2010 annual report

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Annual Report !

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History 6 Africa Programs 8 US Programs 20 Financials 29 Board of Directors 30


Cover Photo: In 2010, Blood:Water Mission returned to Lwala, a rural village in Western Kenya, where we partnered with the Lwala Community Alliance to open a clinic in 2007. In 2011, new plans are underway to provide safe water at area schools like this one at Minyemya Primary School.

0 <TbbPVT C^ >da Bd__^acTab) In 2010, the Blood:Water Mission team celebrated another year of growth in bringing safe water and HIV/AIDS support to communities across Africa. Our work successfully provided clean water, sanitation and hygiene in 201 communities in Kenya, Uganda, Zambia and Rwanda. We continue to see the remarkable stories of transformation as a result of this work. Additionally, we continued to provide support for the first HIV/AIDS health center in the desert region of Marsabit district in northern Kenya. We celebrate the provision of medical equipment, clinicians and health care workers focused on aggressively working toward HIV care, testing and stigma reduction. In the US, we witnessed an unprecedented response to the 1000 Wells Project through our QBSUOFSTIJQ XJUI , -07& BOE "JS 3BEJP 5IPVTBOET PG QFPQMF SBMMJFE UPHFUIFS UP HFOFSPVTMZ donate the remaining funds required to complete the 1000 Wells Project, a campaign launched JO UP QSPWJEF XBUFS TPMVUJPOT GPS DPNNVOJUJFT BDSPTT "GSJDB 5IF POF EBZ SBEJP DBNQBJHO CSPVHIU JO NPSF UIBO 5IBOLT UP UIJT PVUQPVSJOH PG TVQQPSU XF XFSF BCMF UP successfully reach this goal by the end of the year. We also celebrate the continued growth of DSFBUJWF BOE DPNNVOJUZ CBTFE BDUJWJTN BOE QBSUJDJQBUJPO BNPOH JOEJWJEVBMT BDSPTT UIJT DPVOUSZ We launched the Lemon:Aid campaign as a summer initiative to encourage kids to make a stand GPS DMFBO XBUFS SFTVMUJOH JO NPSF UIBO -FNPO "JE TUBOET BDSPTT "NFSJDB 8F BMTP FOHBHFE NPSF UIBO QBSUJDJQBOUT JO UIF %BZT PG 8BUFS DBNQBJHO BOE DPNQMFUFE UIF UIJSE ZFBS PG B DSPTT DPVOUSZ CJLF UPVS XIJMF BEEJOH B 8FTU $PBTU SJEF We are thankful to Blood:Water Mission’s supporters for standing by us in this important work. You are an integral part of this mission, to empower communities on both continents to get their hands and feet dirty in the work of bringing health and hope to our friends in Africa. We thank God for your commitment and care. We hope you feel the impact of your support as you journey through the highlights of these pages. Warmly,

