Manual de identidad

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Brand guidelines April 2006

Headline – copy goes here

1 2 3 4

Our brand Headline

Our identity





Adecco brand guidelines | Contents | 3

Our brand– Headline copy goes here


Brand positioning


Brand attributes


Brand tone of voice Headline Brand architecture

6 12



Brand positioning

Adecco brand guidelines | Our brand | 4

Who are we?

What makes us unique?

Our responsibility

Our goal – ‘better work, better life’

The world expert in connecting people both globally and locally with the talent they need and the work they want.

People We are passionate about the people we work with. We listen, and then ask more insightful questions. We find the right work as quickly as possible, we don’t wait for it to find us.

We connect people. To accomplish this, we must be easily accessed by our clients and associates at all times. We must provide them with a thorough understanding of the way we work and the services we offer.

We believe that those who are motivated to improve their work experience will create opportunities to improve all other parts of their lives.

Training and assessment We never tire of learning and give the same opportunity to every associate. We offer life skills, career progression, specialized expertise. We seek new approaches and partner with the best trainers.

We see a world where individuals have greater choice and, therefore, want to work with a partner who demonstrates they have the relationships and skills that fit their exact requirements.

Investment in technology We use technology to create real advantages. We want associates and clients to benefit from working with us. We invest constantly to sustain our position as innovators.

We are confident that, as Adecco, we will help to inspire our colleagues, clients and associates to achieve “better work, better life”.

We seek those motivated to make change and know that as partners we can help them to shape and achieve their professional and personal goals.

Brand attributes Caring People are our business and we take that seriously. We strive to inspire everyone we work with because we know how much our efforts can make a difference. World-class Professional integrity is essential and is key to how we keep our business strong and growing. Ahead We are committed to build and improve the skills of the human capital we provide to our Clients around the globe. We have the resources to invest constantly to improve performance through innovative training and assessment techniques.

Adecco brand guidelines | Our brand | 5

Passionate We are fully committed and go above and beyond the call of duty to provide our clients with the highest quality associates and work with our associates to help them to improve and excel in their performance. Expert We have the scope and the insight to understand employment and labour market issues. We also invest, on behalf of our Clients and Associates, to ensure that our knowledge contributes to improving these markets.

Brand tone of voice In all Adecco communications, our writing and speaking must reflect our brand attributes, as follows.

Adecco brand guidelines | Our brand | 6



means people come first, ahead of systems, technology or tools. So our language is clear, simple and transparent – we don’t use jargon, we don’t assume insider knowledge (unless the assumption is justified) and we avoid acronyms, initials and technical terms (e.g. SLA) unless we know our audience will be familiar with them.

means our involvement with Adecco is intense and personal. So we’re enthusiastic when we talk or write. Be careful, though, that you give your audience reasons to feel enthusiastic too. Adecco isn’t a cult, it’s a serious business that touches a vital area of people’s lives.

World-class means everything is first rate, all the time. So our grammar, use of words, punctuation and paragraph ing are impeccable, as is our presentation. Second best is never acceptable. If you’re not sure about something you’re writing, check with a colleague, get a second opinion – be an active and collaborative communicator.

Ahead means we are at the forefront of change. So our style is energetic. Use short sentences, active verbs. Say ‘we did better’, rather than ‘performance was improved.’ Cut any words you can lose without losing meaning. And cut out meanings that are obvious (so long as your audience doesn’t need them).

Expert means we understand employment and labour market issues in depth at every level, from individual to global. So our language is rational, inspiring confidence in our claims. This supports the integrity of our vision and makes it more persuasive when we want to talk about it.

Brand tone of voice Examples Our tone of voice will take hard work and practice to achieve consistently. On this and the following four pages there are examples from real Adecco documents of copy which fails to meet tone of voice criteria, together with a brief indication of the problems and a suggested solution. On page 26 there are some further notes and rules which Adecco writers and communicators should start to apply to their work.

Caring means people come first, ahead of systems, technology or tools. So our language is clear, simple and transparent – we don’t use jargon, we don’t assume insider knowledge (unless the assumption is justified) and we avoid acronyms, initials and technical terms (eg SLA) unless we know our audience will be familiar with them.

Adecco brand guidelines | Our brand | 7

Example “ The Adecco Call Centre Census was completed in July 2004, following a nationwide survey of Call Centre Operatives (CCOs). In total, over 1200 people contributed to the survey from call centres in major industries such as Finance, Retail and Utilities. The objective of the research was to understand employee perceptions of the main factors that influence their jobs, such as training, development work/life balance, pay and incentives.” Problems “ CCOs” is unnecessary; the phrase ‘call centre operatives’ (not capitalized) would be fine throughout the report, although if a less dehumanizing descriptor could be devised it would be preferable. The prioritization of information in these sentences devalues the people who responded to the survey, apparently regarding the industries they work in (unnecessarily capitalized) as more interesting than their perceptions, which were nevertheless the focus of the study. Solution “ The Adecco Call Centre Census presents the findings of a major study into how people who work on the phone in call centres view their occupation. Over 1200 call centre operatives contributed to the Census, which we completed in July 2004. Working in sectors like finance, retail and utilities, contributors gave their views on issues such as training, career progression, work-life balance, pay and incentives.”

Brand tone of voice Examples World-class means everything is first rate, all the time. So our grammar, use of words, punctuation and paragraph ing are impeccable, as is our presentation. Second best is never acceptable. If you’re not sure about something you’re writing, check with a colleague, get a second opinion – be an active and collaborative communicator.

Adecco brand guidelines | Our brand | 8

Example “ Our service provides immediate response, flexible and quality services adapted to your specific local requirements.” Problems “ immediate response” is not an adjective, therefore the sentence does not read grammatically (as a sequence of adjectives). “Quality” is not an adjective that can stand alone in good English. “Our service provides … services” is a circular proposition. What are we trying to say? Solution “ We will meet your needs with a tailored, high quality service from the moment you call us.”

Brand tone of voice Examples Ahead means we are at the forefront of change. So our style is energetic. Use short sentences, active verbs. Say ‘we did better’, rather than ‘performance was improved.’ Cut any words you can lose without losing meaning. And cut out meanings that are obvious (so long as your audience doesn’t need them).

Adecco brand guidelines | Our brand | 9

Example “ Crucially however, we have developed extremely sophisticated candidate screening techniques, designed to ensure we provide candidates not just with the technical skills and expertise your [sic] require but also with the psychological and personality match that is right for your business.” Problems This one-sentence paragraph is overloaded with fake urgency, superfluous qualifiers and redundant repetition that attempts to provide needless emphasis. It crawls under a huge weight of useless verbiage, wearing the reader out long before it says anything of value. (In the process it also manages to be ungrammatical.) Solution “ We screen our associates with sophisticated methods unique to Adecco. This means you get people with the right skills and, just as important, the right personality for your business.”

Brand tone of voice Examples Passionate means our involvement with Adecco is intense and personal. So we’re enthusiastic when we talk or write. Be careful, though, that you give your audience reasons to feel enthusiastic too. Adecco isn’t a cult, it’s a serious business that touches a vital area of people’s lives.

Adecco brand guidelines | Our brand | 10

Example “ Now there’s no need to waste time searching for the ideal product or latest bargain. Adecco Lifestyle has it all. Lifestyle give you instant access to a wide range of services and products via an easy to use website with savings from over 160 suppliers, including WH Smith, Halfords, Avis, Holmes Place, Phones4U and Homebase.” Problems Clunky, chunky, trying too hard. Why be negative (“no need to waste time”)? Solution “ Adecco Lifestyle saves you time and money. The Lifestyle website is fun to surf and easy to use. You’ll find great bargains and exclusive offers from high street favorites like Homebase, Halfords and Phones4U. So check it out. Adecco Lifestyle – for the choices you want.”

Brand tone of voice Examples Expert means we understand employment and labor market issues in depth at every level, from individual to global. So our language is rational, inspiring confidence in our claims. This supports the integrity of our vision and makes it more persuasive when we want to talk about it.

Adecco brand guidelines | Our brand | 11

Example “ Our position as industry leader within the Commercial and Industrial recruitment sectors has allowed us to work with a wide variety of clients on an international level. Our established reputation within the recruitment industry and our excellent working relationships with our clients has ensured that we are always fully aware of what our clients are looking for.” Problems Repetitious, long-winded, too much blather not enough pay-off. There is also no logical connection between Adecco’s status and reputation and its client orientation. Solution “ As the industry leader in commercial and industrial recruitment we have many international clients. Naturally we are always highly attentive to their needs and requirements.”

Brand architecture

Adecco brand guidelines | Our brand | 12

We are Adecco. One brand. One company.

Adecco logo Our logo is the central identifier of our brand.

Adecco logo with our goal To be used in all our marketing, communication and PR applications.

Adecco logo with business lines Business lines represent the eight specialist areas within Adecco and have been established for internal reporting. We anticipate that approved go-to-market names will be used in marketing applications, rather than these internal business lines.

Adecco logo with go-to-market names (examples) Go-to-market names indicate and promote the specialist areas that we operate in. To be used by specialist areas for marketing and promotional applications.

Adecco brand guidelines | Contents | 13

Our identity Headline – copy goes here


Adecco logo




with our goal




Headlinelines with business


Headline Imagery

with go-to-market names


what not to do




principles Brand elements

Headline 22 23 24

Adecco logo Our logo is the central identifier of our brand. It is specially designed and should not be altered in any way.

