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TEEN DREAM Could Danielle be Britain’s next top beauty? Elizabeth Gomm reports DUSKY beauty Danielle Mallinder has launched her own election campaign for a place in the final of the UK’s biggest beauty pageant.

Danielle, 16, was at The Clothes Show Live in Birmingham, when talent scouts asked her to put her name forward for the Miss Teen UK. After making it through from thousands of entries to the semi-final, Danielle, 16, of Thornton, needs text and phone votes to get through as this month’s finalist. If she makes it into the final, which takes place in August, she could be one step nearer her dream of a career in the fashion world. The first prize includes an introduction to a top model agency plus £1,000 of clothes and

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

fashion family friends

WINNING SMILE: Danielle Mallinder who is hoping to be the next UK Teen Queen. Picture: Fairlight Studios

make-up, a photoshoot and a laptop! “It would mean the world to me to get through to the final. I can’t believe I have got this far,” said Danielle, who is studying textiles, photography and graphic design at Blackpool Sixth Form College. Danielle was at The Clothes Show with her mum and dad, Andrea and Darren, when she was spotted by a Teen Queen scout looking for new talent. Her edgy look and willowy frame – she’s 5ft 8ins and a size 6-8 – makes her a potential candidate for a career on the catwalk. Organisers faced a massive selection task wading through 5,500 entries to pick the semi-finalists who were invited to London for a makeover and

fashion shoot at the Fairlight Studios. “The photo-shoot was amazing,” said Danielle, who is one of 59 competing for this month’s top spot. She is now appealing to friends, family and local people to give her their vote in the March heat of the contest by texting Danielle Mallinder to 84205, or by calling 0901 656 1515 and leaving her number 21 (calls and texts 60p each). Votes close on March 31. “It is the most fantastic opportunity, I’d love to be in the final,” said Danielle. You can follow Danielle’s progress at www.teenqueenuk.com elizabeth.gomm@blackpoolgazette.co.uk

Protect yourself against the cancer that’s killing Jade Goody – see page 3


Tuesday, March 10, 2009



QUEEN OF THE LOSERS Melanie scales the heights of the weight loss business. Elizabeth Gomm reports PETITE Melanie Stubbing has a heavyweight job running a huge chunk of the world’s best known slimming brand.

As president international for Weight Watchers, heading its operations in the UK, Europe, and Australasia, Mel looks after 14 countries which last year hosted 700,000 meetings between them. That adds up to almost three million people, united in their ambition to eat healthily and lose weight – or to keeping it off! Mel, who grew up in Cleveleys, knows what it is like to have a weight problem – her job involves a great deal of travel and hotel stopovers which can make it hard for even the best intentioned to keep every spare pound at bay. “I am a size 12, I’d like to be a 10, so I am not quite the way I’d like to be right now. There are times when it can be difficult to stick to the plan, because of the travel. When I am visiting a Weight Watchers team, it is much easier.” “My mum and dad are much better than I am,” said Mel, “they are both gold members.” Her dad, Charles, is the retired head of Charles Saer School, Fleetwood, and mum Joan taught for many years at Beach Road School, Cleveleys. They still live in Cleveleys and are Mel’s reason for getting back here to visit as often as she can. She spent all her childhood in Cleveleys, attended Northfold Primary and Fleetwood Grammar School before studying for a degree in marketing and finance at Manchester Polytechnic.

Mel, 47, first attended a Weight Watchers meeting when she was at college, never dreaming she would one day play a pivotal role in the company. She started her career in marketing and for many years she worked in the toy industry, holding a number of senior marketing and general management positions with Mattel – famous for Barbie, Hot Wheels and Fisher Price - and Hasbro, the giant behind Action Man, Monopoly and Disney toys. She joined Weight Watchers nine years ago as a general manager for Weight Watchers UK charged with the task of developing its online arm. After a short time back in toys, she returned to Weight Watchers in 2003 as vice-president for the UK and was appointed president international last year, based in Oxfordshire. She knows the business through and through. Having started out by going to a group meeting to lose weight, she went on to train as a group leader. "That training as a leader is vital. It's a really interesting organisation. We are driven by our mission to help people lose weight, most of our staff and all of our leaders have been through the programme and lost weight successfully,. "Weight Watchers teaches you the skills, tactics and strategies you can follow on a daily basis to lose weight, eat healthily, exercise and to adopt a healthier lifestyle. "Our leaders have a real empathy. They know that being overweight is really tough and they want to help others to make the right choices and to stick with them long term, which can be hard. "That is why we are constantly updat-