Jena Lee Nardella, Executive Director

Rich Hoops, Board Chair

0 <TbbPVT 5a^\ 3P] 7PbT[cX]T 5^d]STa) This has been quite a year! We completed the 1000 Wells Project! In all the years of talking about the processes and philosophies regarding clean water in a community, I had never been present for the drilling PG B XFMM * IBE OFWFS VTFE NZ PXO IBOET UP SFIBCJMJUBUF B CSPLFO CPSF IPMF 'PS BMM UIF QSFTFOUBUJPOT * IBE given describing how amazing biosand filters are, I had never helped make one. 3FDFOUMZ * XBT QSJWJMFHFE UP EP BMM PG UIJT XIJMF * XBT JO ;BNCJB .JOHMFE JOUP UIF USJQ XFSF NPNFOUT PG time spent on camera describing the beginnings of Blood:Water Mission. Our film crew was given the task of building a comprehensive visual history of the organization through conversations and interviews. With every community we visited and with every conversation we engaged in, one thing became more and more apparent to me: The goals and numbers that we often use as banners or indications that we are doing good work did not really matter in the same way while I crouched into a single room home of a family of six, watching as they received instructions for how to use their new biosand filter. That is not to say the numbers don’t matter. But our celebration of the completion of the 1000 Wells Project, which gave water to 600,000 people, was only important if the story of the single mother who just received a biosand filter in her home was alone worth celebrating. The numbers are important. They help us see that processes are efficient and finances are well spent and goals and visions are intact. The numbers that matter most are the ones we can count on one or two hands. They are the number of family members who are healthy. They represent the number of children a mother cares about. They represent the teacher who is receiving the medications to live a healthy life, or the woman who is offered dignity in the face of a disease cloaked in alienating and oppressive stigma. They are numbers that represent a single story we can get our hearts around. We celebrate the fact that those stories add up. They add up to 1000 communities of healthy men, women and children. This has been a year to reflect on the work that has been done. We have had our victories and challenges. And in the pages that follow, you will see a great story unfold. We hope you find yourself in the words of our partners as they describe the work and you find yourself in the statistics of giving and spending. I hope you will feel as much a part of this wonderful story as I do. And as with any great story, as a chapter ends, I hope ZPV XJMM BOYJPVTMZ MPPLJOH GPSXBSE UP XIBU DPNFT OFYU 'PS XF OPU POMZ DFMFCSBUF UIF -FNPO "JE TUBOET BOE Water:Walks, and bike tours, and “Philanthroparties,� and clean water wells that have been dug, and the medical clinics that have been opened and the completion of a big goal. We celebrate the continuation of a mission. We are part of a story that has no end, and we invite you to continue to play a role as you have so generously in the previous chapters of this great story of stories.

Jars of Clay Dan Haseltine, Founder


The members of the band Jars of Clay (from left to right) Dan Haseltine, Charlie Lowell, Matt Odmark, Stephen Mason visit a school in Marsabit, Kenya.

7Xbc^ah) 8IFO (3"..: "XBSE XJOOJOH CBOE +BST PG $MBZ XFOU UP "GSJDB JO UP MFOE UIFJS WPJDF UP UIF )*7 AIDS epidemic, they knew going to Africa would mean they would be faced with the reality behind the statistics of the crisis. However, rather than seeing statistics, they met friends. Suddenly the world seemed much smaller and their new friends in Africa were not different from their neighbors in their own community. As a response to personalize the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa, they launched Blood:Water Mission in *U XBT UIFO UIFZ EJTDPWFSFE UIF vital link between living with HIV/AIDS and the need for clean water: If someone is drinking water contaminated with diseases, they can’t have a healthy QSPMPOHFE MJGF BT BO )*7 QPTJUJWF NFNCFS PG UIF DPNNVOJUZ $IJMESFO DBOOPU HP UP TDIPPM JG UIFZ BSF walking several miles for water every day. Parents cannot work or care for their families if they are sick from waterborne diseases. The members of the band began sharing the often untold stories: those of creative, compassionate, hardworking Africans bringing health, hope and healing into their communities. And the challenge they presented was great — the 1000 Wells Project, which set out to provide clean water to 1000 DPNNVOJUJFT JO TVC 4BIBSBO "GSJDB 5IJT QSPKFDU XBT DPNQMFUFE JO BOE UIJT JT POMZ UIF CFHJOOJOH We have been partnering with community based organizations to provide sustainable water solutions providing consultation, training and funding for such projects. Additionally, we are moving deeper by CVJMEJOH UIF DBQBDJUZ PG PVS MPDBM QBSUOFST UP CFHJO JODPSQPSBUJOH )*7 "*%4 TQFDJmD QSPHSBNNJOH alongside ongoing water projects. *O UIF 64 DPNNVOJUJFT BSF TUSFOHUIFOFE BT UIFZ QBSUOFS GPS B DPNNPO QVSQPTF 'BNJMJFT BSF NPSF educated about the world around them, and friends learn what social justice looks like by meeting someone’s basic needs while sacrificing their own. We believe the concept of neighbor is changing. The continent that was so far away suddenly feels much closer. We know these communities. We are connected to them. And through these relationships, we are being transformed, too. %

