Volume 1 | Issue 8
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Your suggestions, comments and interests can encourage us a lot to spread the living WORD OF GOD. Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
CONTENTS Editorial Sherin Johnson About Jesus Evg. Blasson N. Mathew Believe, Repent and Be Ready For The Kingdom of God Dr. Darene Krupa Wilson Transfiguration of Jesus Christ:
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A Portrait of the Reality of the Kingdom Of God
Evg. Blasson N. Mathew Poem - Forevermore Keziah Merin Chack Certain Means of Prayer that Defeat Discouragements Pr. Lalinder Kumar Etymology -Kingdom of God Rev. Shyam Raj Supernatural Protection In A Mysterious Era Prathyash Cheriyan
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Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
President: Blasson N. Mathew Chief Editor: Sherin Johnson Creative Head: Jose Valiyakalayil Co-ordinator Overseas: Betty Joseph Subscription Co-ordinators: Roshin C. Raju, Jithin Abraham and Kevin C.K. Special Thanks: Jessica Coutinho, Michelle Knowles
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Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
arthly power and authority are insignificant while determining the influence of the spiritual world of God or the authority of the kingdom of God over earth. Very few understand the fact that the Spiritual world influences the physical world over and over again. Unlike, worldly attitudes like selfishness, pride, lust and greed for earthly power, the mind of the kingdom of God reflects an attitude of humility and self sacrifice. Jesus revealed this quality as a King of the Kingdom of God which later regulated for His glorification. There is a possibility of supernatural life and transformed life style, if we understand and live as a member of the kingdom of God. We with Kingdom mind must seek kingdom principles to get into kingdom benefits and influences in physical realm. How do you develop this attitude? According to book of James 4.7-10, Apostle James explains five different means for developing a Kingdom position. Firstly, submit to God, yield to the authority of God and His will. Commit your life to Jesus Christ and His control. Secondly, resist the devil, don't allow Satan to entice and tempt us. Thirdly, be cleansed from sinful nature, replacing our sinful desires and wicked thought patterns. Our intention in this drastic change will lead to a sinless life possible. Let us desire to experience more of God's purity. Fourthly grieve and mourn and wait before God in sincere sorrow for our sins. Don't be afraid to repent for your sins. Finally, humble yourselves before the Lord, He will lift you up. Being humble involves working with His power according to His guidance not with your own understanding and efforts. 4
od always has good desires about us. He gives us the same desire and power to do His will. He hopes that we prosper in everything we do. However, our thought pattern is what limits us. We need the mind of Christ to grow in life. The mind of Christ is one of the interesting themes in the Bible (1 Corinthians 2.16). Jesus had a good attitude with all the people He met in life; even His enemies felt the love of God. Jesus was kind and bold enough to pray and bless His enemies even when they were against Him. We must require the same attitude of Christ. Jesus is the most authoritative person that the world has ever seen. His reign is forever and His kingdom is everlasting. Just before crucifixion Jesus Christ was asked by the Jewish high priest “Are you Christ the son of the blessed?” And Jesus said “I am; and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of power and coming with the clouds of heaven” (Mark. 14. 6-7). Jesus was never afraid to confess that He is the son of God and His reign, second coming.
BLASSON N. MATHEW President, Kingdom Perspectives
The same Lord desires that all of us shall reign in life. He prospers our life with the intention to use us in a special way. If we wish to receive His blessings, we need to walk with God in His perfect plan. God did a great plan to bless us in Christ- the begotten Son of God. God knew it beforehand that we will not be a blessing in this cursed world until we are spiritually delivered. Thus, we read in the Bible that “even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him” (Eph 1. 4). By faith if you pray “Lord come and have your way in me” surely He will be merciful to you. The Holy Bible says His grace is sufficient for you and His power is made perfect in your weakness (2Corinthians 12.9). Are you a person in need of help? If yes, take the help of God. All those who look unto the Lord, their faces are radiant and never ashamed (Psalm 34.5). Live by every word of the Lord. Just like God had said to Joshua, let me advise “May you be careful to do according to all that is written in it (word of God); for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success (Joshua 1.8). May the good Lord fill you with His mind, boldness and grace that you may be greatly useful.
