MEDICARE MADE EASY OctoberDecember15– 7, 2022 AnnualEnrollmentisComing!

We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.
2023 Plan information will be released on October 1st.
1. A list of your current doctors and prescriptions. I would need to know the names of the drugs that you are taking, the dosages, and the frequency, along with which pharmacy you prefer.
I would like to offer you an annual review to make sure that your current medical needs are being served by the plan in which you are cur rently enrolled. Changes may have occurred in your plan or in your medical needs.
unless there is a cost of living adjustment to your Social Security check. COLA announcement comes in October. I will have the information available at our annual review.
2. I would also like to know how you are doing. Is your plan working for you or would you like to make a change? Are you satisfied with the coverage and care you have been receiving? Remember, sometimes you may be happ y with the plan that you have, but it may change going into next year.
Do not become complacent with your current plan or you may be overpaying or leaving benefits on the table that other plans are offering. Make sure we take the time to shop your benefits. Plans change from year to year and so do you.
Medicare Part B premium changes have not been released at this time by Congress. They tend to come out in early to late December. Remember, they can not raise your Medicare Part B premium
Start with a quick phone call or email!
Choosing the right plan for the right reasons is what we at Sun Coast Legacy Advisors help our clients with.

I represent the following insurance companies giving you the best choices available in our Humana,community:UnitedHealthcare/AARP,
Aetna, Cigna, Transamerica, Silver Script, Coventry, CarePlus, Ascension Complete, Health First Health Plans, BCBS, and WellCare.
Sun Coast Legacy Advisors is here to help you through the process. Email or Call to schedule your appointment today.

What I would need from you is the following:
William R. Gay 386-888-4921

2015 where she started out specializing in Medicare. Now, she helps all ages find affordable health care. Developing strong relationships is the foundation of everything she does both professionally and personally. Outside of work she loves spending time outside in the sun and quality time with family and friends.
has the plan that is best for them. Spending time with his family on the ski slopes, or on one of their many adventures, is why he works hard every day for his clients. Playing in the dirt, growing flowers, and tending to his garden keeps him grounded, as well as being a board member of his church.


transition to Medicare for his clients. He began working with Sun Coast Legacy Advisors in 2013. As a pilot and flight instructor, Matt has worked with the U.S. Air Force in a number of flying and flight train ing programs prior to focusing on insurance. Teaching is something that comes naturally, and is an asset when it comes to explaining how Medicare works. Matt loves spending time with his family, camping, off-roading and driving his tractor.
perience since 2008, Meg’s priority is focusing on each client’s individual needs. She believes trust and providing great customer service is what builds strong, long-term relationships. She has a passion for vol unteering in the community, as well as focusing on health and wellness through nutrition, daily exercise and staying active. In her spare time, you can find Meg fishing or en joying time on her boat with family, friends and her dog.
Mattmatt@suncoastlegacyadvisors.com719-300-4588Agentgenuinelyenjoyscreatingan easy

ANNA PONIATOWSKI Administrative Assistant

HANNAH KRIGER Administrative Assistant hannah@suncoastlegacyadvisors.com386-888-4921


Asmeg@suncoastlegacyadvisors.com904-453-7699AgentalicensedbrokerwithMedicare ex
insurance for any age. He has a positive solutionseeking attitude in knowing that everyone is different, and therefore has different needs or priorities when it comes to health insurance. Developing a long term, trusting relationship with his clients is his top priority. Growing up in Georgia and Florida, he and his wife lead an active outdoor lifestyle, and he’s also a big movie buff.
Discover Volusia and Flagler’s newest Medicare Advantage plans Get the benefits and savings you want for starting at just $0 a month with a Devoted Health Medicare Advantage plan. Want to learn more? Call Bill Gay, Devoted Health licensed sales agent 386-846-4190 *Not available in all plans. Benefits and cost share may vary by plan. Dental coverage limitations may apply. Devoted Health is an HMO and PPO plan with a Medicare contract. Our D-SNPs also have contracts with State Medicaid programs. Enrollment in our plans depends on contract renewal. Devoted Health complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-800-338-6833 (TTY 711). H1290_23L188_M $1,380 or more back in your Social Security check* FREE dental with $2,500 or more for dentures, crowns, and root canals $700 or more a year to spend on items like vitamins and toothpaste FREE diabetic supplies like test strips and needles FREE medical alert device with FREE monthly monitoring 23_DH_L_FL Newspaper Ad New Counties_v8.indd 1 8/5/22 10:37 AM Not affiliated with or endorsed by any State or the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare/Medicaid Program. Calling the number above will direct you to a Licensed Insurance Agent.

