How To Find Keywords For A Website - The Ultimate Guide.

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How To Find Keywords For A Website [UPDATED 2019] – The Ultimate Guide For Finding Awesome Keywords!

The difficult thing about keyword research is not How To Find Keywords For A Website it is finding the right ones for your website that will win your both traffic and revenue. The big issue with the wrong keywords is poor rankings, zero traffic, zero sales, nada, zilch!. As the old SEO joke goes "where is the best place to hide a dead body?" (Page 2 of Google) So don't waste your time or effort on finding those "awesome" keywords that you just won't ever rank for instead check out this article and try the techniques, methods and tools to find the great keywords that you can, and will rank for.

How To Find Keywords For A Website Quick Navigation Once you have selected your niche site of choice and done your research into your niche market, keyword research and finding good keywords that you can rank is the bread and butter of your new business!. It is probably much more than that as they, keywords will form the backbone of your business!. Some have described it as the engine that drives (free organic traffic) to your business. 1/54

Are you ready to find some Keywords? Finding The Right Keywords For Your #Blog Is Critical To Its #Success. #Blogging Click to Tweet Yep? let's get cracking!

How To Find Keywords For A Website - The Ultimate Guide For Finding Awesome Keywords! As a marketer and niche site owner keyword research and sniffing out those keywords that you are going to create content around is a skill that you have to learn, a muscle that you have to develop!. There is no way around that fact and no avoiding it. The great news is that once you fully get into the flow you end up with tons of keywords and tons of great ones that you could create content around!. Keywords are everywhere - quite literally!. And that is the very name of the first tool that I insist that you get!. And don't worry, it's free it's a simple chrome extension, it's easy to install and set up...and I have a lovely video showing you how!.

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What Is A Keyword? I could almost see some of you there, scratching your heads asking "What The Heck Is a Keyword, Anyway?". Let's answer that first as it is a term that you see, hear and read about a lot during your blogging and niche site marketing journey. A Keyword or keyword phrase is simply words and phrases which internet users enter into search engines like google, yahoo and bing to find what they are looking/searching for. Other terminologies worthy of note are longtail and short tail keywords. These refer to the length of a keyword. A short tail keyword is generally speaking 3 words or less and a longtail keyword is 4 words or more.


One is not necessarily better than the other but as we move towards a world where voice search is being performed more frequently by various apps and voice assistants as well as hardware, particularly smartphones. I do believe we are moving in the direction of longtail keywords and keywords that are grammatically correct and with correct spelling. Research does indicate that voice search is resulting in searches containing more words on average. Definitely, something to keep in mind!. Example: Food best for dog Vs Best food for a dog. The latter is obviously the better choice of keywords due to being grammatically correct. Black dress suit for ladies Vs Blak dress suit for ladies. Similarly, the first keyword is better than the latter due to the misspelling of the word black, the exception to this rule is when what appears to be a miss spelling is a product or brand name for example: Pure Black Shilat Resin Review Vs Pur Black Shilajit Resin Review. The latter is the better choice as Pur Black is a particular and popular brand of shilajit resin. When it gets down to the nitty-gritty of keyword discovery and research I am very lucky! maybe extremely so as it is a skill that I am very good at and have never had a problem when it comes down to finding those keywords and what to create articles about and sniffing out if I can rank for such a term or not. I guess I am a natural at it. And I don't mean that in a boastful braggy way. I consider myself lucky!. Perhaps it's a blogging gift that I have been blessed with! Please do allow me to show you some techniques on your keyword research hunt that will help you find them and above all rank for them. Perhaps even I'll pass on the don of finding great keywords. I'll do this involving some real handy and nifty free tools! or free but limited versions of paid tools as to not impact your budget so much!. ..I am a Scotsman, I know about building niche sites on a budget!. But, if you are a member of Wealthy Affiliate like I am, you will have access to the premium version of Jaaxy as it is included in your membership fee. In my article "How To Find A Niche Market - The Ultimate Guide To Finding The Most Profitable Niche Markets" we have done our niche site research and stumbled upon a great and viable niche. Let's us use that very niche as an example as I go on a mission and show you..... 3/54

How To Find Keywords For A Website! Ok, before I dive right in go grab a pen or pencil and a notebook and be ready to take some notes as you learn some pretty amazing ways to find keywords for your blog and Do remember to bookmark this guide and the site/tools that I mention and feel free to refer back to this guide and the tools. And really do get that notebook and pen - You are going to replicate what I am doing and find hundreds if not thousands of keywords!. Pro Tip: Open up a spreadsheet with one column for the keywords and other columns for the number of searches and competition that a keyword has. This way you will have a searchable and sortable selection of keywords. Smart!.

Keywords Everywhere The very first part and step is to install the free app/chrome plugin that I mentioned earlier. It is also available for Firefox. To get it simply got to Keywords Everywhere website and click the appropriate button and install the app on your browser. Here is an awesome video from the makers for this very handy tool. Watch it and install it. It is going to come in handy, very handy!.

How To Find Keywords On Google Google Autosuggest 4/54

The very first tool we are going to use is good ol' google search engine and it's autosuggest feature. Simply head on over to Google's home page. And type in your niche's main keyword. You could go a step further and type in the secondary keywords and take note of them. Let's see what keywords came up for our case study niche!.

