How To Be A Fashion Blogger And Make Money!

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So, you are cool, you're stylish, a bit of an icon amongst your friends - maybe even they are a little bit or secretly envious of you and you want to learn How To Be A Fashion Blogger!. Or maybe you're just one of those gals or guys that is, as the 80's song goes..."A dedicated follower of fashion" and you want to become a fashion blogger to share your thoughts on what to wear, when and more importantly "how to" wear it!. Fashion blogging is huge, diverse, fun and very much always a "hot" and "on" topic. And just how freaking awesomely cool would it be if you could actually earn a living as a style guru and fashion icon with your own blog?. And that is what I am going to detail for you. The Fashion industry, Blogging, and can you make money as a fashion blogger? So, pull up a chair, grab your fave latte and kick off those Jimmy Choo's and read on to find out How To Become A Fashion Blogger!. Fashion Fact: PenangiteJimmy Choo, his original and actual family name is "Chaw" the "Choo" was a spelling mistake made by the Maternity nurse who wrote down his family name incorrectly. The original place where he first learned his trade, now a lovely restaurant, is on the corner of Muntri Street and Lebu Leith in Penang Island, Malaysia and has a lovely artwork dedicated to the fact.

How To Be A Fashion Blogger - Market Analysis! 1/38

Before we talk about the aspect of blogging and the "How To's" the tricks, tips, techniques and tactics to help you to make a kick ass fashion blog. It is VERY important to go through the proper market analysis and a variety of other processes in order to find out if you can make money from a fashion based website in the digital world and economy. This "Boring stuff" is actually one of the most important steps to make as a blogger before jumping in and building a website. #Fashion is like eating, you shouldn't stick to the same menu. #Blogging Click to Tweet This is so for any site that you build, be it a Travel blog, a fashion blog or what ever kind of blog in any industry or market sector. How much of a drag or a bummer would it be if you started your site and you did not make any of the green stuff? Or got hardly any traffic? Proper niche market and niche site research helps us to identify if there is money to be made in the market, if money is moving around, if it is on the rise or in decline. We can also discover if there are are methods of monetising the traffic that you get to your site.

BOX OUT: The Absolute Essentials That You Will Need For Starting A Fashion Blog Today! Join my 7 day free courseand discover all that you need to know to build a successful blog! Sign up for A Free Account With The Guy's that taught me! And Get Full Success Coaching And Assistance from me!. If you plan on building an email list And Properly Owning Your Traffic, start a free trial of ConvertKit

Analysing The Fashion Industry The online market sector of the Fashion industry is inclusive of the trade of clothing for adults and children, inclusive of shoes, shoe accessories (i.e laces, shoe horns, insoles) and products related to shoe care (I.e shoe polish). Bags and accessories such as handbags, suitcases, briefcases, gloves, scarves, wallets and purses are also included in the fashion market. Dedicated and specific sports and outdoor apparel as well as sports shoes and baby clothes belong to other market categories such as Hobbies, DIY, and Toys. The buying and selling of used and second hand clothing is not included in the fashion market sector 2/38

Just for clarification of what is included in the Industry Analysis.

The expected revenue growth of the industry broken down into Apparel, footwear and bags and accessories. With such large numbers it can be difficult to read them correctly. Yes, that $500+ BILLION USD swashing around in the fashion industry. That is HUGE!. Few markets are that big worldwide. Not even the travel industry claims such figures or growth predicted over the next few years. +16.5% year on year growth is pretty amazing. And is indicative of there being plenty of space for new fashion bloggers like you!. Key points:​ Over half a Trillion US$ changing hands in the fashion market yearly as of 2018. It is very much an expanding and growing market with year on year growth of 16.5% expected, meaning by 2022 the fashion market will be worth a mind boggling $787+ Billion The biggest segment in the fashion market is Apparel with just under $350 Billion worth of trade being done worldwide. This piece of data and analysis alone tell me that there is an abundance of money in the fashion industry and there is certainly room for some people to get in on the act.

The expected revenue growth of the industry broken down into Apparel, footwear and bags and accessories. 3/38

From the bar graph above, it can be seen that by far the most voluminous segment is the apparel sector of the fashion market. You might not be interested in blogging about or creating a fashion blog about apparel, but it is something to keep in mind for some "quick wins" and "early money" as you build up your fashion blog.

The penetration rate and increases Expressed as a percentage. The penetration rate and increase of eCommerce from 52% to just over 60% is very much good news for those getting in on the digital act. It is a key signal that more purchases and a greater purchasing habits are happening online. This is a clear and clean signal that you can earn your share of that by means of affiliate marketing, the recommendation of products on your blog in exchange for a commission. Product owners, even known brands and shops in the fashion industry need their sales team. And that is exactly what an affiliate is, part of the online sales and marketing team. Casting back to that line graph, I'm seeing good growth in both apparel and footwear, meaning the potential of good early wins for a new fashion blogger.


ARPU - The Annual Revenue Per User Per Year Further key signals and evidence in our investigation that is indicating that becoming a fashion blogger is a good idea. Key takeaway here is growth in the amount of money spent on average per user per year in eCommerce. There is little doubt that this is a growing market, and one in which you can expect to achieve increasing commissions.

WARNING! Taking My FREE 7 Day Blogging Course May Very Well Result In You Winning Back Your Financial Freedom, Causing Tremendous Personal Satisfaction & Living Out The Life Of Your Dreams. 5%-10% commissions per client per year of $800+ is a very nice semi passive income for just one or two clients per day once you are established. ...And freaking awesome when you are doing something that you love and are passionate about, particularly something as Uber cool as being a fashion blogger!. Get My FREE Guide "How To Make Money With A Blog" Here!

Because the money IS waiting for you as a Fashion Blogger. The question is: WILL YOU TAKE IT?!?