Health First Health Plans is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Health First Health Plans depends on contract Y0089_MPINFO10144_C(06/2022)renewal.
Call Williamnow.R.Gay Medicare Advantage Plans. Learn about all the benefits a plan with Health First Health Plans has to offer!

Health First Health Plans is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Health First Health Plans depends on contract Y0089_MPINFO10144_C(06/2022)renewal.
PROUD TO OFFER Health Plans Call Williamnow.R.Gay Medicare Advantage Plans. Learn about all the benefits a plan with Health First Health Plans has to offer!
Not affiliated with or endorsed by any State or the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare/Medicaid Program. Calling the number above will direct you to a Licensed Insurance Agent.
Second, we work as a fiduciary on your behalf so it’s not about one plan or one company. It’s all about you and your best interests. Consulting with friends and family is normal, but what works for your friend or family member might not be a stand out performer in the area where you live. Everyone must have the plan best suited for
hat has changed? Am I paying too much for my prescriptions? Can I save money with another plan? Why dig through these muddy details when we can do it for you. Meeting with a broker is the smartest move that a person who is on Medicare could make. We might tell you that the plan you have is still the best one for you, or we might be able to show you how to get more benefits for less money.

We meet clients once a year during the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) to do an annual review. It is important not to be complacent with your plan, and we will keep an eye on what changes. The AEP window runs from October 15th to December 7th.
them… not just what they hear “on the street.” Oftentimes, even spouses are on different plans based on their needs.
If you have questions or are confused about what you will be liable for, book a meeting with an agent. The goal is to lower your potential cost as low as possible while still receiving great medical care when you need it and give you peace of mind.

Not affiliated with or endorsed by any State or the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare/Medicaid Program.
A broker will do all the hard work for you by navigating the different plans and cross referencing your doctors and hospitals, which are most important. This can be tedious due to the number of plans. MEDICARE MADE EASY | TURNING 65 5 MULTIPLAN_PSM_SCL2_M
First, you not only have to worry about this Medicare decision when you first turn 65, but every year after as well. The plans change, you may change, or in a competitive market, there may be a new plan pop up that didn’t exist the previous year. There are 25 different Insurance Companies selling 11 different plans, plans A through N. Most counties have 15 to 25 different Medicare Advantage Plans with drug coverage, also known as Part C, and 17 other Prescription Drug Plans, Part D.

Not affiliated with or endorsed by any State or the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare/Medicaid Program. Calling the number above will direct you to a Licensed Insurance Agent.

Your primary care doctor or your specialist might have shifted to a different network. Or, the plan you currently have will not be enough to effectively cover your medical liability for the upcoming year’s events. Regardless of your specific situation, being educated about all of your options is the key to being satisfied once you have made a choice.
If a change is made durning the Annual Election Period, the new coverage will start on January 1st of 2023.
– What stayed the same?
Your Questions Answered Oct15 Dec7 Jan1 Not affiliated with or endorsed by any State or the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare/Medicaid Program.
AEP runs from October 15th through December 7th. Do not become complacent with your current plan or you may be overpaying or leaving benefits on the table that other plans are offering. The goal is to lower your potential cost as low as possible while still receiving great medical care when you need it.
Annual Enrollment Period October 15 th –December 7 th JanuaryCoverageNewBegins1st MEDICARE MADE EASY | TURNING 65 7 MULTIPLAN_PSM_SCL2_M ??
– What are my options?
New 2023 Medicare Plan information will be released on October 1st.
– What’s better, and what is worse?
Between October 1st and October 15th is the best time to start contacting a member of our team so we can start to build your profile and shop your plan for next year. We can inform you of changes in your plan and review your doctors and prescriptions to make sure you are in the best plan for next year.
The cost of your prescriptions could change, or the pharmacy you used last year might not be the most affordable place to pick up your prescriptions as it was last year. It could be as simple as switching to the pharmacy across the street to save hundreds of dollars throughout the year.
– What is new?
edicare is a fee-for-service health care program in which the government pays health care providers directly for services that fall under Parts A and B, also known as Original Medicare. It is available to seniors, people on social security disability, and the blind. If you are in need of coverage Original Medicare cannot provide, you can purchase a Medicare Supplement Plan, Part D Prescription Drug Plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan.
Medicare is divided into four categories. This allows you to customize your personal coverage when shopping for a comprehensive policy.
• Part C (Medicare Advantage): Combines Parts A and B and often part D as well.
• Part A (Hospital Insurance): Covers hospital care, emergency services, nursing home care, home health services and hospice.
• Part B (Medical Insurance): Covers medically necessary services and supplies used for diagnosing and treating medical conditions, and preventative services for illness prevention and/or early detection. Examples include ambulance service s, mental health care, outpatient procedures and clinical research.
• Part D: Stand alone prescription drug coverage.