Adecco brand guidelines | Our identity | 14

Where possible, the Adecco logo should appear on a white background and always ranged left in an application.

The logo should only appear in Adecco Red, or Black depending on the application.

All logos artwork files can be downloaded from the Adecco Brand management site;

Adecco logo

Adecco logo (mono)

Artwork files: Adecco_logo_CMYK.eps Adecco_logo_RGB.eps Adecco_logo_PMS.eps

Artwork file: Adecco_logo_MONO.eps

Measuring the Adecco logo The size of the Adecco logo is calculated by it’s width Exclusion zone The exclusion zone around the Adecco logo is dictated by half the size of the logo above, below and either side of the logo. Xmm

Minimum size The minimum size of the Adecco logo is 11mm


Adecco logo With our goal Our goal is: better work, better life. We communicate this by using this version of the logo in all our marketing, communication and PR applications, unless otherwise specified.

The Adecco logo with our goal is specially designed and should not be altered in any way. No other layout of the logo with our goal is allowed other than the examples shown here.

Adecco brand guidelines | Our identity | 15

Where possible, the Adecco logo should appear on a white background and always ranged left in an application.

The logo should always appear in Adecco Red, or Black depending on the application. All logos artwork files can be downloaded from the Adecco Brand management site;

Adecco logo with our goal

Adecco with our goal logo (Mono)

Artwork files: Adecco_logo_goal_CMYK.eps Adecco_logo_goal_RGB.eps Adecco_logo_goal_PMS.eps

Artwork file: Adecco_logo_goal_MONO.eps

Exclusion zone

Minimum size

The exclusion zone around the Adecco logo with our goal is dictated by half the size of the logo above, below and either side of the Adecco logo with our goal.

The minimum size of the Adecco logo with our goal is 11mm


Adecco logo With business line

Adecco brand guidelines | Our identity | 16

Where possible, the Adecco logo should appear on a white background and always ranged left in an application.

The logo should always appear in Adecco Red with the business line in Adecco Grey, or the whole configuration in Black depending on the application.

All logos artwork files can be downloaded from the Adecco Brand management site;









Adecco logo with business line (mono)

Minimum size

Exclusion zone

Artwork file: Adecco_XX_logo_MONO.eps

The minimum size of the Adecco logo with business line is 11mm

The exclusion zone around the Adecco logo with business line is dictated by half the size of the Adecco logo above, below and either side of the Adecco logo with business line.

Adecco has eight business lines, each with its own logo. These business line logos are specially designed and must never be altered in any way. The relative size and placing of logotype, business line, and goal are to be maintained at all times.

Adecco logo with business line


Adecco logo With go-to-market name (examples) These logos are used to indicate and promote the specialist areas that we operate in. We have only shown five examples of go-to-market names here.

For approval of a new go-to-market name please contact either your local representative or your global business line head. For Office and Industrial – Kate Gray SVP, Global Branding. Instructions for producing a new version will be provided upon approval.

Adecco brand guidelines | Our identity | 17

Where possible, the Adecco logo should appear on a white background and always ranged left in an application.

All logos artwork files can be downloaded from the Adecco Brand management site;

Adecco logo with go-to-market names






Adecco logo with go-to-market names (Mono)

Minimum size

Exclusion zone

Artwork file: Adecco_XXX_logo_MONO.eps

The minimum size of the Adecco logo with go-to-market name is 11mm

The exclusion zone around the Adecco logo with go-to-market name is dictated by half the size of the Adecco logo above, below and either side of the Adecco logo with go-to-market name.


The logo should always appear in Adecco Red and Grey, or Black depending on the application.

Adecco logo What not to do 1. Don’t change the shape of the logo 2. Don’t recolour the logo 3. Don’t change the colour of the business line or go-to-market name


Adecco brand guidelines | Our identity | 18

4. Don’t use a different typeface for business line or go-to-market name 5. Don’t change the logo configuration for business line or go-to-market name 6. Don’t write our goal over two lines



7. Don’t invent new logo configurations 8. Don’t recolour our goal 9. Don’t place the logo on a colour background 10. Don’t reverse out the logo



Information Technology







Adecco logo Positioning

Adecco brand guidelines | Our identity | 19

The Adecco logo should always be ranged left. It can be placed top, middle or bottom left, depending on the application. Stationery


TV end frame


Colour The Adecco colour palette consists of: Adecco Red, Adecco Grey, White and Black.

Adecco brand guidelines | Our identity | 20

Where appropriate, tints of Adecco Red and Adecco Grey can be used in applications such as charts. NB. Tints of Adecco Red must not be used for the logo.

Adecco colours

Adecco Red Pantone速485 CMYK 0-100-100-0 RGB 234-32-3 Web # ea2026

Using colour It is important to use the Adecco colour palette correctly. Adecco Red should be used with restraint, principally for the Adecco logo and highlighting in text. White should be the overall background colour. Smaller amounts of Adecco Grey can be used to compliment the White. Adecco Grey or Black can be used for text.

Adecco Grey Pantone速 Warm Grey 7 CMYK 14-19-21-38 RGB 169-161-140 Web # a9a18c

White CMYK 0-0-0-0 RGB 255-255-255 Web # ffffff

Black CMYK 0-0-0-100 RGB 0-0-0 Web # 000000

Typography Our typeface is VAG Rounded. It is a vital part of our visual identity and should be used in all our communication materials, unless otherwise specified.

Adecco brand guidelines | Our identity | 21

VAG Rounded is available in four weights; Thin, Light, Bold and Black. Our overall typographic style is simple and light. Here are some guides for achieving the right design:

– For main body text and headlines use VAG Rounded Light or Thin. – VAG Rounded Bold should only be used in small amounts of copy such as small subheaders or in graphs. Avoid using it in larger type sizes. – Avoid capitalising words as it gives the wrong tone. Use lower and upper case

instead, it’s more personal. – Range type left. – Let copy flow naturally, avoid justifying type at all times. Arial should be used in PowerPoint and letter writing, following the same typographic guidelines as described.

abc1234567 Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit auctor sollicitudin.


Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit; Auctor sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum elementum enim. Vivamus sit amet ante eget pede interdum ornare elementum.

This is VAG Rounded Thin VAG Rounded Thin

VAG Rounded Light

VAG Rounded Bold

VAG Rounded Black

ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz 1234567890(&%£$)

A BC DE F G H I J KL MN OP Q R ST U V WX Y Z a b c d e f g hi j k l mn op q r s t uvw x y z 1234567890(&%£$)

A B CDE FGHIJKLM N OPQRSTU VWXYZ a b c d efg hi j kl mn op q r stuv wxyz 1234567890(&%£$)

A BCDE FGHIJKLM N O P Q R STU V WXYZ a b c d ef g hi j kl mn op q rst uvwxyz 1 23 4567890 (&% £ $ )

Imagery To compliment the new Adecco brand identity, an image library has been created, that will develop over time.

Adecco brand guidelines | Our identity | 22

A selection of images are currently available for download from the brand site and more will be added as they become available.

To communicate our goal, better work, better life, a combination of work and lifestyle imagery may be used.

Work imagery (examples)

Lifestyle image (example)

Imagery Principles The Adecco image style shows people in their working environment. When selecting imagery or commisioning a photographic shoot, the following principles apply:

Adecco brand guidelines | Our identity | 23

Images should convey the belief that if you are in the right job, you feel good about life. Images should clearly signal their particular profession. This can be achieved by careful use of location and props that suggest the profession, but avoid cliches.

Images should include real human expressions (detail matters). The people should be seen enjoying their work and social environment. They should appear natural – not looking directly into the camera.

Avoid using flat, low contrast images

Correct contrast

Always use images of people

Always crop close in on people

Images should be culturally relevant. When using black and white photography, avoid using flat, low contrast images. Keep it real – if it doesn’t happen in life, it doesn’t happen in Adecco.

Never use posed images

Brand elements

Adecco brand guidelines | Our identity | 24

Rounded corners An important element of our graphic language is the use of rounded corners. These can be applied to photographs, text boxes and other graphic elements.

They reflect the visual style of the Adecco logo. Various sizes of curves can be used in one application but should be applied with restraint.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris mollis libero quis quam. Maecenas ultricies duis dignissim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit.

When applying rules, use lines with rounded corners instead of straight cut edges.

Fusce elementum. Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibulum a, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula augue. Sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique.

Adecco brand guidelines | Contents | 25

Applications Headline – copy goes here








Promotional gifts




Headline Literature


Advertising Headline Online



Branch Environments

Recruitment advertising




46 Headline 47 48

Stationery This is the visual style of Adecco’s master stationery. For full specifications and templates, see section 4.

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 26

Stationery Business line This is the visual style of Adecco’s business line stationery. For full specifications and templates, see section 4.

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 27

Stationery Fax, memo, press release This is the visual style of Adecco’s standard MS Office templates. For full specifications and templates, see section 4.

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 28

Stationery Envelopes This is the visual style of Adecco’s envelopes. For full specifications and templates, see section 4.

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 29

Forms This is the visual style of Adecco’s standard forms.

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 30

Folders This is the visual style of Adecco’s folders.

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 31

Literature A4 covers This is the visual style of A4 literature covers. NB: In the USA use US letter formats.

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 32

Literature A5 covers This is the visual style of A5 literature covers. NB: In the USA use US letter formats.

