Marine & Maritime Gazette May 2023

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MAY 2023 20

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Summer is here...

and we ’ re all of f to Southampton for Seawork 2023

Welcome to the May 2023 issue of Marine & Maritime G

coverage of the commercial marine, shipping and waterbased renewables markets

Summer in the maritime world is now definitely upon us and many of us will be meeting up at Seawork in Southampton, UK, next month

But just what else is on around the whole of the maritime universe?

Inside this issue, we are, as usual, covering a vast amount of topics, from ‘Seawork 2023’ on page 20, to the ‘ins and outs’ of ‘Anchors, Mooring, Rope & Chains’ from page 28

There is also a quick look at ‘Marine Sur vey ’ on page 34 and from page 38 we also have a ‘peek’ at ‘Por t & Quayside Facilities & Usage’

Anyway, we look for ward to seeing over the Summer months and, of cou happy reading

If you have any news, reviews, prod launches or absolutely anything else interest across the whole marine mark p l e a s e e m a i l i t t h r o u g h t

e info@- plus com for future consideration our for thcoming issues

a z e t t e t h e m o n t h l y m a g a z i n e a i m e d a t Wo r l d w i d e
o m
I N T R O D U C T I O N & W E L C O M E 3 www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette Editor
GAZETTE Commercial Marine & Renewables W ld de INSIDE: ISSUE 99 MAY 2023 20
Arthur Peaches - Editor

Cover stor y

Teignbridge have star ted building a new 1,500m2 factor y at their Newton Abbot Headquar ters

Multi Cat

Damen Shipyards delivers new Multi Cat 2309 to Atlantic Towage & Marine

Land & Water secures Institute of Civil Engineer s training scheme

Seawork 2023

Seawork 2023 comes to Southampton from 13-15 June - read about some of the events taking place

‘Living lab’

Biggest of fshore wind ‘living lab’ in the world to be created of f the Grimsby coast

Land & Wat er has secured an a g r e e d I n s t i t u t e o f C i v i l Engineers

(ICE) training scheme

and is now an ICE approved employer.

This will allow the firm to provide greater p r o f e s s i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t a n d l e a r n i n g oppor tunities for Land & Water’s training engineers as well as future recruits

Land & Water plans to incorporate this training into its employee benefit policy as it focuses on wellbeing, staff retention and professional development within the engineering industr y As well as being pioneers in sustainability, the firm has used the past two years to ensure it is m a k i n g a q u a n t i f i a b l e e f f o r t t o w a r d diversifying its workforce and closing the skills gap Here are some of the other ways Land & Water is pioneering investment in employee wellbeing as professional development:

• I n 2 0 2 2 L a n d & Wa t e r b e c a m e accredited Investors in People

• Across the business Land & Water offers Apprenticeship Schemes as well as supports s t a f f w h i l s t t h e y c o m p l e t e p r o f e s s i o n a l qualifications alongside work

• Ever y employee at Land & Water has access to a Wellbeing Intranet that is updated m o n t h l y w i t h a r t i c l e s o n m e n t a l h e a l t h , n e u r o d i v e r s i t y, e x e r c i s e , a n d m o n e y management

The ICE training scheme sets out how Land & Wa t e r c a n h e l p j u n i o r m e m b e r s o f t h e w o r k f o r c e g e t t h e s k i l l s , k n o w l e d g e a n d experience needed to complete the initial professional development stage and become professionally qualified The scheme offers t r a i n i n g t o w a r d w i d e l y r e c o g n i s e d qualifications such as Char tered Manager (CMgr), and Chartered Engineer Lucy Lee, Contracts Manager at Land & Water, says “We are so happy to have agreed an ICE training scheme for Land & Water The people within our business are what make us so unique and we are committed to investing in personal and professional development within our workforce

“Going for ward this will be something we offer to current employees as well as new members of staff to help us create a labour force that are equipped with years of experience as well as professional qualifications ” Research from the Institute of Engineering and Te c h n o l o g y f o u n d t h a t a l m o s t h a l f o f engineering businesses are finding it difficult to find the skills they need when recruiting. Land & Water recognises that as an industr y leading fir m that works on iconic projects using innovative and sustainable technology, it can help to solve this Investing in official schemes provided by ICE will help the firm achieve this www land-water co uk

EDITORIAL Ar thur Peaches - Editor Tel 01322 352648 Email info@bljournals plus com SALES & PROMOTIONS David Peters - Publisher Tel 01322 352648 Email info@bljournals plus com Brian Wakefield - Adver tisement Director Tel 01622 682667 Mob 07973 139959 Email brian wakefield2003@yahoo co uk PUBLISHING COMPANY BL Journals, 3 Biddenden Way, Istead Rise, Gravesend, Kent DA13 9DE Tel 01322 352648 Email info@bljournals plus com @MandMGazette Although ever y ef for t is made assure the accuracy of the content of this magazine, Marine & Maritime Gazette and it’s Publishers can accept no responsibility for such All contents of the publication are copyright and remain the sole proper ty of the publishing company
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So nardy ne partners Smart So und Plymo ut


Sonardyne has been selected to provide a subsur face communications and navigation network for the Smar t Sound Connect Subsur face (SSCS) Project Sonardyne will par tner with the University of Plymouth and Plymouth Marine Laborator y to install, operate and manage an under water acoustic communications and navigation network that will link to the existing sur face assets

Located in the city of Plymouth and the waters in and around Plymouth Sound, SSCS builds on the existing Smar t Sound Plymouth infrastructure that underpins the National Centre for Coastal Autonomy The £1 2million initiative, suppor ted by funding from the Hear t of the South West Local Enterprise Par tnership, will fur ther enhance the unique proving ground for businesses to test, trial, prototype and commercialise new products and ser vices

Sonardyne will provide nine navigation and communications nodes based on its 6th Generation technology, which can be deployed on the seabed either as fixed or mobile networks In addition, two integrated sensor nodes will be supplied to enable real-time repor ting of key subsur face operational safety parameters, including water temperature and currents Sonardyne’s new Origin 600 ADCP with integrated acoustic communications and onboard Edge processing will be at the hear t of these In addition, two gateways to the subsea networks will be provided: Firstly, a Ranger 2 GyroUSBL, which can be mounted on either a crewed or uncrewed sur face vessel, will act as a mobile gateway, and secondly, a Mini-Ranger 2 system, which will be mounted on the L4 buoy as a fixed gateway Sonardyne will also be providing a comprehensive training and suppor t package Geraint West, Head of Science at Sonardyne, said: “We’re really excited that our technology will be heading the next chapter in Smar t Sound Plymouth’s evolution We are proud members of the Plymouth maritime ecosystem, and this project is set to be a great showcase not only for our technology, but also the region as a whole ”

Dr Alex Nimmo-Smith, Associate Professor of Marine Physics at the University of Plymouth, said: “This initiative expands on the already unique capabilities and facilities of Smar t Sound Plymouth, and creates unrivalled oppor tunities for research that will advance our understanding of the ocean It will also enable us to work even more closely with businesses across the marine and maritime sector, and to use our collective knowledge to inspire the workforce of the future ” Smar t Sound is designed to be a unique proving ground for businesses and researchers to test, trial, prototype and commercialise new products and ser vices Its aim is to accelerate the adoption and deployment of advanced marine and maritime technologies across multiple sectors, including offshore energy, aquaculture, defence, and advanced engineering

With nearly 1,000 km2 of authorised and deconflicted water space and a unique combination of infrastructure facilities and local exper tise, Smar t Sound Plymouth is already one of the UK’s premier maritime proving and trials facilities SSCS will elevate its capabilities to a new level to create the first truly multi-domain connected offshore environment in the UK

Dr James Fishwick, Head of Smart Sound Plymouth, said: “Smart Sound Plymouth is central to Plymouth’s ambition to be a world-leading academic and business cluster for the development of the next generation of maritime technologies in order to better understand our oceans and create new sustainable businesses We look for ward to working with Sonardyne to realise this ambition ”

Karl Tucker, Chair of the Hear t of the South West LEP, said: “We are delighted to suppor t the University of Plymouth and Plymouth Marine Laborator y in advancing the capabilities of Smar t Sound through Sonardyne’s technologies The upgraded Smar t Sound will provide even more oppor tunities for world-class testing and research, adding to Plymouth’s unique offering as a global centre of excellence for ocean technologies including autonomous marine vessels ” www sonardyne com

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Stand D15

Purus Wind signs order with Damen Shipyards for eight, low-emission vessels for wind farm operations

Damen Shipyards and of fshore wind ser vices provider Purus Wind have signed a contract for the build and deliver y of eight new vessels Four Damen Fast Crew Supplier (FCS) 2710 Hybrid and three Damen FCS 3210 Hybrid Crew Transfer Vessels (CT Vs) and one, 90-metre Construction Ser vice Operation Vessel (CSOV).

