Oglala Lakota Living History Village Badlands Helicopters Prairie Homestead Historic Site Oglala Lakota College Historical Center Wall Drug Store 1880 TownSouth Dakota’s Original Pioneer Auto Show & Prairie Town at Murdo BADLANDS NATIONAL PARK MINUTEMAN MISSILE NAT’L HISTORIC SITE Nat’l Grasslands Visitor Center BEN REIFEL VISITOR CENTER WHITE RIVER VISITOR CENTER CEDAR BUTTE WANBLEE OKATON BELVIDERE COTTONWOOD QUINN INTERIOR EL2381 RED SHIRT SCENIC WALL EL2825 PHILIP EL2165 KADOKA EL2457 MURDO EL2325 WHITE RIVER WhiteRiver CheyenneRiver WhiteRiver 23 25 9 22 16 21 2 32 32 15 8 30 15 32 20 20 14 150 143 163 112 152 170 191 109 110 131 183 129 127 116 192 SageCreekRoad Bombing Range Road RimRoad Conata Basin Road Cottonwood Road Byway To Valentine, NE To Midland To Rapid City To Rapid City To Hermosa & Rapid City To Wounded Knee To Pine Ridge & Kyle Badlands Scenic Plenty Star Table Blindman Table Red Shirt Table Cuny Table Stirk Table Palmer Creek Table Buffalo Gap National Grassland Buffalo Gap National Grassland Buffalo Gap National Grassland Sage Creek Wilderness Area Dillon Pass Big Foot Pass Northeast Entrance Sheep Mountain Table Passable Only When Dry Prairie Dog Town Stronghold Table Reservation Boundary 90 90 63 44 83 40 44 44 73 73 27 2 41 240 44 377 2 44 14 240 63 BADLANDS REGION 1 Kilometers 10 Miles 1 5
INDIAN RESERVATION Interchange Exit Number U.S. Hwy. Marker State Hwy. Marker Forest Service Road County Road BIA Hwy. Market Visitor Information Paved Highway Multi-lane Divided Hwy. Gravel Roads Black Hills National Forest Park Boundary Copyright 2023 Black Hills & Badlands Tourism Association N Badlands Black Hills