Note: "Potty Training la gi" is Vietnamese for "What is Potty Training". And Viola, right of the bat and out of the starting gate we have 9 viable keywords that we could investigate further using correct full English (e.g Potty Training for boys, Potty training for girls). We can exclude potty training puppy as this is not the subject of our niche, I already checked out the What is Potty Training? (both with and without the question mark). They, as expected reveal a whole set of keywords on their own. Thank to you being a proper smarty pants you will have installed Keywords everywhere and activated it and seen the search volume and competition as well as the CPC (cost per click) for the keywords that are revealed to us by using this method. Cost Per Click is a form of paid online advertising and indicates how much a keyword will cost if using such advertising methods, namely PPC - pay per click advertising. It is a sign of commercial intent and viability of a keyword and that people in a given niche are paying for advertising. It's a great sign of the viability of a niche also.

WARNING! Taking My FREE 7 Day Blogging Course May Very Well Result In You Winning Back Your Financial Freedom, Causing Tremendous Personal Satisfaction & Living Out The Life Of Your Dreams. 5/54

The other number is the keyword difficulty rating. Anything under 0.30 is rankable. For a new site, stick to 0.20 as a competition maximum. Straight away I can see that: Potty Training Tips 14,800 searches/month and $1.53 CPC with competition 0.31 Potty Training Age 14,800 searches/month and $1.95 CPC with competition 0.14 Potty Training In 3 Days 14,800 searches/month and $0.72 CPC with competition 0.16 Are all pretty good and viable for us to create content around and rank, and get some nice traffic from!.

Google's Related Searches Feature While you are sniffing out and wondering exactly how to find keywords for a website try checking those keywords related to your niche that the rather lovely autosuggest feature on Google has thrown your way scroll to the very bottom of the page a see what big G has to say!.

Related searches can also be a nifty way of finding keywords. Do be aware if this area is blank or there are terms that are not related to or have nothing to do with your niche. You might want to have a rethink in regards to the niche as this is a big sign, a huge flashing neon sign that you may have not chosen the right niche. From this list, we can see that Potty Training Schedule, Potty Training Videos and Potty Training Problems are good for us. Plenty of traffic and little competition and people paying for clicks.

Alphabet Soup Technique 6/54

This is a pretty ninja technique when it comes down to finding keywords for your website or blog. It is pretty cool, pretty obvious and reveals some pretty awesome keywords!. Here is what you do!. Type in your niche related keyword and then A (as shown below) and see what googles auto-suggest feature brings up. And then continue through the alphabet, noting down in your notebook or your spreadsheet for later use.

The alphabet soup technique reveals dozens and quite literally hundreds of keywords! This is actually one of my favourite keyword research techniques. Best of all its completely free!. On a side note, this technique has revealed a subniche that I mentioned in my article How To Find A Niche Market . Worthy of mentioning that if you are a member of the niche market and blogging training portal and social network for webpreneurs that is better known as Wealthy Affiliate, you will have access to Jaaxy, a premium keyword research tool which can perform the alphabet soup technique for you!. Definitely a time saver! and is included in your WA membership.


Jaaxy's rather handy built-in alphabet soup feature.

Use Google Chrome! More often than not you will see a blog post or article that you really love, it strikes a chord with you and you want to emulate it for your site. There is nothing wrong with that as long as you don't copy it verbatim!. On that funky and awesome article look at the words used after the website name, like Mysite .com/This-Article-Probably-Has-Its-Keyword-Here-Somewhere! You can also look at the title and headings for clues for what the keyword might be. Alternatively, and particularly if you are a little geeky once you are on the site click Ctrl and U together (on a windows powered laptop or desktop or control +option +U on an Apple). The result is something that looks like this:


Ctrl+U reveals the code behind a website. The next step is to use the search and find facility which is very simple to do. You want to find what the H1 and H2 Tags are by just pressing Ctrl and F and then in the search box enter H1 as I have done. You can also type in "Keywords" in the search box, hit enter and see the keywords revealed!. Nice and easy, but rather geeky way of finding your competitors keywords.

Finding Product Related Keywords On Amazon Just like in our niche hunting guide where I showed you how Amazon reveals very viable niches and does that hard work for us. Billionaire Bezos is our bitch again as Amazon just shows us some pretty awesome buyer related product keywords!. And I pretty sure that you have seen them all the time! you just never know where to look for them, or perhaps how to see or view or notice keywords.

See right there!! Keywords. Great keywords to write product reviews around. Awesome Amazon! just awesome!. 9/54

One of the better things is, when you click on one of those products, as shown in the photo above a whole treasure chest of product-related keywords are revealed.

This entire page is almost completely made up of juicy keywords, ripe and right there for picking!. From the image above you can see, there is an almost unlimited supply of keywords on display at the online retail giant that is Amazon. You just gotta know where to look, how and dig them!. That is exactly how to find keywords for a website using Amazon This image (above) you can see plenty potty training seat covers to review and more than enough for a "best" or "top" style article.

How To Find Keywords On eBay! Finding keywords on eBay is not too different to that of the Amazon marketplace that we have performed above. A little different in the way in which it laid out, but none the less it gives us some pretty good keywords. Let's see what happens when we enter a product keyword into the eBay search box!.

eBay throws us some interesting keywords right below the search box. As we can see in blue, below the search box eBay, like amazon does that hard work for us!. 10/54

That is not where it ends for eBay, it ends at the.....end of the webpage at the very bottom. So scroll down!

