A Journey Through Jordan

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INTRODUCTION Jordan is one of those countries that has something for everyone. It’s got desert. It’s got beach. It’s got luxury spas, five-star hotels and authentic Bedouin camps. But most importantly, it offers the perfect combination of old and new. Of ancient cities and modern ones. Of historic sites and contemporary galleries. Traditional food stalls and gourmet restaurants. Honestly? It’s got pretty much everything you could want from a foray into the middle-east; from an adventure to understand a story as old as time. To help you come to terms with the epic tale of Jordan, we’ve broken this enchanting country down into digestible chunks. Beginning with ‘old’ Jordan, we’ll be focussing on everything from Petra to Jerash. Then, we’ll introduce you to the Jordan of today, whose luxury spas and world-class experiences keep this country contemporary.


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OLD JORDAN A STORY DRAWN IN LANDSCAPES Jordan’s landscapes are an essential part of the country’s story. Older than humanity itself, it was the deserts, the rivers, the mountains and the seas that shaped the very first settlers and thus influenced the passage of history. So follow our lead into the desert, or relax in the waters of the Dead Sea, for as you do, you’ll be as close to the true essence of Jordan as you can get.


Desert Landscapes As Old As Time The Wadi Rum Desert, otherwise romantically referred to as the Valley of the Moon, is the largest and thus most awe-inspiring Wadi in Jordan. Its very sand dunes and giant rock formations scream history and have the power to make you feel completely inconsequential as you stand dwarfed by dunes and granite. Having been inhabited since prehistoric times, the area is rife with the cultural markings of previous dwellers – rock paintings, temples and ancient graffiti, and the Khaz’ali Canyon is home to petroglyphs of humans and antelopes dating back to the Thamudic times. This is really where it all began…

The Canyons Of Jordan There are plenty of hidden landscapes that wind down from the Wadi Desert into the Wadi Araba, and if you’re in search of a thrill, exploring this secret world of rock formations, flowing streams and waterfalls through the eroded sandstone will be the ultimate adventure through ancient Jordan. From the hot springs of Wadi Ibn Hammad to the stunning Wadi Mujib, prepare to hike, scramble, wade, abseil, jump and climb through ravines on a totally exhilarating and beautifully enlightening experience.

The Sensations Of The Dead Sea The Dead Sea is one of Jordan’s most unique natural phenomena, and to lie still in these salt-rich waters is an incredibly peaceful experience. What’s more, these waters have served as one of the world’s first health resorts (for Herod the Great), a biblical refuge for King David, a visiting place for Egyptian Queen Cleopatra and purportedly the baptism site for Jesus. On a journey to comprehend the story of Jordan, this is surely one of the best places to start…


OLD JORDAN A STORY THAT LIVES IN TRADITION It is in the Jordanians themselves, in their age-old traditions and unique customs, that echoes of the past can be heard. For no destination can truly be known without first understanding its people. Keeping this in mind, we’ve unearthed some of Jordan’s most authentic experiences. Experiences that will give you the chance to read a little deeper into Jordan’s epic tale.

A Night With The Bedouins Nomadic tribes have roamed Jordanian sands for over 100,000 years, learning from and surviving in environments too harsh to comprehend. They are the Bedouins. A people unconcerned about possessions or money; the Bedouins simply live to build a strong relationship with both the land and each other. There are a few places in Jordan where you can experience this fascinating culture first-hand, and one of them is the Wadi Rum desert, where you can stay in an authentic Bedouin Camp. Learn from your hosts, watch how they live and the traditions they uphold. It’s sure to be one of the greatest lessons you’ll encounter on Jordanian land.


A Taste Of Tradition An authentic cooking class is an essential culinary and cultural experience, for so much of Jordan’s identity exists in the spices and flavours of its cuisine. Beit Sittu, located hidden away within the hustle and bustle of Amman, is an institution that recognises the importance of Jordanian cuisine to the country’s story and thus

offers cooking lessons to inquisitive visitors. With a workshop on a terrace overlooking the Amman cityscape and the freshest ingredients to hand, you’ll learn traditional recipes and enjoy tastings of some of the country’s most iconic dishes as the movements of this incredible city ebb and flow beneath you.