(386) 200-4656(386)Luis200-4656J.Barba, M.D.Luis J. Barba, M.D. WELCOMING NEWWELCOMING NEW MEDICARE PATIENTS!MEDICARE PATIENTS! ¡Hablamos Español! OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm 759 Harley Strickland Blvd Orange City, Florida 32763 ORANGE CITY Call to Schedule your Appointment Today!Call to your Appointment Today! We Accept

Our 2022 Medicare Advantage plan scored the highest 5 out of 5 Star Rating from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.* This means high quality care for our customers and benefits** such as:
› A plan that provides opportunity for Open Enrollment all year long.
All Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation. The Cigna name, logos, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc. All pictures are used for illustrative purposes only. *You must reside in the plan service area. Available in certain counties of Florida. **Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system. 5-star rating applies to plan contract H5410. Awarded by Medicare for Quality and Performance. Cigna contracts with Medicare to offer Medicare Advantage HMO and PPO plans and Part D Prescription Drug Plans (PDP) in select states, and with select State Medicaid programs. Enrollment in Cigna depends on contract renewal. © 2022 Cigna. Some content provided under license. A_F_115_V1
Not affiliated with or endorsed by any State or the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare/Medicaid Program. Calling the number above will direct you to a Licensed Insurance Agent.
954688 Enjoy better quality and more value with Cigna Medicare Advantage.

› A plan that earned top ratings for preventive screenings, vaccinations, drug safety, customer service, customer experience and managing chronic conditions.
› A plan that offers quality health care providers in network. 0914-648-68
› $0 monthly premiums, primary doctor copays, specialist copays and many prescription drug copays plus a Dental Allowance toward covered services with a licensed dentist of your choice.
Prefer to Discuss Your Medicare Options with a Licensed Insurance Agent? Call Us Today. Not affiliated with or endorsed by any State or the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare/Medicaid Program. Calling the number above will direct you to a Licensed Insurance Agent. We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options. Getting started with Medicare doesn’t have to be difficult. We’re here to help you through the process every step of the way. • Our services are FREE. • Our recommendations are based on YOUR needs and wants, not the insurance carrier. • We maintain our relationship with you year over year. • As your needs and wants change, or if the plans change, our recommendations may change. WE EASYMEDICAREMAKE FREE RESOURCES DESIGNED TO HELP Scan Code or visit • Take our ONLINE QUIZZES designed to help you understand options that best fit your needs. • Download our comprehensive MEDICARE GUIDE . Prefer to Discuss Your Medicare Options with a Licensed Insurance Agent? Call Us Today. 386-957-7851 TOLL FREE: 888-777-5591 MULTIPLAN_PSM_SCL2_M