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05A820 ?A>6A0<B Blood:Water Mission is committed to empowering


communities to fight against the HIV/AIDS and water crises in Africa. We seek to transform



community water solutions*



people served with water



* All projects are paired with sanitation and hygiene trainings

communities from the inside out, enabling them to be the agents of change within their own context. The Blood:Water Mission team researches and develops close relationships with local organizations, empowering them to be the catalysts in the communities around them. In addition to funding, Blood:Water Mission collaborates with our partner organizations on strategy and methods, networking resources


to build capacity and offering technical and


programmatic insight where needed. It is through these grassroots approaches that we are able to



In 2010, we focused on partnerships in Kenya, 3XBOEB 6HBOEB BOE ;BNCJB 0VS XBUFS QSPKFDU

! ?A>942C 1A40:3>F= New Wells Well Repair

Rain Tanks Biosand

support included: drill and repair of wells, rain tanks and biosand filters along with hygiene and sanitation trainings in each community. Additionally,

78E 083B







comprehensive care clinic in Marsabit, serving those living with HIV through testing, home based care and support groups. By working together, we



are moving toward more health, hope and trans

people tested for HIV



formation in these communities.

patients served



Moving forward we will continue to invest in water

people enrolled in HIV programming



partners’ capacity to serve those living with HIV in

programming while continuing to expand our their community.

Uganda | Divine Waters Uganda & Lifewater International

Rwanda | MOUCECORE Kenya | Food For the Hungry Kenya

Zambia | Seeds of Hope International Partnerships

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In the Marsabit region of northern Kenya, communities collect water from natural springs. Until the springs are rehabilitated and protected, they are a breeding ground for disease.

is a desert region home to QFPQMF MPDBUFE JO Northern Kenya. Most of the people are nomadic pastoralists who have survived for generations by raising livestock and following seasonal water sources. Scarcity is a way of life, and conflict between tribes is common when water and food sources dwindle. AIDS is becoming a growing concern, though until recently, Marsabit’s remoteness has shielded these communities from the devastations of the disease. Though much attention has been placed in other parts of Kenya, few organizations have CFFO XJMMJOH UP DPNNJU UP MPOH UFSN JOWFTUNFOU in these communities, shying away from both the harsh environment and the complexities that challenge development. Blood:Water Mission and Food for the Hungry (FH) Kenya have a vision for changing this barren landscape and bringing life to the desert.

78E 083B

F0C4A ;>20; ?0AC=4A) 57 :4=H0 FH Kenya has a history of committing itself to the long-term investment of the Marsabit region. Together, Blood:Water Mission and FH Kenya have been implementing a three-year phase plan for providing safe water access to communities and schools in the region.


;>20; ?0AC=4A) 57 :4=H0 FH Kenya is bringing the first comprehensive HIV/ AIDS treatment center for HIV/AIDS that will serve more than 7,000 people living with AIDS in the Marsabit region.


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community water solutions**



people served with water



* The total includes projects completed in other regions through additional partnerships. ** projects include rain tanks, well repairs, spring oasis rehabilitation with sanitation and hygiene trainings.

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people tested for HIV



patients served



people enrolled in HIV programming





These community members in Cyanika, Rwanda, complete the construction of the rain tank that will be shared between their families, just in time for the rainy season to begin.

is a small, lush, mountainous country marked with a painful past of genocide and division and a hopeful present full of reconciliation, healing and unity. Through the creation of Solidarity Transformation Groups, MOUCECORE is coming alongside communities working together to create solutions of their own. In the Cyanika Sector, Blood:Water Mission is joining this story as we partner to provide 100% of the community with access to safe water and hygiene and sanitation training. In a desire to find solutions to their own needs, families often collect rainwater off of their roofs during the rainy season; however there is no storage capacity to TVQQPSU UIF UXP NPOUI ESZ TFBTPO *O BEEJUJPO UP QSPWJEJOH funding, Blood:Water Mission lends its technical expertise to improve the design of the rain catchment tanks.