The demographics to aim for. When it comes down to the demographics, almost one third of the market share belongs to the 25 to 34 age range. I would suggest the possibility is that a higher percentage of that is around 30 years of age as consumers become more aware of no longer being a 20 something and requiring a wardrobe that reflects their maturity. 5/38

Personally around that age mark I threw out my "young boy gear" for a more mature and classy gentleman look for my 30's. I simply knew that I would (eventually) look like an old or older guy trying to be a young guy if I did not move my style to match my age!. I recommend And Suggest that you bookmark this guide and article (Ctrl +D) so that you can come back to it and start reading where you left off and not miss out on any of the awesome tips and techniques Better still, take a few seconds to sign up for my 7 day 100% Free E-course on blogging and you will get absolutely everything you need to succeed delivered via email over the next week! Of course, ladies are no different, perhaps more aware as they change around this time for other factors and reasons including marriage, permanent long term relationship and yes, of course motherhood and pregnancy and their choice of clothing and fashion progresses with it. And mentioning the fairer sex, women represent 54.2% of the expenditure in the fashion industry. The greatest amount of money being spent by those that fall in the middle to high income ranges.

How To Become A Fashion Blogger Starting a fashion blog is quite an exciting and awesome thing to be doing and one of the best "job" titles out there!. Imagine everyone being envious as you tell them that you are a fashion blogger when they ask that regular, mundane and dull question "What do you do?". It is a constantly changing and evolving industry, and this is a pretty good thing!. In fact, it is one of the best points and reasons to start a fashion blog.

WARNING! Taking My FREE 7 Day Blogging Course May Very Well Result In You Winning Back Your Financial Freedom, Causing Tremendous Personal Satisfaction & Living Out The Life Of Your Dreams. I mean, you are NEVER ever at a loss for what to write about! So you got that sorted!. Building a general fashion blog that covers all things fashion related is going to be a lot more difficult that a more focused and targeted one. This is simply due the sheer number of fashion blogs out there on the internet. And the level of competition also. Sure, you can "cut it" with a general fashion blog, but it is going to be a lot more difficult to grab your share of traffic and revenue from a crowded, busy and highly competitive market than a more focused less crowded segment or sector of that 6/38

market. In short, it is much easier and quicker to establish yourself as a fashion blogger if and when your blog is focused on a particular and more specific area of the fashion industry. This is called "niching down". And it is the same for all markets, be it travel, food, fashion, business, lifestyle or anything else!.

To succeed as a fashion blogger, it is to your advantage that your blog is focused!.

How To Niche Down And Find Your Fashion Niche! Drilling down on the fashion market is something that is very easy to do. It is in fact pretty simple! And with a little bit of practice, niching down will come as second nature to you. In the fashion niche some straight up homing in on specific segments involve clothing type, Style, season and who would wear that type of clothing. Some examples that are just springing to my mind right now are... Beach wear for plus size women. Fashion blog for Petite girls. Party fashion wear for teen girls Party fashion for teen boys. Casual sports wear for men 40+ Evening fashion for women size 12. Gym fashion for men. 7/38

Gym (or yoga) style for women. K-Fashion (Korean) Fashion blog. J-Fashion (Japanese) Russian fashion blog. Travel and Fashion blog!. Traditional and cultural wear - can get very specific in regards to exact type. Fashion and beauty for women under 30. You can also focus on sex, age, body shape and clothing type. This is find just as long as you are not getting too narrow. Example of niching down like this include: Dress skirts and blouses for curvy women under 30. Casual shirts and polo's for men chunky men over 40. Foot wear for young ladies with small feet!. As long as you have a crowd of a reasonable size and products to promote and recommend you have a market and thus a viable fashion blog. Just make sure you level down from being too broad or move up a level if it is too narrow. If you have any fashion blog ideas, or are unsure of your own idea for a fashion blog do run them past me by leaving a comment in the comments box at the bottom of this article. Personally, I don't have a fashion blog, nor do I intend on one. I have no "Passion for fashion". It is certainly one that I recommend to my Vietnamese girlfriend to run. Viet Fashion does sound like a pretty good niche to me!. As does the idea of a very specific and targeted fashion blog dedicated to summer hats, lip stick and sunglasses!. Such as site could naturally diverge into swim and beach wear. And there are few things more attractive than a woman on a hot summers day in a fashionable swimsuit, a nice hat, sunglasses and lip stick!. Get My FREE Guide "How To Make Money With A Blog" Here!

Because YOU KNOW that you would make an awesome Fashion Blogger!. The Question is: are you going to FOLLOW YOUR DREAM?!?


Swim wear, hat, sunglasses..just missing from this image is lipstick and you know that idea makes for an amazing niche site!. Something that I have not mentioned yet is something very specialised, and perhaps a big fat elephant in the room...

Fashion Photography Of course that makes for great niche site as a photographer you can offer your services at fashion events or to fashion bloggers in your area. You can also recommend specialist equipment, lenses, lightning, filters and so on for those interested in fashion fashion photography. There remains the possibility of teaching fashion photography and how to use image processing software. Yes, by definition a niche site dedicated to the best cameras and photography equipment for fashion shoots does make for a very specialised and darn good niche site. Potentially, a good money earner as D-SLR cameras are not cheap by any means!. Talking sales of $400 to $500+. From the fashion side, you could always mention what equipment and camera type was used during the shoot and potentially earn a commission or site sponsorship from certain camera brands.

Warning! - F.O.M.O ALERT! Fear Of Missing Out On Taking My FREE 7 Day Blogging Course May Lead To You A Melancholic State Of Infinite Sadness Due To Missing Out On The Opportunity To Change Your Life For Ever And For The Better, Leaving You With The Eternal State Of Mind Thinking "What If I Actually Built That Darn 9/38


How To Be A Fashion Blogger - A Quick Recap! As I have detailed thus far, there are a few key factors to keep in mind when it comes to deciding on the viability of a niche. Is there money moving around in the market? Absolutely!. The fashion industry and market has an absolute abundance of money circulating around it and it is one of the very biggest markets worldwide. Rather nicely for us bloggers and digital marketers there is an increase and growth in the digital sector of the fashion market. ...And the average amount of money being spent per person is going up. ​Is The Market Big Enough And Can It Accommodate More?​ Absolutely, everyone needs and wants clothes for whatever reason it may be. The Fashion industry, and online are growing strongly and thus plenty of room for more blogs and websites.