Gospel | Literature | Education
Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
The God who created the universe and everything in it fashioned your life. YOU MAY look DIFFERENT BUT He has considered YOU as HIS MASTERPIECE.
Sam Simon
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Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
Dr. Darene Krupa Wilson
PERSPECTIVES Gospel | Literature | Education
Believe, Repent and be Ready for the KINGDOM OF GOD Repentance is the only way to return to the Lord and get closer to Him. Any man can feel guilty for their wrongdoings and it is necessary that a man found guilty should repent. he statement of Jesus in Mark 1:15, “The Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news,” marks the significance of repentance and faith in the gospel to gain the Kingdom of God. Our fleshly human minds do not know God or His ways. As God is our Creator, He knows how we are made. He declares “the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). God, our Creator, knows that a complete transformation within us, by repentance can make us worthy of the Kingdom of God.
This transformation happens by acknowledging and atonement of our sinful ways. When we repent of our sins and are prepared to be baptized and resurrect with Christ, we voluntarily are ready to be under the laws of the Kingdom of God. Christ has established the Kingdom of heaven among us. He also affirms to the Pharisees in Luke 17:21 that “the Kingdom of God is within you”. Does this mean that God has already
Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
instilled the knowledge of the Kingdom of heaven within all of us? Certainly not in the Pharisees. But a renewed soul, transfigured from his old ways of flesh, has his mindset on the Kingdom of God and its laws. Jesus also taught us not only to repent from our sins but also to believe in the coming of the Kingdom of God. Even though the disciples walked with Jesus all day long, they couldn't perceive the teachings of Jesus. They were unable to comprehend the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus until it took place. Moreover, they couldn't comprehend Jesus' declaration about establishing God's Kingdom on earth on His second coming. John Roberts in his sterling journal states three parts of faith – the knowing part, the agreeing part, and the relying part. The knowledge of the Kingdom of God and it's coming aids us to toil for His Kingdom. The agreeing part of faith proves that we quadrate with every commandment that Christ has given, which makes us worthy for the Kingdom of God. The relying
Repentance comes only with belief. Understanding that we are sinners and the path we chose was the way of death, and knowing that the Lord alone can deliver us, as He has already paid the price; this leads us to repentance. part of faith completely submits us for God's will and purpose in our lives. Relying completely on the coming of God's Kingdom is our hope for tomorrow. In the prophetic book of Joel, the people of Judah are struck with a calamity; an invasion of locusts. Nothing like that has ever happened before. Everything was destroyed and the land was laid bare. There was weeping and mourning throughout the land. During this period of destruction, Joel commands the word of the Lord to Judah, declaring that the calamity has come only because of their sins and there is deliverance only with repentance. Therefore, we can also say that Repentance is a second chance given by God to deliver His people from their sinful ways; a second call by the father to not lose His children into ways of destruction. As seen in Joel 2:13 “Rend your heart; Return to the Lord your God,� the prophet Joel stresses on the point of returning to the Lord with repentance and belief. He assures that the Lord is gracious and compassionate, and He will receive you as His own. Joel also warns them by declaring that the day of the Lord is near and that day will be much more dreadful.
Repentance is the only way to return to the Lord and get closer to Him. Any man can feel guilty for their wrongdoings and it is necessary that a man found guilty should repent. Repentance comes only with belief. Understanding that we are sinners and the path we chose was the way of death, and knowing that the Lord alone can deliver us, as He has already paid the price; this leads us to repentance. Each day in our life should go on with the knowledge that the kingdom of God is near and that there is no time to waste running behind the world. There is no other way to enter the Kingdom of God than repenting from one's old ways and believing in Christ the Lord. In this time of pandemic crisis, our only hope stays on the coming of Christ, The Messiah, and the establishment of His Kingdom within us. To live a holy life in this corrupt world, obeying and submitting ourselves to the laws of the Holy Spirit makes us worthy of the Kingdom of God. Becoming the sons of God and to live eternally in the Kingdom of God, also gives us the responsibility to share this good news and spread Jesus' teaching to repent from their sinful ways and believe in Christ.