More Keywords thanks to the auction based website!. In case you wondering, eBay may very well have revealed some of our potential competitors to us, for us to go and check out what their content is like. Also, it might have in these ads some independent product owners that have their own affiliate program!. Clicking on any one of the products listed we end up with something very similar to what we have seen on amazon....and even more buyer ready product keywords!.


Look familiar? Below the product images are very viable bonafide keywords that you could use on your niche given to you by eBay. Thank you kindly, eBay!.

Google Trends We can use lovely free tools like google trends that most people have not heard of unless they are niche marketers or in the marketing industry or something related to online marketing!. Being a google tool and not the actual google search engine, I have not included it in the google section previously. I wanted to show in that one just how easy it is to find keywords using just the search engine alone!. Simply enter your niche related search terms and Google will give you a lovely graph (see below!) and show you some of the trending related search terms to that of what you entered. The great thing is that it will show you and give the details for a: News Search Web search YouTube!


For our example, we are going to use Google Trends and Youtube search. Where it says "Youtube" this is where you can change the option for news, web search or youtube. Google trends is a tool that you can use to determine the viability of your niche long term. Obviously, Potty training is an evergreen ongoing niche. Now for the trending keywords.

25 more keywords that we could use. In this photo, rising can be can be changed to show the top keywords. All in all, there was 31. Here is an excellent video tutorial on how to get the best out of Google trends.

13/54 We'll cover Ahrefs later! And since we mentioned it.. Let's talk about....

Google News Google news could be a great source of content for your site. What is great about that is it fresh, in people minds and they might just want an independent view on something rather than something by the mainstream sources. For the top and trending stories in your market sector use the above-mentioned technique and use google trends. For all other head on over to Google news


Seriously, those are pretty good topics to create content around. Also, take note of and use Google News autosuggest feature, there will probably be some funky useful stuff that comes up.

Finding Keywords On Wikipedia! Wikipedia one of the biggest and most comprehensive websites out there! and highly trafficked and just brimming with exactly what we are looking for!. The question is how!. Here is how and where!.


For the potty training site, we discovered some interesting topics and article KW's in the "see also" section and article references area. As it turned out, Potty training was not so much a good example to show the power of Wikipedia for our goal. We did find some interesting things related to our niche that we could write about. Here is an example using the Affiliate Marketing as an example on Wiki.

The Affiliate marketing page on wiki. Here is an example using the Affiliate Marketing as an example on Wiki. It shows a much better example of where we can find topics and things to write about and create helpful and informative content around. Note: Not all of what is highlighted are keywords, grab a spade and excavate those keywords!.

Blog Search Engine Not long ago, Google had its own search engine dedicated to blogs, call it a directory that searched only blogs if you wish. Pretty good and as a Blog Addict and self-confessed blogaholic I used it a lot. Sadly they let the sunset on that and it is no longer available. There is though, The ads at the top can reveal some pretty good words, but not so much in the case of our Potty Training example. Scrolling down, you can and will find plenty of keywords


Blog Search Engine throws up plenty of KW's for us. And plenty of blogs to investigate and check out what they are writing about!.

Yahoo Answers! This is a pretty awesome place to be on the hunt for ideas for what to write about. Your target audience is hanging out on Yahoo Answers and they are asking questions related to their pertaining and problematic questions that they need answers to. Sure, you can answer their questions right there, better still is to answer their questions and leave a link to your article about the matter. Sure, links are good for SEO, always will be, always has been. That is a topic for another article or guide!.


Awesome! Do be sure to check out Yahoo Answers. And don't forget to check the ads to the right!

Free Amazon Book Previews This I personally think is an awesome idea of Amazon's, and do remember they started out all those years ago specializing in selling only books and then expanded massively!. They understand that a person in a physical bookstore wants to check out the book first, see the front cover, read the first chapter, contents and index as well as the back of the book blurb!. In short, they recreate the experience of checking out and buying a book in the digital world. Even when you are buying a digital book!. And for us niche site marketers, well, we get to check the contents page and find some keywords!.


A sample of a book's content on the subject of affiliate marketing See, plenty here for us to be getting excited about. From what I have highlighted in red is only the straightaway obvious choices, "how to prepare your content" second from the bottom makes a great topic for a blog post. Side Note: For our niche site example of Potty Training, there were plenty of books but nothing of interest to create content around. To demonstrate the effectiveness of having a cheeky look at the content of a book I chose another topic.

Getting Personal! Did you know that Google has a personal search feature? It might reveal some sites and/or pages that you have previously visited and long forgotten about. Use it!.


These search results are only viewable and visible to you and only you!. Pretty cool feature eh? If the "Personal" option is not there, it is usually hanging below more. Click more, then click personal and enter your search term and boom! more keywords. Best part is this will even mine your emails (gmail) for words related to your search using this term. Which is great as it will include customer emails that may include some clues on filling a content gap that you may have!.

Google Analytics Assuming you have your site set up already and some content you can use your google analytics to discover keywords that people are using on your site, to search your site. If you don't already have content for those keywords that your visitors are entering! go create it!.


There is another way of using Google analytics to find KW's just use the acquisition facility and find how people are getting to your site organically!.

Finding how people find your site using search engines can help you to discover new content ideas. The next part is to go through the keywords given to you by Google Analytics and find the ones that you have not already targeted or better put not yet targeted, note them down!. 21/54

It is how people are finding your site!.

