Marine & Maritime Gazette April 2023

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Commercial Marine & Renewables Worldwide INSIDE: ISSUE 98 APRIL 2023 7 34 38
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Exhibition Season now into full swing...

Meeting friends and colleagues around the ‘show season ’ .

Welcome to the April 2023 issue of Marine & Maritime

G a z e t t e t h e m o n t h l y m a g a z i n e a i m e d a t Wo r l d w i d e coverage of the commercial marine, shipping and waterbased renewables markets

The maritime year is now in full swing and we all look for ward to meeting friends and colleagues over the Summer exhibition schedule

Ocean Business takes place in Southampton this month and Seawork is, of course, just around the corner

Inside this issue, we are, as usual, covering a vast amount of topics, from ‘Power, Propulsion & Transmission on page 20, to the ‘ins and outs’ of ‘Under water, Subsea & Diving’ from page 26 There is also a quick look at ‘Dredging, Trenching & Piling’ on p 32 and from page 38 we also hav


Anyway, we look for ward to seeing y over the Summer months and, of cour happy reading

If you have any news, reviews, produ launches or absolutely anything else interest across the whole marine marke

p l e a s e e m a i l i t t h r o u g h t o m e a info@- plus com for future consideratio in our for thcoming issues

p e e k ’ a t ‘ S a f e t y, S e c u r i t y &
I N T R O D U C T I O N & W E L C O M E 3 www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette Editor MARINE & MARITIME GAZETTE Commercial Marine & Renewables Wo ld de INSIDE: I 98 APR L 2023 7 34 38

Cover stor y

Doosan Tier III compliant engines available from Watermota

Shetland trawler

Rotterdam natural reef installed

R i j ks wa t e r s t a a t , t h e C i t y o f Rotterdam, Boskalis and Reefy are t es ting the Reefy ar tificial reef s y s t e m t o s u p p o r t n a t u re re s t o ra t i o n a n d c o n s e r va t i o n ef for ts in the tidal area of the river Meuse, as par t of the ‘Groene

Poor t ’ or ‘Green Gate’ project

After careful preparation and in close collaboration with all the partners, 17 Reefy modules were assembled under water by Boskalis in under 3 days The artificial reef is approximately 25 meters long and 3 meters high This makes it possible to see its top layer during low tide

17 Reefy ReefBlocks were successfully installed in the river Meuse

The blocks are developed by the Delft innovative startup Reefy

Jaime Ascencio, CEO and co-founder of Reefy says:

CFD simulations

Teignbridge Propellers uses Simcenter STARCCM+ and HEEDS to optimize design and per formance of propulsion systems

Sur vitec pre-inspection

Sur vitec launch formalised pre-inspection as par t of its dr y dock safety ser vice to help optimise dr y docking schedules

“We need to rethink marine infrastructure and

include the right conditions for letting nature thrive It is important that water and sediments can go t h r o u g h b r e a k w a t e r s , t h e n t h o s e a p p r o p r i a t e conditions will allow ecological foreshores to develop that can grow with sea level rise The R e e f B l o c k s p r o v i d e t h i s a n d t h e n e c e s s a r y complexity to boost life under water These ecoengineering solutions will be cheaper to maintain compared to traditional structures in the face of climate change ”

Leon Haines, CTO and Co-Founder of Reefy, adds: “The ecological development on the reef will be continuously monitored by us to see effects on the total improvement in ecosystem ser vices, compared w i t h t h e c o n v e n t i o n a l s o l u t i o n s B e f o r e t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n , t h e b e n c h m a r k b i o d i v e r s i t y measurements were taken by Reefy, and we expect the first ecological results of this transformational coastal defence project in a few months ”

Since the end of 2013, the City of Rotterdam, Rijkswaterstaat, the Port of Rotterdam and the World Wildlife Fund have been working together on sustainable, nature friendly riverbanks in the river Maas (river Meuse) in the densely populated and industrialised area The project is called ‘De Groene Poort’ or ‘Green Gate’ To keep natural riverbanks in place and to protect them against the waves of ships and current, breakwaters are needed to create a foreshore Rijkswaterstaat and the City of Rotterdam are looking for more sustainable solutions for this than the usual rock or stone dams By testing these reef innovations in collaboration with Reefy, the City of Rotterdam and Rijkswaterstaat hope to find a resilient and sustainable solution to restore the natural values in the tidal area of the Maas River

Besides the Groene Poort, the program River as a Tidal Park is in progress to realize tidal parks in the delta The City of Rotterdam is one of the partners in this program

www rotterdaminnovationcity com

www reefy nl

EDITORIAL Ar thur Peaches - Editor Tel 01322 352648 Email info@bljournals plus com SALES & PROMOTIONS David Peters - Publisher Tel 01322 352648 Email info@bljournals plus com Brian Wakefield - Adver tisement Director Tel 01622 682667 Mob 07973 139959 Email brian wakefield2003@yahoo co uk PUBLISHING COMPANY BL Journals, 3 Biddenden Way, Istead Rise, Gravesend, Kent DA13 9DE Tel 01322 352648 Email info@bljournals plus com @MandMGazette Although ever y ef for t is made assure the accuracy of the content of this magazine, Marine & Maritime Gazette and it’s Publishers can accept no responsibility for such All contents of the publication are copyright and remain the sole proper ty of the publishing company
M a c d u f f S h i p D e s i g n a n n o u n c e c o m p l e t i o n a n d h a n d o v e r o f M F V ‘Copious’ LK 985, a new 24 9 m fishing vessel for 60 Nor th Fishing
company of Shetland p8
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Navalt lau nche s n ewbuild fer r y

'Posei do n 2'

Poseidon 2, the lat est addition t o the Kerala St at e Wat er Transpor t ation Fleet, was launched on Friday, March 10, 2023, at Kollam near the Kollam St at e Wat er Transpor t ation Depar tment Boat Jetty, Kerat a, India.

The launch event was inaugurated by Shri K N Balagopal, the Minister of Finance, State Government of Kerala

The Boat promises to be a spectacular celebration of yet another addition to the Kerala Tourism Industr y

Poseidon, an aesthetically pleasing doubledecker ferr y It can hold 90 passengers and has a magnificent view from the passenger cabin, as well as a 120-horsepower diesel engine that gives it a top speed of 7 knots

Poseidon is an excellent alter native for Water Transpor tation due to its superior passenger comfor t

Poseidon has been built by Navalt Solar & Electric Boats, an Eco-Marine Tech Company that specializes in the manufacturing of solar electric vessels

y, “Aditya,” is recognized as the world’s best Aditya, India’s first solar ferr y, was built for t h


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N a v a l t ’ s F l a g s h i p
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by solar energy in India and the

Por tsmouth ahead of UK schedule to provide shore power facilities

Por tsmouth Int ernational Por t is of ficially on track t o become the UK’s leading shore power por t, following confirmation we will accept an of fer from Scottish and Southern Energy Network (SSEN) t o secure extra power In under two years the facility will be able t o suppor t multiple ships that have capacity t o plug-in when they’re alongside the ber th, reducing harmful emissions from running engines along with meeting net carbon neutral ambitions ahead of Por tsmouth City Council’s and the government ’ s 2030 t arget.