PERSPECTIVES Gospel | Literature | Education
In this time of pandemic crisis, our only hope stays on the coming of Christ, The Messiah, and the establishment of His Kingdom within us. Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
PERSPECTIVES Gospel | Literature | Education
And I John saw the holy city, NEW JERUSALEM, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, BEHOLD, THE TABERNACLE OF GOD IS WITH MEN, AND HE WILL DWELL WITH THEM, AND THEY SHALL BE HIS PEOPLE, AND GOD HIMSELF SHALL BE WITH THEM, AND BE THEIR GOD.
Revelation 21:2-3
Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
PERSPECTIVES Gospel | Literature | Education
Evg. Blasson N. Mathew
TRANSFIGURATION OF JESUS CHRIST: A Portrait of the Reality of the Kingdom of God
The transfiguration of Jesus shows us the reality of the anticipated kingdom of God. Further, it has established the certainty of the transformed body for all who are alive in Christ. Moreover, resurrection is a fact and just like Moses, all who are dead in Christ will be resurrected. he reality of the spiritual world is often doubted by many due to the fact that even though there are a lot of advancements in the scientific world, few people are keen on spiritual inquiries. Many seem to be doubtful about all that is spiritual, since they live merely for materialistic purposes. Moreover, many are skeptical about concepts such as the transformed body, transfiguration, resurrection etc. Some of the most important biblical messages in the Bible are ignored by many. Many cannot comprehend such ideas as the dead in Christ are going to rise again to life and those who are living in Christ will be transformed into a new body. A lot of people cannot understand the idea of Parusia - the second coming of Christ. Few people do not know whether a resurrected person is recognized in heaven. The transfiguration of Jesus Christ answers all such doubts about the reality of the kingdom of God. In Matthew 17.1-7 we read about Jesus' transformation, that His face shines like the sun. His dress was white as light. Jesus never stepped into a
Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
new glory, rather, it is the very glory he carried for many years. The Bible says Jesus shared the glory with the Father in heaven before His incarnation (Hebrews 1.3). This incident is an attestation of Jesus' divinity. By this, Jesus proves to the world that transfiguration is a reality and even if He is sacrificed on the cross, He will resurrect into a transformed body. Similarly, all those who are in Christ carry the glory of God for we are a new creation. Even if we have limitations in our present life, all of us will be seen as our Lord Jesus Christ is, at His coming. The disciples of Jesus were amazed at the transfiguration of the Lord. When it was happening they awoke from their sleep. Even though the disciples of Jesus went there with Him, they were without any pre-knowledge about Christ's transfiguration. However, Jesus was pretty sure that the transfiguration would enable them to have a different perspective about their master and know more of the realities of the kingdom of God. God has many ways to teach us the realities of the kingdom of God. Believe in Jesus; if He was transfigured and He has authority to
transform our lives. Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is the King of the awaiting kingdom of God. Similarly, the Disciples of Christ were distressed about the suffering and the crucifixion of their Lord. Right after the transfiguration the disciples were conveyed several theological convictions and clarified all doubts about a transformed body, transfiguration, resurrection etc. Jesus got transfigured before His crucifixion. The transfiguration confirms the fact that cross bearers are the ones who become glory bearers. It is interesting to note that Moses and Elijah appeared and talked to Jesus during the transfiguration. They were talking about the crucifixion and departure of the Lord (Luke 9.31). Moses, who spoke with Jesus, portrayed two important facts regarding the kingdom of God. Moses died one thousand and four hundred years before Jesus. If Moses, who was dead and buried about 1400 years before Jesus Christ, was made alive to meet Jesus; then surely God will resurrect all those who are dead in Christ. Moreover, Moses was the lawgiver and it confirms originality of the law of the Lord and its authority in the Old Testament. In addition, Elijah, who spoke with Jesus portrays two important facts regarding the kingdom of God. Elijah, taken alive to heaven 900 years before Christ, shows the fact that all who are alive at the second advent of Christ will be transformed into a new transformed body. Furthermore, Moses representing the law and
Elijah representing the Prophets completes the whole Old Testament and it confirms the Old Testament as true. Father – God, who spoke in the midst of the cloud, said "Listen to Him." It is very clear that even if anyone doubts the realities of the kingdom of God, we are not supposed to hear that. Rather, we must listen to Him who called us. When God speaks, life is transferred; let us hear and be strengthened in the transforming and comforting words of the Lord. When everything got over to the fearful disciples, Jesus said, “fear not.” Today what Jesus wants to tell us is not to fear but be convinced of the Kingdom precepts. It is very clear that even if anyone doubts the realities of the Kingdom of God, you are not supposed to be taking it into consideration. The transfiguration of Jesus shows us the reality of the anticipated kingdom of God. Further, it has established the certainty of the transformed body for all who are alive in Christ. Moreover, resurrection is a fact and just like Moses, all who are dead in Christ will be resurrected. Elijah, who has not seen death, yet comes in the transformed body and shows the fact that all those who are alive in Christ will be transformed. In the second coming, all these things will happen supernaturally just as Jesus has promised to us. If Moses who was dead 1400 years ago appeared and was recognized by the disciples, surely all who are resurrected and brought forth to heaven will be known in heaven.
