Jordan The Passage of Time

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There are few places on earth that can genuinely inspire. You can usually tell which ones they are – people write books about them, sing songs, or make films. Because they’re the places that transcend time with their beauty or continually mesmerise with their culture. Jordan is one such place. From the red moonscapes of Wadi Rum to the modern galleries of Amman; Jordan has continued to entrance people across the centuries and even inspire dreams of tomorrow. In a place where lost wonders are still being found, where ancient traditions remain unchanged next to an ever-evolving cosmopolitan culture; Jordan will surprise and inspire you at every turn. Come and let us take you on a passage of time to see a Jordan that will mesmerise you with its past, surprise you with its cultural present and inspire you with its mysterious future.

TRACING JORDAN’S PAST: A MOSIAC OF CIVILISATIONS Jordan’s rugged and mystical beauty always leaves us enchanted, but we clearly weren’t the first to fall under its spell. From Nabataean kings and Roman emperors to the foodies and filmmakers of today, Jordan’s ability to inspire and intrigue has never waned. With its ancient wonders and historic cities as your compass, here’s our guide for enjoying a cultural passage through time in Jordan.



You’ve seen the photos, but nothing can really

Follow the King’s Highway, Jordan’s main artery,

prepare you for Petra’s breathtaking beauty.

south of Amman to reach this ancient market town.

Following the tangle of sand-dusted trails to see

Madaba’s impressive history stretches back to

this ancient Nabataean capital materialise from

long ago and it even gets a mention in the Bible.

towering blush-pink cliffs is a sight we’ll never tire

But the biggest cultural draw is the fine collection

of. Experts estimate that it dates back to 300 BC

of Byzantine churches and mosaics, including a

but time has not lessened the rose-hued citadel’s

renowned sixth-century mosaic map. History buffs

power to awe. Marvel at the ornate Al Khazneh

should also pay a visit to nearby Mount Nebo, the

temple and intricate carvings, those Nabataean

peak where Moses looked out over the Promised

kings sure knew how to impress. Put simply, a trip

Land – today the panoramic views are just as good.

to Jordan isn’t complete without a visit to this world wonder.


BEDOUINS & RED PLANETS: WADI RUM The best way to get under the skin of a place is

Jordan’s own Pompeii; it’s hard to believe that the

to mingle with the locals, and you’ll never find

city of Jerash—formerly ‘Geresh’, one of ten great

a warmer welcome than in Jordan’s red desert.

Roman cities—lay hidden beneath the sands until

The nomadic Bedouin tribesmen that call Wadi

only 80-odd years ago. It is now one of the world’s

Rum home are renowned for their hospitality, and

most prized and well-preserved Roman cities.

whether you stop over to their camp for a night

Stunningly set within lush, wooded hills (Jordan isn’t

under the stars or just pop-by for a sage tea, a

all desert, you know), you can wander the grand

chance to meet-and-greet should never be passed-

colonnaded plazas and explore hilltop temples

up. If the rippling dunes and red-rock monoliths

before taking a leaf out of the Romans’ books and

of this striking desert seem familiar, it’s probably

hitting the public baths.

because you’ve already seen it on the silver screen (it’s a favourite planet-double for Mars) so it’s also a top choice for film fans looking to re-live their favourite sci-fi scenes.


Follow in the footsteps of one of the most iconic travel expeditions of our time. It’s been over 100 years since the real-life T.E. ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ penned his awe of Jordan’s “vast” and “God-like” lands in his legendary World War I memoirs. And 50 years since David Lean’s film crews turned them into screen-stealing vistas in his 1962 masterpiece Lawrence of Arabia. Today, much of the beguiling landscapes remain untouched – so you can follow every daring raid, every battle and lose yourself in the “God-like” landscapes that captivated and inspired Lawrence’s (and our own) hearts. Here’s how you can trace Lawrence’s journey and become a desert warrior yourself.