12 TURNING 65 | MEDICARE MADE EASY CONTACT US FOR ASSISTANCE: 386-888-4921 • 888-777-5591 MULTIPLAN_PSM_SCL2_M ORIGINAL MEDICARE ProvidedOVERVIEWbytheGovernment MEDICARE PART A – HOSPITAL MEDICARE PART B – MEDICAL $170.10/mo. HOSPITALIZATION Days 1-60 .............. $1,556 Part A Deductible Days 61-90 ............ $389 Per Day Days 91-150 .......... $778 Per Day SKILLED NURSING CARE Days 1-20 .............. Zero Cost Days 21-100 .......... $194.50 Per Day OTHER SERVICES Blood ..................... You pay for first three pints Hospice ................. Zero Cost PART B DEDUCTIBLE ... $233/yr. MEDICARE PAYS ......... 80% YOU PAY ....................... 20% No out-of-pocket maximum EXCESS CHARGE ....... 15% Doctors who do not accept Medicare Assignment Not affiliated with or endorsed by any State or the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare/Medicaid Program. MEDICARE MADE EASY | TURNING 65 13 MULTIPLAN_PSM_SCL2_M MEDICARE COVERAGE ADDITIONAL OPTIONS Two Ways to Get Additional Coverage SupplementMedicare AdvantageMedicare PRIMARY – Medicare • Any Doctor • Any Hospital • No Network • No Referrals SECONDARY – Medicare Supplement / Medigap • Standardized coverage • Only difference is the price • Coverage from company to company is the same PLANS A-N: $57-$265/mo. PLAN G • Pay only your Part B Deductible • No Co-pays FITNESS MEMBERSHIP PART D - RX DRUG COVERAGE • Plan Premiums: $7-$101/mo. • Drug Co-pays • Formularies differ from plan to plan PRIMARY – Private Insurance SECONDARY – Medicare • Medicare pays plan to manage your care • Zero to Low Cost per Month: $170.10 + 0 = $170.10 Part B Reduction Plans which will reduce the cost of your Medicare: $170.10 - ?? = Lower Cost Network Based Plans • HMO - Referrals Needed • PPO - No Referrals • Doctor and Hospital Co-pays • Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum: $1,000–$7,500 Part D - Drug Coverage Included Additional Benefits: • Fitness Membership • Dental and Vision • Over the Counter Benefits Not all plans offer all of these benefits. Benefits may vary by carrier and location. Limitations, exclusions, copays, deductibles,and coinsurance may apply. Part B Premium give-back is not available with all plans. Availability varies by carrier and location. Actual Part B premium reduction varies. ORIGINAL MEDICARE A & B: $170.10/mo. + One Option Below

edicare Part B has a monthly premium that is charged by the federal government; in 2022 the Medicare Part B premium was $170.10 per month.
There are many Advantage Plans that now offer a reduction in your Medicare Part B premium as part of the benefits that they provide. So yes, it is possible for Medicare to cost you less than the standard rate of $170.10 per month.
Does the plan include my doctors?
• What are my prescription co-pays on the plan?
MEDICAL $170.10/mo.
Is this right for you? That is the question. Everyone is always looking for the same thing in their insurance coverage. We all want the best insur ance for the least amount of money.
• What is the Out-of-Pocket Maximum of the plan?
Oftentimes, Medicare Advantage Plans offer Part B reduction of between $70 to $100 per month, reducing your Medicare monthly cost by half to two-thirds of the standard rate charged by the federal government.
Part B Premium give-back is not available with all plans. Availability varies by carrier and location. Actual Part B premium reduction varies.
• What type of plan is it – HMO vs. PPO?
MONTHLY TOTAL $48.50/mo.
Things to think about before enrolling in a Medicare Part B reduction Medicare Advantage Plan.•

• Wha t are the co-pays for doctors and hospitals?
Let one of our agents see if a Medicare Advantage Plan with a Part B reduction is right for you. We can show you how this plan may differ from the plan that you are currently enrolled in.
Your Medicare Part B premium is either withheld directly from your social security check or Social Security will send you a quarterly invoice for
two coverage options for Medicare is to choose to receive care through a Medicare Advantage Plan, also know as Medicare Part C. If you decide to receive care through a Medicare Advantage Plan, Medicare become your secondary insurer, with your Advantage Plan being your primary insurer. MEDICARE MADE EASY | TURNING 65 15 MULTIPLAN_PSM_SCL2_M
protection or security against damage or loss. Hospital Indemnity is designed to do just that — to help protect your savings and your security for the future. Benefits are paid directly to you and in addition to any other health care coverage you may have.
Adding a Hospital Indemnity to your insurance portfolio can help pay for the unexpected. Call us today to see if adding an Hospital Indemnity plan to your coverage would be right for you. A Hospital Indemnity is not a Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage plan.
The benefits and premiums for the plans will vary based on the plan options you select. Hospital indemnity plans can help cover hospital admission, doctor office visits, outpatient surgical procedures, ER visits, ambulance services, skilled nursing facility, outpatient rehab and lump sum cancer indemnity.

