blanche macdonald centre
Howard & Tami: Makeup Demo on Casualty Makeup Model: Alyssa Products: -
Sea Breeze Toner 99% Alcohol Water Powder Puffs, q-tips, brushes - Water Transfer paper - Pros-Aide Adhesive Procedure:
- ‘Pros-Aide’ Transfer Prosthetics - 3rd Degree - Silicone Modeling Material - Sculpt Gel- Silicone Modeling Material - Skin Illustrator, Reel Creations
- Tattoo Colors - Kryolan - Rubber Mask Grease Paints - Pressed Powder colors - Thick Blood
1. Tone skin with Sea Breeze on powder puff.. 2. Prep Transfers: - Wipe transfer with a bit of Alcohol to remove powder. - Stipple small amount of Pros-Aide onto outer surface of transfer (this will be top surface, not facing skin) Skin-side has Acetate adhered to it. - When Pros-aide has tacked (dried), apply piece of water transfer paper that fits to size of transfer (shiny side to adhesive!). Trim to size. - Peel away acetate backing, exposing adhesive side of transfer to apply to skin. - Apply transfer to skin. Press onto skin to adhere. - Use puff with Water to blot transfer paper, to ‘slip’ paper from transfer (similar to a temporary tattoo) - Use 99% Alcohol to stick edges down, and blend edges into skin. 3. Paint:
- Tattoo colors: Alcohol activated ‘ink’ palattes, used as transparent wash colors to build tones into skin. Variety of application techniques, (including airbrush) Tami and Howard used brush application, and scratch and stipple (spackle) from stiff brush - Used to build bruise and irritation tones into the skin. - Tami also used RMG and powder shadows around Alyssa’s eyes to bruise and shade those areas, and Thick Blood on a bent Mascara wand to create scratches above Alyssa’s eye.
4. 3rd degree: - Pull equal parts of A and B parts of material onto a palette. Mix well to activate gelling agent. (approx. 4 min. to set) - Spatulate onto skin area where desired and mold to create an effect. - Tammy used this product to create a burn on Alyssa’s right cheek/jaw area. 5. Sculpt Gel:
- new product, Similar to 3rd Degree, but has a ‘c’ part. (acts as a softener, better movement) - Pull equal parts A and B, and less of C (to create desired effect) onto a palette. Mix well to activate. - Apply to skin with a spatula, sculpt as desired to create an effect. (approx. 4 to 5 min. to set) - Howard used this product on Alyssa’s neck, on the left side.
blanche macdonald centre
blanche macdonald centre
Howard & Tami: Makeup Demo on Silicone Ageing Model: Justin Products: - Bald Cap - Silicone Age Prosthetics: - Neck - Chin - Upper Lip/Nose
- Silicone Age Prosthetics: - Left Cheek - Right Cheek - Forehead - Telesis Silicone Adhesive
Pros-Aide Adhesive Matthew Mungle Spirit Gum 99% Alcohol Acetone No Color Powder
Procedure: 1. Trim the Flashing on Prosthetic pieces to allow for better handling. 2. Apply bald cap to actor, to cover and protect hair. 3. Fit Neck Pc. first, adjusting for proper fit before adhering. Holding pc. in place, apply Telesis Adhesive to both the piece and the skin of actor (hold half up, and pull back other half (like a flap), glue) and adhere to skin, smoothing down to avoid air pockets. 4. Smooth edges and be sure there are no folds in them. Blend off with Acetone, or with Alcohol on the face. 5. Chin piece. is next, fit first, then adhere, stretching edges to avoid wrinkles. Nose/upper lip, taking care in these areas, with fumes from products around eyes, nose. Cheek pieces, one at a time, blending into nose. Ending with the forehead last. 6. Forehead piece: adhere from center, across brow bone, and over brows, gluing around brows, and into the crease of the eye. Roll these edges down w/ Q-tip and scant amount of 99% Alcohol. Blend with Q-tip. 7. After all are applied, carefully finish edges, taking most care around eyes, mouth. Is best to stipple on top of edges in these areas with Pros-Aide adhesive, to blend into skin. Powder edges that will stick (ie. Eye crease, lips) 8. Paint: - Paint with Tattoo colors, either through Airbrush spatter painting, or with cut down chip (stiff) brush to get fine speckle. pattern/texture. - Start with Red tones - Blue tones - Greens - Ochres - Browns (age/liver spot tone) - Highlight skin tone, break-up and blend other colors into skin. - If there happens to be a nick in the silicone, it can be filled with Gelatin. - Shade in eye socket area, create depth and subtle darkened area around eyes. 9. Wig Application: -
Fit wig to Actor’s head. Lift lace edge, and apply/tack MM Spirit gum. Lay lace back into adhesive. Eyebrows (hand-laid hair) Apply pros-aide adhesive, allow to tack (dry to clear) Take small amount of blended hair and trim to create a growth pattern (directionally out and away from bridge of nose). - Apply into adhesive, taking care not to drop loose hairs into actors eyes/nose - Once adhered, remove excess, trim to length and style.
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blanche macdonald centre
blanche macdonald centre