If you have a list of places to see before you die, we’re

You can’t think about Lawrence of Arabia without conjuring

pretty sure that Petra is one of them. Hewn straight from

images of his daring trek across the desert. If rolling red

a rock face coloured in rippling hues from blood-red to

dunes and camping under the stars is your idea of an

pale sandstone, Petra’s ruins are already one of the world’s

Arabian adventure, you can hop onto a camel and have a

greatest wonders and a UNECSO World Heritage site. But

go at re-enacting the legendary journey as Lawrence once

this once-lost Nabatean city is also not-to-be missed on

did, or jump into a 4 x 4 and turn those dunes into a thrill-

your Lawrence pilgrimage. He first visited it in 1914 and, in

seeking playground before stopping at a Bedouin camp to

a letter to a friend, claimed “till you have seen it you have

share tales with the locals—some of whom descend from

not had the glimmering of an idea how beautiful a place

the very tribesman that fought side-by-side with Lawrence

can be.” We couldn’t have put it better.




Cameras at the ready—this expanse of soaring red-rock cliffs and tangle of sand-dusted trails just south of Amman

It’s not all about sand in Lawrence’s tale—his valiant desert

is a photographer’s dream and where much of the Arab

crusade eventually reaches the Red Sea at Aqaba for

Revolt operations were based. You can understand why

one of his defining moments, uniting the Bedouin tribes

Lawrence felt the urge to put pen to paper when he first

to attack the town’s fortress and achieve a great Arab

saw these red ‘Pillars of Wisdom’ as a plucky junior British

victory. You can still visit the fortress today, although we’d

officer tracking the Hashemite rebels. And why David

also recommend making the most of the azure waters of

Lean used it on set (the film’s first encounter with Prince

Jordan’s only coastal town—the sloping coral reefs home

Faisal was shot here). The startling beauty of Wadi Rum’s

to turtles, rays and technicolour fish provide an underwater

red canyons is another World Heritage site, treasured

wonderland ideal for snorkelling and diving.

by historians and film buffs alike, that you’ll never tire of exploring.

THE HEJAZ RAILWAY: LAWRENCE’S RAIDS If there was one principle target for the Great Arab Revolt, it was the Hejaz Railway. As a direct artery to Damascus it was a vital link and Lawrence’s raids upon the line have become fabled. Continuing through the arid desert surroundings to Mudawarra, you’ll get to see the relics of this once great stretch of rail. For a true taste of Lawrence’s era, there are some original 1908 railway carriages that you can ride from Amman—a great day out with your friends or family.

AZRAQ FORT: LAWRENCE’S OASIS No it isn’t a mirage—Azraq is one of the miracles of the


Amman desert, an actual oasis of lush parklands, palmpeppered gardens and cool pools. Since it’s literally the

Lawrence’s Jordan journey ends in Amman—the place

only water source in the entire eastern desert, we can only

where his tale became legend in his writings. While it may

imagine Lawrence’s relief and surprise when he visited this

have evolved from its humble village beginnings those

“Blue Fort” in 1917, where he planned his guerrilla actions

years ago during Lawrence’s time, you can still visit the

on the way to seize Damascus. It’s one of a necklace of

house where he wrote most of his Seven Pillars of Wisdom

ancient desert castles and its remote location (about an

in Darat al-Funun, now a gallery for contemporary art. Just

hour east of Amman) means you’ll likely avoid any crowds.

another example of how in Jordan even the buildings of

Tour Lawrence’s old bedroom and catch a glimpse of the

old have stood the test of time to become a place of new

birds and wildlife that flock here to quench their thirst.


A JORDANIAN TRIP FOR… If there was an Oscar for ‘Best Film Location’ then Jordan’s monumental landscapes would win hands down. It’s clocked up a staggering 27 big screen cameos, from awardwinning historical drama in David Lean’s Lawrence of Arabia to galactic blockbusters like Prometheus, Transformers and The Martian. So to pay tribute to its cinematic accolades we’ve crafted an 8-day trip where you can walk on Mars, go in search of the Holy Grail and get a taste of Jordan’s fascinating history and culture along the way. Grab your family or your fellow film buffs, pack your cameras and go on location with this tour of Jordan’s most iconic on-screen moments.




