NBPLC 2013 Official Souvenir Program Guide

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Admissions & Preparation Conference and Law School Recruitment Fair 2013 KEYNOTE HONORARY CHAIR SPEAKERS AND CO-CHAIR

Lisa M. Tatum Honorary Chair

Vernon G. Baker

David A. Chaumette Honorary Co-Chair

Donise E. Brown

Patricia Rosier

Walter L. Sutton

Daryl K. Washington


James M. Douglas

Benjamin L. Hall

Kim M. Keenan

Damon J. Keith

Julieanna L. Richardson

Official Souvenir Program Guide




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

Welcome to the 9th Annual National Black PreLaw Admission & Preparation Conference and Law School Recruitment Fair 2013 – the nation’s premier

information-sharing and networking empowerment event for aspiring Black lawyers!


e made it to year nine!!! Thank you to all those who support our mission of providing this greatly-needed service to future lawyers from across the country who need to come to a positive place where they can get solid “insider” information, resources and networking opportunities from people who truly want to see them succeed in pursuing the challenging path of becoming a lawyer. It is indeed a tremendous blessing and joy to share our conference’s official souvenir program guide, which highlights all of the happenings during this year’s event.

Year nine is quite a special one and I have never been more excited about this conference and the work we are doing than I am now. Every morning at the beginning of each day of the conference, attendees will get to hear from our Honorary Chair Lisa M. Tatum, Esq. or our Honorary Co-Chair David A. Chaumette, Esq. Both are extremely accomplished African American lawyers who have recently made history as top leaders of major bar (lawyer) associations! Attorney Tatum is the very first African American elected as President of the State Bar of Texas and David A. Chaumette, Esq. is the very first African American elected as President of the Houston Bar Association. I am proud that they not only have taken on important leadership roles within the community of lawyers, but they also have a commitment to the “pipeline” and making sure that that community is inclusive of diverse individuals who have historically been excluded from the professional ranks. In addition to being greeted by amazing bar association leaders, you will have the chance to hear from some truly dynamic attorneys who have not only succeeded in their own professional careers, but who understand that true success is in the success of us all as a collective. These attorneys are my heroes because they have taken on the additional social responsibility of being advocates for diversity in the legal profession – when they really don’t have to. Each speaker invited was handpicked precisely because they have demonstrated through their actions (not just talk!) that they are genuinely passionate about and committed to creating a path for other African Americans and minorities to have access to a professional legal education and the opportunity to enter into and gain a fair chance to succeed in the legal profession. Make sure that you not only listen to what they have to say, but go introduce yourself, shake their hands, take pictures of and with them and get their autographs too. They are ALL legal superstars who should be celebrated! Among this year’s incredible featured keynote speakers are Dr. Walter L. Sutton, Esq., MBA, Associate General Counsel, Legal Administration and External Relations, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (Bentonville, Arkansas), Patricia Rosier, Esq., President, National Bar Association and Founder and Managing Partner, Rosier Law Firm (Washington, DC and Largo, Maryland), Vernon G. Baker, II, Esq., Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Meritor, Inc. (Troy, Michigan), Daryl K. Washington, Esq., Founder and Editor, Black Legal Issues and Managing Partner, The Law Offices of Daryl K. Washington, P.C. (Dallas, Texas), and Donise E. Brown, Esq., Director-Corporate Counsel, Legal & Corporate Affairs Department, Starbucks Coffee Company (Coral Gables, Florida). Not to mention, this year like every year we have numerous brilliant, knowledgeable, and caring law school administrators, lawyers, law professors, judges, and law students who so generously give of their time and talent to be a part of this conference as presenters, panelists and advisors. They volunteer not because they have to but because they want to. Many are first-generation law students and lawyers who truly want to share their experiences, insight, and wisdom with the next generation of Black lawyers and make the path a bit easier for those coming behind them. Take advantage of the opportunity to learn from and interact with them! They are all gems! In addition, make sure you don’t pass up the chance to meet representatives from over 100 law schools at the Law School Recruitment Fair, experience a mock law school class taught by actual law professors, participate in our signature Law School Admission & Preparation Advice Help Clinic and our Personal Statement, Diversity Statement, Resume and Addendum Practical Assistance Session, and take a diagnostic mock Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) exam and then take part in our LSAT test-taking strategies session. Further, if you haven’t already, make plans to attend The Legacy Builders Awards Banquet where five extraordinary Black attorneys will be honored including Kim M. Keenan, Esq., General Counsel, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (Washington, DC), The Honorable Damon J. Keith, Judge, United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit (Detroit, Michigan), Julieanna L. Richardson, Esq., Public Historian & Founder, The HistoryMakers (Chicago,

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Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

Illinois), Dr. Benjamin L. Hall, III, Esq., Founder, The Hall Law Firm (Houston, Texas), and James M. Douglas, Esq., Distinguished Professor of Law and Vice President of Governmental Relations and Community Affairs, Texas Southern University (Houston, Texas). You will have the chance to hear from and meet legal legends! Listen carefully and hold on to their every word. The awards presentations will be followed by our Aspiring Lawyers Pinning Ceremony, during which all aspiring lawyers must stand up, raise their right hands and take a special public success pledge. Thereafter, all current lawyers will stand in solidarity and show their confidence in the next generation of Black lawyers by pinning them and presenting them with special keepsake gifts. Our message - we come from where you come from, we look like you, we have been told we could not do this, we had to overcome tremendous obstacles - and although the road was extremely tough, we stand here today showing you living proof that it can be done. Therefore, we sincerely believe in you and we know you can do it too. You can now see what you want to be. Don’t miss this event!!! Even if you don’t get a ticket to the banquet portion, you can still participate in the pinning ceremony. This conference was created in order to help increase the numbers of African Americans who are better prepared to take on the challenges of pursuing a professional legal education by filling in the information gap that exists within our community. After almost nine years of hosting this event, I often get asked whether it will continue. My answer – I will work to continue it as long as it’s needed and will do whatever is required to make it better and reach as many people as possible. When it’s no longer needed, then I will stop. YOU are worth the sweat and countless hours of organizing. Our forefathers and foremothers fought for us and those of us who have made it over the hurdle to become lawyers against the odds owe it to those who come behind us to share what we know with them. The fight continues – and the torch will soon be passed to you. This conference is not just an event; it really is a movement and just one effort among many to reach out to aspiring Black lawyers to give you what you need to succeed. But just as importantly, we stress the expectation that you do the same once you achieve your goals. Just as we sow into you, you must sow into others. Just how you need us now, those coming behind you will need you - and our community as a whole needs you - especially once you are armed with legal training. Make the commitment today to give back and pay it forward. I know that I don’t succeed and you don’t succeed until we succeed. This year, my prayer is to pour so much positive energy, inspiration, and knowledge into every pre-law participant that they will walk away with the right mindset and the helpful tools they need to go after the very real challenges on the road to becoming a lawyer with a brand new fervor and fire. I want you to walk away ready to produce the most excellent and persuasive personal statement and diversity statement possible and to let go of the defeatist attitude that the LSAT is something you are unable to conquer, but instead something that you can be ready to take on with proper and relentless preparation. I want you to walk away with a new desire to demonstrate the highest levels of integrity, excellence and professionalism in your educational pursuits and in your life. Decide today that you will be an unstoppable force! Finally, I want to stress that the real gold in this event is the chance to make life-changing connections. So many of us never had the chance to meet, talk to and ask questions of law students and lawyers prior to embarking upon this path, but you do. I am a believer that even one person can make a huge difference in someone’s life. No one makes it alone. Don’t just get the information and go home. You will have several opportunities to meet so many different people not only informally, but through planned networking and social events. Make the effort to meet a lot of people, then find those you click with so that you can make meaningful and quality connections that can turn into life-long friendships, professional partnerships, and more. Meet those who can serve as potential mentors and accountability partners. There are people here that you can pull together to create the support system and success team that you need to help you succeed. I implore you to not take any part of this event for granted. This is one of those experiences that can have a real and significant impact on your future and your life. Don’t assume you’ll get this chance again. There will be other events, but not this one. All of the different people that we are bringing together all in one place at this time will not happen again. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Treat it accordingly, and take full and complete advantage of every opportunity presented. Now, it’s time to get the knowledge, make the connections, and become empowered! I sincerely believe that you have everything within you to be a highly competitive, strategic, excellent and well-prepared law school applicant, law student, and lawyer. If you say you want to be a lawyer, then what you need is right here and you’re definitely in the right place. It’s up to you now to make the most of it, and decide to implement everything you have learned once you return home. I very deeply and passionately believe that once you learn what it takes, you should then dedicate yourself to doing whatever it takes – and you will be well on your way to succeeding in this professional path or in whatever endeavor you are led to. I am confident you will make me and everyone involved with this event proud. Do well - and then come back, give back and pay it forward. Enjoy the conference! I can’t wait to meet you personally! Blessings and success,

Evangeline M. Mitchell, Esq., Ed.M. Founder & Executive Director

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Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

Table of Contents Welcome Letter by Evangeline M. Mitchell, Esq., Ed.M., Founder & Executive Director, National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair ������������������������������� 3 Letters of Greetings State Bar of Texas ��������������������������������������������� 7 Houston Bar Association ������������������������������� 8 National Bar Association ������������������������������� 9 Houston Lawyers Association �������������������10 African American Lawyers Section, State Bar of Texas ������������������������������������������������������11 National Black Law Students Association ������������������������������������������������������12 National Black Law Students Association, Pre-Law Division ��������������������������������������������13 Leadership & Team Members Steering Committee �������������������������������������14 Advisory Council ��������������������������������������������14 Host Committee ���������������������������������������������15 Honorary Chair and Co-Chair ��������������������18

Featured Keynote Speakers �����������������������50 Invocations & Benedictions �����������������������58 Special Guest Speakers �������������������������������62 Mock Law School Classes ���������������������������66 Diagnostic Mock LSAT and Test-Taking Strategies Session �����������������������������������������70 Law School Admission and Preparation Advice Help Clinic & Diversity Statement, Personal Statement, Resume and Addendum Practical Assistance Session ��������������������������������������������������������������72

Overall Schedule of Events ������������������������20 Friday Morning Opening Keynote Session ���������������������������������������������28 Saturday Morning Opening Keynote Session ��������������������������������������������������������������30 Featured Panelists & Presenters ���������������32 Workshop Sessions & Panel Discussions ������������������������������������������������������38 Law School Recruitment Fair ���������������������48 6 | www.blackprelawconference.com

Attorney Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Courses .................................................. 76 Making Connections Networking Reception/Social Mixer �������������������������������78 Legacy Builders Awards Banquet & Aspiring Lawyers Pinning Ceremony �����80 Legacy Builder Honorees ����������������������������82 Sponsors �����������������������������������������������������������92 Partners �������������������������������������������������������������93


Direct Correspondence to: LM TATUM, PLLC 111 SOLEDAD ST., STE. 358 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78205 TEL: (210) 299-7616 FAX: (210) 569-6380 LTatum@Tatum-Law.com


November23, 15,2013 2013 September

Greetings and Salutations! On behalf of the State Bar of Texas, it is my pleasure and honor to welcome you to the 9th Annual National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair. You are in the right place. And, you are in for a real treat. This event is a unique opportunity for you to gain a wealth of knowledge. Here you will meet noteworthy scholars and remarkable practitioners and judges from whom you can learn how to better navigate your journey to and through law school. You can also gain insight that may improve your chances to thrive as an attorney. The opportunity is yours and is ripe for the taking. I encourage you to get to know, on more than a superficial level, as many people as you can. You will be interacting and conversing with successful attorneys, judges, administrators and community leaders. Your interest is in a noble profession. The Annual National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair provides an invaluable venue for aspiring attorneys to become more aware of the importance of the rule of law; the impact lawyers have on our society, and of diversity in the legal profession. You are the future attorneys that will grow the number of diverse lawyers, further ensure diversity in the ranks and files of lawyers as well as on the bench, and maintain confidence in our legal system because you will be the professional members of the justice system who reflect the faces of the population at large. I am proud of you. I am proud that you have taken a progressive step toward your legal career. I challenge you to join me in the ranks of talented and hard-working professionals who perform quality work and serve their community. As the first African-American to serve as Texas State Bar President, I expect nothing less of you, our lawyers to be. Enjoy and learn! Sincerely, LISA M. TATUM

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Houston Bar Association 1300 First City Tower 1001 Fannin Street Houston, Texas 77002 (713)759-1133 FAX (713)759-1710 www.hba.org

Welcome to Houston! OFFICERS David A. Chaumette Chaumette, PLLC President M. Carter Crow Fulbright & Jaworski LLP President-Elect Todd M. Frankfort Flowers & Frankfort First Vice-President Benny Agosto, Jr. Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Sorrels, Agosto & Friend Second Vice-President Neil D. Kelly Andrews Kurth LLP Secretary Laura Gibson Ogden, Gibson, Broocks, Longoria & Hall, L.L.P. Treasurer Brent A. Benoit Locke Lord LLP Past President Kay Sim Houston Bar Association Executive Director DIRECTORS (2012-2014) Alistair B. Dawson Beck│Redden LLP Warren W. Harris Bracewell & Giuliani LLP Brent C. Perry Law Office of Brent C. Perry John Spiller Strasburger & Price, LLP DIRECTORS (2013-2015) Hon. David O. Fraga Municipal Judge Jennifer A. Hasley Hasley Scarano, L.L.P. Bill Kroger Baker Botts L.L.P. Daniella D. Landers Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP EX OFFICIO Otway B. Denny, Jr. Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. Delegate to ABA John D. Ellis, Jr. Attorney at Law Delegate to ABA

We are proud and delighted that Houston is hosting the National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair in 2013. As president of the nearly 11,000-member Houston Bar Association, I would like to welcome you to our city on behalf of all of the attorneys who serve the profession and the community through our organization. The Houston Bar has a rich tradition of diversity throughout our organization. Through our Committee on Minority Opportunities in the Legal Profession, we work closely with the three law schools that call Houston home – South Texas College of Law, Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University, and the University of Houston Law Center. We sponsor a unique Summer Clerkship Program for first-year minority law students that provides work experience and mentoring through summer clerk positions with law firms, corporate legal departments, government agencies and courts. The program also provides educational programming on topics that not only help students experience successful clerkships, but also prepares them for their first jobs in the legal profession. Since 1998, nearly 300 first-year minority law students have been hired as summer clerks through our program. In addition to professional development, the Houston Bar has a long commitment to serving our community, through pro bono and other public service. I have been involved in training young leaders in our profession since my days as president of the Houston Young Lawyers Association, and I am deeply impressed with the professional strength and character of today’s law students. On a personal note, as a Black lawyer who has practiced for nearly two decades, I applaud your decision to pursue a profession that is crucial to maintaining the rights and responsibilities of everyone in our society. The future of our profession and our world is brighter because of you. Sincerely,

Mark Kelly Vinson & Elkins LLP State Bar Liaison Zach Allie Winstead PC HYLA President