There is plenty room for you and your blog in the fashion blogging area. ​ an I Viably Niche Down And Get Targeted?​ C Yes there is plenty of scope for niching down as I have shown in the fas​hion market and creating a targeted and specific fashion blog. Is There Enough Traffic Online? 10/38

Absolutely, I have checked with my specialist software and tools and found that there are millions of searches performed every month in the fashion sphere for you to go claim your fair share of it and have a successful site. Are There Viable Methods To Make Money Form Fashion Blogging? Yes, and we will get to that in a second!. Bare with me as I show you some pretty cool ways to monetise your fashion blog.

How To Make Money Fashion Blogging Now that you know that you can make it as a fashion blogger, know that there is plenty of moolah swishing around in the market, have a few cool ideas for finding your fashion niche buzzing around in your mind it is time for you to go out and get some of that money and start your fashion blog. Let's now talk about some of the methods of generating revenue for your new site.

Affiliate Marketing Affiliate marketing is one of the most rewarding methods of generating an income for any website, blog or app. It is a method that grows with time, and exponentially so. Slow, steady and sure - as long as you stick at it and pursue your dream you can, and probably will make a lot of money from affiliate marketing. Let's not forget here, and clarify this important point. Let me put it in bold so that it is crystal clear in your mind. You are not starting a Fashion Blog, you are starting a fashion business!. ​ (Unless of course you are in this for fun and making a hobby blog, there is nothing wrong with that!)​ With that, the starting of a blog...Ok Business is building a brand and an online presence. If you take this seriously, and view and start thinking of your blog as a business (of which it is!) and a sustainable and growing business at that. If you stick at it, you will make money, but if you give up easily after 3, 4 or even 6 months you won't make much. You would not expect to build a brick and mortar or traditional business in a few months and make money. An online business is no different. And I am willing to bet that you would n't give up on a traditional business so quickly either!. So stick with it and be patient and build up your fashion blog and don't give up! You can most certainly generate enough revenue from your site to earn a nice second or part time income right up to a full time give up the day job kinda income and far beyond that!. Pep talk and mini lecture aside... 11/38

#FACT I Absolutely LOVE Helping People, I Reply To All Emails, By Taking My FREE 7 Day Blogging Course You Get My Personal Attention And Coaching. All Your Questions Will Be Answered As Quickly As I Can. I Really Do Want You To Succeed And Win Back Your Freedom And To Live The Life You Have Always Dreamed Of. It Is Time Now To Take Action And Stop Procrastinating!.

What Is Affiliate Marketing? By definition Affiliate Marketing is the sharing of revenue generated by an affiliate (you) for a merchant (product owner). The long and short of it is that you are a digital salesman (or woman) and you are rewarded an agreed commission for the sales that you generate. That is where it really pays off to stick it out long term. The more content in the form of blog posts that you create, the more traffic you generate and the more sales that you make...and thus the more money that you can earn.

Affiliate Programs For Fashion Bloggers Amazon Associates One of the most talked about, most popular and to be quite frank, most under rated affiliate programs on the web is Amazon. Some love, some hate it, others swear by it while some marketers avoid it like the plague!. Most of the controversy surrounds the low commission structure, which is 4.5% for most categories and short cookie duration. In Amazon's favour is their huge trust factor and conversion focused site. Billions have been spent on the site ensuring that it is fully optimised for conversions. And once someone buys using your link, or they add a product to the cart the cookie is extended by 89 days making it a 90 day cookie. Amazon, is not something to be discarded off the cuff, especially when they convert at a rate of 3 to 4 times better than independent affiliate programs. Meaning the 4.5% commission is as effective as a 13.5% to 18% commission when directly compared to an independent retailer. Also, with amazon you get commissions on EVERYTHING that is bought and not just the item that you recommended. If they also bought a TV or a new phone or a tablet get a commission on that too!.


Just a small example of what is a available on amazon in the Woman's clothing section Actually, when it comes down to it, amazon is actually an integral part of any niche viability study. They reveal if there are products for sale, give an indication if there is traffic, and reveal some great niches. On that side subject here, yes, all of what you see above, Woman's Shoes, Watches, Handbags and so on are all viable targeted niches!. If you still need help finding niches, and how amazon reveals interesting niche site ideas check out this article.

A further little drill down on amazon Finding products on Amazon is easy, as is really homing in on a niche we have gone from woman clothing-->Petite and on the right, highlighted in red is not just a list of clothes but viable niches too. E.G Skirts and dresses for petite women. Lets see what happens when we do check out dresses for petite women. 13/38

Best sellers is something to keep an eye out for And there you go!. A best selling good looking dress priced over $100 and is highly rated. Exactly what we want!. With Amazon's low commissions, you do want to be veering towards the expensive side of things with $100 price tag as a minimum. Being a best seller, helps the product to sell well. Use that to your advantage when selecting stuff from amazon. What you chose, do make sure that: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

There are plenty of great images to use. Congruent with your niche. Available on prime (sells a bit better). Rated 4 stars minimum. Has a lot of reviews (ideally triple figures or nearing that)* If possible, on the best sellers list.

*Best seller you can ignore that, but double figures at least.

Fashion On eBay Another place that converts well and has a high trust factor amongst consumers is eBay. You can easily integrate eBay to you site and use them with or instead of Amazon - Particularly where and when being an Amazon associate is not possible in your state or country. They also, like Amazon have things organised very well into categories.


The Selection possible on eBay fashion As it, as shown below, eBay, rather surprisingly, offers a great and very extensive range of clothing. Most certainly with this online giant you are not and will not be short of fashion items and products to write about.

