUJDQL]DWLRQV WR D JUHDWHU ULVN RI GDWD ORVV UHJXODWRU\ ÀQHV DQG EUDQG GDPDJH

Given the speed and regularity with which new security threats are introduced, reliance on malware detection alone is no longer acceptable.

Do you know where your data is and how it is being used?

Cryptzone’s application whitelisting technology controls which applications are allowed to run on a device or system, so it no longer matters if a threat is known or unknown.

Authorized access Crytpzone’s portfolio of encryption products prevents unauthorized access to devices and data whether at rest or in motion. Secure your hardware with transparent, centrally managed full hard disk encryption. Monitor and control data movement to peripheral devices with port control. Ensure data stored on a device is only accessible to DXWKRUL]HG XVHUV ZLWK 86% Ă DVK GULYH HQFU\SWLRQ Track and report the movement of and access to data. Issue a “Lock Outâ€? or “Kill Pillâ€? command to lost or stolen Ă DVK GULYHV LQ RUGHU WR PLWLJDWH ULVN

Device, media & port control 86% Ă DVK GULYH HQFU\SWLRQ File & folder encryption Full disk encryption Application whitelisting

Innovative technology allows us to centrally manage security policies and authorize the use of removable media. &KLHI 7HFKQRORJ\ 2IĂ€FHU International Finance

Empowering people to work securely

Solution portfolio Policy Compliance

Content Security

Secure Access

Endpoint Security



Netconsent Compliance Suite

Policy management system

Netconsent Assessor

Automated business communication

Netconsent Informer

Electronic announcements on a need-­to-­know basis

Secured eMail *

Policy controlled email encryption

Secured eFile *


Secured eCollaboration *

Add on for Microsoft SharePoint Ž ÀOH HQFU\SWLRQ

Secured eUSB *

Centrally managed USB encryption deployment tool

Secured eControl

Policy enforcement and data detection

Appgate Security Server

Appliance for role based access control

Appgate for Mobile Devices

Secure access for iPad, iPhone and Android

Appgate Satellites

Secure virtual network

Cryptzone OTP

One time password


Java implementation of the SSH2 client

Secured eUSB *

Centrally managed USB encryption deployment tool

Secured eDevice

Port & device control

Secured eDisk

Hard disk encryption

SE46 Application Control

Application white listing

Appgate Device Firewall

(QGSRLQW Ă€UHZDOO * The solution is also available as SaaS (Security-­as-­a-­Service).

International Headquarters:


Partner information:

Cryptzone Group AB Drakegatan 7, SE-­412 50 Gothenburg, Sweden

Cryptzone UK Ltd. Sentinel House, Harvest Crescent, Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 2UZ. UK

For more information go to

7HO +46 (0)31 773 86 00 )D[

7HO +44 (0)370 013 1600 )D[

For other regions visit

Cryptzone US Inc. 185 Alewife Brook Parkway, Suite 410, Cambridge MA 02138, USA 7HO +1.949.279.6177 )D[

&RS\ULJKW &U\SW]RQH *URXS $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG &U\SW]RQH 7KH &U\SW]RQH /RJR $SSJDWH 1HWFRQVHQW DQG 6( DUH WUDGHPDUNV RI &U\SW]RQH *URXS RU LWV DIĂ€OLDWHV This brochure is an independent publication and has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Apple Inc. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. iPhone, iPad and Mac are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. All other product names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners.

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