Touch down in Amman, Jordan’s cosmopolitan capital,

To follow, you’re off to Jordan’s most popular film location:

where your cinematic journey begins in a burst of colour

the red lunarscapes of Wadi Rum’s desert. Here you’ll be

and bustling streets. Head to the Military Museum for

following in the footsteps of some of the greatest film

some prop inspiration from the real-life ‘Lawrence of

directors and actors to your very own set on Mars. To

Arabia’, T.E. Lawrence, as you tour the Great Arab Revolt

truly immerse yourself in your cinematic visions, so you’ll

exhibits. Then it’s off to the Roman city of Jerash for your

be camping out in the dessert Bedouin-style and we’ll

first dose of epic scenery. The impressive ruins and hillside

arrange a stargazing session to take you through the

temples of this once lost city are enough to inspire anyone

planets and stars as they put on a stellar show just above

to pick up a camera.

your head.

After you’ve had your fill of Jerash’s colonnaded streets,

When you wake, it’s time to gain a new perspective

it’s time to shoot your first scene on Jordan’s Hejaz

on things (literally) as you soar into the sky in a hot air

Railway. It was the site of some dramatic moments from

balloon. From now on, it’s not Wadi Rum you’re floating

the 1962 film Lawrence of Arabia, so we’ll take you to the

over—it’s the surface of the Red Planet. And your mission?

see the original railway before you head back to your lux

Snapping those all-important and breath-taking aerial pan

hotel to rest your head.

shots for your own Martian story.



Next we’ll whisk you off to the fortress of Qasr al-Azraq, the same desert oasis where Lawrence and Faisal paused

Petra means many things to many people. But for one

to rest in David Lean’s Oscar-winning film. In this remote

person, it held the Holy Grail. Filming in 1989 of Indiana

desert castle you’ll have plenty of time to get your

Jones and the Last Crusade took place in Al Khazneh,

all-important test shots far from any crowds.The best

Petra’s Treasury, and became an iconic Jordan movie

filmmakers are the ones that ensure every detail in the

moment. After you’ve re-lived your favourite scenes, your

scene is just right—and that includes the food. So after

stay will be the stunning Mövenpick, where you mull over

location scouting for castles we’ll be helping you get

the day’s edit with a well-deserved rooftop cocktail.

under the skin of Jordan’s cuisine with a cooking class led

Lastly, it’s time to make your own mark on the filmmaking

by expert Jordanian chefs. You’ll then sit down to indulge in your delicious Arabian feast together (all in the name of research of course).


We love Jordan’s ancient, bustling cities, but when adventure calls, it’s the glorious outdoor expanses that keep us coming time and time again. Here you can hike lush mountain valleys, cycle past fortresses and dive blue depths with turtles and whale sharks. And that’s just scratching the surface. Here’s a few of our favourite ways to get outdoors in Jordan.


HIKE THE DANA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Welcome to Jordan’s Yosemite. The beautiful Dana Biosphere is the country’s largest reserve and a hiker’s nirvana. The terrain varies hugely, from sandstone cliffs high above sea level to protected valleys with surprisingly diverse ecosystems. 600 species of plants, from citrus trees to date palms, provide homes to 180 bird species as well as mountain gazelles, sand cats, red foxes and wolves. Pit-stop at the 15th-century village of Dana to absorb the spectacular valley views.

CYCLING IN MUKAWIR Cycling is another way to get a different perspective of Jordan’s scenery. The route from the lively and picturesque town of Madaba to the ancient fortress of Mukawir is a nonstop Kodak moment. But be sure to save your camera battery for when you reach Mukawir where your efforts will be richly rewarded by views stretching across to the Dead Sea and, on a clear night, to Jerusalem and Jericho too.