Check out the detail in the categories on the left. There is absolutely no doubt that in the fashion blogging industry you are not going to struggle to find products on eBay and Amazon to write about and link to. If you do, do not hesitate to reach out to me by leaving a comment below in the comments area. Let's now talk about some other major players in the fashion industry and affiliate programs available.

Awin This is one of the very best affiliate marketing networks on the internet with absolutely thousands upon thousands of brands. It might take a bit of searching to find a particular brand or product that you wish to promote and advertise on your fashion blog as depending upon your niche it might be in a different category. Start off with the retail & shopping list and work your way down!. Interesting categories include Clothing, Children's wear, clothing accessories, jewellery, menswear, shoes. You can find brands such as Marks & Spenser, John Lewis, Sports direct, Boden, Boohoo, look fantastic, Dorothy Perkins, George, New look, USC, Joules, Clarks, Miss name only a few!. Get More info about Awin network here!. Key Points: Commissions and cookie duration will vary from brand to brand. 15/38

Working with well established trusted brands which aids in your conversions and "Kudos" factor. There is likely to be high quality products available. In all probability high quality images for you to use. As a side note - you definitely need to be using quality photos for a fashion blog, due to the visual nature of the niche, this is regardless of what sub niche you enter. Your readers will want to see vibrant photos of what they are about to buy!.

Shareasale ShareASale is a well established long standing pillar of the affiliate marketing world. A highly trusted, in my years of using them I have yet to experience a problem with them, experience a missed or late payment. Yes, rather conveniently for us, it has plenty of fashion programs available for monetising your site. Being a network, cookie duration and commissions will vary from merchant to merchant typically 7% to 20% range. Some brands on ShareASale include, Lulu's, Warby Parker, Modcloth, Rent The Runway, Romwe, Stella & Dot, Evereve, TheRealReal and Le Tote to name a few. Work with trendy established designers. Good commission rates. Payment direct to your bank (or by cheque). Gain a lot of trust factor and good conversion rates by working with known brands. Get More Info about ShareASale here! Worthy of note, and not to discourage you, ShareASale is difficult to get accepted onto for new sites. I would not go applying straight away, Wait until you are established, have a bit of traffic and 40-60 posts under your belt. Getting rejected is not a problem. You can always apply again later. Get My FREE Guide "How To Make Money With A Blog" Here!

Because the opportunity of a life in the fashion industry waiting for you. The question is: WILL YOU TAKE IT?!?

CJ Affiliate Formerly known as Commission Junction and these guys are HUGE! and one the very best and most well known affiliate marketing networks period!. With CJ you can expect to earn commissions in the 5% range with typically 30 day cookies.


Fashion brands on CJ include Ulta, Shopbop, Lululemon, Revolve and Free People. Being a leading organisation you can expect them to grow the range of fashion brands that they work with. Get more information about CJ affiliate here.

Rakuten Linkshare A well known and well established affiliate network that has a lot of products and brands available across a number of different industries and thankfully for you, fashion is one of them. Fashion brands on this network include ASOS, Topshop, Wildfox, Nordstrom, New Balance, Guess and Ray Ban, to name a few...oh and Jimmy Choo too!. Commissions vary from brand to brand, typically in the 4% to 6% and up range. Join Rakuten Linkshare right here!.

RewardStyle This is very much a new one, a game changer and a pretty awesome network to be part of. On the face of it, it does not look like an affiliate marketing network but it most certainly is. It connects businesses to influencers, and as a fashion blogger, you most certainly are a omnipresent influencer. Entry to RewardStyle, is by invitation only (currently) But rumour are abound that they are going to allow entry by application only! Making it quite a difficult one to join and get into..and their commission rates are much higher than others making it highly sought after amongst bloggers and social media influencers. Find Out More About Rewardstyle here!

Fashionmia This one is not so strict to sign up for and offers a very long cookie duration and juicy 15% which is a good reason to check them out and see if they are suitable for your fashion niche site. Worthy of note is that average sale is of $100 meaning that you can expect $15 commission on that average purchase of $100. Just a 4-5 sales per day and you have quite a nifty growing little fashion blog. Something that is quite achievable after 6 to 12 months depending on how hard you work. It has to be said, in my opinion, there is a lot of nifty, catchy and cool looking clothes on Fashion Mia that would capture the imagination of your readers. And once they are imagining themselves wearing it...job done! a sale will happen...sooner or later! (and thanks to that 90 day cookie...the sale is yours!). 17/38

One way of working with this company is to take advantage of their flash sales and earn some quick and easy money. Get more information about Fashionmia here!.

NewChic This is a pretty easy affiliate program to join with commissions in the 10% to 16% with 60 day cookies. Very low payout threshold - $20! and you can receive payment to your paypal account. It has to be said that the NewChic do have quite an extensive range of eye catching fashion items and accessories for both men and women. Definitely a network that you ought to have a good look at and give some serious consideration to as you seek ways to generate revenue from your traffic and site visitors.

Zaful Zaful offer a very easy and cool way of making money from your fashion blog, thanks to it range of very attractive and fashionable clothing for both sexes and nice 8% to 16% commissions with average sales in the $100 range. Their special sales and limited time (i.e the next 72 hrs) deals help you to convert visitors and clicks into sales helping you to earn money from your fashion blog. You can join their affiliate program directly or by means of using one of their partner networks like shareasale, CJ or Rakuten linkshare. Personally, I prefer to join directly. Get more information about Zaful link share here

Shopstyle Collective Not quite an affiliate network as they do not pay on a per sale basis. They pay you on a per click generated basis. You are free to join as long as you already have your blog set up and have some content on it. It is not stated how much content. Personally I think about 10 posts should be enough to be accepted. As long as you can generate clicks you can and will earn revenue for those clicks. They offer a pretty cool way of monetising your content. Get more info here!.

