Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018

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April/May, 2018

“God Healed Me From Hpv/Cervical Cancer”

8 Ways Satan Convinces You To Question Your Salvation

A Personal Testimony

How to Stop Toiling and Struggling

What Would Jesus Post?

10 Time Management Tips For The Busy Christian

Healed By Jesus From Depression and Suicidal Tendencies

Carlton McConnell “Promo Mogul” Lifting Clientele To New Heights For Decades As The Legacy Continues

Jesus Will Never Leave You! If you haven’t discovered Jesus as your personal savior and would like to get to know Him today; please click the button below for a free e-book from our friends at Guideposts titled

‘How to Make Jesus Your Best Friend’

Being Single „A Great Opportunity‟ Get the compelling book that sheds light on the lies, feelings and truths about being single as a Christian Click Here To Download Your eBook ―This book. Oh my God! This book answers all of my questions and concerns. It has given me a better outlook on being single and helps me to focus on what I can do while waiting on a mate if that is God‘s will for my life…Get this book! You won‘t regret it …..Julie R.

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Real People

Real Miracles Many will say; “God doesn‟t perform miracles today”, but within this astounding eBook lies stories from ordinary people who have experienced first hand the miracle power of God!

Click Here To Download Your eBook ―This book is amazing with real life accounts of people telling their stories of how God moved in their lives. This is a must read for those who are ever in doubt‖ – John F.

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What You‘ll Find Inside‌. Packed with inspirational articles to educate, encourage, inspire and uplift, recipes, diet advice, health, beauty, nutrition and fitness, Blessed Magazine is the ultimate companion for individuals who want to look great, feel fabulous and enjoy the benefits of a healthy, spiritual life.

Contents April/May, 2018

Inside This Issue


 8 Ways Satan Convinces You to 21 Question Your Salvation – 21  How to Stop Toiling and Struggling – 29

Personal Testimonies:  God Healed Me of HPV/Cervical Cancer – 35 35  Healed by Jesus from Depression and Suicidal Tendencies – 37  ―Adulterous Relationship‖ -- 43

Feature Story:  Carlton McConnell ―Promo Mogul‖ Lifting Clientele To 48 New Heights For Decades As The Legacy Continues - 48

Question: Do You Know

Jesus? 14 Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018

Photo Courtesy of Round the Clock Entertainment

Spiritual Wellness:

Carlton McConnell

“Promo Mogul” Lifting Clientele To New Heights For Decades As The Legacy Continues

Cover Photo Carlton M cConnell

Table of Contents Also in this issue‌ 19 Letter from the Editor 45 What Would Jesus Post? 53 10 Beauty Tips Using Common Household Items 57 10 Time Management Tips for the Busy Christian 62 Just For Fun

Question: Do You Know


Ten Beau Common

Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018 15


If anyone has seen or know the whereabouts of this little boy, please contact

Bryan Keathley 573 660 2346 cell 573 785 3713 home

Any Attorneys who would kindly help this family in need of assistance to get their little boy back is encouraged to contact Mr. Keathley

'How Love Can Survive Prison Walls' Get the compelling book that provides hope and tips on how to survive while your loved one is in prison Click Here To Download Your eBook ―I don‘t know how I would have survived if it wasn‘t for the prayers of the staff at Blessed Magazine. They truly love God‘s people and are always providing inspiration for those of us who are hurting. Thank you again for this eBook; it was a blessing to me and my family!‖ – Teresa A.

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Editor’s Corner

First, I always give all glory and honor to my Lord Jesus Christ for without Him in my life, nothing I could ever do would amount to anything!

With the arrival of Spring, we give thanks to God for providing us with showers and flowers. This is the time of the year when we usually clean out and clear out our homes. But let me challenge you to use the same effort to clean and clear out anything that might have crept into your heart and made residence. We celebrate the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ today and we encourage you to not only remember His sacrifice during this time of year, but all year long! I want to personally thank all of our fans and readers for their continued support of this ministry which has continued to strive and for that I am grateful to our Lord,

Jesus Christ Our goal is to continue being a resource for Christians and others for years to come and with your support we can keep this publication available free of charge always on our digital platform Pray for us as we continue to pray for you and thank you for reading this issue of Blessed Magazine God bless you!

Your Humble Servant in Christ,

Laraine Turner Editor-in-Chief

Letter From the Editor

Praise the Lord My Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018 19

Spiritual Wellness

Article by: Tim Challies Photo Credit by: Shutterstock

Though Satan can never steal the Christian‘s crown, though he can never snatch him away from the hand of the Father, he is so envious and malicious that he will leave no stone unturned in robbing the Christian of comfort and peace, in making their life miserable, in giving them reason to live in constant sorrow and mourning, doubt and questioning. Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018 21

Spiritual Wellness Thomas Brooks once identified eight ways in which Satan keeps Christians—Christians like you!—in this sad, doubting, questioning, condition.

that what you see as zeal is just natural and unsanctified enthusiasm, that you are not actually evidencing any true evidences of grace, but just natural ability.

#1 - He causes you to think more about your sin than your Savior. He wants to so fill your mind with thoughts of the sin you‘ve committed in the past, or temptations to sin you face today, that all thoughts of Jesus Christ and his finished work are displaced and erased. His desire is that you would think so much of your sickness that you would neglect the remedy that is close at hand.

#5 - He convinces you that the kind of battle you have with sin is a battle that marks only unbelieving hypocrites. As you battle against sin, and while the same old sins continue to rise up against you, Satan tries to make you believe that these very battles are evidences of hypocrisy rather than a universal Christian condition.