DIVE INTO AQABA Plunging from the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba into its crystalline waters, you’ll wonder why you ever spent time anywhere else. Its reef is basically one big diver’s fantasyland, favoured also by multicoloured fish and corals and an abundance of marine life including turtles and whale sharks in spring. The waters are calm and warm—19 degrees even in winter—making it a first-class destination for undersea exploration.



With its spice markets and lengthy culinary heritage fusing both Arabic and Mediterranean flavours, Jordan’s always been a bit of a gastromecca, but between the souks and streets of Amman there’s a new crop of restaurants and bars that are steadily growing Jordan’s recipe book and adding spice to its nightlife. From cult hotspots to craft beer, come and taste your way through Jordan’s heritage and discover the new kids on Amman’s block that are shaping its gastronomic future.



One of Jordan’s culinary institutions, Fakhr-El Din has

Omar Zumot has been hailed as the king of Jordan’s wine

reached an almost timeless cult status for its fine Lebanese

scene after he paved the way producing Jordan’s first

fare which is widely considered the country’s best. Its

bottles. What began a tasting invitation in his Amman

traditional take on food—including an astonishing array of

shop has now turned The Winemaker into a social hot spot

mezze—matches its setting perfectly within an elegantly

for oenophiles and a trendy Amman crowd. Book yourself

restored private villa in the city’s older quarters. Come here

into the tasting room to sample his organic St. George

to rub shoulders with the VIPs of Jordan’s society – from

wines paired with everything from samosas to stuffed

rock stars to royalty.

grape leaves topped with lamb. For the full experience, vineyard tours are just an hour’s drive away.



If you want to experience a more modern Jordan eatery, then family-run Beit Sitti is the place to head. Traditional

If you want to see where Amman’s future is headed then

Jordanian recipes are brought to life in this wonderful

make a beeline for Rainbow Street. This is the place to

cooking-school-come-supper-club, which has turned the

see-and-be-seen for young Ammanis who flock here to sip

ritual of the family meal into a shared dining experience.

coffee in hip cafés by day and party by night. Cantaloupe

Guests get a cooking lesson in Arabic classics with a family

is a favourite cocktail drinking den and boasts a beautiful

member before sitting down together to tuck into the

backdrop of Amman at night from its roof terrace.



CARAKALE BREWERY From Jordan’s first winery to its first microbrewery: Yazan

Hip and healthy dishes and a stunning view over

Karadsheh challenged the status quo when he brought

the one of Amman’s oldest quarters draw a young creative

the craft beer craze to Jordan in 2009 and founded the

crowd to Wild Jordan. Chic and eco-friendly is the name

Carakale Brewery. Named after Jordan’s endangered

of the game—this is where the city’s urbanites come to

‘caracal’ desert lynx, Yazan certainly faced many challenges

read, work, socialise, and get their dose of organic and

in bringing his dream of a Jordan beer to reality—stories

locally-sourced food. Graze on wraps, salads or mains like

he happily shares during his personalised tours in the

oven-baked eggplants smug in the knowledge that you’re

brewery which lies in a lush green valley just outside of

helping to support Jordan’s nature reserves too.

Amman. Try the blonde or pale ale.


Jordan is a mysterious pocket of timelessness that seems almost unaffected by the world around it. But culturally it is also ahead of the game. A place where hotels run on solar power, organic and locally sourced comes as standard and the spas are top notch; it’s Jordan’s ability to seamlessly blend ancient realms with impeccable modernity that has us hooked. Forge your own path through this land of luxury and surprise yourself with all that contemporary Jordan has to offer.