The extra capacity from SSEN will provide an initial 15MVA (Mega-Volt Amp), which starts the process of providing shore power through to the berths where the ships can plug-in Installation will be completed by 2025, in time for the major customer Brittany Ferries, who has two new hybrid ships which will operate from Portsmouth the same year, with the remaining fleet being converted to shore power by early 2027

Portsmouth is also expecting a minimum of 100 shore power ready cruise calls by 2026, and by 2030 there is an expectation from industr y trade body CLIA all cruise vessels will need to be shore power compliant

Cllr Gerald Vernon-Jackson, Leader of Portsmouth City Council said: “As a major UK port, and one that’s owned by the city’s residents, we are determined in our ambitious plans to provide the countr y ’ s most environmentally advanced facilities

“Both the environmental and economic benefits for the city and wider region are significant, this extra power unlocks the opportunity to secure new customers to the port but most importantly it means a long-term agreement from major customers, because they have the confidence we can provide the necessar y power

“Thanks to cross-party support from both Portsmouth’s MPs and the council, we are committed to providing the funding necessar y to secure extra capacity This offer isn’t available for long and we have to give the go ahead now, or risk years not being able to secure additional capacity from the grid

“This is just the beginning of our plans and to fully realise our whole vision we hope to work with the government to secure additional funding to make this a reality ”

Mike Sellers, Portsmouth International Port’s director added: “We have set our sustainable ambitions high and this is a major step for ward to achieving our goal to become the UK’s first net carbon neutral port

“The industr y expects ports to provide shore power facilities by 2030 and this means we ’ re ahead of target In fact, we would become the most advanced UK port to provide a fully operational multi berth, multi user shore power system

“These aren’t boasts we make lightly Since we launched our Masterplan last year we have kept to our plans to deliver each priority, securing additional power capacity is essential to achieving these milestones

“We’ve always said our sustainable commitments are about bold plans and not platitudes, by accepting the offer from SSEN proves that we ’ re serious about creating space for a sustainable future, and showcasing the innovative opportunities available in the ports industr y to achieve this ”

From the UK’s largest installation of Solar PV canopies in a port, a carbon-neutral terminal extension, and being home to energy prototypes, the port is leading the way in sustainable innovation This extra capacity power from SSEN will cost approx £3m to secure, with further funds required to complete the whole shore power process

Shore power government funding for British Por ts Association

The British Por ts Association ( B PA ) r e c e n t l y we l c o m e d t h e G ove r n m e n t ’ s n ew £77m Zero Emission Vessels a n d I n f r a s t r u c t u r e ( Z E V I ) c o m p e t i t i o n , w h i c h wa s launched last month.

BPA research has found that no shore power project anywhere in the world has gone ahead without government funding This fund will help remove a key barrier to the i n s t a l l a t i o n o f s h o r e p o w e r, a l t h o u g h

significant other barriers remain including the high cost of electricity and a lack of capacity at many por ts

T h e i n d u s t r y i s a l s o w a i t i n g f o r a Government consultation later this year that is expected to explore potential regulator y approaches to emissions at ber th The BPA views shore power as a means, not an ends in itself, recognising that it will not be appropriate for all por ts

Mark Simmonds, Director of Policy and External Affairs at British Por ts Association said: “This funding is great news for UK por ts that are exploring shore power as a means of reducing emissions from ships at ber th “Several key barriers remain and we will continue to engage with Government to i d e n t i f y w h a t c a n b e d o n e t o r e d u c e emissions from ships at ber th

“There is a tight window for applications so we hope Government keeps an open mind for future rounds and continues to focus on r e d u c i n g o t h e r b a r r i e r s t o r e d u c i n g emissions in por t.”

www britishpor ts org uk

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MFV ‘COPIOUS’ LK 985 24.9m Dem ersal Trawler for 60 N ort h Fish ing

Macduf f Ship Design recently announced the completion and handover of MFV ‘Copious’ LK 985, a new 24.9 m fishing vessel for 60 Nor th Fishing company of Shetland. The vessel is the first of a pair of sister vessels for the company and was built in Croatia by Tehnomont shipyard to a full design package supplied by Macduf f Ship Design. The vessel completed her deliver y trip to Shetland, through the Mediterranean, up the west coast of Por tugal, Spain and Ireland, arriving in Shetland on the morning of the 14th Januar y just in time for the islands fire festival Up Helly Aa The second vessel to be named ‘Prolific’ is set to be delivered later in the year

Macduff Ship design were first contacted by Mark Anderson, who heads 60 Nor th Fishing with par tners, Andrew White, Ryan Ar thur and fish selling agent LHD, 5 years ago to develop a bespoke new design Mark had a clear idea of what he wanted the vessel to achieve and some of the key design factors that needed to be considered In close cooperation with Mark a General Arrangement plan and Specification were produced These were sent to a number of yards for a tendering process Macduff Ship Design assisted Mark and his 60 Nor th Fishing par tners during this process through to final yard selection

Once Tehnomont Shipyard were selected as builder in 2020, Macduff Ship Design set about developing hull form, detailed construction and outfitting plans One of the first key decisions was sizing the propeller Larger CP propellers can have notable efficiency savings hence the largest propeller that could fit was to be selected The aft end of the hull was developed to ensure this was possible with a 3 0m Finnoy propeller chosen This was fitted inside a Kor t nozzle with triple rudder arrangement for improved manoeuvrability

In recent years Macduff Ship Design have been involved in tank and CFD testing of several vessels, and have developed an advanced understanding on how the hull form can influence both vessel resistance and seakeeping This knowledge was applied to the hull of the Copious to ensure the crew would have a vessel that could handle the unpredictable and often times rough seas in their fishing area but would also have optimum efficiency to minimise fuel consumption

The amount of, and layout of, deck machiner y, fishing gear and fish processing equipment was of high impor tance to Mark The vessel needed to readily be able to swap between single net trawling, twin rigging and pair trawling with all equipment needed for these three operations to be carried onboard The arrangement of the deck machiner y was developed collaboratively with Mark, with a number of innovative ideas integrated into the design This was both to improve the safety, and efficiency of the vessels fishing operations

Catch quality and value was a high priority on the vessel and although designed with the ability for 10 day trips it is expected that the vessel is likely to focus on shor ter trips

In order to maximise the quality of the landed fish there has been a high impor tance placed on the way the fish is handled once caught, with care taken in the design of all of the systems, with par ticular attention being paid to the processing equipment supplied by JJ measuring systems Once the fish is landed through the aft cod end hatch into the hopper it is immediately cooled with a water spraying and slush ice system After passing through the gutting area the fish are sor ted into one of two 6 compar tment cylindrical, selector/coolers supplied by Danish firm Carsoe to a design from Jim Johnson of JJ measuring systems Each segment can be emptied individually in any order to suit the optimal fish cooling Once cooled the fish are transpor ted by conveyor to the fish access hatch and into the hold to a por table table with 4 workstations The fish are graded, weighed and boxed with freshwater and flake ice before being stored in the 1100 box capacity hold The hold also contains 2 x 2 5 T capacity Buus slush ice tanks which work in conjunction with the 2 x 4 5 T per day ice machines on main deck The water for the system is supplied from the onboard fresh water tanks and a 2 T per day Alfa Laval freshwater desalinator fitted in the engine room

The vessel is fitted with a Mitsubishi V12 S12R main engine rated 588Kw at 1400rpm and this is coupled to a Finnoy FK50 11 3:1 gearbox This drives a Finnoy 3000mm diameter controllable pitch propeller fitted in a nozzle supplied by Kor t Propulsion The vessel is fitted with a triple rudder and bow thruster also supplied by Kor t propulsion, which give the vessel excellent manoeuvrability for fishing day to day operations

The deck machiner y package supplied by Rapp MacGregor is driven by 3 hydraulic pumps driven from power take offs on the Finnoy gearbox and electric towing pumps The fishing equipment consists of 3 x 14 T trawl winches arranged under the focsle for ward They can carr y 1100 fathoms of 22mm wire but are set up with 700 fathoms of Brunton Shaw warps supplied by LHD The winches are linked to a scantrol autotrawl system with a 3-speed arrangement of 100%, 80% and 60% Aft of the wheelhouse are three 20 T split net drums which are also linked to the scantrol system Rapp Macgregor also supplied a pair of hinged pins which are arranged just for ward of the stern openings and can be raised or lowered remotely, depending on the fishing method and nets being used

The winches tow a pair of Thyboron type 32 semi pelagic trawl doors and 2 T roller clump The gear is monitored by a Marpor t system with sensors on the trawl doors and clump measuring depth, height, distance, pitch and roll with a fur ther sounder measuring the distance each door is off the seabed There are a fur ther 2 symmetr y sensors mounted on the headline of the net Nordso Trawl supplied the twin rig nets along with a single net and high lift pair trawl net with Scot trawl supplying the codends and extensions and Jackson Trawl the combi line sweeplines

The crew accommodation is arranged entirely on the main deck and comprises a changing area with deck WC and shower for ward to por t accessible from the processing area Once into the main living quar ters 2 x 4 ber th cabins, 2 x 2 ber th cabins and WC facilities are positioned from midships for ward Aft of the cabins there is a dedicated lounge area and then a combined galley mess