David A. Chaumette 2013-2014 President, Houston Bar Association

The Houston Bar Association sponsors many public service projects serving the Greater Houston area, including: Houston Volunteer Lawyers • Dispute Resolution Center • Juvenile Justice Program • LegalLine • Lawyer Referral Service • Equal Access Initiative • Veterans Initiative Elder Law • Habitat for Humanity • Speakers Bureau • Campaign for the Homeless • Special Olympics Committee • Adopt-A-School • Lawyers for Literacy • IDEA • Communities In Schools

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November 15, 2013

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Houston Lawyers Association Affiliate Chapter of The National Bar Association “Bridging the Gap: Back to Basics” November 15, 2013 Dear Conference Attendees, 2013-2014 Board of Directors Jermecia A. Beachem The Beachem Law Firm President Danyahel Norris Norris & Norris, LLP President Elect Shelly M. Davis-Smith The Davis Law Firm Treasurer ChiQuia Roberson Roberson Law Firm, PLLC Recording Secretary Elverine “Rena” Jenkins Attorney at Law Corresponding Secretary Ejikeme “Steve” Okoroha Jr. Attorney at Law Parliamentarian Deshonda Charles Tackett The Tackett Firm, PLLC Immediate Past President 2013-2014 Directors Alfred “Al” Benoit Benoit Law, PLLC Andrew McGee Attorney at Law 2013-2015 Directors Hon. Judge Harrison Gregg, Jr. LaToya Jarrett Attorney at Law

It is my pleasure on behalf of the Houston Lawyers Association to welcome you to Houston for the Ninth Annual National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair. The Houston Lawyers Association (HLA), an affiliate chapter of the National Bar Association, was founded in 1955 to address the particular needs of Black lawyers and the legal needs of the Black community in general. HLA continues to provide its lawyers a forum and an opportunity to address various issues that affect the Black community. Members of HLA include judges, lawyers at large lawsized firms, lawyers at medium-sized law firms, lawyers at small-sized law firms, solo practitioners, government lawyers, in-house counsel, recent law school graduates, and law students. At this time, you are embarking upon a great time in your life, which is made better with vision and focus. Your attendance at this conference demonstrates your commitment to learning and your future. As you participate in this conference, I challenge you to network and make meaningful connections with other future attorneys. Be sure you remember why you have chosen to go into such a noble field such as the law. Embrace the attributes that have brought you thus far such as hard work, dedication, determination, and excellence in all that you do. I look forward to meeting you at some point during the conference. Enjoy your stay in Houston! Warm regards, Jermecia A. Beachem President

P.O. Box 300009 Houston, Texas 77230-0009 713-493-2566 www.houstonlawyersassociation.org Affiliate Chapter of the National Bar Association

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State Bar of Texas

African American Lawyers Section Terence C. Norman Chair LaKeisha Forte, Chair-Elect Danyahel Norris, Treasurer Robert Collier, Secretary Bryan Snoddy, Immediate Past Chair

November 15, 2013

Welcome! It is my pleasure to personally congratulate you, in your endeavor to become America’s future legal scholars. As Chair of the African American Lawyers Section, of the State Bar of Texas, it is our mission to contribute to the diversity of the legal community in every way. Justice is best served by a Judicial body that is as diverse as the public which it serves. Your participation in this, The 9th Annual National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair, is proof positive of your desire for success, and commitment to the ideals conducive of achieving that mission. This conference, among other things, offers you valuable insight into the Law School Admission process, prepares you for the LSAT Exam and gives you a realistic expectation of first year life in a law school setting. You will have the opportunity to network, not only with established Attorney’s throughout the state of Texas, but with each other as well. I encourage you to form those bonds, and utilize the tools and resources available at this conference to lay the foundation that will strengthen your resolve, and ensure your longevity in a profession that is ever-changing. I look forward to sharing the battle field of Justice with you all, and on behalf of The African American Lawyers Section, I wish you well. Terence C. Norman Chair AALS www.blackprelawconference.com | 11


October 21,15, 2013 November 2013 National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair P.O. Box 631234 Houston, Texas 77263 Dear Attendees, It is my distinct honor and pleasure to greet you as the National Chair of the National Black Law Students Association (NBLSA), an organization comprised of over 200 chapters and 6,000 members. On behalf of NBLSA, I would like to congratulate the National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair on another successful event! The NBLSA theme for this year is "Road to 50: An Evolving Legacy." The history of NBLSA is one filled with activism and a commitment to justice; community service, engagement and advancement; and, leadership, academic and professional development. As we inch closer to NBLSA’s 50th anniversary, we must continue the great work of our organization and remain steadfast in our commitment to change. However, we must also respond to the changing landscape in which we exist. We must find new ways to address the challenges facing our communities, our law students and our organization. NBLSA offers a number of opportunities for individuals interested in law school, including Pre-Law Camps, a Pre-Law Fellows Program, Pre-Law Scholarships, and the Pre-Law Mentoring Program. Our 46th Annual NBLSA Convention will take place on March 12-16, 2014 in Milwaukee, WI and will feature panels, workshops and networking opportunities for future law students. NBLSA is an organization committed to the success of minorities in legal education and the profession. Our partnership with the Black Pre-Law Conference is just one example of our commitment to providing future law students with the tools needed for success on the road to law school. For additional information regarding our organization and Pre-Law programming, please visit www.NBLSA.org. In NBLSA Service,



Victoria Walker National Chair, 2013-2014 National Black Law Students Association George Mason University School of Law | JD/MPP Candidate, 2014 chair@nblsa.org

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Dear Future Attorneys, I am extremely honored to serve as the 2013-2014 National Director of the Pre-Law Division. Congratulations and welcome to all of the pre-law students who are able to take advantage of the outstanding National Pre-Law Conference! The benefits provided here are invaluable, and by taking the initiative to partake in such a resourceful conference before law school, you will certainly have an advantage during your law school journey. Pre-law students are the future of the National Black Law Students Association and the profession of law, and it is imperative that our organization is responsive to their needs. It is my goal to ensure that we are providing each member with the tools necessary to not only navigate the law school application process, but to become successful law students and future social engineers. This year I have a very ambitious agenda for the Pre-Law Division, and each of you will play an integral role in ensuring the success of this Division. Some of the programming initiatives that we have planned for this year include the Pre-Law Division Regional & National Law Camps, our Nelson Mandela Pre-Law Scholarships, the Pre-Law Fellows Program, and the Mentorship Program, working closely along with our law student and alumni members. We are eager to work with each of you over the course of this year to expand our membership and increase the opportunities offered to our pre-law members. We hope that you take full advantage of all of the opportunities that the Division has to offer to the students of your institution as we continue to grow the Pre-Law Division and ensure the future of the black law student. I would love to hear your ideas on how we can better serve your students. Please do not hesitate to contact me at prelaw@nblsa.org. Please visit www.nblsa.org/prelawdivision for continued updates regarding all of our exciting programming initiatives. Sincerely,


Gobriella M. Davis Gobriella Davis William & Mary Law School, Class of 2014 National Black Law Students Association National Director of the Pre-Law Division, 2013-2014 www.blackprelawconference.com | 13




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

Leadership & Team Members STEERING COMMITTEE

Dundra Hollins

Evangeline M. Mitchell, Esq., Ed.M.

Stephanie Mensah, MBA

Kisten Rhodes, MBA

The Honorable Oswald J. Scott


Ronald C. Green, Esq., MBA Controller City of Houston

Sylvia James, Esq. Diversity Counsel Baker Botts LLP

14 | www.blackprelawconference.com

Reginald McGahee, Esq.

Assistant Dean and Dean of Admissions Howard University School of Law

J. Goodwille Pierre, Esq., M.Ed.

General Counsel and Vice President of Governmental Affairs CBIC Construction & Development, LP




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012


Ricky Anderson, Esq.

Entertainment Attorney Anderson & Smith P.C.

Jamila M. Brinson, Esq. Associate Jackson Walker LLP

Kendra Brown, M.Div. J.D., LL.M., Analyst, Protiviti Government Services, Securities and Exchange Commission

Associate Neblett, Beard and Arsenault Attorneys at Law

Jonathan Cox, Esq.

Joe R. Caldwell, Esq.

Felix Chevalier, Esq.

Angela Birch Cox, Esq.

Angela L. Dixon, Esq.

DeMonica D. Gladney, Esq.

Psonya Hackett, Esq., M.B.A.

Partner Baker Botts LLP

Attorney The Law Office of Angela L. Dixon, PLLC

Attorney Gonzalez, Saggio & Harlan, LLP

Counsel Exxon Mobil

LaToya Jones Burrell, Esq.

Relationship Manager, Donor Relations United Way of Greater Houston

Attorney The Hackett Law Firm

Managing Partner The Cox Pradia Law Firm, P.L.L.C.

Shirley Jefferson, Esq.

Associate Dean for Diversity and Student Affairs Vermont Law School

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Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012


Regina Bynote Jones, Esq.

General Counsel – Research, Engineering, Manufacturing & Sustaining (REMS) Schlumberger

J. Goodwille Pierre, Esq.

General Counsel and Vice President of External Affairs, CBIC Construction & Development, LP

Reginald McKamie, Sr.

Rodney G. Moore, Esq. Attorney Moore Sparks LLC

Engineer Shell Oil Company

Carla Pratt, Esq.

Bryan D. Snoddy, Esq.

Deshonda Charles Tackett, Esq.

Attorney The Law Office of Reginald E. McKamie, Sr. A Professional Corporation

Professor of Law and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs Pennsylvania State University Dickinson School of Law

Lisa M. Tatum, Esq. Founder and Owner LM Tatum, PLLC

16 | www.blackprelawconference.com

General Counsel Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners

Brittany M. Teal, Esq. Sourcing Executive Novation, LLC

Chris Oliver

Attorney and Counselor at Law The Tackett Firm, PLLC

Twanda Turner-Hawkins, Esq. Managing Attorney Allstate Insurance Company

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Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

HONORARY CHAIR Lisa M. Tatum, Esq., Honorary Chair, National Black PreLaw Conference and Law Fair; President, State Bar of Texas (2013-2014); Founder and Owner, LM Tatum, PLLC (The Tatum Law Practice) Lisa M. Tatum is the founder and owner of LM Tatum, PLLC (The Tatum Law Practice) in San Antonio with a practice that focuses on corporate, education, employment and public finance law. Tatum serves as outside and general counsel to corporate clients, public and private, as well as individuals. Prior to forming her own firm, Tatum was Managing Associate at West & Associates L.L.P., an Associate with Escamilla & Poneck, Inc., and served as a Bexar County Assistant Criminal District Attorney in San Antonio. Tatum has served on the State Bar of Texas Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Budget Committee, and Audit & Finance Committee, among others. She has served as Co-Chair and Chair of the Discipline and Client Attorney Assistance Program Committee, and currently serves as Vice Chair of the Commission for Lawyer Discipline. She has been awarded a State Bar Presidential Citation and Outstanding Third Year Director Award. She is a Past President and former Director of the San Antonio Black Lawyers Association, Past Chair, former Vice Chair and member of the African American Lawyers Section of the State Bar, and a member of the Bexar County Women’s Bar Association. She is a member of the San Antonio Bar Association, American Bar Association and National Bar Association. Attorney Tatum received a B.A. in Government from Smith College and her J.D. from Santa Clara University School of Law, where she was inducted as a national member of the Order of Barristers.

We proudly support the Ninth Annual National Black Pre-Law Conference.

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Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

HONORARY CO-CHAIR David A. Chaumette, Esq., Honorary Co-Chair, National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair; Partner, Chaumette, PLLC, Attorneys at Law; President, Houston Bar Association (Houston, Texas) David A. Chaumette represents corporations in numerous industries on litigation matters pending across the United States. Those matters have included oil and gas, securities, software licensing, and employment–related disputes. He has tried several cases to jury verdict and has prosecuted appeals. He is also a leading lawyer on issues related to electronic discovery and data management. Mr. Chaumette, who has previously been a partner at two international law firms, is also a perennial “Super Lawyer” and “Rising Star.” Mr. Chaumette holds degrees in Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University and Stanford University and his law degree from The University of Chicago Law School. In 2011, Mr. Chaumette received the Standing Ovation Award from the Texas Bar for his service to TexasBarCLE. In 2009, Mr. Chaumette was recognized as an Extraordinary Minority in Texas Law by Texas Lawyer Magazine. The following year, the State Bar recognized him for his extraordinary contributions to continuing legal education programs across the state. In 2004, Mr. Chaumette was named as one of the Five Outstanding Young Houstonians by the Houston Junior Chamber of Commerce and one of the Five Outstanding Young Texans by the Texas Junior Chamber of Commerce. That year, he was also selected as a Volunteer of the Year by both the Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council and Volunteer of the Year of Aspiring Youth of Houston. In 2005, Mr. Chaumette was named to the Visitors Committee of the South Texas College of Law in Houston. In 2003, Mr. Chaumette was admitted into the Pro Bono College of the State Bar of Texas because of his commitment to pro bono work. In 2006, Mr. Chaumette was named one of the 500 New Stars by Lawdragon.com. He has also been named “Texas Rising Star” and a “Super Lawyer” by Law & Politics Magazine.for several consecutive years. Attorney Chaumette’s professional affiliations include: Member of the Board and Executive Committee of the Houston Bar Association, Member of the Board and Executive Committee of Neighborhood Centers, Inc., Member of the Board and Executive Committee of the First Colony Little League, Texas Board of Disciplinary Appeal, Fellow of the American Law Institute, Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America, National Bar Association, Houston Lawyers Association, College of the State Bar of Texas, and Pro Bono College of the State Bar of Texas. He has also been the President or Chair of several organizations, including the Houston Young Lawyers Association, Leadership Houston, the Houston Lawyers Foundation, and First Colony Little League. Mr. Chaumette is admitted to practice before the state courts of Texas, the U.S. District Court for the Northern, Southern, Western and Eastern Districts of Texas and the District of Colorado, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, and the U.S. Supreme Court. www.blackprelawconference.com | 19




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

The 9th Annual National BLACK


Conference and Law Fair 2013 Friday, November 15, 2013 to Saturday, November 16, 2013 The Westin Houston, Memorial City Houston, Texas



8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.


9:00 A.M. – 9:55 A.M.

Friday Morning Opening Keynote Session

Arrive before 8:30 A.M. to receive a special gift bag! Featuring Honorary Co-Chair: • David A. Chaumette, Esq., President, Houston Bar Association and Owner, Chaumette PLLC Attorneys at Law Special Guests: • J. Goodwille Pierre, Esq., Vice President, Sections and Divisions, National Bar Association and General Counsel and Vice President of External Affairs, CBC Construction & Development LLC • Victoria Walker, Esq., Chairperson, National Black Law Students Association and J.D. Candidate and Master’s of Public Policy Candidate (J.D./MPP) George Mason University School of Law and School of Public Policy

20 | www.blackprelawconference.com

ROOM NAME AND FLOOR Azalea Foyer 4, 5 4th Floor Azalea Ballroom 4th Floor




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012



EVENT Keynote Speakers: • Vernon G. Baker, Esq., Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Meritor, Inc. (Troy, Michigan) • Patricia Rosier, Esq., President, National Bar Association and Managing Partner, Rosier Law Firm (Washington, DC and Largo, Maryland)

10:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M.


Wisteria I & II 3rd Floor

Mock Law School Admissions Committee: An Inside Look at How Admissions Officers Think 11:10 A.M. – 12:10 P.M.


