Bleidy Julieth Daza sanchez
My name is Bleidy Julieth Daza Sanchez. I am 22 years old. I was born on August 30 of 1993 in the city of Bogota, my fathers are Susana Pinzon and Jorge Daza, I have an older sister named Sindy and a nephew named Matias. I studied all my primary and secondary in the school San Isidro in Bogota Also I studied dental mechanic in the PolitÊcnico internacional and in actuality I work in this and I’m studyng BA in English in the university La Gran Colombia
Semantics MEANING: The semantics is the study of the words or meaning in language, is can recognize clearly what the speaker wants to express or what meaning have each word in the context.
Then the semantics it is a basis for a good conversation and it is the study of human actions made when using language
Then is important know we that can understand for meaning an this has been different definition along of history: • Meaning- connotation: this refers to the set of words associated or related to another, is the meaning of a word depending to images connected to the user.
For example the words play evokes many words as toy, game, soccer etc.. but everyone understands differently from their experiences.
• Meaning- dennotation: also it is been said that the meaning of a Word is only the identity this have in the world. So when we talk of proper name as Colombia, New York this make sense but in other words can’t not be used. • Meaning- extention and intention: so meaning in semantics, is defined as the extention, is say the thing in the world to regard the Word or phrase, besides of intention and what the word evokes.
The semantics is interested in how the meaning of language, this is the form how we all understand each thing when we speak. For example the words sun and day, each one have meaning but when join the two words this have a new meaning Sunday.
Sentences, utterances and propositions! • Sentences: is a group of Words with a meaning; also is a unit linguistic that follow the grammatical rules or syntax. Express a complete thought. • • • •
There are also several types of sentences like: Simple sentence Compound sentence Complex sentence
Examples The following are some examples: • Camilo play football every days
• Andrea eat apple in the morning.
Utterances Is any sound of talk that is preceded by silence. It’s refers to particular use a linguistic unit. The characteristics of utterances are: • • • • • •
Physical event May be grammatical or not Meaningful o meaningless By specific person By specific time A piece of language
Examples of utterances For example: • • • • •
Don’t worry Be happy Wherever Hi Ouch
Proposition Is a sentence that express something the which can be true o false. The proposition can follow the grammatical rules or not.
Examples of proposition For example: • The car is green
• the dog is sad
AFFIXES Affixes are words added to the root or base of a word to change the meaning, the prefixes and suffixes are both affixes.
+ OUS = Disadvantageous affix
PREFIXES A Prefix is a word that gets at the start of root the other word to change the meaning, for example some ae prefixes are: There are a few rules: • we use il instead of in with words that begin with l: il + legal = illegal
• we use im instead of in with words that begin with m or p:im + polite – impolite • we often use ir instead of in with words that begin with r: ir + responsible = irresponsible.
• Im: This meaning is not The girl didn’t say goodbye yesterday, and she step for impolite
Examples DIS: this meaning not for example disappear • The dog disappear one month ago. Ex : out of ,former for example ex wife • my ex wife left me flat broke
Re: this meaning to do again for example recount • The child recount her dolls with the sister. Pre: this meaning before for example preschool • My nephew is 2 years old, he is in preschool
sub: this meaning under for example subordinate • the soldier Andres is a subordinate from army. Co: this meaning is together for example cooperate • the professor cooperates with the students
Suffixes A Suffix is a word that gets at the end of root the other word to change the meaning, for example some ae prefixes are: Er: this meaning one who for example trainer •
the trainer will make his debut with the team this Monday
Examples Ing: this meaning is to be doing for example playing • Santa fe is playing in the moment Ly: this meaning is like for example happily • My mom is happily married with my father
Able, ible: to be able to for example readable. • the document was readable for my grandfather Ness: this meaning is the state of for example happiness • the happiness is the better state of man.
Exercises online
Next you can find some exercises or games about prefixes and suffixes for you practice a lot of this topics. You should study and try to do daily use of these and thus to learn them. • http:// • https:// • http://
Collocation Collocation is the particular order of the words in the English. This meaning two or more words which usually go together and give new meaning to a phrase. When a person learns this his conversations are more natural and is possible use a native English. For example always it say DO homework and no MAKE homework although do and make have the same meaning
MAKE Make implies an active role y the subject who makes a new activity. make a difference make a mess make a mistake make a noise make an effort make furniture make money make progress make room make trouble
DO Do implies that the subject is active do business do nothing do the cooking do the housework do the shopping do the washing up do your best do your hair do your homework
TAKE Take implies an active role by the subject but no change nothing in the object. take a shower take a break take a chance take a look take a rest take a seat take a taxi take an exam take notes
HAVE have a bath have a drink have a good time have a haircut have a holiday have a problem have a relationship have a rest have lunch
COMPOUNDS WORDS Compounds words is the union between two words with meanings different to create a new word with a new meaning. The following are some examples of this. +
+ sun
+ cow
= boy
+ finger
= nails
+ ear
= ring
PATTERN VERBS The pattern verbs are used when in a sentence you have two verbs together the verb patterns are dependent upon the first verb. GERUNDS Depending on the first verb is add “ING”. And we must consider the rules INFINITIVE Is a verbal which can function as a noun, and stars with the word “TO”.
VERB + ING • Admit • • • • • • • •
adore allow avoid can´t stand carry on consider fancy finish
VERB+ TO + INFINITIVE •afford •agree •allow (passive) •appear •arrange •ask •attempt •choose •dare •decide
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