The wheelhouse is arranged with a for ward control area and an aft raised control area for fishing operations H Williamson and Sons supplied the wheelhouse electronics wwwmacduffshipdesign com

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DTEK co m m issio ns

Tyligu lska w ind po wer plant in Ukrain e

Despite Russia's ongoing full-scale war against Ukraine, the DTEK Group is completing the construction of the first phase of Tyligulska wind power plant, with a capacity of 114 MW out of the total declared 500MW In spring 2023, 19 wind turbines will star t generating electricity to suppor t Ukraine's energy balance The implementation of the project, in the Mykolaiv region in southern Ukraine, is another step towards achieving the ambition of the ‘30 to 2030’ initiative, with the aim of 30 GW of installed renewable energy capacity in Ukraine by 2030

The SCM Group shareholder, Rinat Akhmetov, said, "The failure of Russia’s energy terror has once again demonstrated the tenacity of Ukraine’s power engineers It also clearly shows the impor tance of Ukraine strengthening our energy security and moving towards energy independence Clean energy is key to achieving that and russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine has accelerated RES development all over the world Eleven years ago, we star ted building ‘ green ’ energy facilities in Ukraine We star ted changing Ukraine’s energy system; we embarked on the path chosen by the entire world Since then, against all the odds, we have remained true to our vision, having invested over €1 billion in solar and wind farms In 2022, we had big plans to build a new Tyligulska wind power plant Unfor tunately, the russian invasion brought the project to a temporar y halt However, today I can announce that we restar ted the construction of the wind farm, and the first phase will be at full capacity in the coming weeks The war will not stop us We continue to create jobs, pay taxes, p r o

r e s t o r e g r i d s , f i g h t f o r o u r e n e r g y independence, and invest in the future We will win the war"

The DTEK Group is planning to complete the Tyligulska wind power plant, to reach its full design capacity of 500 MW The company is seeking options for t h e f u r t h e r i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f t h e p r o j e c t , i n c l u d i n g n e g o t i a t i o n s w i t h international donors and par tners

Maxim Timchenko, CEO of DTEK, said, "Despite all the challenges of this year of war, DTEK has constructed an additional 114 MW of green power generation for Ukraine It has been a difficult task, but thanks to the high levels professionalism and braver y of the company's employees, the new wind farm with 19 turbines will star t operating this spring Ukraine creates and russia destroys This is the fundamental difference in our world views DTEK is building new energy facilities because we believe in the victor y of Ukraine And we are sending a signal to international par tners that it is possible to invest in Ukraine today without waiting for the end of the war ”

The DTEK CEO expressed his gratitude to all the energy professionals who bravely put on body armour to continue the construction of Tyligulska WPP, as well as all the par tners for their suppor t and help in this difficult time

Mr Timchenko also emphasised Ukraine’s ambitious goal of achieving the goal of 30 GW of green energy by 2030, which DTEK announced last year in Davos The commissioning of the new wind power plant is a significant practical step towards that goal, which the company made despite the war time conditions

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, has repeatedly emphasised the impor tance of green energy for the future of Ukraine, and the process of energy sector decentralisation has already star ted Ukraine will become the ‘ green hub’ of Europe, creating significant renewable energy capacity, as well as the suppor t infrastructure around it For the DTEK Group, the development of green power generation is a priority, helping lay the foundation for Ukraine’s post-war recover y Ukraine's current installed renewable energy capacity, including the temporarily occupied facilities in the south of the countr y, is about 10 GW An increase in green power generation to 30 GW would mean renewables make up 50% of Ukraine’s power generation

www dtek com

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u c e c o a l , g e n e r a t e e l e c t r i c i t y,

IMCA launche s appro val proce ss for ROV intro ductor y training co urse s

Following an increase in false cer tificates in circulation claiming to offer International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) approved ROV training courses, IMCA has introduced a new scheme to address the safety concerns of this unauthorised activity

The new approval process will mean that training providers who wish to offer IMCA approved courses will be required to apply for T2 ROV membership Current T2 ROV members will need to have submitted the application and submission by 30 June 2023, with the audits completed by the end of the year

Once fully approved, courses and their providers, will be listed on IMCA’s website at:www imca-int com/trainingcourses, alongside other approved courses

Commenting on the new approval for ROV introductor y training courses, Andre Rose, Technical Adviser – Remote Systems and ROV, Offshore Sur vey, Digitalisation, said: “IMCA is committed to ensuring the highest standards of training and competence in the offshore ROV Industr y With the introduction of this new scheme for approval of ROV Introductor y Training courses, we are taking proactive steps to address concerns around false cer tificates

“In re-emphasising the content of IMCA R 002 – Requirements for IMCA-Approved ROV Introductor y Training Courses, we will ensure all new technicians are sourced from an appropriate background and are firmly grounded in the basics of the industr y, prior to undergoing more advanced training

“This scheme will not only provide the industr y with a verifiable standard, but enhance the credibility of ROV training courses, and ultimately improve safety in our sector "

As a result of the introduction of this new approval scheme for ROV i n t r o d u c t o r y t r a i n i n g c o u r s e p r o v i d e r s , I M C A h a s u p d a t e d i t s procedures and introduced a standardised approach for all approved course types, suppor ted with expanded course specific guidance

Fur ther details on the training course approval process, and specific information required, has been pulled together into an Information Note on IMCA’s website: w w w i m c a

introductor y-training-courses/


Andre Rose, IMCA’s Technical Adviser – Remote Systems and ROV, Of fshore Sur vey, Digitalisation

for Marine Support Services

I N D U S T R Y & A S S O C I A T I O N N E W S 9 www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette Adaptable Vessel
ILV GRANUALIE for enquiries
for Hire
DP1, 20T Crane, Flexible Support Platform
t i o n - n o t e s / i m c a -
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o v a l - o f - r o
i n t c o m / i n f o r m a

Almarin introduces the evolution of the Balizamar buoy range with an innovative modular design

Almarin has launc hed the new EVO b u oy s , t h e evo l u t i o n o f B a l i z a m a r buoys. The Balizamar EVO buoys go one s t ep fur t her : t heir s tr ucture is made up of rot omolded polyethylene m o d u l a r c o m p o n e n t s , e n h a n c i n g v i s i b i l i t y a n d l o w e r i n g c o s t maint enance. The inner s tructure is m a d e o f g a l v a n i z e d s t e e l by i m m e r s i o n a n d t h e t o p m a r k i s cons truct ed of s t ainless s t eel. The hull is rot omolded filled with closed-cell EPS foam t

o ensure buoyancy.

“The design of the Balizamar buoys, which dates to 2010, h a s b e e n u p d a t e d t o m e e t c u r r e n t n e e d s W h i l e a n improvement in materials was made in 2013 with the change from GRP to stainless steel, the new EVO buoys now have improved day marks while retaining the original design's robustness. This innovative and versatile system offers improved visibility, lower repair costs in the case of damage, and improved aid identification of the aid without limiting the colour only to the hull”, points out Aleix San Vicente, director of Almarin Almarin currently offers two lines of navigation buoys: the new EVO range and the superior GUIA range, which are characterized by an elastomer hull and stainless steel structure.

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National Energy Corporation of Trinidad & Tobago takes deliver y of Damen

ASD Tug 2811

National Energy Corporation (NEC), a subsidiar y of the st at e-owned National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, has t aken deliver y of a new Damen ASD Tug 2811. NEC has opt ed t o have inst alled a Class cer tified Damen Marine NOx Reduction Syst em t o make it IMO Tier III compliant. While this is not a requirement in the Caribbean Sea yet, it is in full alignment with NEC’s commitment t o promoting sust ainability in the local and regional energy sect ors.

