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Complete Review Of CTFO – Legit Or Scam? Truth UNCOVERED!

Are you wondering what is CTFO And CBD? Seeking out and independent investigation and CTFO CBD Review? The problem with other "independent" CTFO reviews out there that you see on the internet and social media is that some are connected to and associated with the company and seeking to get YOU into their downlines or push their CDB Oil product to you in order to gain a commission. This is hardly what I call impartial and quite dispicable in my opinion and I am sure you agree!. This article is NOT sponsored by Changing The Future (CTFO) in anyway, I am not a distributor nor promotor fo the company in anyway what so ever. No money has changed hands for this review and never will!. The Most Complete CTFO Review! Is It Legit Or Scam. #CBDoil. Through out the remainder of this investigative article I will discuss the following topics: What Is CTFO? CTFO Product Range & CBD Oil How Does CTFO Work? The CTFO Compensation Plan Is CTFO A Scam? Is CTFO Legit? 1/11

Can You Make Money With CTFO? My Final Conclusion Seeking the answers to those questions an curious to find out if you really can make money with this business opportunity? Keep reading this review to find out all that you need to know! Product Name: CTFO CBD Oils Founder: Stuart Finger founder& Steve Finger CEO

Product Type: MLM Opportunity with CBD Oil products

Price: Free To Join.

Best For: Those that enjoy MLM oportunities and are good at selling and recuiting

Summary: CTFO Is NOT a Scam. They are a legit business with a bonafide business model. However the whole Industry is unregulated and the second the government decides to regulate it or that you need a licence to sell CBD Oil you business is up in smoke!

Rating: 30/100

Recommended: No, despite being a genuine opportunity there are much better out there. There is no reason at all for you to get involved in an unregulated industry. 2/11

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What Is CTFO? CTFO is an abbreviation of Changing The Future Outcome and are an American based business that fully specialises in the rather hot and currently trendy CBD Hemp Oil Products. The original meaning of CTFO was Chew The Fat Off, as the business was fully rebranded from weight loss to CBD Hemp Oil Products.

CTFO Originally Chew The Fat Off This in itself is a little bit odd and does raise a few concerns but nothing major to say "Hey they changed name/changed meaning" therefore they are a scam!" That would be jumping the gun a bit. Businesses rebrand all the time. Nokia started off as a Wood/timer firm and are now much better known as a manufacturer of mobile phones. Something to keep in my mind as I investigated further. Digging down and findout who owned the company and being unable to locate the founder Stuart Finger, but being able to loacte Steve Finger, The CEO on facebook. Which I believe is his own personal account. I believe this to be his personal account due to searching his friends and finding a few relatives with the Finger surname..but no Stuart. I am not even sure he exists after searcing through all the "Finger Family" on Social Media. It's another little flag. Not a big one, not any indication at all of any untoward operation going on. Maybe he does exist and is just not a fan of social media and quite a private person like I am. Sure, I am on social media, but I am not a big fan of it. Really can't be bothered at all with it!. 3/11

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What Is CBD Oil? CBD is a Cannabinoid, a compound found in hemp and cannabis and thus CBD Oil is simply this compound in a oil format. Cannabidiol is currently speaking an incredibly popular natural health compound used for a number of common health conditions. It far better known under the Abbreviation CBD, and is only 1 of over a 100 (104 to be exact) compounds that form part of the cannabinoids group of compounds that are found in marijuana, cannabis sativa (1). THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol, the famed and principal psychoactive compound that also part of the cannabinoid family and associated with getting stoned and high. This compound THC is not present in CBD or any CBD oil product, it is an independent compound that forms part of the same family. CBD is NOT in any way psychoactive and will not get you high. Given changes in certain legislation stateside and some very powerful marketing. CBD Oil is pretty hot and trending at the moment.


The fact that the market is trending and hot just now, it does not always mean that you need to jump on it right now and start a business around CBD and Hemp Oil. Now thousands of people are very much aware of the Potential health benefits of using CBD Oil & Hemp Oil thus the potential is there for you to "get in on the game" If you are interested, and genuinely so, the question is how, which company to source products from and the quality of various brands and suppliers. That is where CTFO comes in and the reason for this investigation. Is CTFO offering a legit business opportunity or are CTFO just another scam or a Pyramid scheme? One thing that I am pretty sure of is CTFO CBD Oil Products do sell very well and appear to have the backing of high value high impact marketing. To answer this question, let’s first take a closer look at the products themselves‌ DO remeber CBD can be nothing more than a fad!. Trends and markets can turn quickly. Remember the cryptocurrency fad of not so long ago? Heck, Fidget spinners?...Anyone old enough to remember tamagotchi? Fads do come and go, only time will tell if CBD Oil is anything more than a fad.

The CTFO Product Range The Range of products by CTFO are very extensive ranging from Vapes, drops, creams, sprays, edibles like gummy bears! and even stuff for your pet!. Their product line clearly labels what each item is for in terms of health condition, such as skin care, weight loss, pain management growth (a bit late for me there!). Just to mention it, your are not going to sit on a park bench stoned or get high becuase you used one of CTFO's CBD Oil products!. Just to confirm also, CBD Oil is not going to cause you to fail a drugs test either.


CBD Gummies - Who Would have known!