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 33

Literature 1/3 A4 covers This is the visual style of 1/3 A4 literature covers. NB: In the USA use US letter formats.

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 34

Literature Spreads This is the visual style of literature spreads.

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 35

Literature Spreads These spreads illustrate how work and lifestyle images can be used together.

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 36

Literature Spreads This is the visual style of literature spreads.

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 37

Posters This is the visual style of posters.

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 38

Recruitment advertising

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 39

These are examples of single and multiple position recruitment advertisments. Imagery can be used if required.

European Financial Controller Hertfordshire. c£70,000 + package Na corem ing eliquam del ipsuscipit aut il el do commy nulputpat. Lore modolore tatueros aut wiscidunt This highly operational role, reporting to the european financial director, will see you supporting finance colleagues and country MD’s accross a highly aquisitive and rapidly changing region. Supported by a finance team

Iscidunt wis et loreraestin volobortis ex exeraesto commole sequipisl diat alit, setem ea alismolor sequis volobortis ex exeraesto commole set iscidunt wis et oreraestin volobortis ex exeraesto.

Accounting Department Manager London. c£50,000 + package Na corem ing eliquam del ipsuscipit aut il el do commy nulputpat. This highly operational role, reporting to the european financial director, will see you supporting finance colleagues and country MD’s accross a highly aquisitive and rapidly changing region. Supported by a finance team

European financial controller

Iscidunt wis et loreraestin volobortis ex exeraesto commole sequipisl diat alit, setem ea alismolor sequis volobortis ex exeraesto commole set iscidunt wis et

Hertfordshire. c£70,000 + package Na corem ing eliquam del ipsuscipit aut il el do commy nulputpat. Lore modolore tatueros aut wiscidunt This highly operational role, reporting to the european financial director, will see you supporting finance colleagues and country MD’s accross a highly aquisitive and rapidly changing region. Supported by a finance team • Lorem ipsum et dolce

Na corem ing eliquam del ipsuscipit aut il el do commy nulputpat. Lore modolore tatueros aut wiscidunt wis et loreraestin volobortis ex exeraesto commole sequipisl diat alit, se tem ea alismolor sequis ametummy nim quatio dolorem ipissectet, commod dolore magnisi elis nos at.

Financial Systems Consultant Westminster. c£65,000 + bens Na corem ing eliquam del ipsuscipit aut il el do commy nulputpat. Lore modolore tatueros aut wiscidunt This highly operational role, reporting to the european financial director, will see you supporting finance colleagues and country MD’s accross a highly aquisitive and rapidly changing region. Supported by a finance team

Iscidunt wis et loreraestin volobortis ex exeraesto commole sequipisl diat alit, setem ea alismolor sequis volobortis ex exeraesto.

• Volobortis ex exeraesto commole sequipisl diat

• Iscidunt wis et loreraestin volobortis ex exeraesto commole sequipisl diat alit, setem ea alismolor sequis ametummy

• Iscidunt wis et loreraestin volobortis ex exeraesto commole sequipisl diat alit, se tem ea alismolor sequis ametummy

• Volobortis ex exeraesto commole set

• Volobortis ex exeraesto commole sequipisl diat

For further information please contact Name Surname on +44 020 7100 1000 or

Accounts Officer

Reference: ABC100200300

London. c£70,000 + package Eliquam del ipsuscipit aut il el do commy nulputpat. Lore modolore tatueros aut wiscidunt

This highly operational role, reporting to the european financial director, will see you supporting finance colleagues and country MD’s accross a highly aquisitive and rapidly changing region. Supported by a finance team

Iscidunt wis et loreraestin volobortis ex exeraesto commole sequipisl diat alit, setem ea alismolor sequis volobortis ex exeraesto commole set iscidunt wis et oreraestin volobortis ex exeraesto.

For further information please contact Name Surname on +44 020 7100 1000 or

Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country

Reference: ABC100200300

PowerPoint This is the visual style of Adecco PowerPoint presentations. For specifications see section 4. A full working template can be downloaded from the Adecco Brand management site;

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 40


Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 41


Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 42

This is the visual style for co-branding in sponsorship. The Adecco logo is always positioned on the left of a sponsor logo. For further guidance on sponsorship branding, please contact Ian Grundy.

Adecco co-branding device The Adecco logo and sponsor logo should be placed within an Adecco co-branding device and positioned either as portrait or landscape.



If due to a sponsor’s restrictions it is not possible to use an Adecco co-branding device, the Adecco logo and sponsor logo should be visually aligned and positioned as below.

Sponsorship As with the Adecco logo, the Adecco co-branding device should always be left aligned in communications.

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 43

Promotional gifts The look and feel of promotional gifts must reflect the Adecco brand attributes. Always select gifts that are of the standard and quality that you would expect from a world class company like Adecco. Gifts should be relevant to Adecco’s business. Cheap, gimmicky items should be avoided.

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 44

Promotional gifts

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 45

Advertising In advertising the Adecco logo should always be positioned on the left with the call-to-action on the right. Always place the Adecco logo and call-toaction on a white background.

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 46

Online This is the visual style of Adecco online.

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 47

To signal one global Adecco, we use the suffix followed by country. For example; and not

If required, the initials ’www’ can be used in domain names. i.e. However it is recommended that where possible the ’www‘ initials are dropped.

Professional Branch Environment External Elevation In light of the introduction of Adecco’s professional segmentation in each market, we will need significant improvement in our branch environments; especially those more tailored to our increasingly professional offer. The following provide illustrations of how

the new Adecco Professional Branch Environment will appear. Please note this is work in progress and these are not final designs for construction. The work has been reviewed by senior management who have given their support to progress.

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 48

This site will be regularly updated, as the designs are developed and the prototyping/testing stages have been completed. We are currently negotiating with suppliers and deciding the elements that can be procured centrally.

Engineering & Technical Finance & Legal Human Capital Solutions Industrial Information Technology Medical & Science Office Sales, Marketing & Events

Artist impression – not for construction


03 Opening Hours Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri Sat Sun

09.00-17.00 09.00-17.00 09.00-17.00 09.00-17.00 09.00-17.00 10.00-16.00 Closed

Current work also involves defining the standards, modules and levels of investment for either professional or general staffing branches.

Professional Branch Environment Reception & Customer Lounge

Artist impression – not for construction

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 49

Professional Branch Environment Customer Lounge

Artist impression – not for construction

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 50

Professional Branch Environment Technology / Internet Wall & Interview Pod

Artist impression – not for construction

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 51

Professional Branch Environment Interview Pods

Artist impression – not for construction

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 52

Professional Branch Environment Zoning Diagram

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 53



Lower Specification

Higher Specification



Plasterboard ‘lid’ 4 no. Interview Host Reception Above Pods

Plan Based on sqm of Brugge Site

General layout – not for construction

Brand Wall: Hospitality Internet/Registration Plasma’s and Self Browse Magazines Leaflets

Lounge Are

Professional Branch Environment Timeline

End of April ‘06

Mid-May ‘06

Gu te B rus ide sel line s& s Sp eci fic

t Si Pilo

na Sig

Pro tot yp e

De si




ple s




s (f irst rel ea se)

Adecco brand guidelines | Applications | 54

End of June‘06

Adecco brand guidelines | Contents | 55

Specifications Headline – copy goes here


Stationery Letterheads






Compliment slips 60



Headline Business cards 65 Envelopes


Address labels








Press release



Slide templates

Online 82





Headline Country/language selection 90 Navigation








A4 letterhead Masterbrand Printing specifications Paper size: A4 Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red Text, fold mark – Adecco Grey Paper: 100gsm, white, uncoated stock

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 56

Example shown at 50% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.


0 5


2 3

1 1

Adecco logo Adecco_logo_PMS.eps, 25mm in width


Company name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading


Contact information 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading





Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89

Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name County AB1 2CD

01 Month 2006


4 Dear Member

Fold mark 0.25pt rule, 5mm in length

Subject title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris mollis libero quis quam. Maecenas ultricies. Duis dignissim, arcu adipiscing porta auctor, leo eros pulvinar nulla, id consequat urna pede at elit. Integer dictum, tellus sed rutrum porta, tellus arcu lacinia ante, sed feugiat ante massa commodo felis. Curabitur molestie porta purus. Pellentesque vel mi. Curabitur blandit neque sit amet diam. Suspendisse pulvinar nisl a odio. Sed ornare.

Legal information 6pt VAG Rounded Light

Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit auctor sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum elementum enim. Vivamus sit amet ante eget pede interdum ornare. Quisque sollicitudin. Aliquam at mauris non tellus mattis fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec at nisl in metus sagittis faucibus. Nullam purus. In arcu nisi, hendrerit a, mollis non, dapibus in, odio.

Download template from the Adecco brand management site: Adecco_LetHead_Masterbrand.qxd

Fusce elementum. Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibulum a, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eu elit vitae massa faucibus ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum. Aliquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae, ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tincidunt sem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl. Maecenas iaculis. Sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper. Yours sincerely

Name Surname

290 297


Legal information goes here


A4 letterhead Masterbrand (personalised) Printing specifications Paper size: A4 Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red Text, fold mark – Adecco Grey Paper: 100gsm, white, uncoated stock

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 57

Example shown at 50% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.