The ASD Tug 2811, named National Energy Resilience in recognition of the role it will play in delivering low-emission towage, has also been fitted with Damen Triton, Damen’s in-house remote monitoring software Triton gathers data from across the vessel and analyses it to deliver valuable insights into efficiency and operability to owners and operators via its webbased platform. For NEC, this will include insights into fuel consumption and CO₂, NOx and CO₂e emissions Combining this data with its operational profile will allow NEC to optimize the vessel’s operating profile, potentially reducing fuel consumption by up to 15-20% NEC is making the purchase in response to the increase in oil & gas exploration and production in the waters of the southern Caribbean, with its duties including rig relocation and other offshore operations Adding an advanced, low-emission tug to their fleet sends a clear message to its customers that it is prepared to invest in assets that contribute to a sustainable future National Energy Resilience is also their most power ful vessel yet with 60-tonnes of bollard pull

Michelle Scipio-Hosang, Vice President, Por t and Estate Management (Ag.) at NEC, commented: “We take our role as a regional leader in sustainability ver y seriously, and actions speak louder than words We seek to align ourselves with suppliers who share our values and Damen has always been for ward thinking and responsive to our needs and objectives The National Energy Resilience sends a clear message to our customers that we take our leadership position seriously, and we look for ward to working with Damen in the future on next-generation vessels powered by electricity and alternative fuels ”

Bram van der Plas, Damen Area Manager Caribbean, added: “We are delighted that National Energy Corporation has chosen a next-generation ASD Tug 2811 complete with a Damen Marine NOx Reduction System. We greatly value their confidence in our vessels and the suppor t we provide The choice for this vessel and the message that NEC has given with this purchase will set the tone for the years to come in the region ”

www damen com

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Ar mo ure d cab le for Re search Ve ssel

Novacavi has recently designed and manufactured a special coax double armoured cable for the German BSH Bundesamt für Seeschif fahr t & Hydrographie, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany The company were asked to fulfil their requirements and to supply a custom cable solution for their VWFS Deneb research vessel

Novacavi have developed another coaxial cable for oceanographic use enriching their range of variety of sizes containing either single or multiple coaxial elements in a reliable solution for demanding application tasks under water and in harsh environments

Specialist in custom cables design and manufacturing since 1975, Novacavi will be showcasing samples of this cable together with other selected custom cables on stand F12 at OCEAN BUSINESS 2023 in Southampton from 18-20th of this month

www novacavi it/aquancable-armoured/

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Creating the Future of Sustainable Fast Boats Conference in Rotterdam

In June, maritime professionals will gather for the Royal Ins titution of Naval Arc hit ects (RINA) 11th ins t alment of the Sur veillance, Searc h and Rescue Craf t (SURV) Conference.

The event will t ake place on 21-22 June 2023 a t t h e We r e l d m u s e u m , Ro t t e r d a m , t h e Netherlands.

SURV11 is a biannual event that brings together industr y exper ts and professionals It aims to promote and share technical knowledge on industr y best practices The conference will cover a range of topics, including analyses of designs, applications, and operations of new vessels in this segment, as well as a review of existing vessels and their use across all marine environments

The conference will feature keynote presentations from leading exper ts in the field, as well as technical sessions and panel discussions Attendees will have the oppor tunity to network with fellow professionals and engage in debate on the latest trends, technologies and challenges facing the industr y “We are delighted to be back hosting the 11th instalment of the SURV Conference in June 2023”, says RINA Operations Director, Dmitriy Ponkratov. “This conference provides an excellent platform for engineers, operators, naval architects, and other industr y professionals to exchange knowledge and ideas, and we look for ward to welcoming delegates from around the world ”

RNLI’s Principal Naval Architect Holly Phillips says: ‘’We were honoured to be invited by RINA to par tner with them for the SURV11 conference The RNLI has long suppor ted this series of conferences, not only as delegates who can learn about the new developments in the industr y but also from a CPD perspective as the conferences provide an excellent oppor tunity to present technical papers and network with peers and engineering exper ts in their field.’’

Wim Boerma, Product Manager High Speed Craft at Damen says: “This event plays a crucial role in bringing together industr y exper ts to share knowledge and ideas for a sector that ensures maritime safety of people all around the world. Our industr y is constantly evolving and conferences such as this are a driving force for the innovations that enable us to prepare for the future. Damen is proud to be a suppor ter of the SURV Conference.”

The SURV11 Conference is open to all interested par ties, including members of RINA, other professional institutions and the wider maritime industr y. Registration for the event is open, and fur ther details can be found on the RINA website: www rina org uk/SURV11 2023 html

I N D U S T R Y & A S S O C I A T I O N N E W S 14
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Briggs Marine places order for Maintenance Suppor t Vessel

Briggs Marine, a leading provider of marine ser vices, has placed an order with shipbuilder Freire A/S of Vigo, Spain, for a new Maint enance Suppor t Vessel which is due in ser vice in Q4 2024.

This order forms par t of Briggs’ continued investment programme to renew and upgrade its fleet to maintain a high standard of vessel ser vices for its clients.

The new vessel, measuring 40 metres in length, will form par t of Briggs’ busy char ter fleet It will enhance and expand the Company’s offering across a range of industries including defence, por ts & harbours, energy & utilities, construction and offshore renewable energy

Optimally configured to suppor t Briggs’ ongoing contracts with UK Government, offshore wind farms and commercial por ts, the vessel will primarily under take inspection, ser vicing and replacement of Aids to Navigation (AtoN) and heavy inshore moorings in the UK and overseas

The DP2 propulsion system and generous deck outfit has been specified and configured for maximum crew safety and uninterrupted ser vice, even in arduous conditions where necessar y.

The Company has specified diesel-electric propulsion to offer the best fuel efficiency possible in a wide range of applications as well as compliance with the latest and proposed future emissions standards Impor tantly, the nature of machiner y installation allows it to be future proofed - the ship will be able to embrace emerging technologies to utilise transitional fuels and offer drop-in batter y capacity to allow zero carbon operations in some circumstances

In addition to the primar y AtoN tasks, the vessel has been designed to incorporate maximum flexibility for suppor t of other tasks including ROV deployment, sur vey duties, diving, subsea investigation, seabed preparation tasks and other marine project activities.

Amongst other features the vessel is fitted with a moonpool, a detachable ‘A’ frame, a 4-point mooring system and a sur vey project office A demountable Crew Transfer Vessel (CTV) boarding ladder has also been incorporated into the design to suppor t offshore windfarm projects

C r e w w e l f a r e i s i n c r e a s i n g l y i m p o r t a n t t o t h e C o m p a n y, a n d accommodation is to be well appointed with noise -reduction features to enable 24/7 operations at high levels of endurance. The vessel’s hull shape is the result of lengthy technical collaboration with the builders, Freire A/S, with the intention to provide excellent seakeeping proper ties and weather resilience Comfor table continuous operations will be possible with a permanent crew of 6 and a balance of 10 additional project personnel in well-appointed cabins

Collieson Briggs, Managing Director commented: “This latest vessel order fur ther demonstrates Briggs’ commitment to maintaining its position as the UK’s nearshore marine exper ts The vessel will fur ther enhance our marine project suppor t capability for both the growing renewables sector as well as the more traditional marine construction tasks upon which Briggs has built its solid reputation”

www briggsmarine com

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Doosan Tier III compliant engines available from Water mota

Wa t e r m o t a a r e p l e a s e d t o h a ve a l r e a d y re c e i ve d o rd e r s f o r D o o s a n I M O T I E R I I I compliant engines t o be inst alled int o 5 new build vessels currently being built in the UK, along with fur ther orders for the repower of vessels now requiring TIER III solutions.