F0C4A ;>20; ?0AC=4A) <>D242>A4 MOUCECORE





organization that supports Solidarity Transformation Groups that empower local communities to address their own issues.


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community water solutions**



people served with water



* total includes projects completed in other regions through additional partnerships. ** projects include rain tanks with sanitation and hygiene trainings.



A team in Aduu, Uganda works to remove failed interior components to repair a well that has not worked in seven years. After the well rehabilitation, this community will have access to safe water again.

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Northern Ugandans are working to rebuild their homeland. Attacks led by a rebel group, the Lord’s 3FTJTUBODF "SNZ -3" GPSDFE NBOZ QFPQMF JOUP internally displaced persons camps for many ZFBST 3FUVSOJOH IPNF UP WJMMBHFT BCBOEPOFE GPS years, they face poor infrastructure and little to no access to basic resources like medical care and safe water. Now, communities are gathering together to address these issues and rebuild their traditional homes. With 33% of the population living without access to

F0C4A ;>20; ?0AC=4A) 38E8=4 F0C4AB Divine Waters Uganda and Lifewater International’s technical expertise in water as well as their commitment to community-led programming makes them unique and posed to make a significant impact in these regions.

clean water and 77% without access to sanitation, Blood:Water





Uganda’s partnership is working on a local level to address these needs in creative and innovative ways. In 2011, Blood:Water Mission will continue to meet the water needs within the Lira region as well as


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community water solutions**



people served with water



* total includes projects completed in other regions through additional partnerships. ** projects include wells, well repairs with sanitation and hygiene trainings.

begin to address the needs of those living with HIV/AIDS through a new comprehensive care clinic JO ,JUHVN 6HBOEB XJUI PVS OFX QBSUOFS 'PPE GPS the Hungry Uganda.

78E 083B ;>20; ?0AC=4A) 57 D60=30 FH Uganda serves communities in the Kitgum District through HIV/AIDS programs with a focus on youth and child mothers affected by the violence and abuse surrounding the civil war. Blood:Water Mission has partnered with FH Uganda to open a clinic in 2011 with comprehensive HIV programs services to reach the 27,000 people living with AIDS in the region. &


People living in homes with biosand filters no longer have to worry about diseases from contaminated water.

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MJFT BU UIF SPPU PG NBOZ PG ;BNCJB T EFFQFTU JTTVFT Due to the rampant AIDS epidemic, affecting over PG UIF QPQVMBUJPO NBOZ ;BNCJBO DIJMESFO become the primary caregivers of their younger siblings. Lack of access to safe water gives way to opportunistic infections like diarrhea, typhoid, and cholera in HIV positive people with already weakened immune systems. Blood:Water Mission has committed to work with Seeds of Hope International Partnerships (SHIP) to impact the lives of over 300,000 people in the regions of Ndola and Lusaka. This work includes hand pump repairs, bore hole drilling, biosand filters, demo latrines and hygiene and sanitation training. This partnership is empowering community leadership in remote and under served areas. In 2011, Blood:Water Mission will build the capacity of SHIP to incorporate HIV/AIDS messaging in their hygiene and sanitation trainings while leveraging other established local HIV/AIDS resources.

F0C4A ;>20; ?0AC=4A) B78? Seeds of Hope International Partnerships (SHIP’s) holistic development approach is the key to achieving tangible results in these communities. Blood:Water Mission has partnered with SHIP in water because of their focus on building the capacity for local Zambians to be the owners and leaders of the organization.


