My name is Bleidy Julieth Daza Sanchez. I am 22 years old. I was born on August 30 of 1993 in the city of Bogota, my fathers are Susana Pinzon and Jorge Daza, I have an older sister named Sindy and a nephew named Matias. I studied all my primary and secondary in the school San Isidro in Bogota Also I studied dental mechanic in the PolitÊcnico internacional and in actuality I work in this and I’m studying BA in English in the university La Gran Colombia .
This topic is very important for have a good conversation because we need to know the meaning of words in context . In this chapter you can learn more about semantics, meaning and you will found some examples that will help you to relate more the topic.
What is? The semantics is the study of the words or meaning in language, is can recognize clearly what the speaker wants to express or what meaning have each word in the context. Publishes (Hurford, Heasley, Smith, 2007, pag 1) In other words the semantics help us to make sense and meaning of words and expressions. Then for this reason the importance of semantics to communicate..
Also is important know the semantics is a basis for a good conversation and it is the study of human actions made when using language.
The semantics has been different definition along of history:
-Meaning connotation: This refers to the set of words associated or related to another, is the meaning of a word depending to images connected to the user. For example the words play evokes many words as toy, Retrieved from ALL game, soccer etc.. but ABOUT INGUISTIC. everyone understands differently from their experiences.