#2 - He works in you to wrongly understand God‘s graces. Just as falsely defining sin will lead a person astray, so too will wrongly defining God‘s graces. In particular, Satan labors so a Christian will define saving faith only in such a way that it includes full assurance of salvation; he can then use that too-expansive definition to cause the Christian to make his doubt proof of his lack of justification. #3 - He leads you to make false inferences from harsh providences. He whispers to you that providence appears to contradict your prayers, desires, tears, hopes and endeavors. Once he has shown you this he says, ―Surely, if God actually loved you and delighted in you, he wouldn‘t deal with you in these ways…‖ #4 - He suggests to you that the evidences of grace in your life are counterfeit rather than genuine. He wants you to believe that what you call faith is actually just a fleeting fancy, 22 Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018

#6 - He suggests to your soul that the fact that you have less joy in Christ now than you once did proves that you have not been saved. He may bring to your mind a time when your heart was overflowing with joy in him, when you felt the tangible comfort of the Holy Spirit. And then he will have you contrast that to your present condition and use it to convince you that you must not be a Christian.

‗Satan loves to sail with the wind. If your knowledge is weak—he will tempt you to error‘ #7 - He works within you to make you believe that relapses into sin—even sins you have labored to overcome—are evidence that you are not a believer. He may whisper to you that you are a fool and a hypocrite to believe that God could ever love someone who battles sin, overcomes it, and then later succumbs to that same old sin.

Spiritual Wellness #8 - He convinces you that only an unbeliever could face the manner and the weight of temptation you face right now. First he will weary you with constant temptations perfectly suited to your weaknesses and desires. Then he will try to convince you that the very fact that you face these temptations must mean that you are not a Christian at all. Let me share just three short, choice quotes from Precious Remedies Against Satan‘s Devices. First, here are words of comfort for those who have fallen into sin, despite laboring hard against it: Though their repentance is ever so sincere and sound, yet their graces are but weak, and their mortification of sin is imperfect in this life. Though by grace they are freed from the dominion of sin, and from the damnatory power of every sin, and from the love of all sin, yet grace does not free them from the indwelling of any one sin; and therefore it is possible for a soul to fall again and again into the same sin. If the fire is not wholly put out, who would think it impossible that it should catch and burn again and again?

And then a word on the sufficiency of Christ: We have all things in Christ. Christ is all things to a Christian. If we are sick, Jesus is a physician. If we thirst, Jesus is a fountain. If our sins trouble us, Jesus is our righteousness. If we stand in need of help, Jesus is mighty to save. If we fear death, Jesus is life. If we are in darkness, Jesus is light. If we are weak, Jesus is strength. If we are in poverty, Jesus is plenty. If we desire heaven, Jesus is the way.

The soul cannot say, ‗this I would have, and that I would have.‘ But having Jesus, he has all he needs—eminently, perfectly, eternally. And finally, an examination of the ways in which Satan tempts us: Satan loves to sail with the wind. If your knowledge is weak—he will tempt you to error. If your conscience is tender—he will tempt you to scrupulosity and too much preciseness, as to do nothing but hear, pray, and read. If your consciences be wide and large—he will tempt you to carnal security. If you are bold-spirited—he will tempt you to presumption; if timorous, to desperation; if flexible, to inconstancy; if proud and stiff, to gross folly. Therefore still fit for fresh assaults, make one victory a step to another. When you have overcome a temptation, take heed of unbending your bow, and look well to it, that your bow is always bent, and that it remains in strength. When you have overcome one temptation, you must be ready to enter the battle with another. THE TWEETABLE PURITAN

Sin may rebel, but it shall never reign in a saint. Christ in this life will not free any believer from the presence of any one sin, though he frees every believer from the damning power of every sin.

It is one thing for sin to molest and vex you, and another thing for sin to reign and have dominion over you. Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018 23

Spiritual Wellness until I heard that voice tell me "this is all there is.―

with that voice I had heard, that said, "this is all there is.―

Well, I decided to pray about this since my mom and grandpa always prayed. I got on my knees that night and said,

The next day I was watching TV when the program was pre-empted. I could only see the picture of some people in India, blowing their horns and snakes coming up out of the baskets. As I waited to hear what was coming, I heard this voice sternly say . . .

"God, I know I have been a bad person, please forgive me. I want to go to Heaven." (Nothing happened.)

The next night, I prayed again: "God, I'm sorry that I have sinned, please forgive me. I do not want to go to Hell!― The third night I prayed again; "God, I know I haven't been the kind of person you expect in Heaven, I have done a lot of things that should not have been done, but please forgive me. I do not want to go to Hell. I want to go to Heaven with you!" (Nothing happened.)

The fourth night, I got mad. I said, "OK God, if you're really there you better prove it to me. I don't see you, or hear from you. "How can I believe in a God I don't know?― Getting up from my knees, I was feeling full of discouragement and very hopeless, resigned to the fact that eternal life was not a reality. I thought everything I had been told as a child must have been imagination by my family. I figured if there WAS a God out there, He didn't care about me! After all, I pleaded with Him to help me and He didn't. My hope to get to Heaven was gone! I almost had to agree

24 Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018

"THOU SHALT NOT TEMPT THE LORD THY GOD.“ My body started to shake, I began to cry, my heart pounded so loud I could hear it. I turned red, and began to perspire. The thought that went through my mind was, "COULD THAT BE GOD?―

I thought I remembered that verse from the Bible. After looking for and finding my Bible buried in the bottom of my closet, I looked in the concordance, I found the verse. Matthew 4:7, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.“

As I read it, I knew there was a God. I was so relieved He was there. To think this is NOT all there is. . .THERE IS MORE!! I was so excited. I had actually heard God. He did prove to me that He existed! After living on cloud nine for a couple of weeks, the thought hit me that maybe I needed to do something about the fact that there was a God. The realization that I had to respond to God one way or another now that I knew He was there became a reality.

Spiritual Wellness Believers must repent for being discouraged by their sins. People may be truly believing nevertheless are sometimes doubting.

Temptation is God‘s school, wherein he gives his people the clearest and sweetest discoveries of his love.


Many things may be cross to our desires that are not cross to our good. The hand of God may be against a man, when the love and heart of God is much set upon a man.

No temptations do hurt or harm the saints, so long as they are resisted by them. Satan will come on with new temptations when old ones are too weak. In a calm prepare for a storm.