A Telling Celebration Time your trip to Jordan right and you could bear witness to events and celebrations whose origins date back thousands of years. Ironically, one of our favourites is actually quite a new addition to the Jordanian calendar, but it celebrates one of the oldest and most purest art forms – the art of storytelling. Few events can beat The Hakaya Festival when it comes to learning as much as you can about this inspiring country. Through insightful seminars, dance shows, workshops and meetings, you’ll become well versed in a story so great of a country so wonderful, you’ll want to share it over and over again.


OLD JORDAN A STORY TOLD IN SAND AND STONE The beginnings of Jordan can be read in the ruins that decorate its varying landscapes. Witnessed by entering ancient and ambitious structures. Heard being told by the mouths of those whose traditions have stood the test of time. For Jordan is a country that refuses to shake off the cloak of its past, instead embracing a history that forms the very foundations upon which the country stands today. These are just some of the ways you can get to know Jordan’s story, told here in sand and stone…

Discover Petra Visit Petra and you’ll recognise the ambition of a people determined to make Jordan great. Did they succeed? Study the complex sculpting, gaze up at the mammoth pink walls and watch as candlelight flickers and then illuminates the scenes around you and you’ll know that yes, they succeeded. Their legacy is one that draws people from far and wide. A triumph that has been recognised as a UNESCO Heritage Site. You must not miss this integral part of Jordan’s story.

Trace Footsteps Along The Kings Highway A route that was first mentioned in the Bible, the Kings Highway is so called due to an episode told in Genesis 14, when a group of ‘four kings from the north’ marched along this route to go into battle with the five kings of the Cities of the Plain. It just so happens that this was the route that Moses wanted to follow as he led his people through the land of southern Jordan. The highway meanders


through many different parts of the country, from open farmland to deep ravines and the edge of the Eastern Desert. Follow its bends and curves and you’ll witness spectacular archaeological sites, pass through the historic town of Madaba, witness the beauty of the Dana Nature Reserve and marvel at the castles of Karak and Shobak

Explore Antiquity In Jerash For years, Jerash was the home of two ancient cultures that lived harmoniously. These cultures, the Greek Romans of the Mediterranean and the ancient Arab Orient, were two key players in shaping the story of Jordan. In sculpting the cultural nuances that make Jordan so unique. And Jerash, the city in which they thrived, a city that has been occupied for over 6,500 years, is now recognised as one of the best preserved Roman towns in the world. So wander down the colonnaded streets, enter the theatres, absorb sights of soaring temples and follow the city walls, all the while allowing your mind to drift back in time.

A Castle Collection Jordan’s rich desert landscape is dotted with a number of castles that provide an incredible insight to Jordan’s mighty story. Standing as wonderful examples of Islamic art and architecture, venture into the desert wilderness and appreciate the beauty of these structures and the significance they hold. Ajloun Castle in northwest Jordan is one of the most spectacular, dating back to the 12th Century. Towers, giant walls and a museum filled with artefacts from the region make this a trip worth remembering. So too is Kerak Castle an impressive sight. A crusader castle that sits atop a steep hill, Kerak is full of impressive vaults, labyrinthine corridors and beautiful courtyards. And since it also dates back to the 12th Century, it’s one of Jordan’s most important historic monuments.




Vibrant histories make for spectacular countries, and thanks to a rather turbulent and prolific past, Jordan is a destination well worth exploring. To give you a sense of the country’s magnificence, we’ve created this timeline of some of the country’s historic highlights, starting with the Nabatean Period. Thousands of years in one illustration? Our talents are never-ending…

312 BC – 112 AD The Nabatean era saw the appearance of Petra, whose brilliance is undeniable. Wander through this labyrinthine UNESCO site and study the iconic pottery of an undying era…

63 BC – 330 AD The Romans arrived, and the ancient city of Jerash was lovingly developed. The echoes of this bustling era can truly be felt as you wander ruins that have defied the force of time…


330 AD – 640 AD This was the Byzantine period; a time when Jordan’s population flourished and the stunning mosaic pavements you can see today in Madaba and Jerash were built…

640 AD – 1263 AD This was a period of some unrest as Islam began to take over the region. Stunning Islamic architecture of this time can be enjoyed in the form of the famed castle of Aljoun…

PRESENT DAY... Skip forward almost a century and you’ve arrived in a Jordan whose culture, charm and beauty is simply irresistible.