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community water solutions**



people served with water



* total includes projects completed in other regions through additional partnerships. ** projects include wells, well repairs, biosand filters with sanitation and hygiene trainings.


DB ?A>6A0<B Though Blood:Water Mission’s focus is working together against the HIV/AIDS and water crises in Africa, our mission also strives toward empowering communities in the United States to engage their community members toward creative social action on behalf of Africa. In 2010, Blood:Water Mission launched new nationwide campaigns to engage families, churches, schools and individuals toward acts of sacrifice, solidarity and fundraising on behalf of communities in Africa.

6A0BBA>>CB 02C8E8C84B >DA 20<?086=B Mustache Growing Contest 2,032 grassroots participants


5 K Races

Ride:Well Tour

Fishing Tournaments

40 Days of Water

Fraternity Turkey Fry

12 Days of Christmas

Fashion Shows


359 self-initiated campaigns

Golf Tournaments

1,847 grassroots participants 744 self-initiated campaigns


We are thankful for the many artists, advocates and community organizers in 2010 who shared our story and the story of our friends in Africa, including:

Jars of Clay

Drew Holcomb

Derek Webb

Forever the Sickest Kids

Christopher Williams

Sandra McCracken

Anne Jackson

Gulf Coast Getaway

Matthew Perryman Jones


SPOTLIGHT:DALLAS &WFSZUIJOH JT CJHHFS JO 5FYBT BOE UIBU JODMVEFT UIF BNPVOU of passion within people’s hearts. Over the past four years, UIPTF BUUFOEJOH 5IF 0BLT 'FMMPXTIJQ $IVSDI JO UIF %BMMBT area have come together with other churches in the area UP UBLF QBSU JO UIF BOOVBM WJTJU GSPN UIF 3JEF 8FMM 5PVS 5IJT DSPTT DPVOUSZ DZDMJOH UPVS UIBU SBJTFT GVOET BOE BXBSFOFTT for Blood:Water Mission’s work in Marsabit, Kenya, has created passionate pitstops along the route, connecting the story of these cyclists to the community they represent. Creatively participating through water walks, local bike rides, art shows and concerts, The Oaks has taken an annual visit and made it a part of their daily conversation, living out what it means to make a difference in their own community and in a community across the globe.


5XFMWF ZFBS PME -VMV $FSPOF EPFTO U MFU IFS ZPVUI TUPQ IFS from making an impact in her community and around the world. After learning about the water crisis in Africa, she saw how the simple act of a lemonade stand could invite kids to be a part of the solution. During her recent birthday, she and her friends decided not to ask for gifts but instead for donations to Blood:Water Mission. Additionally, she hosted a water walk to her birthday party to raise awareness of the water crisis along a busy LA strip and invited businesses along the route to donate a portion of their sales to her birthday cause. Lulu and her friends continue to inspire the young and old to see that they too can make a difference in the lives of others.


)BSSJTPO 8IFFMFS B UIJSUFFO ZFBS PME BU #SFOUXPPE Academy in Brentwood, TN, decided he wanted to be a part of something bigger than himself. He started brainstorming with family and friends and launched HopeH2o project to benefit Blood:Water Mission’s clean water and HIV/AIDS programs in Africa. Creatively raising awareness by selling 5 TIJSUT TQFBLJOH BU DIVSDIFT BOE IPTUJOH CBLF TBMFT UIF HopeH2o middle schoolers are reaching across continents to love their neighbors.