When God speaks, life is transferred; let us hear and be strengthened in the transforming and comforting words of the Lord. When everything got over to the fearful disciples, Jesus said, “fear not.” Today what Jesus wants to tell us is not to fear but be convinced of the Kingdom precepts.
Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
PERSPECTIVES Gospel | Literature | Education
Forevermore You are the author of my story The One who pens my dawn and dusk You knit me in my mother's womb And bestowed all the love and care You're my God, in whom I trust Hence in peace will I rest Though at times I fail You Your mercies are daily anew I yearn to dwell in Thy presence All day long with diligence As in You I find my peace The only reason that I breathe Help me follow Thy footsteps That You have left before us Let the world see You shine on me Be it all for Your glory Strengthen me to finish the race And receive the crown by Thy grace There with naked eyes will I see And embrace my King, who died for me Longing for the hour to come When I will hear the trumpet sound As You'll take me to the other shore To be with You, Forevermore
Keziah Merin Chacko
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Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
Pr. Lalinder Kumar
Certain Means of Prayer that DEFEAT DISCOURAGEMENTS
PERSPECTIVES Gospel | Literature | Education
The greatest thing anyone can do for God and man is pray. It is not the only thing; but it is the chief thing. The great people of the earth today are the people who pray. I do not mean those who talk about prayer; not those who can explain about prayer; but I mean those people who take time and pray
are living in very uncertain times.
We Everywhere we turnin print, on the news, or
on social media we see and hear about the COVID-19 pandemic. Fears are rising all around the world. People, who have never felt anxious before, are suddenly weighed down with worry and are unsure of what to do next. Schools are closed, travel is banned, events canceled, people are stockpiling essentials, even churches had to close their doors. The Holy Bible says in Luke 17:30 that “It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. The unknown can be scary. Jesus proclaimed the coming of God's kingdom, and the crowd envisioned hell fire, brimstone, and the wiping out of masses of people. But Jesus knew that God's kingdom was not just something unknown that will come in a terrifying blaze of fire. The kingdom Jesus proclaimed was, this kingdom perspective. It is reaching out to encourage
Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
one another in this discouraged and depressed world. As He was talking about the end times, he sensed that fear gripped the listeners. Hence, He went on to teach them through a parable. Always Pray and Do Not Be Discouraged He then told them a parable on the need for them to pray always and not become discouraged in Luke 18 (HCSB). Jesus spoke these words to His disciples emphasizing that there is a need to pray and not to be discouraged. Jesus was not only a teacher of prayer; He was a man of prayer. He prayed. His life modeled what He taught. The passion in His prayer life motivated and inspired the disciples. So they asked Him to teach them to pray as well. SD Gordon best described the importance of prayer from the life of Jesus through his classic book “Quiet Talks on Prayer:” When God would win back His
prodigal world, He would send down a Man. That Man who is more than a Man insisted on staying a Man. He touched human life at every point. No man seems to have understood prayer and have prayed like He did. It is very important to note the prayer of Jesus which most often is quiet talks with the father.
Many people are discouraged nowadays, financially, academically, professionally to marital downfalls even to the point of spiritual discouragements. First of all; we temporarily lose our perspective and become disoriented and confused.