We pray this article has been a blessing to you. Remain blessed in Jesus!

God can look sourly, and chide bitterly, and strike heavily, even where and when he loves dearly.

True grace works the heart to the hatred of all sin, and to the love of all truth. God will graciously pardon those sins to his people, which he will not in this life totally subdue in his people. Though Satan can never rob a Christian of his crown, yet such is his malice, that he will therefore tempt, that he may spoil them of their comforts. Christ himself was most near and most dear, most innocent and most excellent, and yet none so much tempted as Christ! It is as natural for saints to be tempted, who are dearly loved by God, as it is for the sun to shine, or a bird to sing.

All the temptations that befall the saints shall be sanctified to them by a hand of love.

How to Increase Your Faith? Read the Bible Prayer Associate Yourself with Other Believers

Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018 25

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Spiritual Wellness

How to Stop Toiling and Struggling Article by Philip C. Jones Photo Credit by: Shutterstock

"There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief" (Hebrews 4:9-11) Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018 29

Spiritual Wellness Ever try to succeed at a number things, but fail at most of them? That was my testimony. I mean the success just wasn't there no matter how hard I tried. Ever try selling life insurance door to door? I did. Talk about failure. Talk about pathetic. How I mustered up the courage to go door to door selling life insurance to total strangers is hard to believe. However, there was one thing I did have going for me, persistence. That persistence paid off because eventually I discovered the key to unlocking an unlimited source of wisdom, power, and ability to fulfill God's purpose for my life and to succeed in everything I do. I will share with you my discovery. One day my friend in college came up to me at the outside eating area of the school's cafeteria and asked me if I would like to go to a bible study. From one to ten, my desire to go to a bible study was probably close to zero. I didn't go to the bible study. A few years later another Christian friend didn't ask me to go to a bible study, but instead he walked up to me and showed me his bible and told me that was the way to go. When he said that, it was like a light went on inside me and I knew what he said was true. Some time later I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Correction. At the time I received Him as my Savior, but not my Lord. Making Him my Lord, surrendering to His will, would come later. Anyway, I started reading the bible on a daily basis and developed a prayer life. One afternoon while I was waiting for a bus, a sweet old lady

30 Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018

named Betty invited me to her church. I went to the church, became a member and started sharing the gospel with people. Eventually I started listening to Christian television ministers teaching on how to live by faith and not by sight. I learned the importance of reprogramming your mind with the Word of God. The unrenewed mind can have destructive thought patterns based on past knowledge and experiences that are contrary to the Word of God. We must renew our minds with God's Word to set our minds free from the slavery of wrong thinking. Using the power of God's Word, you tear down destructive mental strongholds of unbelief, selfishness, unforgiveness, lust, poverty, inferiority and any other crippling, oppressive stronghold.

Then it happened. While reading and listening to God's Word I discovered the key that unlocks God's unlimited wisdom, power and ability to succeed. What is the key? The key is to enter into Christ's rest. A rest where you cease from your own carnal works and allow the Creator of the Universe, Jesus

Spiritual Wellness Christ, to live through you unhindered by the flesh to do His works of righteousness. "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10). How do you enter that rest to allow Christ's provisional grace to flow through you to be successful in everything you do? By faith. What is faith? Faith is putting your trust in what God has promised you. He promised you His rest in Hebrews 4:9-11. "There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief" (Hebrews 4:911).

If God said He has given you rest, which He has, then you need to get that truth down into your heart by meditating on it. When I say heart, I don't mean the muscle in your chest that pumps blood. I mean that part of you that trusts God. Once that truth gets into your heart, your home free. You've entered

His rest. To get you started, I have created for you below a scripture-based declaration you can meditate (think on, dwell on and speak and declare) until that truth gets into your heart and becomes a reality. I suggest speaking this out loud at least one half hour a day. "By faith I have put on the light and easy yoke of Christ and I have ceased from my own works and entered into His rest. In that rest, His wisdom, power, ability and love flow through me unhindered by the flesh and things that were difficult or impossible have become easy. Therefore I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens, enables and empowers me to succeed in every area of my life." Matthew 11:28-30, Hebrews 4:9-11, Philippians 4:13. So meditate (think on, dwell on and speak and declare) the above scripture-based declaration until you experience the glorious rest God has promised you in Christ. The more time you spend meditating on this scripture-based declaration, the quicker the results. Just be patient and the results will be forthcoming. Enter His rest and experience Christ's life flowing through you to catapult you to success in every area of your life. He lives in you and His spirit is one with your spirit. "But he that is joined unto Lord is one spirit"(1 Corinthians 6:17). Christ's wisdom, power, ability and love flowing through you unhindered by the flesh will take you to levels of success and joy beyond your wildest dreams. Enter and enjoy His rest. Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018 31

Embracing Singleness and Loneliness This booklet is compiled with inspirations to encourage you while embracing the Lord through those periods of single and loneliness

Click Here To Download Your eBook If I could give this eBook 10 stars I would because it has been an eye opener for me. I didn‘t know how to fully cope with being a single male and the ache of loneliness, but this book has inspired me to pray more and seek the face of God. Thank you Blessed Magazine‌..Thomas Y.