Hospital Indemnity Insurance Plan can help lower your cost if you have a hospital stay or other qualifying event. While your Medicare Supplement or Advantage Plan may cover some of the cost, they will not cover the entire Indemnitycost.means
AdvantageMedicare + You’re Responsible for Paying: • Doctor Co-pays • Hospital Co-pays • Out Patient Co-pays Cost: $0 additional cost per month above Medicare Part B IndemnityHospital Pays: • Doctor Co-pays • Hospital Co-pays • Out Patient Co-pays Cost: $30–$75/mo. Not affiliated with or endorsed by any State or the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare/Medicaid Program.

Going with a Medicare Advantage plan does not mean that you are settling for less. There is no degradation in coverage; all Medicare Advantage plans have to cover what Medicare A and B cover. An Advantage plan requires that you have to work within a network. Most often there are HMO and PPO style plans. On an Advantage plan you only incur cost if you incurred care. Meaning, if you go to the doctor or hospital, then you will have a co-payment. The advantage of an Advantage plan is that it provides you with an Out-of-Pocket Maximum. Thus giving you a cap to your liability. Oftentimes, Part D prescription drug coverage is included in these plans. So your doctor, hospital, and drug coverage is all inclusive within one plan.
• Does working within a network bother you?
• What will your budget allow your monthly premium to be?
• Do you have any major surgeries on the horizon?
• Do you have doctors you want to keep if your network changes?
A Medicare Supplement or Medigap policy covers the cost left over by original Medicare. These plans are secondary to Medicare. Medicare is your primary insurer. Having Medicare as your Primary insurer allows you freedom of choice. You can see any doctor that takes Medicare, go to any hospital, no networks and no referrals. Medicare Supplements follow federal and state laws designed to protect you. For that reason, the coverage from company to company providing supplements are the same; the only difference is price. Plan G from one company to the next is exactly the same plan but at a different cost. You will need to add Part D, a stand-alone prescription drug plan. With a Medicare Supplement and Drug plan, you will carry around three different cards: your Medicare card, your supplement card and your Part D card. Your supplement and part D do not have to come from the same company.
difference between a Supplement and Advantage Plan is form and function. Supplements have no network where advantage plans do. Supplements have the cost frontloaded in the form of a monthly premium. You are going to pay for coverage every month regardless if you need it or not, but when you do you may pay very little. An Advantage plan has its cost backloaded in the form of a copay. This is a variable cost system where your cost will vary from month to month as you manage your health.
Choosing the right plan depends on your needs and wants. Let us help you in making the right decision.