Pepperjam Network Another major player and long established in the affiliate marketing industry with over 20 years and counting experience in the sector. Being a network naturally the commission and cookie duration changes from brand to brand typically ranging from 4% to 8% which is pretty reasonable.


And for fashion and beauty...OMG! they have tons of brands working with them. Including Kate Somerville, Charlotte Rusee, Juicy Couture, FabFitFun, Nylon Shop, Levis, Nordstrom Rack, Shiseido, Love Lula, True religion, Wet Seal, Rite name but a few!. You can get more info about PepperJam Network right here!.

Fad Closet Not just a great affiliate program, but a darn good idea for a very specific and targeted fashion blog niche. Fad closet very much specialises in a range of high quality and stylish leather jackets for men and women. And with an ample 18% commission and given the price range of $150 to $200+ it is defiantly a money earner. Plenty of and frequent sales to entice buyers. They also have a good range of associated accessories. Let's face it everyone needs a jacket or two when winter comes around..and leather jackets dont just look great, they look darn sexy!. Given the quality of the photos and product range the leather jackets should sell well around winter time easily enough!. Check out there affiliate program here!. Get My FREE Guide "How To Make Money With A Blog" Here!

Because you want to share you style with the world. The question is: WILL YOU DO IT?!?

The Best Fashion Affiliate Programs - A Quick Recap! As you can see there is an abundance of fashion affiliate programs available to chose from. The one in which you chose to join and the brands that you promote should be absolutely specific and tailored to your site and your target audience. Choosing to work with an affiliate network or a brand directly, where the option is available, is entirely your choice. There are many things to consider. One being the minimum payout, which is easier to reach with a network than a brand due to the fact that you will probably be working with a number of brands within that network. Another factor to keep in mind is method of payment. A third factor, this is perhaps worth considering when you are generating a significant revenue, do you really want your income or a large portion of it focused (dependent) on one network? At that point, it may be worth considering switching some, not all, just some of the brands that you work with to their own independent program. It protects your revenue. If a large part of your income is from a certain affiliate network and that network changes policy, commission, or cookie duration and it negative effects could 19/38

be losing a large part of your income. There are benefits of working with affiliate networks, principally convenience. If you are working with 5 or 6 brands you don't need to apply for each one individually or log into 6,7,8 or more affiliate panel's to check your stats and add up your earnings. Being a visual niche, make sure you have access or permission to use the images of the dress, sun glasses or whatever you are promoting and writing about.

Other Monetisation Methods Making money from your fashion blog or as a fashion blogger is not limited to affiliate marketing. While affiliate marketing is a slow way to earning money it is one that does often grow wildly year after year as long as you keep taking care of your fashion business by updating the site with fresh new content regularly That, if you think about it not exactly difficult, particularly when there is always something to write about be it the change of the season and fashion for that season, a particular fashion show say London Fashion Week, Or Paris Fashion week. Celebs and what they wore!.

Display Ads One of the other principle ways of earning revenue for your site is from on-click display advertising. Meaning you get paid every time some clicks on the advert. Such popular programs include Google Adsense and Media Vine. Both are very easy to implement on your site and can be easily run in conjunction with your affiliate efforts. Google Adsense only requires that you have your site up and running and in good standing. That being, nothing polemic such as hate speech or porn or anything of that nature. Media Vine, hold the same standards but are bit stricter as you must have at least 25,000 unique sessions in a single month to qualify. They do tend to be the preferred advertising network for bloggers due to the rate in which they pay. For media vine, you can expect to earn in the region of $30 to $45 (depending on optimisation) per 1000 visitors to your site. That is very much a very passive need-to-do-nothing-not-even-lift-a-finger $900 to $1350 per month EXTRA on top of affiliate earnings for a site getting 1000 visitors daily - which is very a achievable in a relatively short time *IF* you put the work in!. RewardStyle, mentioned above in the affiliate section is one such very specialised network for the fashion industry, fashion influencer's and bloggers. If I was in the fashion blogging niche, I would be testing out my earnings of RewardStyle Vs Media Vine, you might just get a bit more "juice" out of them, being 20/38

more focused to your industry.

Yes, you!, You fashion diva! You could be making money from advertising for your fashion blog Naturally speaking once your site is fully established you can sell advertising space on your site or, perhaps even discuss brand sponsorship with leading fashion brands. Yes, that does happen!...but not overnight!. Once you have a large following and a lot of traffic it is certainly a possibility and and option that you have to consider.

Start Your Own Fashion Line! Yes, that is a possibility and genuine one at that. Once you have the traffic and finance and revenue flowing to your fashion blog. There is absolutely no reason as to why you cannot invest some of your earnings and diverge into making either your own range of stylish outfits or selling someone else's range of clothing. Once you have traffic and an established following, anything is possible. I am pretty sure that you have heard that the world is a village or the term "global village" often enough to understand that this applies to all aspects of life...and commerce. With a bit of effort and a fair few searches you can easily find clothing manufacturers either locally or in the far east. Then order some samples and consider your own ecommerce fashion store with existing brands or your very own. And then, you could be turning this affiliate marketing thing on its head and have affiliates working for you!.


You can even run your very own fashion shop both from your site, Amazon and eBay using Amazons FBA (Fullfilled By Amazon) program and you don't even need to handle the products just have them shipped to the amazon fulfilment centre and they handle the rest - including orders, shipping, handling and delivery! They will process orders seamlessly from your site, your Amazon shop and eBay!. How cool is that!. Leveraging the power of Amazon!. Your job then is managing stock and marketing, gotta make sure you get them sales!. That is A for AWESOME!.