Amazon Autofill For Buyer Keywords! Amazon's autofill, a little like Googles Autocomplete, except is full for juicy buyer ready keywords!. And that is something that you as a niche site marketer ought to exploit! and fully, completely, utterly...and shamelessly exploit at that!. Basically, these are niche ready and related keywords that people are entering on Amazon. And what are people doing Amazon? Looking for stuff to buy!

I could n't even get finished typing in my niche related keywords before my bitch Bezos starts throwing Purchase ready keywords and terms at me!. Gracias Amazon!, Muchas Gracias!. Ignore that technique at your pearl!.

Google Correlate Google correlate does n't quite reveal what your audience is looking and searching for it does show you search phrases and terms that are highly correlated and related to what you type in. Some of which will be pretty awesome and give some ideas for expanding and developing on your content strategy. In other words on what google correlate throws out is just purely down to it reading numbers more than it does the actual words. Using it is super simple, just type in phrases that are pretty common and popular in your niche market.


Google correlate can throw up some pretty good subjects to write about.

Ninja Google Search Technique! We use Google search every day, it has become our very lifeline for anything that we don't yet know to what we want to know. So much so that the phrase "Google it!" has become part and fabric of modern day society meaning go find out for yourself!. ...At least that is my best definition of what it means!. Here is the search technique! In the search box type in your main niche keyword(s) immediately followed by "Most popular sites/posts/articles"


Thank you kindly for the keywords Google! Make sure that you type it in as shown in the photo above. Your next steps are to search for the most popular articles and of course sites - nothing wrong with a bit of competitor research!. After all you can find out what they are ranking for and create better and more beautiful content and with better marketing!...and outrank them!.

Blog Comments One surprisingly great place in which you can hunt, mine and dig out some awesome keywords is indeed blog comments. For this, you have two simple choices!. Either your own site or a competitors. A quick look at my buddy Vitaliy's site How To Make Honest Money Online revealed the following in the comments area below the main article.


Right there a great idea for a keyword "How To Make A Few Extra Bucks Online"

Uber Suggest Uber suggest is a pretty awesome free tool for machine gunning out keywords and content ideas for you. It goes through the alphabet from A-Z with your given search term and when it is finished you just have a ton of keywords!. Hundreds...literally! Sometimes thousands!. This one tool that I just love!, and I am pretty sure you will too!.

Awesome, just awesome!. 814 keywords for our niche site example!. That is just outstanding. When you combine Uber suggets with that free chrome extension I mentioned at the very beginning, Keywords everywhere you end up with the three extra columns showing the search volume, cost per click and keyword difficulty.

Niche Related Forums 25/54

Finding keywords in forums related to your niche is a pretty darn good idea as this is your target crowd and where they are hanging out and socializing as well as talking about their pertaining problems and issues. Usually, you can find some good content idea and keywords here. It is also a good idea to add hanging out in and socializing in forums as part of your marketing strategy!.

Keywords, beautiful keywords just everywhere!.

Google Adverts For Fully Optimized Keywords! This is something you ought to give your full attention to for a number of reasons. Principally speaking the content in those ads have been optimised after thousands of bucks being spent on them. You will find keywords and well-written and well-crafted meta descriptions to emulate. More than likely, during your marketing career you will be running paid ads in some form or another. As I have mentioned throughout this tutorial and guide there are keywords in those adverts, so pay attention to them.


Advert examples to study. Whenever you see paid ads, seriously do keep your eyes wide open!. In the example above, Benefits of Bacopa, All-Natural supplements are keywords in the top advert. What can you see in the second one?

Pinterest! Pinterest, I am not quite sure if this qualifies as a search engine or a social network, but either way it is something that has hundreds of millions of users and thus worth checking out!. Simply all you have to is head over to the site and enter your niche related search term(s).

As turned out, Pinterest has keywords absolutely all over the place. Train your eyes to see them! Worthy of note for us and our niche site example is the Pinterest demographic is that 70% of its users are of the fairer sex and under the age of 34. Now that demographic speaks quite loudly as our target audience as this group are likely to have young children of potty training age or younger. We have pretty much hit the target right there!. A quick word on traffic. Getting traffic is not the problem, never is, never will be!. Not give that there are billions of people connected to the internet every single day nearly 4 Billion in fact!. 27/54

That is a number that is growing due to: 1. Population increases and access to the internet improves. 2. Improving in quality as the internet gets better and faster, Remember we are still only in the early days of the internet really. Compared to other mediums of communication like radio or newspapers and magazines its is just a child. 3. An important point, many more undeveloped countries or countries in the so-called developing world improving their infrastructure and have greater access to technologies. All you have to do really is define your audience exactly, really brainstorm it, if you have not already during your niche site research and go find where they are hanging out and go get 'em!. And you don't need all that much traffic to make money. Just 20 people daily buying something in which you get $10 commission for and you have $10 x 20 x 30 = $6,000 month From just 20 sales daily.

Get My FREE 7 Day Blogging Course! Discover All You Need To Know To Build That Income Producing Blog That You Have Been Dreaming Of! Enter your name and email below and you'll get instant access to my course and you'll be well on your way to building a sustainable business online - The right way!. We Respect Your Privacy And Will NEVER Spam you!.

Press Release Sites Head on over to press release sites us use key search phrases related to your niche and ones that your particular audience would find interesting and appealing. This is a winning technique as you find out what is happening in your niche market of choice and see what public relations experts in your industry see as keywords that are rankable and search engines can pick up on!. The Public Relations experts that post these articles know that they must fully optimize their articles for keywords and rankings for them to get what they publishing read by their target audience. And that is exactly what they do. Often PR release sites are littered with good keywords.