Wisteria I & II 3rd Floor

WORKSHOP SESSION The Personal Statement and the Diversity Statement: Similarities, Differences, Tips and Techniques

11:30 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.

Law School Appreciation Luncheon By Invitation Only. For Law School Representatives.

Wisteria III & IV 3rd Floor

Sponsored by BARBRI 12:10 P.M. – 1:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M.


Willow 4th Floor

PANEL DISCUSSION Where You Choose to Go to Law School Matters: How to Select the Best Law School for You

2:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.


Azalea Ballroom 4th Floor

5:00 P.M. – 5:30 P.M.



5:30 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.

Signature Events: Law School Admission and Preparation Advice Help Clinic™ and

Pine Cypress Pecan

Personal Statement, Diversity Statement, Resume, and Addendum Practical Assistance Session™ Meet one-on-one with law students, law school representatives, and attorneys to get your questions answered, or to get a quick review or opinion regarding any of your admission materials

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Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

TIME 5:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M.

EVENT ATTORNEY CLES How to Get the Most Out of Free Online Legal Research and Protecting Your Clients’ Retirement at Any Age With Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs)

ROOM NAME AND FLOOR Willow 4th Floor

Presented by the Houston Lawyers Association Earn two (2) hours of FREE Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit 6:30 P.M. – 9:00 P.M.

Speed Networking and Making Connections Reception/ Social Mixer

024 Lounge Lobby Level

Sponsored by Baker Botts LLP Complimentary Appetizers. Cash Bar. * Ticketed Event.

Saturday, November 16, 2013 TIME


8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.


9:00 A.M. – 9:55 A.M.

Saturday Morning Opening Keynote Session

Arrive before 8:30 A.M. to receive raffle tickets for prize drawings! Featuring Honorary Chair: • Lisa M. Tatum, Esq., President, State Bar of Texas and Founder and Owner, LM Tatum, PLLC (The Tatum Law Practice) Special Guests: • Terence Norman, Esq., President, African American Lawyers Section, State Bar of Texas and Owner, The Norman Law Group, P.C. • Jermecia A. Beachem, Esq., President, Houston Lawyers Association and Attorney at Law, The Beachem Law Firm Keynote Speakers: • Donise E. Brown, Esq., Director-Corporate Counsel, Real Estate and Corporate Affairs, Starbucks Coffee Company (Coral Gables, Florida) • Daryl K. Washington, Esq., Founder & Editor, Black Legal Issues and Managing Partner, The Law Offices of Daryl K. Washington, P.C. (Dallas, Texas)

22 | www.blackprelawconference.com

ROOM NUMBER AND FLOOR Azalea Foyer 4, 5 4th Floor Azalea 4, 5, 6 4th Floor




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012




10:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M.


Azalea 4, 5, 6 4th Floor

PANEL DISCUSSION Law Firms May Be Committed to Diversity and Inclusion, But Why Is That Advantageous to Pre-Law Students? Presented in partnership with The Association of Law Firm Diversity Professionals FOCUS: EARLY OUTREACH AND CAREER EXPLORATION Concurrent Session:

Cypress 4th Floor

PANEL DISCUSSION Your Preparation for Law School Starts Today! Things You Can Do Right Now to Get Ready for Law School (Advice and Information on Diversity Pipeline and Preparation Programs) 11:15 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.

FOCUS: THE LAW SCHOOL ADMISSION TEST (LSAT) Concurrent Session: PANEL DISCUSSION African Americans and the LSAT: The Truth About What It Really Takes to Conquer This Very Important, High-Stakes Entrance Exam FOCUS: SOCIAL JUSTICE AND LEGAL EDUCATION Mock Law School Class (Dr. Artika R. Tyner, Esq., M.P.P.) Writing as Advocacy: Using Your Legal Skills to Create Transformation

12:30 P.M. – 1:30 P.M.

Azalea 4, 5, 6 4th Floor

Cypress 4th Floor

LUNCH – On Your Own

1:30 P.M. – 5:30 P.M.

Mock Diagnostic LSAT Administration Presented by Blueprint Test Preparation

Pine 4th Floor

1:30 P.M. – 2:45 P.M.


Cypress 4th Floor

PANEL DISCUSSION The Law School Financial Investment: How to Pay for Law School, Minimize Student Loan Debt, and Determine the Value and Return on Investment (ROI) of the Law Degree FOCUS: RACE AND THE LAW SCHOOL EXPERIENCE PANEL DISCUSSION Life as a Black Law Student: Coping Strategies for Effectively Dealing with Racism and Prejudice, and Ways to Make Positive Contributions to the Law School Community and in Legal Work Settings

Azalea 4, 5, 6 4th Floor

www.blackprelawconference.com | 23




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

TIME 3:00 P.M. – 4:15 P.M.


ROOM NUMBER AND FLOOR Azalea 4, 5, 6 4th Floor

PANEL DISCUSSION Law School Success 101: How to Best Prepare for and Make the Most of the Entire Law School Experience FOCUS: INTRODUCTION TO THE CASE METHOD AND THE SOCRATIC METHOD OF INSTRUCTION

Cypress 4th Floor

Mock Law School Class (Dr. Carlton Mark Waterhouse, Esq., M.T.S.) 4:30 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.


5:30 P.M. – 6:30 P.M.

WORKSHOP SESSION LSAT Test-Taking Strategies Session

Pine 4th Floor

7:00 P.M. – 7:30 P.M.

Entrance of Guests, Red Carpet Photos and Networking

Wisteria Foyer 3rd Floor

7:30 P.M. – 10:30 P.M.

Legacy Builders Awards Banquet & Aspiring Lawyers Pinning Ceremony Featuring Keynote Speaker:

Wisteria Ballroom 3rd Floor

PANEL DISCUSSION African American Lawyers: Different Career Paths and Possibilities

Azalea 4, 5, 6 4th Floor

• Dr. Walter L. Sutton, Jr., Esq., Associate General Counsel – Legal Administration and External Relations, WalMart Stores (Bentonville, Arkansas/Dallas, Texas) Legacy Builder Awards Honorees: • James M. Douglas, Esq., Distinguished Professor of Law and Vice President for Governmental Relations and Community Affairs,Texas Southern University (Houston, Texas) • Dr. Benjamin L. Hall, III, Esq., Founder, The Hall Law Firm (Houston, Texas) • Kim M. Keenan, Esq., General Counsel, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (Washington, DC) • The Honorable Damon J. Keith, Senior Judge, United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit (Detroit, Michigan) • Julieanna Richardson, Esq., Public Historian and Founder, The HistoryMakers (Chicago, Illinois) 11:30 P.M. – 2:00 A.M.

National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair Official After Party Sponsored by The University of Houston Black Law Students Association

24 | www.blackprelawconference.com

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www.blackprelawconference.com | 27




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

The 9th Annual National BLACK


Conference and Law Fair 2013

Friday Morning Opening Keynote Session The Westin Houston Memorial City Houston, Texas Azalea Ballroom Friday, November 15, 2013 9:00 a.m.


WELCOME Evangeline M. Mitchell, Esq., Ed.M. Founder & Executive Director, National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair 28 | www.blackprelawconference.com

OPENING PRAYER/INVOCATION Pastor John D. Ogletree, Jr., Esq. Founding Pastor, First Metropolitan Baptist Church




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

WELCOME TO HOUSTON, GREETINGS & INTRODUCTION OF KEYNOTE SPEAKER David A. Chaumette, Esq., Honorary Co-Chair, National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair 2013 President, Houston Bar Association Partner, Chaumette, PLLC, Attorneys at Law Houston, Texas KEYNOTE SPEAKER Patricia Rosier, Esq. President, National Bar Association Managing Partner, Rosier Law Firm Washington, DC and Largo, Maryland

GREETINGS & INTRODUCTION OF KEYNOTE SPEAKER Victoria Walker J.D. Candidate, George Mason University School of Law and M.P.P. Candidate, George Mason University School of Public Policy National Chairperson, National Black Law Students Association (NBLSA) Arlington, Virginia KEYNOTE SPEAKER Vernon G. Baker, Esq. Senior Vice President and General Counsel Meritor, Inc. Troy, Michigan

OVERVIEW OF THE DAY’S EVENTS AND SPONSOR/PARTNER RECOGNITION …. Evangeline M. Mitchell, Esq., Ed.M. Founder & Executive Director, National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair BENEDICTION … Pastor John D. Ogletree, Jr., Esq. Founding Pastor, First Metropolitan Baptist Church www.blackprelawconference.com | 29




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

The 9th Annual National BLACK


Conference and Law Fair 2013

Saturday Morning Opening Keynote Session The Westin Houston Memorial City Houston, Texas Azalea Ballroom Saturday, November 16, 2013, 9:00 a.m.


WELCOME Evangeline M. Mitchell, Esq., Ed.M. Founder & Executive Director, National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair

OPENING PRAYER/INVOCATION Reverend Gwen Pierre Associate Minister, Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church

GREETINGS & INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER AND HONORARY CHAIR Terence Norman, Esq. Chairperson, African American Lawyers Section, State Bar of Texas Attorney at Law, The Norman Law Group, P.C. 30 | www.blackprelawconference.com




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

SPECIAL GUEST REMARKS & INTRODUCTION OF KEYNOTE SPEAKER Lisa M. Tatum, Esq. Honorary Chair, National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair 2013 President, State Bar of Texas Founder and Owner, LM Tatum, PLLC (The Tatum Law Practice) San Antonio, Texas KEYNOTE SPEAKER Daryl K. Washington, Esq. Founder, Black Legal Issues Partner, The Law Office of Daryl K. Washington, PLLC Attorneys at Law Dallas, Texas GREETINGS & INTRODUCTION OF KEYNOTE SPEAKER Jermecia A. Beachem, Esq. President, Houston Lawyers Association Attorney and Counselor at Law, The Beachem Law Firm

KEYNOTE SPEAKER Donise E. Brown, Esq. Director, Corporate Counsel Law & Corporate Affairs Starbucks Coffee Company Coral Gables, Florida

OVERVIEW OF THE DAY’S EVENTS AND SPONSOR/PARTNER RECOGNITION …. Evangeline M. Mitchell, Esq., Ed.M. Founder & Executive Director, National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair BENEDICTION … Reverend Gwen Pierre Associate Minister, Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church www.blackprelawconference.com | 31




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012


Johnny Alfred III, Esq.

Attorney and Counselor at Law; Legal Consultant, The Vilandos Firm

Olaide A. Banks, Esq., CPA

Attorney and Counselor at Law, Banks & Associates

Ashley Cloud

Second-Year Law Student, Howard University School of Law

Rachel J. Anderson, Esq.

Professor of Law, UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law

Tamoka Bellard, PharmD

Third-Year Law Student, South Texas College of Law and President, Black Law Students Association

Arthur Bryan, II, Esq.

Claims Specialist, Bechtel Oil, Gas and Chemicals, Inc.

32 | www.blackprelawconference.com

Ricky Anderson, Esq.

Managing Partner, Law Firm of Anderson & Smith, P.C.

Vicki D. Blanton, Esq.

Lorenzo Azar Banks, Esq. Founder and Owner, Minority Report Law PLLC; Director of Diversity Initiatives, Oklahoma City University School of Law

Jamila M. Brinson, Esq.

Senior Benefits Counsel, American Airlines, Inc.

Associate, Jackson Walker LLP

Amber Burton, J.D.

Collins J. Byrd Jr., MBA

Social Security Liaison, Brauchle Law Firm PLLC

Assistant Dean for Admissions, University of Iowa College of Law




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

Elizabeth A. Campbell, Esq.

Partner and Chief Diversity Officer, Andrews Kurth LLP

Tiece Dempsey, Esq., M.H.A.

Law Clerk, U.S. District Court Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange, Chief U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Oklahoma

Tamecia Glover Harris, Esq., MBA

Associate, Lewis, Brisbois, Bisgaard, and Smith LLP

Yvonne CherenaPacheco, Esq., LL.M.

Sandra Cox-McCarty, Esq.

Associate Director of Admission, University of Denver Sturm College of Law

Associate Dean for Administration and Diversity Initiatives, University of Mississippi School of Law

Angela L. Dixon, Esq.

Lacy L. Durham, Esq., MBA, LL.M.

Attorney and Counselor at Law, Law Office of Angela L. Dixon, P.L.L.C.

Michele Hayes, J.D., LL.M.

Director of Student Recruiting, Office of Admissions, University of Maryland School of Law

Tax Manager, Deloitte Tax LLP

Tracie J. Jackson, Esq. Attorney at Law, Frye, Oaks & Benavidez PLLC

Jermaine Cruz, Esq.

Director of Admissions, University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law

Erika Evans

Second-Year Law Student, Seattle University School of Law; Chapter Relations Specialist, National Black Law Students Association

Sylvia James, Esq.

Diversity Counsel, Baker Botts LLP

www.blackprelawconference.com | 33




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

Rachel E. Kelly, Esq.

Associate, Cabaniss, Johnston, Gardner, Dumas & O’Neal, LLP

Jalene M. Mack, Esq.

Entertainment Attorney, The Law Office of Jalene M. Mack; Founder and Artistic Director, Mack Performing Arts Collective, Inc. (MPAC)

Audrey Moorehead, Esq.

Attorney and Counselor at Law, Law Offices of Audrey Moorehead

Calvin Benjamin Lester, Jr., Esq. Lead Criminal Justice Professor, Jarvis Christian College

Akilah Mance, Esq.

Demetra Liggins, Esq.

Partner, Thompson & Knight LLP

Myra McIntosh, Esq.

Bianca D. Mack, Esq., MBA

Assistant Dean for Admissions & Financial Aid, The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law

Jana P. Mims

Felony Assistant District Attorney, Harris County District Attorney’s Office

Partner, McIntosh & Ward and Professor and Legal Studies Director, Paul Quinn College

Third-Year Law Student, Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University; MBA Candidate, Jesse H. Jones School of Law, Texas Southern University

Johali Muzaliwa

Crystal Nance, M.Ed.

Chibundu Nnake, J.D., MBA

Third-Year Law Student, University of Houston Law Center; Chairperson, Rocky Mountain Region, National Black Law Students Association

34 | www.blackprelawconference.com

Assistant Director of Admission and Diversity Initiatives, Drake Law School

Social Entrepreneur




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

J. Goodwille Pierre, Esq.

General Counsel and Vice President of External Affairs, CBC Construction & Development, LLC; Vice President, National Bar Association

Carroll G. Robinson, Esq. Associate Professor, Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs, Texas Southern University

Jennifer Sims, Esq., MBA

Assistant Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid, Suffolk University School of Law

Sergio A. Pozzerle, Esq. Partner, Sidley Austin LLP

Marredia Rogers, MPA Diversity & Inclusion Manager, Bracewell & Giuliani LLP

Quentin Smith, Esq.

Associate, Vinson & Elkins LLP

Johnny D. Pryor, Esq.

Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law

The Honorable Oswald J. Scott, Jr., Esq. Municipal Judge, City of Houston

Damario SolomonSimmons, J.D., M.Ed.

