Martha Rosler. La casa, la calle, la cocina/ The house, the street, the kitchen

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“What Western society takes to be art or understands by the term has changed significantly since I’ve been aware of it. In my childhood it seemed that people thought of art as a special, albeit peculiar, sort of cultural expression whose object made up a cultural legacy with which people, especially educated people, needed to become conversant. (
) Art now speaks of money as well as social power, of entertainment as well as insight, of education as well as inspiration. So art is very much capable of participating in the public sphere, which is a multiple location these days; not only are there diverse public spheres—from highly visible ones to those that are recognizable mostly to their practitioners—but also the public sphere exists in multiple media.” The Street Is a Collage: Alan Gilbert Interviews Martha Rosler

martha rosler la casa, la calle, la cocina

La calle es un collage: Alan Gilbert entrevista a Martha Rosler

martha rosler the house, the street, the kitchen

“Lo que la sociedad occidental considera arte o entiende por este tĂ©rmino ha cambiado significativamente desde que yo tengo uso de razĂłn. En mi infancia, parecĂ­a que la gente pensaba en el arte como una forma especial, aunque peculiar, de expresiĂłn cultural cuyo objeto creaba un legado cultural con el que la gente, especialmente la gente educada, tenĂ­a que estar familiarizada. (
) El arte ahora habla de dinero asĂ­ como de poder social, de entretenimiento tanto como de entendimiento, de educaciĂłn tanto como de inspiraciĂłn. AsĂ­ pues, el arte estĂĄ perfectamente capacitado para participar en la esfera pĂșblica, que se encuentra en muchas partes en la actualidad; no solamente existen diversas esferas pĂșblicas – desde las muy visibles hasta las que sĂłlo reconocen los que las frecuentan – sino que ademĂĄs la esfera pĂșblica existe en mĂșltiples medios.”

martha rosler la casa, la calle, la cocina / the house, the street, the kitchen CENTRO JOSÉ GUERRERO

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