Littered with fully optimised keywords!.

Soovle This definitely one of my fave free tools for digging up keywords. It shows you the trending keywords on Google, Yahoo, YouTube, Bing, Amazon, Answers and Wikipedia at once. Now that is a pretty cool idea. Save you searching on multiple sites at once. Big thanks to whoever created Soovle!.

Soovle is a VERY handy and time-saving tool.

Google Images Rather surprisingly Google images is quite a good place to find keywords, but you really to have to be on the hunt and on the lookout for them!. Keep your eyes peeled!. 29/54

I have highlighted some in the image below, have I missed any? maybe so!.

Note: I have not used our Potty Training Niche site as I feel that it is inappropriate and just not right to have photos of little children on their potty on this website - or any website not related to the topic!.

Quora Admittedly I used not like Quora all that much, I thought it was boring old run-of-the-mill questions site that bored people with no social lives and trolls used to hang out!. Then I kinda started to get the hang of it and what it could be used for in terms of niche site marketing!. That was only after a buddy nagged me and swearing blind that it "awesome for marketing".

Get My FREE 7 Day Blogging Course! Discover All You Need To Know To Build That Income Producing Blog That You Have Been Dreaming Of! Enter your name and email below and you'll get instant access to my course and you'll be well on your way to building a sustainable business online - The right way!. We Respect Your Privacy And Will NEVER Spam you!. You see, like yahoo answers, it is where your target audience is hanging and asking questions that they need answering. Take few mins a day, say 20 mins answering their questions and having your link in your bio and profile as well as your credential, but not in the actual answer - That's spam and will end with you getting banned!. When you do this, you end positioning yourself as an expert and increasing awareness of you and your brand. One of the key things in niche site marketing is being helpful, and by answering some questions related to your niche is being helpful. ...And you will end up getting some traffic going on over to check out your site. 30/54

Quora is great for question-based keywords!. Quora is great for question-based keywords!.

Niche Laboratory Now this is one bad assed tool! really wicked and I do take my hat off to the creator!. What I love about Niche Laboratory is that it is like the Swiss army knife of marketing tools!. It is great for niche site research, finding niche related influencers, products to promote, forums related to your niche site, similar sites (competition) in your sector to check out, resources, videos, ohh and it does some keyword research for us!. And saves a sh*t load of time!.


This site is like the Swiss army knife of marketing tools!

Keyword Shitter Not the most politely or eloquently named websites or free keyword tools out there but it really does just shit out keywords right at you!. Thousands, literally thousands.


2154 keywords! I ended up pressing stop, hell knows how many keywords it would have come up with! 5000? 10,000?. I am pretty sure you all see the irony in my niche of choice and the name of this tool! perhaps we should potty train this program!. To use it just enter your niche related keyword in the top box and click start.

Google Search Console This is actually pretty ninja! and a pretty good SEO technique as well. You can find a whole bunch of keywords in Google Search Consol (Formerly known as webmaster tools), ones that you are targeting and ones that you have not targeted, LSI keywords as they are often called. Creating 60 articles and targeting 60 keywords does not mean that you rank for only those 60 targeted keywords! You will likely rank for way more than that, maybe 300+ easily!.

Warning! - F.O.M.O ALERT! 33/54

Fear Of Missing Out On Taking My FREE 7 Day Blogging Course May Lead To You A Melancholic State Of Infinite Sadness Due To Missing Out On The Opportunity To Change Your Life For Ever And For The Better, Leaving You With The Eternal State Of Mind Thinking "What If I Actually Built That Darn Blog!" And those are genuine bonafide keywords that you can go right ahead and create content around. A better technique would be to do some proximity targeting and check out the keywords that you are ranking for that are on the 2nd or 3 page of Google, positions 11 to 29. Check out their search volume and difficulty as well as CPC, which will be additional data given to you if you installed keywords everywhere extension on your browser and select the most appropriate keyword and best keywords. We Respect Your Privacy And Will NEVER Spam you!. Guess what? If you are ranking on page 2 or 3 without targeting that particular keyword, what do you thing is going to happen if (and when) you do target and create content around those keywords? Yep you got it!. Page 1 baby!.

I love finding new keywords on Google Search console. When you are selecting keywords like using this technique do take into considerations the number of impressions that it has, the clicks and the click-through rate, also. Select them like a sniper!.

Ahrefs This is a very powerful and expensive SEO analysis tool that has a nice but limited free version. Ahrefs is known for the best and most accurate data anywhere on the internet and they keyword explorer is exactly that. Accuracy!. Using this tool you can find keywords in a few different ways and you can find very rankable keywords once you start applying some filters. One such filter is to change the KD (see image below) which stands for Keyword Difficulty to a maximum of 20. 34/54

This brings you all the easy to rank keywords!. Setting a traffic scale of 30 minimum and 250 max brings you a lot of juicy keywords that others would otherwise not give a single thought to. Generally speaking, these keywords are easy to rank for, for that very reason - very little competition. You will get enough traffic for it to be worth your while.