Hit the tarmac in Amman and you’ll instantly feel the heat

After a rejuvenating slumber, you’ll be eager to sample

and buzz that comes with a thriving capital city. Let our

some more of Jordan’s cultural delights, and there’s plenty

private guide introduce you to all that present-day Amman

to choose from—like tasting Jordan’s first craft beer at

has to offer, like cosmopolitan Rainbow Street where

Carakale Brewery or the award-winning wines at Oscar

stylish crowds and fledgling hipsters enjoy a spectrum of

Zumot’s vineyards where Jordan’s wine scene first took

boutiques, cafés and cocktail bars. And don’t forget to

root. If your curiosity lies with the local community, pick

try the innovative food offerings—go for contemporary

up some DIY and life hacks such as how to grow your own

organic dishes at Wild Jordan and help support Jordan’s

tomatoes or create your own recycled notebook with the

nature reserves or craft your own four-course feast at Beit

Zikra Initiative. Feeling adventurous? Hiking the Dana

Sitti’s family-run cooking school, one of the city’s immersive

Biosphere Reserve has got to be on your agenda: 600

dining concepts.

plant species, from citrus trees to date palms, prosper here

Still feeling energised? Relax with a few cocktails and then

along with 180 species of bird, wolves, red foxes, sand cats

dance away at Cube Lounge, before bedding down in one

and mountain gazelles. It’s a modern-day hiker’s nirvana.

of Amman’s collection of lux hotels.


you bed-down in your luxurious tented suite. Even in the middle of the desert, Jordan’s got contemporary comforts

No trip to Jordan is complete without visiting Petra’s rose-


hued city. It’s one of the country’s timeless attractions and a must-see marvel. After your private tour however we’ll


be whisking you back to modern-day luxury with a stay at another of Jordan’s super-lux hotels—the Mövenpick

We wouldn’t let you leave Jordan without some serious

at Petra. Here you can sip cocktails as you watch the

pampering, so next it’s to the Dead Sea for a spa break

spectacular sunset over the red hills from its roof garden.

to say hello to incredible holiday skin. People have been

Then it’s off to Wadi Rum’s ‘Valley of the Moon’—the

using this natural spa for centuries and you can enjoy

monolithic lunar rockscapes are about as close you’ll get

floating in its healing waters or, for a more modern take,

to space travel (for now)—before settling in to your luxury

you can pick and choose from the extensive spa menu at

desert camp where a hot shower awaits. The Bedouins

the Kempinski Hotel—a destination all on its own. Either

were ‘glamping’ years before anyone else and know how

way, the Dead Sea is a relaxing way end your taste of

to treat their guests well. Meals are prepared on open

modern Jordan that we guarantee you’ll never tire of, no

fires and enjoyed al fresco beneath a sheet of stars before

matter how much time passes.

YOUR JORDAN CULTURE CALENDAR Time your trip to Jordan right and you could bear witness to motor rallies and marathons, film festivals and shooting stars, and join in with celebrations whose origins date back tousands of years. Jordan’s calendar is brimming with events that mix the best of the past with the emerging talent of the future.

JORDAN MOTOR RALLY, MAY Petrol heads will likely already have heard of this extreme racing rally. The cream of the region’s top drivers turn out in force to delight and astound spectators as they navigate some of the world’s most challenging rally routes across Jordan’s desert plains. Running over three days, the rally opens with a ceremonial event allowing fans to spy the cars close-up before motorists spend the next two days battling to the Dead Sea with spectators lining the route.

DEAD SEA MARATHON, APRIL If you’re an avid marathon junkie, then it doesn’t get much more spectacular than the Dead Sea Ultra Marathon. Held annually in April, the hard-core participants start in Amman before winding their way down to the Dead Sea – the lowest point on earth. Participants can expect amazing views as you descend to the low-altitude aquatic divide where there’s about 5% more oxygen to breathe. The finale is the Dead Sea itself where you can rejuvenate weary limbs in its waters.

CITADEL NIGHTS, 3RD NIGHT OF RAMADAN Amman’s Citadel is a myriad of fascinating historical buildings influenced by different cultures throughout the centuries. During Ramadan, it welcomes visitors from all over the world in a festival to taste traditional Arab dishes, wander around authentic souks and listen to classical Arab music. But the pièce de résistance is the setting – its hilltop locations means enchanting views out over Amman.