The company has engines in the workshop which are being readied for despatch along with fur ther engines arriving by the end of April Wa t e r m o t a a l r e a d y h a v e e x p e r i e n c e d e a l i n g w i t h s u r v e y i n g authorities regarding repower of vessels that now require IMO TIER III compliance and can offer some clarification in this area if required These Doosan engines are best suited to commercial applications including fishing boats, ferries and workboats but we also have the option higher rated engines that can be used in the leisure sector such as fast fishing vessels and small tour boats

Doosan Electronic Engine Key features:

• Advanced Fuel Injection System, Common Rail and Bosch ECU and engine control system

• Compliance with emission regulation (Satisfy IMO Tier II/III)

• SCR technology is used for IMO Tier III

• Increased durability of key components through design changes and material enhancements

Doosan Infracore ranks among the world’s leading makers of engines to build and maintain global infrastructure

Doosan’s Marine diesel engines meet both IMO TIER II & IMO Tier III emission standards and have attained both type approval and full class approval from major marine classification societies such as DNV-GL, BV, RINA & KR T h r o u


o n t i n u


m p r o v


n t a n d i n v e s t i n g i n t h e l a t e s t technology Doosan strive to be a top tier engine manufacturer that leads the market through innovation and growth

www watermota co uk

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s i

CFD simulations enable better decisions early in the design process leading to lower lifecycle costs


Propellers Int ernational uses Simcent er S TA R - C C M + a n d H E E D S t o o p t i m i z e d e s i g n a n d per formance of

propulsion syst ems

Vision of precision

Teignbridge Propellers International (Teignbridge) is a world-leading designer and manufacturer of marine propulsion and stern gear products The largest producer of its kind in Europe, Teignbridge manages ever ything from the engine and gearbox to the back of the vessel

Changing the design of a component by just one millimetre can noticeably impact both efficiency and performance “With the latest significant investment in enhancing production precision, we ’ re able to manufacture the propeller to within the accuracy of a hair,” says Mark Phare, group managing director “Now whatever the engineers design, we can replicate it perfectly in the finished product Ensuring design and production accuracy are paramount for our business as we are acting on a global scale and we can’t fly out or keep shipping parts to fix possible issues We need to get it right the first time, ever y time ”

Harnessing the power of CFD simulations

The shipbuilding industr y is currently pressured not only by industr y regulations, but also by increasing customer expectations demanding strict emissions reduction to make the industr y more sustainable Teignbridge realizes that making this kind of significant reduction is impossible without innovations

To meet these challenges and optimize designs, Teignbridge uses Simcenter™ STAR-CCM+™ software to run fast and accurate CFD simulations that evaluate a variety of complex phenomena, such as cavitation or noise propagation Teignbridge conducts these activities with the support of Maya HTT, a Siemens Digital Industries Software solution partner CFD simulations enable the prediction of the location, extent, and type of cavitation so that propellers can be modified to minimize it By using computer-aided engineering (CAE) and Simcenter simulation tools crucial decisions can be made much earlier in the design process, leading to increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved products “We see that designs are becoming far more accurate as we ’ re taking into account a lot more factors,” says Phare

Optimizing performance

Saeed Javdani, innovation and technology manager, says Siemens’ CFD tools are vital to his team’s development processes: “We used to just consider one or two design points, but with Simcenter STARCCM+ we can predict how the vessel will perform at different speeds and in different sea conditions Simulation makes it possible to explore many more iterations in less time We can go back to the ship designers and give them suggestions for improvements We can explain how they can make changes to improve the flow into the propulsion system during the design stage before anything has been built So, with Simcenter STAR-CCM+ we are not only optimizing the design of our components, but we ’ re also helping shipbuilders to achieve the maximum propulsion performance for their vessels ” One customer had a boat with a target speed of 34 knots that was only achieving 31 8 knots Using Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Javdani designed a velocity aligned rudder and used simulations to show it would reach the required speed For another customer, Teignbridge used HEEDS™ software to achieve a 15-decibel reduction in radiated noise by exploring up to 500 design iterations in 48 hours “Running so many iterations is simply not possible without HEEDS,” Javdani explains

CFD as a common language

Using CFD as a common language makes it much easier for designers to show classification societies that all their requirements are being met early in the development process Teignbridge also needs to prove to the classification societies that new components will meet their safety requirements “Simcenter STAR-CCM+ enables us to show the relevant authorities that new designs will meet their standards before they are even built,” says Javdani “Without CFD we wouldn’t be able to give them the level of detail they need ”

“Incorporating CFD into our design toolbox has been essential to the progression of our designs in recent years, ” says Phare “Many of our customers use Simcenter STAR-CCM+, which enables us to easily share data and talk the same language when evaluating new projects ”

Seeking to be the best

Phare is clear on his vision for the future: “We want to be the world-leading designer and manufacturer of propulsion equipment To do that we need to produce the best components and deliver the best customer ser vice ” Javdani adds, “Simcenter STAR-CCM+ has enriched the scope of work and sparked a great deal of innovation at Teignbridge It helps us to better understand exactly what customers need, and also helps us solve problems they didn’t even know they had We can now design and supply products that we weren’t able to previously, opening up new markets and establishing ourselves as the go-to company within the industr y ” www teignbridge co uk

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P O W E R , P R O P U L S I O N & T R A N S M I S S I O N 20

Ko n g sbe rg Mar itim e su pply

Ph ilippin e Nav y w ith

pro pu lsio n systems fo r six ve ssels

Nor way ' s Kongsberg Maritime has won an order for six sets of c o n t ro l l a b l e p i t c h p ro p e l l e r s y s t e m s f ro m S o u t h Ko re a ' s Hyundai Heavy Indus tries for ins t allation in six new 94-met er of fshore patrol vessels for the

Philippine Navy.

Each propulsion set will consist of twin Kongsberg Kamewa Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP) 86 A/5 D-B systems, as well as shaft lines, hydraulic power units, local operating panels, and accessories The first shipset will be delivered in August 2024

The six new offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) are par t of a major upgrade to Philippine naval capacity The new vessels are to have a displacement of 2,450 tonnes, maximum speed of 22 knots, 15-knot cruising speed and a range of 5,500 nautical miles The vessels will be able to provide long range patrol capability

“Our propulsion equipment is vital to the per formance of these sophisticated new vessels for the Philippine Navy,” said Ottar Ristesund, Senior Vice President, Propulsion and Engine Sales, Kongsberg Maritime “We are proud to secure this impor tant order for Kongsberg Maritime – it showcases our good and strong collaboration with our clients.”

www kongsberg com

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UNIT A, MARRTREE BUSINESS PARK, RUDGATE, THORPARCH, LEEDS, LS237AU Tel: 0844 499 6373 or +44 1977 683690 Email: sales@diamonddiesels co uk www diamonddiesels co uk

The new Wär tsilä 31 diesel engine has now the highest power per cylinder for engines of this bore size. The engine has already earlier achieved a Guinness World Records title for the most ef ficient 4-stroke diesel engine based on its highest fuel ef ficiency levels © Wär tsilä

Wär tsilä 31 engine gets a power boost

Wär tsilä’s successful and highly ef ficient Wär tsilä 31 diesel engine i s b e i n g u p g ra d e d f o r h i g h e r power output than ever before The upgraded version delivers an increased power t o size ratio within the same physical footprint The Wär tsilä 31 has the highest power per cylinder for engines of this bore size Having fewer cylinders for the same power reduces the t ot al cost of ownership, while maint enance costs are also lowered

The Wär tsilä 31 was originally introduced in 2015 and was recognised by Guinness World Records as being the world’s most efficient 4-stroke diesel engine

In addition to its exceptionally high efficiency, the engine’s economic fuel consumption in turn results in lower levels of exhaust gas emissions

“With this power upgrade we are delivering significant added value to our customers,” explained Lars Anderson, Director of Product Management at Wär tsilä

“The Wär tsilä 31 is already the best engine in its class, and this development widens its market advantage even fur ther. By extending its per formance, we are making a real contribution to greater sustainability and suppor ting our commitment to a decarbonised future ”

The first deliveries of the upgraded engine are taking place during the first half of 2023 Already, seven higher power output Wär tsilä 31 engines have been contracted.

Ronald Er vik, Managing Director of Herøyhav, a Nor wegian fishing company and one of the first recipients of the upgraded engine said: “For our new vessel we opted for the Wär tsilä 31 engine because it is the most modern and most efficient medium-speed marine diesel engine on the market Not only will it give us the power we need and with dimensions that fit our engine room design, but it will also lower fuel consumption ”

The power upgrade will result in the current output range of 4 9 to 9 8 MW, being increased to a range of 5 2 to 10 4 MW with 650 kW per cylinder The power increase gives customers the option to select fewer cylinders, thereby reducing the required engine room space, as well as lessening maintenance requirements. The Wär tsilä 31 has proven to be extremely popular for installation on a broad range of vessel types, including among others, fishing vessels, ice breakers, ferries, cruise vessels, cable layers, and catamarans


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Overthirty years of specialist service

With roots dating back to 1987, Dales Marine has been servicing the shipping, oil and gas, chemical, and power generation industries with bespoke engineering services, within the shortest lead time to the highest standard.