The FCS 3210s and the CSOV will not only be equipped for ultra-low emission operations, but they have also been designed to be upgraded to methanol-fuelled engines when the time comes The order is part of Purus Wind’s strategy to be a leading provider of low-carbon, offshore wind support vessels to meet the needs of the clean energy industr y as its members set out to decarbonize

Crew Transfer Vessels

The new Hybrid FCS 2710s will join the three other Hybrids that Purus Wind’s HighSpeed Transfers ordered from Damen in the second half of 2022 In line with Damen’s commitment to continuous design improvement, they will be updated with the latest design adjustments such as an improved wheelhouse window arrangement and bridge console lay-out The twin axe hull form ensures excellent stability and fuel economy as well as providing extensive deck space and accommodation

The larger FCS 3210s are a new design that use the same twin axe hull form and share many of the same attributes as the FCS 2710s As with the new FCS 2710s, a hybrid batter y package for zero-emissions sailing is integrated into the design The greater length allows for additional space for crew and passengers, making it more comfortable during operations Space is also reser ved for possible conversion to methanol fuel

An exhaust gas aftertreatment system is included to ensure that the vessels are IMO Tier III compliant The FCS 3210s are designed for longer distances ser ving wind parks further from shore and offer the possibility of staying longer at sea High Speed Transfers has contributed its operational experience to the design and engineering of the FCS 3210 from the outset to ensure that it sets a new level of capability for its class

Construction Service Operation Vessel

The latest vessel in the 90-metre Damen CSOV Series will be highly versatile and capable of carr ying up to 120 persons in comfort for up to thirty days at a time In addition to the diesel / electric propulsion system and batter y array, innovative features include a hull design that is almost symmetrical fore and aft below the waterline, on which will be mounted Damen’s DPX-Drive This has four identical thruster units – two for ward and two aft - for highly precise manoeuvring and station keeping Other features include excellent stability due to its design, which is further enhanced by a large anti-roll tank A motion-compensated gangway and crane will also ensure smooth transfers of personnel and equipment Like the CTVs, it has space reser ved for additional batter y capacity as and when it is required and will also be pre-prepared for both conversion to methanol engines and offshore charging

Decarbonizing offshore wind operations

“These vessels will support a pathway for our clients to decarbonize their operations and to maintain our position as a leader with the lowest carbon offshore wind support fleet,” said Tom Nevin, CEO of HST and Business Head of Purus Wind “We are incredibly pleased to be continuing our relationship with Damen, having been the launching client for the FCS 2710 and the FCS 2710 Hybrid, and now the FCS 3210 Hybrid We are also ver y excited about the potential of what will be our first hybrid vessels with the ability convert to methanol ”

“Damen is exceptionally proud of this unique order,” added Frederik van der Linde, Sales Manager United Kingdom and Ireland “The design team responsible for the FCS 2710s and FCS 3210s and the design team responsible for the CSOV range have put a tremendous amount of effort into this project The input of Tom Nevin and his team was vital for us as well ”

“An enormous amount of emphasis has been placed on maximizing both innovation and sustainability This project is a true testimony of our commitment to our goal of becoming the world’s most sustainable shipbuilder It is a pleasure to be working with Purus Wind once again, an organisation that shares so many of our goals We look for ward to building and delivering these vessels and to further cooperation in the future ”

The new vessels are scheduled to be delivered between 2024 and early 2027 www damen com

Fugro helps locate World War II ship 80 year s af ter tragic sinking

In an extraordinar y mission that took nearly 5 years of planning, Fugro has played a key role in locating the wreck of the Montevideo Maru, one of the worst international maritime disasters in histor y I n c l o s e p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h t h e S i l e n t w o r l d Foundation and the Rabaul and Montevideo Maru Society, and support from Australia’s Department o f D e f e n c e , F u g r o u s e d t h e i r u n p a r a l l e l e d d e e p w a t e r h y d r o g r a p h i c a n d o c e a n o g r a p h i c expertise to successfully identify the wreckage of the Japanese transport ship at a depth of more than 4000 m off the coast of the Philippines

The Montevideo Maru was carr ying approximately 1060 prisoners of war and civilians when it was sunk by an American submarine in 1942 during World War II The tragedy resulted in fatalities from at least 14 countries, including Australia, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, the Netherlands, Japan, Ireland, New Zealand, Nor way, Scotland, Solomon Islands, Sweden and the US

On 6 April 2023, 110 km north-west of Luzon in the Philippines, the Fugro team star ted the search onboard the Fugro Equator, one of the world’s most advanced and well-equipped hydrographic sur vey

vessels Deploying an autonomous under water vehicle (AUV) with an in-built sonar, a positive sighting was recorded after just 12 days Verification of the wreck came a few days later using expert analysis from the project team, which comprised maritime archaeologists, conser vators, operations and research specialists, and ex-naval officers “The discover y of the Montevideo Maru closes a terrible chapter in inter national militar y and maritime histor y, ” said John Mullen, Director of the Silentworld Foundation “Today, by finding the vessel, we hope to bring closure to the many families devastated by this terrible disaster I would like to express my gratitude to all of the dedicated Silentworld team involved in this expedition, to the o u t s t a n d i n g F u g r o c r e w a n d t e c h n i c a l t e a m onboard the Fugro Equator, and to the Australian Depar tment of Defence for their unwavering support ”

Mark Heine, CEO of Fugro, said: “This maritime tragedy involved many countries and families, and all paid a terrible price I’m proud that our skills and technology can help find resolutions to historical projects such as this and, in this way, make a real difference to people’s lives At Fugro, we ’ re using our hydrographic and oceanographic solutions to contribute to relief efforts and live up to our purpose of creating a safe and liveable world “

www fugro com

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Dam en Sh ipyard s delivers n ew Mu lti Cat 2309 to Atlantic To wag e & Mar in e

In April, the Ireland-based marine ser vices company Atlantic Towage & Marine Ltd t ook deliver y of a new Damen Multi Cat 2309 workboat, named Ocean Energy The vessel will spearhead Atlantic’s push int o the European market, with a special focus on the fast-growing of fshore renewables sect or

To optimise the vessel for its role, Atlantic Towage has specified a larger for ward deck crane AKC 185 HE4 and an AK34 aft deck crane from HS Marine A DP1 system from Kongsberg synchronizes twin screws aft and a bow thruster for optimum manoeuvrability Other deck gear includes anchor-handling, towing and tugger winches. Accommodation is for up to seven crew across five cabins. Ocean Energy is IMO Tier II compliant and the engineering space is pre-prepared for the retrofit of a Damen Marine NOx Reduction System This uses selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology to raise a vessel to Tier III compliance and, with the necessar y space already available, it can be efficiently fitted when required While this is the most efficient way to be future-proofed for IMO Tier III, Damen also offers a range of retrofit options to suit most requirements Additional customisations have been implemented to optimize the vessel for her various roles

The handover ceremony took place at Damen Shipyards Gorinchem, where the MuC 2309 was fitted out following the build of her hull and superstructure at D a m e n S h i p y a

Sponsor was managing director Sean Harrington’s eight-year old daughter Kyla Harrington

Atlantic Towage was founded in 2008 by Sean Harrington and today operates a fleet of ten vessels that includes tugs, dive suppor t vessels, and multipurpose w o r k b o a t s T h i s v a r i e t y a l l o w s t h e company to offer a wide range of ser vices Ocean Energy will now begin a contract in Danish waters to assist with cable installations

“I would like to thank all the Damen t e a m f o r t h e s u p e r b v e s s e l t h e y delivered,” said Sean Harrington “They were a pleasure to deal with and we would have no hesitation in returning to them for our next new vessel ”

“Damen is proud to have cooperated closely with Sean during the design phase and build phase” says Frederik van der Linde, Damen’s UK and Ireland sales manager “We look for ward to s e e i n g t h i s v e s s e l i n o p e r a t i o n , suppor ting the renewables industr y We wish its owner and crew safe passages and ever y success ”



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Sea Z ip Offshore Ser vice make s major

mo ve w it

h acquisitio n

of Dam en FCS 2710 24

PAX Crew Transfer Ve ssel

SeaZip Of fshore Ser vice makes major move with acquisition of Damen FCS 2710 24 PAX Crew Transfer Vessel

SeaZip Offshore Ser vice, Harlingen, has expanded its fleet with the acquisition of a 24 PAX Crew Transfer Vessel from shipping company Groen Jan Reier Arends, Managing Owner of SeaZip, speaks of a golden oppor tunity because it concerns a young vessel that is in new condition The vessel, still sailing under the name 'Green Waves', was built in 2020 by Damen Shipyards SeaZip is the owner at the beginning of April The vessel will soon be renamed 'SeaZip 9' and will sail under the Dutch flag In 2020, MV SeaZip 9 was the first Fast Crew Supplier 2710 supplied in the Netherlands by Damen Shipyards It is a fur ther development of the Damen FCS 2610, of which SeaZip has four in ser vice. These were conver ted into 24 PAX vessels in March 2022 A smar t step, because the demand for 24 PAX crew transfer vessels is high SeaZip itself was closely involved in the innovative design of the new generation of Damen Crew Suppliers

Immediat ely 'hooked'

Arends: “When shipping company Groen put the vessel on the market, we immediately organized an inspection We were hooked at that ver y moment The vessel is in brand new condition and is a per fect addition to our current fleet, which consists largely of 24 PAX Crew Transfer Vessels We grabbed this oppor tunity with both hands and negotiated quickly The sea trial, at the end of March, went beyond expectations Early April, the vessel will immediately star t work on a project for a leading player in the offshore installation and repair market, from Helgoland

In this first project, the vessel still sails under her old name and under the British flag The procedures to sail under the Dutch flag as SeaZip 9 star ted immediately after the takeover The formalities will be completed around the beginning of May “We are putting pressure on it,” says Jan Reier Arends, “because the market is increasingly asking for vessels operating under an EU flag We want to meet that specific requirement quickly ”

Of fshore energy projects gaining momentum

The momentum for fleet expansion with SeaZip 9 couldn't be better, according to Arends. Due to the climate crisis, offshore wind turbine projects are speeding up Moreover, the climate issue is driving construction and maintenance projects in the gas and oil industr y SeaZip is active in both sectors and has seen the demand for its vessels and ser vices increase rapidly since the end of 2022 Par t of the fleet remained operational last winter For all other vessels, the current season star ted earlier than ever before – as early as Februar y Arends added: “Our fleet contributes almost continuously to prestigious offshore projects in the Nor th Sea We are currently mainly active in the French par t, where the fact that we sail under the Dutch flag is an impor tant plus The market prospects are excellent We respond to this with our tailor-made solutions The acquisition and operation of SeaZip 9 fits per fectly with the current heat in the offshore energy market ”

www seazip com

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EIVA launche s clo u d-base d thin client for efficient NaviSuite project data shar ing an d view ing