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Personal Testimonies

God Healed Me of HPV/Cervical Cancer

Article by Mary D. Photo Credit by: Shutterstock

I had a pap smear done when I became pregnant back in September 2006, the Doctor told me my results came back with abnormal cells, and that I needed to keep an eye on it. Really though I didn‘t understand the importance of what he said. After I delivered my son, I had an IUD copper T birth control put in, I was married but wasn‘t sure when I wanted to have another child. My marriage became unstable, I became a single parent, and I put my health care on the back burner, but tried to always make sure my son was taken care of. Well I eventually made an appointment for myself to get a pap smear and my IUD taken out, after waiting 8 years, (believe me I have learned a valuable lesson, that even if I have to take a few days off from work to take care of myself that‘s ok, I can‘t

keep putting things off until I think its the right time BC its not going to happen life is always going to be having something going on but you need to take time out for yourself so that you can be there for your family). Ok back to my pap smear that took place 11/15/13, I went in they took the pap test and my IUD out, and I didn‘t plan on being sexually active so I declined anymore birth control. About two weeks later I received a call telling me that my pap results came back abnormal and that I have a high grade HPV infection, and that I needed to make an appointment to get a biopsy done for dysplasia/cervical cancer I called and made an appointment for after the holiday season. My IUD caused me to have longer then normal Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018 35

Personal Testimonies periods which also made it hard to schedule an appointment. My appointment was for 01/16/2014. I went to my appointment and tried to help myself stay calm by telling myself that I‘m doing this to take care of myself. The doctor when she first started examining me said she could see a lot of dysplasia/HPV. They had a camera and a screen so I could also view what she was talking about. I was scared when she said she was going to take not just 1 but 3 biopsies, (I had read online and also had a coworker tell me they aren‘t fun). That and realizing that I had done this to myself by having pre-marital sex, and not getting annual pap smears done brought me to tears, well being examined. I was told by the doctor that normally a pap smear can‘t pick up the high grade that I had but because of my IUD their thinking that‘s why they were able to. I was told that it didn‘t look like cancer but that I would have to wait and see with the test results, the doctor said I may need a hysterectomy but that I could still look into adoption. I asked the 3 ladies in the room to pray for me and I told them I was going to talk to the Pastor at my church about this, I new that God could help me out of this if it was his will. The doctor said I should get results back with in two weeks and that I was now one of their VIP patients, so if I need to make an appointment that all I would need to do is call the clinic directly. After I left the room after everything was done, I felt numb, I thought why would God heal me when I

36 Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018

brought this on myself, those were lies coming from Satan. I had a customer tell me the verse Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. I told her, that I thought that was for when we go to heaven, and she said no, she said ―Hope when we go to heaven we will have brand new bodies that won‘t need to be healed, this is for now well we are here on earth‖ that got me thinking.

I had an elder at church approach me well I just sat in the pew (a few days after I had the biopsy) He went to shake my hand and he said ―You are one of his‖ and I just smiled, he explained that he will be shopping at the store or out and about and God will just speak to him letting him know who is his, or one of God‘s children, that made me feel good that God put it in his heart to tell me that I am one of his, not to long later on the radio listening to K-love I heard the song by Casting Crowns ―Who am I‖ , God told me who I am, I am his. He will take care of me. The sermon that Sunday talked about when

Personal Testimonies things are not going so good in your life weather its your health, family issues, what ever it may be keep your focus and eyes on God. I waited a full 3 weeks for the results, the doctor had a hard time reaching me so left a message on my result sheet. I called not knowing what the results would be, but I new it was in God‘s hands because there was nothing I could do about it. She said I‘m just going to tell you what Dr. Walker wrote down, all 3 of my biopsies came back negative for dysplasia and cancer, and that they wanted to see me back in a year for my yearly pap. I told her how I had been praying and how people and other churches were praying for me, I was like are you sure your reading the results right, and she said yes, and that God does answer prayers and that God had heard mine

I listen to K-love a lot, and well I was waiting for my results, I would be listening to it and crying my heart out while driving to work, it also helped a lot and listening to the encouraging story every morning I wrote this testimony so that other people would learn of God‘s awesome Grace. I had a lady, an elders wife pray with me and anoint me with oil, after I read the verse James 5:14 Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. God healed me. God Bless - Mary D.

Healed by Jesus from Depression and Suicidal Tendencies

Article Written By Michael Fackerell Photo Credit: Shutterstock

I turned off any feelings toward God and those around me. I became religious and practiced Christianity in theory. Three years of coming and going in my relationship with God went by.

Some months later, I met a man who had been a drug addict. He soon became my boyfriend. Both the leaders at church and my parents were against this relationship, but day by day, I continued walking and touching my failure. This relationship was immersed in lies, strife, insults and disagreements. Trapped by his addiction, my boyfriend left me right before our wedding. I was so crazy as to think that by marrying him, I would not have to endure my father‘s hatred toward me.

This young man moved to another state, and I fell into a terrible depression. I felt an uncontrollable hatred toward my father. He Story continued on page 39

Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018 37

Personal Testimonies was opposed to everything I did. I was aware that I had committed many mistakes and let my family down many times, but I felt tortured because my father couldn‘t forgive me. Early one morning, feeling abandoned, I decided to run away from home without telling anybody anything – I just left a note. I felt anger in my heart toward my parents and God. I took all my belongings with me, planning never to come back again. I left thinking that I would find friends, a spouse, work…. But I found only lies, loneliness, hunger, lack of understanding, guilt, disappointment and other unwanted feelings. I started to drink alcohol and to smoke marijuana, and I immersed myself in unfinished love relationships and disappointing friendships.

was used to living with my family. Drowning in anger, pain and ―hunger‖ for love and acceptance, I called home. I expected yelling and reproaches, but instead I heard my mom‘s pleading with me to come back home, telling me I was forgiven. And so I did. But back at home, I didn‘t go to church and soon abandoned the psychological treatment I was given. I decided to exclude God completely from my life and to remove my father out of my heart forever.

Soon my life was destroyed. I became anorexic and lost twenty pounds in less than a month.

Some nights I would think about killing myself by throwing myself under a passing train or by taking pills or drugs. But in spite of all this I could sense God‘s presence following me everywhere I went. He wouldn‘t leave me alone. I couldn‘t understand His insistence, since I had openly rejected Him. One day I just got tired of my depression and of not being able to find a job or a place to live. I couldn‘t stand the loneliness because, no matter how bad it had been, I

My parents felt morally, socially and spiritually wounded. Time after time they said, ―May God‘s will be done in your life.‖ Threatened by my bursts of anger and my desire to leave again or even to kill myself, they allowed me to sin and to relate to the wrong kind of people. My father started to punish me verbally. his anger was tremendous and in some ways it was reciprocal. My feelings for him were awful, and yet I hid them, deluding my parents so that I could enjoy some privileges at home.

Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018 39

Personal Testimonies One day I thought about killing my father with a weapon that he had hidden in the house. I knew where it was, so I took the weapon and caressed it. I wanted to do it without much thinking, but then I quickly put it away. Thousands of events and countless sinful experiences filled my days. I became involved in criminal activities. It was 1996, and I had started to go to school just to prove that I wasn‘t good at that either. I continued to sin more and more through night parties, unruly passions, vices and unhappy love affairs. In every situation I would do whatever I wanted to do-but not at home. My father‘s rules and limitations had me cornered.

I went to a gym that belonged to a young man from King of Kings Church. I could hear them talking about God and listening to Christian music in the place. Instead of leaving, there was something that attracted me to that place, and I started to be concerned about my physical and spiritual condition. I became aware of my own human misery, the hidden things in my life. One afternoon, together with those brothers and sisters, I prayed to the Lord asking for reconciliation, even though I had doubts that I could ever really love Him. I didn‘t feel anything for Him anymore. Yet from that moment on God really started to pursue me. He was with me at all times. Even while I was sinning, He was there. I could hear His voice talking to my

40 Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018

conscience, telling me that I didn‘t belong to that world anymore. He would tell me I was His, and that I had never stopped being His in spite of my many rejections. I was troubled by all these feelings, and in my spirit I would contend with Him. He was alluring me with His compassion and His love, and I had no more strength to fight back. Tired of struggling with God in my thoughts, tired of fighting with my parents, I surrendered to the presence of God in my room. Alone, just Him and me, even though I couldn‘t see Him or touch Him, I knew He was there. This night we settled all accounts, all the personal issues of my relationship with Him. I was able to cry a lot and receive His comfort and forgiveness. I felt deeply cleansed of all the wrong feelings I had inside. I knew that a very close friendship with the Lord had just started. Some months went by. Although I continued to sin, I felt God‘s presence and His pure, clean love, different from any other type of superficial love I had known before.

After reading the book Holy Spirit, I Hunger for You by Pastor Claudio Freidzon, I had a wonderful experience with God. I believed that his blood had cleansed me, and I knew that I would never be the same again. I couldn‘t resist his tremendous love anymore. His love was stronger than all my guilt and my fears. The Holy Spirit broke insurmountable

Personal Testimonies spiritual and psychological strongholds that had been inside of me for years. I felt a special kind of love for my father. I had never loved him like this before, and I couldn‘t wait for the next day to come, when I would tell him how much I loved him. A wonderful restoration started to take place.

One evening, while doing some silly chore, I started to cry. It didn‘t make sense, but suddenly I was filled with the love and the forgiveness of God. Crying, I approached my dad and asked him if we could talk. I asked his forgiveness for all the hatred that I had felt for him for all those years. Likewise, he asked for my forgiveness for not having known how to deal with me correctly. We talked peacefully and confessed all the hurt we had inflicted on each other. We agreed to nurture the new father-daughter relationship that was developing that night. We prayed together and asked God to teach us both to be kind and respectful in spite of our flaws. Currently I attend King of Kings Church in Belgrano and also the discipleship groups. I feel loved and respected by my brothers and

sisters in the faith. Now I can understand that this is much more than a religion; it is a deep love relationship of daily commitment. Every day I decide to love Him more, and that helps me to love my dad, in spite of his faults. God started a new work in me and will be faithful to complete it. I believe that He will use my life as a vessel to talk to those who are hurting, who need God‘s true love and compassion for their broken lives, torn by life‘s circumstances.

How to Increase Your Faith? Read the Bible Prayer Associate Yourself with Other Believers Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018 41

Powerful Prayers for Believers of the Faith When you feel like you have nothing to say in prayer, lean on the timeless Word of God.

These life-giving prayers can kick-start your conversations with God

―I can‘t tell you how much I appreciate having this available to me. It has inspired me to develop a better relationship with God. You guys are the best and I pray others will be blessed by this book - Susan

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Personal Testimonies

"Adulterous Relationship" Article by Sim. Photo Credit by: Shutterstock

I just want to share what God has done in my life with everyone. Recently I met a guy and we quickly became friends. He mentioned to me that he is married and because I was uncomfortable spending time with him he told me that he spoke to his wife about me and she is fine with us being friends and that she even wanted to meet me. And, since we were only ―just‖ friends anyway I didn‘t see anything wrong with us just hanging out once every couple weeks. But the Lord spoke to me several times in my dreams, warning me that something was terribly wrong. I was in spiritual turmoil for the past months over the dreams I was having but thought they couldn‘t have been about my new friendship. That is until two days ago when I discovered his wife didn‘t know anything about me at all and that he was actually sneaking to see me.

Moreover, his intentions for me were for our relationship to develop into much more than just kicks and giggles. In shock and anguish over my sin I quickly ran to my saviour Jesus Christ and asked him to deliver me from this guilt and this unholy friendship that must end immediately.

Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018 43

Personal Testimonies And to thank my Almighty Father for his great wisdom, mercy and loving kindness towards me. For protecting me from the enemy and for keeping me from being further influenced into some adulterous relationship. I know now that God is the only friend and companion I‘ll ever need. He will never deceive me. He is the love of my life and he gives complete rest to my soul. Glory to him in the highest, through Jesus Christ his son. Hallelujah! - Sim

44 Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018

Personal Testimonies What Would Jesus Post?

Article by John Weirick Photo Credit by: Shutterstock

Every number has a name, every name has a profile, and every post matters to God. Jesus cares about what we do on social media because what we post offers a perspective of who God is. When we decide to follow Jesus, we become His representatives. By how we live, we can connect people to Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:1720). Our words and actions are so important, whether online or off, because we‘re not just portraying who we are to the world; we‘re portraying who Jesus is. If people know we‘re Christians but we act like jerks online, they‘ll think Jesus is a jerk.