Providing specialist shipping solutions in dry dock and steelwork, maintenance and ship repair, Dales Marine is located within major Scottish ports and provides unrivalled access for clients 24/7, 365 days a year. “The

Your partner for Ship Maintenance, Dockings ur partner for Ship Maintenance, Dockings Your partner for Ship Maintenance, Dockings
Dry Dock and Fabrication Specialists”

Leeds Castle, Kent bridge inspection

U K - b a s e d , Kew D i v i n g S e r v i c e s were recently cont act ed t o provide some in-wat er ser vices, t o assis t with inspections on the moat bridge at Leeds cas tle, Kent UK.

A castle has existed on this site since the mid 9th Centur y and is now often referred to as the castle of Queens, due to it being the residence for six medieval Queens

The project involved Kew Diving making this bridge safe and secure for the staff and public, and once again ‘fit for royalty’ Having liaised directly with the client who was situated on a suppor t boat, Kew Diving investigated and inspected all areas of concern and provided immediate feedback on how to remedy them

Using the latest technology and their specialist under water camera, Kew were able to sur vey all the submerged infrastructure, a great advantage in under water inspection.

Kew Diving Ser vices prepared a detailed sur veillance repor t, l

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e a v i n g ‘ n o s t o n e u n t u r n e d ’ o n t h e b r i d g e a n d p r o v i d e d c o m p r e h e n s i v e , d e t a i l e d i n f o r m a t i o n o n e v e r y t h i n g l o c a t e d beneath the waterline www kewdivingser vices co uk U N D E R W A T E R , S U B S E A & D I V I N G 26

Fugro and Petrobras pioneer remote subsea inspection sur vey in Brazil

Fugro and Petrobras have ac hieved a major miles t one in Brazil's of fshore energy sect or by successfully completing the countr y ' s firs t-ever remot e subsea inspection sur vey.

T h i s t e c h n o l o g y t r i a l w a s c a r r i e d o u t by F u g r o i n collaboration with Petrobras under an exis ting multiyear contract with the aim of minimising risk and improving sus t ainability during inspection, repair and maint enance (IRM) projects.

Fugro utilised a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) deployed from the Fugro Aquarius to conduct the sur vey Office-based personnel piloted the ROV from an operations centre in Aberdeen, Scotland, instead of from the vessel itself The approach was informed by Fugro’s remote ROV p i l o t i n g e x p e r i e n c e i n o t h e r par ts of the world, and was a c c o m p l i s h e d u s i n g a h i g hs p e e d d a t a l i n k p r o v i d e d b y Petrobras For future projects, remote ROV piloting may help Petrobras limit the number of crew deployed to the field, r e s u l t i n g i n s a f e r o p e r a t i o n s w i t h a r e d u c e d c a r b o n footprint

T h i s l a n d m a r k p r o j e c t r e p r e s e n t s a s i g n i f i c a n t achievement in our ongoing work with Petrobras to suppor t s a f e r a n d m o r e s u s t a i n a b l e offshore energy production in B r a z i l , " s a i d J o h n C h a t t e n , Business Development Manager for Fugro's marine operations in B r a z i l " A s t h e c o u n t r y ’ s f o r e m o s t p r o v i d e r o f R O V ser vices, we look for ward to implementing this approach on future sur veys and to bringing a d d i t i o n a l r e m o t e a n d autonomous innovations to the region "

www fugro com

27 U N D E R W A T E R , S U B S E A & D I V I N G www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette

Voyis Imaging Inc. chosen as the camera package for HII REMUS vehicles

H I I i s a g l o b a l e n g i n e e r i n g a n d d e f e n c e t e c h n o l o g i e s p r ov i d e r a n d recognized wor ldwide as Amer ica ’ s larges t shipbuilder. With a 135-year h i s t o r y o f t r u s t e d p a r t n e r s h i p s i n advancing U.S. national security.

HII delivers critical capabilities ranging from the most power ful and sur vivable naval ships ever built, to unmanned systems, ISR and AI/ML analytics HII leads the industr y in mission-driven solutions that suppor t and enable an all-domain force HII creates advanced unmanned solutions for defence, marine research and commercial applications. Ser ving customers in more than 30 countries, HII provides design, autonomy, manufacturing, testing, operations and sustainment of unmanned systems, including unmanned under water vehicles (UUVs) and unmanned sur face vessels (USVs)

With the goal of fur ther improving the autonomous capabilities of its vehicles, HII has selected Voyis Imaging Systems as the s t a n d a r d c a m e r a o p t i o n f o r a l l R E M U S U U V s ( R E M U S 100/300/620/6000)

Voyis has developed the Recon UUV module, consisting of a highly advanced 4K stills camera and extremely efficient, high output external light bar, that enhances all REMUS platforms imaging capabilities in any operational situation The Recon camera module offers extremely crisp stills imager y with on-thesensor data processing for real-time, highly optimized datasets that improve in mission autonomy and analysis capabilities. These enhancements include improving image quality using image undistor tion, true colour correction, and image light leveling for consistent, actionable datasets available in-mission With Voyis cameras, navies are capable of completing the identification stage of MCM (mine countermeasure) operations, and improve target localization for neutralization/recover y c

The high resolution imager y captured with Voyis’ Recon module provide increased confidence in subsea missions, ensuring REMUS customers receive safe, reliable, and efficient operations

www voyis com

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o m p l e t e l y s u b m e r g e d u s i n g R E M U S p l a t f o r m s , i m p r o v i n g
operational cover tness

Valepor t unveils 6000m rated ‘deep’ CTD

of SWiFT

has been ext ended with the launc h of a new a d d i t i o n f o r t h o s e r e q u i r i n g C T D measurements t o depths of 6000m.

Offering increased versatility and absolutely no compromise on accuracy, the new SWiFT Deep CTD has been designed with the intention of a seamless workflow and offers the highest quality CTD profiles in a compact, robust and por table package The new profiler provides sur vey-grade sensor technology coupled with the convenience of Bluetooth® wireless technology, a rechargeable batter y and an integral GNSS module to geo-locate each profile.

Using Valepor t’s world-leading high accuracy sensor technology to combine sensors for multiple profiles in a single drop, the SWiFT Deep CTD can operate to 6000m, delivering directly measured conductivity, temperature and depth. In addition, the SWiFT Deep CTD will provide computed salinity, density and sound velocity, calculated using the UNESCO international standard algorithm and Chen and Millero equation. Data can be quickly and easily downloaded wirelessly, and instantly shared in industr y standard data formats.

Ease of use is at the hear t of the SWiFT range and the new SWiFT Deep CTD not only makes any problematic batter y changes a thing of the past and delivers fully automated data transfer with no user input required, it also features Valepor t’s signature SWiFT magnetic switch ring The switch ring is easy to operate even with cold hands, it simply turns through 90 degrees and reassuringly clicks into position The end cap features user-friendly LED status indications for GNSS, batter y and communications

With an operational batter y life of up to five days and the convenience of charge via USB, the SWiFT Deep CTD is designed to cope with the harshest conditions and intended for offshore, coastal, harbour and inland environmental and hydrographic sur vey use

Providing unmatched durability, the SWiFT Deep CTD is constructed from titanium and the CTD sensors are housed in a strong acetal sensor guard www.valepor

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Valepor t
s popular range
29 U N D E R W A T E R , S U B S E A & D I V I N G

Je nkins Mar in e CH

Hor n dre dg ing excavator u pg rade

C H Hor n is a 26m long, moder n, compact and ef ficient self-propelled hopper whic h was for mer ly equipped wit h a fixed grab crane. The f ixed crane has now been removed t o allow room on its dec k for a s p e c i a l l y m o d i f i e d t r a c ke d H y u n d a i Excavat or.

The excavator, a Hyundai HX 300 L, is new to Jenkins Marine and weighs 30 tons with a large 1 5m3 bucket capacity The excavator was supplied with a custom made lengthened dipper arm, with optimised geometr y for improved dredging reach.

