Bloomington Community Farmers' Market Double Market Bucks 2019 Annual Report

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Reducing Local Food Insecurity and Strengthening the Local Food Economy


A MESSAGE FROM THE MARKET STAFF November 2019 concluded our seventh successful season of the Double Market Bucks program. Thanks to a generous anonymous donation to the Bloomington Parks Foundation, we were able to double SNAP benefits for our customers, distributing $11,652 in additional funds. In 2019, Double Market Bucks Program participants purchased more than $26,000 in fruits and vegetables, meat, eggs, dairy and breads. Since it was enacted in 2013, the Double Market Bucks program has increased food security in Bloomington and the surrounding areas and strengthened the local food economy despite a restriction in SNAP issuance in Indiana. Decreased unemployment and changing policies have decreased the number of individuals eligible for SNAP benefits in our state. While participation in the Market Bucks Program decreased slightly in 2019 from previous years, SNAP benefits across the state declined at a greater rate. Bloomington-area SNAP users are voting with their dollars, and their demonstrated commitment to the Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market emphasizes the impact of the Double Market Bucks Program. We are proud to be able to ease their access to fresh, local foods. The Double Market Bucks Program has several purposes: • Reduce local food insecurity. • Strengthen the local food economy. • Promote healthy lifestyles among SNAP customers. • Increase access to nutritious foods available at Farmers’ Market. • Increase direct marketing opportunities for Farmers’ Market vendors. The following report shows how we attempt to accomplish these goals, and the status of Double Market Bucks spending during the 2019 Market season. As a Community Farmers’ Market, we feel strongly that we need to do everything in our power to support our community and increase food security. This work would not be possible without the incredible assistance from our community partners. Sincerely, Market Staff

MARKET AT A GLANCE The Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market, founded in 1975, has been enriching lives in the community for 44 years. By providing a place for residents and visitors to come together in a festive atmosphere, the Farmers’ Market allows customers to buy local produce and other farm products directly from the growers. The Farmers’ Market’s mission aims to support small farmers and gardeners, securing a local food source and promoting food security in our community. In addition to the wealth of produce, plants, cut flowers, crafts and prepared foods available at every Market, customers can enjoy a rotating series of entertainment and programming. A Fair of the Arts, a juried art and fine crafts fair coincides with the market on the second Saturday of every month, May through October. Market staff facilitate a Salsa Contest and Tomato, Apple, and Soup Tastings throughout the season, and customers can shop to the sweet sounds of local musicians. The Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market makes supporting local agriculture a fun, lively, and communal experience.

QUICK FACTS Saturdays April-September

120,636 Customers

8 a.m.-1 p.m.

attended the Saturday and

Bloomington City Hall, 401 N. Morton St.

Saturdays October-November 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Tuesday Markets in 2019 102 Farm Vendors contracted to sell at Saturday and Tuesday Markets in 2019

Bloomington City Hall, 401 N. Morton St. 17 Prepared Food Vendors

Tuesdays June-September 4 p.m.-7 p.m. Corner of 6th and Madison

sold at the Saturday and Tuesday Markets in 2019

WHAT IS THE DOUBLE MARKET PROGRAM? To increase food access regardless of income, the Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market began accepting SNAP benefits in 2007 through the Market Bucks program. In 2013 the Farmers’ Market, with the support of the Bloomington Parks Foundation, began an incentive program called Double Market Bucks to match SNAP purchases at the Market. When customers with SNAP benefits purchase Market Bucks, they receive a matching dollar amount (up to $18 per visit) in additional Market Bucks to use at the Farmers’ Market. Market Bucks are paper vouchers that come in $3 increments and may be used like cash to purchase fresh, locally produced fruits, vegetables, breads, meats, eggs and dairy. Market Bucks can also be used to purchase food bearing seeds and plants so participants can grow their own food items.

HOW TO OBTAIN MARKET BUCKS SNAP customers purchase Market Bucks during Farmers’ Market hours by swiping their Hoosier Works debit card on the Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) machine. During the Saturday Farmers’ Market, Market staff facilitate transactions at the front desk of City Hall. During the Tuesday Market, customers can obtain Market Bucks from the Market Information Table. Customers are welcome to exchange as many SNAP dollars they wish, in $3 increments; they will receive doubled Market Bucks up to $18. The entire transaction process takes just a few minutes to complete.

HOW OFTEN DO VENDORS GET PAID? The frequency of vendor reimbursement depends on the vendor. Some vendors submit their Market Bucks for reimbursement after every Market, others wait a few weeks, or the entire season. Once they submit their Market Bucks to the Farmers’ Market staff, their reimbursement is processed within a couple of weeks.



Double Market Bucks

Total Combined









8,672 M A R K E T B U C K S R E D E E M E D 158


In 2019, the program served 158 unique households totaling 789 transactions, households served is down from 172 households in 2018 with a total of 773 transactions. Each of the 158 households participated in the program an average of 4.49 times spending nearly $36.36 per transaction. In 2019 the Market Bucks program had a higher average transaction price than 2018 with a difference of $2.01 per transaction. The Market Bucks program totaled $26,016 in 2019, down $222 from 2018's total of $26,238. In 2019, 74 less Market Bucks were turned in when comparing 2018 (8,746) versus 2019 (8,672) numbers.



What is your age?

How many children

How many adults (other

under 18 are living in

than you) are living in

your household?

your household?

Total: 16

Total: 9

30 20 10 0


Under 18


The age of survey participants range from 27 to 40-years-old and consisted of mostly female identifying market goers. Of the 10 participants, 5 participants stated they had more than one child in their home and 2 answered that they had one child living in their home. The surveyed participants answered a total of 9 adults (other than themselves) live in their household.

How many times per month have

What do you normally purchase

you doubled your Market Bucks

with Market Bucks?

this season? Once 22.2%

Fruits 15.9%

Eggs 18.2%

Every Saturday 55.6%

Cheese 13.6%

Vegetables 18.2%

2 or 3 times 22.2%

Meat 15.9%

Honey 9.1%

Bread 9.1%

FARM FRESH FIELD TRIPS In 2019, The Bloomington Community Farmers Market launched “Farm Fresh Field Trips” at the Tuesday Market with $500 in funds from the Bloomington Health Foundation. The purpose of this initiative was to encourage youth and their families to explore the benefits of farmers markets and enjoy a fun experience while connecting with local farmers and food artisans. 95 people representing 10 organizations/groups attended Farm Fresh Field Trips in 2019. Each organization received 10 $5 Farmers Market Gift Certificates ($50 total) to make purchases during their field trip. Some groups allowed each participant to make individual purchases with their $5 gift certificate, while other groups pooled their gift certificates and made a group purchase. They were also provided an optional scavenger hunt to help them engage more deeply with the farmers market experience. Organizations that participated in 2019 included: Girl Scouts/Brownies/Daisies Boys & Girls Club, Lincoln Street Unit Youth Services Bureau The Nest at New Hope IU Health - Wellness Camp Big Brothers Big Sisters

THANKS TO OUR COMMUNITY PARTNERS Bloomingfoods Market & Deli Bloomington Housing Authority City of Bloomington Community and Family Resources Department Community Kitchen Habitat for Humanity Hoosier Hills Food Bank IU Health Bloomington Monroe County CASA Monroe County Health Department Monroe County Community School Cooperation Monroe County United Ministries Mother Hubbard's Cupboard Salvation Army of Bloomington South Central Community Action Program

CONTACT INFORMATION Leslie Brinson Bloomington Community Farmers' Market City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department 812-349-3700

Bloomington Community Farmers' Market City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department

Bloomington Community Farmers' Market @btownfarmersmarketin

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