0 5


2 3 4 5

1 1

Adecco logo Adecco_logo_PMS.eps, 25mm in width


Name 9pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading


Job description 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading




Name Surname Job Title Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89

Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name County AB1 2CD

01 Month 2006


6 Dear Member

Company name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading

Subject title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris mollis libero quis quam. Maecenas ultricies. Duis dignissim, arcu adipiscing porta auctor, leo eros pulvinar nulla, id consequat urna pede at elit. Integer dictum, tellus sed rutrum porta, tellus arcu lacinia ante, sed feugiat ante massa commodo felis. Curabitur molestie porta purus. Pellentesque vel mi. Curabitur blandit neque sit amet diam. Suspendisse pulvinar nisl a odio. Sed ornare.


Contact information 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading


Fold mark 0.25pt rule, 5mm in length

Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit auctor sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum elementum enim. Vivamus sit amet ante eget pede interdum ornare. Quisque sollicitudin. Aliquam at mauris non tellus mattis fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec at nisl in metus sagittis faucibus. Nullam purus. In arcu nisi, hendrerit a, mollis non, dapibus in, odio.


Legal information 6pt VAG Rounded Light

Fusce elementum. Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibulum a, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eu elit vitae massa faucibus ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum. Aliquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae, ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tincidunt sem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl. Maecenas iaculis. Sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper. Yours sincerely

Download template from the Adecco brand management site: Adecco_LetHead_Masterbrand.qxd

Name Surname

290 297


Legal information goes here


A4 letterhead With business line Printing specifications Paper size: A4 Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red Text, fold mark – Adecco Grey Paper: 100gsm, white, uncoated stock

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 58

Example shown at 50% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.

0 5



2 3

1 1

Adecco logo with business name Adecco_SME_logo_PMS.eps, Adecco logo 25mm in width


Company name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading


Contact information 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading



Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89

Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name County AB1 2CD

01 Month 2006


4 Dear Member



Fold mark 0.25pt rule, 5mm in length

Subject title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris mollis libero quis quam. Maecenas ultricies. Duis dignissim, arcu adipiscing porta auctor, leo eros pulvinar nulla, id consequat urna pede at elit. Integer dictum, tellus sed rutrum porta, tellus arcu lacinia ante, sed feugiat ante massa commodo felis. Curabitur molestie porta purus. Pellentesque vel mi. Curabitur blandit neque sit amet diam. Suspendisse pulvinar nisl a odio. Sed ornare.

Legal information 6pt VAG Rounded Light

Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit auctor sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum elementum enim. Vivamus sit amet ante eget pede interdum ornare. Quisque sollicitudin. Aliquam at mauris non tellus mattis fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec at nisl in metus sagittis faucibus. Nullam purus. In arcu nisi, hendrerit a, mollis non, dapibus in, odio.

NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used on stationery.

Fusce elementum. Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibulum a, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eu elit vitae massa faucibus ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum. Aliquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae, ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tincidunt sem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl. Maecenas iaculis. Sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper.

Download template from the Adecco brand management site: Adecco_LetHead_bus_lines.qxd

Yours sincerely

Name Surname

290 297


Legal information goes here


A4 letterhead French Printing specifications Paper size: A4 Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red Text, fold mark – Adecco Grey Paper: 100gsm, white, uncoated stock

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 59

Example shown at 50% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.

0 5




Adecco logo with business line Adecco_SME_logo_PMS.eps, Adecco logo 25mm in width


Company name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading


Contact information 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading





45 50


2 3


Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +32 12 345 67 89 Direct +32 12 345 67 89 Fax +32 12 345 67 89 Mobile +32 12 345 67 89

Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name County AB1 2CD

01 Month 2006

Dear Member



Fold mark 0.25pt rule, 5mm in length

Subject title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris mollis libero quis quam. Maecenas ultricies. Duis dignissim, arcu adipiscing porta auctor, leo eros pulvinar nulla, id consequat urna pede at elit. Integer dictum, tellus sed rutrum porta, tellus arcu lacinia ante, sed feugiat ante massa commodo felis. Curabitur molestie porta purus. Pellentesque vel mi. Curabitur blandit neque sit amet diam. Suspendisse pulvinar nisl a odio. Sed ornare.

Legal information 6pt VAG Rounded Light

Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit auctor sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum elementum enim. Vivamus sit amet ante eget pede interdum ornare. Quisque sollicitudin. Aliquam at mauris non tellus mattis fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec at nisl in metus sagittis faucibus. Nullam purus. In arcu nisi, hendrerit a, mollis non, dapibus in, odio.

NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used on stationery.

Fusce elementum. Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibulum a, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eu elit vitae massa faucibus ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum. Aliquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae, ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tincidunt sem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl. Maecenas iaculis. Sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper.

Download template from the Adecco brand management site: Adecco_LetHead_Masterbrand_French.qxd

Yours sincerely

Name Surname

290 297


Legal information goes here


A4 letterhead French (personalised) Printing specifications Paper size: A4 Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red Text, fold mark – Adecco Grey Paper: 100gsm, white, uncoated stock

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 60

Example shown at 50% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.

0 5




Adecco logo with business line Adecco_SME_logo_PMS.eps, Adecco logo 25mm in width


Name 9pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading


Job description 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading


Company name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading





45 50


2 3 4 5


Name Surname Job title Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +32 12 345 67 89 Direct +32 12 345 67 89 Fax +32 12 345 67 89 Mobile +32 12 345 67 89

Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name County AB1 2CD

01 Month 2006

Dear Member




Subject title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris mollis libero quis quam. Maecenas ultricies. Duis dignissim, arcu adipiscing porta auctor, leo eros pulvinar nulla, id consequat urna pede at elit. Integer dictum, tellus sed rutrum porta, tellus arcu lacinia ante, sed feugiat ante massa commodo felis. Curabitur molestie porta purus. Pellentesque vel mi. Curabitur blandit neque sit amet diam. Suspendisse pulvinar nisl a odio. Sed ornare.

Contact information 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading

Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit auctor sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum elementum enim. Vivamus sit amet ante eget pede interdum ornare. Quisque sollicitudin. Aliquam at mauris non tellus mattis fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec at nisl in metus sagittis faucibus. Nullam purus. In arcu nisi, hendrerit a, mollis non, dapibus in, odio.

Fold mark 0.25pt rule, 5mm in length

Fusce elementum. Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibulum a, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eu elit vitae massa faucibus ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum. Aliquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae, ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tincidunt sem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl. Maecenas iaculis. Sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper.

Legal information 6pt VAG Rounded Light

Yours sincerely

NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used on stationery.

Name Surname

Download template from the Adecco brand management site: Adecco_LetHead_Masterbrand_French.qxd 290 297


Legal information goes here


A4 letter Typing template For consistency, we have produced a typing template to show where copy appears on a standard letterhead.

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 61

Example shown at 50% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.





Use 10pt Arial on 12pt leading for copy. Name Surname Job title


Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89

Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name County AB1 2CD

01 Month 2006

Dear Member Subject title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris mollis libero quis quam. Maecenas ultricies. Duis dignissim, arcu adipiscing porta auctor, leo eros pulvinar nulla, id consequat urna pede at elit. Integer dictum, tellus sed rutrum porta, tellus arcu lacinia ante, sed feugiat ante massa commodo felis. Curabitur molestie porta purus. Pellentesque vel mi. Curabitur blandit neque sit amet diam. Suspendisse pulvinar nisl a odio. Sed ornare. Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit auctor sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum elementum enim. Vivamus sit amet ante eget pede interdum ornare. Quisque sollicitudin. Aliquam at mauris non tellus mattis fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec at nisl in metus sagittis faucibus. Nullam purus. In arcu nisi, hendrerit a, mollis non, dapibus in, odio. Fusce elementum. Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibulum a, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eu elit vitae massa faucibus ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum. Aliquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae, ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tincidunt sem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl. Maecenas iaculis. Sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper. Yours sincerely

Name Surname


Legal information goes here



US letterhead Masterbrand Printing specifications Paper size: US letter 8.5” x 11” Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red Text, fold mark – Adecco Grey Paper: 100gsm, white, uncoated stock

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 62

Example shown at 50% actual size. Measurements are in decimal inches.

0 0.25”



2 3

1 1

Adecco logo Adecco_logo_PMS.eps, 1” in width


Company name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading


Contact information 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading





Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89

Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name County AB1 2CD



01 Month 2003

Dear Member

Fold mark 0.25pt rule, 5mm in length

Subject title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris mollis libero quis quam. Maecenas ultricies. Duis dignissim, arcu adipiscing porta auctor, leo eros pulvinar nulla, id consequat urna pede at elit. Integer dictum, tellus sed rutrum porta, tellus arcu lacinia ante, sed feugiat ante massa commodo felis. Curabitur molestie porta purus. Pellentesque vel mi. Curabitur blandit neque sit amet diam. Suspendisse pulvinar nisl a odio. Sed ornare.

Legal information 6pt VAG Rounded Light

Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit auctor sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum elementum enim. Vivamus sit amet ante eget pede interdum ornare. Quisque sollicitudin. Aliquam at mauris non tellus mattis fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec at nisl in metus sagittis faucibus. Nullam purus. In arcu nisi, hendrerit a, mollis non, dapibus in, odio.

NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used on stationery.

Fusce elementum. Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibulum a, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eu elit vitae massa faucibus ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum. Aliquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae, ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tincidunt sem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl. Maecenas iaculis. Sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper.

