ABC Friends is a not-for-profit, non-partisan, volunteer-based organisation with active state and territory divisions all around Australia.
We have been working to uphold and promote the vital role of the ABC as a national public media organisation since 1976.
Our mission is to represent the community interest in upholding and promoting the vital role of the ABC as a national public media organisation.
Our vision is for a fearless, independent ABC valued by all Australians and fully supported by government.
We value democracy, independence, accountability, quality, diversity and accessibility. This translates to an ABC that:
• is essential for a healthy democracy
• is independent of government influence, commercial sponsorship and advertising
• is accountable to the public
• offers distinctive, high quality programs and services
• promotes Australian culture in all its diversity
• is accessible and relevant to all Australians
We influence government policies on the ABC and ensure that it is fully funded to fulfil its role as Australia’s national public media organisation as set out in the ABC Charter.
We campaign to persuade the public and political candidates of the importance of the ABC.
We inform the Australian public about issues affecting the ABC and public media.
We conduct research into emerging issues in public media to better understand the environment in which the ABC operates.
We partner with like-minded organisations to conduct research, campaign, and communicate with the public.
We collaborate with, support and coordinate the work of the state and territory divisions of ABC Friends.
We are warm, inclusive, encouraging and determined, with an appreciation of culture and a touch of humour. Our communication is timely and fact-based and doesn’t stray too far from our vision, mission and values.
L ABC Friends is always…
L Accessible
L Clear
L Collaborative
L Committed
L Confident
L Engaging
L Gender-neutral
L Factual
L Inclusive
L Independent
L Non-partisan
L Positive
L Proactive
L Respectful
L Succinct and to the point
L Supportive
K ABC Friends is never…
L Ableist
L Aggressive
L Angry
L Discriminatory
L Easily defeated
L Full of jargon
L Long-winded
L Overly opinionated
L Passive
L Predatory
L Rude or insulting
L Shouty
L Too pushy
We are an advocate for all Australians. The community we represent is diverse, multigenerational and multilingual. We need to communicate in a plain, consistent and accessible way. We:
• avoid acronyms (except for the ABC!)
• use plain language and simple words
• use short, clear sentences and paragraphs
• avoid jargon, colloquialisms and complex words and phrases
• use the first person (we, us, our)
• use the active voice (Jane spoke at the forum)
• say ‘you’ and ‘your’ when addressing to our members, supporters and readership
• keep sentences and paragraphs short and to the point
• use Australian spelling
• minimise capitalisation (proper nouns only)
• avoid violent and predatory language (out for the kill, capture your attention, on the attack).
The primary full colour logo should be placed on a white background. Either of these logos should be used unless if the space allows or must be placed on a coloured background.
Ideally, the logo is placed above the heading and aligned to the same margin. For example, left aligned text left aligned logo. Centered text, centered logo.
The default logo allows for a branch section to be added to the right creating the branch logo. The branch logo may be used for specific locations. It has clear spacing and a different text colour so it does not interfere with the overall look of the deafult logo.
Branch addition may not be used with the long version of the logo.
Location addon font is Gotham Narrow and the colour is #939598.
Space between the logo and the area addon is the width of the letter “d” in Friends.
The seperator is the center of the this distance while its height is set to 50% of the overall height of the logo.
Our logo may be used in black or white reversed out of a brand colour.
Always follow the clear space specifications and use the logo files provided when using the ABC Friends logo.
To ensure the elements of the logo are always legible it should never be reproduced at the sizes smaller than the dimensions shown.
Branch logo should never go below 25mm, while the default logo can go down to 18mm.
You may also just show the logo icon if the area is too small and there are other brand elements to help Identify the logo as ABC Friends.
Do not use branch addition with long logo version.
Do not use effects on the logo.
Do not distort the logo.
Do not change the opacity of the logo.
Do not use different colours for the logo.
Do not rotate any part of the logo.
Do not change the composition of the logo.
Do not outline the logo.
These colours have been tested for accessibility and may be used for text on a white background.
To check colour accessibility use the contrast checker below.
https://webaim.org/resources/ contrastchecker/
Using icons is a powerful way of communicating. They can help convey in a approachable and clear fashion where to find information both in both digital and real world settings.
Where possible solid icons should be used as they are more accessible to a wider audience. Icons may be used to break up text as well as build visual recognition for information.
The ABC Friends brand is professional, modern, and corporate. The graphic element inspired by the icon in the logo are used to enhance layouts and branded material.
It helps viewers associate the icon with the brand, building toward the overall brand recognition.
The ABC Friends imagery should reflect the brand’s professional, multicultural and community minded aesthetic. Images should tie in to the message being communicated, be reflective of a diverse and multicultural community and where suitable show happy and smiling people.
The font Helvetica Neue forms the basis of the ABC Friends brand.
In some cases it may not be possible to use these fonts due to digital limitation, for example in email signatures and EDMs.
Helvetica Neue Regular
Helvetica Neue Italic
Top right corner
Horizontal axis: On the margin
Vertical axis: On the margin
Font: Helvetica Neue - Bold
Size: 12pt
Colour: Black (C68, M62, Y58, K45)
Graphic element is used to create link footer with the brand logo.
Contact informtion
Font: Helvetica Neue - Bold
Size: 10pt
Colour: White
13.3mm 12mm
It’s quick and easy to join or renew at www.abcfriends.net.au/membership or, if you prefer, send the completed form to ABC Friends NSW&ACT, PO Box 1391, North Sydney NSW 2059 would like to join
The ABC is not what it once was. These days it has to get by on a third less funding in real terms than it did 30 years ago. It’s had to shed experienced staff, slash drama production, scrap some programs or show fewer episodes, and resort to more repeats, all in the name of cutting costs.
Yet it still remains the most trusted source of news and current affairs, children's TV, regional reporting and emergency broadcasting. But it’s getting harder and harder to do what it does best.
It costs a lot to run the ABC - but it’s way less than equivalent broadcasters in other countries. And expenses keep rising. Yet the government refuses to acknowledge the true cost of running the ABC.
The ABC costs each of us less than a cup of coffee a month. A couple of cents more a day would make all the difference. Not much to ask is it?
We began in 1976 when the first cuts to the ABC took place. Today, we remain committed to ensuring the ABC stays a viable, independent and quality national public broadcaster.
We have branches in every state and territory, as well as a national committee that brings together representatives from those branches.
Membership continues to grow and, as it grows, our voice becomes stronger too. Please consider joining us.
To defend and support the ABC in its vitalrole as Australia’s only independent broadcaster
To campaign for adequate government funding for the ABC
To oppose all efforts to censor or place political pressure on the ABC
To oppose any moves to privatise the broadcaster or introduce advertising andcorporate sponsorship
To ensure the ABC is adequately funded to maintain its central role in providing services to rural and remote communities
Raising awareness about ABC issues and building community support Making submissions to government Lobbying individual federal MPs Campaigning during federal elections to encourage political candidates to publicly support the ABC
Holding discussions with the ABC managing director and chair of the board
• •
Addressing community groups, organising interesting forums, holding market stalls Providing opportunities to socialise with like-minded people
In some cases it may not be possible to use these fonts due to digital limitation, for example in email signatures and EDMs. This is using Helvetica Neue as the main font, with Arial as the fallback.
This website is designed to meet WCAG guidelines for the latest 2.1 AA accessibility standards.
We recommend accessibility tools be used where available, such as text-to-speech, font size increase and colour contrast.
The website must be responsive on all devices, meet the minimum colour contrast settings as specified in the Brand colours section of this guide.