EIVA has launched a cloud-based thin client, NaviSuit e Cloud Viewer, enabling NaviSuit e users t o share project dat a with end clients in a web browser This provides power ful dat a visualisation for operat ors and end clients – and eliminat es t he need t o download any third-par ty programs. With this, operators can give their end clients the ability to easily n a v i g a t e p r o j e c t s u s i n g h i g h - p e r f o r m a n c e d a t a v i s u a l i s a t i o n capabilities, such as viewing DTMs, 3D models and point clouds from any angle, obser vation logs with synchronised images and more EIVA’s ser ver provides power ful 3D model rendering for high-quality visualisations no matter how large the data set

‘We have obser ved that the size of data sets collected by NaviSuite users during sur veys and inspections (manned vessels, USV, ROV, AUV, etc) is rapidly increasing due to technological advancements in sensors, automation and data fusion Copying over these data sets whenever they must be moved (ie from vessel to USB to PC to colleague to customer) takes time and costs operators and end clients local storage space Fur ther, some end-clients may not be able to download third par ty software to view the results – and therefore miss out on using visualisation tools to better understand the data delivered.’ Ole Kristensen, VP Software Development, EIVA

NaviSuite Cloud users also benefit from NaviSuite project management in the frontend Users can manage and share projects with colleagues and end clients easily, simply by sending a link or by defining who can access the project In NaviSuite Cloud Viewer, anyone you give access to can open the project in a browser on their computer, tablet or smar tphone NaviSuite Cloud Viewer is available as a yearly licence, with three plans priced according to disk usage (50, 200 and 500 GB) This release is a first step, with more extensive features to be provided in future variants of NaviSuite Cloud www eiva com

I N D U S T R Y & A S S O C I A T I O N N E W S 9 www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette Adaptable Vessel for Hire for
20T Crane, for enquiries
Marine Support Services
Flexible Support Platform

Hu n de ste d Pro pelle r

Lau nch En e rgy Efficient Pitch Co ntrol Un it

H u n d e s t e d P r o p e l l e r ex p a n d s p i t c h c o n t r o l u n i t r a n g e by introducing a new hydroelectr ic model, t he FR -ELH, t o meet t he needs of super yac hts

(sail and mot or) and wor kboats.

The Pitch Control Unit is a compact unit and par t of a C o

t i o n available from Hundested Propeller It’s designed for shaft line setups and suitable for a direct electric drive or installation aft of a standard reduction gearbox without pitch control

Rune Græsdal Zilcken, Sales Manager for Hundested Propeller explains the benefits of this new model for those installing and ser vicing the unit “The unit is the same size as the existing FRHP model and therefore easily interchangeable It comes with low energy consumption as it can hold the propeller pitch without consuming power. It is a standalone installation, and the only connections are 24V and three wires for feed-back signals. The requirement for constantly running hydraulic pumps and motors is eliminated and external tanks are no longer needed, resulting in the complete installation being significantly quieter and with reduced energy consumption ” The designers at Hundested Propeller have taken proven elements and listened to customer feedback on what works and what more is needed The FR-ELH comes with improved mounting points making it simple to dismount for ser vicing without losing the alignment of the propulsion line

The FR-ELH, which is for Feathering Reverse-Electrohydraulic, is specifically designed for electric propulsion and regeneration using Controllable Pitch Propellers It can be used for direct electric drive or with a standard reduction gearbox.

The FR-ELH is currently available in one size the VP3-VP4 with the VP5- VP7 in development The upcoming series will also have an option for a built-in reduced RPM for fast spinning electric motors

The shaft line Pitch Control Units all have built-in thrust bearing, long stroke for feathering propellers and can be delivered with semi-flexible foundations for ver y low noise and vibration transmission Unit one of this model was delivered in December 2022 for installation in early 2023 It has been manufactured for an 88-foot sailing yacht with direct electric drive and power regeneration

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l l a b l e P i t c h P r o p u l s i o n a n d R e g e n e r a t i
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o n S o l u

Master volt 120 VAC CombiMaster inver ter/charger models

“As exper ts in power electronics, Master volt continues to develop superior power solutions and we are thrilled to expand our top-of-the-line CombiMaster Series with four new models,” said Eric Lindquist, VP and General Manager, Power Systems at Navico Group “Between the lightweight, compact design, parallel and split-phase operation and Power Assist function to prevent tripping, the benefits are endless Whether living off-grid or in need of a backup power source, the new 120 VAC CombiMaster models provide reliable power in a user-friendly unit whenever you need it ”

The new CombiMaster series combines two essential power devices saving valuable space and reducing installation time and costs These units are designed to provide reliable, efficient power conversion for all electrical needs The CombiMaster features advanced transformerless technology for use with user-friendly inter faces that allow users to easily monitor and control their systems With intelligent features like adaptive charging and five different operating modes, the power system is always optimized for peak per formance Additionally, the automatic AC transfer system switches between generator or mains and inver ter output, ensuring a constant power supply, and its Power Assist function prevents tripping of the mains fuse in case it’s connected to a weak grid power. The CombiMaster is designed to easily integrate into network systems. Its intelligent design communicates seamlessly with NMEA 2000®, CZone®, and MasterBus networks. This allows full system functionality and communication between devices. It also enables critical functions and configurations to be managed from multifunction displays, CZone d i s p l a y s a n d a f a m i l y o f o t h e r d i g i t a l d i s p l a y s . T h e u n i t ’ s 3500W/4500W/5000W AC output exceeds standalone operation and allows parallel and split phase configurations for larger applications up to 35 kW The new models include power ful batter y charging in 12V, 24V & 48V – 12/3500-200 and 24/3500-100, as well as 24/4500120 HT and 48/5000-70 HT, which can operate at high temperatures up to 176 degrees Fahrenheit

“The CombiMaster is at the centre of our Fathom e-power system, an integrated lithium-ion auxiliar y power management and generator replacement system,” added Lindquist “Through innovative product designs like this inver ter/charger, we are enabled to create more power ful, revolutionar y systems that are transforming the future of boating and RVing ”

www master volt com

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M a s t e r v o l t r e c e n t l y a n n o u n c e d t h e launc h of its new 120 VAC CombiMas t er series, an inver t er/c harger providing the ultimat e power solution for boats, RVs, or any of f-grid sys t em.

Yanmar - dr iven Re search

B oat o n Arctic Missio n

It has been nearly a year since Kewat ec Shipyards of Finland delivered the Serecraf t S14 t o Svalbard. The 14-met er work and research boat is powered by YANMAR and used for research at the world's nor thernmost university, the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS). YANMAR collaborat ed with Mar t ec AS, a trust ed dealer from Nor way and a par t of the Kewat ec Group, t o supply the engines. Mar t ec AS played an int egral role in the entire project

The boat is named after the scientist Hanna Resvoll, who was the first female Arctic scientist in Svalbard, back in 1907 Hanna Resvoll was also a pioneer in environmental protection and was Nor way's first environmentalist Out on the sea all day, the boat’s unique design makes it easier for students to stay dr y and warm as they carr y out their research Data collection can be done more safely and securely with the Hanna Resvoll able to accommodate 12 passengers and a crew of three The boat is used to map the seabed, collect water samples, inspect research buoys and carr y out transpor t duties Able to sail 250 nautical miles without refueling, it has a larger operating area than the Polar Circle boats that also ply the waters of the arctic Mar tec AS, Teil der Kewatec-Gruppe, has been a Yanmar commercial marine dealer since 2016 They per form maintenance and ser vice on Nor wegian vessels and deliver genuine spare par ts.

For Hanna Resvoll, the reliable team of Mar tec AS delivered an almost complete propulsion package consisting of engines, gearboxes, the manoeuvring system and dynamic positioning system In addition, other equipment such as the navigation system, generator, and thrusters, were also supplied Mar tec AS is a specialist in integrating complete propulsion systems with manoeuvring and DP-systems

Gisle Johnsen, General Manager of Mar tec, commented “This is the second boat Mar tec has delivered to Svalbard In 2019 we delivered a patrol boat to the Governor of Svalbard and now this latest deliver y ” says Gisle Johnsen, General Manager of Mar tec “Our dealer follows up each project from sales to commissioning and on-site testing of the delivered systems and testing under the right whether conditions together with the crew ”

The Serecraft S14 is 14 1 meters long and 4 2 meters wide and has two 6CXBM-GT Super Light Duty 509HP engines The 6-cylinder engines have an output of 374 kW at 2700 rpm each and offer direct injection and heat exchanger cooling Their design with 4 valves per cylinder and turbocharger/intercooler ensures a higher combustion efficiency The CXB-series complies with IMO Tier II emissions regulations

www yanmar com

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Sustainable synergy

In Reederei Norden-Frisia, Damen has found a client that shares its vision for a sust ainable future in maritime public transpor t ation

Like Damen, with its ambitions to be the world’s most sustainable shipbuilder, German ferr y operator Reederei NordenFrisia has a vision for a green future The company, which operates ser vices from the mainland of north-west Germany to the Frisian Islands, is taking a ver y active approach to realising its ambitions

Green steps

Already, the operator offers electric car and bicycle hire to its clients Furthermore, Norden-Frisia is installing solar panels and wind turbines to its car parking facilities to generate a significant 5MW of electricity With this, passengers leaving their vehicles behind will return to find them fully charged and ready to go

What’s more, the power generated will be used to support Frisia’s latest initiative in sustainability, as Norden-Frisia Marine Superintendent Michael Garrelts explains

“We’ve taken some good steps towards increasing sustainability on land Around two years ago we decided it was time to take a look at our fleet ”

Express wishes

Before taking steps to future-proof its fleet, Frisia first performed its research What the company found was that there were numerous passengers who would welcome a faster ser vice to the islands