The HX300L boasts an eco-friendly, high-per formance engine which ensures both excellent fuel efficiency and high power per formance. The robust upper and lower frame structure can endure external shock and high-load work with tested high durability to cope with the demands of marine based projects In order to achieve efficient “arm-in” and “arm-out” operation with the boom fixed while on a moving vessel the HX Series applies boom floating control, allowing consistently stable operating – per fect for dredging operations. CH Horn is highly manoeuvrable vessel able to dredge in more confined hard to reach areas. Operating with a small crew she is an efficient choice for smaller dredge requirements with shor ter trips to sea disposal sites

www jenkinsmarine co uk

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From concept to build to delivery

Proven designers of: High Speed Passenger Ferries, Patrol Boats, SAR and Crew Transfer Vessels

To satisfy any requirement

In monohul, catamaran, trimaran and SWATH hull forms

D r e d g i n g o n t h e C a r e y

I s l a n d p o r t p r o j e c t

P o r t K l a n g A u t h o r i t y ( P K A ) , M a l a y s i a , i s u n d e r t a k i n g a p r o j e c t t h a t i n c l u d e s d r e d g i n g i n o r d e r t o e s t a b l i s h t h e n e w d e e p w a t e r p o r t a t C a r ey I s l a n d , K l a n g .

T h i s s c h e m e w i l l c r e a t e a n a d d i t i o n a l c a p a c i t y t o c a t e r f o r f u t u r e n e e d s a n d i s s e e n a s a p o r t d e v e l o p m e n t t o o v e r c o m e t h e n e a r i n g f u l l c a p a c i t y o f We s t P o r t a s w e l l a s t o d e v e l o p P o r t K l a n g a s a r e g i o n a l m a r i t i m e h u b .

M o s t o f t h e f u n d i n g w i l l g o t o w a r d s t e r m i n a l i n f r a s t r u c t u r e , i n c l u d i n g t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e b e r t h s a n d t h e p r o v i s i o n i n g o f e q u i p m e n t f o r o p e r a t i o n s , r o a d s a n d u t i l i t i e s , d i g i t a l c o n n e c t i v i t y, p o w e r a n d w a t e r s u p p l y

“ B u t b e f o r e c o n s t r u c t i o n b e g i n s , t h e r e w i l l b e a l o t o f i n v e s t m e n t s a n d e f f o r t s g o i n g t o w a r d s l a n d r e c l a m a t i o n a n d d r e d g i n g i n c l u d i n g t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f a b r e a k w a t e r, ” c o m m e n t e d P K A g e n e r a l m a n a g e r, C a p t K S u b r a m a n i a m “ We n e e d t o r e c l a i m l a n d a n d d r e d g e t h e w a t e r s , a l l t h i s w i l l t a k e a b o u t f o u r t o f i v e y e a r s O u r p l a n i s t o c o m p l e t e t h e p r e l i m i n a r y p r e p a r a t i o n s b y 2 0 2 5 We h a v e a f a i r i d e a o f w h a t s o r t o f d e v e l o p m e n t p l a n w e a r e g o i n g t o h a v e , t h e p o t e n t i a l d e v e l o p m e n t p a r t n e r s , t h e t y p e o f o p e r a t i o n s a n d t h e t e c h n o l o g y t h a t i s t o b e a d o p t e d , ” h e a d d e d

T h e C a r e y I s l a n d p r o j e c t w i l l b e c a r r i e d o u t i n f o u r p h a s e s , r u n n i n g u p

t o

2 0 6 0

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D R E D G I N G T R E N C H I N G & P I L I N G 34

Van Oord’s new water injection dredger commences operation

The firs t of two wat er injection dredgers

( W I D s ) f o r Va n O o r d w a s s u c c e s s f u l l y launc hed recently at the Vahali yard in Serbia.

After launching, the vessel was transpor ted to the yard in Zwijndrecht where the outfitting is taking place

Tel: +44(0) 2392 472710

Mob: +44(0) 7850 473713



In July 2022, Van Oord ordered the construction of two additional state-of-thear t water injection vessels from Kooiman Marine Group after the successful operation of sister vessels Maas (pictured above) and Mersey in 2021 The new vessels have the same specifications, supplemented by extra innovative optimisations

F.D.S. Offer for Rental & Sale

Diver R.O.V. & Crane Operated Dredging Systems. Multipurpose & Mini dredging systems for the removal of fines, silt, mud’s, drill cuttings, sand, grit, gravel, shingle, shale & general debris. Suitable for confined space operations or locations where access is a problem. All on-shore civil applications. Shallow & deepwater offshore support operations. Renewables. Complete ready to use self operational systems available for use worldwide. Stillage packed or deepwater offshore containerised units. Long & short term rentals. Sales. Wide scope of operations. Lightweight, road & air transportable environmentally friendly units.


The energy management systems in the vessels was given special attention during the design phase and the water injection vessels are to be equipped with a hybrid energy management system They will be able to store energy in batteries that can be used later for propulsion and other purposes Diesel-electric engines will reduce carbon emissions.

The new water injection vessels will comply with IMO TIER III legislation for reducing harmful NOx emissions and take account of EU STAGE V legislation

www vanoord com

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Survitec’s pre-inspection delivers greater efficiencies for dry dock safety servicing

Sur vit ec has launc hed a new, formalised preinspection as par t of its dr y doc k safety ser vice t o help ship owners and managers optimise and expedit e their dr y doc king sc hedules.

As par t of Sur vitec’s fully managed, “safety-first” dr y docking solution, the pre-inspection is designed to suppor t the ser vicing and inspection of all onboard safety and lifesaving equipment

A qualified ser vice technician boards the ship during normal por t operations to assess and verify the scope of work, with the added benefit of helping ensure dr y dockings don’t overrun and ships leave on time, fully cer tified and within budget

“It smooths the entire dr y docking process, ” said Sur vitec Technical Sales Manager, Jan-Oskar Lid “Advance planning pays dividends in terms of efficiency and transparency for owners and operators to plan and budget accordingly with a full scope of work planned and ready before the vessel enters dr y dock

“A pre-inspection does not have to take place in the same yard or location where the dr y dock will take place This is the advantage of our global ser vice station network ”

As par t of their dr y dock safety ser vice, Sur vitec teams review and set out a schedule of works in line with regulator y requirements This includes collating and reviewing the necessar y safety cer tificates and documentation and liaising with the shipyard and suppliers to expedite par ts, procurement and equipment ser vicing

An additional benefit of the pre-inspection is that it can also reduce the risk of any unexpected work cropping up during dr y docking that could lead to unplanned delays, additional cost and lost revenue.

“The value of a pre-inspection call or visit has been demonstrated time and again over our many years ’ experience of safety ser vicing,” explains Lid. “Our trained technicians can identify issues that the ship owner or manager may not have yet recognised or may have been misdiagnosed. For example, one customer ordered a gas top-up for their CO2 low pressure system. During a preparator y call, we were able to identify an underlying issue with the tank and arrange the necessar y repairs If this issue had not been identified until the time of ser vice, the vessel would have been left off hire for longer, causing costly delays to their operating schedule ”

Flexibility is a key benefit of the Sur vitec dr y dock safety ser vice Referring to one project where LNG vessels were initially scheduled to dr y dock in Qatar, Lid said: “At the last minute, the customer notified us that two of the vessels would be shifted to Singapore This was not a problem for us as we have the network and resources to accommodate the change of plan ”

As Finn Lende-Harung, Commercial Director – Fire, explains, “With 100+ years ’ experience as an OEM, we are fully conversant with IMO, Flag, Class and brand requirements for the different equipment and ser vice inter vals We also have a global ser vicing network and the reach to ser vice at all the major dr y dock locations worldwide, in line with a vessel’s operational profile ”

“All our technicians follow standardised procedures to ensure the level of ser vice, quality and professionalism are the same irrespective of location From the customer’s point of view, they are dealing with a single solution provider, one trusted supplier that solves all the issues ”

“Dr y dockings are highly complex projects,” continues Lende-Harung “There can never be any cast-iron guarantees that ever ything will go completely to plan, but our ser vice affords ship owners and managers confidence of compliance, cost transparency and greater cer tainty that vessels will complete on schedule and with a clean cer tificate without any unnecessar y downtime or drain on resources. ”

www sur vitecgroup com

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BLISHED TA S E d thinking marine insurance br war e a for d ar Everar ehensive, cost effective insurance packages for the shipping industr compr Specialising in every aspect o essional and independent advice and in-house claims service 2 of on our pr tion please get in touch with Gar forma e in For mor E: E: S ROFE , P T ENDEN , INDEP , offering oker oker, or over 40 years, we pride ourselves f marine insurance f vans or Justyn Lemar eth E | T: 4 681 01732 22 | T: 4 698 01732 22 AL SION y. 4/7 ted by the Financial Conduct Authority – 134435 e Authorised and Regula f James Hallam Limited who ar ers is a trading name o ok d Insurance Br Everar

thir teenth unit for its Diving Super visor CPD App

Diving Super visor CPD App.