ing the programme, introducing new strategies and new ideas to help keep them on track." Since Weight Watchers launched in the UK 40 years ago, it has helped more than one million people to lose weight and Mel’s job is to drive it forward both here and abroad. And with a 300m dollar a year turnover to sustain and grow, Mel can work up to 50 hours a week. But weekends are her chance to relax. They are her time with her family –

husband, Greg, a primary school teacher, and children Millie, 11, and Joshua, 13. “At weekends I enjoy being a "mum’s taxi" driving to hockey and football. In the week we may be ships that pass in the night but I always try to make sure that I am at home for the weekend, that's very important to all of us.” ■ Do you have a special story to tell? Contact Elizabeth Gomm on 361831 or email elizabeth.gomm@blackpoolgazette.co.uk

Barbie hits 50

ONE of the world's most famous blondes has celebrated her 50th birthday and still shows no signs of ageing. Models dressed as the iconic children's toy Barbie (above) entertained hundreds of children at Hamleys toy shop in central London. The two models dressed in the doll's most famous outfits entertained the crowds who had flocked to mark Barbie’s landmark birthday.. Barbie Millicent Roberts made her debut at the New York Toy Fair in 1959, and took her name from the daughter of her creator Ruth Handler. Ruth spotted a gap in the toy market for a doll which looked like a young woman and dressed the first Barbie in a black and white swimsuit and high heeled sandals. Barbie has changed her look to keep up with the times, had 100 different jobs, and gained a property portfolio, cars and boyfriend. Her enduring quality has ensured her survival and it is estimated 90 per cent of American girls, aged between three and 10, will have at least one Barbie doll. ■ Eve is searching for Blackpool’s biggest Barbie fan or the oldest surviving Barbie in town? Call Elizabeth Gomm on 361831 or email elizabeth.gomm@blackpoolgazette.co.uk

Hair expert Stella puts on the style The hottest in hair trends will be showcased in spectacular style in Blackpool at the weekend when hundreds of hairdressers from across the UK will attend the annual Festival of Hair and Beauty. Lytham salon owner Stella Lambrou and her team from The Crib will be leading the field as the only local salon to present a catwalk show and stage demonstration at the Winter Gardens. It’s the third year that Stella and her team have been asked to take the stage to present a show reflecting the upcoming trends in hair, make-up and fashion. Heading her artistic team, Stella and her most senior stylist David Henderson will each demonstrate a cut and style on hair they have pre-coloured, to an audience of industry professionals, students and members of the public.

FLASHBACK: Crib models on the catcwalk in They will show how neon colours and blunt cuts of the high fashion catwalks can become manageable styles for women who

want to be at the cutting edge of style without being overboard avant garde. “We have six dancers and six models,” said Stella. “The dancers will have their hair pre-done by us backstage.” After the demonstrations by Stella and David, they will change the hair of each of the dancers hair on stage, using quick techniques like texturising, coloured extensions and hair up. Stella is looking to demonstrate how easy it is to change a look with simple comb-on colour techniques, coloured extensions and styling tools. She will also show the audience how to keep their clients excited about hair, clothes and make-up to reflect catwalk trends. The Crib show will be at 1pm on both Sunday and Monday. For tickets, call 0844 856 111.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009



Guard against


DON’T Gamble with your life! The courage shown by tragic reality TV star Jade Goody as she faces the final stages of terminal cancer has served as a stark reminder to women worldwide of the importance of cervical cancer screening.