FROM DALLAS TO CHICAGO, PHOENIX TO NASHVILLE, Blood:Water Mission supporters have had the opportunity to literally walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. These water walks have offered advocates an invitation to take part in one mile walks to collect water in their own cities. These walks are based on the recognition that every day thousands of young Africans must walk several miles just for access to water. Churches, schools and families have rallied their communities to bring awareness to the African water crisis. However small this gesture may be, for many it has been a galvanizing and implicating experience, bringing our concept of neighbor one mile closer and our love, perhaps, one mile stronger. !!


love seeing people’s faces when we tell them what we are doing, and even more when we tell them why. It’s so amazing putting faith into action and being proactive for this cause.� Heather MacLeod, Ride:Well 2010 cyclist

5IF 3JEF 8FMM 5PVS JT B DSPTT DPVOUSZ CJLF SJEF that raises funds and awareness for Blood:Water Mission’s clean water and HIV/AIDS projects JO TVC 4BIBSBO "GSJDB 5P GBDJMJUBUF UIF UPVS Blood:Water Mission partners with Venture &YQFEJUJPOT BO PSHBOJ[BUJPO UIBU FNQPXFST people to benefit the world and discover their TPVMT UISPVHI BEWFOUVSF ESJWFO IVNBOJUBSJBO efforts. In 2010, the tour’s third year, the ride FYQBOEFE UP UXP UFBNT B TPVUIFSO BOE B OFXMZ added Pacific route. AMOUNT RAISED: $95,950 PARTICIPANTS: 31 MILES RIDDEN: 5,100


Over the Lenten season, participants gave up all beverages CFTJEFT XBUFS GPS EBZT JO PSEFS UP QSPWJEF DMFBO XBUFS for communities in Africa. By saving the money they would have spent on beverages and donating it to Blood:Water Mission, they were able to provide this basic resource to families in Africa. AMOUNT RAISED: $65,058 PARTICIPANTS: 572 COMMUNITY SERVED: Lira, Uganda

“Blood:Water Mission reminded me with their 40 Days of Water challenge that there are people who would be happy to have something to sacrifice. It reminded me that there are people who make sacrifices every day just to get clean water to drink. So that’s what I’m hoping to remember every day of this 40 day challenge. As I drink only water, clean water that I get with no effort, I pray that this tiny sacrifice will help me become innately aware of how blessed I truly am.” Alyson Costner - Nashville, TN - 40 Days Participant

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12 Days of Christmas was a general giving campaign built around the holiday season. It offered an alternative gift catalogue, which displayed different aspects of Blood:Water Mission projects and tangible impacts listed. A new gift, with a different pricepoint and impact, was listed each day for the 12 days leading up to Christmas. Gifts covered operating costs for clinics and water projects, sanitation and hygiene training and clean water projects and cost CFUXFFO BOE Additionally, each Christmas we collaborate with our artist partners to produce a CD of holiday music as a gift to our donors and key HSBTTSPPUT QBSUOFST 5IJT ZFBS XF QBSUOFSFE XJUI #SJUF 3FWPMVUJPO UP produce the content for our CD. Brite is a music discovery website that connects artists with fans worldwide. They encourage artists to become advocates for other artists and use music as the common language to unite people.


Lemon:Aid is our newest annual summer campaign built around the iconic lemonade stand. The goal of the campaign is to get kids and families directly involved in raising support and awareness for the water crisis in Africa. By making a stand for clean water, you can directly impact communities in Africa through the message: $1 provides clean water for one "GSJDBO GPS BO FOUJSF ZFBS 'BNJMJFT PSEFS GSFF -FNPO "JE LJUT online which contain posters, pictures, temporary tattoos, CBMMPPOT JSPO POT BOE PUIFS QSPNPUJPOBM SFTPVSDFT UP IFMQ build their stand and raise awareness of it. Proceeds from UIF TUBOET HP UP DMFBO XBUFS QSPKFDUT JO ;BNCJB 6HBOEB 3XBOEB BOE ,FOZB AMOUNT RAISED: $20,191 KITS DISTRIBUTED: 418 COMMUNITIES SERVED: Zambia, Uganda, Rwanda & Kenya

“We loved the entire experience. We used the videos from the website to advertise for the stand on our Facebook pages. They were well done and very moving. Our children thought it was amazing to find out how much they could accomplish. Our Lemon:Aid stand made much more money than we expected.� - Lemon:Aid Participant