Download template from the Adecco brand management site: Adecco_LetHead_Masterbrand_US.qxd

Yours sincerely

Name Surname

10.75” 11”


Legal information goes here


US letterhead Masterbrand (personalised) Printing specifications Paper size: US letter 8.5” x 11” Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red Text, fold mark – Adecco Grey Paper: 100gsm, white, uncoated stock

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 63

Example shown at 50% actual size. Measurements are in decimal inches.

0 0.25”



2 3 4 5

1 1

Adecco logo Adecco_logo_PMS.eps, 1” in width


Name 9pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading


Job description 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading


Contact information 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading


Fold mark 0.25pt rule, 5mm in length


Name Surname Job Title Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89

Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name County AB1 2CD



01 Month 2003

Dear Member

Company name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading




Subject title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris mollis libero quis quam. Maecenas ultricies. Duis dignissim, arcu adipiscing porta auctor, leo eros pulvinar nulla, id consequat urna pede at elit. Integer dictum, tellus sed rutrum porta, tellus arcu lacinia ante, sed feugiat ante massa commodo felis. Curabitur molestie porta purus. Pellentesque vel mi. Curabitur blandit neque sit amet diam. Suspendisse pulvinar nisl a odio. Sed ornare. Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit auctor sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum elementum enim. Vivamus sit amet ante eget pede interdum ornare. Quisque sollicitudin. Aliquam at mauris non tellus mattis fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec at nisl in metus sagittis faucibus. Nullam purus. In arcu nisi, hendrerit a, mollis non, dapibus in, odio. Fusce elementum. Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibulum a, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eu elit vitae massa faucibus ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum. Aliquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae, ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tincidunt sem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl. Maecenas iaculis. Sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper.

Legal information 6pt VAG Rounded Light

Yours sincerely

NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used on stationery.

Name Surname

Download templates from the Adecco brand management site: Adecco_LetHead_Masterbrand_US.qxd Adecco_LetHead_bus_lines_US.qxd

10.75” 11”


Legal information goes here


US letter Typing template For consistency, we have produced a typing template to show where copy is positioned on a standard letterhead.

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 64

Example shown at 50% actual size. Measurements are in decimal inches.





Use 10pt Arial on 12pt leading for copy. Name Surname Job Title


Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name County AB1 2CD

Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89

01 Month 2003

Dear Member Subject title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris mollis libero quis quam. Maecenas ultricies. Duis dignissim, arcu adipiscing porta auctor, leo eros pulvinar nulla, id consequat urna pede at elit. Integer dictum, tellus sed rutrum porta, tellus arcu lacinia ante, sed feugiat ante massa commodo felis. Curabitur molestie porta purus. Pellentesque vel mi. Curabitur blandit neque sit amet diam. Suspendisse pulvinar nisl a odio. Sed ornare. Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit auctor sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum elementum enim. Vivamus sit amet ante eget pede interdum ornare. Quisque sollicitudin. Aliquam at mauris non tellus mattis fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec at nisl in metus sagittis faucibus. Nullam purus. In arcu nisi, hendrerit a, mollis non, dapibus in, odio. Fusce elementum. Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibulum a, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eu elit vitae massa faucibus ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum. Aliquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae, ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tincidunt sem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl. Maecenas iaculis. Sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper. Yours sincerely

Name Surname

10” Legal information goes here



A4 continuation sheet The Adecco continuation sheet can also be used to print internal memos and press releases.

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 65

Example shown at 50% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.


24 26



Printing specifications Paper size: A4 Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red Paper: 100gsm, white, uncoated stock


53 1

Adecco logo Adecco_logo_PMS.eps, 25mm in width


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris mollis libero quis quam. Maecenas ultricies. Duis dignissim, arcu adipiscing porta auctor, leo eros pulvinar nulla, id consequat urna pede at elit. Integer dictum, tellus sed rutrum porta, tellus arcu lacinia ante, sed feugiat ante massa commodo felis. Curabitur molestie porta purus. Pellentesque vel mi. Curabitur blandit neque sit amet diam. Suspendisse pulvinar nisl a odio. Sed ornare. Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit auctor sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum elementum enim. Vivamus sit amet ante eget pede interdum ornare. Quisque sollicitudin. Aliquam at mauris non.

NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used on stationery.

Tellus mattis fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec at nisl in metus sagittis faucibus. Nullam purus. In arcu nisi, hendrerit a, mollis non, dapibus in, odio. Fusce elementum. Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibulum a, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eu elit vitae massa faucibus ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum. Aliquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae, ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tincidunt sem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl. Maecenas iaculis. Sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper.

Download template from the Adecco brand management site: Adecco_Continuation_Sheet.qxd

Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibulum a, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eu elit vitae massa faucibus ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum. Aliquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae, ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tincidunt sem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl. Maecenas iaculis. Sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper.

Yours sincerely

Name Surname




US continuation sheet The Adecco continuation sheet can also be used to print internal memos and press releases.

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 66

Example shown at 50% actual size. Measurements are in decimal inches.

1” 1.07”

0 0

Printing specifications Paper size: US letter 8.5” x 11” Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red Paper: 100gsm, white, uncoated stock


2” 1

Adecco logo Adecco_logo_PMS.eps, 1” in width


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris mollis libero quis quam. Maecenas ultricies. Duis dignissim, arcadipiscing porta auctor, leo eros pulvinar nulla, id consequat urna pede at elit. Integer dictum, tellus sed rutrum porta, tellus arcu lacinia ante, sed feugiat ante massa commodo felis. Curabitur molestie porta purus. Pellentesque vel mi. Curabitur blandit neque sit amet diam. Suspendisse pulvinar nisl a odio. Sed ornare. Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit auctor sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum elementum enim. Vivamus sit amet ante eget pede interdum ornare. Quisque sollicitudin. Aliquam at mauris non tellus mattis fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec at nisl in metus sagittis faucibus. Nullam purus. In arcu nisi, hendrerit a, mollis non, dapibus in, odio.

NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used on stationery.

Fusce elementum. Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibulum a, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eu elit vitae massa faucibus ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum. Aliquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae, ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tincidunt sem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl. Maecenas iaculis. Sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper.

Download template from the Adecco brand management site: Adecco_Continuation_Sheet_US.qxd

Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit auctor sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum elementum enim. Vivamus sit amet ante eget pede interdum ornare. Quisque sollicitudin. Aliquam at mauris non tellus mattis fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec at nisl in metus sagittis faucibus. Nullam purus. In arcu nisi, hendrerit a, mollis non, dapibus in, odio. Fusce elementum. Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibulum a, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eu elit vitae massa faucibus ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum. Aliquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae, ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tincidunt sem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl. Maecenas iaculis. Sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper. Yours sincerely

Name Surname





Letterhead With endorsement logos Endorsement logos can be used on letterheads. Where possible, use Adecco Warm Grey for endorsement logos. Only one endorsement logo should be used per letterhead.



Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 67

Example shown at 50% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.

Name Surname Job Title Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89

Endorsement logo Adecco Warm Grey 6pt VAG Rounded Light on 7pt leading

Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name County AB1 2CD

Endorsement logo CMYK

01 Month 2003

Dear Member Subject title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris mollis libero quis quam. Maecenas ultricies. Duis dignissim, arcu adipiscing porta auctor, leo eros pulvinar nulla, id consequat urna pede at elit. Integer dictum, tellus sed rutrum porta, tellus arcu lacinia ante, sed feugiat ante massa commodo felis. Curabitur molestie porta purus. Pellentesque vel mi. Curabitur blandit neque sit amet diam. Suspendisse pulvinar nisl a odio. Sed ornare. Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit auctor sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum elementum enim. Vivamus sit amet ante eget pede interdum ornare. Quisque sollicitudin. Aliquam at mauris non tellus mattis fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec at nisl in metus sagittis faucibus. Nullam purus. In arcu nisi, hendrerit a, mollis non, dapibus in, odio. Fusce elementum. Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibulum a, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eu elit vitae massa faucibus ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum. Aliquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae, ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tincidunt sem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl. Maecenas iaculis. Sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper. Yours sincerely

Name Surname


Official Recruitment Partner

Legal information goes here

2 Legal information goes here

1/3 A4 compliments slip Masterbrand Printing specifications Paper size: 1/3 A4 Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red Text – Adecco Grey Paper: 100gsm, white, uncoated stock


Adecco logo Adecco_logo_PMS.eps, 25mm in width


Company name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading


Contact information 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading


With compliments 12pt VAG Rounded Thin, lower case

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 68

Example shown at 80% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.






2 Adecco Company Name 3 12 The Street, Town Name,

City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89


NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used on stationery.

Download template from the Adecco brand management site: Adecco_CompSlip_Masterbrand.qxd 79



with compliments


1/3 A4 compliments slip Masterbrand (personalised) Printing specifications Paper size: 1/3 A4 Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red Text – Adecco Grey Paper: 100gsm, white, uncoated stock


Adecco logo Adecco_logo_PMS.eps, 25mm in width


Name 9pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading


Job description 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading


Company name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading

Example shown at 80% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.



Contact information 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading


With compliments 12pt VAG Rounded Thin, lower case

NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used on stationery.