he differences between a Medicare Supplement and a Medicare Advantage plan is often a topic of conversation when approaching the choice between the two. Occasionally, it is not really a choice and after a quick conversation with a broker, you will understand why you will be better off with one or the other depending on your specific circumstances. Here are a few questions to ask yourself before meeting with one of our brokers:
An Advantage plan requires you to keep your Medicare Part B (Medical) premium current, but has either zero or a low monthly premium. Part B reduction may be available to reduce the cost of
• How often do you go to the doctor?
A Medicare Advantage Plan, also known as “Part C” or “MAPD Plan.” is an option available where a private company is paid by Medicare to manage your health care. This does not mean you lose Medicare. Medicare becomes your secondary and the private company becomes your primary insurer.
Have a free* Humana Medicare Advantage plans benefits review
*No obligation to enroll.
注意:如果您使用繁體中文 ,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務 。
At Humana, it is important you are treated fairly. Humana Inc. and its subsidiaries comply with applicable Federal Civil Rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ancestry, marital status or religion. English: ATTENTION: If you do not speak English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call 1‑877‑320‑1235 (TTY: 711).
with or
• Find out which plans fit your needs and lifestyle
• Learn about wellness programs that may be available as part of a Medicare Advantage plan
More than a plan
See why more than 9 million people across the country** have chosen Humana all-in-one Medicare Advantage plans and stand-alone prescription drug plans.
Your local, licensed sales agent can show you available plans and what they offer. There’s no obligation, and this conversation may help you:
Your local, licensed sales agent can show you available plans and what they offer. There’s no obligation, and this conversation may help you:
Have a free* Humana Medicare Advantage plans benefits review
請致電 1‑877‑320‑1235
Español (Spanish): ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1‑877‑320‑1235 (TTY: 711). 繁體中文 (Chinese):
Get Medicare-ready— it’s not too early
Learn from an expert
**Humana Inc. First Quarter 2021 Earnings Release April 28, 2021 At Humana, it is important you are treated fairly. Humana Inc. and its subsidiaries comply with applicable Federal Civil Rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ancestry, marital status or religion. English: ATTENTION: If you do not speak English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call 1‑877‑320‑1235 (TTY: 711). Español (Spanish): ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1‑877‑320‑1235 (TTY: 711). 繁體中文 (Chinese): 請致電 1‑877‑320‑1235 (TTY :711) Y0040_GHHJEW7EN22_AD_M
• Learn about wellness programs that may be available as part of a Medicare Advantage plan
• See whether your prescriptions are covered
Get Medicare-ready— it’s not too early
More than a plan
Call a licensed independent sales agentSuncoast Legacy Advisors 386‑846‑4190 (TTY: 711) Monday - Saturday 8 a.m. – 8 bill@suncoastlegacyadvisors.comp.m.

• Find out which plans fit your needs and lifestyle
Whether you have Medicare already or you’re taking your first steps toward it, now is a fine time to learn about plans, premiums and prescription coverage.
See why more than 9 million people across the country** have chosen Humana all-in-one Medicare Advantage plans and stand-alone prescription drug plans.

• See whether your prescriptions are covered
**Humana Inc. First Quarter 2021 Earnings Release April 28, 2021
Not affiliated endorsed by any State or the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare/Medicaid Program. Calling the number above will direct you to a Licensed Insurance Agent.
Learn from an expert
Whether you have Medicare already or you’re taking your first steps toward it, now is a fine time to learn about plans, premiums and prescription coverage.
注意:如果您使用繁體中文 ,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務 。
(TTY :711) 。 Y0040_GHHJEW7EN22_AD_M Call a licensed independent sales agentSuncoast Legacy Advisors 386‑846‑4190 (TTY: 711) Monday - Saturday 8 a.m. – 8 bill@suncoastlegacyadvisors.comp.m. ARE YOU TURNING 65 OR NEW TO MEDICARE?
*No obligation to enroll.
There is a big difference between Annual Enrollment and Open Enrollment.

• You find a plan with better benefits. You discover your doctor or pharmacy is now out of network.
During Annual Enrollment you can make a change to any Medicare plan, Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage Plan, and/or a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (Part D). You may make as may changes as you like durning this period, the last choice being the one that will take effect on January 1st.

Always know that if you do have an Advantage Plan, or changed your Advantage Plan during AEP, that you can make a one-time change during Open Enrollment to another Advantage Plan.
to March 31st, you can make a one-time change to another Medicare Advantage Plan. Your new coverage will start the first of the next month. So if you make a change on February 17th your new plan will start on March 1st. Remember, you can only make one change during this period. If you have a Part D prescription drug plan or a Medicare Supplement Plan, you can not make a change durning this period. You also have the option to drop your Medicare Advantage Plan and pick up a stand-alone drug plan Part D to go with your Original Medicare if that is the best option for you.
• Not Happy with your current Advantage Plan.
• Went with a new Advantage Plan for the new year and want your old plan back.
The first big difference is when they take place. Annual Enrollment runs from October 15 th to December 7 th . Open Enrollment runs from January 1st to March 31st
You might need to make a change due to the following factors:
Talk with one of our agents today to go over your current plan to see if we should make any chang es to your plan during Annual Enrollment, October 15 th –December 7 th , with your new coverage starting January 1, 2023.
Open enrollment is only available for those peo ple that are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan. During the period that runs from January 1st
Not affiliated with or endorsed by any State or the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare/Medicaid Program. Calling the number above will direct you to a Licensed Insurance Agent.