CTFO Product Categories Changing The Future Outcome splits their products into 4 main easy to manage categories which are: Nutrition, health, Anti ageing and CBD For Pets!. CBD Oil For Nutrition Category: This is where you will find their CBD Gummie bears as well as capsules and oral sprays that are designed to help with various health conditions like stress reduction, weight loss, and insomnia. CBD Oil For Antiaging: The antiaging category has over a dozen different products ranging from various beauty treatments, skin care, cleansers and antiaging serums. This category also has the hair regrowth treatment! (Where were you CBD 10 years ago when I needed you!) CBD For Pets: Yep CTFO also has a range of products for your pet pooch, consisting of sprays, drops, treats and even shampoo!. CBD For Your Health: This is the category where you will find their creams and emu oils which are said to aid in pain management. Other such products in this section aid your general well being assisting with energy, anxiety, digestion and fortilizing the immune system.. That is a lot of products for lot of different health purposes. The question is can CBD Oil actually benefit your health?. The real answer is both yes and no. There is science that backs up both sides of the debate. Healthline here makes claims of yes, from an evidence backed approach. While WebMD likes to state the facts and question the evidence.

An Unregulated Industry 6/11

At the time of creating this article, the CBD and CBD Oil is an unregulated industry. This very much means that there is absolutely no control whatsoever as to grade and quality of any CBD product, be it for man or man's best friend!. This particularly means that any company, CTFO included cannot make any bonafide legit claims to have a proven quality product that is properly tested and endosred by the FDA or any government agency or meet cGMP quality standards. In short, you or I can legitimately set up a CBD product and say what the heck we like on the products label and sell it to the public at large!. This alone is why I avoid CBD, and perhaps you too.

Due To A Lack Of Regulation The CDB Industry Can Be Full Of Cowboy!


This alone, put into question any CBD company's claims of quality products including CTFO who make claims of having highest of standards by means of a Carbon Dioxide extraction process. Being an unregulated industry and no actual proof or evidence other than taking their own word for it is not enough for me. Independent Evidence. Regulation! A Seal of approval please!. Paid for study or approval not accepted!

The CTFO Compensation Plan Being an MLM opportunity, as is part of their "religion" their compensation plan can get mind boggling and confusing. The CTFO Compensation Plan Is outlined Here and is only 13 pages long, a lot of which was goobeldy gook to me. The CTFO compensation chart (available here) still does not make things any clearer to me.

Reading The chart still does n't make thing much clearer to me. A complicated to follow compensations plan is not enough evidence for me to say that CTFO is a scam. This Video explains the CTFO compensation plan for those that are interested.


CTFO CBD Oil FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions The following questions are commonly asked questions that I found relating to CTFO.

Is CTFO A Scam? No, CTFO is not a scam, it is a legitimate business opportunity using a known an accepted business model for you to try if you feel that CBD Oil is for you. Most MLM opportunites are incredibly difficult to get going. You have better opportunities out there than complicating your life with MLM based businesses. Keep reading I'll tell you in a jiffy!.

Is CTFO Legit? Yes, as stated above CTFO is a legitimate business opportunity and you do have the opportunity to make money with them.

Is CTFO An MLM? Yes, CTFO CBD Oils is a MLM multi level marketing business opportunity.

Can You Make Money With CTFO? While it is possible for you to make money with CTFO and other MLM based businesses the probability of you going in as a newbie and succeeding is very low, probably you will end up losing money. 9/11

CTFO Review - The Final Conclusion While it is possible for you to make money with CTFO and promoting their range of what appears to be a high quality prouct be it in an unregulated industry. The likelyness of you actually doing so, assuming you have little or no experience in MLM marketing is very low. Online, the health industry no matter how popular and great it may sound is very difficult to work in give the unless you are a proven health professional. This reason alone is a good reason not to get involved in the health industry online be CBD Oil, natural health or anything else. You are always going to have an uphill struggle to rank your site. And then there are the particular FDA regulations of what you can and can't say regarding a natural health products (even one in an unregulated industry!) and all the verbal gymnastics to avoid a law suit!.

A Better Alternative - My Personal Challenge To You! You are far better getting involved in running a business that you can rank in search engines and very much are likely to. Just health sites, not very likely due to the said Algorithm update of August 2018 anf the FDA regulations. Why complicate life? Think of something that you are passionate about. Hold that thought in your head. Find you fun!. I'll happily show you how you can make money from that. Yep!. Find you fun and profit from your passion. Let the energy of the universe and the money conciousness flow to you. It most certainly does when you are doing what you love. So have a really good think about that. Then take part in my FREE 7 day build your own online business challenge and I'll help you to build a business around "your fun" or your passion. It is very easy, much easier than you think.! Just pop your email in the box below, reply to the first message telling me about your fun and your passions and together we will get you building that dream fun business of yours. Remmeber to enter your email and reply to the first message. I'll see you on the inside. I'm Looking forward to coaching and mentoring you over the next 7 days. Just think of me as your online mentor and success coach!. 10/11

7 Day Build Your Own Online Business Challenge Take Part In My 7 Day Build Your Own Online Business Challenge!

My goal after 1 week is to have YOU started and ready to make money from your very own website! Sign up now and get started with the 7 day course. We Respect YOUR Privacy And Will NEVER Spam You! I hope that you enjoyed this CTFO investigative review. If you would like any other opportunity investigated or would like to share your experiences with CTFO leave a comment below!. Don't forget to get some good karma by and helping save someone from a MLM opportunity in an unregulated industry! I Believe In YOU! To your success, Derek


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