Founder & Managing Partner, Solomon Simmons Sharrock & Associates

Troy A. Riddle, Esq., MBA

Director of Diversity Affairs and Outreach, The John Marshall Law School (Chicago)

Ayomide Shittu

Second-Year Law Student, University of Texas at Austin School of Law

Duane Tobias, Esq.

Assistant Director of Admission, Columbus School of Law, The Catholic University of America

www.blackprelawconference.com | 35




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

Artika R. Tyner, Esq., MPP, Ed.D.

Clinical Law Faculty and Director of Diversity, University of St. Thomas School of Law (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

Renate J. Wagner

Soluto Uba, Esq.

Associate, Beacon Hill Legal Services

Diana N. Walker, Esq.

Diversity and Inclusion Manager, Vinson & Elkins LLP

Senior Associate, Tax Controversy Services Group, alliantgroup lp

Victoria Walker

Carlton Mark Water-

Third-Year Law Student, George house, M.T.S., J.D., Ph.D. Mason University School of Law; Professor of Law and MPP Candidate, George Mason Dean’s Fellow, Indiana UniUniversity School of Public Policy; versity Robert H. McKinney National Chairperson, National School of Law Black Law Students Association

36 | www.blackprelawconference.com

www.blackprelawconference.com | 37




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

The 9th Annual National BLACK


Conference and Law Fair 2013 Friday, November 15, 2013 to Saturday, November 16, 2013 The Westin Houston, Memorial City Houston, Texas

WORKSHOP SESSIONS AND PANEL DISCUSSIONS FOCUS: EARLY OUTREACH AND CAREER EXPLORATION Your Preparation for Law School Starts Today! Things You Can Do Right Now to Get Ready for Law School (Advice and Information on Diversity Pipeline and Preparation Programs) A Special Session for High School Students, Beginning/Early Year College Students, and Parents and Advisors Date/Time: Saturday, November 16, 2013, 10:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. Location: Cypress (4th Floor) Description: This session provides insight on things high school students and beginning/early year college students can begin doing now to prepare themselves to become competitive law school candidates and law students. Concrete suggestions regarding academic performance, college choice, choice of majors, extracurricular involvement and leadership, research opportunities, summer programs, work experiences, preparation for the SAT and the LSAT, career exploration, and more will be discussed. The focus of this session is on early preparation and things that can be done early to place future law students in the best position to compete before it’s too late. It is very important for students to be strategic and thoughtfully consider how they can make themselves the very best standout students and leaders well before filling out their law school applications. The advice shared will help both high schoolers and beginning or early year college students learn how to be outstanding and shine whether or not they ultimately decide to pursue law school or another graduate or professional degree program, path or career choice. Panelists will also share information on both high school programs and college pipeline 38 | www.blackprelawconference.com




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

summer and year-round programs that students can apply for and get involved in to help them gain a head start so they can be well prepared for the many challenges ahead in pursuing a professional legal education. PANELISTS: • Calvin B. Lester, Jr., J.D., Lead Professor of Criminal Justice and Pre-Law Advisor, Jarvis Christian College • Akilah Mance, Esq., Felony Assistant District Attorney, Harris County District Attorney’s Office • Myra McIntosh, Esq., Partner, McIntosh & Ward; Legal Studies Director and Professor, Paul Quinn College • Crystal Nance, M.Ed., Assistant Director of Admission and Diversity Initiatives, Drake Law School • Carroll G. Robinson, Esq., Associate Professor, Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs, Texas Southern University • Damario Solomon-Simmons, Esq., M.Ed., Founder & Managing Partner, SolomonSimmonsSharrock & Associates, PLLC and Founder and Program Director, Tulsa + Plus Pipeline Program MODERATOR: Johnny D. Pryor, Esq., Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law

FOCUS: THE LAW SCHOOL ADMISSIONS PROCESS Mock Law School Admissions Committee: An Inside Look at How Admissions Officers Think Date/Time: Friday, November 15, 2013, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Location: Wisteria I & II (3rd Floor) Description: Law school admissions professionals will explain the process that they go through in reviewing applications and configuring incoming classes. They will then discuss fictitious applicants openly as if they were in an actual law school admissions committee meeting. The purpose is so that attendees can witness how admissions committee members really think and what they are looking for in selecting competitive applicants that will contribute to the class they are putting together. Participants will gain the opportunity to follow along while looking at practical examples of the credentials being considered by the admissions committee at Any Law School USA. This panel discussion will provide invaluable ”insider” insight pre-law students need to better understand how the highly competitive law school admission selection process really works, and how they might stand apart from the competition. PANELISTS • Yvonne Cherena-Pacheco, Esq., LL.M., Associate Director of Admission, University of Denver Sturm College of Law www.blackprelawconference.com | 39




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

• Jermaine Cruz, J.D., Director of Admissions, University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law • Michele Hayes, J.D., LL.M., Director of Student Recruiting, Office of Admissions, University of Maryland School of Law • Bianca D. Mack, Esq., MBA, Assistant Dean for Admissions & Financial Aid, The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law • Jennifer Sims, Esq., MBA, Assistant Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid, Suffolk University School of Law • Duane Tobias, Esq., Assistant Director of Admissions, Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law

FOCUS: THE LAW SCHOOL ADMISSION TEST (LSAT) African Americans and the LSAT: The Truth About What It Really Takes to Conquer This Very Important, High-Stakes Entrance Exam Date/Time: Saturday, November 16, 2013, 11:15 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. Location: Azalea 4, 5 & 6 (4th Floor) Description: This panel discusses the extremely important role that the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) plays in distinguishing applicants for admission and its usefulness as a predictor of success during the first year in law school. Panelists impart critical information on how applicants can best prepare themselves to perform at their highest level on this extremely important, high stakes exam. Test preparation and test-taking strategies will be shared. There will also be discussion about some of the factors that lead to African Americans’ underperforming on this exam, and how future test takers can avoid making common mistakes and buying into stereotypes and misconceptions about Blacks inability to “test well” that contribute to less than stellar scores. PANELISTS: • Rachel E. Kelly, Esq., Associate, Cabaniss, Johnston, Gardner, Dumas & O’Neal, LLP • Myra McIntosh, Esq., Partner, McIntosh & Ward; Legal Studies Director and Professor, Paul Quinn College • Duane Tobias, Esq., Assistant Director of Admissions, The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law • Carlton Mark Waterhouse, Esq., M.T.S., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Law and Dean’s Fellow, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law MODERATOR: Troy Riddle, Esq., M.B.A., Director of Diversity Affairs and Outreach, The John Marshall Law School (Chicago)

40 | www.blackprelawconference.com




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

FOCUS: LAW SCHOOL ESSAYS - PERSONAL STATEMENTS AND DIVERSITY STATEMENTS The Personal Statement and the Diversity Statement: Similarities, Differences, Tips and Techniques Date/Time: Friday, November 15, 2013, 1:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M. Location: Willow (4th Floor) Description: This workshop will cover the personal statement and the diversity statement. The personal statement is a written piece that is used by law school applicants, and reviewed by law school admission officers. Many law school admissions offices also request a diversity statement. Come hear and see what the differences are between the two documents and learn about the role that each one plays in the law school admissions process. Also attendees will gain some vital information about what makes a good statement, and what makes a statement dysfunctional.

FOCUS: FINANCING A LEGAL EDUCATION The Law School Financial Investment: How to Pay for Law School, Minimize Student Loan Debt and Determine the Value and Return on Investment (ROI) of the Law Degree Date/Time: Saturday, November 16, 2013, 1:30 P.M. – 2:45 P.M. Location: Cypress (4th Floor) Description: The featured panelists in this session will discuss how aspiring lawyers without personal or family wealth will be able to finance an expensive professional legal education. Information will be provided about funding resources available including federal and private loans, merit-based and need-based scholarships, fellowships, grants, and how incoming law students can qualify for them. They share information on Loan Repayment Assistance Programs (LRAPs) that are offered by law schools, state bar foundations, public interest employers, and federal and state governments for law graduates seeking lower-paying public interest careers. They will also talk about the importance of living within one’s means while a law student, debt management after law school graduation, and how one’s student debt load can impact their everyday lives and career decisions. Additionally, panelists will address “the law school value proposition” and whether they believe law school truly provides a return on the investment for graduates in the current economy. PANELISTS: • Olaide A. Banks, Esq., CPA, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Banks & Associates • Collins J. Byrd Jr., MBA, Assistant Dean for Admissions, University of Iowa College of Law www.blackprelawconference.com | 41




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

• Tiece Dempsey, Esq., M.H.A., Law Clerk to Chief U.S. District Court Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange, Western District of Oklahoma • Troy A. Riddle, Esq., MBA, Director of Diversity Affairs and Outreach, The John Marshall Law School (Chicago) • Jennifer Sims, Esq., MBA, Assistant Dean for Admissions & Financial Aid, Suffolk University School of Law MODERATOR: Bianca D. Mack, Esq., MBA, Assistant Dean for Admissions & Financial Aid, The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law

FOCUS: LAW SCHOOL SELECTION Where You Choose to Go to Law School Matters: How to Select the Best Law School for You Date/Time: Friday, November 15, 2013, 1:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M. Location: Willow (4th Floor) Description: Choosing the law school that is right for you is an important decision warranting thoughtful and serious consideration. During this session, panelists discuss the many factors a prospective law student needs to carefully consider when making a decision about what law schools to apply to and which to ultimately attend after receiving acceptance letters. They will also mention the best ways to go about doing research including talking to current students, alumni and visiting the law schools. A lawyer’s choice of which law school to attend will follow him/her throughout his/her entire career and life. Therefore, it is crucial that that they make the right decision about the law school that is the best fit, and that they can always be proud of having chosen to attend. PANELISTS: • Lorenzo Azar Banks, Esq., Founder and Owner, Minority Report Law PLLC and Director of Diversity Initiatives, Oklahoma City University School of Law • Arthur Bryan, II, Esq., Subcontracts Specialist, Mozambique Gas Development Project, Bechtel Oil, Gas and Chemicals, Inc. • Erika Evans, Second-Year Law Student, Seattle University School of Law; Chapter Relations Specialist, National Black Law Students Association • Sandra Cox-McCarty, Esq., Associate Dean for Administration and Diversity Initiatives, University of Mississippi School of Law • Johnny D. Pryor, Esq., Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law • Quentin L. Smith, Esq., Associate, Vinson & Elkins LLP MODERATOR: The Honorable Oswald J. Scott, Municipal Judge, City of Houston 42 | www.blackprelawconference.com




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

FOCUS: PREPARATION FOR LAW SCHOOL AND THE LAW SCHOOL EXPERIENCE Law School Success 101: How to Best Prepare for and Make the Most of the Entire Law School Experience Date/Time: Saturday, November 16, 2013, 3:00 P.M. – 4:15 P.M. Location: Azalea 4, 5 & 6 (4th Floor) Description: In this session, panelists will discuss what it is really like to be a law student – the academic expectations, pressures and the daily grind, as well as the competing demands and opportunities for law school participation outside of the classroom. They will provide strategies for achieving success in the classroom, during daily study and test preparation, and on exams. They will also weigh in on the true value of involvement and leadership in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, and how they are perceived by employers as well. Panelists will stress the importance of balance and having a life outside of law school, developing and maintaining relationships, and having a solid support system in place throughout the experience. Further, they will talk about what future law students can begin doing now and what programs they can apply to be a part of to prepare for the experience so that they will be able to hit the ground running and truly make the most of their law school experience. PANELISTS: • Amber Burton, J.D., Social Security Liaison, Brauchle Law Firm, PLLC • Tamoka Bellard, PharmD, Third-Year Law Student, South Texas College of Law • Tamecia Glover Harris, Esq., MBA, Associate, Lewis, Brisbois, Bisgaard, and Smith LLP • Jana Mims, Third-Year Law Student, Thurgood Marshall School of Law Texas Southern University and MBA Student, Jesse H. Jones School of Business, Texas Southern University • Soluto Uba, Esq., Associate, Beacon Hill Legal Services • Victoria Walker, Third-Year Law Student, George Mason University School of Law and MPP Candidate, George Mason University School of Public Policy; Chairperson, National Black Law Students Association MODERATOR: Rachel J. Anderson, Esq., Professor of Law, William S. Boyd School of Law, University of Las Vegas

FOCUS: RACE AND THE LAW SCHOOL EXPERIENCE Life as a Black Law Student: Coping Strategies for Effectively Dealing with Racism and Prejudice, and Ways to Make Positive Contributions to the Law School Community and in Legal Work Settings www.blackprelawconference.com | 43




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

Date/Time: Saturday, November 16, 2013, 1:30 P.M. – 2:45 P.M. Location: Azalea 4, 5 & 6 (4th Floor) Description: This session discusses the importance of diversity in law schools, and the challenges that this diversity can bring. Panelists address the realities of prejudice and discrimination in a diverse law school environment, particularly issues that Black law students must face. The discussion will provide helpful suggestions to assist future law students in understanding that they can use such instances as opportunities for teaching moments and leadership in the law school community precisely due to their unique experiences and perspectives. There will also be discussion about navigating racial issues in legal work settings while still a law student that can help them to be successful during internships, clinical experiences and beyond. PANELISTS: • Johnny Alfred III, Esq., Legal Consultant, The Vilandos Firm, P.C. • Ashley Cloud, Second-Year Law Student, Howard University School of Law • Audrey Moorehead, Esq., Attorney at Law, Law Offices of Audrey Moorehead • Johali Muzaliwa, Third-Year Law Student, University of Houston Law Center; Chair, Rocky Mountain Region, National Black Law Students Association • Chibundu Nnake, J.D., MBA, Social Entrepreneur • Ayomide Shittu, Second-Year Law Student, University of Texas School of Law • Diana N. Walker, Esq., Senior Associate, Tax Controversy Services Group, alliantgroup lp MODERATOR: Jamila M. Brinson, Esq., Associate, Jackson Walker LLP

FOCUS: ENTRY INTO THE LEGAL FIELD, PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND CAREER ADVANCEMENT Law Firms May Be Committed to Diversity and Inclusion, But Why Is That Advantageous to Pre-Law Students? Date/Time: Saturday, November 16, 2013, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Location: Azalea 4, 5 & 6 (4th Floor) Description: This panel of law firm practitioners and professionals will discuss the realities of the legal market for students of color. Based upon their collective experiences, they will share practical advice about enhancing prospects for entry into law firms. They will also discuss best practices for professional development and advancement in the legal industry. 44 | www.blackprelawconference.com




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

PANELISTS: • Sylvia James, Esq., Diversity Counsel, Baker Botts LLP • Sergio A. Pozzerle, Esq., Partner, Sidley Austin LLP • Marredia Rogers, MPA, Diversity & Inclusion Manager, Bracewell & Giuliani LLP • Renate J. Wagner, Diversity & Inclusion Manager, Vinson & Elkins LLP MODERATOR: Elizabeth A. Campbell, Esq., Partner and Chief Diversity Officer, Andrews Kurth LLP