DISTANT HEAT, JULY Party until dawn in a UNESCO protected desert at this annual dance music festival. Distant Heat sees young Arabs and adventurous travellers let loose, getting back to nature and clubbing amidst the out-of-this-world desert backdrop, Wadi Rum. The all-night party, featuring top international and local electronic-dance music artists, is held at the end of July each year and often continues with beach and pool parties in nearby Aqaba.

PERSEIDS METEOR SHOWER, AUGUST Budding astronomers can’t miss the annual Perseid meteor shower in Jordan’s desert. Observed for the last 2,000 years and traditionally known as the “tears of St Lawrence” since it usually shows up around the saint’s feast day, this mesmerising natural event lights up the night sky with tens of meteors per hour. Hire a guide to take you into the depths of the desert before spending hours gazing up at the clear night sky and marvelling at these celestial wonders.

EUROPEAN FILM FESTIVAL, SEPTEMBER Jordan can count a number of Oscar-winning film appearances under its belt and the modern film industry is blooming, so it makes sense that it plays host to a number of film festivals. The European event in September is its biggest calendar highlight where visiting cinephiles can catch new releases from across Europe in screenings held throughout the country.


JORDAN’S MARTIAN EXPERIENCE It’s easy to see why Ridley Scott picked Wadi Rum as the backdrop for his Oscar-nominated vision of the Red Planet in The Martian; the 278-square-mile expanse of fiery red is about as beautiful and otherworldly as you can get on Earth (it’s nicknamed the ‘Valley of the Moon’ after all). If, like us, the film’s epic panoramas had you craving your own space odyssey, then we’ve picked out a few favourite ways for you to create your own blockbuster experience.



We’re sure all budding astronauts spent a good deal of their time stargazing, so there’s only one way to spend

Get an aerial view of the red planet itself with a hot air

your nights in Wadi Rum—outside. Stars have always been

balloon ride above the Wadi Rum desert. You’ll be able to

a source of fascination for man, drawing you in with their

imagine what it must be like to land on an alien world as

promise of intergalactic adventures, and when night falls

you glide across the endless red-dusted mountains and

in Wadi Rum, you’re always guaranteed a stellar show. Fall

watch the lunar-like canyons unfold beneath you. This is

asleep beneath the glittering canopy and dream of your

Mars as you’ve never seen it before.

own final frontiers.



It’s hard to know how you would fare alone on Mars—until

The lines between work and play are blurring. Gone are

you find yourself alone in a rose-red desert that is. You’ll

the days of stuffy boardrooms and drab office parties.

need to have your wits about you if you’re going to survive

Forward-thinking businesses are setting the bar ever-

so we’ll help you get space-mission ready with a lesson

higher in giving their staff enticing rewards to look forward

in desert survival with the local Bedouins who already call

to. From desert camps to cocktail parties in forts and

the Wadi Rum home. Channel your inner Bear Grylls, push

citadels, with some of Jordan’s most iconic historical sites

your limits and put your friends and family to the test.

at your fingertips, we can help you create unforgettable moments to share with your colleagues. This is the future of the workplace:

A DINNER PARTY IN PETRA A welcome cocktail beneath Petra illuminated at night followed by dinner in the desert is one of those ‘pinch me’ moments that will go down in history with your colleagues. For something a little more intimate, there’s also Siq alBarid, or ‘Little Petra’. Part of the UNESCO Petra site and similarly carved straight out of sandstone canyons, it’s a beautiful setting to sip cocktails and dine amid a cool desert breeze.