• Extra Help
As of April 2022 Medicaid is available for those individuals in Florida that have monthly income below $1,529 and less than $8,400 in assets. Medicaid is also available for couples that have a monthly income of less than $2,060 and assets less than $12,600. Medicaid is a program that is run by the department of Children and Family. One of our agents can help you enroll to see if you could qualify for extra benefits. If you qualify, one may either qualify for partial or full medicaid. Qualifying gives you a special enrollment to choose a new plan that might be better designed for your needs.
of our agents today about qualifying for extra benefits through Medicaid or Extra Help.

• Medicare Saving Program
MEDICARE is a health insurance program that comes from the federal government.
• Medicaid
A program from the State of Florida that will pay for Medicare.
There are multiple programs available to people with limited resources. We help people find out if they could qualify for the following benefits:
Extra Help, also known as Part D Low Income Subsidy (LIS), is a federal program that comes from the Social Security Administration to assist those with limited means of income in paying for their prescription drugs. The assistance pays either some, or most, of a portion of the outof-pocket costs of Medicare prescription drug coverage. It will also pay for Part D’s premium up to a state-specified benchmark amount. Depending on the beneficiary’s monthly income and asset amount, one may either qualify for partial or full Extra Help. In order to be eligible for Extra Help, the beneficiary’s monthly income must fall within certain parameters. In 2022, the limit is up to $20,388 annual income for singles and $27,468 for
MEDICAID is a health insurance program that comes from the State of Florida. Medicaid is for those individuals and couples that have limited resources: income and assets.
Additional health insurance in addition to your Medicare.
A program from Social Security to help with Prescriptions Drug Cost.

I’m William R Gay, a local licensed insurance agent/producer located right here in North East & Central Florida, and Authorized to Offer AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans, insured by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company (UnitedHealthcare).
Plans that carry the AARP name have been carefully evaluated and selected as meeting the high service and quality standards of AARP.
In some states, plans may be available to persons under age 65 who are eligible for Medicare by reason of disability or End-Stage Renal Disease.
Not affiliated with or endorsed by any State or the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare/Medicaid Program. Calling the number above will direct you to a Licensed Insurance Agent.
Not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or the federal Medicare program. This is a solicitation of insurance. A licensed insurance agent/producer may contact you. THESE PLANS HAVE ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS, EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS. FOR COSTS AND COMPLETE DETAILS (INCLUDING OUTLINES OF COVERAGE), CALL A LICENSED INSURANCE AGENT/PRODUCER AT THE NUMBER SHOWN.
Help Finding the Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan That May Be Right for You Is Just Down the Street