If people know we‘re Christians but we act like jerks in person or online, they‘ll think Jesus is a jerk. If we‘re selfish and unforgiving, they‘ll think the same of Him. Being separated by screens and pixels doesn‘t mean it doesn‘t affect anyone else. Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018 45

What Would Jesus Post? Our digital conversations have real world consequences.

someone. Respect and courteous dialogue are essential to being a Christian online.

People online are watching. Regardless of their intentions, ours should be to point to Jesus through all our status updates, connections, and conversations (whether explicitly or not).

3. Post What You’re For

4 Ways To Use Social Media Wisely 1. Don’t Post A Perfect Life When everything on your Facebook profile looks like the cover of a magazine, you‘re pretending to be someone you‘re not. No one has it all together.

Unfortunately, sharing negative perspectives often gets more attention online than positive ones. But if everyone is a critic, no one celebrates good things God does and the stories of lives being changed.

Complaining makes us less like Jesus (Philippians 2:13-15). Jesus spent more time showing what He was for than what He was against. Instead of complaining about our sins, Jesus did something about it (Romans 5:8).

If we‘re outwardly put together, but hide the struggles we‘re dealing with, we‘re pretending to be better than we are (Matthew 23:27-28). Being a Christian doesn‘t automatically make everything easy or great. Life is still hard and we still have to wade through struggles, but Jesus is with us through those things. When we humbly admit we need help, God brings healing we need (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Stand for something, not against everything.

2. Don’t Post Angry

What does this say about who I am?

When we turn to Facebook comments and thinly veiled tweets to vent our anger about something, we cross the line between fine and foolishness (Proverbs 29:11).

What does this say about who Jesus is?

We drag God‘s name through the digital dirt by angrily ranting about something or

46 Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018

4. Think Before You Post The more we talk, the more likely we‘ll say something stupid -- or worse (Proverbs 10:19). Ask yourself a few questions before you hit the ―Post‖ button: Why am I posting this?

If we first listen and consider the implications of our actions, we‘ll more accurately portray Jesus (James 1:19-20).

Feature Story James Brown was the hardest working man in show business. Tom Joyner is known as the hardest working man in radio and without a doubt Carlton McConnell of Round the Clock Media Management is the hardest working man behind the scenes anywhere. He‘s from the Michigan (the automobile capital) and could easily be defined as both a mover and a shaker. Much of time spent between Mid-Michigan and By Crystal Nicole Little Detroit, Michigan McConnell has found his niche as simply a ―motor‖.

Carlton McConnell “Promo Mogul” Lifting Clientele To New Heights For Decades As The Legacy Continues

His preeminence behind the scenes began at the tender age of 10 when he would throw house parties, fashion and hair shows. He became known as the brains behind entertainment at a young age and shocked the entertainment world and the city when at 17 he produced a concert that Prince to Detroit. Much like motors, Carlton McConnell has evolved. Looking under the hood today, you will notice a plethora of industrial advancements that make automobiles much more dynamic than their 48 Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018

Feature Story original design. What began as Mac Print Etc., is now ‗Round the Clock Entertainment‘. With a career spanning 36 years this year, he has evolved along with the promotional marketing and media industries. The only constant is the man himself who credits his faith as the true engine behind his success. His business acumen is unparalleled and earned him a job for the greatest champion in the world, Muhammad Ali. Helping to promote the champ‘s cologne, McConnell developed the promotional concept of giving customers free promotional merchandise with their purchase. This level of next-level thinking opened doors for McConnell whose client list grew with each idea and marketing tool.

His entry into the field of promotional marketing seems to even pre-date the concept. While promoters were passing full page flyers, McConnell was in the sound and film studio writing and producing commercials for his concerts. Long before the advent of the internet and later, social media, Carlton McConnell became synonymous with successful promotional marketing. Now, with the help of social media and multi-media platforms, McConnell and ‗Round the Clock boast successful marketing campaigns for worldclass talent, as well as fortune 500 businesses through digital billboards, eblasts, and the other promotional marketing tools his company offers.

From concerts, special events and promotional products, he does it all. Did you know that Carlton McConnell has also been involved on the production side as well as promotion of television shows and feature films? He has recently been a part of boxing reality television show ―The Undercard‖ which had a strong two year run on CW33 TV Network, & NBC Telemundo. McConnell‘s also has been responsible for the creation, promotion & placement of countless Christian/Gospel music videos on various local. regional, national, & even international television platforms.

His production credits extend the screen to behind the mic. In addition to producing concerts, television shows and writing scripts, McConnell is now producing radio! As a visionary, he is often able to see beyond what is happening and work to make what he sees happen. Just a casual day watching Clareta Haddon‘s ―Blue Flame Moments‖ on Facebook led to the creation of her segment on the Jay Williams Show. Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018 49

Feature Story McConnell saw much more than Haddon‘s engagement on the social media platform, to the extent that he communicated the potential for greater reach on Williams‘ syndicated show of which she is now a part and currently heard on 56 different Gospel radio stations around the U.S. & abroad. That‘s the essence of Carlton McConnell. He literally works around the clock to bring his client‘s vision to pass. He is gifted beyond what the natural eye can see or the ear can hear, with next level intuition and creative genius that regularly works to accomplish his vision for clients. It‘s been said that a man‘s network is his net-worth and the same is true for Carlton McConnell. You may not know it and he may not tell you, but he has worked with some of the biggest names in entertainment. When not working with socalled ‗big names‘, he‘s working hard to ensure that his clients are standing shoulder to shoulder with, if not above those household names. His foray into radio production and consulting has helped the likes of Lonnie Hunter‘s ―Get It Done Mindset‖ which is now heard on 66 stations across America. McConnell serves as Associate Producer on the Soulfunny Radio Show which is heard on the Rejoice Musical Soul Food Network in 60 U.S. markets. Former Miss Black California, Sherida Lovelace is one of the newest beneficiaries of the McConnell magic with her forthcoming show: the ―Triumphant Radio Show‖ 50 Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018

which is slated to start airing in April 2018 on 108 Praise Radio (Atlanta, GA.)