Generating Traffic For Your Fashion Blog It is a fallacy that traffic is difficult to obtain for ANY blog or website. An absolute fallacy with a capital "F". Repeat that, say it out loud and believe it!. It is a false belief that I suffered from when I started out blogging many moons ago and a down right dirty rumour that is just not true!. Traffic to you blog, regardless of what industry, market, sub market or niche is the easy part. And you better darn well believe that because it is absolutely true!. There are 4 Billion internet users worldwide. And you need just a tiny trickle of that amount to make a successful site!. I mean 40,000 monthly visitors that's 1/10000th of 1% the available traffic (or 0.0001% of all available traffic). And you need way less than 40,000 monthly visitors to succeed online!. Getting traffic is as simple as finding out where your crowd hang out and going and getting them!. In this day and age, and with the fashion market sector that screams out loudly "Social Media" and Social Media Groups. Particularly due to the very visual nature of the niche check out instagram, pinterest and keep a keen eye out for targeted facebook groups and pages.


Check out the activity and the number of members in the groups! Just and example (above) of the activity in regards to fashion bloggers on Facebook. The goal, is not to "tap up and tap out" those groups for traffic and start spamming your link!. As proud as punch of your new fashion blog as your are, and rightly so, start spamming your link and you will annoy the group owners and the community and down will come the ban hammer and you will lose out on a potentially rich source of traffic and revenue. Be social, interact with the group, offer your praise and opinion. People will, eventually start gravitating towards you and when they see on your profile Owner of "Awesome Fashion Blog" they will be curious, and check out your site. Maybe even they will join your group!. That kind of visitor, is the kind that tends to visit more and hang around on your site longer than one that finds it from a spammed link. While there is no hard and fast rule in regards to social media and I tend not to post my link in a group 1) without the prior permission of group owner or Admin and 2) only after I am an established member of the group 3) I have been a member of that group for at least 3 months. When it comes to marketing, if the big boys (i.e coca-cola, pepsi, AT&T) are not using a certain technique (i.e spamming social media groups) then you should not be doing it either!. You might not be or ever be as big as they are...but lets face it....They do kinda know a thing or two about marketing and doing it right!. 23/38

Besides, when we see spam we kinda automatically think of it as low quality, trashy and of low value. Three things that you do not want associated with your fashion blog.

Twitter as you can see for the term fashion is very active. And that means traffic!. Fashion bloggers would be foolish not to use Twitter. Algorithm free and the ability to add your site details to your bio can aid your SEO and of course traffic. Like I mentioned above for facebook, don't make twitter a spam fest. You will gain little respect and few followers that way. Twitter does have a lot of activity related to the field and topic of fashion. So get on it! build a following!. Follow people related to fashion and fill your twitter feed with fashion related stuff. Interact on twitter and use fashion related tags sparingly. Research shows the optimal number of tags to use is just 2!. Building a following on twitter is long slow and consistent process that eventually pays off and you get to a point, usually around the 2,000 follower mark where it all kinda snowballs! At the start of one month you'll have 2,000 followers...and by the end of it 5 or 10 thousand!. Again be social and don't just post about Fashion. Mix it up a bit, tell folks about yourself, your life, humanise your brand and social media presence. Maybe even post an inspirational quote or two. And a link to your blog? every 5th tweet is enough. Pareto analysis really does work well, 80/20 rule. Pro Tip: Use images on twitter, be visual as they take up more space and are more noticeable in twitter feeds. Folks tend to be drawn towards the photos. This will equate to more engagement on your tweets. Get My FREE Guide "How To Make Money With A Blog" Here! 24/38

Because you can rock the world as a fashion blogger!. The question is: Are you going to BLESS the world with YOUR STYLE?!?

For fashion, Pinterest in quite funky! It would be lazy as well as crazy to underestimate the power of Pinterest, for any niche, particularly a highly visual one like beauty and fashion. Your pins hang there and can draw in traffic for months, even years after you pin them to boards and with chrome's pinterest extension all it takes is a couple of clicks and your images and pinned to an existing or new board in seconds!. Awesome!. Worthy of note at this juncture, is, if you look at the top row above the photos and below the Pinterest search bar where is says "Fall" "Teen" "Spring" "Korean" and so on...well, all of those are viable and highly targeted sub niches in the fashion market. The fact that there are just absolutely loads of fashion boards and pins is indicative of that particular social media site being a good and steady source of traffic. Build your Pinterest audience by being social and interacting with pins and pinners in your targeted market sector and don't for get to follow fellow fashion pinners. I am sure you appreciate that it is beyond the scope of this article to analyse and give examples of ALL social media sites. Make it your homework to check out fashion on the remaining others, your fave ones and ones where you think that you crowd is hanging out. Do check out Instagram, I got a darn feeling you will like it and find it VERY useful in relation to fashion blogging.

A Quick Word On Social Media And Branding It is hotly debated and contested as to what form of branding should you use. Your business or Yourself. This is so for all verticals and industries.


Personally, I think you are far better branding yourself. This not to say you must run a YourName (dot) com site. You can legitimately have funky fashion name for your blog and brand. I do have a strong preference for personal branding both on your site and your social media presence. When it comes down to social media, using your own name, and being the face or your site helps to bring a sense of warmth and personalisation of your brand, and that helps you a lot as people buy from people and not big faceless (and often soulless) corporations. It aids your trust factor. And the big corporations know that!. Hence forth why we have an explosion of influencers and bloggers working as the "go between" earning sales for the company and getting a commission in return for their efforts. When posting on and using social media, consider using your own name rather than your Business or site name. Just in case you were wondering, the fact that there is plenty of social media activity is another positive sign of the niche market being a a good one to enter.

How To Get Organic Search Engine Traffic Getting and optimising your site and content is something that is known as Search Engine Optimisation or SEO for short. SEO is something that the mere though of it would have me panicking, breaking out in a sweat and really nervous about and in short leave me shaking like a shitting dog and the contemplation of having to do it. I mean, That stuff is for IT geeks right? folks with masters degrees in information technology and computers and stuff...right? Wrong!. So ever freaking wrong that I could not be further from the truth!. If you can write, you can optimise for search engines. No "computery" or gimmicky stuff involved, no programming - hell! nothing technical at all!. really, really, really freaking so simple that it is as easy as breathing!. Seriously!. (and yes I do feel like a bit of an I-D-I-O-T! for all that panic I used to go through!).