Yet still too many will ignore the vital invitation to go for their smear test. Instead of making an appointment to go straightaway, many will put it off to another day, or ignore it all together. Eve has joined forces with Blackpool NHS to try to make sure that YOU are not one of them. Each year, in Blackpool, there are around five to 10 new cases of cervical cancer and between one and five deaths because of it. The uptake of invitations for cervical screening have been declining here and across the UK. In Blackpool uptake currently stands at 74.3 per cent which is a cause for concern. That is why over the next four weeks Eve will be campaigning to increase that figure and find out why so many of you take a risk by not taking up your screening invite. In line with the rest of the country, “The Jade Goody“ effect is resulting in a higher number of specimens than normal arriving at the Blackpool laboratory for screening. If you missed your last invitation, it is not too late, just pick up the phone and book in at your GP practice. Eve has joined forces with Blackpool NHS to raise awareness by encouraging women to talk to each other about testing - mums and daughters, friends and colleagues.

An Eve campaign aims to get YOU to go for cervical screening. Elizabeth Gomm and Emma Harris report

A chance remark may be all it takes to get them to accept the invitation which could save their life. In England, women receive their first invitation for cervical screening at 25, and then every three years until they are 49, and every five years from 50-64. It’s a quick, virtually painless, procedure carried out at GP practices, and while screening cannot be 100 per cent effective, programmes have been shown to reduce the number of cases of cancer by up to 73 per cent. “It could help save lives if more women came forward,” said Lynn Donkin, of Blackpool NHS. "We know the cervical screening programme is effective at detecting changes of cervix that if left, would develop into cancer. “If we can detect it early, we are able to get

HOW YOU CAN HELP ■ Tell us whether you go for regular screening, and if not, why not? ■ What would make you change your mind and go for screening? ■ Share your story - has cervical screening changed your life? Your views WILL count. ■ Every response we get will be handed on

to Blackpool NHS and may help change thinking, improve services and save lives. ■ To share your stories or views email to emma.harris@blackpoolgazette.co.uk or write to Elizabeth Gomm, The Gazette, Avroe Crescent, Blackpool, FY4 2DP or call Elizabeth on (01253) 361831.

CELEBRITY VICTIM: Jade Goody, who has little time left people into treatment to stop cancer developing in the first place. "The screening programme can detect those early changes. "Over the last few years, there seems to have been a steady decline in the number of people who turn up when invited for screening. That's not just peculiar to Blackpool, it's a national issue. "But it's still a concern and we want to understand more about why people are not coming when they are invited. "We want to try to encourage as many as possible to take up their invite. There is so much evidence about how important it is and how it saves lives. "It's difficult to know what people's reasons

are, so if they can give us that feedback, we can look at understanding it. "The information we have back from labs seems to indicate the effect the awareness around Jade Goody has had is a recent small increase. We don't know if it is the case, but we think it may be. "Anything that can raise awareness and encourage women to attend is a good thing. “Blackpool NHS is taking part in a 12-month national programme run by the Improvement Foundation. The work is a partnership between four general practices, the public health team and a variety of other service providers to identify barriers and gaps in service provision, and to develop and implement new ways of improving uptake,” added Lynn.

Naps can increase the risk of diabetes TAKING regular naps could increase the risk of diabetes, experts said today. People who enjoy siestas often are 26 per cent more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes, research has found. A total of 2.25 million people in the UK are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, which is linked to unhealthy lifestyles and obesity, and another 500,000 are thought to be undiagnosed. The latest research, being presented at Diabetes UK’s Annual Professional Conference in Glasgow, examined the napping habits of 16,480 older people in China. A large proportion of the group (68 per cent ) took a nap at least once a week. Even when other factors were taken

into account that may influence the result, the study found napping was linked with an increased risk of developing diabetes. Overall, people who napped at least once a week had a 26 per cent greater risk of developing Type 2 diabetes compared with those who never took a nap. The experts, led by a team from the University of Birmingham, said several factors may be behind the link, including the fact that people who nap are also probably taking less exercise. In addition, napping during the day may disrupt night-time sleep - people who sleep for just a few hours a night are known to have a greater chance of developing Type 2.

