3 minute read
There’s no question that CBD is the wellness product of the moment. Coffee shops sell CBD lattes, spas offer CBD facials, beauty companies are rushing to release lotions with CBD and your anxiety prone co-worker has a bottle of CBD at her desk. The IJY Staff even took a yoga class called Restore: CBD-infused Yoga for Stress Relief, Hosted by Alight and Aligned Yoga, with Sarabeth Jackson and Heal 407. It was a wonderful evening and we recommend checking it out!
But even with all the buzz, most Central Floridians still ask…
What is CBD?
CBD stands for cannabidiol (can-na-bid-i-ol), which is found naturally in hemp plants.
Does CBD Come From Marijuana?
Yes, but CBD is found in all the cannabis family of plants. CBD (cannabidiol) is one of many beneficial chemical compounds found in cannabis. There are many “types” of cannabis just as there are many “types” of roses. From a legal standpoint, what is known as Marijuana comes from cannabis plants with higher than the legal limit (0.3%) of another cannabinoid known as TCH (the one responsible for the “high” associated with Marijuana use).
• CBD is not psychotropic like THC.
CBD does not cause a feeling of “high” (alteration in a person’s mental state).
• The 2018 Farm Bill that recently went into effect, clarified that Hemp, and its derivatives and extracts, is not a schedule 1 controlled substance, and is now federally legal to grow, manufacture, and consume.
At present, products containing CBD derived from Hemp are considered supplements and are, therefore, not approved by the FDA for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease. You should see this statement on products and websites for reputable CBD product manufacturers and providers.
Why is CBD Becoming So Popular?
More and more people are learning about how much CBD can help manage many conditions, from the mild to the severe. CBD products can help manage: • Anxiety • Depression • Sleeplessness • Pain • Inflammation, and more
How Does CBD Work?
CBD works within the endocannabinoid system (ECS) of the body. The ECS is a complex network of cannabinoid receptors expressed in cells of both the central and peripheral nervous system. In basic terms, the ECS helps modulate the regulation of homeostasis (stable equilibrium) across all major body systems ensuring that all systems work in concert with one another. Scientists do not yet have a full and complete understanding of what the ECS does, but the ECS helps: • to fine-tune most of our vital physiological functions; • help maintain immune system balance; • affects everything from sleep, appetite, pain, inflammation, memory, mood, and even reproduction.
The scientists’ hypothesis is that a deficiency in the ECS may lie at the root of some disorders and that by supplementing the body with naturally occurring cannabinoids from plants, the deficiency can be corrected to relieve symptoms and restore health.
IJY Editorial Opinion
CBD is far from a “cure-all,” but it has the potential to contribute significantly to a healthy lifestyle. The most important factors for a healthy lifestyle still remain diet and exercise.
Yet if you are interested in trying CBD, a knowledgeable professional should be able to give you input on what to look for when purchasing a CBD product. They can also give you guidance on how much to take. IJY Staff would like to thank Margaret Latham, owner of Blue Lotus Botanicals, for the research used in this article.