Ahrefs Keyword explorer. As you can see for the keywords above the potty training niche is one that is very easy to dominate for of the keywords are not that difficult to rank on page 1 for. My own guess is many enter this niche when they have kiddies that are of that age and quickly leave or lose interest in maintaining their sites. I can also take an educated guess that with very little maintenance once built a site could keep its rankings with as few as 1 or 2 posts per week. Probably just 1! but a second would be required just to make sure. Niche site and a Nice income for a few hours per week that you, yourself don't have to do. This is why I got involved in niche site marketing!. As I mentioned, there are a few ways of finding content for your site using this potent tool and once such way is their content gap and competitor analysis.


Very powerful tool. As you see a whole host of information that leads you to find keywords by using Ahrefs.

The content gap tool that this cloud based software has. Ahrefs is something that is a must use either its premium version or struggle by using the limited free version.

Answer The Public Answer the public is a pretty amazing tool and in my opinion one that is an absolute must to use. And there is no questioning that!. Pop on over to their website to check it out for yourself!. The first time that I used it! gosh..I was soo stunned, amazed and very quickly went over my 25 searches daily limit!. 36/54

I bet you will too!. What Answer The Public does is it searches the web for question based keywords that are related to the search term that you enter into it. This is quite magnificent in my opinion.

#FACT I Absolutely LOVE Helping People, I Reply To All Emails, By Taking My FREE 7 Day Blogging Course You Get My Personal Attention And Coaching. All Your Questions Will Be Answered As Quickly As I Can. I Really Do Want You To Succeed And Win Back Your Freedom And To Live The Life You Have Always Dreamed Of. It Is Time Now To Take Action And Stop Procrastinating!. You see, Your goal with your niche site is to help people and to inform them better than anyone else does. And when you create content around question-based keywords you are helping people, getting in front of the eyes of your audience with their problems and questions and presenting them with the high quality and very informative answers that they are seeking. A good keyword strategy always contains a fair amount of question based keywords.


Very well presented pictorially and tons of really good keywords to choose from. This tool does pair very well with Quora and Yahoo answers. You can find some excellent questions in there for a FAQ section. Targeting question based keywords is rather excellent for a number of reasons not only are you actually being very helpful in your niche area you are also positioning yourself as an authority and very knowledgeable in your niche market sector. You are also representing your brand and your site very well. More interestingly.... You might just appear in position zero! above first place in the search engine rankings. The holy grail of SEO!.


An example of Position zero for a question based keyword. Also, note that all of the questions nestled under "People also ask" are also above position 1 in ther search engine rankings. Specifically going out and targeting question based keywords I call the Spanish Inquisition SEO Technique basically because it involves you being a little inquisitive and finding the questions that your audience are asking and answering them. Now that you know the importance of finding the questions that your audience is asking so use them and use that lovely technique.

Keyword Tool.Io I actually quite like this software even though I can quite get to see the data pertaining to search volume, competition and CPC. I like it because it gives you unfiltered unbiased data. Which is very unlike what we get from Google. Yes, Big G is biased. Biased towards their business model and making money. Like all businesses really. 39/54

They have to earn money to pay employees and shareholders. The autocomplete, which a nice feature that google has and the related searches too are based on and biased towards your own browsing history. KeywordTool.Io is not. Plus at a quick click, you can get results from Amazon, eBay, Bing, App store as well as YouTube and Google. Very handy time saver. And it throws out hundreds of keywords for you at a time.

441 possible keywords for us to use on our Potty Training Website.

KWFinder KWfinder is another handy and useful research tool that I am particularly fond of due to it providing a lot of very detailed information at the glance of an eye. Particularly keyword trend, which can be important if you are running a seasonal niche. It also gives us the top ranking sites for a particular search term, which allows us to quickly judge if we can rank for it or not. You should definitely give this one a shot.


KWFinder gives up a lot of keywords with easy to see information. Great visual and who and what is ranking for a particular search term.

SEM Rush This is a pretty powerful and freakishly awesome SEO tool that is, in my opinion, a little bit better than Ahrefs, although I actually do prefer Ahrefs due to the way it is laid out and the information that is given to you. But when it comes to value for money, SEM Rush with its social media posting tool and content template win it for me. Now, for finding keywords it is pretty darn handy. you have to do is enter your niche related search terms into the keyword analysis tool or even your competitor's website address and... Booyah! Keywords!. You can compare your site with up to 5 competing sites and quickly at the click of a button see a keyword gap between all the sites and go for them. The free version is limited to 10 actions, read 10 clicks of the mouse per day with some other limitations. Quirky to do with the free trial but it can be done. Keep that spreadsheet open and paste in them keywords!. If you are a seasoned niche marketing pro you'd be far better of with the paid version and get your keywords in a jiffy and with less hassle.


SEM Rush Keyword Magic Tool, just enter the seed keywords and....(see below).

Viola! tons of keywords, 509,550 with an average difficulty rating of 12.19% (very easy to rank for).

AmaSuite If you are serious or a serial niche site marketer then a small one-time investment in what is a great set of 5 different software tools that will definitely keep paying you back time after time! The objective of this software is to aid you in your search for good quality profitable Amazon products and their associated keywords. The keyword generator that comes with it is an absolute gold mine of buyer related keywords. Essentially the software searches 6 of the most well-known e-commerce sites on the web, Amazon (Both UK and US) eBay (Both UK and US) Target and Walmart. 42/54

When people visit these sites they are going there to buy something and they are on the site because they know exactly what they want to buy!. So the search terms (keywords) that they use are the very ones that they have used to make the transaction and buy something!. Those are high converting very powerful keywords.