FOCUS: CAREER OPTIONS African American Lawyers: Different Career Paths and Possibilities Date/Time: Saturday, November 16, 2013, 4:30 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. Location: Azalea 4, 5 & 6 (4th Floor) Description: Panelists will briefly discuss their educational and career backgrounds, as well as their current positions and the work they do as lawyers. This panel is designed to expose aspiring Black lawyers to the various possibilities available to those possessing a professional legal education. Additionally, tips will be given as to how to gain entry into these various jobs and what it really takes to perform them. Panelists also address the additional challenges that African American lawyers face and how to overcome them. PANELISTS: • Ricky Anderson, Esq., Managing Partner, Law Firm of Anderson & Smith, PC • Vicki D. Blanton, Esq., Senior Benefits Counsel, American Airlines, Inc. • Lacy Durham, Esq., Tax Manager, Deloitte Tax LLP • Tracie J. Jackson, Esq., Attorney at Law, Frye, Oaks & Benavidez PLLC and Municipal Judge, City of Houston • Demetra L. Liggins, Esq., Partner, Partner, Thompson & Knight LLP • Akilah Mance, Esq., Felony Assistant District Attorney, Harris County District Attorney’s Office • Jalene M. Mack, Esq., Entertainment Attorney, The Law Office of Jalene M. Mack; Founder and Artistic Director, Mack Performing Arts Collective, Inc. (MPAC) MODERATOR: J. Goodwille Pierre, Esq., M.Ed., General Counsel and Vice President of External Affairs, CBIC Construction & Development, LP; Vice President, Sections and Divisions, National Bar Association

www.blackprelawconference.com | 45

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Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

LAW SCHOOL RECRUITMENT FAIR Friday, November 15, 2013 2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. Azalea Ballroom (Fourth Floor) Participating Law Schools Appalachian School of Law

Duquesne University School of Law

Arizona Summit Law School

Florida International University College of Law

Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School

Fordham University School of Law

Barry University School of Law

George Mason University School of Law

Baylor Law School

Gonzaga University School of Law

Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law – Yeshiva University

Harvard University School of Law

Boston College Law School Brooklyn Law School

Indiana University Maurer School of Law – Bloomington

Case Western Reserve University School of Law

Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law

Chapman University School of Law

Louisiana State University Paul M. Hebert Law Center

Charleston School of Law Charlotte School of Law Chicago-Kent School of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology

Howard University School of Law

Loyola Law School Los Angeles Loyola University New Orleans College of Law Marquette University Law School

Columbia Law School

Massachusetts School of Law

Columbus School of Law - The Catholic University of America

Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University

DePaul University College of Law

Mercer University School of Law

Cornell Law School

Mississippi College School of Law

Cumberland School of Law at Samford University

New England Law | Boston New York Law School

Drake University Law School

Northeastern University School of Law

Drexel University Earle Mack School of Law

Northern Illinois University College of Law

48 | www.blackprelawconference.com




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

Northwestern University School of Law

University of Denver Sturm College of Law

Oklahoma City University School of Law

University of Florida Levin College of Law

Pennsylvania State University The Dickinson School of Law

University of Houston Law Center

Pepperdine University School of Law

University of Iowa College of Law

Regent University School of Law

University of Kansas School of Law

Roger Williams University School of Law

University of Maryland School of Law

Saint Louis University School of Law

University of Memphis School of Law

Seattle University School of Law

University of Michigan Law School

Seton Hall University School of Law

University of Mississippi School of Law

South Texas College of Law

University of New Hampshire School of Law

Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law

University of North Carolina School of Law

Southern University Law Center Southwestern Law School St. Mary’s University School of Law Stetson University College of Law Suffolk University School of Law SUNY Buffalo Law School Texas A&M University School of Law Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall School of Law

University of Idaho College of Law

University of North Texas College of Law University of Oregon School of Law University of San Francisco School of Law University of Texas School of Law University of the District of Columbia Clarke School of Law University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law University of Washington School of Law University of Wisconsin School of Law

Texas Tech University School of Law

Valparaiso University School of Law

The John Marshall Law School (Chicago)

Vanderbilt Law School

Thomas Jefferson School of Law

Vermont Law School

Tulane University Law School

Villanova University School of Law

University of Alabama School of Law

Washburn University School of Law

University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law

Washington and Lee University School of Law

University of Arkansas at Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law

Western New England College School of Law

University of Baltimore School of Law University of California Irvine School of Law University of Colorado School of Law

West Virginia University College of Law Whittier Law School William Mitchell College of Law William S. Boyd School of Law, University of Nevada, Las Vegas www.blackprelawconference.com | 49




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Vernon G. Baker, Esq.,

Donise E. Brown, Esq.,

Patricia Rosier, Esq.,

Dr. Walter L. Sutton, Esq., MBA Associate General Counsel - Legal Administration and External Relations, WalMart Stores, Inc.

Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Meritor, Inc.

President, National Bar Association; Managing Partner, Rosier Law Firm

Daryl K. Washington, Esq.,

Founder, Black Legal Issues; Managing Partner, The Law Offices of Daryl K. Washington, P.C.

50 | www.blackprelawconference.com

Director-Corporate Counsel, Legal & Corporate Affairs, Starbucks Coffee Company




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

KEYNOTE SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES Vernon G. Baker, Esq., Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Meritor, Inc. Vernon Baker is Senior Vice President and General Counsel of Meritor, Inc. In this position, he has overall legal responsibility for all of Meritor’s global operations and its subsidiaries. In addition, Baker directs all legal activities in the corporation, including corporate governance, acquisitions and divestitures, litigation, business standards compliance, regulatory compliance, and intellectual property. He also has functional oversight responsibility for the environmental and health and safety areas. Prior to the July 2000 merger of Arvin Inc. and Meritor Automotive, Baker was Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary for Meritor Automotive. Before joining Meritor in 1999, Baker spent 17 years at Hoechst Celanese Corp., where he was Vice President and General Counsel, Corporate Research and Technology. Prior to that, he served as Associate General Counsel for Hoechst’s Advanced Material Group. Baker began his professional career in 1978 as an Associate with the law firm of Schnader, Harrison, Segal and Lewis. Two years later, he joined the Corporate Law department of Scott Paper Co. Baker holds a Bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H., and a Juris Doctorate from American University, Washington College of Law, in Washington, D.C.

Donise E. Brown, Esq., Director-Corporate Counsel, Legal & Corporate Affairs, Starbucks Coffee Company Donise E. Brown is a Director-Corporate Counsel for Starbucks Coffee Company. As Director Corporate Counsel for the Company’s Legal & Corporate Affairs Department (L&CA), Ms. Brown manages legal teams located in Florida and Georgia responsible for providing legal support for all of Starbucks real estate matters in www.blackprelawconference.com | 51




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

the Mid-Atlantic, Florida, Southeast and South Central Regions. In addition to providing legal services for Starbucks, she serves on the L&CA Diversity Committee and chairs the subcommittee responsible for, among other things, overseeing the surveying and review of its outside counsel annually to ensure that the firms retained by Starbucks reflect a commitment to diversity. She is also a member of the Diversity Council for the Regions she supports. Prior to joining Starbucks Coffee Company, Donise served as Chief Counsel for Cell Siting and Land Use and as Assistant Secretary for AT&T Wireless. In her role as Chief Counsel, Donise managed a national legal team that was responsible for supporting all of the leasing, land use, and zoning of real property for the build out of the Company’s wireless network throughout the United States. She and her team received the Company’s Circle of Excellence Team Award. Donise has also worked as a Principal Attorney for Florida Power & Light Company, Corporate Counsel for The Greyhound Corporation, and as an Associate for Winston & Strawn, LLP. Attorney Brown frequently participates as a speaker and panelist on topics related to her practice area and on the subject of diversity. Most recently, she served as a panelist at The Leadership Institute for Women of Color Attorneys’ 2008 Leadership Conference. Some of her professional and community affiliations include the American Bar Association, the National Bar Association, the Arizona Bar Association, the Florida Bar Association, Corporate Counsel Women of Color, the Minority Corporation Counsel Association, Delta Sigma Theta, Inc., Jack and Jill of America, Inc., and as a volunteer Florida Voting Rights Attorney for the 2008 Election.

Patricia Rosier, Esq., President, National Bar Association; Managing Partner, Rosier Law Firm Patricia Rosier is the Managing Partner at the Rosier Law Firm, with offices in Maryland and the District of Columbia, concentrating in real estate, securities, corporate/ finance, insurance, family and entertainment law, medical malpractice, personal injury, and mass torts. She has extensive experience in real estate (settlements, title insurance issuance for residential and commercial property); securities (including mergers/acquisitions), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulatory filings, bond issues and business law. 52 | www.blackprelawconference.com




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

Prior to entering private practice, Ms. Rosier served as General Counsel for Forum Capital Management, Inc, Associate General Counsel for Martin Marietta Corporation, General Counsel for American General Securities, Inc., Assistant General Counsel for American General Life Insurance Company, and Staff Attorney for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. She is currently the President of the Washington Bar Association Legal Fund, Inc. and The Christian Products Company. Attorney Rosier has had the following affiliations: The National Bar Association (former Vice President); The District of Columbia Bar Association; The National Investment Manager’s Association (former General Counsel); The Washington Bar Association (Vice President); J. Franklin Bourne Bar Association; Maryland State Bar Association; Prince George’s County Bar Association (Board Member); National Association of Realtors; and the Maryland Land Title Association. Ms. Rosier received her J.D. from the University of Denver College of Law and her B.S. from Colorado State University. She also attended the Certified Financial Analyst Program at the University of Virginia. She has received numerous awards including the C. Frances Stratford Award, which is the highest award bestowed by the National Bar Association. Ms. Rosier is a member of Leadership Greater Washington, The Links, Incorporated, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and The Society, Inc. Her favorite hobbies include golf, writing and collecting vintage movies. Ms. Rosier is currently the President of the National Bar Association.

Dr. Walter L. Sutton, Esq., MBA, Associate General Counsel Legal Administration and External Relations, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Walter L. Sutton, Jr. currently serves as Associate General Counsel of Legal Administration and External Relations at Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Prior to working at Wal-Mart in 2005, Dr. Sutton practiced law for over 40 years. Positions he has held include: Staff Attorney for Ford Motor Company, Attorney for Tenneco Oil Company, Attorney for Texas Instruments, Attorney for Hughes & Luce, Regional Counsel Head for the Environmental Protection Agency, Associate Administrator for Policy and Deputy Federal Highway Administrator for the Federal Highway Administration, and Chief of Staff and Special Assistant www.blackprelawconference.com | 53




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

to the President at the University of Texas at Dallas. In his current position at Wal-Mart, he manages the Legal Department’s diversity and external budget, and coordinates their diversity events. Dr. Sutton has led a long and stellar legal career and set an example as a trail blazer by breaking down doors as the very first African-American lawyer in some of these environments. Dr. Sutton currently serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors for the National Bar Association’s National Bar Institute. He has also served on the boards for the American Bar Foundation and the American Bar Association’s Diversity Center. In addition, he is Chairman of the Board of Trustees for Wiley College, a historically Black college located in his hometown of Marshall, Texas. He is also a member of the Board of Advisors for the University of Denver’s Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System, or IAALS. Dr. Sutton earned his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Denver, his Juris Doctor from the University of Michigan Law School, his Master of Business Administration from the University of Dallas, and his Doctorate of Philosophy in Management Science from the University of Texas at Dallas. He was recently honored with the Dallas Bar Association’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Justice Award, the American Bar Association’s Presidential Citation for Diversity Initiatives, and the American Bar Association’s Spirit of Excellence Award.

Daryl K. Washington, Esq., Founder, Black Legal Issues; Managing Partner, The Law Offices of Daryl K. Washington, P.C. Daryl Washington’s experience includes representing clients in a variety of commercial and general litigation matters, sports, entertainment and media representation, business transactions, civil rights law, settlement negotiations, depositions, mediations, contract and business practice disputes, and other matters involving complex and unique issues. Mr. Washington has represented clients before the Securities and Exchange Commission and Texas State Securities Board. He also provides legal advice for small business formations and assists businesses and individuals with contract negotiations. He utilizes his experiences as a former Contract Advisor with the National Football League Players Association and former member of the Grambling State University football team to serve as a consultant to athletes in their selection of an agent to represent them in NFL contract negotiations. 54 | www.blackprelawconference.com




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

He also represents athletes and entertainers with the negotiation of contracts and endorsement deals. Attorney Washington is also the creator of Black Legal Issues (BLI) (www.blacklegalissues.com), an online media source created to fill the void often left by the media that fails to focus on legal issues that impact Black communities. By highlighting stories that impact the Black community, it is BLI’s goal to place a national spotlight on daily injustices that are not given the needed attention. By doing so, BLI hopes to create a public outcry for CHANGE. Daryl is a member of the Dallas Bar Association (DBA), where he served as the 2006-2007 Chair of the Judicial Investiture Committee. He served on the DBA Board of Directors for 2003-04, and was a Board Advisor in 2004 on the Entertainment and Sport Committee, Legal Ethics Committee and Media Committee. He was the 2004 President of the J.L. Turner Legal Association and a member of the Board of Directors in 2003-04 and 2006. Daryl was the 2007-08 Region V Director for the National Bar Association. He served as Deputy Director in 2006-07, Assistant Deputy Director in 2005-06 and was Affiliate Chapter Representative in 2005. He also served as the Sports, Entertainment and Art Section’s Chair of Sports Programs in 2007-08. He was a Patrick E. Higginbotham American Inns of Court member for 2006-09. He served as a certified Contract Advisor for the National Football League Players Association from 2001-05. He is a member of the Board of Trustees at St. Philips School and Community Center. He served as Deputy Chief of Staff for the President of the National Bar Association in 2008-09. Attorney Washington earned his law degree from the Southern University Law Center and his Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Grambling State University. He is admitted to the following courts: the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas, the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas, the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Texas, the U.S. District Court, Western District of Texas and the U.S. Tax Court. He has received several awards and recognitions including the National Bar Association 2008 Presidential Award, National Bar Association 2007-2008 Outstanding Region of the Year (Mississippi, Texas & Louisiana), the National Bar Association’s Sports, Entertainment and Arts Section 2007 Attorney of the Year, and was a 2005 Dallas Bar Foundation Fellow.

www.blackprelawconference.com | 55





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Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

Invocations & Benedictions FRIDAY MORNING OPENING KEYNOTE SESSION Friday, November 15, 2013 Azalea Ballroom 9:00 a.m.

Pastor John D. Ogletree, Jr., Founding Pastor, First Metropolitan Baptist Church, Houston, Texas

SATURDAY MORNING KEYNOTE SESSION Saturday, November 16, 2013 Azalea Ballroom 9:00 a.m.

Reverend Gwenn Pierre, Associate Minister, Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church

LEGACY BUILDERS AWARDS BANQUET & ASPIRING LAWYERS PINNING CEREMONY Saturday, November 16, 2013 Wisteria Ballroom 7:30 p.m.