Waking up from a short sleep also activates hormones and mechanisms in the body that stop insulin working effectively, researchers said. One of the experts, Dr Shahrad Taheri, from the University of Birmingham, added: “Our research provides us with an additional insight on the risk factors behind Type 2 diabetes. “As the number of people with Type 2 diabetes keeps increasing, it is crucial that we do everything we can to help prevent people from developing the condition.’’ Dr Iain Frame, director of research at Diabetes UK, said: “We know from previous studies that looked at the link between disturbed night sleep patterns and the risk of developing

Type 2 diabetes that interrupted sleep at night could increase the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. “We already know that people who are overweight or obese, and therefore more at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, can have problems sleeping. “This new research could be another step towards explaining the possible link between disturbed sleep patterns and Type 2 diabetes. “However, in terms of being major risk factors for developing Type 2 diabetes, disturbed sleep or napping are likely to remain less significant than already established risk factors such as being overweight, being over the age of 40 or having a history of diabetes in the family.’’


Tuesday, March 10, 2009



Old school THERE are some voices you never forget ... Malita Camilleri felt a shudder down her spine when she heard the unmistakable tones of her former head teacher.


Busy at work in a Lytham restaurant, Malita was, in an instant, transported back to the classroom of St Catherine’s Convent, Blackpool. “I heard the voice and knew it straightaway, even after more than 30 years. It was Sister Mary Parkinson. “It did send a shiver down my spine – you never forget your headmistress’s voice, do you? “I knew it was her, even though she had her back to me at the time. “The amazing thing was that she recognised me, too,” said Malita. The chance meeting in the Artisan restaurant at Booths, Haven Road, has now prompted Malita and Sister Mary, 82, to organise a reunion of Malita’s contemporaries at the Blackpool convent. Malita, 50, started at the school in 1969 and was there until 1974. “I left school at 16 and moved to Manchester with my parents,” said Malita. Moving towns meant that she lost touch with many of her old school pals. “I loved every minute of school. I wasn’t particularly good at the academic side but I just loved being at school. I would go back now if I could,” she said. Malita, of Burgess Avenue, South Shore, was a member of St Catherine’s celebrated school choir which competed in music festivals, Eisteddfods and which flew to the USA to sing in Connecticut. “We were quite good, and Sister Mary

A chance remark in a restaurant gives a reunion a head start. Elizabeth Gomm reports


sometimes wonder whether I Iwithshould be going to the doctor a health problem, just rely

on the local chemist or the internet to try and find an answer. I live alone and don’t really have anyone to call on if I’m taken ill. I also have arthritis so am on medication for this and sometimes I think it’s the medication that is making me ill. Most of the time, I use my judgement and try to decide if it’s worth bothering the doctor about but my friend says I’m not medically qualified so how do I know? The problem is, when I look up something online I get even more anxious. There are so many horrible conditions out there I start imagining I’ve got them all! Once I went to Accident and Emergency but had to wait for hours and, in the end, it turned out not to be serious at all. I felt really guilty wasting everyone’s time. I just wish I knew what’s best to do. L.P. I’m sure your doctor would not feel you were bothering him/her if you are anxious and in pain but I am surprised s/he hasn’t mentioned NHS Direct to you.

always travelled with us so we got to know her well,” said Malita “We even appeared on television with Hughie Green on Opportunity Knocks. We didn’t win, though!” Sister Mary, now living in retirement in Lytham, would be delighted to see her former pupils reunited. “I’ve got a feeling she’d really like the choir back together again ... for a song!” said Malita, who is married to David and has two sons, Harry, 30, and David, 26. She and David are well known in the area – they are former licensees of the Farmers’ Arms, Lytham Road, South Shore, and the Blossoms, Lytham. Malita is planning an informal evening for anyone interested in starting a reunion group, with coffee and canapes, at the Artisan@Booths on Wednesday, March 25, from 6pm-8pm, £5. For tickets contact Malita on 07717 805 433 (mobile) or 694301 or email camer@blueyonder.co.uk

The service is on the web and also on the telephone, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. There is no reason for you to sit worrying all weekend when you can go on line at nhsdirect.nhs.uk and check out your symptoms properly through a reliable source. As you have arthritis, they can also help you to manage this long term condition; just make sure you have the details of the medication you are on when you call. You will be put through to a knowledgeable health professional who will guide you. If he or she thinks you need to contact the emergency services they will assist you. Just call 0845 46 47 (England and Wales) to speak to someone. The website has information about coping with conditions, like colds and flu, that don’t need medical attention. You will find it far more reassuring than looking up symptoms randomly on the internet.!