AmaSuite Keyword Generator churns out a ton of product related keywords and one's that people are using right before they buy something!.

Niche Reaper This is a tool not quite like anything I have ever seen before. It is a piece of premium niche hunting and finding keywords and is updated every 5 mins!. In my opinion, it is a no-brainer must have tool IF you are serious about what you are doing and have niche site running or want to have a profitable niche site. The ideology behind the software is that typically keyword research takes up way too much time (something that I can vouch for!) and that is time that could be spent doing something more profitable. When you first log in you will see a massive, and I do mean MASSIVE list of keywords on a spreadsheet. Don't let this intimidate you. It is very easy to use. 43/54

Put simply...just apply some filters and that's it really! You can sort and filter every single column and get the exact keywords results that you want and need without taxing your brain too much!. Do make sure that what you select is evergreen and then focus on the keyword difficulty and the commercial intent of a keyword.

reap the rewards of awesome up-to-the-minute keywords with niche reaper.

Keyword Tool Dominator This cool tool, Keyword Tool Dominator, gives you just 3 free searches every day, so be prepared with your top 3 search terms before you use it. It uses Googles autocomplete, YouTube, Amazon, eBay, Google shopping, Bing and Etsy. It uses these sites to figure out the most frequently used long tail keywords related to what you have typed in. Personally, this tool is best used for finding those money keywords on Amazon, eBay, Google shopping and Etsy.


And for Potty Training it threw up 330 keywords!

Keyword Density Tool This is somewhat of a rather unusual tool to use to find keywords. Simply wack in your competitors URL and it will show you the 1 and 2-word keywords that your rivals are using most often. Simple and easy to use.


From this we could check out the viability of special needs potty training by combining 2 two word keywords.

Seed Keywords This is something that I have been experimenting with over the past few months with my niche sites. It is actually a fun way to interact with your audience and a pretty cool way of finding new keywords. It is incredibly good if and when you have already built up an audience in your niche.


Seed keywords very unique and cool way of finding what your audience is entering into search engines and what search terms they are using.

Wordtracker This is a free but limited tool limiting you to just 4 free searches and the top 20 results. What I like about Wordtracker (besides the keywords!) is that it searches Amazon too and everything is on display and easily readable. Information regarding keyword trend is very handy also. I love the IAAT information, the number of sites with the keywords in "In Anchor And Title" That and KEI (keyword effectiveness index) is pretty useful data. There is nothing worse than finding a keyword and only later finding out that it is pretty ineffective one that drives very little traffic.

Pretty awesome data sets..and buyer keywords from Amazon!.

Keywords Everywhere 47/54

Sure, I already mentioned this tool - chrome and firefox extension I sure as heck hope that you took the time and effort to install it. If you have not already...this is what appears on the blank right hand side of the search engine..

Fully exportable in a sortable spreadsheet. As you can truly lives up to its name. Keywords freaking everywhere!. Tons of them!.

Moz Explorer Finding Keywords with Moz Explorer is pretty straight forward. I particularly like this one as it is rather excellent for recommending to you keyword phrases that you would not have thought of by yourself. It has the ability to suggest longtail keywords that are of a low search volume making it ideal for niche site marketers and small business owners alike. Currently, Moz is a subscription-based keyword tool and not a free one. Fortunately, you can try it out on a 3048/54

day trial for free which is long enough to get a ton of keyword research done.

Moz Explorer is a pretty powerful and effective tool to use to find keywords as it gives highly relevant and sortable information like keyword difficulty and organic CTR. For our niche site example, it threw up a ton of great keywords, some 800+ in total.

What was fantastic was the ability to chose how Moz Explorer displays the keywords, including Synonyms, closely related topics (awesome!) and broadly related topics (awesome too!). This information is particularly of interest as Google judges how well we cover a topic. The topic is relevant, highly relevant So much so that that Topic and Relevance are becoming buzz words in the SEO industry!.


How To Find Keywords For Your Website Frequently Asked Questions FAQ Why Do Keyword Research? Because keyword research is one of the most vitally important activities that you can do for your blog. It forms the absolute baseline of what you, your site and your business, I hope that you are seeing it as a business and not just "a blog" is known for. The use of the right keywords you know what content to market and to whom Vs just creating content for the sake of creating content and really just hoping to attract visitors. It's targeted content Vs hitting and hoping!.

When Is The Best Time To Do Keyword Research? Precisely, between 5pm and 8pm Eastern Standard Time on the third Tuesday of every month...just kidding!. At the very start of constructing your sales funnel. Once you have found the product that you wish to promote or recommend to your readers work backwards finding exact product related keywords and "money" keywords like: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Product +Review, product +Exact Model Best "Product Type" Top "Product Type"

Then once this is done create your sales and traffic funnel creating informative articles around keywords and point those to your product review or money keywords, essentially using those informative articles to attract search engine traffic to your money pages.

Is Keyword Research Dead?


Crazy question! keyword research is something that is still alive and well and always will be - for as long as we still have the internet. Keyword research is big data. It is the collection of data and peoples search habits online and what they type into the major search engines (and the minor ones!). It is this information that gives us, niche site marketers and blogger the information on what to create websites and content around. Keywords form a large part of search engines income in the form of Pay Per Click marketing.

