2 minute read
We asked our MWR Fort Bliss Libraries to keep our patrons up-to-date on the status of their facilities. As you’ll read Librarian, Jessica Pollock, informs us of the things they’ve done during,“The Great Pause.”
On March 20, the Mickelsen and Soldier Activity Center (SAC) Libraries closed their doors, temporarily, due to COVID-19 health concerns. Raising the question, how are we going to connect with our patrons, and offer helpful information, while the libraries are closed?
We found several different answers to that question. Fort Bliss Libraries were able to utilize online resources, giving patrons the ability to download books, and other media, through Overdrive or Recorded Books (RB) Digital. In addition, resources such as Ancestry.com and Mango Languages were available for patron use. Facebook has also been a wonderful tool to inform the community about things to do or the current status of the libraries.
From the beginning, we’ve been sharing posts from the MWR Army Library website, and some of our most popular posts involved virtual Summer Camps, and taking a virtual tour of the pyramids at Giza. During April, Fort Bliss Libraries saw two major ways to get patrons engaged in the library. A Spring Reading Challenge began, patrons were able to sign up, log their minutes and be eligible for weekly prize drawings.
This Reading Challenge was run by the Department of Defense (DOD), and open to all libraries that wanted to participate. Fort Bliss had 111 participants who logged almost 12,000 minutes! On April 19, we started National Library Week, in which patrons could share content on different topics each day of the week. From sharing pictures of home bookshelves, to showing off their inner comedians by posting library jokes, patrons were able to connect with each other.
In early May, we started posting virtual Story Time videos. A member of our Children’s side staff enthusiastically read picture books for children. The videos were engaging and entertaining, with a wide variety of topics. These videos offered something for everyone. Mickelsen Library began a curbside pickup program, in late May. During set times, three days a week, patrons were able to call in phone requests, drive up, pick up their items, and return any materials. A
s a special treat, Mickelsen Library started the annual Summer Reading Program in June! This year, for safety and health concerns, the program is entirely virtual, run by the DOD. Patrons are able to still sign up to participate on the DOD website, until Aug. 31. They are able to log minutes and enter in weekly prize drawings. In addition, now through July 13, the children’s side staff will post weekly at home crafts and activities with a different theme.
It has taken some adjustment, and creativity, but Mickelsen Community Library strives to continue to provide engaging activities for our patrons! Follow us on Facebook to stay updated on our activities!