“We saw that there were a lot of people who were arriving at the terminal by train, or were car sharing,” says Michael “We wanted to offer those people who were not dependent on transporting a vehicle the choice to take a faster ferr y

“We were aware there was demand for this We've already had some experience with ser ving these sorts of passengers

For a while now, we ’ ve operated a number of conventional propulsion water taxis to the island of Juist These cater for people who just want to get to the island as quickly as possible ”

Going to the next level

Now, though, the company decided it was time for the next step; the construction of a fully electric vessel that would be able to transport 150 passengers at a time from Norddeich to the island of Norderney, quickly, cleanly and in optimal comfort

It was a decision that raised its own challenges Principal amongst these was where to build such a vessel In 150 years of operation, Reederei Norden-Frisia has never built a vessel outside of Germany When the company began to explore its options, a strong contender emerged

“Damen had the track record we were looking for They had already built a number of fully electric vessels, some of which have already proven their reliability in operation ”

Amongst the fully electric vessels that Damen has delivered are a series of five ferries operating in the city of Copenhagen, Denmark Additionally, the shipbuilder has been behind the construction of a fully electric harbour tug, the RSD-E Tug 2513, operating for Ports of Auckland in New Zealand

Beyond shipbuilding

After Reederei Norden-Frisia had reached out to Damen it became apparent that the shipbuilder may be able to assist with more than just the design and construction of a vessel

“Initially, we only had the vessel in mind, but later on we saw that Damen was able to help us with the charging infrastructure and mooring solutions, just as they had with their earlier projects With this, we currently have three projects under way, all in one place It’s a ver y convenient and efficient process "

It is Damen's aim, not only to deliver efficient and sustainable ships to its clients, but to take on an integrator role, looking after the entire process – in this case including electrical infrastructure – often for the entire lifecycle of the vessel

A tailored approach

The route that the ferr y will operate required Damen to develop a completely new vessel – the Damen Fast Fer y (FFE) 3209 – known as the E-Cat Ferr y “There are a number of factors about the route that make use of a standard vessel impossible,” says Michael “For a start, the ferr y must operate in ver y shallow water In order to be able to provide a ser vice seven times a day, the vessel's maximum draft must be no more than 1 2 metres It’s a challenge, but Damen managed to find a solution ”

The need for a customised vessel has led to a strong spirit of collaboration between Damen and its client, who have worked together in the development of an appropriate vessel “Damen have really thought along with us, ” states Michael “For example, we initially wanted to integrate water jets to the vessel “However, Damen pointed out that using fixed pitch propellers would offer greater efficiency ”

Protecting world heritage

Additionally, the Wadden Sea, in which the Frisian islands are located, is a protected UNESCO World Heritage site This imposes a number of strict criteria on vessels operating in the waters, one of which is a speed restriction “Obviously, one of our goals with this ser vice was to offer people an express ser vice to the island However, there is a speed limit in place A vessel operating on this route must not exceed 16 knots ”

Even with this restriction in place, the E-Cat Ferr y cuts the transit time to Norderney in half – to just one hour Charging, which takes place in just 30 minutes, can be done while passengers are embarking and disembarking

First milestone

Recently, the project has reached a significant milestone with tank testing in Duisburg, an event that Michael attended personally

“It was a good step for ward The model performed as expected in the tank tests and now we ’ re looking for ward the next stages, including the keel-laying in Poland ”

Once the hull has been constructed at Damen’s yard in Kozle, it will be transported to Damen Shipyards Gorinchem for outfitting The vessel is scheduled for deliver y to Norden-Frisia in May 2024

The focus of a nation

Michael anticipates the E-Cat Ferr y will be something of a pioneer for electric ferr y ser vices in the region

“This is a ver y exciting moment The ferr y will be the first fully electric seagoing vessel to sail under German flag I am confident, however, that it will not be the last More and more passengers are consciously looking to contribute to the energy transition, and I can see demand for the type of vessel growing in the coming years

“As a result of that, I expect the whole of Germany will be paying close attention to the construction of this ferr y ”

www damen com

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Damen Maaskant offers future-proof solution for tropical shrimp fisher men

The Damen Shrimp Trawler 2607 is a brand-new design, developed as a simple basic s t andard vessel, t o fish (sub)tropical shrimps, safe and s turdy a n d e a s y i n m a i n t e n a n c e a n d ser viceability, with focus on low fuel consumption.

Wild caught shrimps are fished by shrimp trawlers in tropical or subtropical areas These shrimps are sold to places all over the world and the market is still growing The catching areas are mainly Africa, South America and Asia Fuel consumption is the major cost driver in the operation to fish shrimps.

Damen researched the market and technology and looked for futureproof solutions for shrimp fishermen. Eric Moerkerk, Managing Director at Damen Maaskant: “The characteristics of the newly designed Damen Maaskant Shrimper 2607 are in line with the existing vessels The biggest change is the propulsion system itself We have optimized the propulsion train, more specific, the propeller, nozzle, skeg and rudder Resulting in low fuel consumption ”

Damen Maaskant is the specialist in designing high-pull vessels with limited propulsion power (thus fuel consumption) such as the most recently delivered beam trawlers for Belgium. This has resulted in an aft ship with enlarged propeller diameter, a high-catch nozzle is applied together with a streamlined balance rudder and streamlined skeg Other changes have been made by positioning the engine room aft of the fish hold, thus shor tening the propulsion line, without the shaft having to pass underneath the fish hold The fish hold itself is located now under the deckhouse with a positive influence on trim of the vessel in different loading conditions Processing and freezing of the shrimps is now on the aft side of the deckhouse, directly above the entrance of the fish hold, for better logistics. On the existing vessels the plate freezer is located on the aft side of the working deck

The Shrimp Trawler 2607 is delivered with a Builders Cer tificate The strength and plate thicknesses of the hull and superstructure meet the rule requirements of Bureau Veritas The CAPEX of the vessel is kept as low as possible The basic vessel can be upgraded to a cer tain extend with optional extras

www damen com

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Teignbridge investment and advancement continues

Following the construction of a new warehouse last year, Teignbridge have st ar t ed building a new 1, 5 0 0 m 2 f a c t o r y a t t h e N ew t o n A b b o t Headquar t ers. The new fact or y will host the new robotics centre as well as a number of modern CNC machines. Footings were complet ed in April and s t e e l s d e l i v e r e d t o e n a b l e c o n s t r u c t i o n t o commence

Earlier this year the company added a new Tuscan LG38 lathe to their arsenal of modern CNC lathes. Designated to turning propellers up to 38” in diameter, this highly efficient and accurate lathe compliments the Teignbridge strategy of continually upgrading the facilities to deliver premium products to all customers

The new highly accurate, 5 axis Mazak CNC propeller milling machine per fectly machines the whole of the propeller, producing a product that is manufactured to exactly match the advanced design specifications This represents a major step change in the capabilities of the UK manufacturing centre

The Teignbridge Mazak INTEGREX e-1600V/10

The twin pallet INTEGREX e-1600V/10S multi-tasking machine fuses together the capabilities of a full simultaneous 5-axis machine with those of a ver tical turning centre

Because the Mazak is able to per form milling, turning, boring and drilling operations in single setups, Teignbridge can reduce potential inaccuracies that occur when moving heavy par ts across multiple workstations and increase output by running this Mazak 24/7

Such advanced multi-tasking functionality together with a workpiece capacity of 2 2m diameter allows the Mazak to easily handle large, highly complex components such as propellers

Machine characteristics:

• Handles propellers up to 2 2m diameter

• Direct-drive table eliminates backlash for high accuracy machining

• Spindle selection addresses various metal removal requirements

• Tilting B-axis allows for full 5-axis machining

• Power ful turning spindle delivers heavy-duty per formance

• Tool storage capacities from 42 to 162 tools offer high flexibility

• Tool magazine located near operating area for convenient tool setup A Teignbridge propeller is custom designed to the highest technical standards using advanced CFD and design optimisation software to ensure the optimum per formance for the design criteria and subject vessel The Mazak 5-axis mill ensures a faithful reproduction of the design to better than S Class for propellers up to 2 2m diameter To enhance the per formance of all vessels across each sector - leisure, super yacht, militar y and commercial, the fully CNC machined propellers provide the ultimate solution Guaranteed characteristics includebetter than S Class accuracy, faithful design replication, vibration free, improved per formance, per fect matching por t to starboard and for spares or replacements in years to come

Contact the Teignbridge sales team to learn more about their precision propellers and the benefits of a fully CNC machined propeller

sales@teignbridge co uk

www teignbridge co uk

C O V E R S T O R Y 18 www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette

Connect to commercial marine

The countdown is on t o Europe’s largest commercial marine and workboat exhibition – Seawork , the annual meeting place for the commercial marine and workboat sect or

This year ’ s focus is on how the commercial marine industr y is adapting and innovating to face the dual pressures of reducing operational expenditure at the same time as meeting the mandator y targets to decarbonise operations

Exhibit at Seawork - the proven platform to build business networks delivers an international audience of visitors suppor ted by trusted par tners made up of the industr y ’ s key associations and representative organisations

Maximise the time for business with shor ter, bitesize, in-person Seawork Conferences sessions focus on the specific topic that are relevant and can make a difference to their organisation

Meet UK Government Depar tments, including the National Shipbuilding Office (NSO), as well as Ministr y of Defence (MOD) and the newly formed Depar tment for Business and Trade (DBT) hosting business briefings. Attend the Commercial Marine Network’s third series of the informative Get Set For Workboat 2050, looking at practical applications of decarbonisation

Join the Workboat Association’s Safety Forum, highlighting new regulations in this industr y sector

Hear from Industr y leaders on ‘Understanding the Power of Tidal Projects’, hosted by The Civil Engineering Contractors Association (CECA)

See and tr y fast vessels operating at high speed for security inter ventions and Search & Rescue at Speed@Seawork, the sector specific event Monday 12 June at the Royal Yacht Squadron in Cowes IOW Attract the workforce of the future at Seawork’s Careers & Training Day where students and young people come to see first-hand what a job in the commercial marine industr y could look like and gain insight in to the oppor tunities available

Discover the latest equipment, ser vices, projects and vessels at the Seawork Innovations Showcase, suppor ted by SMI

Celebrate the outstanding individuals and innovative companies that comprise this vibrant and productive industr y sector at the European Commercial Marine Awards, suppor ted by Siemens and presented on the opening day of Seawork

Make your Commercial Marine connection at Seawork - contact the Commercial Marine Sales Team directly on +44 1329 825 335 or sales@seawork com

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S E A W O R K 2 0 2 3 P R E V I E W 20

Training & Careers Day at Seawork

Working with Maritime UK and the Solent LEP, Seawork is set t o deliver an exciting event promoting career oppor tunities in the commercial marine indus tr y on the final day of Seawork , Thursday 15 June 2023.