How Long Does Keyword Research Take? Good questions. For some bloggers, it will take an hour of their time every week, for others maybe 2 or 3 hours once a month. I personally spend about an hour a week doing keyword research. About 1 to 1.5 hours weeks is all it takes for most people.

About an hour out of your week is all keyword research should take you

Is Keyword Research Easy? Absolutely!. It is as easy as breathing. There are some folks that make it difficult by trying to look for and find that super perfect keyword to create their content around or spend hours looking for the super keyword that has thousands of searches every month and like only 3 competing site.


There is no need to make things so difficult. Just select the keyword and create content around it!. Just keep practicing and keep doing it and soon, very soon you will be doing keyword research like the pros!.

How Does Voice Search Change Keyword Research? It doesn't really change all that much, data is still collected by the major search engines and we, from the tools that we use, be it Jaaxy, Long Tail Pro, SEM Rush, Ahref's and so on, still get the information that we need. Only the method of collection that has changed, typing in the words Vs Voice. But, There are a few key caveats to be taken. Before searchers would not be so exact and grammatically correct with what they type in when searching for something on the internet and what they type in would be generally speaking shorter. Thus, it is good practice to use keywords that are perfect grammar, a phrase that would be spoken by a native speaker and little bit longer - Think long tail and relevance. Keyword relevance to your niche and topic is absolutely important by the day.

My Site Is Not In English, Do I Need Any Different Keyword Research Techniques? No, well, except look for keywords in the language of your site. The techniques are the same no matter what language you are doing your keyword research in be it Spanish, Italian, Russian or Whatever.

Are There Any Special Or Particular Keywords Types That You Like More Than Others? Ohh, hell yeah!. For my niche sites I love, Product reviews, but no ordinary review, I love Product A Vs Product B they rank pretty well, get tons of traffic and yes... lot of the green stuff!. ...Ever wondered why comparison websites get wild traffic...this is why!. Question based Keywords are something that I love for my informative and helpful content. Kinda why I name it the Spanish Inquisition Keyword Research Technique. Very effective for a whole number of reasons and not just traffic and getting featured in search engines.

Finding The Very Best Keywords For Your Niche Site Conclusion! Evidently speaking, which source of keywords and method that you use to find them is going to depend on the subject and topic of your niche and the sort of traffic that you are seeking.


One niche site might find better keywords using Quora, while others Google suggest and another will require to Answer the public or a full on tool like Jaaxy, Ahrefs or SEMrush. It all boils down to you, your niche, the kind of traffic that you are seeking and ultimately what you want to achieve with your niche site. What method of finding keywords did you prefer, which methods were most effective for you or do you have your very own sources?

Get My Free eBook! How To Start A Blog To Make Money! Chances are you arrived on my site due to a burning desire to become a blogger and to earn money online, be it a full time or part time income. Both of which are very distinct possibilities with a blog. But, You have to know what you are doing and do it the right way - otherwise, you are going to waste your time and efforts...for very little in return. And sadly I have seen this happen way too many times, freaking heart breaking! and I, personally, have been there, have walked in those very freaking shoes - much more than the proverbial mile as the famed expression goes about walking in another's shoes.. I have walked more than a few miles! My own experiences and the frustrations of seeing other, and some very close to me work so hard but to little or no success led me to write the ebook How To Start A Blog To Make Money. It is completely free!

The Free EBook Will Teach You: Niche Site Research - Finding a niche site and how to properly investigate a niche to find out if it is a genuinely viable niche for you and its potential for you to make money. How To Select The Right Keywords For Your Niche Site - Get this bit wrong and you are going to struggle to get traffic no matter how hard you try or how well optimised your site is for search engines. How To Write Content That Your Readers & Search Engines Love - This is critical to your success! get it bang on and you are in a positive feedback loop as a better user experience equates to better rankings, which leads to more traffic - do it wrong and...negative feedback loop your readers are turned off and google knows this and..demotes your site in the rankings leading to less traffic. **Pay Attention to this chapter** Optimizing Your Site And Content For Both SEO - I show you the simplicity of SEO that even my 90 something year old grandmother could follow...I don't think she has ever touched a computer! (bless her!). 53/54

I could easily sell the eBook for $49 based on this section on Search Engine Optimisation alone..and you still be getting a good deal!. There is a reason as why (and how) my sites consistently rank well, time after time, year after year and over a number of different verticles! Moolah! The Best Ways To Monetize Your Blog - It is not just about affiliate marketing and selecting any product for the sake of getting a commission. Get the right product and it will sell itself and earn you some very nice passive bucks!. There are a whole host of monetization methods available other than affiliate sales. Some of which, depending on your site, can use in conjunction with affiliate sales and maximize your income. Sometimes it comes down to thinking a little outside the box! Social Media Marketing And Other Traffic Methods - When I started out blogging there was no social media!. And I have at least a couple of sites that are VERY unfriendly for social media. Sure it is a great traffic source - no denying that but not the be all and end all of traffic generation. Just to balance it out I also have 2 sites that would not exist if it was n't from social media. The biggest myth in regards to internet marketing is that traffic is hard to get. Getting traffic is the easy part - and you'll find out why when you read the section on traffic generation. Picking Easy Wins For Traffic And Rankings Boost! - This is something I call the "elusive obvious" and can give you that hockey curve growth that we all look for!. Where To Get The Most Advanced Training! - Furthering your education is an investment in yourself so that take things to another level and really start earning some money online and be waving good bye to your boss for good!. To your success and your blogging best! Derek.


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