Download template from the Adecco brand management site: Adecco_CompSlip_Masterbrand.qxd





Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 69

2 Name Surname 3 Job Title 1

4 Adecco Company Name 5 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89




with compliments


1/3 A4 compliments slip With business line Printing specifications Paper size: 1/3 A4 Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red Text – Adecco Grey Paper: 100gsm, white, uncoated stock


Adecco logo with business line Adecco_SME_logo_PMS.eps, 25mm in width


Company name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading



Contact information 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 70

Example shown at 80% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.







2 Adecco Company Name 3 12 The Street, Town Name,

City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89

With compliments 12pt VAG Rounded Thin, lower case

NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used on stationery.

Download template from the Adecco brand management site: Adecco_CompSlip_bus_lines.qxd




with compliments


1/3 US letter compliments slip Printing specifications Paper size: 1/3 US letter 3.75” x 11” Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red Text – Adecco Grey Paper: 100gsm, white, uncoated stock


Adecco logo or Adecco logo with business line Adecco_logo_PMS.eps / Adecco_ET_logo_PMS.eps, 1” in width


Company name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading


Contact information 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading


With compliments 12pt VAG Rounded Thin, lower case

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 71

Example shown at 80% actual size. Measurements are in inches.

Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89

with compliments





NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used on stationery.


2 Adecco Company Name 3 12 The Street, Town Name,

City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89


Download templates from the Adecco brand management site: Adecco_CompSlip_Masterbrand_US.qxd Adecco_CompSlip_bus_lines_US.qxd




with compliments


1/3 US letter compliments slip (Personalised) Printing specifications Paper size: 1/3 US letter 3.75” x 11” Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red Text – Adecco Grey Paper: 100gsm, white, uncoated stock


Adecco logo or Adecco logo with business line Adecco_logo_PMS.eps / Adecco_XX_logo_PMS.eps, 1” in width


Name 9pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading


Job description 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading


Company name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading


Contact information 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading

Example shown at 80% actual size. Measurements are in inches.

Name Surname Job Title Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89

with compliments




0 0.375”


Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 72

With compliments 12pt VAG Rounded Thin, lower case

2 Name Surname 3 Job Title 1

4 Adecco Company Name 5 12 The Street, Town Name,

City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89

NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used on stationery.

Download template from the Adecco brand management site: Adecco_CompSlip_Masterbrand_US.qxd or Adecco_CompSlip_bus_lines_US.qxd




with compliments


Compliments slip With endorsement logos Endorsement logos can be used on compliments slips. Where possible, use Adecco Warm Grey for endorsement logos. Only one endorsement logo should be used per compliments slip.


Endorsement logo Adecco Warm Grey 6pt VAG Rounded Light on 7pt leading.


Endorsement logo CMYK

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 73

Example shown at 80% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.

Name Surname Job Title Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89

with compliments 1 Official Recruitment Partner

with compliments 2

Business cards Masterbrand Printing specifications Format: 85 x 55mm Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red Text – Adecco Grey Paper: 300gsm, white smooth uncoated card

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 74

Example shown at 100% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.

Single person business card


Text is aligned to the left and is set at 8.5pt leading with only half a paragraph break between the first and second paragraph (4.25pt).





Adecco logo Adecco_logo_PMS.eps, 17mm in width


2 Name Surname 3 Job title 4 Adecco Company Name 5 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 23 456 78 90 Direct +41 23 456 78 90 Fax +41 23 456 78 90 Mobile +41 23 456 78 90


Name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 8.5pt leading Job description 7pt VAG Rounded Light, on 8.5pt leading



NB. Avoid unnecessary punctuation, hyphenation and abbreviations.




Multi-person business card 6




0 5




Company name 7pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 8.5pt leading Contact details 7pt VAG Rounded Light, on 8.5pt leading



Download template from the Adecco brand management site: Adecco_BusCard_Masterbrand.qxd


85 0

2 Name Surname 3 Job title Title 4 5

NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used on stationery.

(back of card)

Adecco Company Name Name Surname 12 The Street, Town Name, Job Title City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 23 456 78 90 Name Surname Direct +41 23 456 78 90 Job Title Fax +41 23 456 78 90 Mobile 23 456 78 90 Name +41 Surname Job Title

4 Adecco Company Name 5 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 23 456 78 90



Business cards With business line Printing specifications Format: 85 x 55mm Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red Text – Adecco Grey Paper: 300gsm, white smooth uncoated card

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 75

Example shown at 100% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.

Single person business card


Text is aligned to the left and is set at 8.5pt leading with only half a paragraph break between the first and second paragraph (4.25pt).




Adecco logo with business name Adecco_SME_logo_PMS.eps, 17mm in width


2 Name Surname 3 Job title 4 Adecco Company Name 5 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 23 456 78 90 Direct +41 23 456 78 90 Fax +41 23 456 78 90 Mobile +41 23 456 78 90


Multi-person business card

Name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 8.5pt leading


0 3



Job description 7pt VAG Rounded Light, on 8.5pt leading Company name 7pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 8.5pt leading



0 5 1



NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used on stationery. 55

(back of card)

85 0

2 Name Surname 3 Job title Title 4 5

Contact details 7pt VAG Rounded Light, on 8.5pt leading

Download template from the Adecco brand management site: Adecco_BusCard_bus_lines.qxd



NB. Avoid unnecessary punctuation, hyphenation and abbreviations.




Adecco Company Name Name Surname 12 The Street, Town Name, Job Title City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 23 456 78 90 Name Surname Direct +41 23 456 78 90 Job Title Fax +41 23 456 78 90 Mobile 23 456 78 90 Name +41 Surname Job Title

4 Adecco Company Name 5 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 23 456 78 90



US business cards Printing specifications Format: 2” x 3.5” Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red Text – Adecco Grey Paper: 300gsm white smooth uncoated card

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 76

Example shown at 100% actual size. Measurements are in decimal inches.

Single person business card


Text is aligned to the left and is set at 8.5pt leading with only half a paragraph break between the first and second paragraph (4.25pt).




Adecco logo or Adecco logo with business line Adecco_logo_PMS.eps / Adecco_SME_logo_PMS.eps, 0.67“ in width Name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 8.5pt leading


2 Name Surname 3 Job title 4 Adecco Company Name 5 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 23 456 78 90 Direct +41 23 456 78 90 Fax +41 23 456 78 90 Mobile +41 23 456 78 90


Multi-person business card

Job description 7pt VAG Rounded Light, on 8.5pt leading



Company name 7pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 8.5pt leading

1 3.5” 0

2 Name Surname 3 Job title

Name Surname Job title

Name Surname

Download templates from the Adecco brand management site: Adecco_BusCard_Masterbrand_US.qxd Adecco_BusCard_bus_lines_US.qxd

(back of card)

4 Name Surname 5 Job title

Contact details 7pt VAG Rounded Light, on 8.5pt leading

NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used on stationery.


1” 0.65”



0 0 0.2”




NB. Avoid unnecessary punctuation, hyphenation and abbreviations.




Job title 2”

4 Adecco Company Name 5 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 23 456 78 90 Direct +41 23 456 78 90 Fax +41 23 456 78 90 Mobile +41 23 456 78 90



Business cards With endorsement logos Endorsement logos can be used on business cards. Where possible, use Adecco Warm Grey for endorsement logos. Only one endorsement logo should be used per business card.


Endorsement logo Adecco Warm Grey 6pt VAG Rounded Light on 7pt leading.


Endorsement logo CMYK

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 77

Example shown at 100% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.

Name Surname Job Title

1 Official Recruitment Partner


Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, Surname City Name PostCode, Country Job Title+41 12 345 67 89 Telephone Direct +41 12Company 345 67 89Name Adecco Fax 12 +41The 12 Street, 345 67Town 89 Name, Mobile 23 456Country 78 90 City +41 PostCode, Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 23 456 78 90

Envelopes The preferred colour for envelopes is white. If using manilla envelopes, the Adecco logo appears in black.

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 78

Envelopes come in many different sizes and formats but the principles of applying the logo and the return address remain the same.

Printing specifications Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red or Black Text – Adecco Grey or Black when used on manilla emvelopes


Adecco logo Adecco_logo_PMS.eps or Adecco_logo_MONO.eps, 25mm in width




Addressee 10pt Arial, on 12pt leading -9

Sender / company name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading

0 9


Return address 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading

Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country



Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country


Example envelop is DL size, shown at 70% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.

European envelope sizes: DL (220 x 110mm) C6/5 (224 x 114mm) C6 (162 x 114mm) C5 (229 x 162mm) B6 (176 x 125mm)


4 3 0


NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used.

Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name, City County AB1 2CD

2 Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name, City County AB1 2CD



Window envelopes There is no international standard for window envelopes. The window size, its distance to the edges and its position, left or right, depends on the country.

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 79

Example shown at 70% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.

In most countries the window is positioned to the left bottom edge of the envelope. The letter templates with address field have been set up accordingly. Printing specifications Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red or Black Text – Adecco Grey or Black when used on manilla emvelopes



Adecco master logo Adecco_logo_PMS.eps, 1” in width Sender / company name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading



Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country



-9 0 9


3 2 0


Return address 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading

NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used. Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name, City County AB1 2CD


Window envelopes French version

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 80

Example shown at 70% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.

In France, the window measures 100 x 35mm and sits to the right, 20mm away from right and bottom edge. The letterhead has been adjusted accordingly. Printing specifications Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red or Black Text – Adecco Grey or Black when used on manilla emvelopes

Adecco logo Adecco_logo_PMS.eps, 25mm in width


Sender / company name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading


Return address 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading




Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country




3 2


NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used.