Maritime businesses and organisations offer a range of different job oppor tunities and are always seeking to expand the skills base of existing and future employees Seawork exhibitors come from all sectors of the industr y and can show the huge scope of roles available, both on the water and shore based, for people with or without qualifications

With a focus on skills, learning and employment, the Careers and Training pavilion, open on all three days of Seawork, gives visitors the chance to explore oppor tunities within the commercial marine i

apprenticeship schemes, all offering exper t advice on how to star t and maintain a successful maritime career. They can also offer advice on the schemes and help available to enable the young and not so young to join this attractive, multifaceted sector and get on to the commercial marine job path

Students and young people aged between 15 and 19 from local schools, colleges, training centres and universities will be able to see first-hand what a job in the commercial marine industr y could look like and gain some valuable insight on the oppor tunities available including the areas that most young people don’t think about such as Marine Sur veying, Naval Architect / Vessel Design & Build, Diving Marine Civil Engineering, Engineering and Vessel operators Seawork 2023 will also see a new Careers Trail using QR Codes

Two dedicat ed Careers events, will t ake place in Seawork’s Conference Rooms;

• Conference Room 1 will host the Careers and Training Fair where Seawork exhibitors will be on hand to offer advice, information, literature and giveaways

Students will get a unique chance to talk and question professionals and trainees who are currently working in the industr y, getting a personal insight into the companies and the work oppor tunities on offer

• “Commercial Marine has Talent”, a live showcase of people working in the industr y will be hosted in Conference Room 2 Speakers from across the sectors will be selected specifically to appeal to the audience and to allow the young people to actively engage in assessing whether a career in the industr y is for them

The students will then tour Seawork, speaking to exhibitors, visiting the pontoons, going onboard vessels and taking par t in the Seawork video competition with an oppor tunity to win some great prizes

If you would like to be par t of the Careers Fair, please email freeve@seawork com

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n d u s t r y E x h i b i t o r s i n c l u d e s p e c i a l i s t r e c r u i t m e n t c o m p a n i e s , e d u c a t i o n c e n t r e s a n d t r a i n i n g o r g a n i s a t i o n s , m a n y w i t h
S E A W O R K 2 0 2 3 P R E V I E W 22

Overthirty years of specialist service

With roots dating back to 1987, Dales Marine has been servicing the shipping, oil and gas, chemical, and power generation industries with bespoke engineering services, within the shortest lead time to the highest standard.

Providing specialist shipping solutions in dry dock and steelwork, maintenance and ship repair, Dales Marine is located within major Scottish ports and provides unrivalled access for clients 24/7, 365 days a year. “The

Your partner for Ship Maintenance, Dockings ur partner for Ship Maintenance, Dockings Your partner for Ship Maintenance, Dockings
Dry Dock and Fabrication Specialists”

Seawork Conferences - 14 June

Decarbonisation & OPEX Reduction

The all-new 2023 Seawork Conferences will deliver bitesize in-person sessions to help commercial marine and workboat operators face the challenge of reducing operational expenditure at the same time as meeting the mandator y targets to decarbonise operations

Vessel owners and operators will learn how their businesses can create cost savings whilst benefitting from the latest developments in alternative fuels, hybrid propulsion, technology, and design Sessions are free to attend - Register via the Seawork website www seawork com

Session 1 09:00 – 10:30 - Alternative fuels – how operators can make the right choice

Ben Craig, Emissions Reduction Technical Specialist at the MCA, will be joining Moderator Owen Preece for this kick-off session Our speakers include naval architects - Char twell Marine - presenting on their latest methanol project, and operators who will cover alternative fuel options with hydrogen and electric

Session 2 11:00 – 12:30- Driving ef ficiency with hybrid marine propulsion – the next generation

How can your fleet benefit from the last developments in hybrid technology and propulsion? Mehmet Belibagli, Technical Sales Manager for Volvo Penta UK and Eugene Bari, CEO of Ecomar Propulsion join moderator Noel Tomlinson for this second session of the day Delegates will also hear from vessel operators using the latest hybrid technology and naval architects - BMT

Session 3 13:30 - 15:00 - Smar t Onboard Solutions help reduce operator costs

Smar t onboard monitoring solutions not only help owners and operators reduce fuel and emissions but can improve passenger safety, provide early warning of equipment health issues, monitoring of passenger motion sickness as well as vessel impact forces Speakers joining moderator Jonathan Williams include Leo Zecchini, Head of Customer & Product Suppor t at FPT Industrial - Hendy Power, and Chris Huxley-Reynard, MD of Reygar Ltd Chris Huxley-Reynard stated "I am delighted to be presenting as par t of Seawork’s 'Smar t Onboard Solutions help reduce operator costs' seminar I will be sharing my experience of using vessel telematics / remote monitoring to provide a broad range of benefits to customers, from saving fuel to improving passenger comfor t to reducing your overall repor ting burden”

Session 4 15:30 – 17:00 - Vessel Design – Optimising construction, in-life, and OPEX costs

How are the latest designs in CTV's, Pilot vessels, and Tugs helping to decarbonise and reduce emissions, whilst improving OPEX costs in construction and during the lifecycle of the vessels? Joining Moderator Noel Tomlinson for this all-impor tant final session of the day are speakers from Ar temis Technologies, Damen, Milford Haven Por t Authority, BMT and the internationally recognised Naval Architects - Rober t Allan Ltd

Meet the Seawork Conference Chairs

Jonathan Williams - MSE Int ernational, Chair of Session 3

“The role of smar t onboard solutions is expanding as the maritime sector igitalises and decarbonises Energy costs, whether as low -carbon fuel or ectricity, will increase and operators will need to deploy smar t solutions that uce energy use. This session will highlight some of the options available or under opment.”

Noel Tomlinson - Chair of sessions 2 & 4

“It is vital that we decarbonise the maritime industr y but equally impor tant is the need to do it in an economically viable way for our maritime businesses I am delighted to be moderating 2 sessions this year that will aim to really explore the racticalities of how vessel owners and operators can take steps to address both se challenges in parallel. Hybrid and electric propulsion is quickly becoming a echnology in the evolution of power and propulsion systems and can provide nt increases in capability and energy ef ficiency. Equally impor tant is the design of the vessel itself and the choices that are made in the design and procurement phases that can significantly impact the CAPEX and OPEX costs of the vessel This year ’ s conference promises to shed some real insight on how business’ in our sector are already addressing these challenges

www seawork com

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S E A W O R K 2 0 2 3 P R E V I E W 26
Owen Preece

Seasystems deliver mooring equipment for West African floating storage project

Seasys t ems, a subsidiar y of Scana, has won a contract for the deliver y of an anc horing sys t em t o an FSO project of f Wes t Africa.

Scana, based in Nor way, commented recently that its subsidiar y Seasystems had signed a large contract for the deliver y of an anchoring system to an FSO project offshore West Africa

"This is a sizeable contract for Scana, valued close to NOK 50 million [currently around $4,8 million]," a Scana spokesperson said The contract with an unnamed client will see Seasystems delivering mooring equipment such as dual-axis chain stoppers and chain handling systems

This deliver y will take place in the first quar ter of next year

“Seasystems has worked systematically to develop hardy and cost-effective mooring solutions, and we now see good results from this work,” commented Torkjell Lisland, MD at Seasystems.

www seasystems no

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Marine Power Sys t

Synthetic tendons for floating wind platfor m tension legs

i n t e g r a t e d f l o a t i n g foundation and t endon

s o l u t i o n s t o t h e

g r o w i n g f l o a t i n g of f shore wind sect or.

The tendon solution will be used in the anchoring and moorings of Marine Power S y s t e m s t e n s i o n l e g p l a t f o r m ( T L P ) , PelaFlex, to deliver the “highest system stability and zero tilt ”

According to MPS, this will be the world’s first tension leg platform with FibreMax tendons, made with Twaron fibre from Teijin, a company specializing in aramid fibres

Compared to traditional steel moorings, s y n t h e t i c c a b l e o f f e r s a m u c h b e t t e r strength-to-weight ratio, longer operational life and lower levels of maintenance, MPS said.