DISCOVER THE STORY IN STYLE By now, you must be well versed in the stunning variety of experiences Jordan has to offer. The country’s vast landscapes, historic ruins and buzzing cities providing a never-ending list of things to do and see. And now, as the country continues to develop and modernise, the different ways to enjoy these experiences grows too. World-class spas, beautiful hotels, hot air balloon rides and luxury desert camping; 21st Century Jordan can be one of the most indulgent places in the middle-east if that’s the trip you’re looking for…


A Dead Sea Spa The Dead Sea, a phenomena as old as time, has become a popular spot for modern travellers to indulge in a range of beauty treatments thanks to an influx of highend day spas that utilise the purported natural healing properties of the area. The Resense Spa at the Kempinski Hotel has to be one of the best available, so if you’re looking to experience this ancient seascape in a thoroughly chic way, this is the place you should head to. Detoxify your body with a range of scrubs and wraps before ending your experience with a full body massage.

Soar Above The Wadi Rum See this astonishing desert landscape from a completely different perspective – the basket of your private hot air balloon. This memorable experience starts at sunrise, when you’ll be transported to the desert in time for the sun to creep over the horizon and illuminate the historic canyons and sweeping sand dunes. Nothing will prepare you for the sheer majesty of the Wadi Rum from such a vantage point, and as you sip on a glass of champagne in the morning light, you’ll be thankful for an ancient beauty made so accessible by modern inventions...

A Luxury Camping Experience We’ve spoken of Bedouins and age-old traditions, but we’ve yet to explain how you could enjoy these desert-cultures in comfort and style. Now we’re looking at Jordan from a modern perspective, we think it’s time you heard about the Wadi Rum Luxury Desert Camp. A nine suite Bedouin camp with an exclusive twist; here you can enjoy coming face to face with fascinating cultures without having to compromise on comfort or style. Think luxury Dead Sea toiletries, large and beautiful beds within wonderfully decorated tents complete with en-suite bathrooms.


The Nightlife Jordan’s young population is arguably the greatest force behind the country’s move into modernity, so it’ll come as no surprise to learn that their demand for development has resulted in an incredible nightlife scene. In the capital of Amman, a city no longer thought of as quiet and conservative, the amount of bars and nightclubs available to the younger generation has increased twofold over the past decade. Avoid being stuck for choice and head straight over to Cantaloupe, a chic rooftop bar that wouldn’t look amiss in downtown New York. Here you can mingle with the ‘it’ crowds of Amman and sip on cocktails as you look over the twinkling lights of the city below.

Chic Celebrations As well as the big religious and historic festivals that bring revelry to Jordan’s towns and cities each year, there have emerged a number of celebrations that owe their existence to modern culture. Be it film festival or DJ event, these festivals provide yet more evidence that Jordan is enthusiastic about the modern era and all the trends that come with it. Car enthusiasts will love the Jordan Rally, which takes place in October each year, whilst the European Film Festival transforms Amman into a hive of creativity and excitement. If you can time your trip to coincide with one of Jordan’s celebrations, be sure to get stuck in and absorb as much as you can.



TRADITIONS TRANSFORMED Some traditions never die and some traditions disappear, but many develop and grow to fit with the world that develops around them. In Jordan, you’ll see this in the modern culture, in experimental food and contemporary celebrations. You just need to know where to look…

Modern Cuisine Jordanian cuisine is fragrant, hearty and delicious and so is somewhat timeless. Yet whilst you can indeed gorge on street food or spend hours sat in a rustic café and enjoy an incredible meal, it’s the modern Jordanian restaurants that have really got us excited. Fakhr el-Din in Amman, a high-end restaurant serving refined local cuisine, is one of them. Here you’ll sit amongst discerning locals and feast on classic dishes that have been perfectly executed. It’s yet another example of how Jordan blends seamlessly with the modern world, and nowadays you can expect to discover lots of restaurants like Fahri el-Din around the country.


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