REUNITED: Malita Camilleri at Booth's Artisan Restaurant with her former headteacher Sister Mary Parkinson Picture: MIKE FOSTER

A helping hand from Eve’s agony aunt Fiona Caine. If you have a problem with your relationship, marriage or family, Fiona is here to give advice


recently started my first Ilovehave proper job. I’ve fallen heavily in with a guy at work but he

doesn’t seem the least bit interested in me. It is driving me crazy. I don’t know what to do. I think about him all the time and if he comes into the room I can’t take my eyes off him. I thought it would be a good idea to write and tell him how I feel. I suggested he meet me for a drink after work so we could get to know one another better. However he told me to stop being childish and threw my letter away. I felt really hurt but I still care for him and want him to know that this isn’t being childish. How do I convince him? J.C. This man has given you an answer and, if you don’t accept it, you run the risk of losing your self-respect. He might also, potentially, accuse you of sexual harassment! He has made it clear that he isn’t interested in you – for all you know, he may already have a partner. You are making life difficult for him

and making yourself look foolish. So try and behave with dignity and look elsewhere for a relationship. If you can’t do that, think about looking elsewhere for a job because if you carry on like this, you risk losing the one you’ve got.


y boyfriend and I had been M going out for about four months when he suddenly ditched

me. I thought we’d been getting on well so his call came out of the blue. He wouldn’t discuss it or say why, he just put the phone down on me and then refused to speak to me again, in spite of texts and emails. I went to his flat to try to speak to him but he wouldn’t answer the door to me. I felt so bad about this for a long time and didn’t go out with anyone until last week when I went out with a guy from work. He’s been asking me for a long time and although I thought we’d

had a good evening, he didn’t ask to see me again and has been avoiding me in the office. I feel really depressed and devastated as if there is something wrong with me. S.S. I can’t tell you if there’s anything wrong with you but I suspect you’ve just been unlucky. You had a rat for a boyfriend who has badly shaken your confidence. It’s quite possible you were a bit uptight on your recent date, as a result. Maybe this made your colleague uncomfortable and hence his unwillingness to take things further. I can only guess and so I think the best thing is to speak to a close female friend to make sure there are no obvious problems, like bad breath, body odour or anything else you might be able to correct. Assuming she reassures you there is nothing wrong, you need to put the past behind you and move on. If you don’t it will affect any future dates you go on and that would be a great shame. You deserved an explanation from your boyfriend who was too much of a coward to explain his behaviour. Don’t let your future be ruled by someone like him.

Letters and replies (names strictly confidential) will be published here every week. Write to Fiona Caine, c/o Eve, The Gazette, Avroe House, Avroe Crescent, Blackpool Business Park, Blackpool, FY4 2DP. You can e-mail Fiona with your problems www.mail@askfiona.net Fiona regrets she cannot enter into personal correspondence.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

evesocial Folk dance

Coffee time

Support group

Blackpool and Fylde Widows' and Widowers' Association meets tomorrow at the Trades Club, Chadwick Street, Blackpool, 7.30pm. Contact: Lavinia on 623119.

South Shore

South Shore Community Centre (The Old Library) Highfield Road, hosts the following weekly events: Mondays, watercolour painting 10am, social bridge 1.15pm; Wednesday, social chat and games 10am; Thursday, arts and crafts 10am, patchwork for beginners 2pm; Friday, watercolours 2pm.

Bispham coffee

Bispham United Reformed Church, Cavendish Road, has a coffee morning tomorrow 10.30am-11.30am.

Tea dance


The Intervarsity Social Club meets tonight at the the Victoria, Cleveleys, 8pm, and welcomes new members. Contact: 722864

Fylde RA

The Ramblers' Association will be walking in Cuddy Hill and Hurstwood tomorrow and Embsay, Cracoe and Rylestone on Sunday. Contact: 865976.

Bridge club

The Gazette Bridge Club welcomes players at 7pm at the Wainwright Club, Hornby Road, Blackpool on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Contact: 354513.