THE ULTIMATE DESERT MISSION The ultimate adventure for you and your team. Start with

When it comes to office perks, whisking your colleagues

a sky dive into the red folds of the Wadi Rum where, in

off to enjoy a gala dinner in the middle of the desert has

teams, you’ll be charged with carrying out a special desert

to be up there in the ‘wildest dreams’ category. In Jordan,

mission. We’ll leave clues and fly-in supplies in secret

you can turn desktop daydreams into a reality and create

locations along the way as you ride camels, rock climb,

your own pop-up desert camp. Food and entertainment

quad bike and negotiate with locals to complete your

choices are endless. For a sophisticated touch, we

mission objective. This is one experience that will become

recommend live accompaniment from a grand piano.

legend among your office colleagues.

REST YOUR HEAD IN JORDAN’S PAST MÖVENPICK RESORT PETRA Bed down beside a World Wonder at this palatial desert resort nestled on the gates to the ancient city of Petra. With five star service, a Wellness Centre complete with outdoor pool, and awe-inspiring views over the Great Rift Valley, you’ll have everything you need for a princely desert escape.

LOCATION As far as truly extraordinary locations go, we’d say having one of the Seven Wonders of the World on your doorstep is pretty special. Make time to watch the glorious sunsets sink into the amber-hued sands from the lush Al Ghadeer Roof Garden and you’ll feel a million miles from the hustle and bustle of home.

YOUR ROOM This desert bolthole has 183 contemporary rooms decorated with Middle Eastern textures and patterns and peppered with hand-crafted wooden touches. But if it’s the money-shot views of Petra you’re after, then there’s only one choice—the magnificent Royal Suite comes with its own private terrace and the living space that makes the most of the jaw-dropping setting outside.

WHY WE LIKE IT Its proximity to the gates of Petra is what caught our attention, but what held it was the hotel’s air of luxury. Whether enjoying afternoon tea in the Lawrence of Arabiainspired tea room, sundowners in the stunning Al Ghadeer Roof Garden or the large choice of traditional Middle Eastern cuisine to dive into—this is a true desert oasis.


on comfort. The main source of power is solar, with oil lanterns, candles and torches lighting the evenings and

This is desert glamping at its finest—a boutique pop-up

adding to the magical atmosphere. Even in the middle of

Bedouin camp that blends seamlessly into the jaw-

the desert you’ll have an en-suite bathroom complete with

dropping surroundings of Jordan’s legendary Wadi Rum

hot water and lux Dead Sea toiletries. The nine crisp-white

desert. Paired with the Bedouins’ trademark hospitality,

tented suites reflect the traditional style of the Bedouin

this isn’t just a place to stay. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime

people, with earth-coloured hardwood floors, copper


washbasins and beautiful linens. Heaters and blankets are also on hand to keep you warm at night beneath the


canopy of twinkling stars.

Journey four hours south of Amman on the Desert


Highway and you’ll find yourself at the foot of the Wadi Rum ‘Valley of the Moon’. It’s around this red cliff-top that

Remote. Beautiful. Authentic. You might have to pinch

your private desert camp will be erected, although the

yourself more than a few times. This is the place to

exact spot depends on where the Bedouins perceive the

get away from it all and experience nomadic life in the

best spot is that day. The remote location means you’ll

Jordanian outdoors that has remained unchanged for

have no choice but to disconnect from the real world.

centuries. We also love ‘The Desert Culinary’, an authentic

However, with a choice of camel rides, sand boarding,

Bedouin feast of barbeque roasted meats and vegetables

hiking, star gazing and 4 x 4 rides, you’ll have plenty to

flavoured with traditional herbs and spices. We can think

keep you occupied.

of no better way to dine than against a backdrop of sand dunes, canyons and expansive skies.

YOUR ROOM Don’t worry if camping isn’t normally your thing. Ecofriendly but luxurious, here everything is tailored to give you an authentic experience without compromising


KEMPINSKI HOTEL AQABA Eye-wateringly beautiful sea views, a top-notch spa and no less than three incredible restaurants: the Kempinski Aqaba is one of Jordan’s finest Red Sea retreats. Not to mention it’s a stone’s throw from all the sights and sounds that make Aqaba a coastal paradise. Whether you’re hitting the spa or the beach, you’ll find luxurious comfort at every turn..