SEO is not as difficult as it sounds or as some make it out to be.

The Spanish Inquisition SEO Technique!

Yep, this is a SEO technique that I named! From shit scared of SEO to naming a technique!. Not bad, not bad!. Admittedly, I did not create this technique, I just named it!. And the name of it should give you a clue as to what is involved. You have to be inquisitive! Find the questions that your crowd are asking and answer them! It really is as simple as that! Question based keywords rank pretty well in search engines like google and yahoo and can even get your site featured alongside a snippet which may or may not include a photo, video or quote from your site. They certainly drive a lot of traffic and create brand awareness when you do get featured or ranked on page 1, especially top 3 for such terms. Question based content can even land you the holy grail of all positions in google - position zero! above position 1!. And that will get your site a heck of a lot of exposure and organic search engine traffic. What I love about question based content is that it really helps people. And that is what I got into blogging for. And you too!


You are helping people to dress better, find better deal for their clothes and find that "must have" fashion item!. What happens when you help people? They remember you and your site and when you keep doing that You will win their trust. Win their trust and it will be YOUR affiliate links that they are clicking, your site that they are visiting regularly!. People buy from people they trust!.

Where To Find Those Question Based Keywords? Super simple! there are are a few places that we can find them. Buzz Feed, AnswerThePublic, Quora, and Yahoo Answers. Let's pop on over and check out AnswerThePublic and see what they have to say about "Fashion Blogging"

AnswerThePublic's rather visual display of question related keywords


What I love about this website is they provide the information that, as a searcher, you are looking for in a very visual format and can pick off the questions in which you wish to answer and create articles around. Also, these are REAL questions that search engine users are typing into google to find out the answers for!. They want and are seeking the answers to those questions. Give them what they want!. Pro Tip: Check out the top 3-4 ranking answers to the questions that you want to create content around and give better more detailed answers that are more beautifully presented and fully referenced where necessary. This will help you to "muscle in" and out rank the current high ranking sites.

Quora Quora is great for finding keywords, topics to write about and for answering your potential audiences pertaining questions. Seriously, Quora can become a good source of traffic. Don't punch in your link - you'll end up getting banned!. When you are an expert in an given area it will next to your name as a credential. Let people naturally navigate and flow to your site by giving top quality and detailed answers. It helps to increase your authority in the niche and enhance the awareness of your brand. Also, you can take the questions that users (read: your potential audience!) have been asking and create articles around them.


And example of excellent content ideas for your site. As you can see from the image above, a few simple searches and you can find some great ideas for creating content for your audience. Seriously, go right ahead and answer some of those questions! It might just generate awareness and traffic for your site!.

Keyword Research Keyword research is a very important aspect of SEO, some say the very first step and in a way you have been doing this when finding what questions your potential audience is asking. It is a very easy skill to pick up and learn and you can do it using either free (limited access) software or premium software. It is an easy skill, and an important one - a very important one. Detailing and fully explaining keyword research and how to find keywords for your blog I have fully detailed in this article - How To Find Keywords For A Website For full details on how to implement SEO properly and simplistically, where to put the keyword, meta description, Meta title and so on just click the button below and grab my free ebook and mini course that details SEO in a very simple way. 30/38

Get My FREE Guide "How To Make Money With A Blog" Here!

Because YOU KNOW you can be a fashion blogger! The Question is: Are you READY to MAKE MONEY as a fashion blogger?!?

Top Fashion Bloggers To Inspire You What My Boyfriend Wore Now that is what you call a very awesome funky, memorable and catchy name of a fashion blog!. This site started out as an instagram page that got incredibly popular and then grew into its own wordpress powered website. Simply a lovely girl who documented what here stylish boyfriend wore. It is a great example and rather surprising I am not entirely sure that it is monetised in any way at all, at the time of creating this article no site endorsement from brands, no affiliate links and no media vine ads. Clean, well designed and a social media presence to back it up - get with it girl, you are sitting on a money maker!.

One Dapper Street I actually really like this site, not just from a fashion and style point of view but also from the way in which site owner Marcel Floruss has used blogging to combine the three main passions in his life of fashion, photography and modelling. As a lover of photography and blogging, I have to admire his talents in both those aspects. Great site! and fab images. Marcel is one of the few fashion bloggers that don't just love fashion - it is his genuine bonafide career path having studied fashion in New York City. 31/38

Monetization is by means of display advertising, affiliate marketing and brand ambassadorship. Check Out One Dapper Street here

Girl With Curves Awesome highly targeted niche site focusing on a particular person and Girl With Curves is an incredible inspiration as just what can be achieved and how far you can go with a fashion blog. Site owner, has even her very own line of clothing with a well respected designer and is also monetised by affiliate marketing and advertising. This is an awesome fashion blog and is done ever so well!. Kudos!.

My Fash Diary 32/38

This blog is something pretty unique in the way in which it is very much a uber cool mix of 4 highly competitive niche markets in travel, food, fashion and beauty just showing that IF you have the right personality and approach you can pull it off!. Incidentally, Blogger Tala Samman can legitimately be called and titled as the very first fashion blogger to come out of the United Arab Emirates. I really love how she has pulled this one off and running an elegant, well presented and beautiful site. She monetises her site by means of brand collaboration, affiliate marketing and display advertising. This really is how to do and run a fashion blog!. Have a look at My Fash Diary here

Fishnets And Rainbows Baby faced and smiling! She's Rita Saraqi and she is the 30 year old fashion blogger that put her native and formerly war torn Kosovo on the fashion blogging map!. And when it comes to personal branding...She is also an excellent example of that as she is the face of her catchy and easy to remember site name and her own line of clothing personally modelling the entire range!. She is also a very keen photographer and I very much think that she has taken an active role in the photography and image processing also. From a simple fashion blog in 2011 to full ecommerce and line of clothing - this is exactly what can be achieved with a fashion blog when you start small, work hard and think big!. And you too can do that! No reason as to why you cannot emulate her or Girl With Curves Success!. Click Here to visit Fishnets and Rainbows


Fashion Blogging FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions Time now to answer the most common and frequently asked questions about fashion blogs and fashion blogging. If you have any pertaining questions that are not covered do ask it in the comments box below - I'll be delighted to add it here.