“FibreMax, based in the Netherlands, have been producing the world’s strongest synthetic cables and supplying them to the offshore renewables industr y since 2009 The ir u n iq u e a n d p r op r ie t a r y p r o c e s s u s e s e n dle s s w in ding technology to continuously wind parallel strands of fibres until the right cable strength and length is reached. This creates cables with the highest breaking load, ver y low stretch and lowest diameter possible,” MPS said

Gareth Stockman, CEO at MPS said: “We see our par tners and suppliers as ver y much par t our team, and with the addition of FibreMax we are benefiting from the ver y best exper tise in the industr y and developing an extremely credible floating offshore wind deliver y solution for the global market ”

Marine Power Systems claims that its floating offshore platform technology offers best in class cost compared with its peers due to the significantly reduced system mass

Moreover, the company says its modular and flexible design, enables optimum local content deliver y through a decentralised logistics model

Sander van Helvoor t, Director Renewable Energy at FibreMax commented, “We’re proud to be par t of the Marine Power Systems team and delivering our unique tendons for the world’s first TLP with synthetic tendons This brings together two unique and innovative technologies, the PelaFlex floating platform and the FibreMax tendons made with circular Twaron (Aramid) fibres made by Teijin While working with Marine Power Systems we ’ ve developed an excellent relationship which is now formalised and will allow both MPS and FibreMax to fur ther expand, suppor t and develop our relationship to deliver successful projects ”

www marinepowersystems co uk

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i s c o l l a b o r a t i n g w i t h
c a b l e m a n u f a c t u r e r
F i b r e M a x t o p r ov i d e
29 A N C H O R S , M O O R I N G , R O P E & C H A I N S

M o or ing sys tem ben


C hann el Island s’ mar in e enviro nm ent

Guernsey -based Blue Paramet ers recently got under way with a UK and Channel Island Par tnership agreement t o supply a sus t ainable mooring sys t em, Seaflex.

Simon de la Rue, Director at Blue Parameters, commented that the system removes the need for a chain to fix a buoy or swinging mooring to the sea bed.

“An alternative method of connection would be used which prevents, at different states of the tide, the chain from dragging along the seabed destroying habitats of local marine life,” he said

“This is a significant step in protecting the local marine environment and ultimately the abundance, protection and increased biodiversity of habitats by sustaining the ecosystem for local species ” The technology can also be used for floating offshore solar platforms and marine restoration projects “Seaflex technology has successfully been deployed over decades and represents another tool protecting the environment in not only our surrounding waters but marinas as an alternative to piles,” Simon added.

“Any interaction that we have with the marine world should be sympathetic to the needs of the species that live there

"We often see our marinas as almost industrial and commercial spaces, but moving for ward there needs to be a balance ”

Lars Brandt, Seaflex President and Chief Executive Officer commented that the Swedish based company had been installing the new systems since 1975

“We’re delighted to announce our par tnership with Blue Parameters With their exper tise and experience in the marine and sustainability sectors this can focus on not only the practical implementation of our systems but the environmental benefits as well,” he said

www blueparameters com

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From concept to build to delivery

Proven designers of: High Speed Passenger Ferries, Patrol Boats, SAR and Crew Transfer Vessels

To satisfy any requirement

In monohul, catamaran, trimaran and SWATH hull forms

To p o dro n e an d RASA

Su r veyin g partn e r sh ip

augm ents co a stal mappin g

Topodrone, a Swiss based designer and manufacturer of high-precision sur veying equipment, and RASA Sur veying, a n i n t e g r a t e d s u r vey i n g c o m p a ny, h a ve e n t e r e d a t echnological par tnership t o advance airborne sur veying approaches and accommodat e coast al management and monit oring demands in the Philippines.

RASA Sur veying will adapt Swiss hardware & software for data collection and processing to overcome local operational limitations for coastal mapping

In the first quar ter of this year Topodrone and RASA Sur veying teams agreed on the strategic par tnership and technology exchange to collect elevation and depth data for effective coastal management and planning RASA Sur veying’s new approach synchronizes current photogrammetr y and LiDAR practices with the bathymetric data collection capabilities of Topodrone Aquamapper The join between or thophotos, above and below waterline point clouds and bathymetric data is expected to better suppor t authorities to manage coastlines and enhance the resilience of coastal communities

“Coastal cities in the Philippines are vulnerable to the effects of climate change and climate-related disaster events However, coastal areas are expensive and challenging to map using conventional technologies UAV-based sur veying of coastal environments allows quickly and accurately to collect shallow water data and details on the land-sea inter face”, Maxim Baklykov, Topodrone CEO, explained ‘Topodrone Aquamapper will provide RASA the much-needed efficiency in doing bathymetric sur vey We will be able to conduct our bathymetric sur veys with ease since the equipment involves only two people to operate Fur thermore, it can quickly cover a large sur vey area within a shor t span of time without sacrificing data accuracy ’ , Raymund Arnold S Alber to, President and Owner, added www topodrone com

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Ba t hy m e t r i c d a t a col l e ct e d wi t h Top od ron e Aquamapper in the coastal area of the Cabuyao City,the Philippines

Tel: +44(0) 2392 472710

Mob: +44(0) 7850 473713



F.D.S. Offer for Rental & Sale

Diver R.O.V. & Crane Operated Dredging Systems. Multipurpose & Mini dredging systems for the removal of fines, silt, mud’s, drill cuttings, sand, grit, gravel, shingle, shale & general debris. Suitable for confined space operations or locations where access is a problem. All on-shore civil applications. Shallow & deepwater offshore support operations. Renewables. Complete ready to use self operational systems available for use worldwide. Stillage packed or deepwater offshore containerised units. Long & short term rentals. Sales. Wide scope of operations. Lightweight, road & air transportable environmentally friendly units.


Voyis Releases the Revolutionar y Discover y Vision System

Subsea inspection operations are a challenging t ask w h i c h h a ve h i s t o r i c a l l y r e q u i r e d s p e c i a l i z e d knowledge and complex t echnology The growth in ROV (Remot ely Operat ed Vehicles) operations have d r a s t i c a l l y i m p r ove d u n d e r wa t e r s i t u a t i o n a l awareness, but their ef fectiveness has been hindered by a lack of advancements in their vision syst ems

Current ROV cameras still only offer two-dimensional data, prioritizing vehicle piloting and situational awareness as the most immediate needs of the operators However, both piloting and inspection capabilities can be significantly enhanced with a threedimensional understanding, presenting a new frontier for under water robotics

Voyis has recognized this oppor tunity to advance ROV vision systems and set its goal on creating a vision platform that could capture both low-latency enhanced video for piloting while simultaneously capturing high quality stills images for 3D modelling – a solution that could generate incredible 3D reconstructions without specialized technicians or expensive 3rd par ty processing With this goal in mind, Voyis endeavoured to solve the historical challenges limiting the widespread adoption of 3D inspection cameras by combining computer vision technology with edge processing to unlock new ROV piloting and inspection capabilities

Voyis recently launched its new product line, Discover y Vision Systems, to address the trade-off that is currently made between Piloting Cameras and 3D Inspection Cameras Piloting cameras prioritize low latency video at the expense of the image data required for 3D model generation Conversely, 3D cameras prioritize image data at the expense of piloting effectiveness, limited by a higher latency and smaller field of view The Discover y is a vision platform without compromise, delivering 4K piloting video together with 3D data Voyis offers two versions of the Discover y: The Discover y Camera and the Discover y Stereo

The Discover y Camera provides small ROV platforms with a compact imaging and lighting payload that streams both 4K low latency piloting video, as well recording crisp stills images for direct 3D modelling By utilizing a large high-sensitivity sensor and wideangle lens, it provides an ultra-wide field of view (130°x130°) for complete situational awareness without needing to tilt the camera The camera's 8-megapixel sensor with resolution-matched optics achieves true 4K video quality, along with lossless sensor zoom The synchronized high-power Nova Mini lights provide an industr y-leading 125,000 lumens of even illumination, increasing the operating range and feature detection capabilities of the vision system Edge computing corrects visual inaccuracies in real-time and uses high dynamic range information to correct lighting that enables the stills images to be directly used for 3D modelling

The Discover y Stereo brings true depth perception and real-time 3D modelling to ROV platforms operating at up to 4000m depth It maintains a wide field of view (75°x75°) and low latency for the piloting video stream, while onboard computing instantaneously calculates 3D depth maps for measurements and coverage monitoring These depth maps are 3D point clouds calculated from feature matches between a pair of images at a single point in time, which can be displayed in a real-time rotatable video stream to obser ve the changing 3D scene and allow the pilot to monitor the vehicle’s position relative to the target This depth perception has the potential to enable autonomous capabilities on newer robotic platforms, like manipulator automation or station keeping without seabed bottom-lock

Both product versions come integrated with Nova Mini lights, as well as direct suppor t of DDS (Data Distribution Ser vice) and ROS2 (Robot Operating System) Suppor t of these new robotics standards drastically simplifies vehicle integration and autonomy, while also improving system reliability

The Discover y product line delivers a new level of situational awareness to ROV operations, achieving both high resolution video and real-time 3D perception for piloting, inspection, and autonomy applications It is now possible for ever y subsea vehicle to see the depths like we see the sur face

"Voyis continues to lead innovation that enhances capability in under water exploration and inspection applications The Discover y Vision Systems represent a significant leap for ward in the per formance of ROV vision systems, delivering simultaneous 4K video and 3D data streams We believe this system will become the standard platform for under water machine vision and autonomy, helping to advance a revolution in subsea robotics ” commented Chris Gilson, CEO "

www voyis com

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M A R I N E S U R V E Y & I N S P E C T I O N 36

Teledyne introduces new marine lidar sensor for USV

Te l e d y n e G e o s p a t i a l b r o u g h t i t s l a t e s t advancements in ocean mapping hardware and sof tware solutions t o Ocean Business 2023 a t t h e N a t i o n a l O c e a n o g r a p hy C e n t r e , Southampt on, UK back in April

Vi s i t o r s t o t h e Te l e d y n e G e o s p a t i a l b o o t h w e r e introduced to the CL-360 for marine applications, a lidar sensor that can be seamlessly integrated with high resolution multibeam systems and the CARIS Ping-ToChar t workflow, allowing for full above and below water image capture with sur vey grade accuracy in a single workflow. The sensor ’ s 360-degree scanner and up to 2 million points/second collection rate provides a premier solution for mapping coastal infrastructure The CL-360 is the only lidar system designed for use on a USV (uncrewed sur face vessel) which provides sur vey grade range and accuracy

The new HIPS & SIPS 11 4 release which now has sound speed and ver tical correction mode available for the first time as a SaaS licensing option