Licensed insurance agent/producer contracted with Newbill@suncoastlegacyadvisors.com386-846-4190UnitedHealthcareSmyrnaBeach,Fl32168
I’m just a local phone call away. Contact me today to learn more!
Choice of plans available.
William R Gay
Personal Attention Where It Counts
Competitive rates.
You’ll have someone right here in your community who may help you with your plan choice, from start to finish.
If you’re considering a Medicare supplement plan, I may be able to help guide you in finding a plan that may be right for you. Together, we’ll review your personal insurance needs and what matters most to you. I’ll discuss how these plans may help you manage your out-of-pocket costs. Some plan highlights include:
Please note that you must be an AARP member to enroll in an AARP Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan. Insured by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company, Horsham, PA (UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company of New York, Islandia, NY for New York residents). Policy Form No. GRP 79171 GPS-1 (G-36000-4).
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AARP endorses the AARP Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans, insured by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company. UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. AARP and its affiliates are not insurers. AARP does not employ or endorse agents, brokers or producers.
id you know you can be penalized for failure to enroll? If you do not enroll in Medicare Part B when you are first eligible, your monthly premium may go up 10% for each 12 month period you could have had Part B, but did not sign up – unless you have had creditable coverage during this period.
Receiving a late enrollment penalty or being charged IRMAA does not have to be a surprise. Give us a call today to discuss your Medicare coverage options and what they may cost.
The Part D late enrollment penalty is an amount that is permanently added to your Medicare drug coverage premium. The cost of the late enrollment penalty depends on how long you went without Part D or creditable prescription drug coverage. Medicare calculates the penalty by multiplying 1% of the national base beneficiary premium by the number of months that you were without coverage.
Medicare Part B 2022 IRMAA Medicare Part D 2022 IRMAA Individual Joint Monthly Premium $91,000 or less $182,000 or less $170.10 $91,000 - $114,000 $182,000 - $228,000 $238.10 $114,000 - $142,000 $228,000 - $284,000 $340.20 $142,000 - $170,000 $284,000 - $340,000 $442.30 $170,000 - $500,000 $340,000 - $750,000 $544.30 Greater than $500,000 Greater than $750,000 $578.30 Individual Joint Monthly Premium $91,000 or less $182,000 or less Your Plan Premium $91,000 - $114,000 $182,000 - $228,000 $12.40 + Your Plan Premium $114,000 - $142,000 $228,000 - $284,000 $32.10 + Your Plan Premium $142,000 - $170,000 $284,000 - $340,000 $51.70 + Your Plan Premium $170,000 - $500,000 $340,000 - $750,000 $71.30 + Your Plan Premium Greater than $500,000 Greater than $750,000 $77.90 + Your Plan Premium
For high income Medicare beneficiaries, Part B and Part D premiums include an additional

charge based on your modified adjusted gross income. Yes, that is right – Medicare can cost more if your income is above $91,000 a year. IRMAA is determined by income from your prior two years’ income tax returns. This means, that for your 2022 Medicare premiums, your 2020 income tax return is used. This amount is to be recalculated annually.
You will receive a notice from the Social Security Administration to inform you if you have been assessed IRMAA. You can appeal the IRMAA adjustment if you have had a change of life event such as loss of income or divorce.
Program. Calling
FHCP Medicare FHCP Medicare Our

Call your local licensed agent today. liamenoitacinummocmorfIWsrosivdAycageLtsaoCnuS,yaGmaillierehkcilcesaelpFOMH.lawenertcartnoccdleihSeulBdnassorCeulBA.noitaicossWsrosivdAycageLtsaoCnuS,yaGmailli.eracideMPCHFroftnegatnednepedni,dezirohtuaWhtiwylpmocearoF.xes,ytilibasid,egam.moc.eracidempchftisivYC_12028600PCHF_1100 1-386-846-4190 William Gay, Sun Coast Legacy www.suncoastlegacyadvisors.comAdvisors Not affiliated with or endorsed by any State or
AEP Medicare Enrollment is almost here... FHCP Medicare plans include more benefits at a value that fits lifestyle. a Medicare Benefits Checkup before AEP. starts October 1 and runs through December 7. the U.S. Government the Federal Medicare/Medicaid the number will direct to a Licensed Insurance Agent.

Not affiliated with or endorsed by any State or the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare/Medicaid Program. Calling the number above will direct you to a Licensed Insurance Agent.

MULTIPLAN_PSM_SCL2_M We WillMeet with You atYour Convenience:PHONE,IN PERSON,or ZOOM • Our services are FREE. • Our recommendations are based on YOUR needs and wants, not the insurance carrier, as they all pay the same commission. • We maintain our relationship with you year over year. • As your needs and wants change, or if the plans change, our recommendations may change. • UnitedHealthcare • Humana • Health First • Cigna • Transamerica • SilverScript • WellCare • Aetna • Care Plus • Ascension Complete • Florida Blue • Florida Health Care Plans • Devoted Health • Simply Health Care LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR MEDICARE CHOICE Call Now to Discuss Your Medicare Options with a Licensed Insurance Agent Not affiliated with or endorsed by any State or the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare/Medicaid Program. Calling the number above will direct you to a Licensed Insurance Agent. We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options. Plans are insured or covered by a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract and/or a Medicare-approved Part D sponsor. Enrollment in the plan depends on the plan’s contract renewal with Medicare. 386-888-4921 TOLL FREE: 888-777-5591