Joy Experienced While Facing the Opposite Offered by Doug Blair, Kitchener ON, 2021
image by Homer Watson, Kitchener artist
Psalm 118 contains the middle verse of the entire Bible, verse 8. Gives some additional significance to the chapter. It is the final portion of the Grand Hallel of Psalms which gets sung at Passover. (chapters 113-118). The writer is not named. It places much emphasis upon the persecution experienced by the writer and all the people of God. There is celebration in the intimacy of holiness, but a cost is very real. The writer likens the attack of the ungodly to an onslaught of bees. He is aware of the constant buzzing
and also of the crackling of the wrongdoers in the flames. Yes, God does intervene and set things right. In spite of the negatives the psalmist is heard to say, The Lord God is my strength and song, and is become my salvation. He chooses to emphasize such victorious hope and rejoicing. So must we. It does not matter whatever the attack or concern: Persecution Slander Lack Loneliness Unemployment Pressing duties beyond ability Confusion or panic Infirmities Condemnation over past wrongdoing Delay in answer to prayer Circumstances opposing some Bible promise
Dear reader take your concerns in prayer to your loving, all-powerful Heavenly Father. Respect His timing. Plead the merits of Jesus. Read again Psalm 118. It is believed to be the song voiced at the conclusion of Jesus' Last Supper (see particularly verses 27, 28) Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever. (v 29) 2
Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and I will praise the Lord: (v 19) w/
Intimate Knowledge Posted on January 11, 2020
Still the Age of Christ’s humiliation Still the kiss of betrayal From those who mouth “Master, Master”. Vain repetition for prayer In spite of His warnings.
Broken sufferers Passed by on the other side. Supposed warriors, builders Side-tracked by “business is business” By “this will never sell” By “don’t get carried away with it all” And He deserves so much more His touch renews His smile is sunrise His visit awakens His words the only platform Of honest hope. The Way, the Truth, the Life Singularly And the Agenda moves forward Quietly, humbly Compassionately
Forgivingly To the parting of the skies The arrival of the King triumphant The filling of the earth With the knowledge of The glory of the Lord As waters cover the sea.
Habakkuk 2: 14
Coming Fully Alive Posted on August 30, 2019
Folks are dying 5
And the status quo Is cutting off their breath Generation passes on Things workable Things sociable But Christ-less still It might as well be death. He made the stars And gardens shouting colour He warms the sick And widows find their kin. He robs the grave Of every threat, finality And cheers the saints With ways to enter in. And they respond With praise that
Stretches heart strings And they respond With deeds that Shame the proud As partners all They shoulder service gladly With words and helps The Spirit has endowed.
Treachery's Kiss
The kiss upon the cheek. 7
The countenance glazed With feigned friendship. The onlookers in the know With slander, besmirching And judgment. The menacing swords Having Father's approval, Furthering His plan.
Still I must forgive. Count it all loss For the excellency Of His better. I have right, words And power to silence All scoffing. But I shall not,
And He shall have His way. And I shall rise In some bright morn Of recompense. And postures, And much unfeeling, Found shining in wondrous Family likeness; Beside an empty tomb. The hate forgot.
(Painting by James Tissot) at April 06, 2012 Labels: Gethsemane, Poetry, Relinquish, Reproach
Prison and John Bunyan’s Breakthrough I am again in
A place of confinement
Much cleaner than last time
Heretical Non-Conformist, they say
Jailbird of ignominy
Oh, but what a sweet song I sing
Will sing.
I do not yield to self-loathing
I am in good company
With other jailbirds of solid faith.
Joseph in Egypt
Jeremiah in the neglected pit
Christ at Passover
Paul and Silas in Philippi
John in his island of abandonment
In his Revelation.
So I will relax and
Think upon a dream I have had here,
One of an unsettled traveller
Named Pilgrim
And the supernatural attraction
Drawing him to the Eternal City.
And joy unspeakable.
John Bunyan preached in the mid 1600’s in England. He found himself in and out of a Monarch’s pleasure, preaching outside the rigours of the Church of England. He was a Non-Conformist. He experienced many imprisonments because of religious intolerance.
In one such period in jail he had a dream which launched the spectacular faith allegory that we know as The Pilgrim’s Progress.
A man named Christian is determined to leave the City of Destruction because of its hardness, folly and unbelief. In his heart he beholds the Eternal City and sets out on a journey to arrive at the goal. Initially his wife Christiana does not share the dream, but stays behind. In a sequel she, along with the help of Greatheart, a knight of solid faith principles, makes it through as well.
Silently Touching Jesus
Might I just be quiet
Might I sit here, still
Oh so many questions
Oh to know Your Will.
But delight this morning
Sensing You so close.
Sunrise in a moment
Not a posture, pose.
Just to be who I am
Pouring out my Love
Wordless as the heart grows
Audience Above.
Lord I choose this moment
Might you breathe
A Word.
Like those other
Precious times.
Your Hand touched.
I heard.