The CZMIL Super Nova, the world’s most advanced lidar bathymeter with the highest green laser point density in its class and real-time processing capability for reduced post-processing time, was also demonstrated.

www teledyneimaging com

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Echomax EM325

Harwich Haven Authority establishes Haven Dredging Ltd to launch new dredging technology, Tiamat

Following robust development and trials, Har wich Haven uthority is delight ed t o bring Tiamat, a new and novative agit ation dredging solution t o the market.

h e c o m m e r c i a l i s a t i o n o f t h i s l e a d i n g i n d u s t r y chnology will be through a newly incorporat ed, and h o l l y ow n e d s u b s i d i a r y o f t h e Au t h o r i t y, H a ve n redging Ltd.

mat’s technology offers lower maintenance dredging costs and is a cleaner process compared to traditional methods The technology is adaptable and easy to deploy, meaning it will be suitable for por t authorities and harbour engineers around the world

As a unit, Tiamat can be towed by a relatively small work vessel and consists of a frame carr ying two pumps One pump is used to inject water into the sediment overlying the bed of the harbour, whilst the second pump extracts the diluted silt and pumps it up a flume, from where it is released into the water column The silt can be relocated either within the estuarine system on a flood tide or washed out of the harbour on an ebb tide through the natural tidal currents

Tiamat has now been integrated into the Authority’s own dredging programme, in parallel with ongoing research and development Trials of the machine to date, including independent environmental impact assessments conducted by leading exper ts in dredging practices, Royal Haskoning and HR Wallingford, and fur ther independent reviews by the Environmental Agency and Natural England Following each trial and subsequent discussion of the results and impressions of the vessel’s crew, improvements have been made to the machine and to working practice

This vast expanse of knowledge building has allowed for a complete redesign of the Authority’s dredging strategy, which addresses the challenges of economics, ecology, climate change and coastal resilience - and moves to a more nature-based dredging approach: ‘Dredging with Nature’

Chief Executive Officer and Executive Board Director at Har wich Haven Authority, Sarah West, comments, “We are excited to be launching Tiamat after decades of research and field testing that has been put into creating a more efficient method of maintenance dredging We are committed to working with nature, for nature We are confident Tiamat will deliver a more sustainable and much more effective method of dredging for por t authorities and dredging companies across the globe ”

Chief Finance Officer at Har wich Haven Authority and Executive Director of Haven Dredging Ltd, Jake Storey, adds, “In the long term, Tiamat aims to not only build awareness around environmental issues from traditional dredging methods in the por t and dredging community, but also to provide businesses with the oppor tunity to choose a responsible, sustainable, and economical method of dredging With the race on to achieve net zero by 2050, incorporating Tiamat into dredging programmes helps suppor t businesses’ carbon reduction programmes ”

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The biggest of fshore wind ‘living lab’ in the world will be creat ed of f the Grimsby coast through the development of a 5G Testbed that includes ABP’s Por t of Grimsby Por t the Lynn and Inner Dowsing wind farm.

The £2 8m project will accelerate the development of a new generation of digital technologies essential for the huge expansion of offshore wind generation required to meet climate targets It is being driven by a consor tium led by the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult and bringing together the exper tise of Microsoft, Vilicom, JET Connectivity, XceCo, Associated British Por ts (ABP), Acceleran and Satellite Applications Catapult

The offshore wind sector is growing rapidly, increasing the need for Operations & Maintenance (O&M), which can be both expensive and hazardous On average, O&M accounts for 25% of the total lifetime cost of an offshore wind farm, and as the sector expands, there is a strong push to reduce this cost by using robotics and autonomous solutions to suppor t necessar y inspections, maintenance and repair

The 5G Testbed will allow technology providers to test and demonstrate their equipment in real world conditions, with access to reliable, high-speed communications It aims to kickstar t a digital revolution in offshore wind O&M in the region and attract users from the global offshore wind sector

Ben George, head of Smar t Operations and Maintenance (O&M) at ORE Catapult, said: “This 5G Testbed is a hugely exciting development for O&M in offshore renewable energy, as it establishes the core communications infrastructure for the biggest offshore wind ‘living lab’ in the world The Testbed will demonstrate the benefits of new remote digital solutions that require high bandwidth, low latency wireless communications – aimed at making O&M safer, greener and more effective

“It will provide a real-world development, demonstration and test zone for robotics and autonomous systems (RAS), remote sensors, wearable technology, cyber security, zero emission vessels, smar t por ts, and aquaculture that will drive the digital future of O&M This gives UK innovators and technology developers the upper hand as they bring new products and ser vices to market, including for expor t into an offshore wind sector that is booming around the world

“We are delighted to be working with our group of exper t par tners as we seek to transform the Humber into a new ‘silicon estuar y ’ ”

To create the Testbed, two 5G technology development and demonstration zones over the existing fibre network will be built – one at Grimsby Por t and the other within the Lynn and Inner Dowsing wind farm Fifteen 5G radio transmitters will be placed across five sites including wind turbines and a radio mast, and two 5G solar powered buoys will provide an extended 5G network beyond the range of the wind farm JET Connectivity is providing the 5G solar powered buoys for the project Credited for being the world’s largest operations and maintenance (O&M) offshore hub, the Por t of Grimsby is an established centre of excellence for these activities for Round 1 and 2 wind farms in the Nor th Sea The por t offers a number of sites suitable for the development of the operations and maintenance (O&M) industr y, as well as other offshore wind-associated activities

Simon Bird, ABP Humber Regional Director, commented: “We are ver y proud that our Por t of Grimsby has been chosen as the primar y site for the 5G network and look for ward to working with par tners on this project to make it a success

“At ABP, we ’ re committed to suppor ting innovation in the renewable energy sector, alongside decarbonising our own operations, as reflected in our net zero sustainability strategy, Ready for Tomorrow, which was launched last month ”

The offshore wind sector is growing rapidly, increasing the need for O&M, which is currently expensive and hazardous On average, O&M accounts for 25% of the total lifetime cost of an offshore wind farm, and as the sector expands, there is a strong push to reduce this cost by using robotics and autonomous solutions to suppor t necessar y inspections, maintenance and repair

However, many new digital solutions rely on high-fidelity wireless data communications that 5G provides, and while 5G is being installed in new wind farms, these are not available for wider development and testing This project will create the 5G infrastructure that provides an accessible and operationally integrated Testbed for new technologies that are essential to the roll out of offshore wind globally

The project will be funded with £1m from the Innovate UK Cyber Physical Infrastructure (CPI) fund, an expected £1m from the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Par tnership (LEP), and industr y match funding

Halina Davies, Par tnerships and Programmes Executive Manager for the Greater Lincolnshire LEP, added: “We are delighted to be working with ORE Catapult to enable progression of this exciting and innovative scheme and have provisionally agreed suppor t via our Clean Growth Accelerator Fund Programme

“The 5G testbed will create a unique asset, exper tise and capability that will attract inward investment from the UK and around the world, enabling innovation in leading edge technologies to be proven in an operational setting, ultimately creating 200 jobs, assisting over 120 businesses and creating 20 new enterprises ”

www abpor ts co uk

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Biggest offshore wind ‘living lab’ in the world to be developed in the Humber

Damen Naval completes Vlissingen par t of complex Midlife Update of HNLMS

Johan de Witt

In the early hours of the morning, Landing Platform Dock HNLMS Johan de Witt has lef t the Damen Naval shipyard in Vlissingen-Oost. Over the past 13 months, t h e a m p h i b i o u s t r a n s p o r t s h i p h a s u n d e rg o n e a comprehensive Midlife Updat e (MLU) in conjunction with the third period of Appoint ed Maint enance (BO3). Despit e the tight schedule and several challenges, the s h i p wa s h a n d e d ove r t o t h e D e f e n c e M a t e r i e l Organisation (DMO) on Friday 31 March on schedule. The ship will now be t owed t o Den Helder, where the Naval Maint enance and Sust ainment Agency, t ogether with Damen Naval, will carr y out some additional work. "We are extremely proud, together with Defence, to have been able to complete this complex project as planned We have worked extremely hard over the past year and the result exceeds our expectations," said Damen Naval's Project Director Fer Tummers "Our company has had a close relationship with the Royal Netherlands Navy since 1905 and this project is the most recent example of the excellent cooperation between Damen Naval and the DMO, the Naval Maintenance and Sustainment Agency (DMI) and the crew of the Johan de Witt "

The MLU/BO3 was a joint project between Damen Naval and Damen Shiprepair Vlissingen (DSV) The companies share a shipyard in VlissingenOost, where the Johan de Witt arrived on 3 March 2022 In July 2022, the ship was moved to DSV's dr y dock for, among other things, conser vation work on the under water hull, superstructure, and all tanks In November 2022, the Johan de Witt left the dr y dock ahead of schedule and work continued quayside

There were 69 MLU items planned, including refurbishment or replacement of equipment such as ar mament and communication systems, freshwater production (RO units), seawater pumps for firefighting and cooling, and more. The bridge, joint operations room, command, and engineering centre were completely refurbished, and the masts were also rebuilt Over 60 km of new cables were pulled, and new decking installed Medical facilities on board, such as the operating room, IC beds and nursing room, were completely modernised

HNLMS Johan de Witt is the second Landing Platform Dock that Damen Naval has built for the Royal Netherlands Navy Construction of the 176 35-metre vessel began in 2003 at the Damen Naval shipyard in Romania, and in 2004 the hull was towed to Vlissingen, where it was fur ther completed. Completion and commissioning followed in 2007

Fer Tummers: "HNLMS Johan de Witt is a maritime all-rounder and one of the finest ships we have had the pleasure of building for the Royal Netherlands Navy It is therefore extra special to have her back in Vlissingen 15 years after deliver y for this MLU/BO3 With the maintenance and upgrades the LPD has now had, the ship is all set to be able to her job for the next 15 years " www damen com

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MEYER RE and Damen Shiprepair sign cooperation agreement

have signed a joint cooperation agreement. DSC will work with the recently est ablished company MEYER RE, a subsidiar y of the MEYER Group, which has been active for nearly a year. MEYER RE of fers shipping companies solutions t o maximize their vessel’s sust ainability, ideally throughout their lifecycle from development and build t o suppor ting them through their operating lives and finally end-of-life recycling.

