Folks Just Being

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Folks Just Being

There is a symphony going on each day.An interaction of strangers who have yet to learn much of their commonality, community, confidence, each one in the other. But it will, it does come to them.

I wonder why that Guy

Is just sitting there.

Bench on the busy June street

Port Dover.

Bikinis, babies, baskets and bustle.

He holds his walking stick

Straight up before him.

Like a walnut pillar

He smiles at passers-by

Gazes at the kids, happy

With their hot dogs or popsicles

Conversations between young


Couples strolling.

Snippets of those ingested.

Not for gossip or malice

But simply for the banquet

Of human endeavour, relish And relationship. News

Beats apartment blues

Every time.

No one sits beside him

Until some Lad, probably seven Plunks to re-tie his shoelace

Kid turns sideways, smiles

Thus begins a fifteen minute

Exchange of delight for both

Kid’s Mother sees, smiles

Talks to her Sister

At a nearby picnic table

She knows both men will profit


I don’t know you

But that fixed look of yours

Tells me you’re up

For conversation.

Alone, each one of us

In the coffee shop.

You with your Crossword.

I with my laptop and book of poems.

Finally, “Do you really like poetry?

I can’t get the hang of it.

Symbolism, wacky jolting words.


Don’t read much anyway.

Only the Sun and sports columns.

Seldom a Readers’Digest.”

(Well we won’t be following up with Wordsworth, Poe or Coleridge.

I think to myself.)

But here goes, “My name is Doug What’s yours?

I have seen you here the last Couple of mornings

Today outside, looks like a good one ”

Do you follow the Raptors?

As a kid basketball was my thing

Have been a couple of times

ToToronto games

Nice place



Kidshavedepartedontheyellowbus.AdayinMaywhenAll seemsglowingandclean.

VegetablegardenJustputin.AlbertisatameetingofmenLeft early.Discussingstrategiesinpricingofcrops.


Corn,beans,canola.Hetookthelargertwohorsebuggy.She mightgoforaspinherself.Later.


HelendowntheRoadwillbeextremelybusyAswell.Notimefor botheringher.

ShesingstoherselfSongsofWednesdays’Quiltinggroup.Her onlysociety.

ShecallstheDogforAdishofwaterThenopensthekitchendoor ForhisExodus.ShehasnoExodus.


Lunchtime.Sketching,anddelightingInasandwichmadeWith lastOctober’spreserves.

DaughterKarenhadsharedintheCanning.NowKarenhasleft theLife.ThewayofMenno’squietpeople.






How many times we rushed to respond

To wicked attacks, with lessons from hacks

And touted wive's tales that usually fail

When all the while Jesus is waiting.

Waiting with power and pains He once bore

Risen from graves clothes to suffer no more

Fine Elder Brother just waiting to share

Healing and purpose and proof of His care.


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