Kirkham arts

Kirkham Arts Society meets tomorrow at the Community Centre, 7.15pm. Contact: 01772 632202.

Coast ramblers

Fylde Coast Ramblers will be walking Chapel Town on Saturday. Contact 401135.

Arts society

Blackpool Arts Society meets on Thursday for its AGM at the Studio, Wilkinson Avenue, 7.30pm. Weekly sessions at the studio include: General painting Tuesday and Thursday ,2pm, Friday, 9.30am and 2pm; portrait sessions Tuesday, 7.30pm, and Wednesday 10am; Life drawing Wednesday 2pm. New members always welcome. Contact 407541.

Windmill arts

The Windmill Arts Society meets on Friday at the Frank Townend Centre, Beach Road, Cleveleys, 1.30pm3.30pm. Contact: 855072.

Craft club

TRUST DINNER: Blackpool Civic Trust held their annual dinner at the White Tower Restaurant. Pictured from left are: Leslie Melville, Yvonne Glass, Adrian Catch and Eileen Moore. More pictures in Life! magazine free with the Gazette on Saturday.


Lytham St Annes Ladies has a talk on the Salvation Army from Major Liz Cope tomorrow at the Pensioners’ Hall, St Albans Road, St Annes, 2.15pm. New members welcome. Contact: 728167

Elswick Singers

Elswick Singers perform at Kirkham St Michael's Church on March 13 at 7.30pm to raise funds towards the Spire Appeal . Admission £5.

Pilling WI

Pilling WI learnt some fascinating facts about the history of the Grand Theatre, Blackpool, from speaker Linda Tolson. She was thanked by Maureen O'Reilly. Competition winner was Ellen Gardner and runners-up were Margaret Lawrenson, Barbara Curwen and Elizabeth Jenkinson. On Thursday, March 26, in the Methodist Church Fellowship Room, 7.30pm, PCSO Marti Long will talk on ‘Safety from fraud.’ Visitors are welcome. Future WI events include talks, cookery demonstration and a fashion show.

Irish evening

St Christopher’s Church, Hawes Side Lane, Marton, has an Irish Evening on Saturday with entertainment from Joan Banks and Bob Milner. 7.30pm. Tickets £5 from 693748.

MND support

The Motor Neurone Disease Association has an open meeting tomorrow at Claremont Park Community Centre, 11am-1pm.

Park friends

A weekly craft group meets at Holy Cross Church, Central Drive, Blackpool, every Friday, 1.30pm3.30pm. £2.

The friends of Stanley Park meet on Tuesday next at the Visitor Centre when Tony Sharkey of Blackpool Library will talk on local and family history. 7pm.

St Christopher’s Church, Haweside Lane, has a series of Lenten lunches every Tuesday until March 31. 11.45am. Short service, followed by lunch. No charge, donations invited.

The Young Widows Group meet on Monday at the Lindum Hotel, St. Annes at 7.30. p.m. Contact 346133

Marton lunch

Bereavement help

Footprints Bereavement Support Group meets tomorrow at Salem Methodist Church, Westcliffe Drive, Layton, 10a-noon. Contact: 763146.

Young widows

Family history

Lancashire Family History and Heraldry Society meets tomorrow for its AGM at St Martin/St Hilda Church Hall, Castle Gardens, Carleton, 7.30pm.

Contact us

Any local organisation which would like information to appear should send details to:

Elizabeth Gomm, Eve, Social Page, The Gazette, Avroe House, Avroe Crescent, Blackpool, Business Park, Blackpool, FY4 2DP or e-mail elizabeth.gomm@blackpoolgazette.co.uk

to arrive by first post Thursday for inclusion on the following Tuesday

Wyre ramblers

Wyre ramblers will be walking on Keswick on Sunday. Contact: 876676.

Lent event

Fleetwood Churches Together Lenten Lunch this Friday will be at Fleetwood United Reformed Church hosted jointly with St Paul’s, bring and buy. No charge, but donations invited, with all proceeds to North West Air Ambulance.

Arnold ladies

Arnold Ladies Luncheon Club has a talk on women in the Army from Major Rose Stone of the Territorial Army, at the Grand Hotel, St Annes, on Wednesday, March 18.