LOCATION Commanding its own private stretch of beach overlooking the Red Sea means that you’ll have instant access to the white sands and azure waters that, as Jordan’s only coastal town, are Aqaba’s biggest draws. Diving, water-skiing, snorkeling, windsurfing—you’re well equipped for aquatic adventure here. For a culture hit, you’re also perfectly placed to explore the city’s historical sites such as the Mameluke Fortress which Lawrence of Arabia himself once stormed.

YOUR ROOM You’re spoilt for choice to rest your head here. The Kempinski features 200 beautifully decorated rooms and suites in a range of sizes. Each one is completely unique in its design and comes with picturesque cityscapes or sea views from your private balcony. Our pick is the all-white Executive Panoramic Suite where floor-to-ceiling windows magnify the blue scenery beyond.

WHY WE LIKE IT In addition to the prime position on the shores of the Red Sea, this hotel is often touted as Aqaba’s top spa destination. And it’s not hard to see why. The spa takes up two floors and like the rest of the hotel makes the most of the seaside scenery. It boasts a range of Arabian-inspired treatments (try the Dead Sea Salt Scrub) and also features a world-class gym, sauna, steam room, relaxation lounge, an array of pools… the list goes on.



Tranquility, serenity, privacy; that is Feynan Ecolodge.

There’s virtually no hum of electricity here, only the odd

This award-winning desert oasis is completely off-grid,

light powered by solar panels—instead candles flicker in

nearly entirely self-sustainable, and set in an area boasting

picturesque alcoves of your room, warmed naturally from

thousands of years of archaeological history. From candlelit

the sun’s heat. And the low lighting makes gazing out

banquets to organic home-grown delights; Feynan makes

at the Milky Way from your private balcony even more

lux sustainable travel easy.




A huge part of Feynan’s charm of course is its idyllic,

The delicious local food (ask the chefs to make you

remote location. Feynan basks in the 300km sprawl of

a lunchbox if you’re heading out), the jaw-dropping

the Dana Biosphere Reserve, the only settlement in miles

surroundings and the eco-friendly ethos make this a

of mountains, mines and wildlife. Get outdoors to tour

unique stay. But there’s more to it than that. Feynan

the ancient copper mines, take a cooking class, or learn

Ecolodge has stories to tell. Of ancient amphitheaters and

how to make your own kohl make-up (Bedouin eyeliner).

legendary caravanserai welcoming travellers on their long

There’s plenty to learn and explore here, far away from the

journey along the silk route. Gaze up at the stars, listen to

beaten path.

its tales and you’ll be swept back through the ages.

KEMPINSKI HOTEL ISHTAR The Kempinski Hotel Ishtar Dead Sea offers three luxurious enclaves set in gardens dotted with lagoons, waterfalls and private pools. Ancient olive trees mingle with bamboo palms, providing guests with absolute privacy in a serene and exclusive setting.

LOCATION On the shores of the Dead Sea, you can’t be better placed to take advantage of the luscious enriching minerals of this unique body of water, and with Kempinski’s prolific infinity pools and spa offering a sanctuary of healing and bliss, your body needs are truly taken care of here.

YOUR ROOM Built in the babylon style, with stone floors amidst lagoon studded gardens, and styled with contemporary fittings, you can leave all stresses and strains at the door. All the rooms have sea view balconies and if you’re in the mood for an indulgent stretch of luxury, splash out on one of Kempinski’s Royal Villas complete with its own spa with sauna, steam room and a complimentary massage upon arrival.

WHY WE LOVE IT The location, the food, the spa; all the luxury at Kempinski Hotel Ishtar makes us want to sink in to all sumptuous pools and spas and allow the pampering to begin. We love how all the brilliance of the Dead Sea is right on the doorstep, meaning a float atop the most famous body of water on earth is just steps away.

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