A habit is an act of doing something repeatedly, so often that it is done involuntarily: that is, without a new decision of the mind each time it is done. Jesus prayed. He loved to pray. Sometimes praying was His way of resting. He prayed very often that it became a part of His life, similar to breathing which is also involuntary. The knowledge of our own weakness is upon us, but with this conviction, comes the sense of dependence on a Greater. S.D. Gordon rightly observes about prayer that “Out of this springs the necessity of prayer, which is the language of the frail to the mighty the confession of need, and the instinct of trust. The greatest thing anyone can do for God and man is pray. It is not the only thing; but it is the chief thing. The great people of the earth today are the people who pray. I do not mean those who talk about prayer; not those who can explain about prayer; but I mean those people who take time and pray� Every known religion attests this irresistible impulse to pray, there are times when desperate prayer arises from prayer less lips; times of danger, times of heart fear,
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Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
wherein terror and doubt mingle with the unquenchable instinct of prayer. According to Thomas Watson, “Prayer delights God's ear; it melts His heart; and opens His hand. God cannot deny a praying soul.” Why Did the Lord Stress on the Point There is a Need for Prayer? He knew an Era of greatly discouraged people was rising! The time when the teenagers, the youth, the middle aged even the elderly would be seen greatly discouraged. Disappointment can be defined as a feeling of dissatisfaction that follows the failure of expectations or hopes to manifest. The choice to remain in disappointment leads to Discouragement. Webster's Dictionary defines discouragement as “the act of discouraging . . . depression or weakening of confidence; dejection.” It is also explained as “that which deters, or tends to deter, from an undertaking.” Discouragement is nothing new. Many of the great Bible characters became discouraged. It is as old as the history of man. Many people are discouraged nowadays, financially, academically, professionally to marital downfalls even to the point of spiritual discouragements. First of all; we temporarily lose our perspective and become disoriented and confused. Our attitudes and responses are not what they should be. Besides, we paint the night darker than it really is. The younger generation faces discouragement from parents, teachers, spiritual leaders, peers and even siblings. The Apostle Paul experienced great moments of discouragement. We read about that in 2Corinthians 1:8 that “We were completely overwhelmed beyond our strength so that we even despaired of life itself.” Though his life was ordained for the missions and the gospel, he fell into deep sudden despair. Due to imprisonment, being beaten and persecuted, the greatest apostle of all times fell to the low at many instances. But discouragement is not unbeatable. However, Paul was encouraging himself and his readers as He penned down (Phil4:13). In fact, God's Word is filled with encouragement for us. Paul says “I can do all this through him who gives me strength”.It is important that we cling to these words when we feel crushed by what is going on. There is indeed a need to pray, a deep desperation that arises from the depths of discouragement. Reasons for Discouragement: 1. Fear of Scarcity The Bible Says the people spoke against God and Moses: “Why have you led us up from Egypt to die in the wilderness? There is no bread or water, and we detest this wretched food Numbers 21:5(CSB). God is in control of the problems in our lives, thus, any
Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
murmuring over our circumstances is ultimately to murmur against God. These people had developed the habit of murmuring and complaining. It is dangerous to have a critical spirit. Such people will always be disappointed and discouraged. With no doubt, you will find many things that will displease you. But in all things JESUS reminds us to pray and not to be discouraged. 2. Bad reports The Bible says “After they went up as far as Eshcol Valley and saw the land, they discouraged the Israelites from entering the land the LORD had given them” (Numbers 32:9) (CSB). God's sovereignty remains. When you feel like a failure, or your faith waivers or when you are threatened by anything at all, remind yourselves that God's grace is sufficient and His faithfulness is steadfast. Your circumstances will change, but our God will not.