Reverend Reginald Lillie, Associate Minister, Greater True Faith Missionary Baptist Church

Pastor John D. Ogletree, Jr., Founding Pastor, First Metropolitan Baptist Church, Houston, Texas Pastor John D. Ogletree, Jr. is a native of Dallas, Texas. He obtained a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas at Arlington in 1973 and a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from South Texas College of Law in Houston, Texas in 1979. He accepted the call into the gospel ministry in 1982. In 1985, he was ordained at Antioch Missionary Baptist Church. He became the Founding Pastor of First Metropolitan Baptist Church in 1986. Pastor Ogletree provided leadership in the purchase of 25.2 acres of land along Beltway 8 in Northwest Houston. He is a Trustee and serves as President on the CyFair-Independent School District Board. Pastor Ogletree currently serves as 2nd Vice President of the Executive Board of the Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT). He formerly served as Chair and Vice-Chair of BGCT. He served as President of the African American Fellowship Association of BGCT. He has served two terms 58 | www.blackprelawconference.com




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

as Moderator of the Union Baptist Association. He holds a myriad of workshops including these topics: ABCs of Leadership Excellence, Building Team Capacity, Empowering Leaders, Leading for High Performance, Leaders Setting the Pace, Unlocking the Doors of Faith, Moving to the Next Level (a must for today’s church leaders), How to Keep Your Church Out of Court , and Marriage and the Family. Pastor Ogletree is a man on the cutting edge that operates out-of-thebox under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. His vision is vast and divinely orchestrated by almighty God.

Reverend Reginald Lillie, Associate Minister, Greater True Faith Missionary Baptist Church Reginald Lillie is Associate Minister at Greater True Faith Missionary Baptist Church. He is an Independent Insurance Broker as well as a sole proprietor of Reginald Lillie Insurance Service. Reverend Lillie’s many board duties include: President of the Houston Branch of the NAACP, Board of Trustees for the Methodist Willowbook Hospital, Board of Directors for the Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition, past Board of Directors for the Cy-Fair Houston Chamber of Commerce, and past Board of Trustees for the Cypress Fairbanks Educational Foundation. He is married with three children.

Reverend Gwenn Pierre, Associate Minister, Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church Rev. Gwenn Pierre is a native Houstonian and attended public schools in Houston. She is a proud 1967 graduate of Evan E. Worthing Senior High School and she is an active member of Worthing’s Alumni Association. She obtained a B.A. fegree from Florida International University in Miami, Florida, and the Juris Doctorate law degree from the Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University in Houston, where she was President of her law school class 2 of 3 years. She also attended the College of San Mateo in San Mateo, California, Chapman University in Orange, California, and Texas Southern University, where she was a cheerleader, actress and a leading lady in the TSU Thespians Drama Club, a class leader, an award-winning member of the world-renowned TSU Speech and Debate Team, and an officer in the Sigma Pi Alpha Forensic and Dialectical Symposium. She www.blackprelawconference.com | 59




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also attended the Houston Graduate School of Theology. Rev. Pierre has worked for the Attorney General’s Office of Texas, the National Bar Association, and the Howry & Simon Law Firm, both in Washington, D.C., Exxon Company’s Law Department, NASA’S Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston, and she has worked for several national sales companies as a National Training Director. Currently, Rev. Pierre, as an entrepreneur, has her own motivational training company, Gwenn Pierre & Associates, in which she conducts seminars and workshops across the country and internationally. She has been a professional speaker and trainer on the national and international speaking circuit for almost four decades, serving as a keynote speaker, trainer, workshop facilitator, and consultant. She is also a Personal Trainer and Life Coach, and a Senior Consultant with Ambit Energy. She promotes entrepreneurship and encourages young people to work toward owning their own businesses. Rev. Pierre’s deepest commitment in life is a spiritual one. She is an Evangelist and an Ordained Minister with the Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, where Rev. Dr. Marcus D. Cosby serves as the Senior Pastor and Rev. William A. Lawson is the Pastor Emeritus. She teaches Sunday School and Discipleship Training classes, and helps to lead in the Women’s Ministry and the Singles’ Ministry, as well as serving in Ruth Circle Mission and the Fresh Start Ministry serving new members.


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HONORARY CHAIR, National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair; President, State Bar of Texas (20132014); Founder and Owner, LM Tatum, PLLC (The Tatum Law Practice)

David A. Chaumette, Esq.

HONORARY COCHAIR, National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair; Partner, Chaumette, PLLC, Attorneys at Law; President, Houston Bar Association (Houston, Texas)

Jermecia A. Beachem, Esq.

J. Goodwille Pierre, Esq.

Terence C. Norman, Esq.

Victoria Walker

President, Houston Lawyers Association; Attorney & Counselor at Law, The Beachem Law Firm

Chair, African American Lawyers Section, State Bar of Texas; Attorney, The Norman Law Group, P.C.

62 | www.blackprelawconference.com

Vice President, National Bar Association, Sections and Divisions; General Counsel and Vice President of External Affairs, CBIC Construction & Development, LP

J.D./M.P.P. Candidate, George Mason University School of Law; National Chairperson, National Black Law Students Association




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKERS Jermecia A. Beachem, Esq., President, Houston Lawyers Association; Attorney & Counselor at Law, The Beachem Law Firm Jermecia A. Beachem is the current President of the Houston Lawyers Association, the African American bar association of Houston. She earned her Juris Doctor from Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University (Houston, Texas) and her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Davidson College (Davidson, NC). She is a member of the State Bar of Texas, the Houston Bar Association, the State Bar of Texas African American Lawyers Section and the State Bar of Texas Family Law Section.

J. Goodwille Pierre, Esq., Vice President, National Bar Association, Sections and Divisions; General Counsel and Vice President of External Affairs, CBIC Construction & Development, LP J. Goodwille Pierre attended Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia from 1983-1986 and Georgia State University from 1987-1989 where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry with a Minor in Physics. He later received a Master’s in Education from the University of Central Florida and his Doctor of Jurisprudence from South Texas College of Law in 2000. Goodwille Pierre is licensed in the Supreme Court of Texas, the Federal Southern District of Texas and the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Goodwille has also received Contract Compliance accreditation from the American Contract Compliance Association through Morgan State University. www.blackprelawconference.com | 63




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With over 15 years of experience in intellectual property, public relations, governmental relations and business development, he is an expert in federal disadvantage business law and federal Title VI law. Goodwille is a former Director on the Board of the State Bar of Texas, Past Chair of the African American Lawyers Section of the State Bar of Texas, and Past President of the Houston Lawyers Association. Goodwille currently serves as a National Vice President of the National Bar Association, Southwest Regional Director of the Airport Minority Advisory Council Board of Directors, and Vice President of the South Texas College of Law Alumni Association.

Terence C. Norman, Esq., Chair, African American Lawyers Section, State Bar of Texas; Attorney, The Norman Law Group, P.C. Terence C. Norman obtained his Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from the University of Texas at San Antonio, and his Doctorate of Jurisprudence from the Thurgood Marshall School of Law. He is a solo practitioner with The Norman Law Group, P.C. Mr. Norman is the current Chair of the African American Lawyers Section of the State Bar of Texas, and the Chair of the District 5 Grievance Committee. He is a past Board Member of the National Bar Association, the Houston Lawyers Referral Service and the Houston Lawyers Association. In addition to the African American Lawyers Section, he is also a member of the Criminal Law Section and the General Practice, Solo, and Small Firms Section with the State Bar of Texas. He is licensed in the Texas Southern District Bankruptcy Court of Texas and the United States Tax Court.

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Victoria Walker, J.D./M.P.P. Candidate, George Mason University School of Law and George Mason University School of Public Policy Victoria Walker is the 2013-2014 National Chair of the National Black Law Students Association, a 501(c)(3) organization comprised of over 200 chapters and almost 6,000 members. Ms. Walker attended the University of Virginia where she received Bachelor’s degrees in both History and Spanish and a minor in Foreign Affairs. Upon graduating from the university, Ms. Walker returned to Northern Virginia where she joined a Reston, Virginia patent and trademark law firm. She worked there from 2008 through the end of 2011 as a Patent Prosecution Specialist/ Analyst. Ms. Walker is currently a joint Juris Doctor and Master of Public Policy student at George Mason University in Arlington, Virginia.

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MOCK LAW SCHOOL CLASSES Two mock law school classes will be conducted on Saturday, November 16, 2013. The law professors who will be conducting these classes have earned both law degrees and doctorate degrees.

WRITING AS ADVOCACY: USING YOUR LEGAL SKILLS TO CREATE TRANSFORMATION Professor: Dr. Artika R. Tyner, Esq., M.P.P., Clinical Law Faculty and Director of Diversity, University of St. Thomas School of Law Date/Time/Location: Saturday, November 16, 2013 from 11:15 A.M. to 12:30 P.M., Cypress Room (4rd Floor) Description: Lawyers have a number of tools available to serve their clients’ needs and promote equal access to justice. These tools include: legal research & writing, oral advocacy, and creative problem solving. This mock class will focus specifically on writing as a tool for advocacy. Writing is an indispensable tool for attorneys. Attorneys employ writing as a tool in a range of settings whether it be writing a memorandum of law or a client letter. This class will focus on using writing as a tool to facilitate public policy reform and systemic change.

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Dr. Artika Tyner will draw upon her experience of practicing as a civil rights attorney and teaching in clinical educational programs by providing participants with hands-on experience in utilizing writing as advocacy. Participants will study real-life fact scenarios and draft related advocacy letters. About the Law Professor: Dr. Artika R. Tyner is a speaker, writer, and change agent. At the University of St. Thomas School of Law, Dr. Tyner serves as Clinical Law Faculty and Director of Diversity. She teaches in the Community Justice Project, an award-winning civil rights clinic. The work of the Community Justice Project focuses on training law students to serve as social engineers who create new inroads to justice and freedom. Tyner received her B.A. from Hamline University (Major: English; Certificate: Conflict Studies). Due to her passion for advocating for social justice and educational policy reform, she decided to pursue graduate studies at the University of St. Thomas. She began her journey with law school since she recognized that the law is a language of power and therefore she sought to become well versed in the law. Subsequently, Tyner earned a Master of Public Policy and Leadership in order to gain tools for effecting social change through policy reform efforts. Later, inspired by the legacy of W.E.B. Dubois, she obtained a Doctorate in Leadership. Her doctoral studies provided her with key tools for serving in her community and promoting social justice. Dr. Tyner is committed to empowering others to lead within their respective spheres of influence. She provides leadership development and career coaching for young professionals. She has also developed leadership educational materials for K-12 students, college/graduate students, faith communities and nonprofits. Additionally, her book entitled: “Leading for Change: The Lawyer’s Guide to Planting People and Growing Justice,” will be published by the American Bar Association in 2014. Her research focuses on diversity/inclusion, community development, and civil rights. She has presented her research and conducted leadership training programs both nationally and internationally. Dr. Tyner leads by example by organizing policy campaigns, fostering restorative justice practices, developing social entrepreneurship initiatives, and promoting assets-based community development. She serves as a global citizen by supporting education, entrepreneurship, and women’s leadership initiatives in Africa.

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TRADITIONAL MOCK LAW SCHOOL CLASS Professor: Dr. Carlton Mark Waterhouse, Esq., M.T.S., Associate Professor of Law, Dean’s Fellow, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law Date/Time/Location: Saturday, November 16, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m., Cypress Room (4th Floor) Description: Law students are faced with reading difficult legal cases and writing case briefs on a daily basis in order to prepare for class discussion. Conference attendees will get a taste of what it’s like to read legal cases and get “cold called” without previous notice to answer questions using the Socratic method of discussion by an actual law school professor. If you can’t handle the mock class, then you might want to further consider your choice of attending law school, which is a rigorous academic endeavor. This will be an insightful preview of what your daily academic life will be like as a law student, so plan to read carefully, think on your feet and attend fully engaged. About the Law Professor: Professor Carlton Waterhouse joined the faculty of Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law as an Associate Professor in the fall of 2010. Professor Waterhouse is nationally recognized for his work on environmental justice and is known internationally for his research and writing on reparations for historic

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injustices and state human rights violations. His views have been published in the Wall Street Journal online and his articles have appeared in prestigious law journals including the Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, the Fordham Environmental Law Review, and the Rutgers Law Review. He attended college at the Pennsylvania State University where he studied engineering and the ethics of technology before deciding to pursue a legal education. He is a graduate of Howard University School of Law, where he was admitted as one of its distinctive Merit Fellows. While in law school, he was selected for an internship with the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law where he participated in the preliminary formation and development of the Civil Rights Act of 1992. After law school, he began his career as an attorney with the United States Environmental Protection Agency where he served in the Office of Regional Counsel in Atlanta, Georgia and the Office of General Counsel in Washington, D.C. At the EPA, he served as the chief counsel for the agency in several significant cases and as a national and regional expert on environmental justice, earning three of the Agency’s prestigious national awards. His responsibilities at the EPA included enforcement actions under numerous environmental statutes, the development of regional and national policy on Environmental Justice and the application of the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to the EPA permitting actions. Following a successful nine-year career with the EPA, Professor Waterhouse enrolled in a Ph.D. program in the Emory University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences as one of the select George W. Woodruff Fellows. The previous year, he graduated with honors from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University with a Master of Theological Studies degree. In 2006, he graduated from Emory with a Ph.D. in Social Ethics. In addition to teaching courses on property law, administrative law, and environmental law, Professor Waterhouse teaches seminars on environmental justice and on political reconciliation and reparations that address the unique relationship between law and social ethics. Professor Waterhouse is the recipient of multiple student awards as a teacher and mentor. He is an active member of the National Bar Association and serves as the Vice Chairperson of the organization’s Law Professors Division.

Take full advantage of this wonderful opportunity to learn from two amazing legal scholars!

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Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

Diagnostic Mock LSAT and Test-Taking Strategies Session Want to get a feel for what it’s like to take the LSAT? Want to know how you would score if you took it today? You have that opportunity! Blueprint LSAT Preparation is administering a diagnostic mock LSAT exam, which will be followed right after by a test-taking strategies session.

DIAGNOSTIC MOCK LSAT EXAM DATE: Saturday, November 16, 2013 TIME: 1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. LOCATION: Pine 4th Floor

TEST-TAKING STRATEGIES SESSION DATE: Saturday, November 16, 2013 TIME: 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. LOCATION: Pine 4th Floor

WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: Join Blueprint Prep’s FREE LSAT Test-Taking Strategies Session after the Mock LSAT on Saturday, November 16th from 5:30pm – 6:30pm. A Blueprint expert will share effective strategies and tips for maximizing your scores. You’ll review the LSAT exam, go over the content of the exam, walk through some sample questions and learn score-raising strategies that have been proven effective in increasing scores. You definitely don’t want to miss out! Since 2005, Blueprint LSAT Preparation has helped thousands of students increase their LSAT scores nationwide. Blueprint students average an 11 point score increase — the highest point score increase in the industry. Join Blueprint in this test-taking strategies session, and learn how to tackle the LSAT. For more information about Blueprint, go online at www.blueprintprep.com or call the Blueprint office at 888-4-BP-PREP. 70 | www.blackprelawconference.com

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The Law School Admissions and Preparation Advice Help Clinic & The Diversity Statement, Personal Statement, Resume and Addendum Practical Assistance Session Friday, November 15, 2013 5:30 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. Pine, Cypress and Pecan Rooms Knowledgeable law students, law graduates, attorneys, and law school administrators will be available to assist participants during the allotted time period.

SIGNATURE EVENT: THE LAW SCHOOL ADMISSION AND PREPARATION ADVICE HELP CLINIC The Clinic offers attendees a one-on-one consultation where law school aspirants can get any questions they have about law school admission and the law school experience answered.

