Friends, Fashure
Copyright Doug Blair, Kitchener ON, 2022
Like oxygen
Babbling rivulets Springtime in Hills. Whatever’s on their minds
I listen. Saying zilch for a while. Simply in their corner And that can speak volumes. Relieving pounds and pounds From the “backpack”
Of pain and perplexity.
And the engine improves
And the muffler quietens
Do they offer In like kind?
Yeah, a couple do.
I sense. For the trip.
The Quiet Buddy
Can you get this to register?
Just listen.
Smile if you wish.
Don’t blab about Your experiences.
That comes off
Like the competitive.
We men compete
Raise the stakes.
Drip bravado
Mostly feigned.
I need transparency.
No slap across
Back of the head
In judgment.
Just you. Here. Genuinely involved. Approachable.
Is it possible…Bud?
I Can Only (Says God)
I can only bless The serving.
Who will flee all worldly fame. And delight me
In small Love tasks Rendered only in my name.
As you don the Towel of service
Wiping feet of Worldly grime. (see John’s Gospel, chapter 13)
You will know The heart of Jesus. You will know His joy sublime.
Remember your Pillar (Dad, an everywhere Friend)
I am thinking of him
In former times Before the wasting
And silent fore-bearing.
The witty stories
He might tell
And the selected music
That transported the room.
His time was available
And rich and uplifting
To a teenage wonderer. The walks and talks.
A Son who hardly Noticed the selflessness. But these days it registers.
As I walk down Similar paths of the years.
Remembering the King
And everywhere Friend Who was, and is my Dad.
Visceral Caring Medicine
Never have I felt so close
To life and death's thin line
As when I treated allergy's worst
The throat clapped shut one time.
Jack Blair 1922-2010
He looked at me as face turned blue
The precious breathing gone.
A call was made for antidote
Now how could he go on?
I softly thrust my forearm in.
The hand not meant to choke.
The fingers spreading airway thus.
No team mate moved or spoke.
He took a breath.
I gently soothed
The passage without peer
And time dragged on in silent prayers
The healing Christ so near.
At last the vial of precious flow
His colouration gained
But never felt my service so
As when we teamed and strained.
As when we ventured knowing not what
But joined in trust and peace The healing Jesus did the rest And brought my Friend release. Really Know?
Do I really know?
The depths of your Being
The message that shows
You choosing a people
Guiding them
Protecting them
Letting them go
Unto lusts and idols.
Learning necessary lessons
Until Messiah would come
In diapers
To a sweet young girl
Of faith and purity.
With a spouse who would Listen to Godly dreams.
As per ALL the prophecies.
...Yeah, so that's the story
Heard it all.
Way before
Jesus ever caressed my Heart and conscience.
But do I really know you
Or was the Clock
Simply wound up To run of its own.
Couldn't be just that!
Jesus' earth walk showed Something much different. Involved Weeping Helping Embracing
Determined to rescue
At foretold dreadful cost.
Yeah God, the Son
Is your Mirror
To me and mine. Better hit those Gospels
Harder, sweeter, clinging.
And your images arrive
And your Heartbeat known.
Thank you for your Son
Your Living Word.
Your indwelling Comforter.
I am listening, available.
With the Smile
He comes along the sidewalk
Head lowered to the cracks
And thoughts of pain
Not much to gain
Keep haunting, coming back.
And you relate to hardship
Some bridges crossed you know.
The troubles made you grow.
Lord show him this
And Heaven’s Bliss.
Bring peace a little while.
Starts with a simple smile.
Not chapter, verse
Doctrines rehearsed.
Just smile, yes just smile.
Working Wives
Have you ever thought the whole thing is not worth it?
Looked like two secretaries having Friday lunch at the next table. Pay Day. Late September. Jean was telling her friend about the cash grind that she and Steve were facing. Double income household. Two kids eight and five. Day care hefty fees and travelling panic. Took most of Jean’s salary. The new house, inflated in price, had come with a frightening mortgage. And only offered a shorter term, thereafter to be re-negotiated.
I’m hearing you Girl. It’s a bitch. This morning Archie was uncommonly rude. Busy guy. Overworked. Self righteous about his nose to the grindstone thing. About his Church. I don’t think that he and Wanda are having an easy go. It reminds me of that funny movie. Tim Allen and the Amish. FOR RICHER OR POORER. Also starred that Kirstie woman. What a hoot...but with some witty points about relationship and time and values.
What’s the time? Oh good, we still have another fifteen minutes. My treat today. It's great to talk like this. Real stuff with a woman friend who cares. Why has it taken us so long to get to the point.?
Song of the Wire
An overcast day In the summer. A pleasant relief
From the heat.
And rising quite Early this morning
I’ve taken a Cool backyard seat.
The birds are Surprisingly quiet.
Are they as slowMoving as I?
The leaves on the Maple turn over, Requesting a drink
From the sky.
And upwards behind Me, I hear him,
In notes softly
Soothing and sad.
His double-tone tune
Of lamenting,
Today makes me
Mellow, but glad.
I wonder what hurt
He is hiding?
What loneliness Looms in his soul?
What sickness at home
He is bearing?
What trial he finds
Hard to control?
His heart is the Heart of a mourner.
And pain is a Constant we share.
He asks, “May I Help you by singing?
I know, and God knows, And we care.”
Unseated and Glad of it (Acts 9)
West Montrose Covered Bridge
well warmed room
Blustery outside
With Bible page. And looking at The change of Saul Damascus Road 19
A new man Paul
Intending pain
For Jesus’ folk
He fell beneath
The Master’s yoke.
‘Saul cool your wrath
You’re hurting Me
In these kind friends
Who follow Me.’
And that was it
Saul’s vision gone
And lost all fire
To carry on.
He found the King
He felt the Cross
A mission born
All else but loss.
And soon a man (Ananias)
Obeyed the call
To bring Good News
To baptize Paul.
The enemy
Of Christ’s great Love
Now dead to self Now raised Above.
Look at the conversion of Saul/Paul. Indeed there was mighty Divine interruption on that Damascus Road. Immediate blindness. Words of commissioning. Unmistakably a message from Jesus ‘whom he was persecuting’. But had there been a witness?
Yes, Stephen in his martyrdom. This man had been mighty in spirit, full of the Gospel message, unflinching in his loyalty to the Master and quick to forgive as the stones ravaged his body. The effect on Paul? Conviction and self-loathing and hope for a better Way. (Acts chapters 6 and 7)
But had Stephen ever debated with him, told a personal testimony, felt a need to convince on the
divinity of Jesus or the truth of the resurrection? Nope. He had just “been” a witness through life events. (Acts 1). How tactile the Gospel is! The aroma of Christ works its way through. Others join the Family.
Friend, walk with me
Say little Watch for the ditches I watch. Fell in some before Took Divine rescue And some wisdom came. Now I get this chance To share it. Respect it please. It hurt, and I saw No sense in it Back then. But now, rod and staff For the likes of you OK? OK.