0 <TbbPVT C^ >da Bd__^acTab 5a^\ 1^PaS CaTPbdaTa ;^] 2WTaah ) Blood:Water Mission’s financial position improved considerably in 2010, for which we are thankful. Our fabulous supporters and partners continued to work tirelessly alongside us to advance this important work of building partnerships and programs with our friends in Africa. 0VS SFWFOVF JODSFBTFE UP NJMMJPO JO " MBSHF QPSUJPO PG UIF JODSFBTF PWFS T NJMMJPO XBT UIF SFTVMU PG , -07& T 8FMM %POF GVOESBJTJOH DBNQBJHO JO +VOF UP DPNQMFUF UIF 1000 Wells Project. Due to the generosity of our donors we were able to reinstate funding for some projects where we had cut back in 2009. Our goal is to have the greatest impact possible in Africa with the money our donors entrust to us. One measure for that goal is the percentage of our expenses that went to support programs: JO 5IBU NFUSJD NBZ CF NJTJOUFSQSFUFE BU UJNFT UP JNQMZ UIBU UIF PUIFS XBT MFTT effectively utilized. However, that amount is essential in that it allows us to take necessary steps to run the organization and serve our partners and communities with excellence. We were able to fund 201 water projects in Africa in 2010 in Zambia, Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda. Many communities were tremendously affected by your generosity and selflessness. I was able to personally visit several of the communities in Kenya and Rwanda recently and witnessed firsthand the changed lives TUPSZ BGUFS TUPSZ PG IPX UIJOHT VTFE UP CF compared with how much they have changed since Blood:Water Mission partnered with them. We continue to look for new ways to improve what we do and continue to set high standards for effectiveness, accountability and action. We will soon have a field presence in Africa to more efficiently work with our partners as we strategize, monitor and evaluate together. Thank you for the confidence you have expressed in us by giving generously to the work we are doing. It is a very worthy cause, and we are excited to have you on the journey with us. With utmost gratitude,

Lon Cherry, Board Treasurer

! 58=0=280;B

Revenue $1,000,000

$1,101,368 $961,490


$500,000 $460,509 $333,205

$250,000 $198,750 $66,681

$0 Individuals







$283,310 $278,302

Program (76.4%) Fundraising (11.7%) General & Administrative (11.9%)


Total Revenue: $3,122,003

Total Expenses: $2,376,665

Blood:Water Mission is committed to the highest standards of financial accountability. We BEIFSF UP UIF HVJEFMJOFT TFU GPSUI CZ UIF &WBOHFMJDBM $PVODJM GPS 'JOBODJBM "DDPVOUBCJMJUZ and undergo an annual, outside audit. Please feel free to visit our website for more financial information and consolidated statements: bloodwatermission.com/about-us . !(

1>0A3 >5 38A42C>AB Rich Hoops, Board Chairman, Private Consultant Lon Cherry, Board Treasurer, Zander Insurance Group M. Collin Brown, Board Secretary, MedStar Health, Inc. Reagan Demas, Baker & McKenzie Steve Garber, The Washington Institute Cosma Gatere, The World Bank Brad Gibson, Ascend Advisory Group Dan Haseltine, Founder, Jars of Clay Clydette Powell, MD, MPH, United States Agency for International Development Moses Pulei, Whitworth University, World Vision Joel Vikre, Management Sciences for Health Mike Hamilton, University of Tennessee Michelle Conn, International Justice Mission Anne Cregger, Atlantic Management Center, Inc. Jena Nardella, ex-officio, Blood:Water Mission

B?4280; C70=:B Thank you to the entire Blood:Water Mission community of supporters with special thanks to:

The Pritchett Family Foundation The Davison Bruce Foundation Thomas Nelson Publishers ActiveWater Venture Expeditions Capital Idea Ventures Kalu Grace Foundation K-LOVE/Air1 Radio Stations DEMDACO

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