Due to imprisonment, being beaten and persecuted, the greatest apostle of all times fell to the low at many instances. But discouragement is not unbeatable. However, Paul was encouraging himself and his readers as He penned down (Phil4:13). In fact, God's Word is filled with encouragement for us. 3. Underestimating God given Blessings They gave Moses this account: "We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit. But the people who live there are powerful and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there (Numbers 13:27-28). Unbelief overlooks the promises and power of God, magnifies every danger and difficulty, and fills the heart with discouragement. 4. Considering Oneself Inferior The Bible say in Numbers 13:31-32(CSB) that “but the men who had gone up with him responded, “We can't attack the people because they are stronger than we are” 32 So they gave a negative report to the Israelites about the land they had scouted: “The land we passed through to explore is one that devours its inhabitants, and all the people we saw in it are men of great size. Though they had found the land as good as God had said, yet they didn't believe it to be as sure as He had said. They were despaired of having it, though Eternal Truth had engaged it to them.Unbelief overlooks the
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promises and power of God, magnifies every danger and difficulty, and fills the heart with discouragement. 5. Murmuring against God Numbers 14:1-2 says” that night all the members of the community raised their voices and wept aloud. All the Israelites grumbled against Moses and Aaron, and the whole assembly said to them, If only we had died in Egypt! Or in this wilderness.” The people wept, complained, looked back to Egypt, wanted a new leader and even threatened to stone Caleb and Joshua. These are the evidence of unbelief. Unbelief looks back with complaint. Discouragement is the opposite of faith. It is Satan's device to thwart the work of God in your life. Discouragement blinds our eyes to the mercy of God and makes us perceive only the unfavorable circumstances. The devil was going out of business and all his tools were for sale. On the sale night they were all attractively displayed, and a lot was there: Malice, Hatred, Envy, Jealousy, Sensuality, Deceit and all the other implements of evil, each marked with its price. From the rest lay a harmless looking tool, much worn, priced higher than the others. Someone asked what it was. That's Discouragement, Was the Reply. Why is it priced so high? Satan replied, "it is more useful to me than any of the others. I can open and get inside a man's consciousness with that when I don't get him with any of the other tools. Further Satan said once I get inside I can use him in whatever way best. It is so much worn because I use it with nearly everybody, as very few people know it belongs to me” The devil's price for discouragement was so high that it was never sold. He is still using it. In our fight against discouragement, we must take the time to rest in silence, waiting upon God and putting our hope in the Lord. Just be silent and take time to
Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
Discouragement is the opposite of faith. It is Satan's device to thwart the work of God in your life. Discouragement blinds our eyes to the mercy of God and makes us perceive only the unfavorable circumstances.
meditate. One day, as a small child, Thomas Edison came home from school and gave a paper to his mother. He said to her “Mom, my teacher gave this paper to me and told me only you are to read it. What does it say?” Her eyes welled with tears as she read the letter out loud to her child… “Your son is a genius. This school is too small for him and doesn't have enough good teachers to train him. Please teach him yourself.”Many years after Edison's mother had died; he became one of the greatest inventors of the century. One day he was going through a closet and he found the folded letter that his old teacher wrote to his Mother that day. He opened it…The message written on the letter was: “Your son is mentally deficient. We cannot let him attend our school anymore. He is expelled.”Edison became emotional reading it and then wrote in his diary: “Thomas A. Edison was a mentally deficient child whose mother turned him into the genius of the Century.” Such is the power of an encouragement, to change the destiny of her child. Through quieting ourselves, we are able to focus on God alone. In our quiet moments with GOD, He encourages us and lifts us from our discouragements. He is the only One, bigger than our discouragement. The Bible says in Luke 18:7-8 (CSB) that “will not God grant justice to his elect who cry out to him day and night? Will he delay helping them? I tell you that he will swiftly grant them justice. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” Evangelist Billy Graham once said “I have never met anyone who spent time in daily prayer, and in the study of the Word of God, and was strong in faith, who was ever discouraged for very long.”