The App, which initially launched in 2020, is aimed at facilitating

appropriate CPD has been completed, it is available on both Apple and Android phones and tablet devices. For those working at sea, or with poor data connections, the content including interactive tutorials can be downloaded to be completed offline

Commenting on its publication, Br yan McGlinchy, Diving Manager at IMCA, said: “We’re delighted to share this latest update to our Diving Super visor CPD App which forms a key par t of IMCA’s ongoing commitment to improving safety standards in offshore diving

“Like its predecessors, the new unit adds yet more relevant content to the application’s librar y. The material is designed to help Diving Super visors be as well-prepared as possible to face the numerous safety related challenges they encounter on a daily basis ”

The lat est updat e covers the following t opics:

• CM25 – Sur face Decompression – Near Miss

• CM26 – Umbilical Management – Near Miss

• ADS49 – Wet Bell Par t 2 Pre-dive Checks & Monitoring

• ADS50 – IMCA D 070 Guidance on the Use of Iner t Gas

• ADS51 – Oxygen Toxicity

• ADS52 – IMCA D 074 Guidance on Under water

Excavation Works Involving Divers

• BDS13 – In-Bell Resuscitation

The full list of units and the topics covered can be viewed on the IMCA website:

https://www imca-int com/cer tification/diving/super visor/cpd/

The pages also include a full FAQ, as well as details on how to register for the Diving Super visor CPD App

The App is available to all IMCA cer tified Diving Super visors, and registrations can also be accepted from both Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS) and Diver Cer tification Board of Canada (DCBC) Diving Super visors

www imca-int com

IMCA launches
T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l M a r i n e C o n t ra c t o r s A s s o c i a t i o n ( I M C A ) h a s l a u n c h e d a t h i r t e e n t h u n i t f o r i t s w e l l - r e s p e c t e d
C o n t i n u i n g P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t ( C P D ) w h i c h b e c a m e
cer tified IMCA Diving Super
y 2021 D e s i g n e d t o e n a b l e s u p e r v i s o r s t o e a s i l y d e m o n s t r a t e t h a t
mandator y for
visors in Januar
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Br yan McGlinchy, Diving Manager at IMCA

Damen Triton IoT platform receives Bureau Veritas Type Approval for Cyber Resilience

Damen Shipyards Group has announced receipt of a Bureau Verit as (BV) Type Approval Cer tification for Cyber Resilience of its Trit on IoT platform The solution enables the gathering of all available operational asset dat a from a vessel and its engines, pumps, hydraulics, alarms and other equipment, amounting t o over 10,000 signals for a single vessel This is then communicat ed t o crew on board and fleet managers on shore With this dat a, which is present ed on various on board and remot e dashboards, crew can track asset health, maint enance scheduling and more Triton’s receipt of type approval, a significant milestone for the platform, is the result of a close collaboration between Damen Digital Solutions, Tata Consultancy Ser vices (TCS) and Bureau Veritas

From the outset, Damen has focused on cyber security and its procedures in the development of Triton This included hardening the gateway and implementing procedures in software and firmware updates, as well as data security at rest and transit and a robust risk management process. Damen, together with TCS, intends to continue to develop the platform, providing valuable data analysis to its clients that will help to enhance the efficiency of their operations.

A milestone in digital resilience

“This Type Approval Cer tification from Bureau Veritas is a significant milestone for us and a testament to the quality and reliability of our Triton IoT Platform,” said Toine Cleophas, Director of Damen Digital Solutions. “I’m grateful to TCS for their par tnership, which has been crucial in the development of this solution. We are proud to be a trusted par tner for our customers and look for ward to providing even more value to them in the future.”

“The Triton IoT Platform is the per fect example of how digital technology can transform an industr y It is an industr y leading solution which enables unlocking exponential business for Damen and also benefits its ecosystem and the wider society TCS is proud to par tner with Damen Digital Solution BV in this unique initiative that will ensure best-in-class security measures for the Marine IoT ecosystem and will set an industr y benchmark ” said Regu Ayyaswamy, Global Head, IoT & Digital Engineering, TCS “Bureau Veritas Type Approval for Cyber Resilience for the Triton IoT Platform echoes our commitment towards building a secured Connected IoT Ecosystem for sustained growth and transformation ”

Eyes on the future

To achieve this type approval Triton met the cyber security requirements described in BV Rule Note NR 659 R02 This also makes it also compliant with the requirement of IACS UR E27 that will enter into force for all contracts signed after Januar y 1st 2024, as Philippe Vaquer, head of cyber security depar tment at Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore explains

Advanced opportunities for operators

All of Damen’s newbuilds, some 150+ vessels per year, are delivered with the Triton IoT platform Triton can also be retrofitted to existing vessels and can co-exist with legacy systems, providing even more oppor tunities for operators to benefit from its capabilities

www damen com

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Dam en Ser vice s

UK expand s offer ing w i t h I.M.E Re pair

Ser vice s M oU


of fering t o its clients operating in the Unit ed Kingdom signing an MoU on 15 Marc h with

Damen Ser vices UK began operations in 2021 t o fulfil the maint enance and par ts requirements of maritime operat ors in the region. The agreement with I.M.E sees the two companies combining resources t o of fer clients comprehensive suppor t.

In suppor ting vessel operators in the region, Damen Ser vices UK works with a number of local suppliers This has frequently included I M E, with which Damen shares several clients in common Following a series of meetings, the two companies expressed an interest in a closer cooperation

The MoU facilitates Damen’s vision to grow its ser vice operations in the UK Following the agreement, the Damen Ser vice Hub UK has access to office, workshop, and yard facilities in a strategic location To suppor t its increased ser vice offering, Damen is aiming to expand its workforce, thereby creating additional employment oppor tunities in the area

Mick Nolan, Ser vice Hub Manager at Damen Ser vices UK, said, “With access to increased facilities in such a location, our combined workforce will be able to provide vessel operators in the region an optimised ser vice offering ”

The Southampton location will allow Damen to ser ve additional markets, thanks to its proximity to existing and planned offshore wind projects; an impor tant sector for a company that aims to be the world’s most sustainable shipbuilder

Edwin van der Poel, Area Ser vice Manager at Damen Ser vices, said of the agreement, “It is our aim to ser ve our clients as a strategic par tner With our network of Ser vice Hubs, we look to deliver suppor t anytime and anywhere in the world To achieve this goal, we are growing our presence globally This agreement forms a par t of these plans We are ver y much looking for ward to working closer together with our colleagues at I M E in the future ”

Paul Langford, Managing Director of I M E Repair Ser vices said that the agreement was a logical development resulting from a good working collaboration “We see Damen Ser vices as a natural fit Not only do we ser ve many clients in common, but we have also enjoyed a positive experience in working together Bringing our two companies closer together in this way provides customers with access to a broader por tfolio of ser vices in one place I have ever y confidence that our clients will benefit from this closer working relationship ”

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S o u t h a m p t o n - b a s e d I . M . E . Re p a i r S e r v i c e s .
a m e n S h i py a r d s G r o u p h a s ex t e n d e d i t s l i f e c yc l e s u p p o r t

Ba se fo r No rfolk offsho re w in d zo n e

Vatt enfall has named Peel Por ts Great Yarmouth as the preferred location for its operations and maint enance base for the Nor folk Of fshore Wind Zone.

The development, which should have a duration of around 35 years, is expected to create in excess of 100 jobs in and around the area

“It should be a great economic boost for the area with around 130 long-term jobs helping to manage the Wind Zone, one of the world’s largest,” said Rob Anderson, project director of Vattenfall’s Nor folk Zone

“All we need now is for government to play its par t by providing a financial framework that gives us the cer tainty we need to invest so that local people can star t seeing the benefits ”

www peelpor ts com

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