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Take advantage of this opportunity to get your most pressing questions answered by those in the know!

SIGNATURE EVENT: THE LAW SCHOOL PERSONAL STATEMENT, DIVERSITY STATEMENT, RESUME AND ADDENDUM PRACTICAL ASSISTANCE SESSION Conference registrants can come in and bring drafts of their admissions materials (resumes, personal statements, diversity statements or addenda) and ask for informed opinions and guidance in areas they are most concerned about. They will receive pointers about what they can do to improve the admissions materials they submit to law schools so that they can present the most competitive package possible. This is a popular event that presents the wonderful opportunity to get advice and feedback from people who are where you want to be and who really want to see you succeed in your pursuit of a law degree!

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“How to Get the Most Out of Free Online Legal Research” Presented by Danyahel “Danny” Norris, Esq., Principal Partner, Norris & Norris, L.L.P. CLE Description: The CLE will cover how to find legal material using online resources. A hypothetical fact pattern will be given and broken down into search terms that will be used throughout the CLE to find relevant cases, statutes, court rules and forms. It will be shown how to use Boolean operators and other connectors to obtain a manageable list of search results, when researching a topic. It will also be shown how to refine a search that is not yielding desired results. Further, how to make sure the material found is still good law will be discussed. The CLE will end with an opportunity for the audience to ask questions. Presenting Attorney’s Bio: Danny Norris is the Principal Partner of Norris & Norris, L.L.P., which specializes in providing intellectual property law and other transactional legal services to individuals, small businesses, and other entities. Along with lecturing for various organizations, he currently serves as an Instructor of Legal Research at Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University, where he received a Faculty Appreciation Award in 2011. Mr. Norris received a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Houston and a Juris Doctor from Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University. He is licensed to practice before the State Bar of Texas and the United States Patent & Trademark Office. Mr. Norris has published several articles on a variety of topics covering both international and domestic issues. Notably, Mr. Norris, along with his is 2010 law review article discussing Houston gentrification, was featured in the Houston Press in July 2011. Mr. Norris is active in the local bar community, where he is the current President-Elect of the Houston Lawyers Association and a member of the Houston Bar Association. He is also involved in the state-wide bar community, where he is currently serving as Treasurer of the African-American Lawyers Section for the State Bar of Texas. 76 | www.blackprelawconference.com




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Nationally, he is a member of various national bar organizations, including the American Bar Association and the National Bar Association.

“Protecting Your Clients’ Retirement at Any Age With Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs)” Presented by E. Rena Jenkins, Esq., LL.M., Area Assistant Vice President, Compliance Counsel South Central Region, Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc. CLE Description: During this CLE session, the presenting attorney will discuss how to draft a well-written QDRO, pursuant to a divorce decree, for employer-provided pension and savings plans. She will also discuss the QDRO process from an administrative standpoint and what pitfalls to avoid when drafting a QDRO for your client. Presenting Attorney’s Bio: Elverine (Rena) Jenkins is a Chicago native and received a J.D. from Thurgood Marshall School of Law. She was admitted to practice to the Texas Bar in 2007. She has past experience as an ERISA attorney, specializing in qualified domestic relations orders (QDROs) in-house at a Houston-based actuarial consulting firm where she worked for 6 years. She recently received an LL.M. in Employee Benefits from The John Marshall Law School-Chicago in 2012. In her current role as Area Assistant Vice President, Compliance Counsel at Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc., Rena is responsible for assisting clients with group health plan compliance issues related to ERISA, HIPAA, COBRA, FMLA, Internal Revenue Code Section 125, and Healthcare Reform. Prior to law school, Attorney Jenkins received a B.A. in Mathematics from DePaul University, and upon graduation worked as an Actuarial Benefits Analyst for four years. Her recent notable accomplishments include two article publications in law journals: “Only the Head Strong Survive: The Tragic Course of Head Injury Claims Under the Bert Bell/Pete Rozelle NFL Player Retirement Plan” appears in Volume 63 Book 3 of the Syracuse Law Review, Spring 2013; and “Shared Interest QDROs: Do These QDROs Provide Fair Treatment to Alternate Payees?” appears in Volume 44, number 1, of the Family Law Review (Spring 2012), a publication of the Family Law Section of the New York State Bar Association. Rena has been a speaker at CLE training courses for Houston organizations including the Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program, the Houston Lawyers Association, Thurgood Marshall School of Law, and South Texas College of Law. She is the corresponding secretary of the Houston Lawyers Association and a member of the Executive Planning Committee for the 2014 Southeast/Southwest People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference. She is also an active member of the Houston ERISA Attorneys Group, the American Bar Association, and the Houston Young Lawyers Association. www.blackprelawconference.com | 77




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

Speed Networking and Making Connections Reception/ Social Mixer Friday, November 15, 2013 6:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. 024 Lounge Lobby Level This is a ticketed event. Sponsored by Baker Botts LLP

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conference & law fair





The Westin Houston Memorial City 945 Gessner Road The Wisteria Ballroom (3rd Floor) Houston, TX 77024 7:00 P.M. - Entrance of Guests, Red Carpet Photos & Networking 7:30 P.M. - Program Officially Begins Tickets: $75.00 (Pre-Sale) $100.00 (At the Door) Attire: Business Professional Music by Gospel Recording Artist Angela Moten and Smooth Inversions

The Legacy Builders Awards Honorees

James M. Douglas

Benjamin L. Hall

Kim M. Keenan

Damon J. Keith

Julieanna L. Richardson

Keynote Speaker Dr. Walter L. Sutton, Esq., MBA, Associate General Counsel – Legal Administration and External Relations, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

LEGACY BUILDERS AWARDS BANQUET & ASPIRING LAWYERS PINNING CEREMONY 2013 MASTER OF CEREMONY José Griñan, Anchor Fox 26 News (Houston, Texas) José Griñan joined KRIV-TV in August of 1993 and has been an integral part of FOX 26 Morning News since its inception, and is now the Senior Morning News Anchor. He currently anchors alongside Melissa Wilson, Natalie Bomke, and Chris Stipes on FOX 26 Morning News from 6 to 9 AM. He also anchors FOX 26 News at Noon. In addition to his anchor duties, José has produced a variety of special series reports, and hosts “The Black Voice.” He also hosted “Hola Houston” for several years. Both are weekly public affairs programs. José stays active in the community. He is a volunteer for the National Kidney Foundation, The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Special Olympics and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, to name a few. He is also a board member of several community-based organizations that include the Dive Pirate Foundation, the Houston READ Commission, and Keep Houston Beautiful/Clean City America. José also enjoys speaking to students throughout school districts in our area, giving words of encouragement, motivation, and information about the various aspects and career opportunities available to them. José’s interest in broadcasting came while filming and helping to produce documentaries for the U.S. Army. 80 | www.blackprelawconference.com




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

Since being discharged from the Army, Jose’s career has taken him to several major cities throughout U.S. Before joining the Fox 26 News department in 1993, José worked in New York, Tampa, Miami, Los Angeles and Dallas. His career choice has allowed him to be an eyewitness to both triumph and tragedy. He covered the massacre at a Luby’s cafeteria in Killeen, Texas. He saw civil disturbances firsthand in Miami, Los Angeles, and New York, as well as the tragic sewer explosion in Guadalajara, Mexico. Jose has chased hurricanes in the Caribbean and on the U.S. mainland, and was one of the first reporters on the scene of the Branch Davidian siege in Waco, Texas. As many of these real-life dramas unfolded, he was bringing live reports to his television viewers. José grew up in Tampa, Florida. His father was a native Cuban, his mother, a first-generation Cuban-American. José speaks Spanish fluently and takes a great deal of pride in his dual heritage. José has been a member of the National Association of Black Journalists since 1978. He also maintains membership in the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, and the Southwest Alternate Media Project. In addition, José is one of FOX 26’s most requested personalities to serve as “master of ceremony.” José is the father of two adult girls. During his off-duty hours, he enjoys all sports and outdoor activities. Before joining KRIV, José anchored and reported at KDFWTV in Dallas for 2 years. But his Texas roots go back further. He began his broadcast career in 1975 as reporter and weekend anchor for KTSM AM-FM-TV in El Paso, Texas. www.blackprelawconference.com | 81




Pre-LAW Conference and Law Fair 2012

LEGACY BUILDER HONOREES James M. Douglas, Esq., J.S.M., Vice President for Government Relations and Community Affairs, Texas Southern University; Distinguished Professor of Law, Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall School of Law James Matthew Douglas was born in 1944 in Onalaska, Texas, the third of nine children to Mr. and Mrs. Desso Douglas. He grew up in north Houston and attended Houston public schools, graduating from Kashmere Gardens High School in 1962. He graduated from Texas Southern University in 1966, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics. Mr. Douglas earned his Juris Doctorate degree in May 1970 from the Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University, where he graduated number one, was a member of the school’s Moot Court Team, and was the recipient of ten American Jurisprudence Awards. He continued his legal studies at Stanford University’s School of Law, where he received a J.S.M. degree in Computer Law in June 1971. James Matthew Douglas began his professional career with Singer General Precision – NASA in Houston, Texas, where he was a computer analyst assigned to the Lunar Module Mission Simulator and was specifically responsible for program development and analysis of the Environmental Control and Interface, and the Reaction Control Systems for five years. Mr. Douglas began his teaching career as an Assistant Professor of Law at his alma mater, Texas Southern University, in September 1971, where he taught the first course in “computer law” offered in American legal education. He continued his teaching career at Cleveland State University’s Cleveland-Marshall College of Law in September 1972, where he became the first African-American member of the law faculty in the history of this law school. While at Cleveland-Marshall School of Law, he began his career in law school administration in the fall of 1974, when he became the law school’s first African-American administrator, serving in the capacity of Assistant Dean of Student Affairs. Mr. Douglas extended his legal education career at Syracuse University’s College of Law in September 1975 where once again he became this 82 | www.blackprelawconference.com




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law school’s first African-American faculty member and its first African-American administrator. During his tenure at Syracuse, he served as Associate Professor of Law and Associate Dean. Mr. Douglas received tenure at Syracuse during the fall of 1977 and in July of 1980, he continued his career in legal education at the Northeastern University School of Law as Professor of Law until returning to his alma mater, Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University. In August of 1981, Mr. Douglas became the seventh dean in the history of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law. Mr. Douglas also served as a Professor of Contracts Law and as the Ex-Officio member on several faculty committees. He has dedicated his life to the continuing legal education of students from all ethnic backgrounds. During his tenure as Dean, he was not only involved in issues that affected the Law School and the University, but also in issues that affected the community as a whole. He served as president and member of numerous boards and committees both in the legal profession and the community at large. In August of 1995, Mr. Douglas was appointed Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Texas Southern University. After two months as Provost, he was appointed Interim President of Texas Southern University. On December 8, 1995, Mr. Douglas was appointed the ninth President of his alma mater. In the fall of 1999, Mr. Douglas returned to legal education when he became the Distinguished Professor of Law at the Thurgood Marshall School of Law. In the summer of 2000, Mr. Douglas was hired by Florida A&M University to develop plans for its newly approved law school. His plans included all curriculum designs, human resource needs, facility designs, and budget preparations. In other words, his work included all plans necessary to start up a new law school. The Florida A & M Law School opened in the fall of 2002 and received American Bar Association (ABA) provisional accreditation in the summer of 2004. In June of 2005, Mr. Douglas returned to the Florida A & M Law School as its Interim Dean where he remained until January of 2007. In January of 2007, Mr. Douglas again returned to the Thurgood Marshall School of Law as the Distinguished Professor of Law. In February of 2008, Douglas again moved back into university administration when he assumed the position of Interim Provost under the newly appointed president of Texas Southern University. He remained in this position until October of 2008 when he was appointed Executive Vice President. In June of 2009, Douglas added the duties of the Interim General Counsel to his set of responsibilities. In March of 2012, Douglas’ duties would once again change and so would his title. Presently, he serves as Vice President For Governmental Relations and Community Affairs. This is a totally new office for the university and will require the design and development of all necessary processes. www.blackprelawconference.com | 83




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Mr. Douglas has served or is currently serving as a member of numerous boards and professional organizations such as the American Bar Association, State Bar of Texas, Houston Bar Association, National Bar Association, Gulf Coast Legal Foundation, Hiscock Legal Aid Society, Law School Admissions Council, The Homeless, Boy Scouts of America, NAACP, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, 100 Black Men of Metropolitan Houston, and the Advisory Board of Butterworth Legal Publishers, to name a few. He is a member of several professional organizations including The Fellows of the American Bar Foundation, the Texas Bar Foundation, the Houston Bar Foundation, the National Bar Foundation and was voted Outstanding Alumnus of Texas Southern University in 1972. He has received various prestigious awards including the National Bar Association’s Profiles of Prominence Award, the Mickey Leland Humanitarian Award, the Texas Bar Foundation’s Outstanding Contribution to Legal Education Award, and Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders in America Award. Mr. Douglas’ accomplishments consist of, but are not limited to, various publications and numerous professional newspaper and magazine articles and professional lectures. He has also published several law review articles. He has three children, DeLicia Renee’ Smith, Erika Carter and James Matthew Douglas II and is married to Tanya Smith Douglas.

Benjamin L. Hall, III, Esq., M.Div., Ph.D., Founder, The Hall Law Firm (Houston, Texas) Dr. Benjamin L. Hall, III is a Harvard-trained lawyer who founded The Hall Law Firm in 2000. The Hall Law Firm concentrates on litigation matters, including complex construction litigation, complex commercial and contract cases, as well as consumer/personal injury claims. Over the years, Hall and his firm have generated more than $300,000,000 in recoveries for clients. Dr. Hall obtained a J.D. from Harvard Law School in June 1986, a Ph.D from Duke University Graduate School in May 1985, an M.Div. degree from Duke Divinity School in September 1979, and a B.A. from the University of South Carolina in September 1977. He also received a Fulbright-Hayes/DAAD Scholarship to Germany in 1980-1982. He was Rockefeller Scholar to Africa, a Duke Merit Scholar, and a Duke Black Graduate Fellow. Dr. Hall was the City Attorney for the City of Houston during the administration of Mayor Bob Lanier. For approximately three years, he managed and supervised 84 | www.blackprelawconference.com




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a 200+ member legal department, as well as an annual budget of $12+ million dollars. His responsibilities included supervising all city litigation, drafting and implementing legislative enactments desired by city council, Mayor and/ or client departments, drafting all city contracts, negotiating with vendors and other local governmental entities on behalf of the City of Houston, including agreements with METRO, Galveston, Pasadena, South Houston, Katy, the Memorial Villages, etc. Hall is a recognized legal expert in construction law and personal injury litigation. He has received numerous honors and accolades for his services in the legal field, including, but not limited to, the following: The highest rating for professional competence and ethical standards awarded by MartindaleHubbell, the leading legal reference manual in the United States (AV Rating); dual board-certified in personal injury trial law and civil trial law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization; serves on the Board of the Texas Board of Legal Specialization; four times recognized as a Texas Super Lawyer by Texas Monthly Magazine; recognized as a Houston Top Lawyer for the People by H Magazine; 2007 recipient of the NAACP Mickey Leland Humanitarian Award; 2008 recipient of the Houston Lawyers Association Francis Williams Advocacy Award; Life Fellow of the Houston Lawyers Foundation; and is a 2009 member of the Board of Law Advisors for the Earl Carl Institute for Legal and Social Policy, Inc., Texas Southern University, Thurgood Marshall School of Law. Dr. Hall is also a popular lecturer on a wide variety of topics ranging from insurance and legal issues to minority rights and ethics. Hall is a lifetime member of the NAACP and is a recipient of the NAACP’s ALEX Award for Legal Excellence. Of all things, Dr. Hall prides himself in being a Christian minister. He has been ordained since 1975. Dr. Hall has been married to Saundra Turner Hall since April 18, 1981, and they are the proud parents of two sons: Benjamin, IV and Zachary.