You may say he‘s got a knack for it; but in theory, it‘s the niche that Carlton McConnell is most comfortable in: making your idea more than you could imagine! This has placed him among the ranks of some of the greatest people we know. When he was awarded a five- year contract to promote Muhammad Ali‘s signature cologne, a 22 year-old, McConnell used his own print expertise and creativity to design and produce the promotional caps and t-shirts customers received which at the time was beyond normal fragrance promotion, even for celebrities. He has applied his passion for promotional marketing in a number of areas as both

Feature Story lead and consultant for companies including, but not limited to LA|FITNESS, State Farm Insurance, Applebee‘s Restaurant's, Chili‘s, Toyota, Lincoln Mercury, Ford, as well as City & State municipalities.

recognized by his peers and award organizations. His list of accolades includes: Rhythm of Gospel Living Legend Hall of Fame, Certificate of Recognition from the Mayor of Long Beach, California and special recognition from the Gospel Music Workshop of America. In 2017 McConnell took home the award for Promoter/Marketing company of the year at the annual Prayze Factor Awards in Atlanta, GA. and already in 2018 Brother Carlton as he is affectionately called in the industry has made the final ballot nomination on two additional prestigious independent Gospel Awards Organizations being IRAA Awards & The Rhythm of Gospel Awards once again as one of the top PR/ Marketing firms in America.

He and his staff regularly go the extra mile for their clients and works with all their might to ensure the highest level of success for the people that trust him and his company. ‗Round the Clock Entertainment currently manages five thousand Facebook pages and groups, promoting artists, events and much more, securing social media engagement and web conversion for his clients. For his astounding work and longevity in a somewhat volatile industry, McConnell has been awarded and Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018 51

Beauty Tips McConnell is driven by a word from the Lord that assured him: ―what you make happen for others, I‘ll make happen for you!‖ A former athlete, he ran track and played tennis, but in his own words: ―nothing compares to what I do as a promoter of God‘s word and God‘s people. I get to accentuate what their gifts and talents are, for their light to shine to the world! If you seek people‘s accolades, you don‘t need it from God If you‘re seeking the blessing from man, you‘ll get it, but it‘s better to seek God‘s blessings (which are endless)‖ God‘s in the driver‘s seat McConnell‘s along for the ride! Going forward, his vision is to continue to increase his footprint as a family friendly faith-based content provider for radio and television, and film alike.

Carlton D. McConnell, CEO Round the Clock Entertainment Contact us (972)834-5936

Do You Know

Jesus? 52 Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018

Beauty Tips

Ten Beauty Tips Using Common Household Items By Charlotte Kuchinsky

Lots of us today are just plain tired of throwing away big bucks on beauty products that simply don‘t work as advertised. Rather than throwing more good money after bad, some women today are pulling out products that they already have on hand to make their own beauty products Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018 53

Feature Story Tip #1 – Repair dry, damaged hair with an avocado conditioner made right in your own kitchen. Cut the avocado into small pieces and throw into your blender, food processor, or Magic Bullet. Mix in one-half cup of mayonnaise or a few tablespoons of olive oil. Next, wash and towel the hair. Apply the conditioner liberally and work it throughout the hair using a wide toothcomb. Cover it with a shower cap and let it sit for at least 10 minutes. Rinse, dry, and style as usual. Tip #2 – Lighten skin discoloration while you soften it by adding buttermilk to your bath water. Between a pint and a half-quart is more than enough to do the trick. You can also add in a few drops of your favorite essential oil to make a luxurious spa treatment that your skin will love. Tip #3 - Keep your heart healthy by eating chocolate. But not just any chocolate will do, and you can‘t eat as much of the sweet confection as you might like! According to various studies, a couple of squares of unsweetened or semi-sweet dark chocolate a day will do the trick. Tip #4 – Use old coffee grounds to chase away unsightly cellulite. Apply the grounds directly to the affected area, then wrap it with kitchen plastic wrap. Let the grounds sit in place for about 30 minutes. Remove the wrap and wash away the grounds. Repeat the treatment regularly to continue fading the marks.

Tip #5 - Make your own facial mask with honey, yogurt, and bananas. Mix one- half cup of plain yogurt with one tablespoon of raw honey and onequarter mashed banana. Blend well in a blender, food processor, or Magic Bullet. Apply the mixture liberally to the freshly cleansed skin of the face and neck. Let the mask sit for between 15 and 20 minutes. Rinse the mask off with cool water, pat dry, and go. Tip #6 – Make your own facial scrub by mixing the juice of one orange with a few tablespoons for cornstarch and a few grains of kosher salt. Apply 54 Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018

the scrub to the face and neck area, working it in gently with small circular motions. Then rinse the skin, pat it dry, and apply your normal skin care regimen. Tip #7 - Use a dab of olive oil to freshly shampooed hair to add shine and youthful vitality. About a nickel size portion should be enough for short to chin- length hair. A quarter‘s portion may be required for longer tresses. Just pour the oil into the center of your hands and then rub them together. Work the oil throughout the hair. Follow up by using a wide toothcomb to make sure the oil is evenly distributed. Let sit in place for between 10 and 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water, dry, and style as usual. Tip #8 - Get rid of the old dead, flaky skin on your feet and heels with a homemade foot scrub made from strawberries. Blend about a dozen strawberries together with one teaspoon of kosher salt and your favorite essential oil or some olive oil from the kitchen. Apply the scrub to the feet, rubbing it in thoroughly with strong, circular motions. Next, soak feet in Epsom salt for about 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse, dry, and apply the moisturizing cream of your choice. Tip #9 – Make that green cast on your hair that is caused by too much pool chlorine go away with a tomato juice rinse. Simply wash the hair normally. Then apply the tomato juice straight from the can. Work throughout the hair using a wide toothcomb. Cover and let sit for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then rinse, condition, dry, and style as usual.