Why Start A Fashion Blog? There are many good and positive reasons to start a fashion blog. One being that it is a fast moving and constantly evolving industry where you are never stuck for what to create content about or around. As proven in this entire article there is a LOT of money moving around in the market and more than enough for you to at the very least earn a living from rather than a 9-5 slave!. Also, it really is one of the coolest "job" titles and descriptions - "Fashion Blogger".

When To Start A Fashion Blog? Really good question. The best time to start a fashion blog, and I know this is really going to sound corny, but, the best time really is now. Why? Firstly the industry is growing at a crazy rate and even more are making purchases online besides, if you really have been considering fashion blogging or giving it some 34/38

serious thought then use that excitement and enthusiasm to drive your forwards to taking action and achieving your dream of being a fashion blogger.

Can I Start A Fashion Blog? Of course you can! all it takes is a few bucks for a domain name and website hosting as well as the right training of which you can get by popping your email in the box below!. After that all you need is the drive and determination to succeed and the ability to work hard and you will succeed as a fashion blogger.

How To Start A Fashion Blog On A Budget? Blogging is not an expensive hobby or profession if you do it full time - regardless of what you are blogging about. In all honesty about $15 and then less than $5 a month for hosting your site and that is it!. The skill is learning to blog, which is a transferable skill and then you can blog about anything from fashion to photography to travel to food to well, even gardening!. The training program that I recommend, and where I learned is Wealthy Affiliate which is fully inclusive of hosting, keyword research tool, a rocking online community and live weekly webinars. You can (and will) learn how to start and successful blog from my own free training. The choice is yours. It is only later once you start earning money from your fashion blog (or travel blog, or whatever you decide to make it about) that you can start to outsource your content creation to professional writers, hire graphic designers and properly scale up and manage your business while enjoying more free time. Get My FREE Guide "How To Make Money With A Blog" Here!

​Because you are just dieing to be a fashion blogger. My question is: Will you step up and MAKE THAT BLOG?!?

How To Grow Your Fashion Blog? Great question!. One of the best ways to grow a fashion blog is by creating more content and diversifying and branching into another market sector. You can, as proven in the top fashion blogs to inspire you section even merge markets and mix fashion with something else like travel, beauty, food, make up maybe even skincare!. The thing is, is to keep moving forwards, keep progressing and keep adding new content. As I have pointed out, once the money is coming in you don't have to be the one doing the work! hire someone to do it. Another avenue of growing your fashion blog is turn it into a full eCommerce site either by drop shipping or your very own line of clothing. 35/38

Fashion Blog Vs Instagram? You are far better running your instagram account in conjunction with your fashion blog, so the question is not a "either or" kind of question. But, If you really had to choose between the two then long term you are far better off running a fashion blog than using instagram. You know your fashion blog will still be going in a few years time (you own it!), and you are not at the mercy or realm of algorithm or policy changes on social media. Imagine running a rocking business on instagram, having a very nice passive income and then..all of a sudden your account is blocked for violation of T&C in regards to affiliate links, or whatever reason...bye bye to your income and your nice little earner!. That can't happen with as blog as you own the domain name (website address name). You could and should run an instagram account alongside your fashion blog and direct traffic to your site to create awareness for your brand and blog. That way you get the best of both worlds!

You should run your social media in conjunction with your fashion blog, not instead of!.

How Much Money Can A Fashion Blogger Make? How long is a piece of string?. It is difficult to estimate how much a particular blog earns as it varies widely based on the method of monetization and how much traffic a particular blog gets. It is certainly VERY viable for a fashion blogger with a reasonable amount of traffic to earn a full time income to proper 6 and 7 figure a year business!.


Earning the big numbers, naturally takes longer and it is usually the more dedicated blogger that hits those numbers

How Do Fashion Bloggers Make Money. As mentioned in this article, the principle manner of making money as a fashion is from affiliate marketing and advertising to brand collaboration and sponsorship.

How To Be A Fashion Blogger And Make Money - The Conclusion! Starting a Fashion Blog and becoming a fashion blogger is something that is actually pretty easy to do. As I have show you throughout this article it is a very fun, cool and highly profitable kind of site to be running. There is plenty of traffic on both the search engines and on social media. All it takes to succeed is a bit of "know how" dedication and some hard work. I have given you a lot of tips in regards to social media, optimising your site for good search engine rankings and pointed you in the direction of some pretty good affiliate programs to monetize your blog. And once you are up and running and generating that traffic, not only will you get affiliate sales but you can monetize your site further by adding in clickable display ads. Before you know it, you'll be making a full time income from your site, handing in your notice and telling your soon-to-be-ex co-workers that you are a fashion blogger!


Take Action! To get those much needed skills and take your fashion blog to the next level and significantly reduce your learning curve pop your email address in the box below and get my free guide and learn how to build a sustainable business online. (Something I have done many times over the years!) You'll learn really easy, effective and ever so simple SEO techniques that will help you to rank your site high in the search engines and keyword research skills that will help you to uncover quite literally thousands of keywords for you to create content around - never ever be stuck for what to write about!. You'll also learn properly how to set your site up for success!. So, go budding funky fashion blogger..pop your email in that box below!. I hope that you have enjoyed this detailed niche report "How To Be A Fashion Blogger" and are taking positive steps to follow through on your dream. If you have any questions, leave a comment below. To your success and blogging best. Derek.


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