Blackpool Embroiderers will hear about Viking warriors and weavers from Ian Uzzell on Monday at the Art Studio, Wilkinson Avenue, 7.15pm.

Blackpool WI

Blackpool WI meets on Thursday at Claremont Community Centre, Claremont Road, 1.45pm.

Civic Trust

Blackpool Civic Trust meets on Monday at in the Town Hall, 7pm, for its AGM followed by a talk on environmental health.


North Shore Folk Dance Club meets tomorrow at all Hallows Church, All Hallows Road, Bispham, 7.30pm. No partner needed and all are welcome. Contact: 890486.

Tea dances will be held every Tuesday (from March 3) at Springfield Methodist Church, Bispham Road, (next door to The Squirrel) at 2.15pm Dancing to live music by Alan and Barbara Hebden. admission £3.50.



Blackpool U3A meets at St John’s Church tomorrow, 1 30pm. There are refreshments and a guest speaker. Anyone of retirement age most welcome.

Clematis talk

Thornton Cleveleys Horticultural Society has a talk on Clematis from Richard Hodson on Thursday at the Little Theatre, 7.30pm.

Wyre speakers

Wyre Speakers Club meets on Thursday at Bispham Parish Church Hall, All Hallows Road, 7.30pm.

Tuesday club

Pat Masser will be looking back on the past at Poulton and Carleton Tuesday Club at Poulton UR Church Hall, on Tuesday next, 2pm.


Richard Gillingham will talk on Joseph Kemp at Fleetwood Mount Methodist In-set Group at the Wesley Hall on Monday, 7.30pm.


The NHS Retirement Fellowship has a talk from Barry Band on Tuesday next at St Martin/St Hilda Church Hall, Castle Gardens, Carleton, 1.45pm.

Diners Club

Thornton Cleveleys Wednesday Diners Club will hear George Dobson’s reflections on village life tomorrow at the Briardene Hotel. Noon.

Travel talk

The ITHA has a talk on Brazil from geographer Mike Pearson on Thursday at Poulton Community Centre, 7.30pm.

Gospel choir

Blackpool Gospel Choir meets every Tuesday at 7pm, Bethesda Chapel, Lune Grove, (opposite Revoe School). All welcome. Contact: Rev Augusta 401767.

Lupus UK

The Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Lupus Group will be meeting at Springfield Methodist Church Hall, Bispham on Thursday, 7.15pm. There will be a talk by Sue Smith about nutrition, especially for people with inflammatory illness like arthritis and Lupus. Contact: Val Wilson on 886974.

A coffee morning for the Meningitis Research Foundation takes place on Saturday at Cleveleys United Reformed Church, Rossall Road. 10am.

Heritage group

Lytham Heritage Group presents a talk from The Birdman of Knott End, John Welsby, at the Assembly Rooms tomorrow, 2.30pm. £1.50.

Coffee morning

North Shore Methodist Church, Dickson Road, Blackpool, is holding a coffee morning and bring and buy sale on Saturday,10am, in the Church Lounge. Admission free.

Arthritis care

Arthritis Care will be entertained by Marton Operatic singers at Marton Institute tomorrow. Contact: 353149.

Probus club

Kirkham and Rural Fylde Probus Club has a talk on the work of a test pilot from Eric Bucklow on Tuesday next, 10am, at The Conservative Club, Ribby Road.

Charity concert

Crimestoppers has a charity concert featuring Thornton Cleveleys Brass Band and Shakespeare Primary School Choir at Blackpool Tower Ballroom on Friday, 7pm. Tickets £8, juniors £5, from the Tower Information Centre and the Winter Gardens Box Office.

Opera time

Opera Plus will be in concert at Springfield Methodist Church, Bispham Road, Bispham, on Saturday, 7.30pm. £6.

Card club

Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon card games club is held at Who, Victoria Street, every Saturday, 11am-3pm.

Garden club

Friends of Highfield Road Park are holding their first gardening club meeting on Sunday, 2pm, at the South Shore Community Centre. The group will be led by a qualified horticulturist to encourage anyone, from beginner to expert, who is interested in learning more about gardening and/or also interested in helping to improve the local park is welcome.