Kim M. Keenan, Esq., General Counsel, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (Washington, DC) Kim Keenan is a native of Buffalo, New York. She is a graduate of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and the University of Virginia School of Law and a former member of the University of Virginia Law Alumni Council. After law school, she served as the law clerk to the Honorable John Garrett Penn in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. She is currently the General Counsel of the National Association www.blackprelawconference.com | 85




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for the Advancement of Colored People (“NAACP”). Prior to joining the NAACP, she was the principal of the Keenan Firm in Washington, D.C. where her practice has focused on complex medical malpractice litigation, mediation and arbitration, litigation consulting, and public speaking. Prior to that, she served in the litigation practices of two nationally recognized law firms for more than eighteen years. She was recently honored as a Washington, D.C. Super Lawyer and is recognized as a Top Lawyer by Washingtonian Magazine. In May 2007, the Women’s Bar Association named her “Woman Lawyer of the Year” for her contributions to the profession. She is currently the Immediate Past President of the District of Columbia Bar, the second largest jurisdictional bar in the country. Although she was the 38th President of the organization, her service marked the 8th time that a woman has served as president. Attorney Keenan’s career demonstrates a strong commitment to important issues affecting women and people of color, public service, and improving the legal profession. She served as the sixty-second President of the National Bar Association (NBA), the oldest and largest bar association of lawyers of color in the world with a network of more than 50,000 lawyers, judges, and law students. She is the first woman from the District of Columbia to be elected to this position and only the eighth woman in the organization’s eighty-six year history to serve in the NBA’s highest elected office. During her tenure as President, the NBA deployed thousands of lawyers throughout the nation to educate voters regarding new voting laws. The Maryland Bar Foundation awarded her their Professional Legal Excellence Award for her national effort to provide nonpartisan voter education. She is also a Past President of the Washington Bar Association, one of the oldest and largest affiliates of the NBA, which was founded in the same year of the NBA. Ms. Keenan is highly active in the District of Columbia community. In December 2007, she was nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by the District of Columbia City Council to the Board of Trustees of the University of the District of Columbia. Since 2002, Ms. Keenan has chaired the District of Columbia Bar’s Landlord-Tenant Implementation Committee, which received the Frederick B. Abramson Award for superior service to the legal profession in June 2004. She is a member of the Women’s Bar Association and served as a speaker for the Women’s Bar Association’s groundbreaking initiative Creating Pathways to Success, which focused on the advancement and retention of women in the legal profession. In 2006, Ms. Keenan was recognized by Girls Inc. for her work in law, policy, and as a mentor to women. She received the Distinguished Black Woman Award from Black Women In Sisterhood for Action (BISA) for her public service. She has served as Treasurer of the Bar Association of the District of Columbia, the largest voluntary bar in the District of Columbia and is the first African-American woman to serve in 86 | www.blackprelawconference.com




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this position. She is a member of the Leadership Metropolitan Washington Class of 2000 and was elected a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation in 2001 in recognition of her professional attainment and distinguished service. Ms. Keenan has received numerous other awards for her community service activities including recognition from the National Bar Association, the Washington Bar Association, The Bar Association of the District of Columbia, the National Association of Black Women Attorneys, and the Louisiana and Virginia State Conferences of the NAACP. She received the Washington Metropolitan Top Forty Under Forty Award in 2000. In December 2002, the Young Lawyers Section of the Bar Association of the District of Columbia honored her with the first Annice M. Wagner Pioneer Award, named for the then Chief Judge of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals. Ms. Keenan uses teaching as an opportunity to mentor young professionals. She serves on the Senior Adjunct Faculty of George Washington University Law Center where she co-teaches Pretrial Advocacy and Trial Advocacy. She is currently on sabbatical from the University. In 2007, she was selected to teach on the faculty of the National Trial College for the University of Virginia School of Law. For the past twelve years, she has been the Civil Procedure Lecturer for the Charles Hamilton Houston Law Preparatory Program at Georgetown University Law Center. She is a nationally recognized lecturer on various legal topics and has spoken to numerous organizations including the Association of Trial Lawyers of America (now known as the American Association for Justice), the NAACP, the National Urban League, and the Maryland State Bar Conference of Bar Presidents. Attorney Keenan was a regularly featured “attorney” on the first season of Fox’s “Power of Attorney” television show. She has been a commentator for Fox News and has appeared on Fox’s legal program “Dayside.” In July 2003, she served as a Guest Host on CNN’s Sunday Morning Legal Show “Attorney-At-Law.” She has also appeared on C-SPAN, Court TV, Fox News and numerous radio programs. Ms. Keenan’s commitment to the community extends beyond the legal profession. She is a member of the Capitol City Chapter of the Links, Inc. She has served as the appointed Chair of the American Lung Association’s (ALA) national Diversity Committee and is a member of its National Assembly. She has spoken by invitation to the National ALA board and provided diversity training to its national staff as well as a national law firm. She was the first African-American elected to serve as President of the District of Columbia Rape Crisis Center, one of the nation’s largest resource centers for survivors of sexual assault. Additionally, she served on the advisory board of Posh Communications, a private marketing and communications company, where she was the contributing legal editor for Posh’s magazine Odyssey Couleur. www.blackprelawconference.com | 87




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The Honorable Damon J. Keith, Judge, United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit (Detroit, Michigan) Damon J. Keith was born in Detroit, Michigan, and has served as a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit since 1977. Prior to his appointment to the Court of Appeals, Judge Keith served as Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. Judge Keith is a graduate of West Virginia State College (B.A. 1943), Howard University Law School (J.D. 1949), where he was elected Chief Justice of the Court of Peers, and Wayne State University Law School (LL.M. 1956). As a member of the federal judiciary, Judge Keith has consistently stood as a courageous defender of the constitutional and civil rights of all people. In United States v. Sinclair, commonly referred to as the Keith Decision, the Supreme Court unanimously affirmed Judge Keith’s landmark ruling prohibiting President Nixon and the federal government from engaging in warrantless wiretapping in violation of the Fourth Amendment. Judge Keith was heralded for that decision in Joseph Gouldens’ book, “The Benchwarmers,” as “a prime example of an independent federal judge” who “had the courage to say ‘no” in the face of “a presidency which likened itself to a ‘sovereign.” “The strength of the judiciary,” Goulden wrote, “is rooted in just such independence as that displayed by Keith.” More recently, in Detroit Free Press v. Ashcroft, Judge Keith stood up to President George W. Bush during the aftermath of 9/11. Writing for a unanimous United States Court of Appeals panel, Judge Keith memorably declared “Democracies die behind closed doors,” and ruled it unlawful for the Bush administration to conduct deportation hearings in secret whenever the government asserted that the people involved might be linked to terrorism. In his September 2, 2002 op-ed titled, “Secrecy is Our Enemy,” New York Times columnist Bob Herbert lauded Judge Keith’s opinion as “forceful” and “eloquent,” noting, “You want an American hero? A real hero? I nominate Judge Damon J. Keith of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.” Judge Keith has also vigorously enforced the nation’s civil rights laws, most notably in the areas of employment and education. In Stamps v. Detroit Edison Co., Judge Keith ruled the Detroit Edison Company had practiced systematic racial discrimination, resulting in fines against the company of $4 million and against the employee union of $250,000, and an order for the company to institute an aggressive affirmative action program. Within the context of education, in Davis v. School District of Pontiac, Judge Keith found that the city had unlawfully built schools to coincide with segregated housing patterns. Accordingly, he 88 | www.blackprelawconference.com




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ordered the implementation of city-wide busing to promote integration and to guarantee equal protection under the law for all children. Judge Keith’s fidelity to the U.S. Constitution has been well recognized. In 1985, Chief Justice Warren E. Burger appointed Judge Keith Chairman of the Bicentennial of the Constitution Committee for the Sixth Circuit. In 1987, Judge Keith was appointed by Chief Justice William Rehnquist to serve as the National Chairman of the Judicial Conference Committee on the Bicentennial of the Constitution. In recognition of Judge Keith’s service to the Bicentennial Committee, Bill of Rights plaques commemorating this important constitutional anniversary bear Judge Keith’s name. These plaques adorn the waIls of courthouses and law schools throughout the United States and Guam, as well as the FBI Headquarters and the Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Center in Washington, D.C. Judge Keith is also the recipient of numerous awards, most notably, the NAACP’s highest award, the Spingarn Medal, whose past recipients include Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., Justice Thurgood Marshall, Rosa Parks, and General Colin Powell. Other prominent honors bestowed upon Judge Keith include the American Bar Association’s Thurgood Marshall Award, the Distinguished Public Service Award from the National Anti-Defamation League, and the Detroit Urban League’s Distinguished Warrior Award. In 1998, Judge Keith was chosen to receive the Edward J. Deviti Distinguished Service to Justice Award. The recipient of the Devitt Award is selected each year by a panel comprised of a United States Supreme Court justice, a federal circuit judge, and a federal district court judge, and honors the recipient as an outstanding federal judge of national stature. The American Judicature Society administers the Edward J. Devitt Distinguished Service to Justice Award on behalf of the Dwight D. Opperman Foundation. This award is considered the highest award that can be bestowed on a member of the Federal judiciary. It reflects the extraordinarily high degree of regard in which honorees are held by their colleagues on the Federal bench. In January 2000, at the Eighth Annual Trumpet Awards in Atlanta, Georgia, Turner Broadcasting Systems presented Judge Keith with the Pinnacle Award. In February 2000, Judge Keith’s career was profiled by Court TV as part of a program saluting “Americas Great Legal Minds” in honor of Black History Month. The National Urban League also presented Judge Keith with its highest honor, the Whitney Young Award, at its National Conference in July 2004. In 2005, Harvard University’s Department of Afro-American Studies included Judge Keith in its African American National Biography, a collection of biographies profiling eminent African Americans. Also in 2005, Judge Keith served as Co-Chair of the National Victory Celebration for the Farewell to Mrs. www.blackprelawconference.com | 89




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Rosa Parks, organizing memorial services across the country for Parks. Twentysix years earlier, Judge Keith had proudly presented Parks with the NAACP’s highest honor, the Spingarn Award, in Louisville, Kentucky. As a community leader, Judge Keith organized local businessmen to provide housing for Parks, after she was robbed and physically assaulted in her house. In 2004, Judge Keith was again responsible for rallying members of Detroit’s African-American business community, this time to save the city’s Charles H. Wright Museum of African-American History from bankruptcy. The Detroit Board of Education has dedicated one of its primary schools in his honor, naming it “The Damon J. Keith Elementary School.” Judge Keith has received over 40 honorary degrees from colleges and universities across the country. His most recent is an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree bestowed by Harvard University, on June 5, 2008. The citation states “Avatar of independence, champion of equal justice under law, a just and humane jurist who has shared and shaped the action and passion of his time.” Harvard’s honorary degree provides only a small window into Judge Keith’s distinguished career. In 2010, Judge Keith was inducted into the International Civil Rights Walk of Fame in Atlanta. In 2011, the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights at Wayne State University Law School opened its doors. Attorney General Eric Holder, who spoke at the groundbreaking ceremony a year earlier, offered a congratulatory video message, and columnist and author Mitch Albom gave the keynote address honoring Judge Keith as a stalwart defender of justice. In addition to promoting research and community outreach related to civil rights and racial justice, the Center—which honors and memorializes the life and legacy of Judge Keith as a civil rights icon—is a leading source for the legal history of the Civil Rights Movement and the historic accomplishments of American lawyers and judges dedicated to social justice. A biography of Judge Keith, written by columnist Trevor W. Coleman, with a foreword by Mitch Albom (a New York Times best-selling author), is tentatively titled “Crusader for Justice: The Life and Amazing Times of Federal Judge Damon J. Keith.” It is scheduled to be published in 2013 by Wayne State University Press. Judge Keith was married for 53 years to the late Rachel Boone Keith, M.D. They have three daughters, Gilda Keith, Debbie Keith, and Cecile Keith-Brown. Cecile and her husband, Daryle Brown, are the parents of Judge Keith’s granddaughters, Nia and Camara.

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Julieanna L. Richardson, Esq., Public Historian & Founder, The HistoryMakers (Chicago, Illinois) Julieanna L. Richardson followed a unique path in heading up the largest national collection effort of African American video oral histories on record. With a diverse background in theatre, television production, and the cable television industries, she combined her various work experiences and her passion for history to conceptualize, found and build The HistoryMakers. The HistoryMakers is a national, 501(c)(3) non-profit educational institution based in Chicago, committed to preserving, developing, and providing easy access to an internationally recognized archival collection of thousands of African American video oral histories. Richardson serves as the Founder and Executive Director of The HistoryMakers as well as a member of the The HistoryMakers National Board of Directors. Richardson graduated from Brandeis University in 1976 with a B.A. in Theatre Arts and American Studies. It was during her studies at Brandeis that she first experienced the power of oral history while conducting independent research on the Harlem Renaissance. While exploring the collections of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in New York City, Richardson interviewed Butterfly McQueen (“Gone With The Wind”) and Lee Whipper (“The Ox-Box Incident”) as part of her project. Having access to these poignant life stories “made the history really come alive for me,” says Richardson. From this early exposure, the seeds for The HistoryMakers project first took root. Richardson received her J.D. degree in 1980 from Harvard Law School. She worked as a corporate lawyer at Jenner & Block prior to serving in the early 1980s as the Cable Administrator for the City of Chicago’s Office of Cable Communications. There, she established the Chicago Cable Commission, the City’s regulatory body. She went on to found Shop Chicago, a regionally based home shopping channel. For eight years, her production company, SCTN Teleproductions, managed three local cable channels for TCI, then the nation’s largest cable operator. SCTN Teleproductions served as the production arm for C-SPAN. Richardson founded The HistoryMakers in 1999, and started doing interviews in February of 2000. She sits on the Honors Council of Lawyers for the Creative Arts, and in 2011, was appointed to the Comcast NBC Universal African American Diversity Council. In May 2012, she received an Honorary Doctorate of Humanities from Howard University during their 144th Commencement Convocation. www.blackprelawconference.com | 91




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Steptoe & Johnson LLP


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African American Section of the State Bar of Texas

Andrews Kurth LLP

Bracewell & Giuliani LLP

Edwards Wildman LLP

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Jackson Walker L.L.P.

Kirkland & Ellis LLP


Baker Botts LLP 92 | www.blackprelawconference.com






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