PERSPECTIVES Gospel | Literature | Education
Shyam Raj Professor in Theological Studies, Bangalore
KINGDOM OF GOD The Kingdom of God is the central theme of the entire Bible and it is closely related to the idea of mission work. Jesus' mission was oriented in connection with the theme “Kingdom of God.” The hope of Christian faith is expressed in the concept of the Kingdom of God. The Biblical idea of the Kingdom of God is deeply rooted in the Old Testament and is grounded in the confidence that there is one eternal, living God who has revealed Himself to human beings and who has a purpose for the human race, which He has chosen to accomplish through Israel.The term "Kingdom of the LORD" appears twice in the Hebrew Bible, in 1 Chronicles 28:5 and 2 Chronicles 13:8. "The Hebrew word malkuth refers first to reign, dominion, or rule and only secondarily to the realm over which a reign is exercised. When the Hebrew word Malkuth is used for the reign of God, it almost always refers to His authority or to His rule as the heavenly King.The word Kingdom in Greek: Basileia (βασιλεία) appears 162 times in the New Testament and most of these usages are related to either Basileia tou Theou i.e. the Kingdom of God or to Basileia tōn Ouranōn i.e. Kingdom of Heaven in the Synoptic Gospels.The Kingdom of God is translated in Latin as Regnum Dei and the Kingdom of Heaven as Regnum caelorum. Kingdom of Heaven Basileia tōn Ouranōn appears 32 times in the gospel of Matthew and nowhere else in the New Testament. Therefore, the message and the meaning of the kingdom of God is not something only to be realized in the future, but must have its impact on the world today.The certainty of the kingdom of God in the future must be visibly demonstrated here and now in tangible expressions of the life and service in obedience to the King. Amen
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Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
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Supernatural Protection IN A MYSTERIOUS ERA his world is so mysterious that it has become more devastating as days goes by. We see many of our dear ones suffering with sickness, unemployment, poverty all over the world. It is noted that when Covid-19 came, God allowed all humans to go through it beyond any religious barriers. The life of the man named Job in the Bible is a good lesson to study at this time. Even in the midst of all the sufferings, he remembered the unseen protection of God and always glorified God. Job at last found the healing, blessings and restoration in his life. Certainly, we have a protection of God while we are able to glorify God even if situations are not in our favor. Similarly, when Peter was in prison, while he was resting in the prison believing that God would deliver him; God appointed a mighty Angel from heaven to deliver him. Yes, we have Angels appointed by God to take care of our lives. In Matthew 18:10 we read “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” We understand the fact that each of us has an Angel appointed from heaven to take care of us. Though Angelic protection is certain, many still see only the iron gates in front of them and live in fear. Remember, the Angels are there to help us in times of emergency. Heaven appointed them for us, because God cares for His people. Hence, we ought not to be silent rather always give glory to God Almighty for sheltering us. Above all, we must realize How privileged we are as children of God. The moment we become conscious of it, we will be satisfied with all that we have. In every generation those who did not glorify God experienced the wrath of God. In 1 Kings 5:1-9 we read that Tyre and Sidon helped King Solomon to get the cedar tree for building the first Jerusalem temple.
Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
Prathyash Cheriyan
From the time of King Solomon, Tyre & Sidon had been nourished by the king of Judea (Southern kingdom). At the time of this incident the appointed king of Judea was Herod. However, king Herod was displeased by Tyre & Sidon for some reason and did not give them the usual provision. Maybe the country was going through a tough situation. The people in Tyre & Sidon decided to appease the king by doing something for him. In Acts 12. 22, 23 we read that “they joined together and sought an audience with him. After securing the support of Blastus, a trusted personal servant of the king, they asked for peace, because they depended on the king's country for their food supply. On the appointed day Herod, wearing his royal robes, sat on his throne and delivered a public address to the people. They shouted, “This is the voice of a god, not of a man.” Further, we read in Acts 12. 23, that an Angel of the Lord struck King Herod, and immediately he was eaten by worms and died since he did not give praise to God. Are you a person who glorifies God for every achievement or filled with pride when someone praises you. Let us keep ourselves humble, so that our God will protect us from all our suffering. God has promised His protection for those whose trust is in their maker. All those who never honor or glorify God will have destruction and eternal damnation. What would you like to do in your life? The choice is yours. God has given you the power to make choices. But He is a jealous God. In Exodus 34:14, the Bible says "For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God" He is always there to protect you. But will you give glory to God and praise God and God alone? Do remember God's protection over you and forget not to glorify Him.
...they will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and KING OF KINGS, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful."Rev 17:14
PERSPECTIVES Gospel | Literature | Education
Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
PERSPECTIVES Gospel | Literature | Education
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PERSPECTIVES Gospel | Literature | Education
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Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020
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