Parkinson’s support

The Parkinson’s Disease Society has a meeting and afternoon tea at St Bernard’s Church Hall, Hackensall Road, Knott End, on Tuesday next from 2pm-4pm to increase awareness and support in the Over Wyre area. Anyone affected by Parkinson’s is welcome. Tel: 868086.

Fleetwood LLL

Fleetwood lifelong Learning Group meets on Monday at Central Library when Gordon Halliwell will talk about the Channel Tunnel Shuttle. 2pm.

Music Recital

The Michael Hall Theatre School has an afternoon music recital of art, song and chamber music on Sunday at the Theatre School, Preston Old Road, Marton, 3pm. Admission £4, children £2.

Coffee morning

Fleetwood Cancer Research Committee has a coffee morning and bring and buy at the Savoy Hotel, the Esplanade, on Friday, 10am-noon. £1.

Charity night

A charity night will be raising money for Donna’s Dream House, Blackpool, on Friday at the Cherry Blossom Hotel, North Promenade, Blackpool, with entertainment from cabaret singers, drag artist and sponsored body wax! Grand raffle with lots of prizes. Free admission and supper. From 8.30pm.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Freshen up your



FACE PUT on a new face for spring! Blush Health and Beauty are now offering clients skin smoothing treatments for facial lines and folds, at very competitive prices.

Treatments will be performed by registered general nurse Rebecca Mayall, using a variety of the best anti-wrinkle treatments and products from dermal filler and other smoothing treatment ranges, such as Juvederm Ultra, Restylane, Belotero, Hydrafill and others. The treatments afford natural beauty without surgery and are a popular choice as effectively they diminish the signs of ageing and restore a youthful look. Dermall fillers incorporate a soft lifting therapy based on small injections into the wrinkle, temporarily lifting and smoothing lines and folds, particularly those deep nose-to- mouth lines that can age us prematurely. The treatment is quick and results can be seen straight away. Another skin smoothing treatment available is for lines on the forehead, in between the eyebrows and around the eyes. Treatment is also

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READY TO HELP: Rebecca Mayall (left) and Charlotte Blanthorn-Hazell in a treatment room, and (below left) the pedicure chair

quick and it can take up to two weeks after treatment to see the results. Your free consultation will include a full facial assessment, a recommendation of treatments available to suit your needs, a price guide, advice on preventing wrinkles and an opportunity for you to ask any questions to help you make an informed choice. Blush invite you to join them at the launch of their dermal filler and other skin smoothing treatments on Thursday, March 12 at 6pm. Complimentary file and paints and mini make-overs will be available throughout the evening as well as wine and nibbles, and a treat to go home with. Rebecca will give a demonstration and talk at 7pm. There’s 10 per cent off any products bought on the evening and also 10 per cent off your first dermal filler or other skin smoothing treatment.

Charlotte Blanthorn-Hazell, 25, from Garstang, opened Blush Health and Beauty in October, last year. The salon uses top quality products which are highly recognised in the beauty industry, such as Germaine de Capuccini, Jessica, St Tropez, Jane Iredale Mineral Make-up and Lycon wax. The wide variety of treatments includes facials, body treatments, microdermabrasion, non-surgical facelifts, manicures, pedicures, spray tanning, waxing, tinting, massage and hot stone massage, make-up and cellulite treatments. Monthly offers are available to existing and new clients.

March offer: Strategist Refine

Microdermabrasion Facial at £30 (normally £45). Revive your complexion with this gentle smoothing treatment, which minimises pores, lines and wrinkles, marks and imperfections, unifies skin tone and gives a youthful appearance to the skin. It renews and illuminates to make skin becomes instantly radiant.

New offer available throughout the year:

Unlimited spray tans for a one month period for £50. (normally £25 for one spray tan treatment).

Prom packages and bridal packages start from £40.

Loyalty cards:

Receive a stamp whenever you visit the salon and after 10 visits you receive a free treatment. ■ Claim 20 per cent off your first treatment at Blush. Bring in the advert below or quote ”Eve”. Blush Health and Beauty, 21 Breck Road, Poulton. Tel 01253 896811.

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