0 1

50 Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name, City County AB1 2CD


20 110

US envelopes The preferred colour for envelopes is white. If using manilla envelopes, the Adecco appears in black.

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 81

Envelopes come in many different sizes and formats but the principles of applying the logo and the return address remain the same.

Example envelop is DL size, shown at 70% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.

US envelope sizes: US Quarto (9.5” x 4.125”) US Monarch (7.5” x 4”)

Printing specifications Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red or Black Text – Adecco Grey or Black when used on manilla emvelopes

Adecco logo Adecco_logo_PMS.eps or Adecco_logo_MONO.eps 1” in width Addressee 10pt Arial, on 12pt leading


Sender / company name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading


Return address 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading




0.375” Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country



Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country




4 3 0



NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used.

Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name, City County AB1 2CD

2 Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name, City County AB1 2CD



Large format envelopes

Printing specifications Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red or Black Text – Adecco Grey or Black when used on manilla envelopes 1

Adecco logo Adecco_logo_PMS.eps or Adecco_logo_MONO.eps 25mm in width


Addressee 10pt Arial, on 12pt leading


Sender / company name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading


Return address 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading

C3 (485 x 324mm) C4 (324 x 229mm) B5 (250 x 176mm) B4 (353 x 250mm)




0 9 1


NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used on stationery.


Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name, City County AB1 2CD

Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name, City County AB1 2CD


Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country

Large format envelopes such as C4 and above (C3, C2 etc) follow the general principles of small envelope formats.

Example shown is a C4 envelope at 45% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.

Envelope sizes:

Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country

The preferred colour for envelopes is white. If using manilla envelopes, the Adecco appears in black.

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 82


3 4 0

Address labels

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 83

Printing specifications Colours: Adecco logo – Adecco Red Text – Adecco Grey

NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used.


Adecco logo Adecco_logo_PMS.eps, 25mm in width


Sender / company name 8pt VAG Rounded Bold, on 9.5pt leading


Address 8pt VAG Rounded Light, on 9.5pt leading


Addressee 10pt Arial, on 12pt leading

Example shown at 100% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.

Label for unbranded envelopes





Label for branded envelopes





5 1

2 Adecco Company Name 3 12 The Street, Town Name,

City PostCode, Country




Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name County AB1 2CD




Name Surname Company Name 12 The Street Town Name County AB1 2CD


Email The Adecco email sign off is set in 12pt Arial Bold for the name and 11pt Arial Regular for the rest of the type. The line space is set to 12pt. There is a paragraph break after the job title. The sign off is set in Adecco Grey, apart from the Adecco website address which is set in Adecco Red.

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 84

Fax 1






Adecco logo Colour – Adecco Black Adecco_logo_MONO.eps, 25mm in width Company name 8pt Arial Bold, on 9.5pt leading Contact information 8pt Arial, on 9.5pt leading

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 85

Example shown at 50% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.




2 3



Fax 1 8pt Arial To: Cc: From: Date: Pages: Subject: 10pt Arial Bold, on 17pt leading Addressee’s names, sender, date, number of pages and subject matter 10pt Arial, on 17pt leading

24 26







Sample Name


Sample Name, Sample Name, Sample Name


Another Sample


12 June 2006



Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89

Subject: This is a sample heading



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris mollis libero quis quam. Maecenas ultricies. Duis dignissim, arcu adipiscing porta auctor, leo eros pulvinar nulla, id consequat urna pede at elit. Integer dictum, tellus sed rutrum porta, tellus arcu lacinia ante, sed feugiat ante massa commodo felis. Curabitur molestie porta purus. Pellentesque vel mi. Curabitur blandit neque sit amet diam. Suspendisse pulvinar nisl a odio. Sed ornare. Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit auctor sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum elementum enim. Vivamus sit amet ante eget pede interdum ornare. Quisque sollicitudin. Aliquam at mauris non tellus mattis fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec at nisl in metus sagittis faucibus. Nullam purus. In arcu nisi, hendrerit a, mollis non, dapibus in, odio.

Letter 10pt Arial, on 12pt leading

Fusce elementum. Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibulum a, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eu elit vitae massa faucibus ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum. Aliquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae, ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tincidunt sem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl. Maecenas iaculis. Sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper.

NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used.

Yours sincerely

Name Surname




Memo Please use the continuation sheet to produce memos. 1

Adecco logo Colour – Adecco Red Adecco_logo_MONO.eps, 25mm in width


Company name 8pt Arial Bold, on 9.5pt leading


Contact information 8pt Arial, on 9.5pt leading

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 86

Example shown at 50% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.


24 26



0 16

2 3

1 45





Sample Name


Sample Name, Sample Name, Sample Name


Another Sample


12 June 2006

Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89

Subject: This is a sample heading




Memo 1 8pt Arial


To: Cc: From: Date: Pages: Subject: 10pt Arial Bold, on 17pt leading Addressee’s names, sender, date, number of pages and subject matter 10pt Arial, on 17pt leading


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris mollis libero quis quam. Maecenas ultricies. Duis dignissim, arcu adipiscing porta auctor, leo eros pulvinar nulla, id consequat urna pede at elit. Integer dictum, tellus sed rutrum porta, tellus arcu lacinia ante, sed feugiat ante massa commodo felis. Curabitur molestie porta purus. Pellentesque vel mi. Curabitur blandit neque sit amet diam. Suspendisse pulvinar nisl a odio. Sed ornare. Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit auctor sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum elementum enim. Vivamus sit amet ante eget pede interdum ornare. Quisque sollicitudin. Aliquam at mauris non tellus mattis fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec at nisl in metus sagittis faucibus. Nullam purus. In arcu nisi, hendrerit a, mollis non, dapibus in, odio. Fusce elementum. Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibulum a, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eu elit vitae massa faucibus ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum. Aliquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae, ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tincidunt sem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl. Maecenas iaculis. Sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper.

Letter 10pt Arial, on 12pt leading

NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used.




Press release Please use the continuation sheet to poduce press releases. 1

Adecco logo Colour – Adecco Red Adecco_logo_MONO.eps, 25mm in width


Company name 8pt Arial Bold, on 9.5pt leading


Contact information 8pt Arial, on 9.5pt leading


Memo 1 8pt Arial



Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 87

Example shown at 50% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.


24 26



0 16

Adecco Company Name 12 The Street, Town Name, City PostCode, Country Telephone +41 12 345 67 89 Direct +41 12 345 67 89 Fax +41 12 345 67 89 Mobile +41 12 345 67 89

1 45



Press Release


This is a sample heading


To: Cc: From: Date: Pages: Subject: 10pt Arial Bold, on 17pt leading Addressee’s names, sender, date, number of pages and subject matter 10pt Arial, on 17pt leading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris mollis libero quis quam. Maecenas ultricies. Duis dignissim, arcu adipiscing porta auctor, leo eros pulvinar nulla, id consequat urna pede at elit. Integer dictum, tellus sed rutrum porta, tellus arcu lacinia ante, sed feugiat ante massa commodo felis. Curabitur molestie porta purus. Pellentesque vel mi. Curabitur blandit neque sit amet diam. Suspendisse pulvinar nisl a odio. Sed ornare. Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit auctor sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum elementum enim. Vivamus sit amet ante eget pede interdum ornare. Quisque sollicitudin. Aliquam at mauris non tellus mattis fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec at nisl in metus sagittis faucibus. Nullam purus. In arcu nisi, hendrerit a, mollis non, dapibus in, odio. Fusce elementum. Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibulum a, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eu elit vitae massa faucibus ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum. Aliquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae, ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tincidunt sem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl. Maecenas iaculis. Sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper.

Letter 10pt Arial, on 12pt leading

NB. Our goal (better work, better life) is not used.




Literature A4 covers Adecco logo with our goal Adecco_logo_goal.eps, with the Adecco logo being 25mm in width


Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 88

Main example shown at 50% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.




0 2

Square box with rounded corners, containing an image or colour Outline the image with an 1pt keyline in Adecco Grey




this is sample text… This is sample text Sample text

this is sample text… This is sample text Sample text

Headline set in VAG Rounded Light

this is sample text… This is sample text Sample text

287 297


Literature A5 covers 1


Adecco logo with our goal Adecco_logo_goal.eps, with the Adecco logo being 25mm in width

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 89

Example shown at 70% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.

Square box with rounded corners, containing an image or colour Outline the image with an 1pt keyline in Adecco Grey





35 1


this is sample text… This is sample text Sample text

this is sample text… This is sample text Sample text

Headline set in VAG Rounded Light


this is sample text… This is sample text Sample text

202 210


Literature 1/3 A4 covers 1


Adecco logo with our goal Adecco_logo_goal.eps, with the Adecco logo being 25mm in width

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 90

Example shown at 70% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.

Box with rounded corners, containing an image or colour Outline the image with an 1pt keyline in Adecco Grey







this is sample text‌

this is sample text‌

VAG Rounded Light, upper and lower case



this is sample text for illustration purposes This is sample text Sample text

This is sample text Sample text

This is sample text Sample text

202 210


Posters 1


Adecco logo with our goal Adecco_logo_goal.eps, with the Adecco logo 47mm in width Relevant Adecco website address

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 91

A3 example shown at 35% actual size. All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise specified.





VAG Rounded Light, upper and lower case

about you Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum liquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae. Ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tincidunt sem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl.