"Thanks to the cooperation with the family-owned, Dutch company Damen Ship Repair & Conversion Holding BV, we are moving even closer to our customers by securing dock capacity and manpower for our customers worldwide," says Alexander Höfling, Managing Director of MEYER RE.

“In the shor t time since it was founded, MEYER RE has brought us additional work as customers want to make their ships more attractive and sustainable," added Jan Meyer, Managing Director of MEYER WERFT. "It has generated orders across our group including our shipyards. However, as we do not have our own repair and docking capacities, this cooperation agreement with DSC is of par ticular impor tance to us as we now have access to the resources we need "

MEYER RE offers various ser vices for shipping companies in close cooperation with other specialists within the MEYER Group and now with DSC Initially the two groups will work on the design and implementation of sustainable systems up to the complete conversion and / or installation of new power plants on board (including LNG, methanol, batteries and fuel cells solutions), as well as implementing entire modernization projects

DSC is an ideal par tner for MEYER Group, not least due to the geographical proximity of a number of its yards and a shared philosophy and dedication to quality

Damen Shiprepair and Conversion (DSC) is a group of ten repair yards, with resources including dr y docks up to 405x90 and 420x80 meters in size and a harbor & voyage team to ser vice its customers at sea or in harbor The shipyards are mostly ver y close to the main shipping routes and can therefore be reached quickly DSC completes more than 1,500 orders annually

“We have ser viced many of cruise ships at our yards over the years, during which we have developed a detailed understanding of the technical and logistical needs of a cruise refit project” says Jeroen Heesters, Managing Director of Damen Shiprepair & Conversion Holding BV “We look for ward to working with MEYER RE ”

“I am thrilled and excited to execute together with the team of MEYER the future refurbishment projects” says Rogier van der Laan, Sales Manager Cruise of Damen Shiprepair & Conversion Holding BV. Through their close and worldwide cooperation, MEYER RE and DSC are confident that they will make a significant contribution to the decarbonization of shipping and the cruise industr y. www damen com

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T h e M E Y E R G r o u p a n d t h e D u t c h S h i p r e p a i r c o m p a ny D a m e n S h i p r e p a i r & Conversion (DSC)
V E S S E L B U I L D , R E P A I R & M A I N T E N A N C E 42

An othe r e co -fr ien dly tug fro m Sanmar

Sanmar Shipyards has signed a new contract with Buksér og Berging AS t o build a new generation environment ally -friendly tugboat. It is the 9th tug that Sanmar will have delivered t o the Nor way -based operat or.

The vessel will be based on the exclusive RAmpar ts 2400SX MKII design from Canadian naval architects Rober t Allan Ltd and will be the most technologically-advanced and greenest version of the popular RAmpar ts series It will also comply with strict IMO Tier III emissions requirements Sanmar is already in the process of constructing its 8th tug for BuBe at its purpose-built shipyards in Turkey, which is an emissions-free electric powered ElectRA 2200-SX ‘Tug of the Future’

In 2014 and 2015 Sanmar delivered five new-build tugs to Buksér og Berging AS, including BORGØY and BOKN, the world’s first two purely LNG-fuelled tugboats and in 2021 delivered the Tier III compliant TRAktor 3000-Z design tugs BOB and BAMSE

The latest contract is for a 24 4 metre vessel, with a 12 00m moulded beam and a navigational draft of 5 45m It will be powered by two CAT 3512E main engines each achieving 1901kW at 1 800 rev/min to drive Kongsberg US 205S P20 CP thrusters The tug will be capable of a speed ahead of 12 5 knots and a bollard pull of 60t and include escor t notation

Deck equipment will include a Palfinger PK 11001MA deck crane, Karmoy aft and for ward winches and a Triplex tow pin The tug will differ from a standard RAmpar ts 2400SX MKII by being the first with a tow pin and stern roller Other non-standard features will be a hydraulic operated capstan, boiler, sewage treatment unit and an oily water separator Ruchan Civgin, Commercial Director of Sanmar Shipyards, commented: “It is pleasing when operators that demand the highest environmental standards choose us to build the new generation of cleaner, greener tugboats to meet their low and no-emission targets Minimising negative impact on the environment is at the hear t of how we build tugboats at Sanmar, and we are proud to be leading the way to a sustainable tug and towing industr y through innovation and technological advance with our latest tugs This latest much cleaner and greener, yet still power ful, version of our exclusive RAmpar ts 2400-SX MKII is a prime example of the progress being made in this direction.”

Vetle J Sverdrup MD of Buksér og Berging AS, added: “We are continuously renewing our fleet with the aim to reduce emissions and provide effective towage ser vices in Scandinavian waters These two new buildings represent a big step for ward and underline our continued tradition with Sanmar of creating innovative tugs for future towage ser vice. We look for ward to taking deliver y and star t operations with competent Nor wegian maritime personnel onboard ”

www sanmar com tr

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45-to n cofferdam to repair a large bu lk car r ier

When a fully laden, 300 x 50m, 207,000 t on DW T bulk car r ier suf f ered hea vy damages from a grounding in Suez, the owners and management ’ s first thought was t o call Hydrex.

The ship was carr ying a valuable cargo and ever y day she was out of action represented a huge loss to the owners

The vessel’s management needed urgent assistance with repairing the damage so that the ship could sail again The ship had suffered a breach of the hull and por t side water ballast tanks (WBT) 1, 2 and 3 were letting in water

Hydrex proposed sending a team of divers to the ship in Suez to assess the damage and gather the information needed to come up with a detailed plan for repairs to enable the ship to sail to dr ydock This proposal was accepted and the team rapidly mobilized

The under water inspection revealed and documented the full extent of the damage, which was quite severe It included one hull penetration at the turn of bilge 7m long with a maximum width of 5m and another smaller penetration of 10×5 cm Based on the initial inspection and rough measurements, a plan was proposed to carr y out precise measurements of the hull where the large damage occurred so that a cofferdam could be designed which would then be installed to make the hull water tight so that the water ballast tanks could be pumped out

The proposal for handling the additional damage was to arrest the crack by drilling holes and then weld a doubler plate over the large crack in the hull The Hydrex team took full measurements of the hull in the damaged area using a fabricated frame The measurements were relayed to the engineers in Antwerp who produced drawings for the yard in Egypt where the cofferdam was fabricated The final cofferdam consisted of a frame or shell with a flange built to the shape of the hull and insulation material to make it water tight

As soon as the fabrication was completed, a Hydrex team of eight divers, welders and technicians flew back to Suez to install the cofferdam After some needed modification, the massive, 45-ton cofferdam was lowered into position by crane and secured against the hull with welded screw dogs, stoppers and thick seals

However, with the cofferdam secured in place, when an attempt was made to empty out WBT 2, the pressure of the water was too much for the structurally weak hull which star ted to cave in under the force Evacuation of the ballast tank was halted It became clear that the ship had suffered too much internal damage to permit the water ballast tanks to be fully pumped out This was not something that could have been predicted or remedied with the ship afloat

Internal damage in the water ballast tanks was ver y severe

In order to reinforce the bulkhead between the water ballast tanks, a new plan was proposed to build cement boxes and pour concrete to provide enough strength for the bulkheads in between the ballast tanks But WBT 2 por t could not be emptied Par t of the plan, therefore, was to lighter the ship as necessar y until the class-required draft could be achieved

With the cement boxes in place, the cofferdam was fully secured and sea trials were conducted The officers and crew of the ship were ver y happy with the results and a final inspection of the cofferdam was conducted and showed that all was secure and ready for sailing www hydrex be

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V E S S E L B U I L D , R E P A I R & M A I N T E N A N C E 44

Wärtsilä to o p e rate p o we r

mo du le s an d su pp o rt

Brazilian offsho re o p e rato r

Wär tsilä are t o operat e the power modules onboard a Floating Production, St orage and Of floading (FPSO) vessel, on behalf of the owner 3R Petroleum.

The vessel operates in the Papa Terra oilfield in Brazilian waters Wär tsilä has also signed a five-year Optimised Maintenance Agreement with 3R Petroleum to ensure the reliability and per formance of the installation. 3R Petroleum has purchased the oilfield from Petrobras, with whom Wär tsilä had an earlier agreement The FPSO vessel has three power modules, each with two Wär tsilä 50DF dual-fuel engines Under the new contract, Wär tsilä will continue to have an onboard crew operating the modules on a 24/7 basis. For the Optimised Maintenance Agreement, Wär tsilä will monitor the engine per formance remotely enabled by the cyber secure connectivity solution With the Dynamic Maintenance Planning the time between overhauls can be optimised which provides flexibility for scheduling maintenance

“We are pleased to have Wär tsilä as a skilled and experienced par tner in operating and maintaining this FPSO We feel that they are clearly the most qualified company for this project, and we look for ward to working with them,” says Humber to Romanus, Facilities Manager for 3R Petroleum

“We have been involved with this vessel since the beginning when it was owned by the Petrobras group We are ver y happy to continue this cooperation with the new owners, ” explains Carlos Mikus, Lifecycle Sales Manager at Wär tsilä

Wär tsilä Optimised Maintenance Agreements provide long-term cost predictability and asset availability Data-driven maintenance is used at ever y stage, from planning to execution Proactive suppor t is delivered by exper ts at Wär tsilä’s Exper tise Centres to optimise maintenance inter vals and prevent unscheduled downtime The ser vice allows customers to focus on their core business

www war tsila com

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