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Blackhawk Bloomers Garden Club
www.BlackhawkLivingCA.com @BlackhawkLivingCA #BlackhawkLivingCA
By Kim Chandler, Resident since 2012
Come join us for our Luncheon Social
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Social at 11:15 am, Lunch at Noon, and Speaker at 1:00 pm in the Blackhawk Country Club Ballroom
Donald Begamini, Advisory Board Member & American Camellias Society Representative, is an expert in the cultivation and propagation of camellias. At the tender age of 12 mirroring his father’s passion for camellias, Don entered a Camellias show in Martinez. His entry was recognized and thus began a lifelong devotion to this hobby. He has been an active member in National and International Camellia Societies. Don has about 800 named varieties of camellias in his own garden and 200 seedlings. He has named several camellias, and hopes to name one for himself. Come and be inspired!

Join Bloomers and join us!
Cost $33.00–Reservation Deadline February 21.
Email your Blackhawk Country Club number to Kim Modersbach at Budncam@gmail.com OR mail a check made out to Blackhawk Bloomers to Kim at 272 Stone Valley Way, Alamo, CA 94507 Questions? 925-820-3733 or 925-998-8216 All Blackhawk Country Club members are welcome to join Bloomers. If you have any questions, please contact Dawn Schaeffer, our VP of Membership, at 3216 Blackhawk Meadow Drive, Danville, CA 94506 or at 408-666-6760
March 25 Floral Fashion Show
April 22 Native Plants presented by Pete Veilleux of East Bay Wilds
May 27 Bees
June 7 Bloomers Garden Tours