405 420



PowerPoint Slide templates

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 92

Adecco’s PowerPoint templates are available for download from the Adecco brand management site.

Presentation title slide

General text slide

This is a sample heading Sample sub heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit ame elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia cura mauris mollis libero quis quam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia cura mauris mollis libero quis quam.

Title of presentation Sub-title of presentation

Author’s Name 23 April 2007

Sample sub heading • Maecenas ultricies duis dignissi orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit. • Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit. • Maecenas ultricies duis dignissi orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit. • Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit.

Title of presentation 23 April 2007 Slide 12

PowerPoint Slide templates

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 93

Adecco’s PowerPoint templates are available for download from the Adecco brand management site.

Section heading slide

Line graph slide

Sample section heading

This is a sample heading Sample sub heading

Sample heading Second level information

Sample heading Second level information













Adecco Sample Sample


Adecco Jan

Title of presentation 23 April 2007 Slide 12






Sample Jan




Title of presentation 23 April 2007 Slide 12

PowerPoint Slide templates

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 94

Adecco’s PowerPoint templates are available for download from the Adecco brand management site.

Graphs slide

Pie charts slide

This is a sample heading Sample sub heading

This is a sample heading Sample sub heading

Sample heading

Sample heading

Caption xx%

Caption xx% Caption xx%

Caption xx%

Sample heading

Adecco xx% 50 Caption xx%

40 Caption xx%

Caption xx%

Caption xx%

30 Caption xx%


Caption xx%

Adecco xx%

Caption xx%

10 Caption xx%

Adecco XX



Caption xx%

Caption xx%

Title of presentation 23 April 2007 Slide 12

Title of presentation 23 April 2007 Slide 12

PowerPoint Slide templates

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 95

Adecco’s PowerPoint templates are available for download from the Adecco brand management site.

Column chart slide

Table slide

This is a sample heading Sample sub heading

This is a sample heading Sample sub heading

Sample sub heading

Adecco Adecco Adecco






Sample Sample Sample Adecco Sample Sample

00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00








Title of presentation 23 April 2007 Slide 12

Title of presentation 23 April 2007 Slide 12

PowerPoint Slide templates

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 96

Adecco’s PowerPoint templates are available for download from the Adecco brand management site.

General flow-chart slides

General flow-chart slides

Sample heading Sample sub heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit etiam purus risus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit etiam purus risus.

Sample heading Sample sub heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit etiam purus risus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit etiam purus risus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit etiam purus risus olestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit ame elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere. Cura mauris mollis libero

Title of presentation 23 April 2007 Slide 12

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecte.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecte.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecte.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecte olestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit ame elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecte.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecte.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecte.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecte.

Title of presentation 23 April 2007 Slide 12

PowerPoint Slide templates

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 97

Adecco’s PowerPoint templates are available for download from the Adecco brand management site.

Text with image slide

Imagery slide

Sample heading Sample sub heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit ame elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Cura mauris mollis libero quis quam. Maecenas ultricies duis dignissi orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus, dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit.

Title of presentation 23 April 2007 Slide 12

Title of presentation 23 April 2007 Slide 12

Online Overview The online specifications are intended to help you implement the brand more easily. We provide a guide on the use of fonts, colour, layout and positioning of the fixed elements such as the mark. At the end we also show how flexible the grid system can be, allowing you more control over your layouts while following a consistent look and feel.

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 98

Online Logo The Logo always appears with the brand line online. They are positioned top left and may not be repositioned or resized. Only use the ‘online’ version of the logo available from the brand site.

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 99

They always appear in the Adecco Red on a white background.

As browser space is at a premium, the usual rules about clear space around the logo are relaxed for this special case. They may be reduced to a minimum of 10 pixels above and to the left of the logo.

Online Country /language selection The top right of the header area contains the Country selection button. This is used to navigate to another country site. The button is positioned 10px in from the right and 10px down from the top.

Additionally, Country sites have their title positioned to the left of the Country selection button. This is positioned 15px from the left edge of the button and 6px up from its baseline. The Country title is 18pt VAG Rounded Light in the Adecco Grey.

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 100

If other language versions are available for the site, language selection links should be used as shown. The text links for the languages are positioned 8px below the button and 12px in from the right of the country selection button, aligned with the arrow in the button above.

Online Navigation Top level navigation Here the use of tabs help to contain the relevant links into logical groups. The user can easily see which section they are in as well as the others available.

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 101

Secondary level navigation The left hand column of the screen is used for the navigation for the pages contained within the top level tabs.

Throughout the site we use arrows to inform the user of interaction; to submit a form or to show that a graphic is a link. The arrow is always shown at the size provided.

Search If a site has search capabilities, add a link to a ‘Search’ page at the far right of the tab bar. This can take the user to a search page where they have a number of search options, including site search, branch location and job search.

Arrows Can be used on Adecco Grey, any of the grey tints, white, black as well as on graphic buttons and images.

Online Fonts Graphic Fonts VAG Rounded is used for country titles, page titles, sub-titles and for captions on graphics. For smaller text sizes on graphics, Arial should be used. For more information on the use of fonts, see the typographic page in section 2 of these guidelines.

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 102

Page titles

Sub titles

Country name

VAG Rounded Light – 36pt

VAG Rounded Light – 22pt

VAG Rounded Light – 18pt

Where it is not possible to use graphic fonts for titles the use of html text is allowed. For more information see the next page that covers this in detail.

Graphics showing both VAG Rounded and Arial. Text should fit the area comfortably.

Online Fonts

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 103

Html Fonts Where graphic fonts cannot be used, we have the following sizes available as html text. For page titles, use <h1>, sub titles either <h2> or <h3>, and for article titles <h4>. The sizes for these are set in pixels but would be preferable to use ems as this allows for resizing of the text by the user.

36px or 3ems – arial, sans-serif

32px or 2.7ems – arial, sans-serif

22px or 1.8ems – arial, sans-serif

15px or 1.2ems – arial, sans-serif

For all bodytext, including navigation and links, we recommend the size be set using ems to allow resizing. All html text should be set to display as: arial, sans-serif.

11px or 0.7ems – arial, sans-serif

Online Colours The four main colours of the brand are shown here with their respective RGB and html breakdowns.

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 104

Adecco Red should only be used for the Adecco logo, text links and graphic elements such as text and arrows where these are also links. Overall the page should have a large amount of white with smaller areas of Adecco Grey.

Text should appear as Adecco Grey for headings, black or white for all navigation, and black for the main body text. Only text links should appear in Adecco Red.

Additionally we have chosen four tints of the Adecco Grey to be used for the navigation tabs, the secondary navigation as well as for graphic buttons and tint boxes for containing text. Page titles appear in Adecco Grey, sub titles and article titles may be used in the Grey tint 2.

Adecco red RGB 234-32-3 Web #ea2026

Adecco Grey RGB 169-161-140 Web #a9a18c

Adecco White RGB 255-255-255 Web #ffffff

Adecco Black RGB 0-0-0 Web #000000

Grey tint 1 RGB 195-189-174 Web #c3bdae

Grey tint 2* RGB 208-203-191 Web #d0cbbf

Grey tint 3 RGB 221-217-208 Web #ddd9d0

Grey tint 4 RGB 233-231-225 Web #e9e7e1

*Grey tint 2 is used for the selected tab and selected menu item in the left hand navigation, as well as for sub titles.

Online Images For online use we have developed a range of image sizes to fit our custom grids. All images are black and white with an Adecco Grey 2 pixel round edged border. The border has a radius of 5 pixels. The images shown here are the full width and two half width with space between. These fit the full width content grid which is used for the homepage. For more information see the grids pages later in this section.

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 105

Full width content grid images (homepage) Full width – 564px x 190px Two half width images – 277px x 190px, 10px space between all images.

The full width image shown below also used on the indented content grid. All top level pages use this combination. See the grid section for more information.

Online Images The majority of the pages use the indented content grid, and as such the image area is reduced. The indent allows more space around the content, important when we are dealing with a large amount of varying content such as text, images and tabulated data.

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 106

Indented content grid images Two-thirds width image – 358px x 190px, One-third width images – 168px x 90px, 22px gutter between columns, 10px vertical space between images.

The images shown here are two thirds and one third of the indented grid. Below is an example of an image used at half the width.

Indented content grid images Half width image – 263px x 190px.

Online Images The list on the right shows the complete range of image sizes available, and whether they are used within the full width or indented width content grids. Where necessary, other heights may be used, however landscape aspect ratios are still preferable.

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 107

Full width content grid Full width image Half width image

564px x 190px 271px x 190px (with 22px gutter between columns)

Indented content grid Indented Indented Indented Indented

full width image half width image two thirds width image one third width image

548px x 190px 263px x 190px (with 22px gutter between columns) 358px x 190px (with 22px gutter between columns) 168px x 90px (with 22px gutter between columns)

Full width content images (564px x 190px) may be used at the top of the Indented grid. An example of this is top level pages, where an image is displayed before the page title.

Online Grids Grids text and examples...

Full width grid with example, homepage‌

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 108

Online Grids Grids text and examples...

Indented half width two column grid with example, Director Biography page‌

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 109

Online Grids Grids text and examples...

Indented Two thirds/one third grid with example, Directors overview page‌

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 110

Online Grids Grids text and examples...

Full width image with indented content grid with example, top level page‌

Adecco brand guidelines | Specifications | 111


For further information contact: Adecco brand site:

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