Tip #10 - Help cleanse and detangle hair easily with vinegar. It has been used for decades as a natural hair rinse. It will remove product build-up from hairspray, mousse, gel, and other hair setting lotions while it also works to keep the hair from tangling. Simply mix equal parts of vinegar together with water. After shampooing the hair, apply your normal conditioner and rinse. Then add the vinegar mixture and work it through the hair to the ends. Rinse again, dry, and style as normal.

Embracing Singleness and Loneliness This booklet is compiled with inspirations to encourage you while embracing the Lord through those periods of single and loneliness

Click Here To Download Your eBook If I could give this eBook 10 stars I would because it has been an eye opener for me. I didn‘t know how to fully cope with being a single male and the ache of loneliness, but this book has inspired me to pray more and seek the face of God. Thank you Blessed Magazine‌..Thomas Y.

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Time Management

by Chad Petties

Article by David Peach Photo Credit by: Shutterstock

10 Time Management Tips for the Busy Christian

Some time management tips are universal, but some are specific for busy Christians. Time management isn‘t always about doing more, but it is about doing what is right and necessary to accomplish our goals and God‘s desires. For a Christian, that means that we should be doing things that matter when it comes to obeying God‘s will in our lives. Here are some great tips to help you do the right thing at the right time. Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018 57

Time Management Put God First This is critical. If you don‘t have your relationship with God in order, then how can you expect to know what the right thing is you are supposed to be doing? Spend time daily in God‘s Word and in prayer. Ask the Lord to give you wisdom in setting your priorities for the day. Your goals for today also hinge on future plans that God has for you. Allow Him to lead you through His revealed will in the Bible. This means that your first priority is to always obey God‘s Word. However, there are many decisions that you must make which God does not give clear guidance in the Bible. From there allow His Spirit to lead you.

Know God‟s Will If you don‘t know what God has designed you to do, then it is hard to know what your ultimate priorities should be. Seek to know God‘s will for your life. Sometimes people talk about God‘s will like it is something God has hidden from you. This is not the case. God wants you to know what His will is. Primarily it starts with obeying God‘s Word every day. When you obey the principles set out in the Bible then you will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit‘s leading so that you can know and obey God‘s plan.

Time management really does not matter 58 Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018

if you are not focusing your time on the right things. Find the Right Priorities There is a lot of talk among ministers as to what your priority structure should be. Should it be: family first and church second? Or, church first and family second? I believe if you will put God first, then you will know what should be second and third on the list. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide your decisions and you will sometimes make the choice to put family over church ministry and sometimes church ministry over family.

Of course, you may not be a minister, but this principle still applies. Put God first and allow the Holy Spirit to help you know what your priorities in any situation should be.

Think Take time to think and plan. I am a big fan of David Allen‘s book Getting Things Done. Allen stresses the need for a weekly review. This is a time to sit down and think about what has been accomplished over the last week and what is coming up in the next week or months. This doesn‘t have to take too much time, but it needs to be done. If you don‘t think through your upcoming events then you won‘t know how each piece fits together in the bigger picture of your life. I recently spoke with a builder who said

Time Management that he usually accomplishes more on a job the days he works by himself than the days he works with a crew. He knew that on days he was by himself he was forced to think through the job. He had to plan and make conscientious decisions based on what a one-man crew could do. But on days he worked with other people he spent less time thinking because he assumed that anything that came up he could tackle. The truth is that thinking is what makes the difference on being able to get things done.

Say No to the Unimportant It may not be true with everyone, but many people I know have trouble turning down requests to do unimportant tasks. You don‘t have to turn down every fun project pitched your way, but if a project does not help you follow God‘s will, then why would you agree to do it?

someone else did not take care of the important tasks in their own work flow. This may be a time to educate them and allow them to fail in an area. If you will not respect your own priorities and tasks then you can‘t expect others to respect them for you.

Write Things Down Have a way to capture ideas that come to you. If you don‘t capture and remember what it is you want to accomplish, there is no way to guarantee you will do them. There are many smartphone apps that can help you with that. The one I use most is Evernote. I have different capturing tools for different types of tasks and ideas.

Agree to projects based on your priorities and desire to do God‘s will in your life.

Do Important Tasks, Not Just Urgent Ones We so often get wrapped up in doing urgent things and not important ones. This does not mean you shouldn‘t take care of the urgent matters that come up, but don‘t let them derail you. Sometimes urgent items are important, but many times they are not. Often an urgent matter is caused because

You should choose a tool that you will always have with you and that is quick and easy enough to encourage you capture your thoughts. For many people this is a pen and piece of paper. I carry a sheet of notebook paper folded into an 8page booklet for this purpose. I find this is the best way to capture ideas quickly and then I can transfer them to other places as needed when I take time to sit. Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018 59

Time Management down and think.

Know What Needs to be Done I love when I am talking with someone and I feel like I have their complete attention. It makes me feel important and it elevates my respect for them. To be that person who can devote your attention to others at the moment you must know what needs to be done and what can be put off during that time. If you don‘t know what is on your calendar or your to-do list, then you cannot devote your attention to the task or person at hand.

Live as if Today Were Your Last The Bible says we aren‘t given any promise of tomorrow (Proverbs 27:1). You need to live so that you accomplish what you believe is important at the moment based on your priorities and God‘s will at this time (James 4:14). This may be playing a board game with your children, preparing a sermon or fixing a leaky faucet. I can‘t tell you what is important, but you should know what that is. If you aren‘t sure then you need to spend time with the other tips here.

Plan for Tomorrow While we should live knowing that tomorrow may never come, we also know that it is wise to plan for the future. 60 Blessed Magazine April/May, 2018

Proverbs 6:6-8 says we should take a lesson from the ant that plans for the future. Proverbs 16:9 says that we should plan and allow God to direct in and through our planning. If you don‘t sit down and count the cost of a project, there is no reasonable way to expect that it will be accomplished. Planning is necessary. While you must plan, you should also be flexible in those plans and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you (Proverbs 16:9; 2 Corinthians 5:7).

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